Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka
oxcarbazepine and MHD limited the frequency of spread of seizures rather than by raising seizure
firing of sodium-dependent action potentials, threshold.
implying blockade of voltage-sensitive sodium
channels. 42, 44, 45 In hippocampal slices, the Toxicology
blockade of penicillin-induced epileptiform
discharges by MHD was diminished when 4- Oxcarbazepine and MHD were well tolerated
aminopyridine (a potassium channel blocker) after short-term administration to mice, rats, and
was added to the bath. 42 In isolated cortical hamsters. 39 Multiple-dose (3- and 6-month)
pyramidal cells, MHD produced a reversible toxicity studies with oxcarbazepine and MHD in
dose-dependent decrease in high-voltage rats and dogs revealed reversible, dose-dependent
activated calcium currents evoked by membrane increases in liver weight considered due to
depolarization.46 centrilobular megalocytosis related to enzyme
Although these mechanisms of action are induction. Oxcarbazepine, but not MHD, caused
similar to those of carbamazepine, the reports of a progressive nephropathy in male rats. 39
patients resistant to carbamazepine who Oxcarbazepine, like carbamazepine, is a
responded to therapy with oxcarbazepine suggest promoter of liver tumors in rodents, but because
that oxcarbazepine may have additional oxcarbazepine and MHD metabolism differs
unrecognized cellular mechanisms of action. 42 substantially between humans and rodents,54 this
There is no evidence that oxcarbazepine or MHD finding probably cannot be generalized to
potentiates g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) humans. In male and female rats, fertility was
neurotransmission or produces substantial unaffected by oxcarbazepine or MHD at doses up
antagonism of the kainate (N-methyl-D-aspartate to 150 mg/kg.39, 40, 55
[NMDA]) or quisqualate subtypes of the
glutamate receptor (data on file, Novartis Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Pharmaceuticals Corp.). Oxcarbazepine demonstrates rapid and almost
complete absorption (> 95%) after oral
Preclinical in Vivo Studies administration.56, 57 It is rapidly metabolized by
reduction to the pharmacologically active
metabolite MHD, but a small proportion (4%) is
Oxcarbazepine was tested in many animal oxidized to a pharmacologically inactive
models of epilepsy, including the maximal dihydroxy derivative. 56, 57 This reduction is
electroshock test, the chronic aluminum foci catalyzed by cytosolic aldo-ketoreductases that
model, and three types of chemically induced are considered practically noninducible
seizure models. The maximal electroshock test enzymes. 58 This predominant pathway of
identifies agents that may prevent the spread of metabolism in humans is only a minor pathway
seizures.47, 48 In rats and mice, oxcarbazepine and in rats and dogs.54 Subsequently, MHD undergoes
MHD blocked maximal electroshock test seizures glucuronidation by a uridinediphospho-
with a potency similar to that of phenytoin and glucuronosyltransferase.
carbamazepine.45, 49, 50 The chronic aluminum It had been reported that the systemic
foci model in rhesus monkeys identifies agents bioavailability of MHD was increased by
potentially effective against posttraumatic and approximately 17% when oxcarbazepine was
partial-onset seizures.39, 51 Both oxcarbazepine taken with food. 59, 60 However, with a newer
and MHD demonstrated efficacy in this model, oxcarbazepine formulation, there was no effect of
although MHD was less potent than food on the bioavailability of MHD (data on file,
oxcarbazepine. 39, 42, 52 The three models of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.). Peak plasma
chemically induced seizures (pentylenetetrazole, concentrations of MHD occurred 4–6 hours after
picrotoxin, and strychnine) are typically used to a single dose of either oxcarbazepine 400 mg or
identify agents that raise seizure threshold. In all oxcarbazepine 600 mg.57, 61 The plasma terminal
three models, oxcarbazepine, like carbamazepine, half-life of oxcarbazepine was between 1 and 2.5
was either ineffective or only weakly effective.39, hours,62 whereas the plasma MHD terminal half-
42, 53
Both MHD enantiomers have similar life averaged 9.3 ± 1.8 hours after administration
anticonvulsant efficacy and tolerability in these of a single dose.63 There was a linear relationship
animal models.42 This activity profile suggests between oral oxcarbazepine dosage and plasma
that oxcarbazepine and MHD, like carbamazepine, MHD concentrations in healthy volunteers and in
exert their anticonvulsant effects by blocking the patients with epilepsy who were receiving
Table 1. Summary of AED Interactions with Oxcarbazepine
Influence of Oxcarbazepine Influence of AEDs on
AED or Metabolite on AED Concentration MHD Concentration
Phenytoin 0–40% increase 29–35% decrease
Phenobarbital 14–15% increase 30–31% decrease
Valproic acid No influence 0–18% decrease
Carbamazepine 0–22% decrease 40% decrease
Carbamazepine-epoxide 30% increase Not studied
Clobazam Not studied No influence
Felbamate Not studied No influence
AED = antiepileptic drug; MHD = pharmacologically active 10-monohydroxy derivative.
Data are based on results of clinical studies.
In patients on AED polytherapy, substitution of thus reduced contraceptive efficacy, was seen in
oxcarbazepine for an enzyme-inducing AED some studies when oxcarbazepine was added to a
(e.g., phenobarbital, primidone, phenytoin, stable regimen of oral contraceptives.78, 79 These
carbamazepine) may result in clinically relevant interactions may be due to a selective induction
increases in plasma concentrations of the of specific isoenzymes of the CYP3A subgroup
remaining AEDs.74–76 In these situations, careful (CYP3A4 and CYP3A5), which is involved in
attention should be paid to concomitant AED ethinylestradiol metabolism.78, 80 Therefore, low-
plasma concentrations after substitution with or mini-dose oral contraceptives may be less
oxcarbazepine.40, 72 reliable in patients receiving oxcarbazepine.81
Therapy with oxcarbazepine caused a 28%
Oxcarbazepine and Non-AEDs relative reduction in the bioavailability of
felodipine, but plasma levels of felodipine
Therapy with oxcarbazepine may decrease the remained within the recommended therapeutic
effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. When range.39, 78, 82 There was no interaction between
oxcarbazepine treatment was started in women oxcarbazepine and erythromycin, 83 dextro-
who were also receiving oral contraceptives, the propoxyphene, 84 cimetidine, 85 or warfarin. 86
bioavailability of both ethinylestradiol and Minor, probably clinically insignificant, inter-
levonorgestrel decreased (48% and 32%, actions were reported between oxcarbazepine
respectively). 77, 78 Breakthrough bleeding, a and verapamil, 78, 87 and oxcarbazepine and
marker of reduced hormone bioavailability and viloxazine.78, 88
Table 2. Major Controlled Trials Assessing Oxcarbazepine Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability in Patients with Partial-Onset
Seizures (continued)
Oxcarbazepine 2400 > NA (E) % of patients meeting one of the exit criteria
300 mg/d (p<0.0001)
enrolled outpatients with recent-onset partial (another secondary efficacy variable) were all
seizures,28 whereas the other involved hospitalized statistically significant in favor of oxcarbazepine
patients with treatment-resistant partial seizures.29 (p=0.0001).29
In the first trial, oxcarbazepine monotherapy
with 1200 mg/day was compared with placebo Monotherapy, Substitution Dose-Controlled
monotherapy in 67 previously untreated adults, Trials
adolescents, and children (aged 8–69 yrs) with
newly diagnosed partial seizures.28 In this trial, a The first oxcarbazepine monotherapy,
56-day baseline phase was followed by a 90-day substitution dose-controlled trial included 143
double-blind treatment phase and an open-label, adult and adolescent patients (aged 12–65 yrs)
long-term extension phase. To qualify for the with treatment-resistant partial seizures who
study, patients with recent-onset partial seizures were receiving carbamazepine monotherapy at a
had to experience at least two documented stable dosage of 800–1600 mg/day.30 The trial
seizures/month during the baseline phase and consisted of five phases: (1) a 56-day screening
were not permitted any AED intake within 90 phase during which patients were maintained on
days before randomization. carbamazepine monotherapy, (2) a 28-day open-
The time to the first seizure after randomization label conversion phase during which patients
(the study’s primary efficacy variable) was were converted to oxcarbazepine monotherapy,
significantly longer for the oxcarbazepine group (3) a 56-day open-label baseline phase during
compared with the placebo group (p=0.0457). which patients were maintained on monotherapy
The median time to the first seizure was 11.7 with oxcarbazepine 2400 mg/day, (4) a 126-day
days for patients in the oxcarbazepine group double-blind treatment phase during which
compared with 3.2 days in the placebo group. patients were randomly assigned to either
The median percentage reduction from baseline oxcarbazepine 300 mg/day or oxcarbazepine
in seizure frequency/28 days (the study’s 2400 mg/day, and (5) an open-label, long-term
secondary efficacy variable) was significantly extension phase.
greater for the oxcarbazepine group compared Patients either completed the entire 126-day
with the placebo group (89.1% vs 37.4%, double-blind treatment phase or exited the phase
respectively, p=0.033).28 by meeting any one of four patient-specific exit
The second monotherapy, placebo-controlled criteria: a 2-fold increase in any 28-day seizure
trial was performed in 102 adults and adolescents frequency relative to baseline, a 2-fold increase in
(aged 11–62 yrs) with treatment-resistant partial the highest consecutive 2-day seizure frequency, a
seizures who had completed an inpatient new-onset generalized seizure, or prolongation of
presurgical diagnostic evaluation.29 Patients were generalized seizure. Both the time to meet one of
eligible if they were not being treated with AEDs four exit criteria (the primary efficacy variable)
and experienced 2–10 partial seizures within 48 and the percentage of patients who met one of
hours before randomization. The trial consisted the exit criteria (the secondary efficacy variable)
of a 48-hour baseline phase followed by a 10-day, were statistically significant in favor of the
double-blind treatment phase and an open-label oxcarbazepine 2400-mg/day group (p=0.0001
extension phase. Lorazepam was permitted for and p=0.01, respectively). The median time to
48 hours before randomization and for the first meet one of the exit criteria was significantly
24 hours after randomization. longer in the oxcarbazepine 2400-mg/day group
In the oxcarbazepine therapy arm, patients compared with the oxcarbazepine 300-mg/day
received oxcarbazepine 1500 mg/day on day 1 group (68 vs 28 days, respectively, p=0.0001).
and 2400 mg/day thereafter. Patients either The second substitution dose-controlled study
completed the entire 10-day double-blind had a simpler design.31 Patients enrolled in this
treatment phase or exited the phase by meeting study were receiving prior treatment with one or
any one of the exit criteria: four partial seizures, two AEDs (not just carbamazepine). After giving
two new-onset secondarily generalized seizures, written informed consent, patients entered a 56-
serial seizures, or status epilepticus. Analysis of day baseline period during which they were
the time to meeting one of the exit criteria (the maintained on stable dosages of their current
primary efficacy variable), percentage of patients AED(s). To continue in the study, patients had to
meeting one of the exit criteria (a secondary experience 2–40 seizures during each 28-day
efficacy variable), and the total partial seizure period of the 56-day baseline period. Qualifying
frequency/9 days during double-blind treatment patients then entered a 126-day double-blind
treatment phase during which they were mg/day. The primary efficacy variable in each
randomly assigned to either oxcarbazepine 300 study was the proportion of seizure-free patients
mg/day or oxcarbazepine 2400 mg/day. In the during the 48-week maintenance period for each
2400 mg/day therapy arm, patients received group.
oxcarbazepine 1200 mg/day on days 1–7, 1800 All three trials had similar efficacy results:
mg/day on days 8–14, and 2400 mg/day on days oxcarbazepine efficacy was similar to the
15–126. This period consisted of a 14-day comparator AED. The oxcarbazepine-valproic
titration phase and a 112-day maintenance phase. acid comparative study included 249 adults and
Patients were converted from their current AEDs adolescents (aged 15–65 yrs). Patients in this
to oxcarbazepine monotherapy during the first study received a mean maintenance daily dose of
42 days of this phase. Patients could enter an oxcarbazepine 1053 mg (range 600–2400 mg) or
open-label, long-term extension phase either by valproic acid 1146 mg (range 600–2700 mg).
completing the entire 126-day double-blind There was no difference in the proportion of
treatment phase or by exiting the phase if they seizure-free patients during the 48-week
met any one of the predetermined exit criteria. maintenance period between the oxcarbazepine
Overall, 87 adult and adolescent patients (aged group (57%) and the valproic acid group
11–66 yrs) with treatment-resistant partial (54%). 32 One oxcarbazepine-phenytoin
seizures were enrolled. Although almost half comparative study included 287 adults and
(49%) were taking carbamazepine at study adolescents (aged 15–91 yrs). Patients in this
enrollment, many patients were taking phenytoin study received a mean maintenance daily dose of
(24%), valproic acid (14%), lamotrigine (14%), oxcarbazepine 1028 mg (range 600–2100 mg) or
or gabapentin (13%). The percentage of patients phenytoin 313 mg (range 100–650 mg). There
meeting one of the exit criteria (the primary was no difference in the proportion of seizure-
efficacy variable) was significantly lower and the free patients during the 48-week maintenance
time to exit (the secondary efficacy variable) was period between the oxcarbazepine group (59%)
significantly longer in the group receiving and the phenytoin group (58%). 33 The other
oxcarbazepine 2400 mg/day than in the group oxcarbazepine-phenytoin comparative trial
receiving oxcarbazepine 300 mg/day (p<0.0001 included 193 children and adolescents (aged
and p=0.0001, respectively).31 5–17 yrs), who received mean maintenance
dosages of oxcarbazepine 18.8 mg/kg/day (672
Monotherapy, Comparative Trials mg/day, range 300–1350 mg) or phenytoin 5.8
mg/kg/day (226 mg/day, 100–400 mg). In this
Four double-blind, parallel-group, monotherapy trial, there was no difference in the proportion of
trials were conducted with oxcarbazepine. Three seizure-free patients during the 48-week
similarly designed comparative trials examined maintenance period between the oxcarbazepine
the efficacy and tolerability of oxcarbazepine group (61%) and the phenytoin group (60%).34
monotherapy against either valproic acid (one A fourth monotherapy, comparative trial,
study) or phenytoin (two studies, one in children conducted by the Scandinavian Oxcarbazepine
and one in adults) in patients with recent-onset Study Group in the late 1980s, examined the
partial seizures or generalized tonic-clonic efficacy and tolerability of oxcarbazepine and
seizures.32–34 Eligible patients had two or more carbamazepine as initial monotherapy in 235
seizures in the previous 6 months and no prior patients with newly diagnosed and previously
AED therapy. Each study was a randomized (1:1 untreated epilepsy that consisted of either partial-
oxcarbazepine:comparator AED), double-blind, onset seizures (with or without secondarily
parallel-group trial consisting of a 14-day generalized seizures) or generalized tonic-clonic
screening phase followed by a 56-week double- seizures. 35 The design was a randomized,
blind treatment period (8-wk flexible titration double-blind, parallel-group trial beginning with
phase followed by a 48-wk maintenance phase). a 4-week baseline period followed by a double-
The initial starting dosages were oxcarbazepine blind, 4–8-week flexible titration phase, and
300 mg/day, valproic acid 300 mg/day, and concluding with a 48-week maintenance phase.
phenytoin 100 mg/day. Each patient’s AED The initial starting dosages were oxcarbazepine
dosage was titrated to an optimum dosage based 300 mg/day and carbamazepine 200 mg/day.
on clinical response. The dosage ranges allowed Each patient was titrated to an optimum AED
were oxcarbazepine 450–2400 mg/day, valproic dosage. The maximum dosages reached were
acid 900–2400 mg/day, and phenytoin 150–800 oxcarbazepine 1800 mg/day and carbamazepine
912 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 21, Number 8, 2001
1400 mg/day. In 165 patients considered baseline phase was followed by a 16-week
evaluable for efficacy, three variables were double-blind treatment phase (2-wk titration
examined: changes in seizure frequency, changes period, 14-wk maintenance period). Patients
in electroencephalographic tracings, and could then enter the open-label, long-term
investigator’s global evaluation of efficacy. There extension phase. The initial oxcarbazepine
were no differences between the oxcarbazepine dosage was 10 mg/kg/day, which was steadily
monotherapy arm and the carbamazepine increased every 2–3 days to a maximum target
monotherapy arm in any of these outcome dosage of 30–46 mg/kg/day. The percentage
variables. There was no difference in the change in partial seizure frequency/28 days in the
proportion of seizure-free patients during the double-blind treatment phase relative to the
maintenance period between the oxcarbazepine baseline phase (the primary efficacy variable) was
group (52%) and the carbamazepine group greater in the oxcarbazepine adjunctive therapy
(60%).35 arm (p=0.0001). The response rate (i.e., the
percentage of patients with ≥ 50% reduction in
Adjunctive, Placebo-Controlled Trials seizure frequency/28 days relative to the baseline
phase) was 41% in the oxcarbazepine adjunctive
Two randomized, double-blind, placebo- arm compared with 22% in the placebo
controlled, parallel-group trials of oxcarbazepine adjunctive arm (p=0.0005). The percentage
adjunctive therapy were completed. The first reduction in secondarily generalized seizure
was a four-arm, dose-ranging trial in 692 patients frequency was 78% in the oxcarbazepine
(aged 15–65 yrs) designed to evaluate the safety adjunctive group compared with 33% in the
and efficacy of oxcarbazepine 600, 1200, and placebo adjunctive group (p=0.0012).37
2400 mg/day adjunctive therapy compared with
placebo adjunctive therapy in patients with Clinical Tolerability
treatment-resistant partial seizures.36 An 8-week
baseline phase was followed by a 26-week Overview
double-blind treatment phase (2-wk titration The tolerability of an AED involves consideration
period, 24-wk maintenance period). Patients of the “incidence, severity, and impact”91 of dose-
could then enter an open-label, long-term related adverse effects (e.g., cognitive or motor)
extension phase. Eligible patients had to be on along with the risk of severe idiosyncratic
stable dosages of one to three concomitant AEDs reactions. Objectively evaluating the tolerability
and had to experience four or more partial onset of an AED is more difficult than assessing its
seizures in each 4-week segment of the 8-week efficacy. Analysis of withdrawal rates from AED
baseline period. The percentage change in the therapy due to intolerable or life-threatening
partial seizure frequency/28 days relative to the adverse reactions is objective evidence of a new
baseline phase (the primary efficacy variable) was AED’s tolerability if withdrawal rates are a
in favor of oxcarbazepine (p=0.0001). The primary outcome variable in a randomized,
median percentage reduction from baseline in controlled, monotherapy design.91 Even if it is
partial seizure frequency was 26%, 40%, and 50% not a primary outcome variable, a new AED’s
in the 600-, 1200- and 2400-mg/day groups, withdrawal rate from a study may still be useful
respectively, compared with 8% in the placebo in giving a general indication of its tolerability.
group (each p≤0.0001). The response rate (i.e., Trial designs that provide the best insight into an
percentage of patients with ≥ 50% reduction in AED’s tolerability are (in decreasing order of
seizure frequency/28 days relative to the baseline importance) monotherapy placebo-controlled
phase) in the 600-, 1200-, and 2400-mg/day trials, monotherapy comparative trials,
groups was 27%, 41%, and 50%, respectively, monotherapy dose-controlled trials, and finally,
compared with 13% in the placebo group (each adjunctive placebo-controlled trials.
p≤0.0008).36 Four of the major oxcarbazepine-controlled
The second adjunctive therapy trial was clinical trials were designed to formally assess
designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tolerability. 32–35 All were monotherapy
adjunctive oxcarbazepine therapy compared with comparative trials. In the valproic acid study32
placebo adjunctive therapy in 267 adolescents and the two phenytoin studies,33, 34 the primary
and children (aged 2–17 yrs) with treatment- tolerability outcome variable was the time to
resistant partial seizures who were receiving premature discontinuation due to adverse
stable dosages of one or two AEDs.37 An 8-week experiences. In both phenytoin studies, this time
Table 3. Frequency of Most Common Treatment-Emergent Adverse Eventsa
Adjunctive Therapy or
Monotherapy Substitution Studies Initiation of Monotherapy
Oxcarbazepine Placebo Oxcarbazepine Placebo
Adverse Eventa (N=1272) (N=353) (N=440) (N=66)
Any adverse event 86.3 75.6 82.5 74.2
Fatigue 13.4 6.8 8.6 12.1
Headache 26.7 21.0 37.5 12.1
Dizziness 25.6 10.8 19.5 4.5
Somnolence 25.4 10.8 21.6 6.1
Ataxia 11.4 4.2 1.8 0.0
Nausea 18.2 7.4 13.2 12.1
Vomiting 16.9 8.2 6.6 6.1
Diplopia 17.2 2.5 0.5 0.0
N = total number of patients. Data are percentages.
Data on file with Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Experienced by at least 10% of patients in any group.
frame was significantly longer for patients in the oxcarbazepine safety database from all controlled
oxcarbazepine monotherapy arm than that for clinical trials provides an overview of the adverse
patients in the phenytoin monotherapy arm experience profile of oxcarbazepine. There are
(p=0.0233 and p=0.002,34 respectively). These two distinct oxcarbazepine safety databases: the
results imply that oxcarbazepine monotherapy is primary database, which includes all post-1991
better tolerated than phenytoin monotherapy for clinical trials, and the secondary database, which
all age ranges. In contrast, there was no includes all pre-1991 trials along with all named-
significant difference between oxcarbazepine patient programs and oxcarbazepine post-
monotherapy and valproic acid monotherapy in marketing experience (data on file, Novartis
the time to premature discontinuation due to Pharmaceutical Corp.). The primary database
adverse experiences.32 (2327 patients exposed to oxcarbazepine) is
There were two primary tolerability outcome smaller than the secondary database (4363
variables in the Scandinavian oxcarbazepine- patients). The secondary database contains
carbamazepine study 35 : the percentage of information on 2886 patients in a named-patient
patients with an adverse experience and the program. Most patients (72%) in the primary
percentage of patients with a severe adverse database were adults, whereas 26% were children
experience requiring withdrawal from the trial. and adolescents (aged 2–17 yrs) and 2% were
Although no difference was noted between the elderly patients (> 65 yrs). The exposure to
oxcarbazepine monotherapy arm and oxcarbazepine in the primary database was 12
carbamazepine monotherapy arm in the months or less for 62% of patients, 12–24
percentage of patients with an adverse months for 24%, and more than 24 months for
experience, there was a significant difference in 14%.
favor of oxcarbazepine in the percentage of A profile of treatment-emergent adverse events
patients with a severe adverse experience that resulting from dosages of 300–2400 mg/day for
required withdrawal from the trial (p=0.04). 1712 patients treated with oxcarbazepine in
Although not specifically stated by the lead controlled clinical trials is shown in Table 3 (data
investigators, this implies that oxcarbazepine on file, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp). These
monotherapy was better tolerated than data were derived from oxcarbazepine
carbamazepine monotherapy in this population. monotherapy placebo-controlled studies,
oxcarbazepine monotherapy dose-controlled
Adverse Event Profile from Controlled Clinical studies, and oxcarbazepine adjunctive placebo-
controlled trials. In general, the most commonly
reported treatment-emergent adverse events were
All oxcarbazepine clinical trials collected data related to the central nervous system, and most
on potential adverse effects of oxcarbazepine for were rated as mild or moderate in severity.
descriptive purposes. Analysis of the Novartis Across the trials, eight treatment-emergent
914 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 21, Number 8, 2001