Respiratory Physiology
Respiratory Physiology
Respiratory Physiology
Volumes and Gases
• We can use O2 and CO2 to Understand
Helium Dilution Test : FRC
Start and End at FRC
The helium-dilution technique makes use of the following relationship:
Amount of solute = concentration of solute x volume of solvent
The test is stopped at the end of a normal tidal volume (Start also from
FRC), FRC and the volume of FRC is calculated:
Initial Concentration of helium x Initial Spirometer Volume =
Final Concentration of Helium x (Final Spirometer Volume + FRC)
The helium dilution technique measures the FRCl
A closed-circuit system where a spirometer is filled with a mixture of helium (He) and oxygen.
The amount of He in the spirometer is known at the beginning of the test (Concentration ×
Volume = Amount).
The patient breathe in the mixture starting from FRC. The spirometer measures helium
concentration. The helium spreads into the lungs and settles at a new concentration (C2).
Because there is no leak, the amount of helium remains constant and the FRC is calculated by
using the following equation:
C1×V1 = C2×V2
C1×V1 = C2×(V1+FRC)
FRC = ((C1xV1)/C2) - V1
V2 = Total gas volume ( FRC + volume of spirometer).
V1 = Volume of gas in spirometer.
C1 = Initial (known) Helium Concentration.
C2 = Final Helium concentration (Measured by the spirometer).
Note: To measure FRC we connect the patient to the spirometer after a normal breath: end of
normal expiration (when the lung volume equals FRC), if the patient is initially connected to
the spirometer at a different lung volume (like TLC or RV) the measured volume will be the
initial volume we started from and not FRC.
In patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases helium dilution technique are not reliable
because of incomplete equilibration of the helium in all areas of the lungs. In such cases it is
more accurate to use a Body Plethysmograph.
1. Buffers O2
2. Avoid atelectasis
3. Resistance: reduces Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
4. Resistance: reduces Airway Resistance
5. O2 Reservoir
6. Work: Decreases Work Of Breathing
7. V/Q mismatch: Minimises
Measurement of the Residual Volume - Helium Dilution
• Fowler’s Method –
Anatomic Dead Space
• Approximately 150 cc
in a “regular man”
• Equal weight in lbs
• 2.2 ml/kg
Dead Space
Enghoff modification - using measured arterial PaCO2 as an estimate of the ideal alveolar PACO2
=> modified: VD/VT = (PaCO2 - PECO2)/PaCO2
Volumes and Gases
• Bohr Equation – Physiologic Dead Space
• (Fowler: Anatomical DS)
• All CO2 comes from alveolar gas
(not dead space : No CO2 in Inspired air))
Single Breath N2 Curve
• NOTE: Closing Volume : Lung volume above RV above which
airway in the dependent part of lung start to close. Lower
transmural pressure. Same experiment
Alveolar Ventilation
• “Residual Volume?”
Alveolar Ventilation/ Surfactants
At low lung volumes:
• In the small alveoli
– The lipophilic tails of surfactant
are crowded and push each other away
• Pressure in alveoli is
directly proportional to Insert fig. 16.11
surface tension; and
inversely proportional to
radius of alveoli.
– Pressure in smaller alveolus
Figure 16.11
• This gives lung a special property
R = Respiratory Quotient
Other features:
Normal end-tidal PCO2 is approximately: 38 mmHg or 5%
the alpha angle is the transition from Phase II to Phase III
the beta angle is the transition from Phase III to Phase I (the start of inspiration)
an additional phase IV (terminal upstroke before phase 0) may be seen in pregnancy
ETCO2 represents alveolar CO2 when a relatively horizontal plateau phase (phase III) is seen.
Pulmonary Gas Exchange
• Blood
– the blood has mechanisms to increase rates of uptake
or removal of gas
Diffusion of Gases: Diffusion Capacity
2 components
Diffusion of Gases
• Each Gas (O2 , CO2 , CO, NO2 , N2O, Halothane)
diffuses at a different rate.
2. Perfusion limited
• e.g. nitrous oxide (N2O)
• N2O doesn't form bond with Hb
• => increase in N2O content results in rapid rise in partial pressure (plasma)
(equilibrium within 0.075 second)
• => equilibrium is reached very early on
• => transfer of N2O is limited by the amount of blood available.
Transfer of O2 lies between CO and N2O.
Overall resistance to diffusion of O2 is made up of:
Normally O2 is perfusion-limited.
(Oxygen:Diffusion limited in pulmonary disease & severe exercise)
Oxygen versus Carbon Dioxide
in disease lung.(O2 in severe exercise)
• CO2 still perfusion limited in disease compare to O2 because of high
solubility of CO2 (20X )
• Therefore commonly in pulmonary disease, patient will develop
hypoxemia WITHOUT hypercarbia.
Alveolar Ventilation
• No.
Regional Ventilation
Regional Ventilation
• Findings:
– Decreased air flow to the upper lung
– Increased air flow to the lower lung
Zone 3
Zone 3
Blood flow
Blood flow
Ventilation Perfusion
Ventilation:Perfusion Ratio
• An important measure of gaseous exchange.
• Basic concept.
– Alveolar gas partial pressure dictated by-
• Alveolar perfusion (Q)
• Ventilation (V)
– However neither is uniformly distributed in lung
– Both increase towards base.
– Increase is more marked for blood
• The ratio of pulmonary ventilation (V) to
pulmonary blood (Q) for the whole lung at rest is
about 0.8
– (4L/min vent divided 5L/min perfusion)
• V/Q values are bordered at either end by extremes
– V/Q = 0 , no ventilation (V = 0) , call a SHUNT
– V/Q = ∞, no perfusion (Q = 0) , call DEAD SPACE
Mixed Venous Point (Shunt) Vs Inspired Gas
Point (Dead Space)
Ventilation Perfusion Matching
O2-CO2 diagram: V/Q Ratio Line
Ventilation Perfusion Matching
Mixed Venous
Point (Shunt)
Gas Point
Shunt: Shunt Equation
• Refers to mixed venous blood bypassing
ventilated regions of lung
• 2 types of shunts– physiological
- pathological
– Blood from (POST pulmonary shunts): bronchial,
mediastinal, pleural veins & thebesian vein drain directly
into pulmonary vein and left heart ,AVOIDING pulmonary
– Consequence of adding this volume of mixed venous blood
(called Venous Admixture) directly into the pulmonary end
capillary blood is a small ↓PaO2 & a small ↑PaCO2 as the
shunt accounts for 2- 5% cardiac output
– Venous Admixture calculated from shunt equation
– The larger the Qs/Qt, the greater the shunt , the more
blood that is not fully oxygenated
1) Intrapulmonary shunts; unventilated alveoli that
are perfuse: V/Q=0. (< 1% in normal individual)