Use of Social Media: A Nurse's Guide To The
Use of Social Media: A Nurse's Guide To The
Use of Social Media: A Nurse's Guide To The
Use of
Social Media
A nurse must
understand and apply
these guidelines for the
use of social media.
T he use of social media and other
electronic communication is expanding
exponentially as the number of social media
outlets, platforms and applications available
continue to increase. Individuals use blogs,
social networking sites, video sites, online
chat rooms and forums to communicate both
personally and professionally with others.
Social media is an exciting and valuable tool
when used wisely. The very nature of this
medium, however, can pose a risk as it offers
instantaneous posting opportunities that allow
little time for reflective thought and carries
the added burden that what is posted on the
Internet is discoverable by a court of law even
when it is long deleted.
Nurses are welcome to use social media in
their personal lives. This may include having
a Facebook page, a Twitter feed or blogging
on various websites. Nurses can positively
use electronic media to share workplace
experiences, particularly those events that
are challenging or emotionally charged, but
it is imperative not to mention patients by
name or provide any information or details that
could possibly identify them in order to protect
patients’ right to privacy.
Social media can benefit health care in a variety of ways,
including fostering professional connections, promoting
timely communication with patients and family members,
and educating and informing consumers and health care
professionals. Social media provides nurses with a way to
express their feelings, and reflect or seek support from
friends, colleagues, peers or virtually anyone on the Internet.
Journaling and reflective practice are recognized as effective
tools in nursing practice, and the Internet provides an
alternative media for nurses to engage in these helpful
activities. Without a sense of caution, however, these
understandable needs and potential benefits may result in
the nurse disclosing too much information, and violating
patient privacy and confidentiality.
control of websites maintained by or associated with the
organization, limiting what may be posted to the site and
by whom.
To understand the limits of appropriate use of social media,
it is important to have an understanding of confidentiality
and privacy in the health care context.
disclosed to persons no
longer involved in the care of
a patient. Even though Bob
made an honest mistake,
confidentiality rules must be
strictly enforced to protect a
patient’s right to privacy.
Emily, a 20-year-old nursing student, wasn’t aware
of the potential repercussions that could occur
when she took a photo of Tommy, a 3-year-old
leukemia patient in a pediatric unit, on her personal
cell phone. When Tommy’s mom went to the cafe
teria, Emily asked him if she could take his picture,
and Tommy immediately said yes. Emily took his
picture as she wheeled him into his room. She
posted Tommy’s photo on her Facebook page with
this caption: “This is my 3-year-old leukemia
patient who is bravely receiving chemotherapy!
He is the reason I am so proud to be a nurse!”
In the photo, Room 324 of the pediatric unit was
visible. Days later, the dean of the nursing program
called Emily into her office. A nurse from the
hospital found the photo Emily posted of Tommy
on Facebook and reported it to hospital officials
who also contacted Emily’s nursing program.
But what if Emily removed the photo hours later? If it’s taken
down, no harm, no foul, right? No. Anything that exists on a
server is there forever and could be retrieved later, even after
deletion; therefore, it would still be discoverable in a court
of law. Further, someone could have taken a screenshot
of her Facebook page and posted it on a public website.
Patient information and photos should never be posted on
social media websites. Even after being deleted, the photo
is still on a server and possibly posted somewhere else on
the Internet.
As we’ve seen with Jamie, Bob and Emily, potential conse-
quences for inappropriate use of social and electronic media
by nurses vary. Consequences depend, in part, on the
particular nature of the nurse’s conduct.
Unethical conduct;
Breach of confidentiality.
Another concern arising from social media misuse is its
effect on team-based patient care. Online comments by
a nurse regarding co-workers, even if posted from home
during nonwork hours, may constitute lateral violence.
Lateral violence includes disruptive behaviors of intimidation
and bullying, which may be
perpetuated in person or via
… negative comments
the Internet. This is sometimes
referred to as “cyberbullying.” can be detrimental to
Such activity is a cause for a cohesive health care
concern for current and future delivery team and may
employers, and regulators
result in sanctions
because they negatively affect
team-based care, thus creating against the nurse.
patient-safety ramifications.
The line between speech protected by labor laws, the
First Amendment and the ability of an employer to
impose expectations on employees outside of work is still
being determined.
While instances of intentional or malicious misuse of
social media have occurred, in most cases, inappropriate
disclosure is unintentional. A number of factors may
contribute to a nurse inadvertently violating patient privacy
and confidentiality while using social media, including:
A mistaken belief that the communication or post is private
and accessible only to the intended recipient. The nurse
may fail to recognize that content once posted or sent can
be disseminated to others.
A mistaken belief that content deleted from a site is
no longer accessible. The moment something is posted,
it lives on a server that can always be discoverable in a
court of law.
A mistaken belief that it is harmless if private information
about patients is disclosed if the communication is
accessed only by the intended recipient. This is still a
breach of confidentiality.
A mistaken belief that it is acceptable to discuss or refer
to patients if they are not identified by name, but referred
to by a nickname, room number, diagnosis or condition.
The patient can still be identified so this too is a breach
of confidentiality and demonstrates disrespect for patient
Confusion between a patient’s right to disclose personal
information about himself or herself and the need for
health care providers to refrain from disclosing patient
information without a care-related need for the disclosure.
The ease of posting and the commonplace nature of sharing
information via social media may appear to blur the line
between one’s personal and professional lives. The quick,
easy and efficient technology enabling use of social media
reduces not only the time it takes to post, but also the time
to consider whether the post is appropriate and what ramifi-
cations may come from posting inappropriate content.
With awareness and caution, nurses can avoid inadvertently
disclosing confidential or private information about patients.
The following guidelines are intended to minimize the risks of
using social media:
Nurses must recognize that they have an ethical and legal
obligation to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at
all times.
Nurses are strictly prohibited from transmitting by way
of any electronic media any patient-related image. In
addition, nurses are restricted from transmitting any
information that may be reasonably anticipated to violate
patient rights to confidentiality or privacy, or otherwise
degrade or embarrass the patient.
Nurses must not share, post or otherwise disseminate
any information or images about a patient or information
gained in the nurse/patient relationship with anyone
unless there is a patient care-related need to disclose
the information or other legal obligations to do so.
Nurses must not identify patients by name, or post or
publish information that may lead to the identification
of a patient. Limiting access to postings through privacy
settings is not sufficient to ensure privacy.
Nurses must not refer to patients in a disparaging manner,
even if the patient is not identified.
Nurses must not take photos or videos of patients on
personal devices, including cell phones. Nurses should
follow employer policies for taking photographs or videos
of patients for treatment or other legitimate purposes using
employer-provided devices.
Nurses must maintain professional boundaries in the use
of electronic media. Like in-person relationships, the nurse
has an obligation to establish, communicate and enforce
professional boundaries with patients in the online
environment. Use caution when having online social
contact with patients or former patients. Online contact
Like in-person
relationships, the nurse
has an obligation to
establish, communicate
and enforce professional
boundaries with
patients in the online
Nurses may want to consult NCSBN’s “A Nurse’s Guide to Professional
Boundaries” for more information on this issue.
Social media has tremendous potential for strengthening
personal relationships and providing valuable information
to health care consumers, as well as affording nurses a
valuable opportunity to interface with colleagues from around
the world. Nurses need to be aware of the potential conse-
quences of disclosing patient-related information via social
media, and mindful of employer policies, relevant state and
federal laws, and professional standards regarding patient
privacy and confidentiality and its application to social and
electronic media. By being careful and conscientious, nurses
may enjoy the personal and professional benefits of social
media without violating patient privacy and confidentiality.
Be aware.
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