Polydioxanone Thread Lifting
Polydioxanone Thread Lifting
Polydioxanone Thread Lifting
acial ageing remains a multifactorial process temporal area to finish at the problematic region. The
that involves changes to the structure, support, proximal end of the thread would then be fixed to the
volume and quality of tissues. Loss of skin quality fascia of the temporalis muscle, following moderate
is often the most obvious sign of ageing; patients lifting (Sulamanidze and Sulamanidze, 2008).
are distressed by the development of wrinkles and the Techniques have evolved along with thread materials.
appearance of skin laxity. As a result, many people opt PDO threads provide a more superficial, non-surgical
to undergo non-surgical aesthetic procedures to create approach to treating wrinkles and laxity than historical
a more youthful facial structure and restore lost volume. thread treatments. They are colourless or dyed, and
In addition to dermal fillers, thread lifting is are bioabsorbable. PDO threads have a rubbery texture
increasingly being requested by patients to address their at room temperature, a melting point of 110o°C, and a
facial ageing concerns. One of the main benefits of thread bioabsorption period of about 6 months (Tiberiu, 2011).
lifting is the ability to have treatment in a clinical setting During this time, minimal foreign body tissue reaction is
using only local anaesthesia, rather than undergoing noted the vicinity of the implant, allowing for retention
more invasive surgery involving a general anaesthetic. of the thread (Tiberiu, 2011; Collier, 2015).
This paper will focus on facial polydioxanone (PDO) PDO threads come in several different preparations
monofilament thread lifting, and outline its indications and vary by number of filaments, with the simplest
and contraindications. The author will draw on his variant being a monofilament straight unbarbed thread.
experience of managing patient expectations of thread These threads are in keeping with expectations of non-
lifting and recommend appropriate aftercare advice. surgical facial lifting techniques, aiming to provide
support and encourage skin and soft tissue improvement
© 2016 MA Healthcare Ltd
the biological processes to improve skin and soft tissue Thread insertion
quality as a reaction to the threads. The use of PDO A comprehensive knowledge of facial anatomy is crucial
in tissues has been studied for over 20 years (Lerwick, before inserting PDO threads. Delivery of the thread
1983). In the 1980s, preclinical animal studies showed is via a sharp needle (18–31 gauge, 30–150 mm length).
that PDO threads have desirable characteristics, with a Using conventional methods for insertion, there is no
reliable absorption profile and retention of strength over ability to aspirate and check for flashback (aspiration
a prolonged period (Lerwick, 1983). The absorption of of blood into an attached syringe, suggesting potential
PDO threads takes up to 6 months, which is longer than insertion of the needle into a blood vessel), as there is
other suture materials (e.g. polyglactin 910, polyglycolic no syringe attached to the ends of the threads. In the
acid) (Suh et al, 2015). As a slowly absorbable polymer, author’s experience, this can result in profound bruising
the use of PDO in facial rejuvenation has been shown and care must be taken to identify the direction, length
to be sufficient in lifting tissues with minimal long-term and depth of the needle when deploying threads.
concerns (Ruff, 2006).
Biological processes are known to occur following the Complications
insertion of PDO threads into tissues, which have been Common complications arising from non-surgical
found to influence a variety of structural and chemical aesthetic procedures include bruising (Figure 1), swelling
units. For example, in vivo rodent models have shown and infection (Figure 2) (Swaminathan, 2016). These are
tissue reaction, including the presence of fibroblasts and also important considerations for thread treatments.
macrophages, occurring within 5 days of implantation Although PDO in monofilament form is less likely
into subcutaneous tissues (Tiberiu, 2011). The presence to contain bacteria, the use of prophylactic antibiotics
of increased fibroblasts and macrophages may remain should be considered given the multiple puncture
until the full absorption of the material (Tiberiu, 2011). wounds performed and tissue tracts created during
Myofibroblasts found around threads have also been thread lifting (Tajirian and Goldberg, 2010). However,
shown to influence fibrous tissue contracture 4 weeks evidence is limited to show the benefit of antibiotic use
after insertion (Jang et al, 2005). following PDO thread treatment, so medication should
Histological studies have demonstrated the presence of only be prescribed to patients on a case-by-case basis
thicker dermal papillae following PDO thread insertion, (Tajirian and Goldberg, 2010).
suggesting interstitial growth of new collagen components Swelling normally subsides within 2–3 days following
(neocollagenesis) (Savoia et al, 2014). All of these processes treatment; however, bruising can be extensive and this
aid in the reduction of tissue laxity and help to rejuvenate should be a key factor for practitioners when selecting an
the structure and appearance of skin, enhancing the lift appropriate treatment.
obtained up to the endpoint of treatment (described by
trainers as about 1 year post treatment). Managing expectations
Perhaps the most important consideration when
Treatment considerations providing non-surgical aesthetic procedures is managing
Contraindications patient expectations. In the author’s experience of using
Suitability should be discussed during the pre-treatment PDO threads, patients significantly misunderstand the
patient consultation (e.g. will the threads work and are purpose and outcomes of the treatment. Patients often
there any expected complications following treatment?). have the impression that thread lifting is similar to a
As explained, the properties of PDO threads include surgical facelift, holding back their ageing features, and
a tissue reaction to synthesise relevant proteins and they expect immediate results following implantation.
molecules in the treated area, including collagen. In addition, patients often have little awareness of the
Relative contraindications to treatment with PDO potential complications associated with the treatment,
threads include patients who are immunosuppressed the time required for the tissue reaction to create
or are on medications that can dampen an immune visually noticeable results, and any alternative treatment
response or prolong clotting time. Any potential blood options. PDO threads provide an alternative method
vessel damage could lead to extensive bleeding in these to address patient concerns, without the need to inject
patients, and reduced immunity will impair their ability volumising agents or medical toxins; however, if these
to counteract infection. latter procedures are more appropriate, this should be
In addition, these patients may not implement the relayed to the patient. It may remain that thread lifting
© 2016 MA Healthcare Ltd
required biological processes to an extent required to is the treatment of choice to address their concerns,
produce a noticeable treatment effect. Based on his but this decision must be made after a comprehensive
experience, the author would suggest it is important discussion with the patient. The use of threads is often
to understand that even suitable patients have been part of a multimodality treatment plan.
seen to not react to threads as expected, resulting in a Patients should also be made aware how PDO threads
minimal treatment effect at the endpoint. work, to the extent that they know the effects will
noticeable change at the endpoint and, ultimately, point of 110o°C, it remains unlikely that they would
disappointment. One must consider the immediate break down in an accelerated fashion once implanted
needs of the patient, with regards their short-term goals (Tiberiu, 2011). To minimise damaging the threads
for aesthetic treatment. Following the consultation, once implanted, patients are advised to avoid exposure
alternative treatments may provide the results required to extreme temperatures within the first 4 weeks (e.g.
to address their concerns. For example, ageing related to sauna, light-based treatments), as there is ongoing tissue
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