Coex Convent On Center: Gatbway To

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Ga!aw.IV "' KOREA
Round the clock thrills and deals
Beyond Many tourists come to experience the charm of
a tradltlonal Korean market. Popular buys in-
GatBway to meet ing clude m&dici.nal ginseng,clothingacxessories.
anda wide assortment of Korean sovvenirs.
Nudoar Security Sun.nit Those whov sit Seoul often
commenl"Seoulis the city Hn11;1-""'th the loivesttracldonal m.,t.:eti"IKo-.o
MiSfch 26th ..27th
.1\lint· one ef llze rcodd'stop citiesfa r n1eeti11gs. Seoul j1ou1t>1J 011
wltho.,.rlO,OOOst°"" U\SlOne tt.s&eetsatoundNomcioem..,
10.000wticip.,nu(S.000 fortign) that REALLY neve< sleeps!" (GIJle),.thie m4'1iOl.ttlMrn gote of tkeolddty woll.11bod$ one
TM 12thMtflf'ftlltfoNI on Aside from severalec;:lectic ot the dlstrb.tlon 1l:rUrtu'aiil<olN. m:Mdiig b:ol
0todu«s.dolly 1Mng etJ6b. fOOCI cal
re·ith t11 er 111orej acilities and athY1ctio11sfa r businf'ss n 1mts
1 1 JJ y 8th - lSth
nightlife districts and restau
..,d mor• 10 ,._,J .,-id (Ol'ISUl'Mt'I WOJt: ( f'/. Tht
rant options open through· "*"tt if >Mthlrctrff1in9 11111\Qlto•ll"CI .Miit
S. •ll t dfstlr\adon tot h b:.115 Ot'CI lntotMtl(lrt,til ""lton
FOLLOWING Its recent ranking of 5th In the world for the hosting of Tho lGth lntomatlonal Co"9""1of
ovt the city.Seoulboost> o llllll.,Hlltly t1Mktl com•'°tlll)tt1M(lo tht or •14dtlonlf
uniQue.affordablespa cult11e )(ofeen11WQl.lll'..:I Otodlds k'ldldotn4dclnd ghon.g.
internationalconferences (Union of InternationalAssociations),Seoul's Ortent.I Hodldne
embllr 14th -»6th and 24-hour shopping. <IMIW9 M>t'1K.W4kl(
meetings industry has shown nosigns of slowing down.Just last month,the
16.000 partk;lp;wttS (\000 fOfelgn) Doflo&-f:llllt!lon Dltttlct 15•IOf9tQOl'l'WN'tlfil
city was in the internationalspotlight for the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Securfty 0tlstd d tnlditbW and shooolng Clll"CetltNt o:r.o911'
summit For the hlgh profile event, Seoul hosted top leaders from 53 natfons 7Jrd Sbl lntnll COtigreu 2012 (t.entire- WOUid DonQdlloml.n(Glllt), ll 0t°"*'1«1l lllnd-
Octot>t!f 20th •23rd

m«tl In Ithl'.oloea'l whole$lllt ,dretell
and four International orgonlzations and 20,000 participants. 1,000 tiartkipants (850 Ion> district fe.'ltlWlno 26 malls., l0,000 S?OClalitt shoos.
The national gove<nment has deem00 2012 to be -ea Convention .-id50.000"*"UfKtlWtrt..A.tikincls 0,flOod$<lit>betw'ld
Year,to further boostinterest n anticipat on of the 2012World ExPo nYeosu,
llennium5eoLI H•too>
2012 AIPPITM 4JrdWortcl ln11tlkK11MJ
"" dinO Silk-' •!'(:! ttbr'c, (IOlhotS, '""*' ..:
.-C.rCll'llea. INIMf goods.SOOl1if'CI OOQOJ. omot l>OliM. '*
Seoul,the gateway to Korea. ls geared up to enjoy the expec tedinflux of Ptop«ty Congros.s; OtoduaS#Id toyS..
visitors to the city,and Is ever·ready with a myriad of attractions such as Its October 20th... 23td h6dditkm 11o under tflt tut\ totv- mop.
five royal palaces.24-hour shopping, and of course.sumptuous Koreancuisine.
4.000 oartlc.,ants (3,SOO fcnlgn) Loral and u•orld c11isi111'S Oin9 mellS wth .sOood Monf119 City 8IMt 111,.,.1.ckiOl'l tll'lr&
dmenilic>n to the tl(>tllt-nct with tit owriM'-"'°""1l
Tha world has slowly grown dntfl'IN. whllt Doob IMtvr"ehuQt oudoOf' Wtetl\ n.ii hef'•
Inga mrgo ol-..nts df'lo OJt conC*U.
to love Korean food. and oon!IMU Mid clMslitlll KotMn mJdc tor tol.ris4.s.
there's no better place to uy it
thanthe capital tself! Korea's

famous barbequ4t joints
foundat every eo<ner.but
they are merely the tip or the

Coex Convention
Seoul's111.0sl /J1esiligious
l'l!ll lle to i111101•a/c
k:ebetg. One vis t to Seoul will
hardly be enough time to try
out an the varieties of soups
and plck1ed side dlshes that
Escape to a sou!fit!sa11ctua y in thr ci!J•
Korea has to offer. Busy convention attendees at Coex Convention Center lool<·
If you're iooking for professionalism,Co••is ing for a mspit'e or relaxation can f nd solace right across
Those k>oking for a
K0<ea's gold standard.On March 26th,the the street. Bongeunsa is a Buddtist t:empae founded in 794
unique c\Jtura1 experience
center hosted the 2012 Nuclear Security may be Interested in the A.O.and the temple groonds offer severalpeacefulareas for
Summ it:the world's definitive nuc ear flavorfulvegetarian Buddh st quiet reflection. The ten-.:>Se has many interest nghistoric: and
TempJe cul$ine.Adventur· culturat features,Includng woodblock carvings of the Avatam·
conference.attended by SO heads of state
and their entourages,For the summJt,Coex ous eaters will be de4 ghted
saka Sutra (Flo'o'l(>r Garfand Sub'a)and a 23 meter statue of
Ma treya Buddha.
dr&w upon the experience from its successful to try live squidand raw fish
Bongeunsa offers several programsln Engllst\lnclud·
hosting and manag ng of the G20 Seoul at Noryan91iln F shMarkot.
Regardless of the fiO<leness ing a Tetnple Stay program to exper ence evel'yday lifein the
SUmmit in November 2010. temple,which includes traditionalKorean Buddhist culture
The fol#'·story. andpractice$. Vtsitors can experience some simple Buddhist
106.000+ sqm center practices such as the daily dawn service.Korean Zen med ita-
was establishedin 1988 WHAT'S AT COEX? tion,Ocldo ca tea drin.king ce-remony),and Balwoogongyang ca
and hasn't stopped EVERYTHING UNDER Buddhist mealwith trad t onalbowls).Thereare two programs.
progress ng since. with a ONEROOF an OYemight program and a short program <2 5hoors).
Coex Mall:As;a's '8rge-stunder htrp.;f/o.ww,boogre(llSc1..0fg/eng
major expans on In 2000
and a smallet remodel in grouod shopp ng mall
2008.Coex is located at Coex lnte«:ontlnentalHotel top PCO team,Coex is also
the Work:I Trade Center GrMd IntercontinentalHotel Kotea's largest exhibition
Seoul, wh ch holds three Oakwood Premlef Coe>e Center 0<9anizer and operates <Ner
five--stllr hotel'S,Asia's City Airport Terminal 20 shows a year, n addition
largest underground Seven UxkCasino to the 150 guest shows the
mall,an a rport terminal, Hyundai Department Store center hosts annually,
a casino.a depattment In 2012,Coe.x w ill bring
Three office sk;ysaapers of your palate,you are bound of rice fiUed pig intestines.
store. and more all w ith n attendees a set of
Seours ntemationat dill6
to find something you like
one city block. Iservices,An onlfno room· at a stroot sld• food stall, Ing scene has e.xploded In re-
For the NuclQar Security Summit, Coe.x booking and b U ng systom wlll be re eased whichare known to serve cent years. and thoselooking
served once again as both venue and PCO for in April, followed by a new version of the everyth ng from com dogs for somethingdifferent will be
the event.showcasfng the company's breadth hugely successful my Coe• augmentod· enausted with French fries happy to find everythingfrom
of meetings lndustty sk Us. In addit on to a ,.alfty mobUo appin May. to spicy rice cakes with a side Australian to Uzbek culsina.

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