Compaction Factor Experiment
Compaction Factor Experiment
Compaction Factor Experiment
0 Experiment 1
1.1 Experiment 1(a)
1.1.1 Introduction
The Compaction Factor Test is important to calculate the compaction factor, and to know more
about workability. These tests were developed by Glanville in the UK Road Research
Laboratory in 1947. The compaction factor is designed because they recognize the importance
of achieving full compaction in concrete and therefore the importance of measuring material
compaction capabilities. The test requires measuring the weight of the partially and fully
compacted concrete, and the ratio of the partially compacted weight to the fully compacted
weight (always less than 1) is called the compaction factor.Therefore, the compaction factor is
between 0.8 and 0.92 when it is in the normal range of concrete.
1.1.2 Objective
To determine the workability of concrete mix by finding the compaction factor.
Fine , soft , grey Smaller than 5mm in Larger than 5mm in Must be clean , free
powder and acts as a diameter. diameter. of oil , no unwanted
binder for concrete. chemical and prefer
Compaction factor Tapping rod Hand trowel Concrete Hand
apparatus Scoop
To place the To strike off the To the weight out the To clean the
Portland cement, excess concrete amount of the cement, surrounding of the
fine aggregate and above the top of the fine aggregate and cube mould.
coarse aggregate . mould. coarse aggregate.
Plywood Shovel Measuring cylinder
To avoid dirty the floor. For digging, lifting and To measure the volume
moving bulk materials. of water.
3. The compaction factor apparatus is dampened.
4. The mix is transferred carefully to the top hopper (with trap door being closed) of the
apparatus using the scoop.
5. The hopper level is filled into the brim, without compacting it to any extent.
6. The collecting cylinder is covered and the clip holding the trap door of the top hopper is
released to allow the mix to fall to the middle hopper.
7. The clip of the trap door of second hopper is released and the concrete is left to fall into
the collecting cylinder.
8. Excess concrete above the top of the cylinder id levelled off and the cylinder (exterior) is
9. The cylinder is weighed and the concrete is refilled
from the same sample in 4 equal layers. Each layer is
rammed thoroughly using the tamping rod to ensure full
compacted concrete.
10. Excess is stroked off as before, the cylinder is cleaned and the fully compacted concrete
is weighed.
11. The above procedure is repeated for 1:1:2 concrete mix with 5kg cement and same
water/cement ratio.
1.1.5 Result
Very low 0.78 0-25
1.1.6 Discussion
--Temperature increase the rate of setting and hardening, and also the rate of heat
evolution, thereby increase the fluid viscosity and decrease the workability of concrete
mix. But above 30°C, a reverse effect may be observed. On the contrary, low
temperature retards setting, but if the temperature below 0°C, the setting and hardening
will stop. The most suitable temperature for setting and hardening is around 14-18°C.
Use of admixtures in concrete
-- Concrete admixtures such as plasticizer and superplasticizers greatly improve the
workability. Air entraining agents are also used to increase the workability. Air
entraining agents creates a large number of very tiny air bubbles. These bubbles get
distributed throughout the mass of concrete and act as rollers and increase the
workability. Mineral admixtures like Pozzolanic materials are also used to improve the
workability of concrete.
b) Why is the compacting factor test more suitable for dry mixes?
Dry mixes have very little water and has zero slump, it only contains enough water to
hydrate the cement. Although the slump test is usually used to determine the
workability, but it is ineffective when the slump value is less than 50 mm. Compaction
factor test is needed for low workability concrete mix. In addition, compaction factor
test provides more accurate results than slump test. A greater compactive effort reduces
the optimum moisture content and increases the maximum dry density.
c) Will the age of the concrete after mixing affect the result?
YES. The larger the age of the concrete, the lower the workability of concrete due to
the loss of moisture via evaporation. For 7 days, the concrete strength is 65%, for 14
days, the concrete strength after the mixing is 90%, then for 28 days, the concrete
strength after the mixing is 99%. It is because hydration process is slow, taking concrete
a full 28 days to reach it’s full strength potential. The bigger the strength of concrete,
the lower the workability.
1.1.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, the concrete mix of 1:2:4 is the best one which have lower workability because
it obtained lower compacting factor,0.86. The normal range of the compaction factor of
concrete lies between (0.8 - 0.92). This test is able to give more accurate results for dry mixes
which the slump test is not satisfactory. The sensitivity of the compaction factor is reduced
outside the normal range of the workability and it is normally unsatisfactory for compacting
factor more than 0.92. It is also not suitable to use when the compacting factor is below 0.70
because the concrete cannot be fully compacted for the comparison conducted in the test. The
workability of the concrete calculated from the compaction factor test may not same with the
value of slump test. This is because the apparatus is not made wet when the first test is
conducted which results in slightly increase of reading.
Compacting factor of below 0.78 are used for concreting of shallow sections with
vibrations; 0.78 to 0.85 for concreting lightly reinforced sections with vibrations; 0.85 to 0.92
for concreting heavily reinforced sections with vibrations; and 0.92 to 0.95 are used for
concreting heavily reinforced sections without vibrations.
1.2.1 Introduction
The concrete slump test is to check the processability of fresh concrete. The slump test is used
to ensure uniformity of concrete under different loading conditions under field conditions. The
test is carried out using a metal mould in the shape of a conical frustum known as a slump cone
which is open at both ends with handle. The operation may indicate changes in the material,
water content or mixing ratio will changes in the slump value obtained.Thus, concrete slump
test can be used to control the quality of the concrete produced. After testing, a uniform slump
around it is called a true slump. Slumped concrete has various shapes, and depending on the
contour of the fallen concrete, slump is called true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. Fresh
samples should be taken and the test repeated if shear or collapse slump is reached.
1.2.2 Objective
To determine the effect of slump on different water/cement ratio and concrete mixes.
Slump cone Tapping rod Hand trowel Concrete Hand Metal rule
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Designed to With size To remove the Provides To measure the
perform more 25mm*25mm and small amount of construction distance between
accurate and to consolidate building materials professionals with the concrete and
sensitive test every layer of the easily. the best equipment. rod
procedures than concrete.
simple slump tests.
1.2.4 Sample
Concrete mixes of 1:2:4-20mm aggregate and 1:1:2-20mm aggregate have been prepared
using water/cement ratio 0.45 and 0.55 for both mixes after experiment 1(a): The compaction
Factor Test( B.S. 1881 Part 103 )
Precaution: Clean and remove any superfluous moisture or set concrete on the inside of
one slump cone before expeiment.
Place it on smooth, horizontal, vibration free and non- absorbent surface
(eg:metal plate) before pull the concrete inside the slump cone.
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3. The concrete sample is collected from a well distributed position in the concrete batch.
4. The slump cone is filled with the concrete in 4 equal layers, each layer is tamped with 25
6. The cone is lifted immediately in vertical direction and gently, then the amount by which
the concrete slumps is measured. The difference between the height of the cone and the
concrete slump is measured to the nearest 5mm.
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1.2.6 Result
Concrete mix Water/cement Slump (mm) Degree of
1:1:2- 20mm 0.45 105 High
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1:2:4- 20mm 0.55 98 Medium
1.2.7 Discussion
Slump test is the most commonly used method to measure the workability of concrete.
It can be done in a laboratory or on site. This is because slump test only requires simple
equipments and instruments. Those equipements of slump test is lighter than
equipments of compacting factor test. In addition, the slump test procedure is very
simple and easily to conduct. Besides, it also able to obtain the result immediately.
For example, the slump test just do for one time to obtain the result, but the compacting
factor test need to do two times for partially compacted concrete and fully compacted
concrete. The workability of concrete can determine easily and faster by the form of
slump which is true slump, shear slump and collapse slump and it does not include any
The first limitation of the slump test is limited to concretes with the maximum size of
aggregate that less than 38mm. Although the slump test is usually used to determine
the workability, but it is only suitable for the concrete that have the workability medium
or high and ineffective when the slump value is less than 50 mm. Thirdly, it is difficult
to decide the correct value. This is because slump would occur in different of shape and
that will cause the observant hard to determine the value of the slump. Lastly, the mix
that is very stiff is means that is zero slump, the slump test would not show any
difference in concretes of different workability.
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C) Sketch 3 main forms of slump.
D) Will the addition of water to the ready concrete mix gives the desired result?
Yes. We can get the desired concrete by adding the water to the ready concrete mix.
When initial mixing, there will be a chemical reaction occurred between the cement
and sand and this will lead to water evaporation. When the concrete mix is going to lose
the water, the addition water that added into the concrete mix it able to be more affective.
Without additional of water, the workability of the concrete mix will increases with
time. The larger the time, the lower the workability of concrete due to the loss of
moisture via evaporation. Then, we can change the workability of ready concrete mix
by adding the water to it, thereby water/cement ratio increases. The higher the
water/cement ratio, the higher the fluidity of concrete because it makes it easier to place
and consolidate, thereby concrete will be more workable. If the addition water is too
much added into the concrete mix, the concrete mix will collapse due to high
workability. Furthermore, the outcome of the concrete is less dense, lower in strength
and higher in permeability, lower durability, lower workability, promote cracking,
bleeding happen and low cohesiveness in the ready mic concrete. The causes of these
will make us can’t obtain an accurate result in the experiment. To prevent this to happen
the amount of water that is needed should be measured accurately.
1.2.8 Conclusion
In conclusion, the concrete mix of 1:2:4 with the 0.45 w/c ratio is the best one which have
lower workability because it obtained true slump. Slump test is conducted to determine the
workability of the concrete, based on the difference in height of the concrete slump and the
cone. Slump test is suitable for slumps of medium to high workability, which are in the range
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of 5mm to 260mm. The results of slump test come out with various shapes, which are true
slump, shear slump and collapse slump. In a true slump, the concrete formed a shape almost
same as the cone. The true slump has a very dry mixes and result in low workability. In a shear
slump, the top portion of the concrete is slides down. It indicates that the concrete is non-
cohesive and have characteristics of segregation. In the collapse slump, the concrete
disintegrates completely. This is because the collapse slump is formed by adding excessive
amount of water in concrete to increase the workability.
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2.0 Individual background
On 19 July 2019, our group had done the experiment of compacting factor test ( B.S.
1881 Part 103 ) and slump test (B.S. 1881 Part 102 ). The objective of these experiment is to
determine the workability of concrete mix by finding the compaction factor and the effect of
slump on different water/cement ratio and concret mix.
Firstly, for compacting factor test, we made the concrete mix with two different ration
which is 1:2:4 and 1:1:2 with the 0.45 water/cement ratio. Then, the hopper level is filled to
the brim without compacting it to any extent to obtain the accurate weight of patially
compacted concrete. After re concrete is fall into the collecting cylinder, the excess concrete
above the top of the cylinder is level off and cleaned so that the final weight of concrete is
more accurate. After that, the cylinder is weighted and refilled with concrete in 4 equal layers
and then each layer is rammed thoroughly by using the tamping rod to ensure full compacted
concrete. Lastly , the cylinder with full compacted concrete is weighted.
For slump test, we also made the concrete mix with two different ration which is 1:2:4
and 1:1:2 but with the different water/cement ratio which is 0.45 and 0.55. the mould is held
firmly in plce during filling the concrete mix into the slump cone to prevent the concrete mix
flow out from the bottom of the cone. Then, the concrete also is filled in 4 layers
Based on the data obtained from the compacting factor test, we can found that the
concrete with the ratio of 1:2:4 had the lower compacting factor than the other ratio which is
Then, based on the data obtained from the slump test, the concrete mix of 1:2:4 with the 0.45
water/cement ratio obtained 38mm slump which has true slump.
From these experiment, I learnt that the concrete mix of 1:2:4 with the 0.45 w/c ratio
is the best one which have lower workability. Workability means the ease with which a
concrete can be transported, placed and consolidated without excessive bleeding or
segregation. The compaction factor is defined as the ratio of the weight of partially
compacted concrete to the weight of fully compacted concrete.The higher the compaction
factor, the higher the workability. Besides, The higher the water/cement ratio, the higher the
fluidity of concrete because it makes it easier to place and consolidate, thereby concrete will
be more workable. In addition, I also knew that there have 4 types forming of slump, which is
true slump, shear slump ,collapse slump and zero slump. For concrete which obtained true
slump ,it will has lower workability. Lastly, compaction factor test is more suitable than
slump test because it provides more accurate results. Then,the slump test is ineffective when
the slump value is less than 50 mm.
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On 19th of July, my teammates and I had carried out the second experiment which is
compaction factor test and slump test. Th objective of compaction factor test experiment is to
determine the workability of concrete mix by finding the compaction factor and the aim for the
slump test is to determine the workability or consistency of concrete mix prepared at the
laboratory or construction site.
For the compaction factor test we will put in the freshly mixed concrete into the upper
hopper within 2 minutes. This is because we will able to get a strictly comparable result. The
concrete will flow from the upper hopper to the lower hopper and flow to the cylinder. By
going through this process, the concrete gets compacted. We removed the excess concrete
above the top of the cylinder and we will measure the weight of the cylinder. We applied the
compaction formula which is weight of partially compacted concrete divided by weight of fully
compacted concrete. We can get the weight of partially compacted concrete (Wp) by weight
the cylinder with concrete. Where else we can get the weight of fully compacted concrete (Wf)
by weight the concrete in the cylinder after compaction. Fully compacted concrete is means
that the concrete fill into the cylinder by 4 layers. Each layer will compact 25 times. Then the
cylinder with full compacted concrete will be weighted.
Through this experiment I have learn and more understand about compacting factor.
The objective of conducting compaction factor test is to determine the workability of concrete.
This test is usually be carry out at laboratory. The mixed concrete that can be called as workable
it must be easily to mixed, placed and compacted. Besides, the concrete should not show any
segregation or bleeding after finished compaction. The reason why compaction factor is more
popular in laboratory is because compaction factor tests able to provide more accurate and
consistent result compare to slump test. After doing this test I have learnt that the volume of
water cement ratio will affect the workability of the concrete. If the workability is too low the
concrete will become difficult to compact and will reduce the strength. Not only that, I also get
to know how the compaction factor formula works. The formula of compaction factor is weight
of partially compacted concrete divide by the weight of fully compacted concrete. In short form
is (Wp)/(Wf). The final value of compaction factor is from 0.78 to 0.95. The higher the
compaction factor, the higher the workability.
In the other hand, I have learnt that slump test is the simplest and easiest workability
test for concrete. In more detail the slump test is performed to measure the consistency of the
freshly made concrete in the specific batch. Workability of concrete means the cohesiveness
and ease to place consolidate and finish the concrete without showing any bleeding or
segregation. Slump test is not costly and it able to provide immediate results. There are some
reasons that will affect the slump test result such as the air content of concrete, temperature of
concrete, the amount of free water in the concrete and so on. I also able to learnt that the slump
measurement should be recording in terms of millimetres. By doing this experiment, I have
knew that the outcome of the test can be divided into 4 types which is true slump, shear slump,
collapse slump and zero slump. Each slump is obtained suing different water/cemnt ratio and
concrete mix. True slump is the only slump that can be measured in the test this is because the
concrete keeping more or less to shape. The measurement of the true slump can be taken from
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the top of the cone and the top of the concrete that have removed out from the mole. If the
result is coming out with shear or collapse slump a fresh sample should be taken and need to
repeat. Shear slump it means that the top portion of the concrete shears off or slips sideways.
A collapse slump is means that the mix of the concrete is too wet or it is a high workability
mix. For zero slump, it indicates of very low water-cement ratio and also can know as dry
mixes. This type of concrete is generally use in road construction. By doing slump test we are
able to determine the consistency and workability of the freshly made concrete by observing
the profile of slumped concrete and the types of slump.
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On 19 July 2019, we started our experiment 1(a) which is The compaction Factor Test( B.S.
1881 Part 103 ). We used the apparatus and material that have already given to set up the
concrete according the procedure. Based on experiment, our group use the 1:2:4 concrete mixes
to test the workability of concrete mix. From this experiment 1(a), I learnt that the measurement
will be affected if some concrete still maintain on the compacting factor apparatus before
weight the fully compacted concrete. The new calculation that I learnt is Compaction Factor
Value= (W1-W) / (W2-W), where W is the original weight of cyclinder of compacting factor
apparatus, W1 is the weight of partially compacted concrete and the original weight of
cyclinder of compacting factor apparatus and W2 is the weight of fully compacted concrete
and the original weight of cyclinder of compacting factor apparatus to get the value of
compaction factor as there is a table to let me know the workability of concrete mix relate to
the value of compaction factor. As I know, the concrete will become strength if the experiment
repeat a few times because the concrete exposed to air with a longer times. After that, we started
our experiment 1(b) which is Slump Test( B.S. 1881 Part 102 ). We used the same concrete
mixes to continue the experiment according the procedure in experiment 1(a) which is used to
determine the effect of slump on different water/cement ratio and concrete mixes. We also
know how to get the amount of water via water/cement ratio that are given and then we
processed the experiment according the procedure of experiment 1(b).We record the
measurement as the slump formed and continue add 0.3 kg of water into the concrete to prevent
the waste of material and get the other measurement which will compared to the concrete mixes
with water/cement ratio 0.45. From my view, I know that the 1:2:4 concrete mixes with
water/cement ratio 0.45 is true slump through the experiment because the concrete simply
subsides, keeping more or less to shape. For the 1:2:4 concrete mixes with water/cement ratio
0.55, the slump is shear slump because the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips
sideways. As a result, I know that the higher the water/cement ratio, the greater the initial
spacing between the cement gain and the greater of the volume of residual voids not filled by
hydration process. After the experiment, I clean the concrete that flow in the drain because the
concrete will strength and then will block the drain suddenly.
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ONG YI HEN (19WVR05951)
On 19 of July in 2019, my teammates and I have conducted the experiment for The Compaction
Test (B.S.1881 Part 103) and Slump Test (B.S.1881 Part 102) in TARUC lab. The purpose of
conducting these two tests is to determine the workability of the concrete with different
water/cement ratio and concrete mix. Workability is defined as how cohesive and easy to place,
consolidate and finish the concrete. I have gained a lot of new information regarding this topic
throughout the experiment.
In the compaction factor test, the concrete is allowed to fall into the collecting cylinder
after passing through the hopper without compacting it. Then, we use the same concrete to
refill the cylinder by tamping it in 4 equal layers. The result shows that the concrete are getting
higher workability by compacting it. This is because the compaction able to remove entrapped
air inside the concrete. If not, this entrapped air will cause honeycomb effect and porosity.
Then, we are able to produce a formula to calculate the compaction factor, which is the weight
of the partially compacted concrete divided by the weight of the fully compacted concrete. The
weight of the empty cylinder is needed to be deducted to get a more accurate result. The normal
value of the compaction factor is in the range of 0.80 to 0.92. The higher the value of the
compaction factor, the higher the workability of the concrete. Based on my knowledge, the
compaction factor test is more sensitive and precise than slump test and it is particularly used
for low workability of concrete mix. But, it is not used commonly at the construction site
because of the large and bulky size. Besides, this test requires a balance to measure the weight
of the concrete in the cylinder.
In the slump test, we are able to determine the workability of the concrete by measuring
the height of the concrete slump. Besides that, the purposes of slump test are to determine the
consistency of concrete and to ensure no segregation. There are 3 main form of slump produced,
which are true slump, shear slump, and collapse slump. The slump produced is varied because
the water/cement ratio and the concrete mix ratio are changed according to the requirement.
The higher the slump produced, the higher the workability of the concrete. In this experiment,
we have used concrete mix of 1:1:2 and 1:2:4 and water/cement ratio of 0.45 and 0.55. Based
on our group result, 1:2:4 concrete mixes with 0.45 water/cement ratio will result in true slump.
This is because true slump has a very dry mixes and comes out with low workability. Slump
test is commonly used in the site as it is simple and easy to be constructed. It does not require
any special costly equipment. But, slump test is not suitable to be carried if the aggregate used
in concrete is above 40mm. Also, it is not advisable to use for very dry and high stiff concrete.
This is because the workability of stiff mixes cannot be differentiated as it may show zero
slumps. In dry range, no difference can be detected between different mixes with different
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3.0 References
Scribd, 2016. Concrete slump test. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 july 2019].
scribd, 2016. compacting factor for concrete core. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 july 2019].
Slump test to determine the relative water content of concrete. (2019). [online] Available at:
relative-water-content-of-concrete/ [Accessed 25 Jul. 2019].
Concrete slump test. (2019). Concrete slump test. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jul. 2019].
Quora. 2018. What are the advantages and limitations of concrete slump test?. [ONLINE]
Available at:
slump-test. [Accessed 3 July 2019].
The Constructor. 2019. Concrete Slump Test for Workability – Procedure and Results.
[ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 3 July 2019].
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