E P S m ity
Sounds and more Sounds!
We've been doing sounds for eight years - as long as the EPS/ASR has been
out! Checkout the Ultimate Organ Library, or the PIANO! Pak, or the new
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"XP meets ASR" set. Get sounds on CD, Zip, or Syquest cart - the possibili-
ties are endless!
r M a c
Hard Drives and CD-ROM Drives!
We sell all types of SCSI peripherals to work with your keyboard. Iomega Zip
and Syquest drives, as well as our best-selling Chicken CD-ROM Drives.
Future Products!
At Rubber Chicken, we're always developing new
products! Check out our Web Site for the latest: &
Legal Notices
EPSm for MacOS was compiled using Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0
Professional Version, Microsoft Word 7.0 for Windows 95, and the Ensoniq ASR-
10, EPS 16-Plus, and Original EPS (no TS was used!).
ENSONIQ, EPS, EPS-16 PLUS, TS-10, TS-12, and ASR-10 are trademarks
of ENSONIQ Corp.
Page 52 Page 1
Introduction Glossary
Introduction Troubleshooting/Support
EPSm is a Macintosh program. It is utility for the Ensoniq family of samplers At Rubber Chicken we pride ourselves for the personal support we can give,
(EPS, EPS 16-Plus and ASR-10) and also sample players (TS-10/TS-12). The because we believe the only important problem to you is your own problem!
emphazis is on managing floppy disk images and hard disks for the Ensoniq (Makes sense, doesnt it?)
But before you call/write in for support, we do ask you of some requirements.
Transfers floppy images between Mac hard disks to EPS formatted floppies by the MacÕs a) Please describe the problem specifically (what screens come up,
Super Drive.
what do they say VERBATIM, any repeatable steps we can describe
Extracts from and puts individual files into images.
Imports Sound Designer (type 1 and 2) sample files, Yamaha TX16W sample files, AIFF so we can duplicate the error here). If you say it doesnt work,
files and exports samples in an instrument in 3 formats. were sorry, that just isnt enough for us to go on. IT IS VITAL THAT
Imports Standard Midi Sequence Files. WE CAN REPLICATE THE ERROR. We need to know what is the
Converts 16+ /ASR Sequences and Songs to those for the EPS Classic or exports
difference in your computer that is causing the conflict.
sequences and song as Midi.
Prepares a database for your EPS/ASR floppies.
Formats ASR-10 floppies. b) It is VERY HELPFUL, in case of errors in reading parameters, to
Ensoniq-SCSI disk management including basic read, write, delete, create directories, send us the File Image file that your are reading. Zip the file up
move files, back-up, restore, listing, editing and imports.
using WinZip or related program (it will compress to a very small
SCSI formatting.
Divides large files up into segments. size) and attach it in an e-mmail message to us. These are very
Editing of multi-file index. helpful in determining what the problem is.
Manipulating and viewing image contents (in various formats).
View and Edit Disk ID's.
d) Tell us which revision of the program you are using, what plat-
View and edit image comments, including cut and paste from word processors.
Edit file names. form (Win95 or Win 3.x).
Bank editing.
e) If the program crashes, please be specific - does the computer
See the Table of Contents to look-up a particular section, or a topic. The freeze, or do you get an error dialog? What does the dialog say?
name derived from fabulous combined disk shredder and synth explosive
for EPS- EPSm for short.
Contact information
Page 2 Page 51
Thank You's and Legal Notices Installation Instructions
matic defaults to Text. Then select the card "Misc" In that dialog check the
box reading [x] Use Type I to transfer binary". Then select the card "Upload" EPSm - a first look/test drive.
In that dialog select Default non text format = Raw Data". Then choose from
the main menu Customize/Suffix Mapping
In that dialog choose First of all, you should first:
Dont run EPSm. Restart your Mac. Then please take an EPS/ASR/TS
formatted floppy and put it in the Macs Superdrive. If your Mac crashes, that
is not unusual, otherwise you may work on your computer for a day, but dont
ever run EPSm that day., and your Mac suddenly crashes. You should reboot
you Mac before doing anything serious or before running EPSm in this
testdrive section.
Locate the file short .sit in the EPSm folder. Uncompress this with Stuffit
Lite or Stuffit Expander from Aladdin Software (Both these software pack-
ages are available at better mac ftp archives , www archives and BBS ser-
vices or from Aladdin)
Launch EPSm. Choose from the menu: Image/Open... Then select the file
short you just decompressed. You will then see a listing of the content of the
file. short is an image of an EPS floppy and you see which files were on the
original floppy. There is only one instrument file in the image.
Lets say you want to play the instrument on your EPS/ASR. You need to
format a floppy on your EPS. If you have an ASR, use a DD floppy (Double
Density) for now and choose ENSONIQ format when asked by your sampler..
If you have a TS, format a DD floppy on your TS............. We are back in
EPSm and have opened short . You choose the menu Floppy/write Image to
EPS floppy... Then you will see a dialog encouraging you to put in the EPS
floppy in the SuperDrive. Do that. (Note: Anything on the floppy will be
overwritten!) The image is written and the floppy pops out. Then you put it in
your EPS /ASR /TS floppy drive and load the instrument there as usual.
Check that the instrument loads and plays.
Page 50 Page 3
Screen Description Final Notes
The third step is optional and leave you with options:
If you have an FTP net connection, you may want to take advantage of APPENDIX E
sample downloading from some of the ftp sites. You may try that, but the
details about how you connect and download will vary from person to person.
The FTP sites also come and go. At the time of this writing a working URL is Setting up Netscape for EPSm
ftp://ftp.sparta.lu.se:/pub/music/eps . Download the file short.gkh.gz from
the ftp site first and make sure you can get your procedures for this file to You know EPSm is not for Net -sample use as such. Still. many of the users
work before you do any more downloading. Please follow the example instruc- do have net access. So I will give some hopefully helpful tips on how to set up
tions in section SOME EXAMPLES: F on how to proceed in more details. Netscape wich has become a popular World Wide Web browser. It is possible
That section can be found later in this document. to use Netscape for downloading samples instead of a dedicated FTP pro-
gram, besides, several Net reachable samples are available only on WWW.
If this does not apply and you want to find out something about EPSm without
reading more of the documentation, you can explore on your own or look up You may find it advantogous to set up your Netscape software. There is a lot
the section SOME EXAMPLES. of setup you probably already have done. You will find it convenient to define
helper programs which automatically will decompress or decode files such as
Some may also find it advantageous to jump to the section called Operating will have endings .gz, .sit, .hqx, .zip, .efe. It may vary how you want your
Instructions which describes briefly the different menu commands to give you netscape set up and there are many different ways. The following is only a
an idea of what can be done in EPSm. suggestion.
Fourth point of test-drive/tutorial I assume you have Netscape v 2.01. It may be convenient to obtain the
Get back to the EPSm program. Assume you have the image short still following software for helpers MacGzip, StuffitExpander with Enhancer ,
open. The window shows the content of the image like the following figure. MacApp. You can get these programs from popular Mac archives
INST means it is an Instrument.
Launch Netscape and choose from the menu Options/General Prefer-
You can type in a new name for the instrument. You will notice that the
characters you type are automatically converted to uppercase and the length Similar to the above you may then fill in a few more items.
limits itself to 12 characters which is the max an ASR/EPS name can have.
Lets say you change the name to RATTLE NOISE. Press OK, to make the Now select the card General. Uncheck the box :use internet config. Then
change permanent. select the card "Download" .In that dialog uncheck the box reading [ ] Auto-
Page 4 Page 49
Update Policy Screen Description
recommended that you download one particular file and get that to work before Choose the menu Image/Info to get the following display..
you do any more downloading.
Launch Fetch and choose from the menu ...File/Open Connection...Then fill in
the fields in the dialog as follows, or what is most appropriate.
You will be connected to the FTP site and the display will show you which files
are in that directory. Please find the file "short.gkh.gz" and select it. You may set
the radio button labelled "(o) automatic" since you have setup Fetch to transfer
.gz files as binary. You then select "Get File" or you simply double click on
short.gkh.gz. It will then be downloaded- and it will be decompressed automati-
cally. You may use the author and subject boxes for anything you like. You also
notice a box for the Disk Label. EPS classic disks do not have a disk label,
but do not mind them beeing there. Try writing a new disk label. Notice how
the program limits the label to a total of 7 characters where the 3 last ones are
digits. If you later choose the OK button, your changes will be written to the
image. Try pressing the Copy To Clip Button, then press OK and then switch
to a word-processor or SimpleText (You can not switch to another application
from a dialog with a border looking like the one shown above). If you then
press command-V or choose Edit/Paste in the editor, the following text will be
pasted into the word processor:
Info for Image : short 3/16/1996
Image-type : EPS2
Label : SHRT001 FreeBlocks : 1226
Author : Yours truly
Subject : Vibra-Slap like sound created by Karpus-Strong algorithm.
You select files from the top box and press Add to make the file appear in
the lower box. Those files that appear in the lower part are the files you will
import. So get all the files you want to appear in the lower box. In the present
example you should make elephant.w07 and horse.w02 both appear in the
lower box. When that is done, just press Done. After a while you will see
new file names appearing in the file list of the image. You can edit the file Make new entries as needed, dbl. clk to edit/change
names if you wish by the EPSfile/Edit... menu.
Then launch MacGzip and choose from the menu ...File/Preferences
Then set
You can transfer the converted samples to an EPS if you choose Floppy/ the gzip suffix to .gz and compression level to 9 {not needed} I check "[x] Quit
write image to floppy. You are then asked to put in an Ensoniq formatted DD when done". Then check the menu items gzip/binary and gzip/uncompress
floppy in the SuperDrive. Do that. You can then take the floppy to your
sampler and load the instruments. When you have set this up you can FTP download as described below. It is
Page 6 Page 47
Tutorial - Building a directory & saving files to Ensoniq SCSI Drive Menus
Much of what have been said about the subject have been said by people hav-
ing IBM PC's. Much of what have been said is also wrong. Ensoniq floppies for
the EPS, the 16+ and a couple other Ensoniq synths are formatted somewhat
special. The low level format is called MFM. Basically the same system is used
on IBM PC computers. However the Ensoniq floppies have 10 sectors in each Please note from this that what is about to happen is that the content of a
track on each side of the floppy. Now the IBM variety, which a Mac with a floppy will be saved in one single file (= image see following chapter).
SuperDrive also can use has 9 tracks. The Mac can read a number of disk Further you can not put in just any floppy. For now try to put in a Mac floppy ;
formats. Mac DD disks can be formatted as double sided 800 K SCR or single you will then get an error message. You can repeat and put in a regular
sided 400 K. These formats use a varying number of sectors pr. track to keep Ensoniq formatted floppy. Then you also (for most Macs) get an error mes-
the bit density more even. These formats use a completely different system for sage.
identifying tracks and sectors. A Mac with a SuperDrive can also access the 720
K MFM IBM type floppies. However the formats the Mac uses are hard-coded If you have an EPS/16 you need to use a B10 floppy (read what it is in this
into the Mac ROM and programmers do not have any parameters or tables to documentation). If you have an ASR, you need to use the so called COM-
vary. There are no hooks to the file access routines that can be used for the PUTER format when formatting floppies on the ASR. If you have a TS10, you
purpose of reading Ensoniq floppies by a Mac . need to use a TB10 or TB20 floppy.
All Macs I have tried (prior to AV and PowerPC) crash if you insert an EPS However if your dialog looks different than the one shown above in that it
floppy in the SuperDrive in 32 bit addressing mode. That is clearly a bug in the shows Ensoniq as one of the allowed formats, then your Mac may read an
Mac. Some Macs have problems with their ROMS not being 32 bit clean(my Ensoniq floppy (at least it says so). It is still recommended that you for
claim) . These problems are separate from the inability to acess 10 tracks. general work use either COMPUTER formatted floppies or B10 (or TB10. for
TS10/12) and not Ensoniq format.
Some new Macs can be made to read Ensoniq floppies. They can not write this
back to a floppy however. The Macs having this capability include Centris/Quadra For many Macs the dialog will show Ensoniq as an allowed format, but will
610, 650, Performa /LC 475, 550, 575, 630, and Performa 5200, 6200. Some then display a message that it can not read this floppy after all. This is normal.
other new Macs will tell the program they have the capability of reading Ensoniq See the section In case of problems/New Macs and Ensoniq floppies
floppies, but will fail to do it. Those that will fail are Quadra 950, Quadra 840A/
V, 6100, 7100, 7200, 8100. From this complicated section you should have learned that normally a Mac
can not read an Ensoniq floppy. That is not a matter of software; it is a
hardware issue. That situation does not prevent communication between a
Mac and an ASR/EPS/TS by floppies, but you need to take some precations ,
you may have to learn what to do. You may also need to learn some con-
cepts. See for example what is an image , The B10 floppy and the appen-
dix C Macs and Ensoniq floppies in addition to see the operating instruc-
tions and example section.
Disks symbolized with this red icon is called a B10 image/file (B10i).
This contain the same information , and is a representation of the same type
of disk, as the EPS2. However the image size is reduced to 720 K by remov-
Page 8 Page 45
Tutorial: Editing an Ensoniq Wave with an external Sample Editor Settings
APPENDIX B ing every tenth block from the image. So it is an image as viewed by the Mac.
B10i was intended for easy archive purposes. It was recommended for such
since it is very robust and easy to implement and is not likely to change, so it
will likely be possible to support this for a long time. You may not use this if
Ensoniq File Types you are new to EPSm and you only use a Mac.
In the file list window of EPSm you see different abreviations for file types This cheerful guy is the icon for an image in .gkhformat. This format has
such as INST which is easy to guess the correct meaning of. Not all are that been used extensively by the EPS mailing list for exchanging samples. It was
easy. Here is a list of most abbreviations and their meaning. the official format of the EPS-mailing-list. You should use only this format for
uploads to their ftp site. As there are very many pitfalls involved in uploads,
ShortCut Number Meaning the capability of uploading this format is only granted after you obtain the
OS 1 - An OS file for the EPS classic mailing lists equivalent of the black belt. of a high degree (EPSm :-). The gkh
OS16 27 -A 16+ Operating system file format consists of a header giving details on its contents followed by all the
OSa 32 -An ASR10 Operating system file data on an EPS floppy disk and then normally followed by readable com-
INST 3 -Instrument file ments about the author of the samples and comments on the samples them-
EFF 24 -Effects file in 16+ format selves. EPSm will read this format and you can operate on individual files.
EFFa 33 -Effects file in ASR10 format You should however regard this format as reserved for uploads and not for
SONG 6 -A Song File in EPS classic format general use. You may not be allowed to edit the comment fields on images
SO16 26 -A Song file in EPS 16+ format written by other applications in this format You may often not notice, but
SNGa 29 -A Song in ASR10 format EPSm uses specific code for each (image)format. The gkh format is con-
SEQ 5 - A sequence file in EPS classic format nected to the 800 kB DD EPS/ASR floppy disk only. No other sizes!!
SQ16 25 - A Sequence file in 16+ format
SEQa 28 - A Sequence in ASR10 format
BANK 4 - A Bank file in EPS classic format This is an image of a DD floppy formatted by an ASR-10 sampler
LK16 23 - A Bank in 16+ format (Link) (ASRc). The size is 720 K. The image name may make sense as ASR-10
BNKa 30 - A Bank in ASR10 format small size computer format. The ASR can format a floppy in so called
SYSX 7 - A Sysex recorder file ENSONIQ format or COMPUTER format. The ASRc uses the latter. The
PPTR 8 - A Parent Ptr, used in subdirectories ENSONIQ format is 800 kB and identical to an EPS floppy, while the COM-
MACR 9 - A Macro file PUTER format can not be read by an EPS or EPS16+. So the EPS can not
MACa 34 - An ASR10 macro file, (also a TS file type) use floppies made from ASRc.
SUB 2 -A Sub directory
TS10/12 filetypes - These have been given the following names in the This is an image of a HD floppy formatted by an ASR-10 sampler
EPSm list (ASRC). The size is 1440 K. (ASR-10 capital size Computer format) This
image is not recommended to be used as a workbench . The smaller sizes;
pg1 34 -A TS 1 program file Note MACa conflict! ASRc and EPS2, are recommended instead.
pg6 35 -A TS10 6 Programs file
pg60 36 -A TS10 60 programs EPSm will also work with archives of types .EDE, .EDT and .EDA. These are
p120 37 -A TS10 120 programs formats used by Giebler Enterprises in the PC world only. .EDE is used for
ps1 38 -A TS10 single preset EPS floppies and .EDA is used for 1.6 MB ASR-10 floppies. .EDT is for TS-
ps60 39 -A TS10 60 presets 10/12 data floppies. These archives contain only the blocks which are not
SetUp 40 -A TS10 User setup empty in the original floppy. Currently EPSm will expand these archives into
seq1 41 -A TS10 a equence images. The .EDE archive thus becomes an EPSi image while we can call the
so30 42 -A TS10 30 sequences 1.6 MB image for a [EDA ] image. Regard .EDT files just as an experiment.
Page 44 Page 9
Settings Tutuorial: Saving File Images to Floppy Disk
EPSm will open a .EDT image and you can see the individual files and save
them, however files written into an image with EPSm could be wrong. APPENDIX A
This is an expanded .EDA Giebler file [EDA]. It is then an image of a HD
Creators and File Types
floppy formatted by an ASR-10 sampler in ENSONIQ format. The size is 1600
K. You will probably not use this for other than to view the content or save the Given here in case you want to force files from external sources to be com-
single files within the image. You can not write this image to a floppy by the patible, Also a suggestion if you plan on any software yourself.
Mac. (.EDA is of course incompatible with the Mac to begin with).
Application signatures
EPSm - EPSm signature
These are included for TS10/12 support and for current version aDL - aDownLoader signature
it is partly an experiment. It is an image of a TS10/12 special data disk -a so stEP -stEPS signature
called TSB10 and TSB20 disk. The images are called tsd2 and TSD2 for DD
and HD floppies respectively. You can not format floppies with TSB10 format Image - filetypes
on the TS10, however you can make copies from a master floppy. You can EPSi -file type for raw image of EPS floppy, extra info in resources
make a master floppy by an IBM-PC program. Only this type of TS10 data EPS2 -raw image of floppy w/ empty zero sectors, otherwise as EPSi
floppies can be read by the Mac. B10i - image of a B10 floppy as viewed by mac superdrive , 720 K
GKH0- raw DD Ensoniq image w/ head & tail fields, same as .gkh
ASRc -raw image of DD floppy formatted COMPUTER on ASR-10
The expanded versions of Giebler .EDT archives are called TSDI and ASRC -same above but using a HD floppy.
tsdi for underlaying representation being based upon HD and DD floppies EDA -[EDA ] expanded Giebler rep of an ASR-10 HD floppy
respectively. You should have little use for this. TSD2 -an image of a TS10 HD floppy with empty zero sectors
tsd2 -as TSD2 but DD floppy image.
Read this: The distinction between different images is not important when you
work with the image itself (for example change the name of an instrument). Mac ftypes for EFE files created from different EPS filetypes
However, when you write an image to a floppy then the floppy has to be EPS filetypes are on the EPS floppy identified by 1 byte. Use the conversion:
compatible with the image. So you have to know which kind of image you are
currently working on. The following table should summarize some of the Mac ftype= EPS+chr(ord(A)+ord(ensoniq filetype)), which yields
characteristics of the images. It tells which floppy type (DD is Double side EPSA -blank, should never occur as a standalone file
Double Density) you have to use for writing each format type and wether you EPSB -EPS OS file-type
can use the sampler or EPSm to format the floppy. The cells showing EPSC - sub directory, should never occur as a standalone file
ENSONIQ or COMPUTERrefers to the ASR-10 formatting option used. EPSD -EPS instrument file-type
EPSF -EPS sequence file-type
EPSG -EPS song file-type
EPS[ -16+ sequence file-type
I have only listed a few, see also Appendix B
There also exist another system of files and filetypes with Ensoniq files
* sometimes two Ensoniq formatted floppies. without headers. There the system is Mac ftype= EU+StringOf(ord(ensoniq
file-type))), which yields
Short image summary: EU03 -EPS instrument file-type
If you have an EPS (Classic or 16+) you will probably use EPS2 for general EU04 -EPS Bank
work, while gkh only for net up/downloads. EPSm will also read this system.
Page 10 Page 43
Converting GKH to Giebler/Tutorial Viewing Ensoniq Disk Directories Settings - Song and Sequences
Registration If you have an ASR10 you will probably use ASRc for general use, while gkh
only for net up/downloads.
EPSm is a commercial program. Thus you need to register your copy. Your
registration number is included in this manual. The program will stop to
Why this program?
function after 18 days of use if it has not been registered. If you yourself use
EPSm on more than one Mac, you have to register the program on each Mac, This program does a lot of different things. Two persons could use this pro-
but you only pay for one registration. gram for completely different purposes. I can tell you what I use it for. I use it
a lot. For example for transferring samples I calculate on my Mac to my EPS.
I did this by floppies. It is very much faster than MIDI, not faster than SCSI/
MIDI. Now I transfer samples sometimes by floppy and sometimes directly to
an Ensoniq hard disk connected to my sampler and Mac by SCSI, all with
EPSm. I have also sent out samples to an ftp site for fellow EPS'ers to
download into their computer/sampler. I have used this program for preparing
such disk images. I also find it practical for archive back-up. I transfer images
or single files to back-up tape for my Mac. EPSm is also great for managing
that EPS SCSI drive. I have connected the sampler, Mac, CD player, hard
disks and Syquest on the same SCSI channel at all times.. Please note that
this program is not intended as a vulgar get free samples from the internet as
fast as possible and with as little effort as possible-utility.
System Requirements
The most important: requirements are:
Requires minimum System 7
Watch out for DOS-mounter look-alikes.
(this may not apply to future Macs and versions)
To the first time user: Please take note of the 1st paragraph of the introduc-
tory section called EPSm a first look/test drive
This program has been tested by me and runs on at least 20 different Mac
models. Others have used it on additional models. Any reading and writing of
floppies requires a SuperDrive. It requires system 7. All Macs with
SuperDrives can read B10 floppies or ASR COMPUTER formats. Only some
new Macs can read Ensoniq format floppies.
For some Macs and some DOS-mounter type programs you should turn the
latter off. Some 68040 Macs may need to turn cache ON. You may want to
turn your Midi in stream off. These things are likely to vary. (I run accessPC,
SoftAT, AudioMedia, ftp daemon, e-mail and Midi at the same time as EPSm.
without problems ) EPSm has been tested mostly with 32 bit addressing off.
Page 42 Page 11
File-Type Conversions How To: Testing Files
Disk access is slower in 32 bit addressing mode, otherwise there should be no menu +special + / Wipe Out Damaged
reason for not using it. This will let you delete any entry in a directory without deleting the associated
FAT markings. This command should normally never be used and only for
damaged files. You do not make more space available by this command.
Page 12 Page 41
How To: Working with TS-type files and disks Unformatter
About the [ Clear ] command alias ( -B).command
This is just for ereasing the selected files. You will have a chance to change Operating Instructions
your mind in case this command is invoked by error. You can as usual select
discontinous or continous ranges of files. This is not undoable!. If you select a
menu which is not empty, then this command will nor erease the subdirectory.
If however the command is invoked in expert mode (by holding the SHIFT
(the menu).
Key), then the directories will be ersased. The while underlying tree will then
be erased. Not undoable. Alternatives to this section are: 1) Figure it out yourself. 2) See the example
tasks section; 3) see good to know comments 4) other specific sections.
About the ( -C).command To the first time user: See the section EPSm a first look/test drive first.
Pressing this keyboard combination will cause the Midicomands nessecary to
load the first currently selected file to be placed on the clopboard. The format The following survey of the menus is meant to be helpful. The headings are
is compatible with Vision, so you can switch to Vision and then paste the Midi organized such that the main menu comes first then the sub-menus within
commands right into the sequence. It requeres that Macro 11 brings you to the that menu.
ROOT directory..
About the (Shift -C).command Quit: Simply quits the program. The changes you have made to an image
Pressing this keyboard combination after selecteing a file in the SCSI browser are already stored.
causes The information on the file to be copied to the clipboard in a format Prefs: Sets some preferences. These have been set up with defaults . You
that is compatible with the format the Cmd-L command saves in for should not have to invoke the submenus. They need further discussion
datasbases. Thus you can paste in information for one single file, if your in any case
database allows. MidiSeq Import... Brings up a dialog with parameters used when
importing Midi sequences. See section Some Examples... A) for
more details
About the menu-commands +special+.. Mod/Macro load... Setting parameters for the Macro and timedelay of
The items under these menu are truly special, and you will only use them if the Midicommands that will load an instrument in a Mac sequencer.
you are an expert. See section Some Examples P. Load Instruments from Hard disk in a
Vision Sequence for more info.
menu +special + / Try to Salvage Damaged (File) SCSI bufsize-pref... You should not need to set these parameters,but
This will try to salvage a damaged file. First the selected file in the directory is you can. The buffer size used have some influence on the speed. The
analyzed in terms of its recoverability. If it is evaluated fair, you will be given larger the buffer the faster the operations. However, some Macs have
the option to save the file to the Mac hard disk. Currently the file on the EPS a flaw making them crash if your hard disk is too slow. For a Syquest
hard disk is unchanged. You may try to use this feature when the ASR/EPS 88 I use both buffers at 9216, while on one (faulty?) EZdrive, I set the
gives a message like file operation error or something similar, when the file at read buffer at 4608.
one time actually was OK. ..
New... Creates a new empty image. You can create the formats EPSi,
menu +special + / Set Num Entries in Sub EPS2 and ASRc. EPS2 should be used if you want to transfer it to your
This will let you edit the number of entries in a subdirectory. You edit a num- EPS and EPSi is for communication with other eps-non-mac users.
ber that is stored in the subdirectory entry in the file list. This parameter is not ASRc is strictly for the ASR-10. By holding the [shift]-key while invoking
normally used, but if it is not zero, you can not delete the directory. Normally the menu, you invoke it in expert mode; You may then choose other,
you should have no use for this function. non-recommended image types
Page 40 Page 13
Bank Builder How To: Editing Sample Rate
Open.. Opens an existing image. You can open the formats: gkh, EPSi, (= the displayed EPS directory).This restore option is a relative safe way to
EPS2, ASRc , ASRC, [EDA ] and .. You will only see the files in the add a backed up partial tree.
standard-file list if they have extensions Õ.gkhÕ, or Ô.GKHÕ, or
ÔEPSiÕ or if the file-type has been set to ÔGKH0Õ,ÕEPSiÕ, ÔEPS2Õ So restoring by Mac folder is relative. It uses relative adresses from the Sub
, ASRc , ASRC, EDA ,tsd2',TSD2', TSDI or tsdi If there is already directory you are in when you start the restore. It is relatively safe to use,
an open image then that image will be closed by the program. By since it will never over write files. There is no guarantee that banks are still
holding the [shift]-key while invoking the menu, you can open in expert valid when you have restored. THe disk label is never changed.
mode. You are then tallowed to open any kind of file at your own risk.
Close.. Simply closes an image. Serves perhaps no real purpose other About the ( -L) command
than; If you doubt the program updates the image, or to make sure the There is also a popup menu for this.. It lets you list the directories of your eps
changes you have made are permanent, then close the image and then hard disk to a text file. Im uncertain what would be a desirable/better format
open it again. though. Suggestion?
Info... Brings up a modal dialog that let you view info on the disk. You can
view the author and subject fields of the gkh image. You can copy the About the ( -E) command.
contents of this into a word processor by the usual : select text, press There is also a popup menu for this. It lets you edit the name of files on your
command-C, switch to a word processor and paste. For EPSi, EPS2, or hard disk. Not all file types are currently editable. Subdirectories, Instruments,
ASRc you can edit these fields and they become permanent. Whereas Banks and Sequences are. The operation is as with editing names for images.
for .gkh they can only be viewed for files created by some utilities.
(These fields can be in front of or after the sample data in the image for
gkh, and if it is in front the program has to create a new image and copy About the ( -G) command.
all 800+k if you add a letter to a field) Pressing this keyboard combination will cause the currently selected files in
You can also edit the disk label. If the image has no label you will be the image if there is one open, to be copied to the directory you are currently
asked explicitely if you want to create a new label. (The Classic do not working on in the SCSI window.
use Labels, but it dont mind them. The 16+ uses Labels for banks)
If you press the [copytoclip] button then all the info fields and a listing
of the Image content is copied to the clip and can be pasted into for About the menu-command import / AIFF, SDII,SFIL..
axample a text document, This will open a file type of type AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) and
make an instrument that contain that sample. It will then put that instrument
Check Does some rudimentary checking of the validity and consistency of on your EPS hard disk. If you are in directory 38 from the ROOT level, the
the data in the current open image. If no errors found then nothing AIFF file will be converted to an audio track. Only mono files are used.
Page 14 Page 39
How To: Check Disk Bank Builder
backup a complete hard disk, then reformat it and restore it. That would Fetch(open).. This lets you put individual files into the image. A
remove all fragmentation of the hard disk. The benefit would also be that you StandardFile list will show files ending in .EFE (and .EFA) ,- for the
would have the backup itself in a form where each file was individually purpose of opening files created with other programs as well as other
acessible and could be retrieved individually. For restoring the complete disk computers. The files that are saved from EPSm program can of course
you would restore the backup to a blank formatted hard disk/cartridge. also be opened. EPSm will also open EUxx files.
Something about the rules, incase you want to use it your own way: If, during Clear: This clears the selected EPS files in the image. (Note the files may
restoring, there are any files in the same file location on the disk, as originally be renumbered! unlike EPS !!)
(indicated by the log file), then the file on the disk will be deleted and the file
from the backup media be added in that same file location. By file location is Import SFIL... etc. samplefiles. Given a sample or wave in any of the
here meant the key of the file consisting of a series of entrynumbers for all formats, the program let you import the sample as a plain vanilla instru-
the parent directories. The names of directories are insignificant. Files that ment. The sample file formats are : SFIL -SoundDesigner type 1,
already are on the EPS/ASR volume, but are in a file location that was empty TX16W - Yamaha 12 bit sampler files, SDII-Sound Designer type 2. ,
when the bacup was done, will be left untouched. If the restore routine can not AIFF-Audio Interchange File Format. If you on a SCSI hard disk is in the
find a file on the mac hard disk which is written in the log file, you will have Audiotracks directory, then the sample file will be made to an Audiotrack.
the option of looking for it by a standard file dialog, you could choose another
file instead, you could skip that file or you cold cancel the complete restore Import Midi file.. Given a standard midi file sequence of type 1. You can
operation. The starting point of the resulting structure of the the EPS/ASR import it as an EPS classic sequence or (NEW) 16+ sequence. The 16+
volume is the ROOT. If the starting point at the backup no longer exist - and ASR will translate classic, but be aware that for all later versions
because the backup started some directories deep and these directories were and model than 16+ the O.S vers. 1.3 f there are many bugs in that
later deleted - If that is the case, then the restore operation will be terminated translation
with the message that the start can not be found.
Import ASR/16+ seq.. This is a conversion from a 16+ sequence file to a
So the restore by log file always use absolute adresses on the disk. The sequence file for the EPS classic. When you have saved an individual
restoring will always be exactly as deep from the ROOT as the file originally sequence to hard-disk, you use this command to do the translation and
was. Banks will be valid after restoring if you back up to a cart with the same place the result into the current working image. It will also open ASR-10
name/label as you originally had. (You will be prompted about changing the sequences and convert those to EPS Classic sequences. If you invoke
name of the current disk if different from that in the log file) the menu command in expert mode, then ASR sequences will be
converted to 16+.
[Restore..] based upon a Mac folder. Import ASR/16+ song.. This is similar to above (16+ seq..) but converts a
This is currently the default. method A directory structure is made on the EPS/ song and places the result into the current working image. It will also
ASR that resembles that found on the Mac. Here it is only the files relative open an ASR-10 song and convert that to Classic. This works for ASR
position that matters, and there is no overwriting of files. Duplicate names are songs without audio tracks. If you invoke the menu command in expert
allowed. You can see what the Mac hierarcical structure is when you display it mode, then ASR sequences will be converted to 16+
in the Finder by choosing view/by Name. You can force a particular order of
the files by preceeding the filenames with numbers such as for example 02 split/divide files.. For the selected file in the image file list ,you can
SteinWayDirectory, or 03 Bass Guitar;. Only files that were saved by EPSm choose to divide a single file into two parts. See also Large instru-
or stEPS are significant. The directory names that will be created on the EPS ments and multi-disks.
will be based upon those on the Mac. 02 SteinWayDirectory would be
translated to STEINWAYDIRE; that is if the folder name starts with a num- multifile index.. You can view and edit the multifile index of a file. You
ber, then the 3 first asciis are ignored and the rest of the name is capitalized have to know what you are doing.See also Large instruments and
and truncated to 12 characters as required by the EPS/ASR. Text files or multi-disks.
other files than the EFE files saved by EPSm will be ignored. The starting
point of the resulting EPS structure is taken from the current working directory
Page 38 Page 15
Wave Creator How To: Deleting Files/Directories
edit.. Dependent upon the file type (SEQ or INST or BANK) Will bring up a number in its directory..and so on. Inspection of the example should tell you
dialog giving additional information on the file. For Instruments, Se- how it is.
quences and Banks you can Edit the Name of the file. The dialog will
also display the information on Banks and allow you to copy the info to The example shown started at the top of the hierarchy- at the ROOT. It can
the clipboard so that you can paste it into a word-processor. This is start much further down if you prefer. In that case the key is the key relative to
useful for recreating an ASR or 16+ Bank on a EPS classic, or an ASR the starting key. To get the full key you add the starting key and the individual
bank on a 16+. See also Large Disks and Banks. The edit command file key shown.
will also be invoked by double-clicking on the entry in the list. {It could
also display the complete structure of an instrument showing the layer The [BkUpTree] button can perhaps be used by journalling or recording
and wavesamples in the future ? -a historical remark from feb93} programs so you can press them and you can later play back for automatic
back-up. But I have not tried any of those programs with EPSm
Can export wave samples in instruments, audiotracks or se-
quences and songs to non Ensoniq formats. It applies to the currently Now finally back to the other option of the waiting state. Change Back Up
selected entry;. Choosing this menu option for instruments bring up a Folder. By pressing that button you can change the folder you want to backup
dialog showing a list of all the wavesamples in the instrument. It is onto. That way the backup will be spread out over different folders. These
shown which layer they belong to and the key assignment and whether folders can be on different hard disks, or different cartridges or different
the wave is a copy. You can press [copyToClip] which copies the table to networks. When you change bacup folder,I the Log file holding the position of
Clip board and you can paste it into a document in your word processor. all the files will be automatically moved to the Desktop and it is your
You can save any selection of the waves as separate files to disk. If you reponsibility to save it to where you want it filed when the backup is finished.
select more than one wave, you may x-check the [ x] Save all - Ask 1st This log should not reside on removable media neither during backup nor
option, then you will be asked for a filename only for the first file to be during restoring, for backups spread over several cartridges, but it could very
saved. This allows you to select the folder which all the rest will be well reside on a cartridge for archival purposes, and then perhaps be moved
saved in. The names of the other waves will be the same as the EPS to the desktop during restoring. .
name unless that name is already occupied, in which case a number is
added to the name to make it unique. If all waves are named UN- About the [ Restore ..] command.
NAMED WS, then they will be automatically named UNNAMED WS#x This is for restoring what you have backed up with the [backuptree] command.
where x is a number. You have the option of saving using different If you just want to load many files fast, you can also use the [ fetch..] com-
sample formats which can be selected from the popup menu; SFIL is mand. You can restore directory by directory that way. That may even be
the file-type of SoundDesigner type 1 files, SDII is Sound Designer II more convenient than using [ResorTree] if you decide you want to make
file and AIFF are Audio Interchange File Format. Many other applica- changes to your hard disk and not restore everything as it was. The [Re-
tions can read these. store..] is for restoring all the files as they were. However the files will have
no fragmentation when restored to a nonfragmented disk.
If you select an Audiotrack, then you can save that as a sample file. You
should use AIFF. There are two different options for the RestorTree command. Briefly described
they are 1) Restoring a hieracical file tree based upon the log file saved
If a sequence (marked SEQ, SQ16 or SEQa) is selected, then exPort during a [BackUpTree] operation. 2) Making a tree structure on the EPS/ASR
will save the sequence as a Midi file of type 1. For songs (marked hard disk that resembles the folder-tree found on the Mac hard disk. These
SONG, SO16,SNGa) it will save all the sequences of the song individu- are separately described below.
ally as Midi type 1 files. The word -seq* will be appended to the name
you choose for easy identification. (So you will not be prompted for the [Restore..] based upon a backup log file.
name of each sequence, only the location of the first) In addition the The text file that was saved during backup is used to restore the EPS/ASR
songTracks will be exported and a text file describing the structure of the volume. (This text file could of coarse also have been generated by another
song. The latter just prints the information in the song steps. piece of software) The previous secton on backing up a tree described the
structure of the text file. Using a log file will try to preserve the hierarcical
position the file had when it was backed up. The most obvious use could be to
Page 16 Page 37
How To: Automatically Adding File Images to Disk Images Find Utility
1: 9
11 INST 357 10 NOW QUEEN -4 330 625152 1: 1:
1:10 Floppy -for reading and writing floppies with the SuperDrive
12 INST 302 11 TACK BELL -4 330 625152 1: 1: 1:11
13 INST 213 12 TOASTED -4 330 625152 1: 1: 1:12 Read EPS/ASR/TS floppy... You normally use a B10 floppy disk for this
dir SUB 8 04 FX -4 329 617984 1: 1: 2 for EPS/16+data. For ASR data usually COMPUTER format floppy while
14 INST 623 01 WINDOW SMASH -4 331 2561024 for TS10/12 data you usualloy use a TSB10 floppy. You are asked to put
1: 1: 2: 1 in the floppy. All the contents on the floppy is saved in an image file.
15 INST 153 02 TICKING -4 331 2561024 1: 1: When a B10 floppy is inserted, your choices are EPS2 or B10i. B10i is
2: 2 for archiving only (not for workbench) If you save it as an EPS2 image
16 INST 412 03 PLATE SMASH -4 331 2561024 file then that also becomes the active image in the image file list. The
1: 1: 2: 3 format will be ASRc if you have inserted an ASR DD COMPUTER
17 INST 562 04 CANNON -4 331 2561024 1: 1: format floppy and ASRC if you have inserted an ASR HD COMPUTER
2: 4 format floppy. If you insert a TSB10 the format will be TSD2. (Ensoniq
18 INST 664 05 FAST STOP -4 331 2561024 1: 1: formatted floppies can only be read on a few Mac models and their use
2: 5 are only justified for your old floppies. !!!!!)
19 INST 910 06 NIGHT TRAIN -4 331 2561024
1: 1: 2: 6 Write image to floppy... Takes the current image and writes that to a
20 INST 228 07 HORSE SNORT -4 331 2561024 formatted floppy. Writes the current image if this is of type EPS2, GKH ,
1: 1: 2: 7 EPSi ASRc, ASRC, TSD2 and tsd2 (EPS2 is faster and requires less
21 INST 516 08 HORSE WHINNE -4 331 2561024 memory than EPSi and GKH) The floppy type has to match the image
1: 1: 2: 8 type. See section what is an image.
dir SUB 0 05 MY SOUNDS -4 328 613888 1: 2
dir SUB 2 06 BANKS -4 327 1536 2 get B10i, write to floppy... Let you open a B10i image from your archive
dir SUB 0 01 FACTORY BNKS -4 333 614912 2: 1 and write the information to a regular EPS formatted floppy.
dir SUB 0 02 MY BANKS -4 333 614912 2: 2
dir SUB 2 07 SEQUENCES -4 327 1536 EPS disk cataloging.. This let you register all your floppies into a data base.
3 You input Ensoniq formatted floppies in the SuperDrive. The information
dir SUB 1 01 FACTORY SEQS -4 336 615936 3: 1 on the floppy is saved into a text which you later can import to your favourite
dir SUB 5 01 BEATS -4 337 622080 3: 1: 1 data base program. I provide two different formats - see section on data-
dir SUB 22 01 ROCK -4 338 4644864 3: 1: base formats. You should be able to import one of these to your database
1: 1 program. The menu option is also useful for seeing what is on some of
22 SEQa 1 01 ROCK-1 4TH -4 339 4645888 those unlabelled floppies you have laying around. For the case of viewing
3: 1: 1: 1: 1 only, you may want to uncheck the save to txt file option in the change
23 SEQa 1 02 ROCK-1 8TH -4 339 4645888 setup DB prefs dialog (acessible from EPS disk cataloging..).
3: 1: 1: 1: 2
Format ASR-10 .. Let you format a DD (Double Density) or a HD (High
The entries are labelled in the heading.The Name refers to Mac name . The Density) floppy to be used with an ASR-10. The format will be what the
Mac Name will be the two digit filenumber followed by the EPS name. Thus ASR calls COMPUTER format.
the alphabethical ordering in a Mac directory will be the same as it was in an
EPS directory. The vRefNum and ParID are file references to the macfile. Format TS-10 (DD).. This is supposed to work on future versions of the
The fields absLoc is the absolute address of the EPS directory holding info TS-10 operating system if that will happen. Currently it can not be used
on the file. While key is exactly that; it is a key identifying an EPS file and should be left unactivated.
uniquely on an EPS Hard Drive. The last digit is the entry number in the
directory. The next-last number is the entry number of the parents entry
Page 36 Page 17
View Ensoniq Devices How To: Converting Ensoniq Wave(s) to .WAV/AIFF file(s)
sends out info, by apple events, about how many files it has written and the
file reference to a file called EPSmBkUp_Log holding information on all the
Morph - for conversions of image types. (Transformation of images) files. A tape back-up program can then back up all the files to tape and delete
them when finished. -DONT DELETE DIRECTORIES-. This way, hard disk
EPSi->GKH.. just translates an EPSi to a .gkh image, if the current image space is freed. The back-up program should send an AppleEvent command
is of type EPSi. The original is not destroyed. Can be used for uploads to back to EPSm telling it to resume. If the software dont have Apple events you
ftp site. Fill in any text in info fields before you convert. can resume the operation manually. EPSm also checks the hard disk and will
start filling it automatically as files are backed up to another place e.g. tape
GKH->EPSi.. does as it says. only active when the current working image and deleted. So you could tell your back-up software to back-up a certain
is a gkh folder. Your back-up software can look at the folder and take files from there
as it fills up, and EPSm will fill it up again when it empties. This should make
EPS2->B10i.. does what it says. for a system for automatic unattended back-up in the background even if you
dont have scripting capabilities to control EPSm and your back-up software
B10i->EPS2.. does what it says . You never work on B10 images so you by Apple events. You can of coarse also terminate the process by pressing
pick one dialog. [Cancel] in the dialog . Currently there is a timeout limit on 10 minutes.
EPS2->GKH.. special for uploads from your EPS to ftp archive. Writes If you plan on writing scripts for handling back-ups it may be advantageous to
floppy.gkh and floppy.txt . floppy.txt is a text-file meant to accompany know the format of the file called EPSBkUp_Log. A partial example is shown
your upload. It lists the contents of the floppy. below.
Whle you are in the move - mode you will also see a checkbox labelled [ ] connect.. You connect to the currently selected SCSI drive, and a file
updt banks. If you check this before pressing [ ToHere ] then the program window appears showing the EPS/ASR drives content. You can save
will, after the move is completed, go throgh the complete hard disk looking for files to and retrieve files from the SCSI drive by pressing dialog buttons
banks. If any of the files that got moved are referenced in a bank, then the or keyboard equivalents or popupmenus. These are descibed in a later
bank reference in the bank will be changed to that of the files new location. special section on SCSI. You move down in the directory tree by
There may be situations where you dont want these updates to occurr. double clicking on sub directories, SUB You move up in the folder
hierarchy by double clicking on parent pointers PPTR There are 3
popupmenus at the top of the dlg for menu selections and navigation.
About the [ BkUpTree ] command.
You can save individual files or ranges of files with the [ save..] command. The following keyboard shortcuts buttons and menu choices apply.
However [save..] do not save files beyond the current working directory. The [
BkUpTree ] on the other hand saves all files (from EPS-SCSI to a Mac-SCSI -F=(Fetch
): Mac-file ->EPS-SCSI
or a Network drive.) in the current working directory and below in the hierar- -S=(SaveÉ): EPS-SCSI->Mac-file
chy. All filenames will be derived from those on the EPS hard disk and Mac -B= (Clear): Clear the selected entry(ies). +Shift will also remove con-
folders are created automatically and files are put into them. The format used tents of subfolders
for both Save and BkUpTree is the .EFE format. (Move) Move the selected entries from the directory where you select them
to the directory where you press (ToHere). Pressing (Cancel), cancels .
The BkUpTree may have different usage: Partial backup or a full backup of a (BkUpTree.) Save the complete hierarchy of files into folders on a Mac
hard disk. The backup itself can be used as an archive. The destination for disk.
the backup could either be a single folder on a disk holding all of the (Restore...) Restore what is backed up. or a Mac tree.See later section for
backuped files, or the backup could be spread out over several disks. You details
choose these options shortly after pressing the BkUpTree button. (NewDir.) Make a new subdirectory
-G: Get the selected files in an open image into current directory of SCSI
If you for instance want to save all the sequences you have, you navigate to drive.
the SEQUENCES directory (or whatever) and press [BkUpTree] Then a dialog -L: List all the files at present and deeper levels in the directory hierar-
appears asking you in which mac folder you want to save the tree. (You can chy.; to text file
make a new folder, but the name must be unique. It is a good idea with some -E: Edit file name, or contents of banks
of these system-extensions that allow you to create new folders directly from -P: exPort individual samples as AIFF/SDII/SFIL or sequences as Midi
the standard file dialog) Again, it is not which folder you may have selected in -I: Info on the SCSI drive such as capacity and Label which can be edited.
the list but which folder is the current working directory that matters. You hit -C: Copy - the hierarcical key of the selected instrument is copied as Midi
[save] or [cancel]. and text
-W Close the window and return to the normal working environment of
If you have sufficient hard disk space on your Mac to hold all the files in the EPSm
hierarchy , then the command will write all the files. It will not fill up the Mac ESCAPE: Same as above
hard disk more than to a certain limit. This limit you can set yourself. The -Q:Quit the program
program will ask you to enter that limit after you have selected the folder.
When you have reached that limit during backup, the program goes into a menu Import SFIL/SDII/AIFF import samples to EPS instruments
waiting state. You have several options during the waiting state: cancel, menu Export ... samples in insts to AIFF/SFIL/SDII formats, or seqs to Midi
change backupfolder or just wait for the backupfolder to be emptied. We menu +special+ .. for experts or power users or in case of emergency
discuss the last option first. When EPSm comes to the waiting state it first You can also navigate by the two popup menus at the top of the SCSI
Page 34 Page 19
Ensoniq CD-ROM's on ATAPI/IDE CD-ROM Drives How To: Writing Directories to SCSI Drives or Floppies
dialog. The [goto] lets you save frequently used directories. While the between several sub directories. You can save the current path as a macro in
central one take you to any in the current hierarcical tree. this menu. The item with the snake biting its tail will hold the path of the
subdirectory you last jumped from. It makes switching back to the previous
Set SCSI ID.. You select the ID (SCSI number) of the SCSI device you location convenient and also switching between two directories convenient.
want to access.
Reset To be used in between changing cartridges. .
Eject For ejecting EPS CD-ROMs as these can not be ejected by the drive About the connect... menu command.
front button EPSm will try to connect to which SCSI drive number you set as the current.
Format Device: High level formatting of EPS/ASR hard disks and car- If there is no SCSI device connected with that number or the SCSI device
tridges. Previously Mac formatted or Ensoniq formatted media can be with that number is not an EPS formatted drive, then EPSm will scan all the
used. SCSI channels to see if there is any EPS drives. If it finds one it will make a
connection and open a file list with the drives directory. You can see from the
window title which SCSI ID you are connected to. (In case you have several
Apple menu -Two menu items are placed here by EPSm EPS drives)
About EPSm...As usual , shows the version number
Register EPSm For entering the registry number. The name field in the
dialog is optional. If you have already registered, you can get the regis- About the Eject menu command.
tration dialogue only by first pressing the Shift key and holding it while This is useful if you have an Apple CD ROM player connected. The eject
selecting the menu. button on the drive is inactive and if you want to change CD ROM you can
normally only change it by choosing to eject by running the program CD-
Keyboard Shortcuts remote or similar, or - you can simply use this command in EPSm. The
Many of the menu choices in EPSm can be activated by a keyboard com- current drive with the current SCSI ID will be ejected if it has been set.
mand. The commands were covered in the previous section, and you can also Otherwise the first EPS drive will be ejected. If you happen to have a hard-
see what the keyboard equivalents are by simply selecting the menus. In disk cartridge that can be programmatically ejected, this will be ejected as
addition to these there are some keyboard shortcuts you can not find out what long as it is an EPS formatted drive.
are from the menu. These are found in two areas. 1) when working with an
image, 2) when working with a SCSI drive.In the latter case you can find what
they are from selecting the Shortcuts option in the pull down menu in the About the [ move ] command:
SCSI window. The shortcuts in the image window are similar to these and You may have some hard disks or cartridges where your instruments really
applies to navigation. Here is the list for the image window. are in the wrong subdirectories. Maybe because it is difficult on the EPS to
tell what is the current working subdirectory. The move command changes
[enter] has the same effect as double clicking when a file entry is hilited the location of a file within the directory hierarchy. To accomplish this, the
[page-up] if you are in a subdirectory it will take you to the level above; if procedure only changes the directories, but do not move the actual files on
you work on a TS-10 floppy, this takes you to the root level. You may the hard disk. This means that when you use the move command, you do not
alternatively use the left-arrow. Pressing these keys is the only way to run the risk that your hard disk becomes fragmented.
get to the ROOT short of closing and opening again.
[down-arrow] you move the hiliting in the file list one entry down. If no The move command is only hilited when you have selected a file in the file
hiliting exist you move it in from the top-root level. list. You can also select a subdirectory and move it. You can also move
[up-arrow] you move the hilting up in the file list multiple files by shift clicking and/or make discontinues file ranges by option
[left-arrow] This will also take you to the root level. clicking. You can move any combinations of regular files and subdirectories in
one operation. All your selections will be moved to the same destination.
The B10 floppy When you hit [ move ] , you will see that the button changes to [ ToHere ]
and a [Cancel] button appears while others disappear. If you want to com-
plete the move you navigate (by double clicking on PPTR (Parent Pointer)
Page 20 Page 33
How To: Backing up and Restoring Ensoniq SCSI Drives Waveplayer
Cartridge or CD-ROM connected to the SCSI bus of the Mac. The B10 floppy is for writing EPS files with an EPS when these files are to be
read with a Mac's SuperDrive, and really only for that. The ASR user do not
Please note that when operating with SCSI, the otherwise clean, concept of need a B10 floppy.
the program (in my view) is broken. The idea of the program is otherwise
always that you transfer files into or out of the image. The image is always the The B10 floppy is a special floppy . In the electronic EPSm shipment package
playground for your operation. It is the workbench. Now it is not anymore. there is included a program for the IBM-PC which will allow you to make a
Now it is more that the SCSI-hard disk becomes the playground upon which master B10 floppy. I describe the procedure you have to follow to make your
you do things. However the operation is different. So the commands you have own. You will need to transfer the program MakeB10.exe to an IBM computer.
at hand are different . Some areas have fewer commands, han when working , AccessPC, DosMounter or Apple fileconverter are a few programs that
with images, while some SCSI specific are added allow you to transfer the program to an MS-DOS floppy. Or you can transfer it
over network. You also need to make a blank formatted DD EPS floppy which
You should notice the SCSI-file list is a Modal Dialog (You have no menubar will become your B10 master floppy.
and cannot switch applications before you close the SCSI window) All com-
mands are available via buttons and popupmenus in the dialog. Their active Put the program on the PC hard disk and start it by typing its name
state changes dependant upon your actions. These buttons are similar to the (MakeB10) at the DOS prompt. On the PC, I assume there is a 3.5 inch drive
menu commands available for images though. There are also a few additional in position A:. Put an EPS formatted floppy into the drive. Then just press M)
keyboard shortcuts some of which are similar to those that exist for images. for M)ake It!. You will be prompted for the drive letter of your EPS floppy.
Since the last directory you worked on in the SCSI window is remembered , it Enter A: (or a). Then the program will start and the process should take less
should be easy to go in and out of SCSI mode. (press cmnd-W to close, press than half a minute.
cmnd-H to reconnect) You can switch (temporary) to an open image by
clicking on the image window . The purpose should only be to select files you When makeB10.exe is finished, push the write protect tab on this floppy and
want to transfer to the SCSI device. You then switch back to the SCSI window label it clearly. You can make as many copies of this master as you wish
by clicking on the SCSI window. with the [command][system]<COPY/BACKUP/RESTORE>[enter*yes]
command of the EPS. You only need one or two working copies of this disk
Keyboard shortcuts and navigation. and they will last a long time. You dont need many since you can just delete
You change directory by double clicking on an entry with filtype SUB the content when you have transferred the files you want to your Mac. That is,
(=subdirectory). You can do the same by hitting [enter] when a hilited entry is if you use the B10 as a transfer media and not a storage media..
present. (it takes the first one if more than one) You can go up in the file
hierarchy by double clicking the entry with file-type PPTR (=parent pointer). Was that unclear? Here is a summary: You need to make a few working
Again you can do this by hitting [enter] when the parent pointer entry is hilited/ copies from the master B10 floppy. You need the B10 for transferring files
selected, or you can do the same by hitting the [page up] (=ASCII 11) on your from your EPS/EPS16+ to the Mac by floppies. You dont need it for Mac-to-
keyboard. EPS. If you cannot make a B10, then you can request one from Rubber
Chicken Chicken Software.
You can pull out a hilite stripe out of nowhere by pressing [down-arrow]. You
can move this hilite stripe up and down by the up and down arrows. You can Of coarse, you can use B10 floppies exclusively, so instead of formatting new
pull it out of the listing all together by pulling it out at the bottom of the list by floppies you may choose to copy the floppy. I dont use it this way. I use it for
the [down arrow]. transfer, not for storage. The B10 floppy has less storage capacity than a
normal EPS floppy.
You can also navigate by two of the popupmenus at the top of the dialog. The
one in center shows the current path. Pressing it with the mouse cursor pops
up a menu showing all its parent directories. You can move to any of these
by selecting one of them in a normal way.
The popUpMenu labelled goto can also be used for navigation if you for
some reason (such as cleaning up a messy hard disk) need to switch fast
The TSB10 floppy
Page 32 Page 21
Batch Write How To: Copying Ensoniq Files from SCSI Drive to Computer
The TSB10 floppy is for writing TS10 data files with a TS10/12 when these the directory. The supplied Claris Works database let you sort the data base
files are meant to be read with a MacÕs SuperDrive, and really only for that. by diskrefnum and by category. So here is that structure:
TSB10 floppy is DD (Double Density) while TSB20 is HD. DiskReferenceNum, tab, FloppyName,tab,DiskLBL, tab, Disk Comments,
tab, FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize,tab, MutiFileIndex, tab,
The TSB10 floppy is a special floppy and similar to the B10 floppy described tab, tab, return
in the last section. In the electronic EPSm shipment package there is included DiskReferenceNum, tab, FloppyName,tab,DiskLBL, tab, Disk Comments,
a program for the IBM-PC which will allow you to make a master TSB10 tab, FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize,tab,MutiFileIndex,tab,
floppy. The procedure to make your own is very similar to that for B10 and will tab, tab, return
thus not be repeated here DiskReferenceNum, tab, FloppyName,tab,DiskLBL, tab, Disk Comments,
tab, FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize, tab,MutiFileIndex,tab,
Put the program (MakeTSB10.EXE in the TS10 folder in the EPSm folder) on tab, tab, return
the PC hard disk and start it by typing its name at the DOS prompt. I assume You see that this is less space efficient than format 1.
there is a 3.5 inch drive in position A: on the PC. Put a TS10 formatted DD
floppy into the drive. Then just press M) for M)ake It!. You will be prompted Floppy Data Base; using Clarisworks with EPSm generated databases
for the drive letter of your TS10 floppy. Enter A: (or a:). Then the program How you get new records into the database is the same for the two formats, you
will start and the process should take less than half a minute. just have to open the database for the right format type to begin with. You find
the two templates for setting up databases and macros for sorting them in the
You can make as many copies of this as you want with the COPY FLOPPY electronic package for EPSm. EPSm will generate a text file for you. This you
COMAND of the TS10. You only need one or two working copies of this disk import to Claris Works word-processor. You then Select All( -A) and Copy ( -
and they will last a long time. You dont need many since you can just delete C). You then switch to the Database and pick the layout called importfromEPSm
the content when you have transferred the files you want to your Mac. That is, which you also select by ( -1). You then just paste the text in ( -V) Now there
if you use the TSB10 as a transfer media . will appear new records in your database.
There is also a program to make a similar floppy but from HD floppies. Those For format 1 there are two layouts worked out (well you may want to add more
floppies are called TSB20 and the program MkTSB20.exe. entries-up to 39, I got bored when I came to 15) The importfromEPSm layout
functions as a general purpose layout. In addition there is a Floppy Label For-
mat. ( -2). You may have to adjust this to make it to work with your labels.
After you have copied records into the database of format 2 there are many
ways you may find useful for sorting or searching the data. Two additional lay-
outs and associated macros are supplied. You have to load the macros into
ClarisWorks. If you want to list all samples and sounds on a floppy together then
you use the macro. ( -[opt]-2) . The same data base can also be sorted by
category. ( -[opt]-3) . You can fill in the category field with instrument type such
Floppy Data Base; Using FileMaker Pro with EPSm generated databases
There are ready made templates for format 1 and 2. They should have written
instructions in them.
Format 1. Another example. Assume you have two disk images, together holding one
Writes out all the information in the directory. A directory can contain 39 instrument. On DISK001 with the image "biggy1" is the file BIG INST that
entries. If there are less than this, then empty fields are skipped. The last occupies 1585 blocks and on DISK002 with the image "biggy2" you have BIG
record is followed by carriage return and every field in the record is tab INST that occupies 200 blocks. You open biggy1, select BIG INST and press
delimitated. All fields are represented by ASCII Now here is the structure: ( -/), (=command slash) and [OK]. You have now divided the 1st part of the
DiskReferenceNum, tab, FloppyName,tab, FreeBlocks, tab, DiskLabel, tab, instrument in two. You then open biggy 2, select BIG INST, press command-M
Disk Comments,tab, to change its multifile index. In the present case. enter 3 for the multifile
FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize,tab, MutiFileIndex, tab, tab, tab, index, and press [OK]. You can transfer this to a floppy by choosing ( -D).
FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize,tab, MutiFileIndex, tab, tab, tab, Label the floppy biggy_C. Open biggy1 again and transfer this to floppies by
FileName, tab, FileKind, tab, FileBlockSize,tab, MutiFileIndex, tab, tab, tab, choosing ( -D). Two floppies will be needed. Call the floppies biggy_A and
..... biggy_B.
You see the last lines contain no information in between the 3 last tabs. These Loading floppies with multifile indexes is slightly different for the EPS classic
fields you can fill out in your database program with for example Category on one hand and the the EPS16+ or ASR on the other.. In either case you
and Comments. The supplied Claris Work database is like that.. Clarisworks start with putting the floppy biggy_A into the EPS. Press [load] and the display
terminates a record by a carriage return. shows BIG INST .1 . The number 1 signifies it is a multi file instrument file.
Load the instrument into any slot. On the classic you then proceed with floppy
biggy_B and load it into the same ins/track. On the 16+ you are prompted to
put the floppy in.
Format 2.
Writes the same fields but allows you to search for a sound by category. (It is If you have a very big instrument spanning 3 or 4 full 1585 block disks then
idiotic that you have to do it this way in Clariswork, but thats how it is it seems you need twice as many(-1) floppies to do it with the SuperDrive. Apparently
to me). All fields are again delimitated by tabs and the record is ended by you can not put several multi files from the same instrument on the same
carriage return. But for this format there is a new record for every new entry in floppy even if space permitted.
Page 26 Page 23
Options How To: Copying File Images to Floppies
Lets take one more example which is complicated. Hopefully the illustrations 120 clock pulses). The best value is dependent on the speed of your drive.
help.. You also can customize the program number to use to invoke the macro to
take you to root directory . The default is 111 which corresponds to macro
Assume you have 3 gkh files/images called heavy1.gkh, heavy2.gkh and number 11.
heavy3.gkh constituting one single large instrument HEAVY. You would open
these images and split the files, and you also need to edit the multifile index. Note, Vision may grunt some instruments not defined and you will have to
Here I try to show the process schematically. define it, just as you will when importing a standard Midi file.
There are 3 original images. each with a single file entry. These have their
Q. Download *.EDT files. For TS10/12 only
multifile index set to 1, 2 and 3, signified by HEAVY-seg1. .. If the instrument
in the original images filled 1585 blocks of the the two first disk images, then
EDT is an image-like file /archives of TS10/12 data floppies. They were intro-
you split the entries and you need two floppies for each image to transfer to
duced by Giebler for the IBM-PC. A Mac can not directly read and write TS10/
your EPS.
12 floppies so something special has to be done. Most EDT files are zip
compressed. What you do to them should be fairly simple.
You have to edit the multifile indexes as shown below.
1. Download the TSfile.zip from the ftp site or bbs with your
favourite netsurfing tool. Transfer as binary, not as ascii.
2. The *.zip extention signals the file is compressed with a ZIP pro-
gram and need to be unzipped. You can unzip it with StuffIt Ex-
pander with Enhancer from Alladin Software. If the file in the
archive ended with .EDT, then it should already be unzipped.
3. Drop the file TSfile.EDT onto the application TSDrop which is in
the EPSm distribution. This leave you with a file TSfile which is
an expansion of the EDT file.
4. Launch EPSm. Image/Open the file TSfile
5. Select Image/Write Image to EPS floppy, and put in a TS formatted
HD floppy
TSDrop will always expand (an reallocate) an EDT file to a HD image.
If you use Opcodes sequencer Vision, you may find it advantagous to use
a) Storage Device Type (Floppy, SCSI 0, SCSI 1...,..SCSI 7, FlashBank)
the scsi window as a convenient browser and then copy/paste the Midi
b) Disk LABEL
commands nessecary to load the instruments directly into Vision.
c) File KEY
You may for example want to start a sequence with one or a few bars just
for loading of the instruments needed into the sampler. Here is what you do
to load for.example a special piano into the EPS/ASR instrument con-
File KEY = subdir : subdir : subdir :É: file number
nected to track 3 of Vision.
Page 26 Page 27
gram and need to be unzipped. You can unzip it with StuffIt Ex- Here subdir is a number. It is the subdirectory number. That is the number
pander with Enhancer from Alladin Software. displayed in the filelist of EPSm as well as EPS/ASR. On a Mac one could
3. Launch EPSm. Choose the menu Morph/.EDA->[EDA ] specify a file by SOUNDS:MYSOUNDS:PIANOS:STEINWAY. Whereas on the
4. Select the instruments you want by clicking on them, then choose ASR/EPS the same key could be specified by 3:1:2:4 when the numbers
menu EPSfile/SaveAs.. This saves the files to you Mac hard disk represents the subdirectories or folders. If you want to load an instrument by
5. Select Image/New..ASRc..To make a new empty image. Note If You sending Midi commands to the ASR/EPS, then you send a string of program
have an EPS/16+ Chose EPS2 instead of ASRc image change commands where the program numbers correspond to the
6. Select EPSfile/Fetch..and choose the files you did save. subdirectory numbers.
7. Select Floppy/format ASR-10 and put in a DD floppy. Note If you
have an EPS/16+ then format a DD floppy on your EPS. When a file in a bank is located in a subdirectory the instrument or song file
8. Select Image/Write Image to floppy and put in floppy you formatted. will be indicated in the bank statement with something like # 2:3:5 . Which is
a key to the actual file. In this example you navigate to the file from the
.EDA and .EDE files are normally not fully expanded to an image. You can do ROOT directory by entering the subdirectory which has entry No 2 in the file
that from the menu Morph/.EDE->EPSi. and Morph/.EDA->[EDA ]. respec- list. In that subdirectory you select the subdirectory that has entry No 3.
tively. You can only expand the files if their extention is in PC Capitals. The Finally the target file is located at entry No 5 in that subdirectory.
expanded archive will automatically be opened.
If you dont have a SCSI connected Ensoniq formatted hard disk, then for The bank editor
expanded.EDE files, you can transfer the content directly to Ensoniq format- If you double-click on an entry (a track or a song) then the bank editor dialog
ted DD floppies by Floppy/Write Image to floppy.. and then put in an Ensoniq pops up. It is mostly self-explanatory, but Ill make a few comments. The
formatted DD floppy. (if a single instrument is larger than 1245 blocks, it need editor basically looks like
to be split up first).
temporary files How you get the files in the first place can vary. Again you may obtain them
EPSm uses temporary files for some of its operations (such as imports). from a friend. In net land there are also ftp sites that have Kurzweil samples.
These files will have a name something like $temp-12538.EFE . You can Please locate that yourself. You can convert K2000 samples to Sound De-
EPSfile/Fetch this into another image, or you can delete it yourself from the signer type 1 samples or to EPS instruments with the program K-Snatcher
Finder, after quitting EPSm if it by accident was left on your hard disk. They available from Terje. You read what you need to know in the docs for that
should be placed in the temporary folder in the system folder, the content of prog. You need to download the sample archive as binary. The sample
which should be emptied regularly by the system. archives have extension .krz. Archives with extension .kr n where n is a
number are multifile/disk archives, you have to merge/slice those. After you
names of imported files have opened an archive with K-Snatcher and saved samples as Sound
When importing a SoundDesigner 1 sample-file EPSm generates the name Designer files you may do the following to play those samples on your EPS/
automatically. This is taken from the name which is a part of the header of the ASR/TS.
sample file. Some programs dont use that name and the name comes up as
UNTITLED. You can then edit it yourself. 1. Launch EPSm and create a new image with the menu Image/New. If
you have an ASR10 or TS10/12 you may select to make an ASRc
SCSI connection to ASR/EPS - updates image. If you have an EPS/16+ I recommend you select an EPS2
When you work on an EPS-SCSI device with both EPSm and the EPS/ASR, image, which also works for ASR/TS
then be aware that neither EPSm nor the sampler knows what changes the 2. Select the menu EPSfile/Import SFIL.. Then select as many files as
other might have done to the disk. They do not tell each other. If both work in you think there will be room for in the image and choose add for
the same directory, then the one that did not make the change should change each in the file menu and done when you are. This makes instru-
directory to something else and then back to the working directory. Changing ments which contain the samples, and they will be placed in the
directory always make the last updates active. image
2b. You may select to edit the names of the entries in the image
CD-ROM's (menu EPSfile/Edit)
When you work with an Ensoniq type CD-ROM and EPSm, the CD-ROM 3. You then choose EPSfloppy/Write image to floppy... and put in a
player need to be of SCSI-type. ( Not the PC type). You need to have the formatted floppy as you are told to. If you made a ASRc image you
required drivers in the extention folder of your Mac. I use the following. have to put in a DD COMPUTER format , otherwise you put in a
Foreign File Access DD floppy formatted by EPS or ASR (ENSONIQ) format
High Sierra File Access 4. Take the floppy to your sampler, put it in the drive and load the
ISO 9660 File Access instrument(s).
Apple CD-ROM <<<The name may be different for other CD ROMS.
Audio CD Access Note, SoundDesigner type 1 files do not contain keyboard ranges while the
So you can safely include these. You dont want too many too smart CD .krz files do. With K-Snatcher you can also save the single files as EPS
related extentions; so if you have problems, you may try removing those that instruments. You can then fetch those into an image or onto your Ensoniq
are not on the list above. The following CD-ROM players work with EPSm; SCSI with EPSm. So it will be exactly like above but you EPSfile/Fetch a
Apple: 40SC, CD150, CD300i, CD300e. Others works but have not been file instead of EPSfile/Import.
tested by me. EPSm can work with any number for the SCSI-ID of the CD-
L. Steal Roland samples.
ROM , but if you want to use it on the ASR-10/16+ at the same time, the
SCSI-ID should be set to 4 if you want to use the demos on the CD-ROM.
How you get the files in the first place can vary. Again you may obtain them
Apples CD300i is internally set to SCSI-ID 3. The same ID is hardwired for the
from a friend. There exist a program written by t.g.finstad called SMAC that
EPS/ASR. Thus you need to change the SCSI ID on the CD300i. To do that
will read floppies from the 12 bit samplers (S330/S50/S550/W30). There is
you need to open the Mac or pull the CD-ROM out. The ID is set by 3 jumper
also an ftp site on the net that carry these samples. SMAC will extract the
samples as EPS instruments contained in .EFE files.
SCSI removable media
When working with removable media like Syquests, it is possible to use the
I. View the content of your EPS floppies.
same drive for Mac and EPS./ASR all connected to the same SCSI chain.
You can just put in the appropriate cartridges when you need them. With the
You can also use the (ð-L) option for just viewing the contents of your
carts that comes with the Syquest, it is an advantage to not mount the Mac
floppies without saving anything as a text-file... When the DB prefs dialog
cartridge at startup. You can use the utility SCSIProbe-3.5sq to mount Mac
appear, uncheck the write to DB option, Then no text file will be saved.
cartridges after boot. It usually comes with the Syquest cartridges. You can
EPSm is in a special mode (as for K) and only waits for you to insert a
have an EPS cartridge in the drive or no cartridge in the drive when booting
floppy. You can switch to other applications but you cannot do anything else
up. When the ASR/EPS power is turned on, I usually have not encountered
in EPSm than what is in the dialog with the flashing message.
problems. I then have an ASR/EPS cart in the drive. After booting, you can
change carts as you like. You can use the utility UnMountIt to unmount Mac
J. Rob samples from Yamaha TX16W library. cartridges. Some people prefer to use swittching boxes to switch a drive
between the Mac and ASR/EPS.
How you get the files in the first place can vary. You can have a friend with
these kind of samples. He may lend you some floppies. These can be read Expert mode
with any DOS reading utility for the Mac. Sample files end in .Wnn where There are instances where the program is restrictive in order to protect the
nn is a number. There is a testfile for you to try in the electronic package of user. This usually amounts to checking files and floppies and if they are
EPSm. Or if you are on the internet you can rob files from the tx16w outside what the program should handle the program bails out or you are not
mailing lists archive site. Just log in to rydnet-gw.lysator.liu.se: /pub/tx16w allowed to open a file. In some instances an expert mode may be invoked
(these kind of ftp archives have a tendency to change address frequently) allowing you to bypass this checking, but then at your own risk. You invoke he
Then download and unzip the archive. That give you a several samplefiles. expert mode of an operation by holding down the shift key while selecting the
menu option. The operations affected by this will change much with the EPSm
1. Launch EPSm. version. From version 121, it allows opening of any file as an image, or writing
2. Select Image/New....,EPS2, tx16w_smpls. to any kind of floppy.
3. Select EPSfile/Import TX16W... This brings up a dialog where you
can see all files ending in .Wnn. Select files from then upper file HD floppies/images
list and choose <Add> for one file after the other. If you change EPSm does not provide an option for creating HD images, because it is
your mind about one sample then select <remove>. simply not a good idea to use them as a work bench. They take too much
4. When you have selected enough you press <done>. Now all the hard disk space, require much memory and it will overall take longer to work
files you have selected will be converted to EPS format and placed on it. If you think you must, you can of coarse use them. You can read ASR
in the image. If there is no more room for a file EPSm tells so. It COMPUTER formatted HD floppies. If you read a blank one, you have
will then leave an EFE file on your hard disk which you can later created an empty image. You could duplicate this image from the Finder
import to another image every time you wanted a new image. But, again, it is not recomended. This
5. Select Floppy/Write Image To EPS floppy... Put in an EPS formatted recommendation concerns HD floppies as a work bench, not HD floppies in
floppy as you are told to. general.
6. Take the floppy to your EPS and play...
It may be advantageous to rename the instruments with EPSm, If your Mac Ensoniq sequencers
is by your EPS then you can listen to the samples you load into your EPS, The Ensoniq sequencers are extremely buggy. Lots of small things. The ASR
then you double-click the same in the EPSm file list and edit its name. converts EPS classic sequences incorrect. At least up to OS 3.53. The
When you are done you can write out the floppy once more, but now with EPS16+ converts EPS classic sequences incorrect. The OS versions before
perhaps more meaningful names. You have to edit these samples. You 1.3 are better. In most of these cases the sequences will play back OK, but
have to tune them and change key assignment..etc.. you may get in trouble if you edit them. Also on the ASR, there will be errors if
you try to loop sequences. EPSm converts Midi sequences to EPS classic. It
leaves it to the respective OS to convert to the other samplers native for-
mats. Thus the sequences will have all the errors that the samplers put into
the conversion.
G. Upload samples to an ftp-site, upon request for pig sounds
In case of problems
Assume the ftp site is the eps -mailing lists ftp site. Then this applies.
All software has bugs. Much software have different versions. So does EPSm.
Assume further you have saved your files as EFE files to your tape
A bug report from the user(s) is very , very much appreciated. And I generally
archive. You pick up your archive tape named Fat Animal Sounds You
will and can fix bugs. No bug is too small to be reported. Please email bug
search the archive for Pigs and select to retrieve them. Now you have 112
reports to [email protected]. Sometimes new bugs or errors in the
samples of pigs. You select to leave the obscene sounds out and you are
files can occur, so please ask. If something seems wrong, maybe it is, but
left with 4 pig grunts and cries.
easy to fix.
1. Launch EPSm
We have tested and run the EPSm program on 20 different Mac models. It
2. Choose: Image/New..¥EPS2
has worked.
3. Choose: EPSfile/Fetch(open) and select pig1, pig2, pig3 and
Bugs In Your Mac
4. Fill in Info (Image/Info)
I have always told users that their Macs have bugs. In addition to small ones
5. Choose Morph/EPS2->gkh , and follow procedure E 7. (It is of
there are serious bugs. It seems that no one takes that seriously or ignore the
course possible to start with an EPSi image in pt 2 and use EPSi-
statement. I have to repeat it here. Your Mac has bugs. All Macs I have tried
>gkh in pt. 5)
have serious bugs that occur with Ensoniq floppies. The result of this is similar
on all models and systems but slight different in their details. You may con-
H. Make a database of all your EPS floppies.
vince yourself about this by inserting an EPS floppy into the drive after
restarting without the EPSmINIT and without running EPSm .(EPSm will do
1. Take your EPS/ASR floppies to your Mac. The first time you do it, 3
things to fight the Mac bugs. This will also be effective after you quit EPSm. If
disks are enough.
you are using EPSmINIT then the bug fight is effective even before EPSm
2. Start EPSm and select Floppy/EPS Disk Cataloging.. or press ( -L)
3a. Read the upcoming clue dialog, Press continue
3b. A DataBase preferences menu appears. Decide which format you
Make sure you use floppies of a reasonable quality.
want for your data-base : 1 or 2 (Try either, if not sure) and give a
name to the textfile you want to save the records under. Hit OK
Common problems:
3b More clues appears, read them and press continue.
Many people use EPSm for getting free samples from the internet. The disks
4. Put in a floppy in the Superdrive, You will see the directory of the
they make with EPSm can crash their sampler when loading an instrument.
This is not caused by EPSm. This is caused by either you downloading as
5. Fill in the fields such as DiskRefNum and DiskName and if you like,
ASCII from the ftp site, using ASCII transfer mode from your unix host or
fill in Comments. The information will be saved to file when you in-
decompressing the image as ASCII. You can use the menu command Image/
sert the next floppy, or when you close the window. If you dont want
Check in EPSm after you open the image. It may tell you the image is not
a particular record/floppy in the text file you check skip [x]. The
OK. You should read the section SOME EXAMPLES..F to see what you
diskrefnum is incremented automatically when you insert a floppy.
should have done, in that case Also many files on the internet will crash your
You repeat step 4 and 5 for as many floppies you want.
sampler because the samples were created by a utility (mostly for a PC) that
pretend to convert samples to Ensoniq format, but really makes crashing
You then import the textfile to your preferred database program. In the
electronic package of EPSm is included templates for importing to Claris
Works and FileMaker Pro. I believe many other database programs could
EPS/ASR on Mac SCSI bus and removable drives:
be used. If you make a convenient template you are willing to share, send
This has nothing directly to do with EPSm, but you can use the same drive for
it to Terje. Please see a seperate section on the format of the textfiles
both Mac and Ensoniq media. For one of the ways I have used it, the Mac
generated by EPSm and how to use in Claris works.
does not have an INIT to mount at boot time. I mount the Mac cartridges
F. Download samples (.gkh files) from an ftp-site manually with a little program called scsi probe which are on all the Syquest
cartridges I have bought. When powering up the sampler I usually have an
This applies for a site with GKH that are Gnu compressed *.gkh.gz. (btw, The Ensoniq cart in the drive. I can remove it afterwards and switch to a Mac cart.
specialized program aDownLoader also takes care of most of these situations) When booting the Mac I either have no cart in the drive or an Ensoniq one. I
If you do this for the first time, you should prepare to download a file that is use scsi-probe to mount new mac volumes, and I often use a utility called
known to work. Often files can be corrupted. It is also best to choose a small Unmount it to unmount them.
file. If you connect to sparta , then a sutable file is short.gkh.gz.
In another approach, I have reformatted the Syquest cartridges. I can then
Make sure you get this file to work before you do any more dowloading. boot up the Mac with a Mac cartridge in the drive without using any INIT. I
also then unmount with UnmountIt and mounts new Mac ones with SCSI
1. You log into the ftp site with your favorite ftp software, here as- probe. I have encountered Mac freeze ups if I power up the ASR with OS v 3
sumed XferIt. in the ASR drive and no mounted cart in the Syquest.
2. Choose transfer as binary IMPORTANT
3. Navigate to find short.gkh.gz Crashes:
4. Drag short.gkh.gz from the window to one of the folders on your If you observe crashes when working with EPSm, you may do right in thinking
desktop they are associated with EPSm. Please tell about it. (see below for Power
5. When the file is transferred, quit XferIt. Center Power PC)
6a. Make sure MacGzip have been setup the following way; File/
Preferences..gzip suffix .gz. gzip/binary IMPORTANT New Macs and Ensoniq floppies
6b. Drag short.gkh.gz on top of the application MacGzip. This creates The Mac can generally not read an Ensoniq formatted floppy. It can read B10
"short.gkh which occupies 800 K on your hard disk, and deletes and COMPUTER format. However some new Mac models can read Ensoniq
short.gkh.gz format. Unfortunately some new Macs tell they have that capability, but fail.
7. (optional) Drag short.gkh onto FileTyper and change the Type/ These will show Ensoniq as an allowed format, for reading, but will then
Creator to GKH0/EPSm display a repeating error message when the floppy is read. Not all Macs have
8. Launch EPSm, Choose Image/Open.. short.gkh been tested. The Macs that can read Ensoniq floppies and work fine are:
9a. Choose Floppy/Write Image to EPS floppy.. LC475, Performa /LC 550, 575 , 630, 5200, Centris/Quadra 610, PowerPC
10a. Put in an EPS formatted floppy in the drive as you are told to. 6200. The following Macs tell they have the capability, but fail : PowerMac
(An EPS floppy is always a DD floppy and it is always formatted with 6100, 7100, 7200, 7500, 8100(?) Please report any other.
the ENSONIQ format option . If you have a TS you can use a TS
formatted DD) Take the floppy to your EPS and make sure the instru- PowerPCs and 3rd party Macs, Power Center
ment loads and plays. I have only had access to Apple Macs. There has been nothing special about
the PowerPC Macs; EPSm has run just fine on them. However I have heard
If the image contains files which together are more than 1245 blocks, you that the Power Center machines require more memory. If you have a 3rd
will need two EPS floppies. If individual files are larger than 1245 blocks party computer and have problems, like crashes, then select EPSm from the
you need to split them up -see previous section on large files. If the Finder and set the memory by cmd-I and filling in the dialog. 1.2 MB should
downloaded image has a bank that will end up on two different floppies be plenty (vers 157)
then you may have problems loading the bank. You can always load the
instruments and sequences separately, See previous note on large disks
of tasks you may want to do and how to do it
Note that some guys with PCs may upload files that can be floppy images
of other than 800 K DD floppies. You should protest! .gkh files should only
be of 800 K DD floppies. Accordingly, you can not open those files with A. Preparing sequences on Mac for your EPS to play at your gig.
EPSm. (You can drag them onto ASRDrop and pull out its content how-
1. Make the sequence with your favourite Mac sequencer. Use only 8 compatible with PKZIP for the PC. Unzip the file on a Mac by
tracks. a) Stuffit Expander with Enhancers or
Which midi channels you use are unimportant; the ordering of tracks is b) Unzip
what matters. Once unzipped the file format could be anything and you would
It determines on which EPS tracks the results will appear on. have to look at the new extention to make a guess.
2. Save your sequence as a midi file type 1, call it perhaps mySEQ
3. Launch EPSm, .gz The file is GNU compressed. Uncompress the file on a Mac by
4. Choose: Image/New.., ¥EPS2 , Transfer image a) Stuffit Expander with Enhancers or
5. Choose: EPSfile/Import midifile..., (open), mySEQ b) MacGzip
6. Choose: Floppy/ Write Image to EPS floppy.. Once unzipped the file can be anything as with *.zip
7. Put in a formatted EPS floppy in the drive.
8. Take the floppy to your EPS, load the sequence and play it. *.Z Unix compression is used. Uncompress the file on a Mac by
a) Stuffit Expander with Enhancers or
You may choose to save the sequence to a freshly formatted EPS floppy b) MacGzip
with other instruments you need for the sequence. c) MacCompress - This needs to be set up, every time! Tricky!
The next time you perform task A. you can replace point 3 and 4, by *.gkh A GKH image like file. Open by EPSm : Image/Open. Write content
to floppies, Ensoniq SCSI or single instrument file on a Mac drive.
3b Double click on Transfer Image
4b Select mySEQ, Choose: EPSfile/Clear to delete an old entry. *.EDE A Giebler mumbo file. Expand by EPSm by : Morph/.EDE->EPSi. (Or
open it directly in expert mode) Write content to floppies, Ensoniq
There are a few options for the conversion available. SCSI or single instrument file on a Mac drive
You set these options by pressing the button (change setup) in the dialog *.EDA A Giebler mumbo jumbo file. Expand by EPSm by : Morph/
appearing in 5.) above. EDA>[EDA ].(Or open it directly in expert mode) Write content to
Ensoniq SCSI or single instrument file on a Mac drive
You may suppress the writing of poly aftertouch and mono pressure or
program changes. *.EFE A Giebler single file. Open a new image in EPSm and EPSFile/Fetch
the file into it. Then write the image to a floppy ,or Fetch the.EFE
If you want your tracks on the EPS to appear in a different order than in the directly to an Ensoniq SCSI
midi sequence you can do that. Say you have made a midi seq with only
two tracks; bass and drums. You want these on EPS tracks 7 and 8. You *.EFA A Giebler single file. As for .EFE files
can accomplish this without making dummy tracks if you set the setup
dialog as follows (and check the box: [x] use below track map ) *.AIF An Audio Interchange File Format File. You need to give the file a
Midi Track 1 2 3 4 5 6 ..... type AIFF by FileTyper. Then iimport it to an Open image or SCSI
EPS track 7 8 x x x x drive in EPSm.
If you have recorded your sequence with tempo changes and want your
EPS to reflect these, then you can check the [x ] pseudo tempo changes *.WAV A MicroSoft Windows sample file. Use SoundApp to convert to an
option in the setup dialog. This will be similar to recording the tracks with AIFF file Then import it to an Open image or SCSI drive in EPSm.
your EPS with the Mac sequencer playing it back. Note that the settings of
the setup dialog can be made permanent only by pressing (make perma- *.mid A Midi file, Change the filtype to Midi. Can then be import to many
nent). Pressing (OK) only changes them temporarily for the very next file Midi applications and EPSm.
you import. Pressing (make permanent) will create EPSmPrefs in the
preferences folder inside the system folder.
This descriptions with updates should also be in a document reachable on the
WWW web at http://fysmac04.uio.no:/eps.html. There used to be one ftp site The EPS sequences can only represent Midi notes with number 21 to 108
on the net with a lot of EPS samples. These were almost all kept in one single (from A-1).
format so there were no confusions. Now there are many ftp sites and bulletin
boards. They store EPS/ASR samples in a variety of formats. The files are If the original sequence has notes outside this range, they will be shifted by
then compressed and arcived in a variety of other formats. octaves.
It also used to be so that the files on ftp sites followed unix naming rules. The You can import to EPS Classic sequences or to 16+ sequences. You can
file extension told about the format of the file. Now, the IBM PC rules the set the destination by the setup dialog, either by pressing the (change
ground. It has an 8+3 characters naming limit. Only 3 letters for one single setup) button in the MidiImport File Dialog or by setting the preferences by
extention. This limitation is sometimes carried over to the archives. the Control/Prefs.. /MidiImport - menu.
Whatever format is used, you should always download a file as binary B. Calculate single samples on Mac to be played by your EPS/ASR/TS
You should also know that most utilities for transferring files from a host to a 1. Make the samples you want with your favorite sample calculator/editor.
Mac or for transferring unix files from floppies - they default to transfer as (SoftSynth, Csound, Cmusic, Turbosynth, SMP, SoundDesignerII,
TEXT or ASCII. Tranferring files in this mode will corrupt the files. SoundTools..)
In addition, be prepared to accept that some of the files might already be 2. Save the single-sample file as Sound Designer type 1 (=SFIL) or
corrupt in the archive. In particular PC programs that claim to convert Sound Designer type 2 or AIFF. If you have none of these formats you
samples from other formats tend to make Ensoniq instrument files that will probably have something that can be converted to these types. There is
crash your sampler when editing the fle. a shareware program called SoundHack that will do many type of
conversions. The freeware program SoundApp also does many conver-
Below is a list of internet addresses from where EPS/ASR samples can be sions. Suppose you save your sample as mySMP.AIFF. If you use
downloaded This list will also be more complete and up to date at <http:// another format, then replace in the following as appropriate.
3. Launch EPSm,
file://ftp.sparta.lu.se:/pub/music/eps GKH format Gnu & Zip Compress 4. Choose: Image/New.., EPS2, Transfer image
file://ftp.atnet.at/home/dietz EDE format
5. Choose:EPSfile/Import AIFF.. select mySMP.AIFF This will make and
file://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/audio/instruments/eps GKH format Zip compress
http://www.soundcentral.com EFE format Zip Compressed
EPS instrument and put it in the image.
6. Choose: Floppy/ Write Image to floppy..
These sites are likely to operate a short time and then close down. Please 7. Put in a formatted EPS floppy in the drive.
show general net etiquette when connecting. Respect local working hours. 8. Take the floppy to your EPS, load the instrument and play it.
Dont jam the net.
If you have an ASR or TS, you may select ASRc for the image type in 4).
In this case you may also format the floppy on the Mac: Choose Floppy/
format ASR10 and insert a DD floppy.
If you have an Ensoniq formatted SCSI hard disk, you can import the AIFF
File Extensions (or other format) directly to that hard drive when the SCSI device is con-
nected to your Mac.
Below is a table showing file extentions, their most likely format and what you C. Find out what is the file structure of MACROs on EPS floppies
need to do to the file.
1. At your EPS, make a few intelligently crafted macros.
*.zip The file is zipped. Probably, but not nessecarily by a utility that is 2. Put in a copy of your B10 floppy and save your macros to the disk
(at your EPS). 1. You have made the instruments and songs on your EPS. (It is best ,
3. Launch EPSm. but not absolutely necessary , to keep any single instrument as
4. Choose Floppy/Read EPS floppy.., EPS2, macros well as the total instrument size less than 1245 blocks for sys 6
5. Select all the entries in the image by shift clicking. mac users and less than 1000 blocks for those with an unexpanded
6. Choose EPSfiles/SaveAs.. EPS)
7. For each file you will be prompted for a name 2. Save, with EPS, the instruments to your working copy of the B10
8. Quit EPSm and use your favourite hex editor to look at (and floppy. I assume it is the complete content of this you want to
modify) the files. upload.
3. Launch EPSm.
The EFE format places a 512 byte header in front of the EPS file. 4. Choose: Floppy/Read EPS floppy.. ¥EPS2, name it myupload
5. Choose Image/info and fill in the author and subject field. Press OK
D. Send an EPS instrument by email to a mac friend that also has EPSm 6. Select Morph/EPS2->gkh, accept default name myupload.gkh
This creates a .gkh image and a ready template to mail to the
This should only be used for short and emergency samples, otherwise it is mailinglist: myupload.txt
too costly and surface mail is a better alternative I think. 7. Quit EPSm and Launch MacGzip (or your favourite unix gnu com-
pressor), Here is assumed MacGzip 0.2. Mark the options in the
1. Assume you have made the instrument on your EPS. menu gzip/binary and gzip/compress. Select File/Preferences
2. Make a fresh copy of a B10 disk by pressing [com][system]<copy and choose gzip suffix: .gz; Compression level: 9; then select
floppy> on your EPS. File/Open ., and select myupload.gkh. This creates the file
3. Save the instrument on the new B10 copy. (use a new to save myupload.gkh.gz,
space on compression) 8. Launch your favourite word processor that also allow you to save
4. Launch EPSm the text unix style. Write a short note on the content of the upload.
5. Choose Floppy/Read EPS floppy.. ¥B10i, save as to my friend Save as "myupload.txt
6. Quit EPSm, compress to my friend. Stuffit Lite is recommended 9. Launch XferIt (or your favourite ftp application).
for compression. 10. In XferIt choose File/New Connection and fill in the fields and
7. Attach the document to an email letter. press OK
11. The directories at the ftp site will appear at your desktop. Navigate
(Users of other computers than mac/ibm could also benefit from this B10 to ****incoming/ Take a note of the mailing address to which you
format since it is very easy to implement . However may not presently be are requested to notify about your upload.
implemented. Any platform that can read and write a raw image can write 12. Choose Transfer As/ Binary and drag myupload.gkh.gz over into
the EPS2 format to disk though) the pub2/eps/incoming window.
13. Choose Transfer As/ Text and drag myupload.txt over into the
As for many things with EPSm, there are several ways to accomplish the pub2/eps/incoming window.
same.Two Mac owners could share work by any of the formats EPSm 14. Launch your mailing program. And tell what you have uploaded to
supports. The most convenient ones would be B10i, or EPS2, or ASRc or the ftp site administrator. (Use notes from pt. 11)
EFE. 15. Send a note to the mailing list. You may just edit a little the note
generated in Pt. 6.
E. Upload samples to an ftp-site (NEW) If you have an ASR rather than EPS you have another alternative to the
above. In 2) you may save the instrument to a DD COMPUTER format
This describe procedures used for the eps -mailing lists ftp site. This may not floppy, so you get ASRc in 4) and use Morph ASRc->gkh in 6). As a
always be operational. Other ftp sites do follow the same rules, some dont. courtesy you should still try to observe the sizes mentioned in 1)
Here is described uploads in gkh format and compression with gnu zip; still,
the details can vary vastly depending upon personal preferences/circum-
F. Download samples from an ftp- or web- site (-general)