Report Site Visit
Report Site Visit
Report Site Visit
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VISIT OF CONSTRUCTION SITE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE a. Movement of plant b. Contaminated material and waste c. Land disturbance d. Waste from labors
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ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY a. Recycling b. Sewage treatment c. Solid waste treatment d. Air pollution control e. Noise pollution control
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1.0. INTRODUCTION Environment Technology covers the environment problems related to construction activities and the responsibility of construction workers in order to achieve a clean environment. Usually the environment problems at construction site are the river pollution occur when the material left undisturbed could lead to environment problems especially when it is raining. Then soil erosion increased a sediment problem because of rain and wind which is common in a construction area. The definition of environment technology, is the application of the environmental science to conserve the natural environment and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. In the construction site, the environment technologies are recycling, sewage treatment, solid waste management, air pollution control and noise pollution control. Recycling is processing used of materials (waste) into new products. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle waste hierarchy. Sewage treatment has to be treated before discharged into the rivers. The constituents in the sewage could decrease the river water quality. Solid waste management is the purification, consumption, reuse, disposal and treatment of solid waste that should be applied in a construction site in order to ensure that the waste generation is under the control. The alternative way to reduce air pollution is water spraying construction site. Noise pollution control usually happen during the pilling works and for to avoid have to make a proper pilling schedule in order to control the noise pollution. Construction workers control under direct supervisor of a mentoring Field Technician or Project Manager construction workers assist in carrying out Site Management or Waste Management field-related activities such as sampling, surveying, collection and measuring. easily to clean environment at the construction site
1) Understand the detail of environment technology. 2) Understanding the environment technologist responsibility. 3) Study the impact of construction activities on environment.
Bangunan Makmal Nanoteknogi , University Tun Hussein Onn refer figure 1 was constructed by the contractor Rosha Dynamik Sdn Bhd. Upon approval of this construction project began operations on 07th February 2011 and be completed by the 11th December 2011. On Thursday, 12th January 2012 ,our group observed environmental technologies on construction sites. We have interviewed Mr.Mokhtar is the Site Engineer to find out more about the construction site environmental focuses.
Figure 1.1 : Bangunan Makmal Nanoteknogi ,University Tun Hussein Onn (right) When we visit the construction site Bangunan Makmal Nanoteknologi is under construction. Environmental sites in the state of disorder, waste materials are not collected on that area (refer Figure 1.2) as well as remnants of unused building materials is not recycle.
Figure 1.2: Rubbish Material Then, construction materials used, such as iron left exposed to sunlight and rain (refer Figure 1.3). This material may not be left exposed to such problems when covered with an article to prevent erosion. Then, building materials other not collect in a store. Instead, only collected in the rooms under construction (refer Figure 1.4).
After that, at a construction site is in dirty conditions. This can be seen as waste plastic and oil container thrown around the construction site (refer Figure 1.5).
Then, this site is also not concerned with the safety first of the workers. The workers left to enter the construction site without wearing a safety helmet and safety shoes before work (refer Figure 1.6). Then, the sign of the safety is placed near of cabin (refer Figure 1.7).
Figure 1.6: Worker not use safety helmet & safety shoes
I. a.
Figure 2.0 :Crane used in site The routes need to be suitable for the person or vehicles using them , in suitable position and sufficient in number and size. Its include car , vans , lorries trucks and site dumper etc. and the purpose its for keeping pedestrians and vehicles apart , people on site , turning vehicles , visibility , and for sign and instructions. It is because the majority of construction transport accidents results from the inadequate separation of pedestrians and vehicles. (refer Figure 2.0 )
In this construction site, we can see many of unwanted material such as plastic , papers ,wood, broken bricks , steel bar and spoiled paint . Its by previous activities or events and will require particular attention in handling and disposal. In this construction site this company have their own method for solve the problem related to waste or discarded items. Normally the waste is made by wood and plywood so the waste can recycling and can be used again and again until the ultimate usage before dumped to fire.( refer Figure 2.2 & 2.3 )
Excessive sedimentation of waterways can cause flooding, require expensive dredging of navigation channels downstream or reduce the capacity of downstream water storage units, destroy valuable wetlands, and reduce commercial and recreational fishing It this site, we have seen soil sediment that erodes from a construction activity is a large contributor to water pollution. (refer Figure 2.4 & Figure 2.5)
This construction site waste its very many because is a major cause of the workers themselves. And waste its generated included the plastic , papers ,wood , broken bricks , steel bar and spoiled paint. Therefore the waste from labors must be have a good planning and have a one place for recycle waste. Its for ensure the site construction is clean from waste and to avoid any problem that may arise such as clogged drains and etc.( refer Figure 2.6 & 2.7 )
II. a.
ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY RECYCLING In the construction site, they do not use environment technology. For
example construction materials not recycled with once, waste of building material not be used will be burning in site evening and weekend. Then for the building material remnants that can be used more will be sent to recycling place. When this construction site company practice not use environment technology this will cause occurrence of air companies of air pollution that rampant around construction site and this UTHM area. So this will be bring effect in public self health.(refer Figure 3.1 & 3.2)
SEWAGE TREATMENT Environment technology for the sewage treatment are not use at the this construction site. They have toilet while for workers in construction site, but the sewage is not treated before discharged into the rivers. That is because in this site not using the individual septic tank. The sewage only channeled through drain and next flow channeled in big drain area that were in rear back construction site.(refer Figure 3.4 )
Figure 3.4 : Toilet while (left) & Drain (right) c. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The managing waste means minimizing the construction waste or demolition debris (C&D) that leaves the jobsite for landfill disposal. It is the responsibilities for Project Manager those responsibly managing waste on a construction jobsite is a vital component of sustainable building. In this construction site, we have determined that the most common solid found are unwanted of zinc as below ( refer Figure 3.5). This unwanted zinc then will be sold as scrap.
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AIR POLLUTION CONTROL The condition at construction site is dusty and this exposed to worst especially when the lorry and trucks keeps moving around. In this UTHM construction site ,we have been told that the spraying of water is the cheapest or lowest cost to be done. By spraying water on the access road, it is the alternative way to reduces air pollution that produce by dust. refer
Figure 3.6 : Access road for construction area e. NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL There are two opposite extreme opinions regarding vibration effects on surrounding neighborhood. On the one hand according to human perception and psychology, construction vibrations are the causes of all damage in structures, but on the other hand the vibration effect from construction activities is negligible. refer
Figure 3.7 : The pile driving vehicle(left) and lorry and crane (right)
Normally, at the construction site, the most prevalent powerful sources of construction vibrations are pile driving, dynamic compaction. This may result in air and noise pollution which may cause annoyance and affect the health of neighboring communities. This also be effect of construction which by vibrations on surrounding buildings, sensitive devices and people in the urban environment.
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4.0. CONCLUSION After completing this individual assignment which title is Environmental problems at Construction Site , we would like to say Alhamdullilah , a Grateful thank to ALLAH S.W.T because finally we have finished up this assignment according to the time given by Cik Marlizaiha binti Mohd Noor , lecturer of Environmental Technology/ DCS 4133 course. Building materials and other construction site wastes must be properly managed and disposed of to reduce the risk of pollution from materials such as surplus or refuse building materials or hazardous wastes. Practices such as trash disposal, recycling, proper material handling, and spill prevention and cleanup measures can reduce the potential for storm water runoff to mobilize construction site wastes and contaminate surface or ground water. Therefore, the explanation of environmental problems at construction site, environmental technology and others related with overview of environmental technology in this report can help for our lesson and understanding. This explanation of several elements related with environmental technology hopefully can help to cover the components and assessments use in environmental technology field. Hopefully, by finishing of this assignment it would provide our knowledge and skill in Overview of Environmental Technology which include of environmental problems at construction site, definition of environmental technology ,environmental problems .Thus, this would help for identify the environmental technologist responsibilities .And in others word, we will able to explained the impacts of construction activities on environment.
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5.0. RECOMMENDATION According to our observation, we agreed among us that this construction site management should be an integral part of a project's development. Each of the principal project participantsthe Owner, their Architectural and Engineering (A/E) services (or Construction Management consultant), the Contractor, and Subcontractors. The construction site management must engage in waste management to some degree throughout the project. Thus several issues contribute to an overall waste diversion strategy must be firstly guide by waste management planning which the Owner and their A/E must establish waste reduction goals and define what levels of diversion are achievable and reasonable under the project's conditions Secondly by facility design which for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction, which include waste disposal methods. However, the A/E's design team can contribute to waste reduction in several ways. Thirdly by construction contract requirements which determine how their waste management requirements will be represented in the contract documents and incorporated into the project. Several provisions are relevant to the project's overall waste reduction performance. Hopefully, by giving this recommendation this would help to conserve the natural environmental and resources and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. 6.0. REFERENCES Website address : 1. 2. 3. ts&view=specific&bmp=61 4.
Hard copy references : 5. Information sheet Environmental technology / DCS 4133, Cik Marlizaiha Mohd Noor (JAN- JUN 2012).Handout Sheet for Environmental Technology course.
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