Chapter IV
This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the results. The presentation, analysis
and interpretation of data are in accordance to the problems stated in the first chapter.
a. Grade Level
b. Place of origin
Table 1
7 34 27.87%
8 30 24.59%
Grade Level
9 28 22.95%
10 30 24.59%
G7 G8 G9 G10
G10 G7
25% 28%
G9 G8
23% 24%
Table 1 and Figure 3 shows the different grade levels of the respondents during the
conduct of the study. Respondents from Grade 7 are 27.87% of the total sample size, from
Grade 8 with 24.59%, those who are in Grade 9 are 22.95%, and from Grade 10 are 24.59%.
The data shows that majority of the respondents are from the Grade 7. These grade levels
are the years where girls are already expected to have menstruation.
Table 2
Urban Rural
from Urban areas are 82.79%, while those coming from Rural areas are only 17.21%. It
can be concluded that most of the respondents come from the Urban than the Rural area.
Problem No. 2 What is the extent of knowledge about breast cancer and attitude of
Table 3
answers on the questionnaire. It can be seen that the average number of respondents who
answered the items correctly are only 82.1 which is 63.7% only. It can be inferred
according to the scale that the results did not meet the expectations. This means therefore,
that the respondents are less likely unaware of breast cancer and breast self-examination.
Regardless of their Grade Level or Place of origin, the information received by the
Table 4
Weighted Verbal
Statement Interpretation
Mean Description
Table 4 presents the responses of the respondents on the extent of their attitude
toward BSE. Data result reveals that most of the respondents’ reactions are positive which
is 4.02. It can be inferred that This means that the respondents understand the importance
of conducting breast self-examination and to detect signs of breast cancer at an early stage.
a. Grade Level
b. Place of origin
Table 5
Sum of
df Mean Square F P-value
Total 1239.975 39
according to age
according to their age. Using the SPSS Student Trial Version, the table shows that the p-
value of 0.298 is greater than the alpha of 0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. It
implies that there is no significant difference on the extent of knowledge of the respondents
according to their grade level. Therefore, the extent of knowledge of the respondents is the
Table 6
T-test for Independent Samples for Extent of Knowledge according to Place of Origin
Group Mean P value Decision
Table 6 interprets the result of the study on the extent of the respondents’
knowledge about BSE according to their Place of Origin. It is shown that the p value is
0.096 which is greater than the 0.05 alpha. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted. This
means that there is no significant difference in the extent of knowledge of the respondents
according to place of origin. This implies that the information received by the respondents
originating from the Urban areas is the same with those from the rural areas.
Problem No. 4 Is there a significant difference in the extent of attitude of the respondents
a. age; and
b. place of origin
Table 7
Sum of
df Mean Square F P-value
Total 13.937 19
according to age
The table above displays the difference on the extent of attitude of the respondents
according to Grade Level. Using the SPSS Student Trial Version, it can be seen that the p
value, which is 0.909, is greater than the alpha, which is 0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis
is accepted proving that there is no significant difference on the extent of attitude among
respondents according to their age. Therefore, the extent of attitude of the respondents is
the same regardless of their Grade Level. This can be explained because of the poor
Table 8
T-test for Independent Samples for Extent of Attitude according to Place of Origin
Group Mean P value Decision
The results shown in table 11 interprets the extent of attitude of the respondents
according to place of origin. With the use of SPSS Student Trial Version, the p value is
seen to be 0.052 that is equal to the alpha of 0.05. It means that there is no significant
difference on the extent of attitude according to place of origin. It implies that the extent
Problem 5. For those who perform, to what extent do they practice BSE?
Table 9
Table 9 describes the result for those who have already performed BSE. The figures
in the table answer three relevant questions while they do BSE activity: the number of
times, the time period when they perform BSE and the manner on how they perform the
activity. Out of the 122 respondents, only 11 perform BSE and answered the following
questions on Practice.
Note that the table consists of three rows. These rows correspond to the respondents
responses to the three relevant questions. For the first question or the first row, it refers to
the number of times they perform BSE. The result is 2.33 or Most Ideal that is, once a
month. The second row gives the answer for the second question which is about the time
period when they perform the activity. The result is 1.83 or Ideal which means that they
perform but not regularly. Furthermore, row number 3 refers to the manner how they
perform BSE. The result is 2.58 or Most Ideal which is a Standing Position. Averaging the
responses gets 2.25 score which is Ideal. This means that for those who do practice BSE,
they are well aware and they practice the proper procedures in performing BSE.
Chapter V
The following summarizes the result of the study based from the data in tables and
1. That the extent of the respondents knowledge about breast cancer is only
most ideal result as to the number of times they do BSE, that is once a
that the respondents show least ideal result when it comes to the time
period when they perform BSE which means that they do not perform
that they manifest Most Ideal result when it comes to how BSE is
Based from the findings of the study, the researcher draws the following
1. That the extent of knowledge of the respondents is low and does not meet
expectations that may be due to the respondents not paying full and close
2. That the extent on the level of attitude about BSE is positively known to those
living in the Urban area or within the city proper than those in the rural area
once a month;
in a standing position.
6. That the knowledge of the respondents is low while the attitude and practice
are high.
Based on the result of the study, this paper makes the following recommendations
1. Conduct further study on the knowledge, attitude and practice based on the
social status and the lifestyle of the female students. Nowadays, due to the
2. It is also recommended that the study be made to the female Senior High
School students since it is anticipated that the respondents belonging this group
3. Risk on breast cancer and the practice of BSE do not exempt males. This is
4. Expand the scope of the study to respondents outside ZNNHS for a wider and
6. Conduct symposiums about BCA and BSE especially during Science month.
American Cancer Society (2013) Breast Cancer Facts And Figures 2013-2014.
Peter Nde Fon, et. al. “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Self-
“PHL Has Highest Breast Cancer Rate In Asia” GMA NEWS ONLINE. 02
October, 2013.