<QUESTION1>___________ guarantees that only one person at a time is in the process of creating a new version for a particular
<OPTION1>Record Locking
<OPTION2>Branch locking
<OPTION3>Object Locking
<OPTION4>File locking
<ANSWER>Branch locking
<OPTION1>Check-in, Check-out</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Long Transaction</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Change set</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Change set</ANSWER>
<OPTION3>Scope Planning</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Risk Quantificatiion</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>CM Audit is mandatorily performed before release of the software to the customer to ensure :</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Correct versions of the software is being delivered</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>_______ is maintained by the SCM tool and keeps tracks of all the changes to the CI along with relevant information
like the person making the changes, time of change, date of change etc</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Versions of CI</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Two developers in one team have checked in code after making individual changes to one single file. Which of the
following task will provide a visual display of Conflict between the changes by the individuals.</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Difference Report</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Repeated Application of the same selection rule will result in either same or different component configurations.
Which of the following results in the same component configuration?</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Unbound configuration</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Configuration template</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Bound Configuration</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Bound Configuration</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Identification of configuration item is an essential part of SCM. Which is the immediate benefit of identifying the
<QUESTION>Label is a useful identification tag. Which one of the following is not true about labels?</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>A file of version merge combines the file modifications that have independently occurred in two versions into a new
version in one of the branches. Which of the following result from a merge</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>_____ is the set of differences between two file versions of a component of two configuration versions of a
<OPTION1>Difference Report</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Change Set</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Version Graph</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>History Graph</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>If you have two sets of changes to a single file and you need to reflect both the changes, the task to be performed
<QUESTION>In the composition model, the two step process of composition and selection can be graphically visualized as
____________ graph</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Wipro is CMMI Level 5 certified organization. SCM Process area lies at:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>You have newly created a design document for one critical module of your project. You want to place it under
version control using some tool. You will perform this activity:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Check in</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>Which of the following should be considered as Configuration Items for any project:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Source Code, Test plan, test Script, Test tools, Test results</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Identification of CI(s)</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Complexity issues that need be considered for SCM tool evaluation are</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Availability of manuals</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Ease of use</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>_________ model focuses on improving support for creating configurations, managing their history, and using them
as working contexts.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Check-in, Check-out</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Change set</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Long Transaction</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>A set of patches applied to system releases like mainframe operating systems updates is an example of
<OPTION1>Check-in, Check-out</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Change set</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Long Transaction</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Change set</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Design Document</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Installation Manual</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Contract document</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Executable Code</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Contract document</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_______represent the system structure and provide a list of components or groups in a hierarchical
<OPTION2>System Model</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Check-in, Check-out</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Change set</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>System Model</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>When multiple checkouts are allowed in the CM model, which of the following is not true?</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>True person can work simultaneously using the branching and merging tools if possible</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>After reaching a milestone and releasing appropriate artifacts to customer it is advisable to ________the deliverables
to identify a baseline.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>“SCM is the art of identifying, organizing and controlling modifications to the software being built by programming
team. It maximizes productivity by minimizing mistakes.” It is SCM’s definition by:</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Roger Pressmen</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Wayne Babich</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Wayne Babich</ANSWER>
<OPTION3>Control of Documents</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>SCM Guidelines</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Control of Documents</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Identification of CI(s)</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>To ensure high quality SCM, which of the following recommended is appropriate:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>In a project to identify the baseline artifacts which of the following techniques can be adopted?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>It creates delta of binary files as part of versioning, which in turn saves disk space</OPTION1>
<OPTION4>When the check out action is performed on the file, its properties does not change</OPTION4>
<OPTION2>Repository security</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Web Interface</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Event Trigger</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Repository security</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Identification of CI(s)</OPTION1>
<OPTION1>The organization of the components of a software system so that they fit together in a working order</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>It helps track & prioritize changes to a work item during the course of the SDLC</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>_____________ ensures that the changes made by one user are available to all the other users of a
<OPTION1>Activities of SCM</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Features of SCM</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Issues of SCM</OPTION4>
<OPTION3>Concurrent development</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Concurrent development</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>__________ provides historic information on the amount of development and maintenance effort during a product's
life cycle</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Weekly Report</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Big report</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Status Accounting</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Status Accounting</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>__________ involves analyzing the documentary proof for changes, versions and release information for components
<OPTION2>Clear Case</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Management issues that need be considered for SCM tool evaluation are</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>License Cost</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Availability of upgrades</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Controlling the retrieval of modifiable copies of files from the repository is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Concurrency Control</OPTION1>
<OPTION4>Document Retrieval</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Concurrency Control</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Merging manual</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Merging Semantics</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Merging Semantics</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>The Criteria for selecting the right SCM tool is based upon</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>_____ are used to automatically update some parts of the header information or comments stored in the source file
each time a change or revision is made.</QUESTION>
<OPTION4>Header File</OPTION4>
<OPTION1>System Model</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Long Transaction</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Change set</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Long Transaction</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>In a scenario when different developers work in separate stable workspaces and the collection of their changes evolve
a system, which concurrency control will you adopt?</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Access Control</OPTION2>
<OPTION2>Concurrent development</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Incorporate changes</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Any proposals for improvement in SCM process defined in veloci-Q can be raised using</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>TedWeb Request</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>A feature has been incorrectly implemented by a programmer. Which feature of SCM tool can be used to track the
programmer and the version from which it is implemented ?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Concurrent Development</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Multiple Releases</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Product Family</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Change Control Register and Software Configuration Audit Reports are kept within Veloci-Q
<OPTION3>Project Plan</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Release Note</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>While working with a SCM tool to edit an existing code file, you follow this sequence of activities:</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Check in, make modification on your local copy and check out</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Check out, make modification on your local copy and check in</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Check out, make modification on your local copy and check in</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Defining rights of individuals for accessing the project repository is defined at which of the following stage of
<QUESTION>An aggregation of CI(s) that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon and taken into control at single point in
time can be defined by……………. and using and SCM tool it is identified by ……………. (Fill in the blank from respective comma
separated words)</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Project, Pinning</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Keyword, Pinning</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Baseline, Label</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Branch, Trigger</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Baseline, Label</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>In check-in, check-out model, version branching and merging are represented by a structure known
<OPTION1>Structure Chart</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Version Graph</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>History Graph</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Version Graph</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Experimental development</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Concurrent changes</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>__________ model focuses on supporting the evolution of systems as a series of atomic changes, and on co-ordinating
the change of systems.</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Change set</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Check-in, Check-out</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Long Transaction</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Long Transaction</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>______ can help to reverse back to the previous baseline at any point of SDLC</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Your project is in the User Acceptance Testing phase and the customer comes back with a new requirement. What is
correct sequence of activities in handling this change request:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>PM approves the Change, Change is implemented,CR is recorded in the CCR,CCB approves the recorded
<OPTION2>Log the CR in the CCR, The CR is taken up by the CCB for impact analysis, PM approves the change, Change is
<OPTION3>CCB approves the Change, PM does Impact analysis, Change is implemented, CR is recorded in the
<OPTION4>Change is recorded in the CCR, Impact analysis is done by the CCB, Change is approved by the CCB, Change is
<ANSWER>Log the CR in the CCR, The CR is taken up by the CCB for impact analysis, PM approves the change, Change is
<OPTION4>Maintaining a file system as work area is more space efficient than using a workspace</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Maintaining a file system as work area is more space efficient than using a workspace</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>SCM does not help in meeting which of the following ISO requirement</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Control of records</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Before checking in the changes to a file it is advisable to use ______ to check the changes made to a particular file
and if changes are made to the latest version of the file.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Audit Report</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Configuration report</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Difference Report</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Difference Report</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>If a SCM break downs, which of the following is of the most help:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Management in SCM is concerned with identification and guidance of Configuration Items to final assembly. Which
of the following activity is not involved in it:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Baselining CI(s)</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Identification of CI(s)</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Performing deployment</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Performing deployment</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>SCM tools maintain the history of artifacts. What is the primary information maintained within
<QUESTION>In a parallel maintenance and enhancement project scenario if one of the bug fixes from maintenance project line is
also need to be fixed for the enhancement project line then which of the following option is the most optimum?</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Performing merge from identified baseline of maintenance bug fix to enhancement line</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Performing merge from identified baseline of maintenance bug fix to enhancement line</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Impact should be determined and client’s agreement should be received for payment against change
<QUESTION>Configuration Status Accounting provides reports for senior management to access the health of project at any given
point in time. Which of the following report is derived from Configuration Status Accounting:</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Incorporate changes</OPTION3>
<OPTION3>Check-in / Check-out</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Check-in / Check-out</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_____________ is the process of combining two sets of changes to a file or two files to create a new version or
combined file</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Change request</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Concurrent development</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>All of the above</OPTION4>
<OPTION1>Control of documents</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Changes in code</OPTION2>
<OPTION1>Configuration Management</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Control of documents</OPTION2>
<OPTION2>Document control</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Tools usage</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>A report that shows the differences between two or more files or versions of a file are</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Audit report</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Difference report</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Configuration report</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Difference report</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_________ is the process of using one base file for two or more parallel activities like customization</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>In SCM context, a work item or deliverable such as code, documents or data is a</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Data Item</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Configuration Item</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Building Block</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Configuration Item</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Branching Approach</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Merging Approach</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>__________ means proposed changes to a CI are incorporated into the software configuration after review and
<OPTION2>Change Control</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Change Control</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Complexity of Change</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Which of the following needs to be taken into consideration for SCM tool selection</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Development Environment</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Hardware Requirements</OPTION3>
<txt id="intro8"></txt>
<txt id="intro13">Congratulations!</txt>
<QUESTION>You are a Project Engineer who has just joined Wipro. You want to know all your responsibilities as defined by
veloci-Q for your role. Where would you go?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Treasure House</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>The data and information of all previously executed projects are in the:</QUESTION>
<OPTION4>Treasure house</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>As per veloci-Q, in a project following V process model – the activity to define acceptance Test Plan is recommended
as part of</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Design Phase</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Which of the following is not a management review mechanism, where senior management reviews performance of
projects/ organization with respect to Quality?</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>The philosophy of "say what you do, do what you say" belongs to</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>What is the monthly mechanism to record and track metrics of the project?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Work Plans</OPTION1>
<OPTION1>Interview of customers</OPTION1>
<OPTION1>Quality Plan</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Project Dashboard</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Project Plan</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Project Plan</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Modification of the approved process to suit the requirements of a project are documented in</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Project Plan</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Project Plan</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Planned and systematic activities performed to provide adequate confidence that an item/product conforms to
requirements is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Regression Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Unit Testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Quality Assurance</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Quality Assurance</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Achieve customer satisfaction by providing defect free products and services on time.</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Achieve customer satisfaction by providing defect free products and services on time.</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Group that focus on the tools used by projects and the impact of using tools is</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Tools group</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Tools group</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Configuration audits are verification mechanisms used to ensure that deliverables are:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>On schedule</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Defect free</OPTION2>
<OPTION2>Is used to rate the Mission Quality Group performance every year</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Technical skills</OPTION4>
<OPTION3>Audit findings</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Six Sigma</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Pugh Matrix</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Black Belt</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>White Belt</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Green Belt</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>A list of project documents, quality records and customer supplied documents are recorded in</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Project Folder</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Document Bank</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Schedule deviation, effort deviation, field error rate are some of the metrics captured for</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Service projects</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Development projects</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Maintenance projects</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Development projects</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Difference between actual end date and planned end date expressed as a % of planned duration is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Requirements volatility</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Schedule volatility</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Schedule deviation</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Schedule deviation</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Effort Deviation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Overall Productivity</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>CUT productivity</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Overall Productivity</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Quality Models</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Six Sigma</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Quality Models</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>In Veloci-Q, intentions and directions for quality initiative are documented in</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Policies section</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Procedure section</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Guidelines section</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Policies section</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Process artifacts that help to perform project activities in a standard manner are</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>The extent to which a specific process is defined, managed, measured and controlled within an organization is known
<OPTION1>Procedures Capacity</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Measurememt Maturity</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>The two representations in the CMMI Framework are:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Change Register</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Configuration Register</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>_________is used to document the features/functionality to be tested, test strategy and testing methods to be
<OPTION1>Test Form</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Test Plan</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test development</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Test Design</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>The International Standard for Quality Assurance – ISO 9001 emphasizes on :</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Product Quality</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Process Quality</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Process Quality</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Which Lifecycle model emphasizes preparation of plans for validation during the early Life Cycle stages
<OPTION2>Maintenance model</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>V-Process Model</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>V-Process Model</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_______ is a monthly mechanism to track metric trends, exceptions of metrics and ensure Process Improvements in
the Business Unit</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Quality meet</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Organisation’s Customer Focus should meet the needs and expectations of:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>__________________ is a mechanism of maintaining the mapping between requirements and products resulting from
the requirements.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Design document</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Requirements Traceability</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test cases</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Functional design</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Requirements Traceability</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Select requirements</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Requirements traceability</OPTION2>
<OPTION1>Iterative stage</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Repeatable stage</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Optimizing stage</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Defined stage</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Optimizing stage</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Conformance of requirements</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Individual performance</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>The Assessment methodology defined by SEI for the CMMI model is</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>In the execution of maintenance projects each trigger from the customer is recorded in a:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Change Request</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>The mechanism for obtaining customer feedback at project closure as per veloci-Q is:</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Use template in veloci-Q as a feedback form, tailor the feedback form by including project specific
<OPTION4>An acceptance mail from the customer post project completion will suffice</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Use template in veloci-Q as a feedback form, tailor the feedback form by including project specific
<OPTION1>Coding Standards</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Quality models</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Programming Languages</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Quality models</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Customer feedback</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Deviations from the stated processes that are identified during the audit are recorded as</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Delivery Manager</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Which of the following would help us in deriving the projects specific process from the organization’s standard
<OPTION1>Process guidelines</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Project Procedures</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Tailoring Guidelines</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Tailoring Guidelines</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>The Six Sigma technique/tool recommended for use of Risk Analysis is</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Pugh Matrix</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Voice of Customer</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Requirements Volatility</OPTION1>
<ANSWER>Requirements Volatility</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>It is mandatory to take corrective and preventive actions for</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Customer complaints</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>____is a cluster of related practices that are performed collectively to achieve a set of objectives.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Channel W</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Quality System</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Process Area</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Process Area</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>In CMMi context ____is a collaborative effort to find strengths and improvement areas.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>DSSS, DMAIC and TQSS are six sigma methodologies used for</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Defect Reduction</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Cost calculations</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Defect Reduction</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Six Sigma</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Project plan</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Work items that would undergo changes during product life cycle are known as</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Configuration Items</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Change Items</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Product Items</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Configuration Items</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Change Request</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Bureau of India Standards emphasizes on</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Project Quality</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Process Quality</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Quality Models</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Product Quality</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Product Quality</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Guidelines section</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Policies section</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Procedure section</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Procedure section</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Change request</OPTION1>
<OPTION1>Disaster recovery</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Change request</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Maintenance request</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>The process model applicable to projects that involve development of new products or major enhancements to
existing products is</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>V-process model</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>The role of a person who facilitates the six sigma team project to align with the methodology is:</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Green Belt</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Yellow Belt</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Black Belt</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>______________ in the Configuration Management (CM) process represents the snapshot of a set of deliverables at a
given point in time.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Configuration Audits</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Configuration Items</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Part of a vertical</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Statistical term that describes the amount of variation in data</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Standard Deviation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Six Sigma</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Normal Distribution</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Standard Deviation</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>The quality group responsible for process definition, metrics analysis and quality assurance activities at
vertical/group vertical level is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Tools Group</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>Modification of the approved process to suit the requirements of a project is known as</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Process Tailoring</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Process Approval</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Process Deviation</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Process Tailoring</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_________ serves as an important verification activity to ensure the completeness of testing in order to ensure
product quality.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Test Audit</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Integration Testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Unit Testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>System testing</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Achieving the goal of Six Sigma means your product will be defect free to an extent of:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>_______ is a process of examining whether the process conforms to the defined quality system:</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>You are a Project Engineer who has just joined Wipro. You want to know best practices from projects executed in
Wipro. Where would you go?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Treasure House</OPTION1>
<ANSWER>Treasure House</ANSWER>
<OPTION4>Treasure house</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Which of the following is review mechanism, where senior management reviews performance of projects with respect
to Quality?</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Which of the following provides details on metrics performance for project :</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Project Vision</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Resource Plan</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>_____is the monthly mechanism to record and track metrics of the projects</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Work Plans</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>Group that works on the definition of the procedures and guidelines used by projects is</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Tools group</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Technical skills</OPTION4>
<OPTION3>Audit findings</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Black Belt</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>White Belt</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Green Belt</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Difference between actual effort and planned effort expressed as a % of planned effort is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Requirements volatility</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Schedule volatility</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Effort deviation</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Effort deviation</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Ratio of product size to effort in coding and unit testing phase is</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Effort Deviation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Overall Productivity</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>CUT productivity</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>CUT productivity</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Which model is not used for new product development?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>V-Process model</OPTION1>
<OPTION1>Policies section</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Procedure section</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Guidelines section</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Checklists & templates are process artifacts that help to perform project activities in a standard
<OPTION2>Pugh matrix</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Function points</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Presales staff</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Delivery Manager</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Project Manager</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Project Manager</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Choose the right one: Process model suitable for development project.</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Iterative model</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>V-Process model</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>The set of actions to be taken when the probable risks occur ; are documented as a part of</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Risk Tracker</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Mitigation Plan</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Contingency plan</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Mitigation Plan</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Pugh Matrix</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Voice of Customer</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Voice of Customer</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Guidelines section</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Policies section</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Procedure section</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Guidelines section</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Change request</OPTION1>
<ANSWER>Change request</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Which of the following is not a valid phase of managed services life cycle in Wipro Technologies?</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Due Diligence</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Reverse Transition</OPTION4>
<txt id="intro8"></txt>
<txt id="intro13">Congratulations!</txt>
<QUESTION>A ______ is a document which describes the objective, scope , approach and focus of a software testing
<OPTION1>Test Plan</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Test Case</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test Strategy</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Test Script</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>Table review process is followed mostly for reviewing documents. What is the other name of Table Review
<OPTION3>Focuses on whether the system delivers what was requested and is informed by the business</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>It is a logical group of test cases which when taken together test a particular function or unit of the
<OPTION2>It is a document that defines the input, action and expected output to determine if a certain feature of an application is
working correctly</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>It is a document that describes the sequence of steps to execute a test case.</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>It is a logical group of test cases which when taken together test a particular function or unit of the
<OPTION2>Testing is generally done by an independent test team, and not by the developer</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Aims at testing a host of variables like basic requirements, implied requirements, performance</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>_______ is done with the intent of determining if the product will install on a variety of platforms.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Product testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Installation testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Load testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Compatibility testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Installation testing</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Load testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Performance testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Build testing</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Load testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>__________ refers to 'Are we building the product RIGHT?'</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>___________ stage ensures that review comments have been incorporated during rework</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Causal Analysis</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Follow up</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Follow up</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Defects found in reviews are classified in 2 ways. The 2 ways are :</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Priority, Source</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Severity, Type</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Major, Minor</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Cosmetic, Logical</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Severity, Type</ANSWER>
<OPTION3>Both (a) and (b)</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>If the cost of fixing a defect in the requirements phase is 1, what is the relative cost of fixing a defect in the Testing
<OPTION4>10 to 15</OPTION4>
<OPTION3>Review Leader</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Review Leader</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>In a table review, who records the defects and classifies errors?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Review Leader</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>In which of the following review stages, tasks and specific focus areas are assigned to the team</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Mike Fagan of IBM published a paper in 1976, describing a method called __________ which formalised the
software review process.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Peer review</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Table review</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Online review</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Pair review</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Table review</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Norms for review rate are defined for which of the following reasons:</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Review Productivity</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Review is a formal evaluation technique in which software requirements, design and code is examined in detail by
groups of persons other than the author to detect faults,violations of development standards and other problems. This definition of
reviews is by</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Roger Pressmen</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>The basic building block of any activity in any phase of the SDLC which forms the core of Wipro's Reviews and
Testing Process is called the :</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Peer Review</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Statement coverage</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Decision coverage</OPTION3>
<OPTION1>Problem definition</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>List of roles</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Problem definition</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>It determines if bug fixes have been successful and they have not created any new problems</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>The purpose of _________ is to assure that the product or product components fulfill their intended use when placed
in their intented environment</QUESTION>
<OPTION4>Product Testing</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>The purpose of _________ is to assure that the selected product meet their specified requirements</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Acceptance Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION4>Feature testing</OPTION4>
<OPTION1>Finding defects</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Verifying that the module performs its intended functions as stated in the specification</OPTION2>
<OPTION1>Provides an overview of the product to be reviewed during the kick off meeting</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Classify defects</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Provide clarification</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>There are seven steps in a review process. Which of the following step helps in defect prevention?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Review Preparation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Causal Analysis</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Causal Analysis</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Pareto Analysis</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Verification and Validation utilizes ________ to analyse and check system representations.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Validation Techniques</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Testing Techniques</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Review Techniques</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Which of the following are broad types of efficiency techniques in testing :</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Which of the following are the commonly accepted levels of testing in the Software Development Life Cycle
<OPTION1>System testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Integration testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Transition Review</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Code Review</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Which of the following criteria serve as basis for taking decision to stop testing :</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Stop testing when all test cases execute without producing any error</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Stop testing when the specified test coverage is completed without finding errors</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Which of the following defect type classification is used for document Reviews?</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Error Handling</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Lack of Clarity</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Lack of Clarity</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Proposal/Contract review</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Release Review</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Which of the following review types is used for building code or documents by discussing with the members of the
development team and improving the work item .</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Table Review</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Peer Review</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Walk throughs</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Walk throughs</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Table review</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Peer review</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Table review</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Which of the following rules apply for real-time system testing :</QUESTION>
<OPTION2>Properly run unit testing is potentially capable of removing 70% of the defects</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Testing cannot remove all defects which are undetected in earlier stages</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>For testing basic requirement, implied requirements , performance measures in various rounds</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>_____ testing focus on how the components communicate with each other as specified in the system
<QUESTION>______ are conducted to find and eliminate errors/defects in the early stages of product development.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Condition coverage</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>______ provides a measure of the conditions which could ensure that a branch is executed.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Decision coverage</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Condition operand coverage</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Condition coverage</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>_______ is used to determine whether other system software components such as browsers utilities and competing
software will conflict with the software being tested</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Mutation Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Browser Testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Compatibility Testing</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Compatibility Testing</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>System testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Integration testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Interface testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>System testing</ANSWER>
<OPTION4>None of the above</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>________ complexity measures the structural complexity of software by quantifying the number of linearly-
independent paths running through a program module.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>________ complexity-based testing measures program length and vocabulary, volume, difficulty, and
<QUESTION>__________ testing shall be carried out if there are multiple modules in the project.</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Module/ Feature</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Module/ Feature</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Review Preparation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Causal Analysis</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Review Meeting</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Causal Analysis</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_____________ is a way of proving that your system does what is intended and also meets all
<QUESTION>During System Testing of an application, you would want to test the peak volumes of information that can be
handled by the application. What kind of testing would you do?</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>In a software development environment ____________ is confirmation that the output of a particular phase of
development meets all of the input requirements for that phase.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Software Validation</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Software Testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Software Verification</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Software Verification</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Verification tools</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Validation tools</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Testing tools</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Testing tools</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>The ___________ based testing is a systematic, statistical way of testing the software.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>User interface</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Orthogonal Array</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Orthogonal Array</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Defect Log</OPTION1>
<QUESTION>Which of the following is the most important criteria to start review of a work item.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>Which of the following testing is recommended in order to keep company data and resources secure from mistaken
or accidental users, hackers, and other malevolent attackers.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Security testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Safety testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Mutation testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Security testing</ANSWER>
<OPTION3>List of Reviewers</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>______ demonstrates satisfactory suitability for use in the intended operating environment.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>System testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Acceptance testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Regression testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Integration testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>System testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ helps analyze the required efforts for validating the acceptability of a software product.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Test Plan</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Test Script</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test Case</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Peer review</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>System Checking</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>__________ includes all of the verification and testing activities conducted throughout the software
<OPTION1>Software Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Software Validation</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Software Verification</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Software Validation</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>__________ is a formal evaluation technique in which software requirements, design, or code are examined to detect
<OPTION2>System Testing</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>A ____ provides a framework for setting the input parameters, executing the unit and reading the output
<OPTION1>Test bed</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Test driver</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test stub</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Test driver</ANSWER>
<OPTION2>Test Report</OPTION2>
<OPTION2>Review Plan</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Which of the following reviews are recommended for large/critical work items</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Peer review</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Table review</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Table review</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>Wipro is CMMI Level 5 certified organization. Verification and Validation Process Areas lies at</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Integration testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Interface testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>System testing</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>A visual examination of a software product to detect and identify software anomalies or defects including errors and
deviations from standards is</QUESTION>
<OPTION4>None of the above</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>As the project moves from requirements stage to completion stage, the cost of fixing defects .</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>A ________ is an imitation of a unit, used in place of the real unit to facilitate testing.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Test driver</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Test build</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Test bed</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Test stub</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Test stub</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>A group of test scripts which when taken together test all functions of an entire system is called the
<OPTION1>Test Suite</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Test Product</OPTION3>
<OPTION3>Review Leader</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>Sometimes a need may arise for an external review of the software product. Which of the following needs will prompt
you to go for an ERT?</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Domain Content</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Technical Content</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Cosmetic Content</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Often development effort increases and there is very little time for testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION1>Decision Table</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Equivalence Partitioning</OPTION2>
<QUESTION>Which of the following are Code Complexity measures used as basis for testing :</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>McCabe measures</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Combination measures</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Halstead measures</OPTION3>
<OPTION2>Violation of standards</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Lack of clarity</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>________ determines if a new software version is performing well enough to accept it for a major testing
<OPTION1>Mutation testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Load testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Smoke testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Release testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Smoke testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ involves checking that each feature specified in the component design has been implemented in the
<OPTION1>Interface testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Integration testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Unit testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>System testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Unit testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ involves testing two or more modules together with the intent of finding defects between the
<OPTION2>Feature testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Unit testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>System testing</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>________ is a method for determining if a set of test data or test cases is useful.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Automated testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Mutation testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Functional testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Module testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Mutation testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ is done with the intent of determining how quickly a product handles a variety of events, actions or
<OPTION1>Performance testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>System testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION4>Product testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Performance testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ is the process of evaluating a system to verify that it satisfies specified requirements.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>________ is used to test operation of the software and input-output data to ensure that the software is performing
<OPTION1>Software Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Review Techniques</OPTION2>
<ANSWER>Software Testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ techniques examine input and output of test data and derive test cases based on an analysis of the input
and output domains.</QUESTION>
<OPTION3>Domain-Based testing</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Domain-Based testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>________ typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements and
<OPTION3>Project Planning</OPTION3>
<QUESTION>_________ can be done with checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs, and inspection meetings.</QUESTION>
<QUESTION>_________ determines how well a product performs when a load is placed on the system resources that nears and
then exceeds the system capacity.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Compatibility Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Load testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Capacity testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Stress testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Stress testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>_________ is a document that defines the input, action and the corresponding expected output, to determine if a
certain feature of an application is working correctly.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Test Script</OPTION1>
<OPTION3>Test Case</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Test Plan</OPTION4>
<QUESTION>__________ implies testing the system with the intent of confirming the readiness of the product and customer
acceptance of the product.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Acceptance Testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Integration testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Load testing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>System testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Acceptance Testing</ANSWER>
<OPTION1>Software Review</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Software Inspection</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Software Analysing</OPTION3>
<OPTION4>Software Testing</OPTION4>
<ANSWER>Software Testing</ANSWER>
<QUESTION>__________ refers to testing the features/ navigation/ expected expectations, when more than one users from different
machines operate on same Objects.</QUESTION>
<OPTION1>Concurrent testing</OPTION1>
<OPTION2>Functional testing</OPTION2>
<OPTION3>Module testing</OPTION3>
<ANSWER>Concurrent testing</ANSWER>