Sora No Kiseki The 3rd Walkthrough

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Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd – FAQ/Walkthrough


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FAQ/Walkthrough by Zoelius
Version: 0.19 | Updated: 07/24/17

Table of Contents

Copyright and Other Information

Battle System
Luxury Airship Lusitania
Chapter 1
Hermit's Garden
Jade Corridor
Chapter 2
Grancel Arena
Grancel Castle
Chapter 3
Golden Road
Silver Road
Chapter 4
Le Locle Training Grounds
Balstar Channel
Saint-Croix Forest
Grimsel Fortress
Chapter 5
Luminous Labyrinth
Umbral Labyrinth
Luminous Labyrinth 2
Chapter 6
Erbe Scenic Route
Monochrome Schoolhouse
The Looking Glass
Impregnable Fortress
The Black Ark
Chapter 7
Aster House
The Abyss - Area 1
The Abyss - Area 2
The Abyss - Area 3
The Abyss - Depths
Final Battle
Moon Doors
Moon Door 1
Moon Door 2
Moon Door 3
Moon Door 4
Moon Door 5
Sun Doors
Sun Door 1
Sun Door 2
Sun Door 3
Sun Door 4
Sun Door 5
Star Doors
Star Door 1
Star Door 2
Star Door 3
Star Door 4
Star Door 5
Star Door 6
Star Door 7
Star Door 8
Star Door 9
Star Door 10
Star Door 11
Star Door 12
Star Door 13
Star Door 14
Star Door 15
Arts & Quartz
Weapon List
Armor List
Accessory List
Recipe List
Sit-Down Recipes
To-Go Recipes
Attack Recipes
Character Skills
Achievement / Trophies
Credits and Special Thanks

Copyright and Other Information

This guide was written by Chao Min Wu (Zoelius) AKA (Zoel Giradel). This guide cannot be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be
published on any website or otherwise distributed publicly at all, no exceptions. This guide shall only be allowed to be displayed publically on
and; other use is strictly prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws. If you have any questions, tips or concerns, you can contact me at
[email protected], be sure to put "Trails in the Sky" in the subject title.

*Please don't send me flames and spam via email, as it will be immediately deleted and your email address will be blocked.

PayPal Donation
If you want to make a small contribution to this guide, you can send it to my Paypal account at "[email protected]" or by using the Donate button on the top. Any amount is very
much appreciated and will be used as a source for future guides.

FAQ Version
Date Version Changes
2017 - May 9 0.01 Initial Guide Version.
2017 - May 10 - July 21 0.02 - 0.18 Completed Main Story.
2017 - May 10 - July 24 0.19 Added some side story content.

Disclaimer: This guide is based on Xseed English version. Certain enemies and bosses have been weakened for the official
English release, also The Vita version contains additional content and balance changes.

Hello and welcome to Zoelius' Trails in the Sky the 3rd walkthrough! Trails in the Sky the 3rd is the sequel to Trails in the Sky FC
and SC, and as such is it recommended you play those two first. With that out of the way, the game centers around a Priest
(Legit!) named Kevin Graham and his supporting Squire Ries Argent, as they find themselves trapped in a mysterious world known
as Phantasma. Now then, let's unravel the mysteries of this bizarre world!

Battle System
HP This is the health of a character, if it falls down to 0, the character will be K.O.ed.
EP Used for casting arts (magic).
CP CP-Craft Points. Used for special skills, CP is automatically raised when attacking enemies or from taking damage.
Red Orb This signifies that a S-Craft is available to use. This means the character has over 100 CP allowing you to use their S-Craft (a super attack).
It is also called S-Break, which is when you press the Triangle button. This lets you use your S-Craft without it being your turn.
AT Bar This gauge determines the turn order, The game provides many ways of manipulating turn order, every action has a different delay parameter.
AT Bonus Various bonuses that can be allotted to character's turn.
Attack Attack with your equipped weapon.
Crafts Unique abilities for each character learned when a certain level is reached. CP (Craft Points) is required.
Arts Lets you cast magic by exploiting the power of the orbments. The type of magic is based on the quartz you equipped. EP (Energy Points) is required.
Item Use an item in your inventory.
Move Move character position.
Run Retreat from battle. Success rate of running from battle increases by 10% per every failure.

Field Attack and Battle Advantage

On the Field Map, you can use the Field Attack function by pressing the confirm button (Note: Vita Version Only). If you encounter
an enemy and manage to strike it from behind, it will cause them to be stunned. During this moment you can start an enemy
encounter with an additional advantage. This will give you a preemptive attack and turn bonus effects. The enemy can do this to
you if they manage to sneak up behind you. If playing on the PC version, you must manually sneak up on an enemy.

Orbment System
Each party member can use orbal arts by equipping quartz to their orbment unit. Quartz will raise your status attributes and will
generate an orbment output. Playable characters will have access to arts based on their orbment output, every character will have
a different set of Orbment Lines, which makes some users better at using Arts than others. In order to use stronger quartz, you
must upgrade the slot with Sepith Gems before you are allowed to equip them. Your source of money (Mira) also comes from
exchanging Sepith at shops. Keep a balance between upgrading your slots and selling them for money.
Abnormal Status (Negative)
Unlike most RPGs, in the Legend of Heroes games, abnormal status can actually work on bosses which is one the main key to
winning battles. You can take advantage of these status defects to gain a huge advantage in battle. Of course the same can
happen to you as well.

List of Abnormal Status Cure

Poison Receive damage after turn. Purging Balm

Seal Renders the afflicted unable to attack, use crafts or S-Crafts. Purging Balm

Blind DEX + AGL down. Purging Balm

Sleep Miss turn, if attacked, wake up. Smelling Salts

Faint Miss turn. Smelling Salts

Confuse The afflicted attacks both enemies and allies indiscriminately. Smelling Salts

Freeze Renders the afflicted unable to act. Deals medium damage at the end of their turn. Softening Balm

Petrify Renders the afflicted unable to act, with a 30% chance to be K.O.ed when attacked. Softening Balm

Mute Renders the afflicted unable to use arts. Insulating Tape

Rage Focus attack on provoker. Curia

Morph Change character's size/lower stats. Wears off

Suspend Character cannot be selected or act. Wears off

K.O. If HP is 0, the character can no longer aid in battle. Reviving Balm, Thelas, Athelas

Burn Deals major damage at the end of the afflicted's turn. Cooling Spray, Curia
Note: Vita Exclusive

Abnormal Status (Positive)

These are status buffs that are used for enhancing a target's status temporarily.

List of Status Buffs

Art Guard Immune to arts.

Immune All damage ineffective once.

You can adjust your battle position under the tactics menu. The formation is not important on lower difficulty levels but can be
used to exploit the enemy behavior. On Nightmare mode, adjusting your character position is a must. Here are some suggested
formations you can use.
Formation Description

This is most commonly used formation, works against most bosses, especially for mid game when you have all evasion gear put to the
tanking unit. This allows the tank to dodge all physical attacks, while the rest of the party can provide support and damage from the back.
If enemies reach the back, you can use abilities that have Suction properties, to pull enemies away from them.

This formation keeps all your party members spread out to each corner of the map. This formation is useful against bosses with powerful
arts, or with attacks that make a tanking unit obsolete. With this formation, the computer will have to focus on dealing with one unit at a

This formation keeps all your party members close together, allowing you to use support abilities that are beneficial for the whole team.
This formation is quite effective against bosses that has area attacks that can hit the entire map.

Vita and PC Difference

New UI (User Interface), UI is similar to the Crossbell games.
Game is now fully voiced.
Field attacks are added to each character, allowing you to pre-emptive strike enemies much easier.
One story element was altered on the PSP version that was carried over to the Vita version.
Additional equipment, abilities, and battles have been added to the Vita version.
Gameplay balance has been adjusted. The Vita version has a ton of changes to enemies. Eg. Enemies now been simplified
with two item drops instead of variety mix of drops.
Ailments from the newer Trails games has been added, and some been removed.
Party members are a lot stronger in the Vita version, with higher damage output and more effective skills.
Certain abilities are available much earlier in the Vita version.
Flashback portraits has been redrawn and shown in monochrome.

Start a new game, pick the difficulty level of your choice. If you have a cleared data from Trails in the Sky SC, loading that file
would give an item bonus to start with. Trails in the Sky The 3rd, is the hardest Trails games, it is highly you avoid playing on
Nightmare mode unless you know what you're doing or at New Game+.

Di culty Setting
Easy 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Balanced for quick, easy battles. Ideal for beginners and story enthusiast.
Normal 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Build around satisfyingly tough combat. Aimed to people used to playing RPG.
Hard 117% 118% 118% 120% 120% 120% Battles will take everything you have. For skilled players who find Normal too easy.
Nightmare 131% 131% 131% 131% 131% 145% Balanced for New Game+. Ideal for replays.

Note: Higher difficulty levels will also increase the duration and damage of field traps.
Transfer Bonus
Previous Rank Bonus
Rank A Solar Seal, Lunar Seal, All Sepith x100
Rank B or lower Lunar Seal, All Sepith x100.

Luxury Airship Lusitania

Note: This is an one time access location, make sure you got everything before clearing this area.

Treasure List
Teara Balm
EP Charge
Teara Balm
EP Charge

Explore around the airship, you will find a treasure chest in some of the passenger rooms. For the Steam version, examine the
chest again for a message. Each treasure chest contains a unique message, if you manage to read all 246 messages, you will
unlock an achievement.

If you stumble on the room with a lot of books, you can read the complete series of Carnelia (A series in the previous game that is
hidden throughout the games.)

When you reach to Conrad's room, examine the hidden switches in the room (Flower Pot, Desk, Vase, Left corner of the Rug),

then examine the main door and select the second choice "O-R-P-H-E-U-S" to unlock the door. Afterwards, you will be facing your
first battle. Kevin is very strong at this point, so it shouldn't be a problem against the enemies you're fighting, select regular
attacks or use his crafts abilities to end the battle faster.

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Man in Black - Blade 2658 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100
Man in Black - Gun 1896 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100
Steel Cougar 3730 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100

Note: There is a hidden item found at the end of the game if you have fought 300 battles without running away, or have ran from
300 battles. They are two different items and only one can be obtained in the game.

Leave and return to the guest room, there will be some battle along the way.

Speak to all the NPCs in the area, when every NPC has been spoken to, an event will trigger telling you to return to your seat.
When the event is over, a battle will ensue.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Gilbert 9764 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape
G-Apache 12800 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape, Curia Balm, EP Charge
Gilbert appears to be a complete pushover, however, he is very deadly depending on what the computer does. He has an ability to instantly freeze your party letting his ship to
unleash massive damage. Taking out Gilbert first is the best thing to do, as he can debuff or delay your turn. After taking Gilbert out, focus on attacking the ship, If you ever see the
ship charge up, move out of the line of sight immediately. If you don't do this, you will be hit really hard. If you're playing in Nightmare Mode, it is highly suggested you to use Ries'
Holy Blessing on Kevin to recover his CP, this way you can use Kevin's S-Craft, Grail Sphere to nullify any devastating attacks.

Chapter 1
Hermit's Garden
Move the center and examine the stone monument. Then move to the column on the upper left corner of the map. You will notice
a shining object on the ground, examine it to get the carry over bonus (Only available if you transferred your cleared data from
Trails in the Sky SC).

Explore each corner of the map, the water fountain on the left side, the big tree on the right, the north corner of the map and the
books on the bottom. After exploring all the locations return to the center for an event. Afterwards, examine the stone monument

The Stone Monument will act as your recovery station.

Note: If you're playing the Vita version of The 3rd, all orbment slots will start at level 1.

Then examine the large tree on the east side of the map. Speaking to the tree lets you purchase ingredient for recipes.

Afterwards, examine the water fountain on the west side of the map. Drink the water to fully recover your HP/CP.

Return to the stone monument, the seal to the north exit will be removed. Ries will give you a notebook to keep track of your
progress. Afterwards, go to the north portal.

Jade Corridor

Treasure List
Tear Balm
300 Mira
Sealing Stone (Event)

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Bone Warrior 2399 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 160
Bone Archer 1966 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 160
Grimoire 999 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Sudorudo 1218 (Normal) 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 100, 100
Aries Pot 2380 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

As soon as you arrive, you will fight a group of enemies. Defeat them, Ries will give you a Monster Guide afterwards. The Monster
Guide is used to collect any enemy information. Afterwards, follow the linear path, and pick up any treasure chest you see on the
way. When you reach the end, you will find a yellow shining object. Examine it for a story event.

After this event, you will unlock the Warp function by clicking the Cube icon on the upper right corner. Warp back to the Hermit's
Garden, Tita will join your party. Return to the area where you found the Sealing Stone, you will find the barrier has been removed.
As you go further, Kevin will notice a door. Examine the blue door to start Moon Door 1.

Moon Doors are optional scenarios that provide side story and other unique rewards, each one has a certain condition before they
can be unlocked. When the condition is met, the door will be unlocked, usually along with a Trial that must be overcome before
you get to see the side story. The first Moon Door is mandatory though.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Moon Guardian x3 9900 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape
This battle is really easy even if you are unprepared. These enemies will try to reduce your movement to prevent you from getting near them. They also will randomly heal you at
times. Use Tita's Smoke Cannon to blind all the enemies. When they're blind, the rest of the battle should be a cakewalk.

Afterwards, follow the north path, it will lead you to the next area.

Treasure List
Glam Choker
Black Bangle
Tear Balm
Smelling Salts
Extra Spicy Fries
Royal Spikes

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Bone Mage 2957 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 160
Bone Ranger 1912 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 160

Go straight until an event occurs, the party will find another stone monument. This will be used as checkpoints, which allows your
cube to instantly warp to. Heal up and replenish supplies. Then take the warp on the left side, you will find two treasure chests
and Sun Door 1. However, you will need Josette in your party to access it, you should still examine it, as it will add the location as
a checkpoint to your cube. Return to the stone monument, and take the warp on the right. When the path splits, on the left side,
will be three treasure chests, pick those up, then continue further by taking the warp. Hop on the airship.

Note: One of the chest contains Extra Spicy Fries. Certain dishes when consumed, will let you learn the recipe.


Treasure List
Royal Spikes (Outside)
300 Mira
Reviving Balm
Easy Paella
Hit 2

Go outside by going straight, you will find Royal Spikes in a treasure chest. Then return back inside. Go all the way downstairs to
the last floor. Open the door on the top, you will find the engine room. Examine the computer terminal and unlock the three areas.
After the area is unlocked, pick up the treasure chest in the section below, to find a Reviving Balm and 300 Mira. Return upstairs,
go to the kitchen, on the counter you will find the Easy Paella recipe. Then go to the Conference Room to find a Hit 2 Quartz. Then
go all the way upstairs to the bridge area. You will find another Sealing Stone, return back to the Hermit's Garden by using the
Cube. Examine the stone monument and Unleash the Sealing Stone. Afterwards, Julia will join your party.

Use the cube and warp back to the Jade Corridor. Take the warp south.

Treasure List
Fresh Water
Earth, Water, Fire Sepith x50
Fishy Finale
Time, Space, Mirage Sepith x50

Keep going on the spiral set of stairs, on the third floor down will be a chest that contains the Fresh Water dish. Then on the next
floor, there is a chest with some sepiths on the corner. Then go further and take the warp. You will find two chests next to you,
open them to get some sepiths and the Fishy Finale dish. Then keep going straight until you reach the lift. After the event,
examine the stone monument and save your game. Its recommended to equip Tita with a sleep resistant accessory. Then head
further for a boss battle.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Bennu 9999 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100
Bennu (Barrier Removed) 3999 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Evade 2
Bennu Nucleus 19888 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100

Sudorudo Giza x4 4072 (Normal) Tear Balm, Smelling Salts

100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 100, 100
Long Barrel, Insulating Tape
Start the battle by destroying the four sentries, they have a high physical defense, so you will need to cast arts to destroy them. After they been taken care of, you can focus on the
main boss. The main boss is highly resistant to arts, so you will need to hit it with physical attacks. The boss isn't that strong, and will only drain the HP of a single target. When you
wipe out the boss' HP, the barrier will shatter, during this form, the boss will focus on casting Earth Lance on a single target. You can use Ries or Julia to interrupt the boss from
casting its arts. You can also use Kevin's Crossrage Gear to delay the boss. When all the HP of this form is gone, you will fight final form. This form is what you need to watch out
for, it has an area attack that can hit all your party members and put them to sleep. Not only that, the boss is also super agile. What you want to do is have all your party members
stick close to each other and have Tita use her Vital Cannon to heal the whole party, while the rest of the party members should main focus on attacking the boss or provide backup

Chapter 2
There are some things added to this chapter as you begin, the first thing is the Carnelia books can be read on the bookshelves on
the south area of the Garden. Reading all the books in the game will give you the Bookworm Achievement. When your set to go,
teleport to the previous area (End of Jade Corridor). There will be another warp, take it to leave Jade Corridor.


Treasure List
HP 2
Akashic Heart
Smelling Salts
Fried Phoenix
Insulating Tape
Sepith x50
500 Mira
500 Mira
500 Mira
White Bracelet


List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Iron Knight 2816 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100

Check the stone monument to the right side of the map. You can purchase new equipment. When you're ready to move, visit each
of the building around the area, there will be a treasure chest in most of the buildings inside. Sun Door 2 and Moon Door 2 is also
located in this area, however, you won't able to access them yet. Take the north exit out, when you're in the castle area, you will
find Star Door 1 here. There will also be a boss waiting for you at the center.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Iron Kaiser 4116 (Normal) Tear Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100
Monster Carapace, Lucky Fang, Juicy Bone, Firefly Fungus
Iron Knight x6 2816 (Normal) Tear Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100
Monster Carapace, Lucky Fang, Juicy Bone, Firefly Fungus
This battle is similar to the monster chest battles from the previous games. You will start the battle being severely outnumbered. Though it shouldn't be a problem, the mobs aren't
really strong, just wait for them to get close and use powerful AOE skills to hit them all, like Kevin's Mortal Punishment, Tita's Smoke Cannon. You can use S-Craft to instantly wipe
them out.

After defeating the boss, you will notice a barrier has been removed. Head down to the south block, the path east will be

Grancel East Block

Treasure List
Sepitum Drops
Softening Balm
Proxy Puppet
Bestia Coat
Teara Balm

Go to the building in the center. There will be three treasure chests in the area, including the Septium Drop recipe. After acquiring
these items, leave and enter the building located north. You will face a battle as you enter.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Dark Blade x4 4432 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Monster Carapace, Lucky Fang, Juicy Bone, Firefly Fungus
These mobs aren't exactly tough, the main problem with this fight is when the monsters use their special ability, Cloak & Dagger, this can instantly K.O. a party member. With poor
luck, you can be instantly wiped out from their instant kill attacks. Yon can cancel this by using Ries's Arc Fencer Or Julia's Lazenreiter. As long as you have a few reviving balm, this
battle shouldn't be too hard. If the battle proves too difficult, just wipe them out using S-Craft.

After defeating the boss, examine each room, there is a treasure in two of the rooms and a Sealing Stone. After acquiring the
Sealing Stone, return to Hermit's Garden and release the stone. Afterwards, Mueller will join your party, because you can only bring
four members at a time, the party select function will be added to the menu. You can switch members by clicking the character
icon on the top left corner. Members that remain behind which can also act as supporting member which will unlock Remote

If you bring Mueller and Julia, you can also access Star Door 1 near the castle area.

To Continue with the main story, teleport back to Grancel South Block. The path located west will be unlocked.

Grancel West Block

Treasure List
Septih x50
Teara Balm
Brain Roast
Black Bangle+
Celestial Balm
Stun GB
Teara Balm
Long Barrel 2
Teara Balm
Purging Balm
Teara Balm
EP Charge
Crimson Eye
Purging Balm

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Iron Kaiser 4116 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100
Shining Pom (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50
Wisp 1999 (Normal) 100, 0, 100, 140, 100, 100, 120

Explore each of the buildings in the area, there is a treasure chest in most of the locations. If you go inside the church, you can
find Star Door 2 (You will need to fight 100 battles to access it.) After that, go north to the next map, you will end up the harbor
area. Around the west corner, you will end up finding the Bobcat, however, it is locked at the moment. Afterwards go north to the
next map, and enter the northeastern building, inside the hangar you will fight some ghosts. After defeating them. they will drop a
key. Use it to unlock the Bobcat, you will find a Sealing Stone inside. Return to Hermit's Garden and release the stone.

After this event, Josette will join your party. With Josette in your party, you can access Sun Door 1 located at Jade Corridor.
Clearing this door will give you the Detection Quartz, this will display treasure chest on the mini map, which is highly
recommended on getting.
To continue with the main story, move to Grancel East Block, the building located east is now unlocked.

Grancel Arena
Explore around the Arena, there aren't any treasure chests in this area. Here, you can find Sun Door 3, however you can't access it
at the moment. When you find the next stone monument, you can purchase new gear for your new party members. Save your
game, then go the arena area, you will be fighting a series of battles. After defeating the common enemies, you will be fighting a

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Dark Bringer 23777 (Normal) HP 3, Attack 3, Defense 3, Shield 3
100, 100, 50, 0, 120, 100, 100 Hit 3, Mind 3, Evade 3
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Skull Head x4 999 (Normal) 100, 140, 0, 100, 100, 100, 140 Purging Balm, EP Charge, Curia Balm
Bird Egg, Clear Gelatin, Flaky Potato, Ironbone Fish
Start the battle by removing the four enemy mobs, if you brought Tita, you can easily wipe them out with Smoke Cannon. If not then, use the best available area attack skill. When
the main boss remains, focus on attacking it, and have someone cast Earth Guard ( x2) on your main healer (Preferably Kevin). The boss has an attack that can inflict Seal. If your
main healer is protected, you can use Kevin's Sacred Breath to instantly heal all incoming damage and cure the ailment you receive.

Afterwards, another Sealing Stone will appear. Pick up the sealing stone and return to Hermit's Garden. Release the stone, Joshua
will join your party.

You can now access Grancel Castle. You will need Julia in your party before you can enter. When your party is all set, warp to Star
Door 1 for quick access to the Castle Area, then approach the castle gate for an event.

Chapter 2 (Continued)
Grancel Castle
Treasure List
Teara Balm
Shield 2
Fluffy Crepe
Queenly Cookie
Teara Balm
Repellent Dish

Treasure List
Glam Choker+
Pearl Earring
Zeram Powder

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Iron Kaiser 4116 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100
Skull Head 999 (Normal) 100, 140, 0, 100, 100, 100, 140
Banshee 2874 (Normal) 100, 100, 160, 0, 100, 100, 120

Dark Blade 4432 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100

As soon as you enter, you will be fighting a group of monsters. After defeating them, you can access the stone monument in the
center. This will let you purchase a new weapon for Joshua.

Explore each of the rooms downstairs, there is a treasure chest in most of the rooms, use the map above as a reference. A hard
one to spot is the treasure in the center room which is hidden under the chandelier. After picking up all the treasure, go upstairs,
and gather each chest, when you outside to the balcony area, an event will occur. Move down below for a battle.

After defeating the Skull Heads, move around the balcony and collect all the treasure chest.You can also find Star Door 3 in the
northeast corner of the map. However, you can't access it yet.
Treasure List
Teara Balm
Attack 2

Then after you have collected the treasure chest outside, go take the northwest exit, to go inside the castle, in the room right next
to you, there is a Haze Quartz. Then go upstairs and open the door to enter the balcony. After seeing the event, pick up the shining
object, you will get the treasury key. Return to the first floor, and go the basement storage area, you can unlock the door to the
center. then take the elevator.

Go up to the next room, and take the lift to the bottom level. Keep going further, you will find a stone monument at the top right
corner. Save your game, then head to the next room.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Rostrum 32270 (Normal) HP 3, Attack 3, Defense 3, Shield 3
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100 Hit 3, Mind 3, Evade 3
Rostrum Bug x5 1376 (Normal) Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120
Purging Balm, EP Charge, Curia Balm
There is a huge difficulty spike in this battle compared to your previous boss battles. This boss has very powerful area attacks that can hit from 4000 damage to 8000 damage
depending on the difficulty you're playing. The main idea of this battle is to buff up with speed and time your protective shields like Grail Sphere. I would suggest bringing Tita for
this battle as she has abilities that can wipe out the small mobs and also act as a backup healer. When the boss charges up, it will either use a skill that buff it offensive and reduce
its defense in the process or a skill that hits the entire map for 9000 damage. It is highly recommended you use Kevin's Grail Sphere when you see the area attack covers the entire

Chapter 3
Kloe will join your party after the story event. If you bring Kloe and Joshua, you can access Star Door 3 at Grancel Castle.

If you go to the book area of the Garden, the Liberl News Articles has been added to the area.

To continue with the main story, teleport back to the seal area at the end of Chapter 2. Take to the warp to the new destination.
After the story event, examine the Stone Monument. Before you start exploring the next area, prep up two separate teams, one
group will follow Kevin and the other with Ries. When you're ready, examine the monument and select the Explore the Third Plane

Note: During this segment, you cannot return to the Garden until you have reach the end. So make sure you all set before leaving.

Select the route of your choice, this guide will start with Golden Road first.

Golden Road
Treasure List
Teara Balm
Weapon *Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Amar Spiritus
Silver Earrings
All Sepith x100
All Sepith x100
Weapon *Note: Item is based on your current party members.
1000 Mira
White Bracelet+

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Clawrie 2415 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100
Ghastly Djinn 4280 (Normal) 120, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100
Hammer Dwarf 3134 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100
Meditating Monarch 2641 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100
Wind Faerie 1890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100

You will immediately get ambushed a group of Hammer Dwarfs as you enter. These monsters aren't really strong, however, they
can cause morph on your party which will reduce your attack power enormously. After you've defeated the monsters, explore
around the first part of the Golden Road. The dungeon here is pretty straightforward, if the route changes in direction, there will be
a treasure chest ahead. You can also find Star Door 4 at the very upper right corner of the map. To reach the next section, take the
warp at the top center.
Treasure List
Curia Balm
Skull Pendant
Aion Bow
Gaia Greaves
All Sepith x100

The second part of the Golden Road is simply a linear path. Pick up all the treasure chest on the way. When you're near the end,
you will see a stone monument. Heal up and save the game. As you approach the next area, a battle will ensue.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Ries? 13006 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0
HP 4, Attack 4, Defense 4, Shield 4, Hit 4
Doppel Ries 12404 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 Mind 4, Evade 4, Fish Fillet, Clear Gelatin
Red Pepper, Vintage Wine, Kibbled Salt, Tri-Colored Rice
Grimorie 1444 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Haunted Mirror x2 6666 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Spark Mirror x2 6666 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm

The boss will have two sets of mirrors supporting her. The Blue Mirror on the right will reflect any incoming physical attacks, while the mirror on the left will reflect any damage from
arts. The mirrors also have an attack that can seal or mute your party. If you want to use your S-Craft, use it on the red mirrors first. If your party has Josette or Kloe, you can use
their crafts to weaken the defense of the boss, this will let you deal massive damage to them. For the blue mirrors, if you have Kloe on your team, you can kill them quickly with the
cast of Blue Impact or Diamond Dust. The main boss has several forms, but they are exactly the same as the initial phase.

Then run to the exit to clear Golden Road.

Silver Road
Treasure List
Teara Balm
Gaia Greaves
Miso Fish
HP 3
Castel Castella
Reviving Balm
Weapon or Accessory *Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Weapon or Accessory *Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Skull Pendant

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Clawrie 2415 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100
Ghastly Djinn 4280 (Normal) 120, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100
Hammer Dwarf 3134 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100
Meditating Monarch 2641 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100

Wind Faerie 1890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100

You will immediately get ambushed a group of monsters as you enter. These monsters are much stronger than the one found in
Kevin's scenario, you have two mobs that hit hard and the Vargem enemy when defeated will self-destruct which can also cause
death. After you've defeated the monsters, explore around the first part of the Silver Road. The dungeon here is pretty
straightforward, if the route changes in direction, there will be a treasure chest ahead. You can also find Moon Door 3 at the very
upper left corner of the map. To reach the next section, take the warp at the top center.
Treasure List
Common Sepith x50
Time/Space/Mirage Sepith x100
Attack 3
Pearl Earring+
Reviving Balm

The second part of the Silver Road is a linear path. exactly like the Golden Road counterpart. Pick up any treasure chests you see
on the way. When you reach to the stone monument, save your game, and have max CP ready.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kevin? 12673 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
HP 4, Attack 4, Defense 4, Shield 4, Hit 4
Doppel Kevin 19404 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Mind 4, Evade 4, Fish Fillet, Clear Gelatin
Red Pepper, Vintage Wine, Kibbled Salt, Tri-Colored Rice
Grimorie 1444 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Death Slugger x5 16811 (Normal) Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm
This is actually one of the hardest battles if you're playing the Japanese version of this game. Due to a bug, each Death Slugger will hit multiple times allowing them instantly kill
you. Luckily for the American version, this problem has been fixed, but this battle is still very difficult, the fake Kevin will act as a support healer, and will also cast Grail Sphere
immediately to protect his allies. The mobs when taken enough damage, will start to use Chariot Charge, which can cause instant K.O. your party members. A method of killing this
boss without hassle is to quickly buff up and spam your area S-Craft on the Death Sluggers. You can even use Ries' Holy Blessing to raise allies CP. When the death slugger has
been taken out, you can focus solely on the fake Kevin.

Leave the area to conclude the chapter.

Chapter 4
As the chapter begin, Zin and Oliver will join your party. There is one new thing added to this chapter, you can read a set of strange
books on the book area. When you're all set to go, return the end of the previous area, open the treasure chest right next to the
warp. You will get the Entrance Exam Results, (This will let you open Moon Door 3 if you bring Kloe to you're party). and take the
warp to your new destination.

Note: With Zin joining your party, you can access Star Door 4 at Golden Road.

Le Locle Training Grounds

After the event, you will be fighting a group of monsters, they don't have any special trait, just focus on defeating them as quick as
possible. Before you head out, go inside the lodge to find a stone monument and some treasure chests upstairs This includes,
Mind 4, Freezing Meatballs Recipe, Carnelia Bracelet, and the Fortune Quartz.
Treasure List
Mind 4
Freezing Meatballs
Carnelia Bracelet

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Wererat 2980 (Normal) 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 120
Werewolf 4216 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 120

Leave the area and pick Balstar Channel as your next destination.

Balstar Channel

Treasure List
Heat Resistant Boots
Skull Pendant+
Reviving Balm
Heat Resistant Boots
EP Charge
Heat Resistant Boots
UF Pie
Heat Resistant Boots
Fragrant Juice
Dragon Tree Jumpsuit
Attack 4
Feather Brooch
EP Charge
Kaiser Knuckles
Crimson Eye

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Wererat 2980 (Normal) 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 120
Flame Snail 2498 (Normal) 100, 140, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100
Great Abyss 6608 (Normal) 100, 120, 0, 140, 100, 100, 100
After the event, open the door to the next room. In this dungeon, you will find a lot of levers that can be shifted in two ways.
Usually, one direction will create a treasure chest and the other one will move a platform over so you can cross over. Start by
going to the middle and move the lever to the right. Then explore the area to the right. Grab the treasure chest in front of you to
get a Heat-Resistant Boots. Then move all the way to the bottom right and press the lever to lower the lava level. Then run back
to the center and move the lever left to make a treasure chest appear. Then move the lever to the right. Return to the first treasure
chest, and cross through the lava, if you equip the Heat-Resistant Boots, it can reduce the damage taken. When you get to the
other side, press the lever in front of you, to make the treasure chest appear in the lava. Go back down to get a Skull Pendant+.
Then return to back to the lever, and move all the way to right side of the map to get three treasure chests. Then return back to the
starting area.

Move all the way to the left side of the map to find a lever. Move the lever to the right to make a treasure chest appear, switch the
lever to the left. Then move the top left route. If you go all the way to the bottom left corner, you will find another Heat-Resistant
Boots. Then go follow the route up, you will find an UF Pie inside a chest, then open the door to the next room.

Find the lever near the right corner, move the lever to the left side to create a treasure chest on the right. Then switch it to the right
side. Go to the right side of the map and open the treasure chest. Then move back to the center of the map, go to the left side,
there is a chest with a Fragrant Juice inside. When you move the corner, there is another lever, press it to lower the lava level.
Then move the upper right corner of the map, to find another lever, move it to the left side to make a treasure chest appear in the
center. Open that chest to get a Dragon Tree Jumpsuit. Then go down to the lava, you can find a chest here with an Attack 4
quartz. At the upper left corner, there is a Feather Brooch in a chest, and also Star Door 5 in the same area. After you have found
those three things, move to the top platform, and then move to the upper right corner of the map, you will find the last lever, move
it to the right to make a chest appear on the upper left side of the map. Go there to find two chests, Kaiser Knuckles for Zin and
an EP Charge. Then return to the previous lever, and move it to the left side to move the bridge over. Cross over and you will find
the door to the next room. Heal up using the stone monument, then fight the boss ahead.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Anelace? 8942 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Doppel Anelace 18222 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 EP Cut 3, ?, ?, ?
Grimorie 1888 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Werezapper x2 20216 (Normal) Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts

100, 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm
This is the easiest doppel boss if you got Zin in your party. If you equip Zin with Kaiser Knuckles and an Attack 4 quartz, he can have over 1600 STR at this point allowing him to put
out massive damage. Use Zin's True Distend to buff his STR by 60%, then focus on using his AOE skills on the boss. Each strike can deal more than 3000 damage, especially with
area attacks. If you don't have Zin in you're party, then focus on getting rid of the two side mobs first, they can hit a single target really hard and will also cause poison. Joshua
should use his crafts as they can AT Delay. The fake Anelace isn't all that strong, but will have abilities that can impede your arts, which can prevent you from casting the stronger

After defeating the boss, you will pick up another Sealing Stone. Before you teleport back to base, there is a treasure chest right
behind where the boss was. You will get a Crimson Eye after opening it.

Return to base, then release the Sealing Stone. After this event, Anelace will join the party. With Anelace, you can also access Star
Door 5 at the lava area of Balstar ChannelD.

To continue with the main story, return to Le Loche Camp. Go outside, a new location will be added to the map. Select Saint-Croix
Forest as your new destination.

Saint-Croix Forest
Treasure List
Lily Necklace
Celestial Balm
Triplet Ice
HP 4
Curia Balm
Sludgy Cookie
Calvary Cross
Tearal Balm
Common Sepith x100
EP Cut 4
Gatling Gear

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Wererat 2980 (Normal) 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 120

Werewolf 4216 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 120
Blue Moomer 2929 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Pink Moomer 2929 (Normal) 140, 100, 100, 50, 100, 100, 100
Shining Pom 1275 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50

This area is a lot more linear than the previous dungeon, start by taking the south exit to find Moon Door 4. Then return to the
previous area, after picking all the chest, take the east exit to the next area. You can find treasures on the northeast corner of the
map, and also at the southeast corner. Afterwards, take the south exit, in this area you can find Shining Poms if you encounter
battles here. If you go the east corner of the map, an event will occur and you will have to fight a group of monsters. After finding
the chest in this area, leave by taking the south exit. There is a stone monument here, heal yourself, then go to the east end of the
map, you will find a weapon for Joshua. When your set to go, move to the left corner of the map for a boss fight.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Scherazard? 9196 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Doppel Scherazard 19196 (Normal) HP 4, Attack 4, Defense 4, Shield 4, Hit 4
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Mind 4, Evade 4
Grimorie 2332 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Birdman x4 12818 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120 ?
This is actually easier than the previous doppel boss based on your team composition. Your main focus would be getting rid of the four mobs first, if you have a strong arts user, you
can use abilities like Anelace's Whirlwind Dance to gather them in the same spot, and hit them with AOE arts. The four mobs have powerful attacks that can drain you're CP, but
other than that there isn't much to worry about. Another easy thing about this battle, is the all the enemies here is weak to status ailments, in fact, instant death skills also work on
them. If you don't have any success hitting them with status ailments, just fight the boss as normal.

After defeating the boss, return to Hermit's Garden and unleash the sealing Stone. Scherazard will join your party. With
Scherazard, you will get access to Moon Door 2 at Grancel's Bracer Guild.

Continue the story by returning to Le Loche Camp. Leave and select Grimsel Fortress.

Chapter 4 (Continued)
Grimsel Fortress
Treasure List
Spiral Grill
Tearal Balm
ID Card

Treasure List
Zeram Powder
ID Card 2

Treasure List
Night Goggles
Curia Balm

Treasure List
Silver Earrings+

When you enter the dungeon, move the next area, on the first room to the left, there is a treasure chest. Open to get the Spiral Grill
dish. Then enter the next room, you will find a computer terminal, to use it, you will need an ID card. Anyways, from here take the
path east, and when there are two paths, go left to find a chest. and down, to the next area, follow the bottom route until you reach
to another computer terminal. Examine it to activate the power. Then return to the previous area, you will see a gate blocking your
path and a door. Open the door to find a terminal, activate it to remove the gate from earlier. In here you will find the ID Card.
Return to the computer terminal in the starting area, insert the ID Card to remove the gate. Then go to the next room to go

There is a gimmick on the second floor, there will be a green or red bridge, and you will need to press the switch to make either
one appear. Anyways cross over the red bridge, and to the room on the upper left corner, you will find a weapon for Kevin. Then
continue to the next room, flip the switch to make a green bridge appear. Then follow the path to the bottom right corner, until you
find a door to your left. go in, cross over the green bridge, you will find Zeram Powder inside a chest. Then move to the green
bridge on the bottom, and follow the path to the end, you will find ID Card 2. Exit out of this area, look for a switch to flip the bridge
color to red. There should be a switch on the center area of the map. After you have to flip the switch, then go all the way to the
bottom path until you reach the end. You will find a computer terminal, insert the ID Card to remove the gate. Then go upstairs.

If you after the Reflect quartz (Encounter 300 battles without running away) Make sure you save the game first. This floor has
pitch black rooms, if you encounter an enemy here, your only choice is to flee. So if you're after that quartz or achievement, make
sure you avoid all monsters. When you manage to get to the second room, go to the bottom right exit, you will find a treasure with
Night Goggles. Equip it on one of your party members, this will let you battle in the pitch black rooms. From here, look for a
computer terminal on the right corner of the area, examine to turn on the power. Then take the upper left exit to the next room.
Keep going until you reach the next dark room. In here, there are three exits. Two of them on the right side, which contains a
treasure chest. And there is also a computer terminal on the top left corner of the area. When you activate the power, take the top
left exit and move to next floor.

The last floor is fairly straight forward, there are steam traps that will hurt you when you move over them. There is only one
treasure chest in the area, When you reach near the stone monument, heal yourself and enter next room for a boss fight.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Agate? 12148 (Normal) 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100
Doppel Agate 24296 (Normal) 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100 EP Cut 3, ?, ?

Grimorie 2811 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Femael Beast x2 24116 (Normal) 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140 Bracer Coat, ?,?
There are two very strong mobs helping the boss for this fight, unlike the previous the Doppel fight, these mobs are immune to status ailments, they also hit really hard, roughly
around 4000 to 7000 damage per hit depending on the difficulty you're playing. The fake Agate is the pushover for this fight, you can easily AT Delay him, or hit him with status
ailments to stop him from doing anything dangerous. Just focus on getting rid of the two mobs first and the battle should be a breeze.

After defeating the boss, go to the next room to find Star Door 6. This door requires Agate and you must mastered 20 recipes to

Anyways return to the Garden and unleash the Sealing Stone. Agate will join your party, with this, you can also access the second
part of Moon Door 1. Clearing this door will unlock Orbal Gear for Tita, which will make her one of the best party members in the

To continue with the main story, warp back to Le Loche Camp for an event. When you approach the new warp, a boss battle will

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Astarte 41449 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 180, 180, 100 Crimson Eye
Exiler 9950 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 120, 100 ???
As soon as the battle starts, Kevin will automatically switch to his second S-Craft for his S-Break, this can be troublesome for this boss, as you might need Grail Sphere to block
some of the more devastating attacks. The boss has two annoying helpers that can you anywhere on the map or will cause one of you're party members to vanish. I would you to
use Kevin's Spear of Loa or other powerful AOE S-Crafts to remove them immediately. When its only the main boss left, you will need to prevent it from using it's arts or crafts, if you
can't block them, you will be hit for over 9000 damage if it uses its Craft ability and 6000 from arts. The boss is also weak against Time and Space arts, so if you have a powerful
arts user, using Time and Space arts works really efficient for this boss fight.

Chapter 5
When this chapter begins, Estelle will join your party and will also be a mandatory member along with Ries. Since you have Estelle,
you can now access Moon Door 4 and Sun Door 2, There are new books (Gambler Jack) added to the book area.

To continue with the main story, teleport to Le Locle Training Grounds and take the new portal on the north end.

Luminous Labyrinth
As soon as you arrive, a set of monsters will ambush you. The monsters here aren't really strong, but they can inflict confusion,
they're also spread out on each corner of the map preventing you from hitting them all at once. You can use an area S-Craft to
finish them off or try to fight them like normally. Once you defeated the monsters, heal up using the stone monument and
purchase any new equipment if needed. Then explore the dungeon.
Charge II
All Sepith
Barrel 3

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy Notes
Arch Devil 17280 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Doppel Estelle 6216 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Doppel Agate 8 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Doppel Zin 6216 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Doppel Tita 4351 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Greedy Widow 3216 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100

Grimoire 2929 (Normal) 140, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Incubus 1275 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50

Nightmare 4449 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 140, 100

Poltergeist 1999 (Normal) 80, 80, 80, 80, 120, 120, 120 Found in Umbral Labyrinth

Succubus 6216 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100

All monsters in this area has a 2% chance of dropping a very strong equipment. However, this would take a lot of grinding, so only
do that if you need to, there is also a Grimoire type enemy that can transform into four different types of doppelgangers, so if you
want to complete your monster book, make sure you fought all four types (Estelle, Agate, Zin, Tita).

Start exploring the dungeon, by going to the center and open the treasure chest, then on the right side of the map, there is another
chest at the northeast end and Star Door 7 on the bottom corner. Star Door 7 has no prerequisite, you simply need to beat the
challenge to see the event, this challenge is very difficult unless you have everyone equip with petrify resistant accessories. Then
afterwards go to the left side of the map, pick up the chest on the northwest corner. Then take the portal on the bottom left
Move to the left side and open the chest to get Ugetsu Zanshin. Then follow the east path, until you see the direction changes
north, then open chest on the bottom corner. Move to the center, and the path will split ways, if you go on the left side, there is a
treasure chest, and on the right will take you another warp. Take the warp east again, and you will find yourself back to the north
end of the first area. On the very bottom from here lies a Sealing Stone. Pick it up, but don't return yet, go back to the previous
area where it split ways, then go north to find a stone monument. Heal up, then take the two portals from here to get two treasure
chest (Long Barrel 3, Mirage Ring). Return to Garden and unleash the Sealing Stone.

After this event, Richard will join you're party. Richard is arguably the strongest character in this game, his Crafts has barely any
delay allowing, you constantly spam moves to prevent enemy from moving. Now warp back to the second stone monument of
Luminous Labyrinth, the barrier is now removed. Take the exit to Umbral Labyrinth.

Umbral Labyrinth

Treasure List
All Sepith x200
Crest Charm
Springed Egg
Celestial Balm
Destiny Card

Take the warp in front of you, then from here, go to the two corners, to find two treasure chests. Then take the warp on the
southwest corner. Keep going straight until you see a path south. Then take the warp here. You will find a recipe in a treasure
chest here and also Sun Door 4. Heal up with the stone monument in front of you, then return to the previous area. Then take the
path east, and pick up any treasure along the way. Eventually, you will find another warp at the end. Take it, then from here, on the
right corner, there be a chest. This contains Destiny Card, which will let you access Sun Door 4 from earlier. Then keep going
forward, open the chest in the center area, then take the north warp. Then from here, you can find a Sealing Stone and a chest at
the west corner of the map. After acquiring the two items, warp back to the garden.

Unleash the Sealing Stone, the final party member will join your party. The final party member is the best arts user in the game
and highly recommended for players that prefer using arts.

After this event, the barrier near the stone monument will be removed. Warp there and take to the portal to Luminous Labyrinth 2.

Luminous Labyrinth 2
Treasure List
Celestial Balm
Amberl Bracelet
3000 Mira
All Sepith x200

The second part of Luminous Labyrinth is much more straightforward than the previous area. Take the portal to the north, then
pick up the Celestial Balm at the center. Then take the warp on the west corner. Now keep going straight, a path on the center will
lead you Star Door 8. To open Star Door 8, you will need Oliver and Mueller in your party.

Then continue forward, take the warp on the southeast corner of the map, in here you will find an Amberl Bracelet. Then return the
previous area and take the warp on the north end of the map. Open the chest on the way, and then take the ward on the west end,
from here to north to exit out of Luminous Labyrinth 2. Heal up with the stone monument. Before moving to the next map, it is
highly recommended you equip everyone with petrify resistance accessories.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Reviving Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salt
Arachne Evros 19990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Celestial Balm
Reviving Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salt
Arachne Graia 19990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Celestial Balm
Reviving Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salt
Arache Thaleia 19990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Celestial Balm
Topaz Gem, Sapphire Gem, Emerald Gem, Gold Gem
Arache Zigma 27280 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Water Gem, Wind Gem, Ruby Gem
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salt
Shadow Spider x2 7074 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
The main difficulty behind this boss is that they can petrify you. If you equip your party with an accessory to protect against petrify, then the boss will be easy. There is a total of
three spiders, each with a different attack. The first spider uses Blade Net, a skill that can impede your spell casting, the second will petrify you, and the third one will debuff your
stats. If you manage to kill Arachne Evros, it will summon their leader. It would be recommended that you kill Evros for the last. The leader can deal massive damage and has all the
skills of each spider put together. One of the most annoying thing with the main boss is that it can drain a massive amount of HP to recover itself. Overall this boss can be extremely
rough, if you happen to have Richard in your party, you can spam True Luminous Ogre Slash to give yourself a slight edge in battle.

Chapter 6
When this chapter begins, Kevin will become the leader of your party again. Before you head out to the next area, check the book
area, a new section of books (Doll Knights) has been added there. If you speak to Scherazard, she will point out a strange book.
Reading this book (From Fat to Fit) will unlock the "Please Erase My Memories" achievement.

This is also a great time to complete any incomplete Constellation Doors and raise your party member level, as you will need to
use some mandatory members in the next section of the main story.

To reduce backtracking, bring Klaudia to your party. Then continue by warping to the end of Luminous Labyrinth 2. Then go all the
way north and take the warp to the next area.
Erbe Scenic Route

Treasure List
Silver Gem
Ruby Gem
Sapphire Gem

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Bazooka Dwarf 3134 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100

Doppel Kloe 7688 (Normal) 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Doppel Joshua 7688 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100
Doppel Richard 10266 (Normal) 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100

Doppel Anelace 9497 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100
Grimoire 3931 (Normal) 140, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Hammer Dwarf 3637 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100
Rat Fighter 4290 (Normal) 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 120

Shield Dwarf 3134 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100
Shining Pom 1404 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50

Sudorudo Talos 10236 (Normal) 100, 120, 80, 100, 120, 100, 100

Examine the stone monument next to you, there will be a bunch of new equipment for sale. Since Kevin wasn't around for the
previous chapter, he should be quite weak compared to everyone else, bring a strong party member so you don't struggle with the
fights around this area. Due to the level scaling system in Trails games, Kevin should catch up in levels fairly quickly.

This area will be quite tricky, there is only three treasure chest in the area, they're quite hidden, so use the map above as a
reference. To progress the story, from the starting area, head north, then go to the north corner to find the Sapphirl Monument. To
access this thing, you will need Klaudia in your party. When you are all set, examine it to warp to another section.

Monochrome Schoolhouse
Treasure List
10000 Mira
10000 Mira
10000 Mira
Mute 2

Boy's Dorm Girl's Dorm

Treasure List Treasure List

Tomato Fondue Fish Skewers

Auditorium Clubhouse Schoolhouse

Treasure List
Treasure List
Treasure List Tornado Fan
10000 Mira
Sigrdrifa Zeram
Gargan Armor

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Color Knight 4816 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100

Dark Knight 4816 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100

This section has a different procedure than the previous areas. To start, you will need to defeat all the dark knights to restore
color to the area. Try to explore each building, there should be a treasure chest in each of the buildings. Use the map above as a
reference as it will be hard to see the treasure chest without color. You can also find Star Door 9 at the girl's dormitory. To access
this door, you will need to pay 50000 mira.

Note: Defeating enemies in red will automatically restart the procedure and will put the area back to monochrome.

List of Dark Knights

Boy's Dormitory: 2
Girl's Dormitory: 2
Auditorium: 2
Clubhouse: 2
Schoolhouse: 4
Courtyard: 4
When you have defeated all the dark knights, color should be fully restored to the area and the gate to the east will be unlocked.
Head over there for an event battle.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Rais 16649 (Normal) EP Charge, Smelling Salts, Softening Balm
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Insulating Tape, Purging Balm, EP Charge II
Rocco 24649 (Normal) EP Charge, Smelling Salts, Softening Balm
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Insulating Tape, Purging Balm, EP Charge II
Deen 18649 (Normal) EP Charge, Smelling Salts, Softening Balm
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Insulating Tape, Purging Balm, EP Charge II
This is probably the easiest boss fight in the game regardless on who your team is. These guys only have single attack skills. A normal attack, and a debuff that reduces your
defense greatly. Just focus on defeating one of them at a time. If their HP goes to a low amount, they will use their special skill which can cause instant death to a single target.

Afterwards, head to the old schoolhouse.

Treasure List
Zeram Capsule
All Sepith x200

go to the upper left corner of the map to find a Zeram Capsule. Then after this, go inside the building for a boss fight.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Tear All Balm, Celestial Balm, Teara Balm
Philip 38861 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 EP Charge III, Curia Balm
EP Charge, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm
Emerald Servant x4 16757 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 80, 100, 100, 100 Shield 4, Evade 4, EP Charge II
The main boss will start using his S-Craft immediately on you, this will hit a single target really hard. When you have your turn, focus on getting rid of the extra mobs. These mobs
have a lot of HP and will be focused on casting Ragna Blast (An art that hits in a straight line). If have party members that can impede, hit them before the arts hit you. If you have
an Impede type quartz equipped, it will greatly help for this battle. Once you have you get rid of all the extra mobs, you can focus on the main boss. The main boss hits pretty hard,
but most of it is single target attacks, and he is also fairly slow allowing you unleash a large number of attacks before he can act again.

After the defeating the boss, an event will occur to let you know the next monument is activated. Before leaving this area, there is
some treasure for you to pick up, there three of them outside, and one inside the schoolhouse. You can also find Moon Door 5 at
the south end of the map. To access this door, you will need the Fortune quartz in your inventory.

Return to the garden, and put Anelace in your party. Return to Erbe Scenic Route and keep traveling south until you find the
Amberl Monument. This monument will require Anelace to enter.

Chapter 6 (Continued)
The Looking Glass
Go to the top of the hill, and enter the laboratory through the side door. As you go to the next room, you will fight a group of
enemies. White colored robotss will reflect arts, so use physical attacks on them. If they summon robots that are cover in red,
then use arts.
Treasure List
Mumei Jittetsu
All Sepith x1000
Note: From the computer terminal.
Poison 2
Gold Crests
Napalm Meat
Sleep 2
Gargan Armor

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Mirror Vogel 3555 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Ebony Vogel 3555 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Mirror Vanguard 7890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Ebony Vanguard 7890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

After defeating the enemy, pick up the treasure chest on the left to get the Mumei Jittetsu. Then examine the computer terminal
on the upper right corner, you will receive a 1000 sepith of all elements. Then go to next area, by taking the bottom right exit. If
you see path open to the top, go in, you will find a Poison 2 quartz. Then move all the way to bottom left room, you will find three
treasure chest. Then go the next room, if you take the bottom left exit, you will find an Ingenuity quartz. Now continue straight,
you will find a stone monument, heal yourself, and when you arrive in the next room, you will fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Grant 30856 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Celestial Balm
Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Jaegars x2 24058 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
This boss can be very easy based on your team composition. If your party members are equipped with faint resistant accessories, this battle will be a complete cakewalk. The main
trouble from this battle would be the Jaegars inflicting faint on your team. An easy way of beating this battle is by using Anelace's Whirlwind Dance to gather all enemies into one
place and then cast strong area arts against them. This only will work if you can cast the arts before Grant acts, if not, he will hit you with a craft that will cancel your spell casting.
As long you have the Cast 2 quartz equipped on your art user then it should be perfectly fine.

After defeating the boss, examine the computer terminal to get the red cardkey. Then backtrack to the previous area, you can use
the cardkey to unlock the red door to get to the next section, or backtrack even further to open a red door to get the Sleep 2

Treasure List
Zeram Capsule
All Sepith x1000
Note: From the open capsule.
Confuse 2
Mirage Gem
Wood Gem
Celestial Balm

Start the second area by taking the southeast exit, Then open the door on the left to find a Zeram Capsule. Then return to the
previous area, and keep going southeast until you reach a corner. On the room to the left, you will find a bunch of sleeping
capsules, examine the open one to receive 1000 sepith. Then go north to the next area until you get to a room full of crates. If you
manage to find the room on the south end, you will find a Mirage Gem, and on the northwest end will be a stone monument. Heal
up and save. Then enter the next room to fight a boss.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Carna 32892 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 EP Charge III, EP Charge II
EP Charge, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Female Jaegars x2 23455 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, EP Charge II
This battle is slightly harder than the previous one. Each enemy here will try to run far as possible and will hit you from far. They're still pretty fragile, if you plan on casting arts on
them, they can instantly cancel it with their Shock Spider attack. If you want to hit them with ti, use Earth Guard or Grail Sphere to protect yourself and counter attack with arts.

After winning the fight, examine the computer to get a Green Cardkey. Leave the room, and use the Green Cardkey to unlock
previous lock area. This includes a room with a Confuse 2 Quartz and access to Star Door 10. This Star Door require Renne, and a
boss battle will occur when you go in. Then return to where you started, on the left, there is a room that requires a Green Cardkey,
open it to access to the next area.

Treasure List
Water Gem
All Sepith x1000
Note: Examine the orb.
Tasty Medicine
Tear All Balm
Tournament Invitation
Grand Slam
Celestial Balm

Travel to the south route of the map, you will find two treasure along the way. Then return to the previous area, and continue north,
and move east to the next room. The north area will require a blue cardkey to access, so come back later. Go to the south room
first, you will find the Tasty Medicine item, use it to learn the recipe. Then go to the next room, on the bottom area, there is a Tear
All Balm. When you go to the top corner, you will find a stone monument, heal and enter the next room to fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kurt 33750 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 T-Anklet+, Proxy Puppet

Jaegars x2 24330 (Normal) Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts

100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
Kurt is similar to Grant's fight, he has a stronger set of Jaegars helping him, overall the battles are the same, the main difference is these guys will hit a lot harder than Grant's battle.
A good strategy would be using Whirlwind Dance to suction them into one spot and hit them with powerful AOE arts. If you bring in physical fighters, you might need to need
someone that can raise their STR, as Kurt can buff his team's defense greatly. After Kurt suffers sufficient damage, he might use his S-Craft on you.

After defeating the boss, examine the computer to get the last cardkey. With this you can unlock all the blue doors, if you go and
open the locked blue areas, you can find some really good treasures, one of them includes the Tournament Invitation, which lets
access Sun Door 3 part 2. If you want to back to the first area, you can find Star Door 11. Use the maps above as a reference for
the all the treasures that can be found. When you pick up everything, go to the last area. The final area is a straight hallway, when
you see the stone monument, heal up and enter the red door, then go to the roof to fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kilika 32000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Gold Gem, Onyx Gem, Silver Gem, Zeram Powder

Mael Beast x2 26280 (Normal) 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 120 Tear All Balm, Teara Balm, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III
Even though Kilika is the strongest of the battles you have encountered so far, this battle is actually quite easy, especially if you got a team of art users. Kilika is and her mobs are
mostly caused knockback, and Kilika will attack you from far, which will give physical fighters a hard time of hitting them. You can use the same strategy as before, like suction them
in one spot and hit them with powerful AOE arts. If Kilika suffers from enough damage, she will use her S-Craft, this can hit for 7000 to 9000 damage depending on the difficulty
level you're playing. So do be wary.

After the defeating the boss, an event will occur to let you know the next monument is activated. Return to the garden, and put
Richard in your party. Return to Erbe Scenic Route's monument, then go north, and then east. Then from here, on the south end,
you will find the Carnelia Monument. This monument will require Richard to enter.

Impregnable Fortress
Treasure List
Zeram Capsule
Master Beads
Super Gladiator Belt In the Landing Port Area.
Super Gladiator Headband Must Cleared Dungeon.

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Attack Doberman 2680 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Bloody Saber 4254 (Normal) 100, 120, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Cobalt Saber 3250 (Normal) 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Solid Dozer 2880 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Royal Army Soldier 2988 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

When you arrive at the fortress, move behind you to get a Zeram Capsule form a treasure chest. Then go to the fortress courtyard,
and at the center, there is a treasure that contains the Master Beads accessory. Take the north exit to the next area. Before you
open the door to the north, I would suggest you equip your party members with Freeze and Faint resistance accessories, it will
make the next battle a lot easier.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Lt. Colonel Cid 39745 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Celestial Balm

Royal Army Soldier x6 18510 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
This boss is extremely difficult if you came unprepared. The main problem with this fight is each of the soldiers is spread out to each corner of the map, preventing you from using
AOE skill to finish them off quickly. The other nasty thing about this fight is that each soldier has the ability to inflict freeze or faint on your party if you don't have resistances to
those status ailments, you going to be in a very rough spot. Richard will probably be your most useful party member in this fight, if you have equipped with CP boosting accessories,
you can use his Ogre Slash to inflict faint on the soldiers then immobilize the next one. If you try to use arts, the main boss will use a skill to cancel them immediately, so make sure
arts are cast before his turn. After a while, the boss will use his ultimate arts skills, this will deal about 10000 damage on all party members, make sure you have Grail Sphere ready
or have Richard impede his arts.

After defeating the boss, you will receive the barrack keys. Go back to the courtyard and go to the first area, unlock the door to the
west, this will take you to the Barracks.
Treasure List
Tear All Balm
B-01 Key (Monster Chest)
Force Flag

Head to the east part of the map, you will find a chest to the room the right, and a monster chest on the upper left room. When
you defeated the monsters, you will get the B-01 Key. Then travel to the left side of the barracks, when you a room to the right, go
there to get a weapon for Estelle. Then when you go upstairs, use the B-01 Key to unlock the door. Go to the room to the center to
fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kanone 30760 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 EP Charge III, EP Charge II
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Special Ops - Gun x2 14020 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Special Ops - Claws x2 16280 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Heavily Armed Soldier 20660 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Teara Balm
Photon Laws 1024 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This is much easier than the previous boss fight. There are several enemy types in this battle, you want to focus on getting rid of the one with the axe first. This enemy mob has
deadly AOE skills that can cause your characters to faint. While the rest of the grunt units aren't really much of a threat, they do have a unique set of skills. The main boss is kind of a
pushover, she will put mines at a random location usually on a spot that is completely useless. When you finally get rid of the grunts, focus on the main boss.

After defeating the boss, you will get the Command Center Key. Return to the courtyard and unlock the door on the center north.

Treasure List
Amazing & Sparkling
Curia Balm
Blind 2
Topaz Gem
EP Charge III
Fruity Temptation
C-01 Key
Zeram Powder
Tearal Balm
Wind Gem
Long Barrel 3

When you're inside the command center, explore the right side of the map first, you will find three treasure chest in each room. If
you go inside the room at the very top, you will find Star Door 12. This door simply requires Richard in your party to unlock. Then
return to the entrance area, and take the left path to downstairs, you will the prison area, open all the treasure in the area. You will
end up with a C-01 Key. Then return to the entrance area, and take the center route. Unlock the door with the key, then go to north
path, to find more treasure chest. Then take the left path, open the door on the south end, you will find a treasure that contains a
Wind Gem. Go back, then continue with the left route, go all the way to the southeast corner to find a chest with Long Barrel 3.
Then take the upper left path to upstairs.
Treasure List
EP Charge III
All Sepith x200
Celestial Balm
C-02 Key
All Sepith x200
Crest Charm+
Curia Balm

Open the door on the bottom right, then proceed to the room on the right to get an EP Charge III. Then follow the bottom path till
you reach the center. Here there will be three ways, open the door to the upper right first, you will find two treasure chest. Then
proceed to the bottom path, when you reach the end of it, you will find a C-02 Key. Return to the previous area and then take the
center path. Follow the path to the right until you reach the end. Open the door to the bottom right, you will find three treasure
chest. Leave then go up, take the left path to find another chest. Then from here just keep going north (Upper left). You will end up
finding a locked door, use the C-02 Key to unlock it, then heal with the stone monument and open the door to fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Morgan 68770 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Celestial Balm

Royal Army Officer (Sword) 23220 (Normal) Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
Royal Army Officer (Gun) 22920 (Normal) Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
General Morgan has probably the weakest grunts aiding him. You want to take them out as fast as you can and focus on Morgan. The grunts are weak against status ailments, you
can even hit them with instant death. Once you manage to take care of them, Morgan will be your biggest threat. Morgan doesn't really have many unique attacks, he's simply just hit
really hard, and if your party is near each other, Morgan will use his AOE attack which might able to K.O. an ally in an instant. Best thing to do is spread out and cast Earth Guard or
Grail Sphere and hit Morgan with your best arts and crafts.

After defeating the boss, return to the previous to heal with the stone monument. Then proceed to the next room to upstairs.

Treasure List
Zeram Powder
Celestial Balm
Onyx Gem
All Sepith x200
C-03 Key
Tear All Balm
Curia Balm

Open the door to the bottom, then keep going until you're at the center with two doors. Go to the room to the left to get a Celestial
Balm, then the room on the right for a Zeram Powder. Then go further up, move to the right path, it will lead you to an Onyx Gem.
Then return to the previous area, and follow the upper left path. Keep going until you see two doors, open the left door for a
treasure chest. Then take the right door, keep going straight and open any doors to the right. You will find treasure chests along
the way. Then go to the bottom left route, it will eventually lead you to a treasure chest. Open it to get the C-03 Key. Then return,
and take the upper left path. When you see a locked door, open it with the key, then examine the Stone Monument to heal and
then proceed to the next room for a boss fight.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Cassius 80000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Divine Blade's Emblem
Cassius is going to be the toughest of the bosses of this area, I would highly recommend that you use Grail Sphere immediately, there is a high chance of Cassius using his S-Craft,
Phoenix Wave which can instantly wipe out the party. Once you survive this, I would recommend that you put Richard to the front and spam his crafts, while everyone else should
cast Earth Guard until Kevin's CP is fully recharged. A powerful art user should be in the rear casting powerful single target arts against Cassius. Once you get this pattern down,
Cassius should be a breeze until the halfway mark. When Cassius's HP drops below half, he'll use Qinlong, which will put a massive buff to his strength and speed. During this
course, you will have less turns to strike, but the same strategy should still work.

Afterwards, return to the entrance of the fortress. Go to the Landing Port (Area to the right), you can find a Super Gladiator
Headband and a Super Gladiator Belt. Then return the Hermit's Garden, bring Joshua to your party. Then go to Erbe Scenic Route.
The last monument is located northwest. Touch the monument when you're ready.

The Black Ark

Treasure List
Celestial Balm
Gargan Armor
Insulating Tape
Celestial Balm
Gladiator Belt
Tear All Balm
All Sepith x200
EP Charge III
Crab Special
Zeram Capsule
All Sepith x200
Olibanum Ray

Take the bottom right entrance to go the Stern Area. Go downstairs, the first two rooms will take you to the upper area, explore the
bottom area first, there will be a lot of treasure chests in the bottom area. After acquiring all of them, go upstairs and find the
other two chests. This includes the Olibanum Ray weapon and an S-Tablet. Then return to the bottom area, and take upper left
exit until you reach the end. You will end in up in an elevator taking you to the second floor.
Treasure List
Emerald Gem
5000 Mira
Seal 2
Insulating Tape
EP Charge II
Curia Balm
Celestial Balm
Gold Gem
Tear All Balm
Curia Balm
Bloody Slaughter
Tear All Balm
EP Charge II
Gladiator Headband

Open the door in front of you. You will find Star Door 13 on the right side. To open this Star Door, you will need to encounter 400
battles. Then proceed to the next area. In here, there will be an electric field preventing you from going straight, take either the left
door or the right door to go upstairs. Each side will have a treasure in a room. When you pick up the two treasure chest, use the
right side of the map to get downstairs. Then go to the room on the upper right corner. This will take you to downstairs, go to the
corner to see an event with Gilbert, then access the control panel in the same room and disable the barrier. After you disable the
barrier, talk to Gilbert to get a security card. Then pick up the two treasure chest in the same room. Go back upstairs, then go to
the two rooms next to you, you will find twelve treasure chest. Then go to the south end of the map, use the security card to
unlock the door. Take the elevator to the hangar. Just keep going straight until you see a stone monument. Examine it and heal
yourself, then proceed to the next room for a boss fight.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Queenly Cookie, Septium Drops, Septium Bullets
Don 41918 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Sludgy Cookie, Freezing Meatballs, Bloody Meatballs
Kyle 32770 (Normal) Queenly Cookie, Septium Drops, Septium Bullets
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Sludgy Cookie, Freezing Meatballs, Bloody Meatballs
Delivery Worker 18415 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Teara Balm, Poison
The Capua family isn't exactly pushovers, Don and Kyle are surrounded by a lot of helpers. I would recommend using area attack arts and try to get rid of the grunts immediately.
After you taken care of them, use Grail Sphere to protect yourself against Don's attack and then have everyone target Don. Because Don has very nasty attacks, his Orbal Cannon
can hit around 6000 to 9000 damage depending on the difficulty you're playing. If Don decides to attack a single target, it can deal enough damage to K.O. them instantly. Kyle on
the other hand just throw bombs that can blind you, you won't need to worry about him as much.

After defeating the boss, Josette's S-Craft will be further upgraded. After this scene, return to the deck, and go to the north
entrance to the forecastle.
Treasure List
Strike 2
Curia Balm
Emergency Puppet
All Sepith x200
Reviving Balm
All Sepith x200
Super Gladiator Belt
5000 Mira
Heaven's Eye

Treasure List
All Sepith x200
Freeze 2
All Sepith x200
5000 Mira

As you arrive, the front is blocked, so go upstairs by taking the left or right exit. Each side has a room that contains a treasure
chest. When you go to the top end, you can take the stairs to go down to other side of the first floor. Go inside each room, you will
find some treasure chests in them. There is also Sun Door 5 within the same area. To access this door, you will need find all level
5 quartz. Level 5 quartz are quartz with the name Gem at the end of them. Then go take the upper left exit to find the elevator to
the next floor.

The second floor is completely linear. Each side contains four rooms, some with treasure chest. Use the map above as a
reference. After you pick them all up, go all the way to the bottom right corner of the map, and take the elevator to the last floor.
You will find a stone monument, heal yourself and get ready for the fight ahead.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Emergency Puppet, EP Charge III, Long Barrel 3+
Bleublanc the Phantom Thief 53370 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Eine Kleine +1
Walter the Direwolf 54800 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tiger Heart, Zeram Powder, Iron Arms
Luciola the Enchanting Bell 48800 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Emerald Gem, Wind Gem, Ruby Gem, Zigeuner
I would recommend that you start the fight by using Grail Sphere. Walter might end up using his S-Craft right at the start. Then when that is done, I would suggest you focus on
getting rid of Bleublanc first. Bleublanc likes to throw cards that can hit a whole group and causes status ailments like seal, mute, and even morph. If you're hit by a status ailment,
use Kevin's Sacred Breath. The other two Ouroboros members have different roles, Walter mainly just attacks, while Luciola will act as a support unit. If you manage to defeat one of
the bosses, Luciola will try to revive them, it won't recover much HP, so you can easily knock out a revived member again. Just focus on fighting one member at a time and the battle
should be a breeze.

Return to the stone monument and heal if you need to. Then when you're ready, take the warp to the next area. Run to the end for
another boss fight.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Schwarzritter 79990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Bladelord's Emblem
Schwarzritter (Fake) 29990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A

D-Phantom 60000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This battle will begin the boss using his S-Craft immediately on you. This S-Crafts hits extremely hard and might cause faint. After surviving this attack, I would suggest you focus
on getting rid of the robot first. The robot acts as a support unit and will let the boss use additional attacks. If you brought arts user, you must cast arts before the robot acts, or else
it would use AA Canceler, hitting your party really hard and cancel any sort of arts you were planning to use. For the main boss himself, he's a pretty hard hitter, has a really high
physical defense, so using arts against him is highly recommended. If the boss suffers enough damage, he will create copies of himself. These copies will hit just as hard as the
boss, so do be wary. Try to get rid of them with AOE arts and S-Crafts. When you leave the boss all by himself, the battle should be a breeze. You can use Earth Guard or Grail Sphere
to protect yourself, and the rest of the party attacking him with arts.

After defeating the boss, leave the Arena for an event scene. You will find Star Door 14, this star door requires you have seen
every constellation door to unlock. At this point of the game, Star Door 15 is still not available. Anyways, return to base, bring Ries
to your party. Then warp to Erbe Scenic Route. The barrier to the villa should be now gone, you can find the villa by taking the
south or north exit. When you enter the villa, the chapter will end.

Chapter 7
Aster House
You will need examine each of these areas to trigger the next event scene.

House - Kitchen, four bedrooms upstairs.

Chapel - Side Door, front door
Outside - Well

After you have done visiting all those areas, go inside the house on the left, then leave for an event scene. After this, you will get
the Chapel Key. When you're ready, use the key to unlock the Chapel.


Treasure List
Celestial Balm
EP Charge III
Cosmic Gear

You will only have Kevin and Ries for this part, the good thing is most of the monsters are pretty weak in this area. From here just
keep going straight, there should be a treasure chest on each corner of the map. Take the north exit to proceed to the next area.
You will encounter a boss as soon as you try to move.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Owen 32174 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Teara Balm, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III
Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Deadman x2 4174 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Softening Balm, Tear All Balm, Beast Flesh, Fish Fillet
Tender Poultry, Dragon Beans
Just treat this fight as a regular encounter. If you have your CP full, just spam your S-Craft to quickly defeat them. The boss can drain HP, CP, and EP from you. It can also divide itself
which will split its HP. There isn't much to worry about, just make sure you have your party members stay away far from them because they will self-destruct when you defeat them.

Treasure List
Beastly Stew
Woobly Rainbow
Blood Extract
Shine Sphere

After defeating the boss, keep going straight, when the path splits, take the left path first, you will find the Varja accessory. Then
go to right corner of the map, you will end finding a Beastly Stew recipe in a chest. Then move to the left exit. This part has some
recipe items on each corner of the map. After you pick up all of them, proceed to the next area, as you move, you will encounter
another boss.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Elmer 32174 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Teara Balm, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III
Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Deadman x2 4174 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Softening Balm, Tear All Balm, Beast Flesh, Fish Fillet
Tender Poultry, Dragon Beans
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Skeletal Bug 1990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 120, 120 Softening Balm, Teara Balm, Curative Horn, Juicy Bone
Monster Carapace, Black Pepper, Fresh Herb, Maple Sugar
This is similar to the previous boss battle, a difference with this fight is there is two additional mobs helping the boss. Just use the same strategy as the previous boss fight.

Treasure List
EP Charge III
Dragon Boots
Tear All Balm
Sapphirl Necklace
Grail Locket
Celestial Balm

Continue forward, when you see the path split ways, go to the first top corner, you will find four treasure chest. Then move the
west side of the map, on the bottom corner there is a Sapphirl Necklace. Then go to the next area. In here you will find two
treasure, located the top corners of the map. After you pick up the two chest, move to the next area, you will encounter a boss
battle as you step forward.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Malevolent Ghost 13874 (Normal) EP Charge, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 120 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, EP Charge II
Teara Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Deadman x3 4174 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Softening Balm, Tear All Balm, Beast Flesh, Fish Fillet
Tender Poultry, Dragon Beans
Tear Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts, Purging Balm
Skeletal Bug x3 1990 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 120, 120 Softening Balm, Teara Balm, Curative Horn, Juicy Bone
Monster Carapace, Black Pepper, Fresh Herb, Maple Sugar
This is a bit different to the previous boss fight. It is mostly the same, except for the main boss. Just use your S-Craft to get rid of all the small mobs first. The main boss can hit
pretty hard, it consists of drain attacks that can reduce your stats heavily. I would suggest you spam your S-Crafts to end this battle as quickly as possible.

Treasure List
Tear All Balm

This area is really straight forward, just keep going straight, when you see the path split up, take the bottom left corner to find a
treasure. Then keep going straight until you see an orbment station. Heal yourself, then when you reach the end, a boss battle will
ensue. After this event, you're given the option to switch Kevin's S-Craft. I would highly recommend you switch it for the upcoming

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Weissman 29549 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Zeram Powder, Zeram Capsule
Rostrum 39510 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 160, 160, 100 Tiger Heart
Astarte 38449 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 160, 160, 100 Crimson Eye
This battle seem to appears to be overwhelming at first, but its actually quite easy.. There are two devils which are bosses you have fought previously and they bot use the same
attacks and hit extremely hard. What you want to do is Spam Kevin's new S-Craft. At 100 CP, it can almost nearly take out half of the devil's HP. If you ran out of CP, use Ries's Holy
Blessing to heal Kevin's CP and spam his S-Craft again. The main boss himself isn't all that powerful, but he has the ability to cause Seal, so make sure you remove this ailment if
you want to spam your S-Crafts.

After the event scene, Celeste will let you know about the Abyss. The Abyss is an optional location, which you can find the
materials to forge the strongest weapons. The Abyss mostly contains super powerful enemies. If you want to go to the Abyss,
use the cube and select the 7th plane.

Now before you start doing anything, examine the water fountain at the left side of the map, if you have fought 300 battles
without running away. You will receive the Reflect Quartz along with an achievement. If you fled from battle, you can still get the
Mirror Quartz by running 300 times from battle, which will also give you an achievement as well. You can only get one of this
quartz per playthrough.

I would suggest you take this opportunity to clear all Constellation Doors, you can also find the final Star Door at the Abyss. I
would highly suggest clearing the Abyss first, if you don't want to do the Abyss, speaking to Celeste will give you the option to go
to the final dungeon, if you go to the final dungeon, there is no coming back, so make sure you're completely set.

The Abyss - Area 1

Treasure List Location
Celestial Balm First Floor
5000 Mira Second Floor
Tiger Heart Third Floor
Tear All Balm Fourth Floor

Each area of the Abyss has the exact same layout. There is four floors, each will a treasure chest in it. along with a boss at the
end. There is no checkpoints in the abyss, so if you were to leave, you will to start all over again, this will also respawn the boss.

Just keep going in a clockwise pattern till you reach the end. One thing about this area is that there are Grimoires that can
shapeshift into your allies. Defeating these doppelgangers has very small chance of them dropping the second best weapon in
the game (2% Chance). When you're at the end of the first area, there will be a strong fiend at the center. Fighting the fiend is
optional, but defeating it will give you a Zemurian Ore. This ore can be exchanged speaking to Celeste,and will give you the
strongest weapon in the game. .

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Lucifuge 32957 (Normal) Kaleido Armor +3, Schwarz Silk +3, Superior Shoes +3
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120 Spiritual Boots +3, Celestial Balm, Reviving Balm
Bloody Archer x2 16660 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120
Carnelia Bracelet, Amberl Bracelet, Sapphirl Necklace
Geryon 28000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120
This boss specialize in casting arts, and its immune from art canceling. So you will need to move out of the boss's AOE to prevent getting hit or use Earth Guard. The boss is also
aided by two archers that is fairly weak, however when you defeat them, they will be revived as a dragon, hitting much hard than before. Depending on your team composition, I
would recommend having someone take out the main boss first, or if you happen to have Richard with you, you can use his crafts to kill the boss as quickly as possible.

After defeating the boss, you will receive a Zemurian Ore.

You can rejuvenate by drinking the fountain just ahead, when you're set, move to the next area.

The Abyss - Area 2

Treasure List Location
Curia Balm First Floor
Carnage Second Floor
EP Charge III Third Floor
All Sepith x500 Fourth Floor

This will have the exact same layout as the first area. Just keep going clockwise until you reach the end. You will face another

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kaleido Armor +3, Schwarz Silk +3, Superior Shoes +3
Beelzebub 65176 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100
Spiritual Boots +3, Celestial Balm, Reviving Balm
Dullahan x6 24116 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100, 100 Carnelia Bracelet, Amberl Bracelet, Sapphirl Necklace
This boss isn't particularly tough, it mostly tries to overwhelm your party with a lot of mobs. The grunts are the only thing you need to worry about in this fight, their attacks can
cause instant death, and will also hit pretty hard. If you want to have to have an easy time with this battle, spam AOE S-Crafts like crazy. With about three to four S-Crafts the grunts
should be completely wiped out. The main boss has the ability to seal or mute a single target, and can also divide itself, which can let you kill the boss even quicker depending how
many targets you can hit.

You will find another Zemurian Ore. Heal yourself with the fountain ahead then continue to the next area.

The Abyss - Area 3

Treasure List Location
Quinty Ribbon First Floor
All Sepith x500 Second Floor
5000 Mira Third Floor
Zeram Capsule Fourth Floor

Same pattern as the previous area, continue until you find the fiend.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Aka Manah 69280 (Normal) Kaleido Armor +3, Schwarz Silk +3, Superior Shoes +3
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 Spiritual Boots +3, Celestial Balm, Reviving Balm
Flying Knight x4 4499 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120 Carnelia Bracelet, Amberl Bracelet, Sapphirl Necklace
This boss is very easy if you have party members that can impede arts. Start the battle by using your S-Craft to wipe out the grunt units. The main boss has two types of attacks, a
very powerful close range attack that can cause poison or a very powerful art that can hit the entire screen. Usually the boss will try to cast arts, which you can impede and the boss
will repeat this pattern, making the battle a complete joke.

The Abyss - Depths

Treasure List Location
Master's Hotpot First Floor
Tournament Invitation Second Floor
Lebensborn+ Third Floor
All Sepith x1000 Fourth Floor

This section of the Abyss contains some noteworthy treasure chest. The first floor has the Master's Hotpot recipe, and the
second floor has a Tournament Invitation, this lets you access Sun Door 3 part 3. When you reach near the end, you can find Star
Door 15. This door requires Renne to enter. When you're all set, go and defeat the last fiend.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Kaleido Armor +3, Schwarz Silk +3, Superior Shoes +3
Tempest Pom 2007 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Spiritual Boots +3, Celestial Balm, Reviving Balm
Carnelia Bracelet, Amberl Bracelet, Sapphirl Necklace
Shining Pom x6 1604 (Normal) 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 T-Anklet+, Crest Charm+, S-Tablet
This boss has massive physical defense and its immune to all arts. Just like typical Shining Poms, the main thing to do in this battle is to spam S-Craft to kill them. The problem is
that you need an S-Craft that is non-elemental to do damage to them. Not only that, your stats must be above a certain threshold to do damage to them. If you have someone with
2500 to 3000 Strength, you should be able to kill them instantly with your S-Crafts.

After defeating the boss, return to Garden. Speak to Celeste and exchange the Zemurian Ore for the strongest weapons. Clear all
the constellation doors if you still haven't yet. If you manage to clear Sun Door 3 Part 3 with Anelace in your party, you will get
strongest sword in the game.

Before you head to the final dungeon, I would recommend you to level some of your party members, you will need to use the
entire cast for the last dungeon. If there are members that are severely under level, try to gain a few levels for them before going
to the final dungeon.

The final dungeon will force you to use the entire cast. The dungeon consist of four gates, and the first three must be cleared to
gain access to the last one. The last party will have to fight the last boss, so make sure you have the most optimize party before
you start. I would highly recommend having someone with a strong physical for S-Craft for the last boss (Joshua or Agate).
Anyways assign your team members and start the final dungeon.

Section Notes
Right Gate - The Golden Giant
Left Gate - The Black Guardian
Main Gate - The Crimson Lizard
Giant Gate - The World's Will Kevin and Ries are mandatory members.

List of Enemies
Name HP Elemental Efficacy
Arrow Angel 5144 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Blade Angel 5278 (Normal) 100, 120, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Heaven's Proclaimer 3680 (Normal) 100, 80, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Rod Angel 5084 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Rose Cherubim 6236 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Sleipnir 12216 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Tildawn 13880 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

Right Gate - The Golden Giant

Treasure List
EP Charge III
Gabriel's Aura
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Curia Balm
Grail Locket
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Master Beads+
Raphael's Halo
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Tear All Balm
Tear All Balm
Artemis Heels
Celestial Balm
Gabriel's Aura
Zeram Powder

Each gate of the final dungeon consists of a similar layout. Each gate will have an orbment station at the entrance, a stone
monument around the mid way point. Then another Orbment Station right near the boss area. Make sure you have all
preparations ready before going to the boss area, you won't be fighting the boss until you have cleared all gates. Use the map
above as a reference for finding the treasure chest.

Left Gate - The Black Guardian

Treasure List
Gabriel's Aura
Gabriel's Aura
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Curia Balm
EP Charge III
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Raphael's Halo
Grail Locket
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Zeram Powder
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Tear All Balm
EP Charge III
EP Charge III
Gabriel's Aura
Tornado Fan+

Main Gate - The Crimson Lizard

Treasure List
Artemis Heel
Zeram Powder
Titan's Sandal
Curia Balm
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Tear All Balm
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
Raphael's Halo
Artemis Heel
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
*Note: Item is based on your current party members.
EP Charge III
Tear All Balm

Giant Gate - The World's Will

Treasure List
EP Charge III
Titan's Sandal
Cherished Bow
Celestial Balm
Petrify 2
Curia Balm
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Zeram Powder
EP Charge III
Artemis Heels
Curia Balm
*Note: Item is based on your current party
Curia Balm
EP Charge III
Insulating Tape
Titan's Sandal
Zeram Capsule
Artemis Heels
Agnus Dei
Shine Sphere+
Celestial Balm

When you reach the end, save your game, and heal up with the orbment station. When you're all set, open the last gate, you will be
then forced to fight all the bosses from the previous parties and the last boss.

Final Battle
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Gordias Type-0 69950 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100 N/A
Arrow Angel x4 5144 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 N/A
Start the battle by wiping out the angels first. They will have the ability to cancel arts and even cause status ailments.The main boss itself has some very powerful attacks, however,
it mostly just attacks whatever is in front of it. If you want to be safe, you can use arts like Earth Guard to protect yourself.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

R-11 Gespenst 66255 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 100, 100 N/A
Blade Angel x4 5278 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 N/A
Similar to the previous boss fight, you want to start the battle by wiping out the small mobs. If you have an S-Craft ready, use it to wipe them all out. The main boss will likely use a
skill that can hit the entire map. This skill cannot be canceled, so you will need to have Earth Guard/Wall to protect yourself. If you have arts user in your party, make sure they can
cast the art before the boss acts, or else the boss will cancel it immediately.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

R-Tycoon 78257 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
Rod Angel x4 5084 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 100 N/A
This is actually the weakest out of the four bosses, its got very high defense, but doesn't hit as hard as the previous bosses. The main boss mostly will use attacks to knock you
away from it. The boss is also surrounded with angels that will try to cast arts on you. If you have your S-Craft ready, use it to wipe out the angels first and then focus on the boss.
After taking a bit of damage, the boss might summon additional allies. Overall this shouldn't be too hard compared to the previous fights.

After defeating the three bosses, you are given the option to save your progress. Proceed to fight the final boss.
Final Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Anima Mundi 150000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
Flame Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 N/A
Phantom Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 N/A
Water Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 N/A

Chronos Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 N/A

Wind Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 N/A
Heaven Pillar 16000 (Normal) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 N/A

Heaven Pillar 16000 (Normal) 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 N/A

Grand Grimoire x2 7490 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 140, 140, 140 N/A

The difficulty of the last boss is all based on your team composition. The first phase of the battle will have the boss summon seven pillars, all correspond to an element. When the
seven pillars are up, the last boss is invincible, and you must destroy all the pillars to damage the last boss. The annoying thing is only one element will hurt the pillars, making
physical attacks your best option. If you happen to have Joshua in your party, he can easily wipe out the pillars quickly with his Phantom Raid S-Craft. If you don't have Joshua in

your party, then make sure you find a way destroy each pillar one by one. Make sure you cast Kevin's Grail Sphere or have Earth Guard up, cause the last boss will use the pillar to
unleash Sept-Crisis which does massive damage to your party.

When you manage to destroy all the pillars, you will go to the second phase of the last boss. This phase is much easier than the previous phase, the last boss will immediately
summon two mobs which are fairly harmless, but will deal massive damage when they self-destruct. The last boss will mostly focus on single target attacks, however it does have
area attacks that can hit pretty hard. After taking sufficient damage, the boss will switch to defense mode, during this phase the boss has much higher physical defense but has

poor resistances to arts. When you deal enough damage, the last boss will revert back to the previous state. Once the last boss has about 25% health left, it will charge up an
ultimate attack, this attack does 30000 damage which is an instant kill regardless of how strong you are. You want to either kill the last boss before that happens or have Kevin use
Grail Sphere, cause there won't be a way of surviving this.

Sit back and enjoy the ending, afterwards the game will ask you to save a Clear Data. If you start a new game by loading this data,
you can start New Game+, letting you carry anything you have from previous playthrough.

Moon Doors
Moon Doors contains a lengthy side story when cleared.

Moon Door 1
Location: Jade Corridor
Episode: Orbal Gear Project Part 1
Requirements: Tita
Reward: Long Barrel EX, 3000 Mira

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Moon Guardian x3 9900 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape
This battle is really easy even if you are unprepared. These enemies will try to reduce your movement to prevent you from getting near them. They also will randomly heal you at
times. Use Tita's Smoke Cannon to blind all the enemies. When they're blind, the rest of the battle should be a cakewalk.

Episode: Orbal Gear Project Part 2

Requirements: Tita, Agate
Reward: Orbal Gear (Tita)

When you gain control of Agate, you can interact with the NPC around town. To progress the main story, head to the Zeiss Central
Factory by taking the north exit, then take elevator to the roof. After the event, you will receive a key. Now take the elevator to B5F.
After the event, there will be a battle.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Orbal Gear 9582 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This battle is really easy, you mostly will be trading blows with the enemy. Orbal Gear has attacks that can put you to blind status, or knock your far away, however it doesn't hit really
hard, making this battle really easy. If you use Wild Rage, make sure you have at least 70% HP full or else you will die. If you do lose, the upcoming event will be different.

After the event, another battle will take place.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Orbal Gear 9582 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 N.A
The second Orbal Gear battle is similar to the first one, only now Orbal Gear is far more faster, letting it to attack you multiple times per turn. The battle is still easy, simply trade
blows with Orbal Gear, when you have over 20 CP, use Spiral Edge 2 to AT Delay the boss. Heal yourself if you're badly hurt.

Moon Door 2
Location: Grancel Branch
Episode: Client
Requirements: Scherazard
Reward: Heaven's Eye (Quartz), 4000 Mira

Moon Door 3
Location: Silver Road
Episode: Descended Wings
Requirements: Kloe, Entrance Exam Results
Reward: Falcon Eye (Quartz), 6000 Mira

Event List

1. You will need to return the printouts to your classmates. Speak to the student in your classroom for an event.
2. Speak to the following students for an event.

1. Logic: Boy's Dormitory

2. Clara: Backstage of Auditorium
3. Lucy: Clubhouse
4. Anton and Ricky: Old Schoolhouse
5. Monika: Clubhouse, girl's locker room (Must have seen all previous events.)
3. Jill and Leo will ask you for help. Check the Auditorium 2nd floor for an event.
4. You will receive an envelope, if you speak to Leo at the Clubhouse, he will give you 200 Mira.
5. Speak to the Dean at the School House.
6. Leave the school. After the event, approach the Schoolhouse for an event.
7. Knock on Hans Room (Upstairs, 2nd Room)
8. Go to the boy's dormitory for an event.
9. Go to the Auditorium backstage, to see Jill.
10. Go to the student council room (Clubhouse), examine the window, and climb up to the roof.

Moon Door 4
Location: Saint-Croix Forest
Episode: Departure
Requirements: Estelle, Joshua
Reward: Memory (Quartz), 8000 Mira

Moon Door 5
Location: Jenis - Old Schoolhouse
Episode: The Happiness Stone
Requirements: Fortune (Quartz)
Reward: Happiness Stone (Accessory), 12000 Mira

Event List

1. Go to the beach and examine all the seashells until an event occurs.
2. Go to Manoria Village and enter the house on the southwest corner of the map,
3. Leave town by the north exit, then follow the north route to see an event.
4. Move back to see another event, then continue to Krone Trail.
5. After this event, you will need to collect some firewood. Examine all the trees in the area. There is also a firewood near a
batch of flowers.

Sun Doors
Sun Doors contains optional scenes that contain a mini game when cleared.

Sun Door 1
Location: Jade Corridor
Episode: Capua's Delivery Service
Requirements: Josette
Reward: Detection (Quartz), Bobcat (Josette S-Craft) 3000 Mira

Objective: After the story sequence, you will get to play the Capua Delivery Service Mini game. In here you simply shoot down
enemy fighters, and defeat the boss at the end to clear the door. If you get a game over, you can retry again without penalty.

Sun Door 2
Location: Fisherman's Guild
Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle
Requirements: Estelle
Reward: Seafood Set (Monster Ingredients), 5000 Mira
Objective: Estelle will face off in a five-round duel in fishing. Whoever has the most points will win.
Rule of Fishing: During fishing, you are prompted to choose a rod and bait. Depending on the options you choose, it will
catch a certain fish. To catch a fish, you will need hit the confirm button when you see a ! Mark.

List of Rods Chosen Bait Fish Points

Progress Rod Earthworm Rockeater, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Salmon
Piscis Heart River Bug Rainbow Trout, Rockeater 50 to 65 Points
Piscis Heart Roe Rainbow Trout
Metal Rod Trident Trout, Salmon Snakehead 160 to 170 Points

For this mini game, you cannot miss a single fish, if you want to win. The best method is to use the Progress Rod until you have
caught a trout or a salmon. When you caught one, use that Metal Rod Trident, it will let you catch Snakehead which is worth three
times more points than the regular fish.

Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle - Chapter 2

Requirements: Estelle
Reward: Plate of Excellence (Recipe), 5000 Mira
Objective: Estelle will face off in a ten-round duel in fishing. Whoever has the most points will win.

List of Rods Chosen Bait Fish Points

Progress Rod Earthworm Crab, Tiger Rockfish, Carp 5 to 70 Points
Progress Rod Yamany None 0 Points
Piscis Heart River Bug
Yamany, Tiger Rockfish 18 to 50 Points
Piscis Heart Roe
Bamboo Fishing Rod Dumplings Liberl Carp, Carp 20 to 70 Points
Bamboo Fishing Rod Crab Carp, Granakor 40 to 290 Points
Metal Rod Trident Carp Garvelze 190 to 220 Points

This is easier than the previous episode. This is a ten round duel, which gives you more leverage on mistakes. To easily win this
mini game, simply use the Progress Rod until you have caught a Crab or a Carp. Then use those as bait to catch Granakor or
Garvelze, this will secure a ton of points allowing you to win with ease.

Episode: Legendary Angler Estelle - Chapter 3

Requirements: Estelle
Reward: Fisherman's Emblem, 5000 Mira
Objective: Estelle will face off in a 15-round duel in fishing. Whoever has the most points will win.

List of Rods Chosen Bait Fish Points

Progress Rod Shrimplet Kasago, Gold Angelfish, Great Blackfish, Sea Bass 10 to 85 Points
Progress Rod Polychaete Kasago, Gold Angelfish, Great Blackfish, Sea Bass 10 to 85 Points
Marine Star Shrimplet Kasago, Gold Angelfish, Great Blackfish, Sea Bass, Claudine 10 to 100 Points
Marine Star Polychaete Kasago, Gold Angelfish, Great Blackfish, Sea Bass 10 to 85 Points
Marine Star Kasago Sea Bass, Claudine 40 to 100 Points
Metal Rod Trident Sea Bass Gigangora, Blue Marlin 220 to 400 Points

Just keep fishing until you have caught a Sea Bass. Then use the Sea Bass as bait to catch a large fish. Defeating the fishing
baron requires a bit of luck. The baron will always cheat and will catch at least three big catches which can put him over a
thousand points, and sometimes less all depending on your luck.

Sun Door 3
Location: Grand Arena
Episode: Arena
Requirements: Zin
Reward: Physical (Quartz), 5000 Mira
Objective: Complete against three teams in three rounds. HP and EP will be fully restored at the end of each round.

Round 1 HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Man in Black - Blade x2 22658 (Normal) Teara Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
Man in Black - Gun x4 16896 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
This boss battle is basically an upgraded version of the grunts you see in the prologue. They are fairly harmless and you can cause status ailments on them. If you have Tita in your
party, you can instantly blind them with Smoke Cannon.

Round 2 HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Creepy Sheep x6 14386 (Normal) Gummy Eyeball, Leathery Tail, Ripe Apple
100, 100, 120, 100, 100, 100, 100 Beast Flesh, Lucky Fang, Tri-Colored Rice, Aged Miso
Pink Sheep 14816 (Normal) Gummy Eyeball, Leathery Tail, Ripe Apple
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Beast Flesh, Lucky Fang, Tri-Colored Rice, Aged Miso
Gummy Eyeball, Leathery Tail, Ripe Apple
Black Sheep 14006 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Beast Flesh, Lucky Fang, Tri-Colored Rice, Aged Miso
Similar to the previous battle, these grunts aren't really strong, but there is also a lot of them. If you want to have an easy time, make sure you have some good AOE abilities or S-
Craft that can wipe them as quick as possible. The enemy here mostly focuses on weakening your party members and have a potential to inflict sleep. If you have Tita in your party,
you can use her Smoke Cannon to blind them.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

G-Apache 31600 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Fool's Emblem
Spindoll x2 16890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This boss battle is actually easier than the previous two. There are two enemy grunts that can hit a wide area. Focus on getting rid of them first and then focus on the main boss.
The main boss likes to charge up a super cannon attack, which can be easily dodge by moving your units out of it's line of sight. If you are hit by this ability, there is a chance that it
will freeze you.
Episode: Arena - Hard
Requirements: Tournament Invitation
Reward: Spiritual (Quartz), 10000 Mira

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Black Jaeger x4 16058 (Normal) Teara Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
Teara Balm. Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
Steel Cougar x2 23730 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Tear All Balm
The enemies here will like to attack you from far, which makes it really hard to hit them with arts. IA good way of wipe them out quickly using large area S-Craft. If you don't have
these tools, try to get rid of the Jaegar first.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Gold Vanguard x6 18890 (Normal) Ninja Tabi, Knight's Sabatons, Shaman's Sandals
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Kitty Slippers, EP Charge II, EP Charge
Steel Cougar x2 20660 (Normal) Ninja Garb, Knight Armor, Reflective Robe, Kitty Suit
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Teara Balm
The enemies here are probably the most annoying types of enemy you will face in the Arena. This battle has 6 types of Orbal Gear, that can blind you or hit your team pretty hard. If
you got a team with strong AOE, use it on them. As soon as you destroy one of the Vanguards, they will self-destruct, so make sure you don't kill a whole group when they're near

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Tiny Ragnard 44449 (Normal) Proxy Puppet, Emergency Puppet
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Tear All Balm, Celestial Balm
Seahorse Demon x7 20048 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Fish Fillet, Curative Horn, Vintage Wine
This will be the hardest fight for this arena battle. The boss is surrounded by a lot of enemy mobs, that has high HP, which will prevent you from killing them quickly with S-Crafts. If
you have Joshua in your party, you can use his Evil Eye to hit a whole group and cause AT Delay on the mobs. The main boss is also a very scary target, as he has the ability to hit a
large radius and with the potential to freeze your entire team.

Episode: Arena - Nightmare

Requirements: Tournament Invitation
Reward: Soul (Quartz), 20000 Mira
Note: if you have receive Jinu from Star Door 5. Clearing this battle with Anelace will power up her sword.
Note 2: Fighting the boss on the last round have a potential to freeze your game. Make sure you save before you start the

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Morgan 68770 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
Philip 48756 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?

Duke Dunan 31010 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
In this battle, you want to focus on getting rid of either Morgan or Philip first. Duke Duncan is completely useless to the fight and you can pretty much ignore him. The most
dangerous opponent of this fight will be General Morgan. His attacks hits extremely hard, and even has the potential to cause faint on your party members. When you reduce
Morgan's health to very low, he will use an ability to buff himself. Once you manage to get of Morgan, Philip should be much easier to deal with. The most scary thing about Phlip is
his S-Craft, which will likely K.O. a single party member.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Orgueille Mk. II 79850 (Normal) 100, 100, 50, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
This will be the easiest battle of Nightmare Arena. The boss has some hard hitting attacks, but nothing too dangerous. Most of the time, it will use Jammer Missiles which can
cause Mute. Overall the boss is very slow, you should able to full recover yourself before the boss acts again. If the boss charge up, it will use Tri-Cannon, which will hit on a straight
line. You can also move out of the line of sight, allowing you avoid getting hurt.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Walter the Direwolf 64850 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
Kilika 47450 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
Kilika will start this battle by throwing her S-Craft right at you. Try to recover from the initial damage and then focus on defeating Walter. Kilika mostly attacks from far and won't do
anything dangerous. Walter has a set of hard hitting attacks, if you have Kevin in your party, I would highly suggest using Grail Sphere to keep yourself protected while you focus on
getting rid of Walter. When Walter takes a sufficient amount of damage, he will use his S-Craft on you, If you don't have Grail Sphere available, you can use arts like Earth Guard/Wall
to protect yourself. Overall it shouldn't be too hard, as long you can defeat Walter.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Loewe the Bladelord 84980 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?

Cassius 87000 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 ?
This battle is basically fighting the end bosses of Chapter 6 into one team. You want to focus on defeating Loewe first, he's the most harmless of the two. Have your strongest party
member to focus all damage on him. If you got Kevin in your party, have him cast Grail Sphere to keep your party safe from damage. For Cassius himself, he hits super hard, but one
of the annoying thing about him is that his Armor Rend ability has the potential to freeze the game. If this happen, all your effort will go to waste.

Sun Door 4
Location: Labyrinth of Shadows
Episode: The Casino - Gambler Jack
Requirements: Destiny Card
Reward: Tom Yum Goong (Sit-Down Dish), 5000 Mira

Episode: The Casino - Gambler Jack - 2

Requirements: Destiny Card
Reward: Mirage Ring+, 10000 Mira

Sun Door 5
Location: Black Ark - Forecastle 1F
Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game
Requirements: All level 5 quartz in inventory (Gems can be exchanged at the monument during the last chapter)

Topaz Gem
Water Gem
Sapphire Gem
Ruby Gem
Emerald Gem
Wind Gem
Wood Gem
Onyx Gem
Gold Gem
Silver Gem
Mirage Gem
Reward: Septium Bullets (Attack Food)
Objective: Answer the pop quiz correctly.(Score is based on how quickly the question was answered.)

Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game - Hard

Requirements: Cleared Campanella's Quiz Game on Normal
Reward: Enigmatic Stew (Sit-Down Recipe)

Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game - Brutal

Requirements: Cleared Campanella's Quiz Game on Hard
Reward: Swiftness (Quartz)

Episode: Campanella's Quiz Game - Maniac

Requirements: Cleared Campanella's Quiz Game on Brutal
Reward: Time Gem (Quartz)

Star Doors
Star Doors contains a short side story when cleared.

Star Door 1
Location: Grancel Castle
Episode: Julia's Day Off
Requirements: Julia, Mueller
Reward: Septium Vein (Quartz) 3000 Mira
Objective: You will be fighting a boss battle during this story segment. Rather you win or lose, it doesn't change the reward
you receive in the end.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Mueller 16642 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
It doesn't matter if you lose or win this fight, however the event that occurs later will be based on the outcome of this battle.. Mueller will immediately start the battle by unleashing
his S-Craft. Mueller hits harder than you and has an ability to cancel your arts. You can only bring two Teara Balm for this fight which will prevent you from prolonging the battle. The
best thing to is charge up your CP and use Mirageberg to nullify an attack and then counter attack. You can use S-Craft if you have enough CP. Repeat this strategy until you can take
out Mueller.

Star Door 2
Location: Grancel Cathedral
Episode: The Salt Pale
Requirements: Win over 100 battles
Reward: Petrify (Quartz)

Star Door 3
Location: Castle - Garden Terrace
Episode: The Banquet
Requirements: Joshua, Kloe
Reward: Luxurious Lunch Recipe (Sit-Down Dish), 3500 Mira

Star Door 4
Location: Golden Road
Episode: Journey's End
Requirements: Zin
Reward: Yin-Yang (Quartz)

Star Door 5
Location: Balstar Channel
Episode: Swordsmanship
Requirements: Anelace
Reward: Jinu (Sword) 5000 Mira

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Richard 14044 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This battle difficulty depends on when you decide to start this side story. Richard will start out with his S-Craft, which can really hurt, his status is also really high. To beat this battle,
the best thing to do is raise your attack power with Petal Dance and then attack Richard. If your HP reaches to half or less, use Tearal on yourself. Another cheap thing is that
Richard can almost immediately act after using one of his crafts, if your get screwed by bad luck, you can be defeated by Richard without getting a turn.

If you're victorious, you will get Jinu, an extremely powerful sword for Anelace.

Star Door 6
Location: Grimsel Fortress
Episode: Training, Agate Style
Requirements: 20 Recipes in Recipe Book
Reward: Super Gladiator Headband (Accessory), 100 Mira
Objective: You will be going through Agate's harsh training with Rocco and company. The objective is simply to reach the
end of a cave.
Treasure List
Feather Brooch
Teara Balm
Teara Balm
Reviving Balm
Teara Balm
Teara Balm
Teara Balm
Zeram Powder
Reviving Balm

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Blade Fang 2420 (Normal) 100, 100, 120, 120 N/A
This type of enemy can K.O. one of your party members in two hits. Since you won't be using your main party, you want to be extra cautious for the upcoming battles. Rocco and
company, all have the exact same skills, they can't use arts. have limited resources, but have a good set of skills from healing and debuffing enemies.What you want to do is to
weaken it with Shakedown (Crafts) then strike it until it's dead. If one of your party members is K.O., you need to 50 CP to revive a fallen ally.

Continue straight until you see an event.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Boiled Egger G 1778 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 0 Tear Balm
This is much easier than the previous encounter. This monster has the ability to cast arts, which can deal about 900 to 1500 damage if it hits. Make sure you kill it before taking too
much damage.

After this, you will be fighting the slime type enemies as a regular encounter. Since Rocco's group are quite fragile, I would
recommend you to avoid any battles if necessary.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Cyron Bit x2 1086 (Normal) 100, 80, 120, 100 N/A
These mobs are the most annoying thing about this side story. Each Cyron Bit has the potential to freeze you, they're also immune to debuffs. Since there isn't anything to avoid the
freezing problem, just make sure you have at least one person with enough CP to heal.

Continue forward, head inside the first cave, you see. You will find two treasure chest inside. Lighter and a Teara Balm. Leave then
continue to the next cave. From here you can find three chest, one in the right corner and the other on the top corner. When you
reach to the exit around the bottom left area. an event will trigger, and you will fight a boss.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Ghost Epitaph 2221 (Normal) 100, 80, 120, 100 N/A
This boss is similar to the Cryon Bits, that its immune to debuffs and will try to freeze you Cocytus. Just attack it like normal, there it isn't much you can do except attack.

After this event, Rocco will leave the party. You will need be extra cautious from here on, try to avoid all enemy encounters,
especially the Cyron Bits. Now leave the cave to trigger an event. You will fighting another type of monster.
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Octobone 2302 (Normal) 100, 100, 120, 100 N/A
This monster has the ability to cause faint with its attacks. You won't able to avoid this status ailment, what you want to do is hit it with Shakedown and the attack it till it dies.

After this event, return to area where Rocco left the party. Go out from there to reach left side of the hill. Keeping going forward
until you reach to top. Enter the cave, in this area you can find a treasure chest in the top left corner. Then take the bottom left exit
out. From here just keep forward until you see the next event.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Master Cryon 3815 (Normal) 100, 80, 120, 100 N/A
Master Cyron is actually easier than the regular Cyron Bit, it will try cast Diamond Dust, which has a very small area of effect. If your characters are quick enough, try to move of its
range and attack the Master Cryon. After losing a certain amount of health, it will try summon additional Cyron Bits.

Heal yourself afterwards, then enter the cave for the last event.

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Agate 11157 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
Agate is pretty easy to start until after the halfway mark. You will need to hit him with Shakedown to weaken his defense then have all everyone gang up on him. After about losing
50% of his health, he will use a S-Craft to knock out a single character. From here, Agate will be a lot more aggressive and will start to use his crafts which can AT Delay and hit very
hard. Try to recover and then use the same strategy as before.

Star Door 7
Location: Labyrinth of Light
Episode: The Epstein Foundation
Requirements: Overcome the trial.
Reward: Ingenuity 2 (Quartz), 7000 Mira

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Star Guardian 18880 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A

Mischief x6 14141 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
This battle is really difficult if you came unprepared, each mob here will cause petrify if they touch you. The mobs are easily succumb to status ailments, If you brought Tita, you can
use her Smoke Cannon to blind the mobs from hitting you, or Smoke Missiles by using Orbal Gear. There is also a cheap setup that lets you spam S-Craft to infintite amount, this is
by using Joshua's Phantom Raid and equipped with CP boosting accessory.

Star Doors (Continued)

Star Door 8
Location: Labyrinth of Light
Episode: Return to the Empire
Requirements: Oliver, Mueller
Reward: Divine Eye (Quartz) 7000 Mira

Star Door 9
Location: Academy - Girls' Dormitory
Episode: Like a Mother
Requirements: 50000 Mira
Reward: Bloody Meatballs (Attack Food), 100,000 Mira

Star Door 10
Location: Laboratory - 2F
Episode: Gordias-Class Experiment Report
Requirements: Renne
Reward: Pater-Mater (Renne Craft), 10000 Mira
Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Star Guardian 12850 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A

Vogel 911 EX x4 5555 (Normal) Reviving Balm, Insulating Tape, Smelling Salts
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Purging Balm, Softening Balm, Celestial Balm
This battle should be really easy with the character you get to use for this battle. Renne comes with really powerful quartz which should let her use really powerful arts. Cast arts
that can hit an area, to kill multiple targets at once. The side mobs will usually run as far as possible and will shoot Gorgon Laser, which causes blind and poison.

After completing this Star Door, return to the base area to unlock Renne's second S-Craft.

Star Door 11
Location: Laboratory - 1F
Episode: Phantom Thief B Report
Reward: Phantom Thief's Cafe, 10000 Mira

Boss Name HP Elemental Efficacy Item Drop

Star Guardian 32480 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 N/A
Kaleido Armor+2, Superior Armor+2, Schwarz Silk+2
Mirror Vanguard x4 7890 (Normal) 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Spiritual Boots+2, Celestial Balm, Reviving Balm
This is one of the easiest Star Door to clear. To start, the boss is surrounded by 4 vanguards, these Vanguards are all immune to arts, so what you want to do is hit them with area S-
Craft, then focus on the main boss. The main boss will mostly use a shock attack that might inflict Seal on your party.

Star Door 12
Location: Leiston Fortress - Command Center
Episode: I Accept Your Request
Requirements: Richard
Reward: Covert (Quartz), 10000 Mira

Star Door 13
Location: Black Ark - Stern 2F
Episode: Assault on the Imperial Guards
Requirements: Win over 400 battles
Reward: Jagd Armor, 10000 Mira

Star Door 14
Location: Black Ark - Sanctuary
Episode: Phantasmal Blaze
Requirements: View all other doors
Reward: Brilliant Crown (Accessory)

Star Door 15
Location: The Abyss - Depths
Episode: Paradise
Requirements: Renne
Reward: Nothingness (Quartz)

Arts & Quartz

Element List
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Stone Hammer x1 Single Attack 10

Earth Guard x2 Single Support - Immunity 10

Crest x2, x1 Single Support - DEF +25% 15

Petrify Breath x3 Single Attack - Petrify (20%) 30

Stone Impact x3, x2 Area (M) Attack 40

Earth Lance x5 Single Attack 40

Petrify Cloud x5, x3 Area (M) Attack - Petrify (60%) 60

La Crest x5, x3 Area (M) Support - DEF +25% 40

Petrosphere x6, x4 Area (S) Obstruct - MOV -4 40

Titanic Roar x8, x4 All Attack 70

Earth Wall x8, x4 Area (S) Support - Immunity 75

Atlas Hammer x10, x6 Area (M) Attack 80

Geo Catastrophe x14, x12 All Attack 160

Gaia Shield x16, x15 All Support - Immunity 220

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Aqua Bleed x1 Single Attack 10

Tear x1 Single Recovery - HP Recovery 10

Curia x2, x1 Single Recovery - Status Recovery 10
La Tear x2, x1 Area (S) Recovery - HP Recovery 20

Teara x4 Single Recovery - HP Recovery 20

Thelas x4, x2, x1 Single Recovery - Revive & Heal HP 30
Blue Impact x5 Single Attack 40
Tearal x8 Single Recovery - HP Recovery 40

La Teara x8, x2 Area (M) Recovery - HP Recovery 55

La Curia x8, x4, x2 Area (L) Recovery - Status Recovery 30
Diamond Dust x10, x2, x1 Area (S) Attack - Freeze (20%) 60

Blue Ascension x12 Single Attack 80

Tear-All x15 Single Recovery - HP Recovery 70
La Tearal x16, x8, x4 Area (L) Recovery - HP Recovery 200
Athelas x18, x8, x4 Single Recovery - Revive & Heal HP 180

La Tear-All x22, x12, x6 All Recovery - HP Recovery 300

Cocytus x25, x12, x5 All Attack - Freeze (20%) 150

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Fire Bolt x1 Single Attack 10

Forte x2, x1 Single Support - STR +25% 15

Flare Arrow x3 Single Attack 40

Fire Bolt EX x3, x1 Area (M) Attack 20

Spiral Flare x5, x2 Area (M) Attack 30

La Forte x5, x3 Area (M) Support - STR +25% 40

Napalm Breath x8 Single Attack 80

Volcanic Rave x8, x5, x3 Area (M) Attack 80

Meteo Fall x8, x5, x3 Area (L) Attack 100

Cyclone Napalm x12 Single Attack 150

Arc Prominence x15, x8, x4 All Attack 180

Name Required Element Range Effects EP Cost
Air Strike x1 Single Attack 10

Sylphen Wing x1 Single Support - MOV +1 10

Sylphen Guard x2 Single Support - AGL +50% 10

Aerial x3, x1 Area (M) Attack 40

Sylpharion x5 Area (S) Support - MOV +2 40

Lightning x8, x2 Line Attack - Seal (20%) 20

Aero Storm x10, x3, x1 Area (L) Attack 70

Plasma Wave x12, x5 Line Attack - Seal (20%) 50

Gale Lance x12, x8, x3 Line Attack - Knockback 90

Ragna Blast x15, x8 Line Attack - Seal (20%) 120

Grand Stream x20, x5, x3 All Attack 140

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Soul Blur x1 Single Attack - Faint (20%) 10
Clock Up x1 Single Support - SPD +25% 10
Anti-Sept x3 Single Obstruct - Mute 20

Hell Gate x6, x3 Area (S) Attack - Faint (20%) 30

Shadow Spear x7 Single Attack - K.O. (20%) 40
Anti-Sept All x7, x3, x1 Area (M) Obstruct - Mute 40

Clock Down x8, x4 Area (M) Support - SPD -50% 50

Clock Up EX x9 Single Support - SPD +50% 30
White Gehenna x10, x4 Area (M) Attack - Faint (20%) 60
Orbal Down x12, x8, x4 All Obstruct - Mute - ADF -30% 100

Death Scream x15, x10 All Attack - K.O. (20%) 120

Abyss Fall x18, x6 Area (L) Attack - Faint (20%) 90
Energy Drain x21, x12 Single Support - Absorbs HP 120

Calamitous Blast x21, x15, x8 All Attack - ADF -20% 200

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Dark Matter x4 Single Attack 80

A-Crest x6, x1 Area (M) Support - ADF +30% 50

Dark Matter EX x12, x5, x3 Area (M) Attack - MOV -2 160

Lost Mobius x12, x5, x3 Area (M) Attack 100

Genesic Barrier x19, x12, x2 All Support - Null Attack Arts 600

Devastation Blast x21, x12, x8, x5 All Attack 250

Name [EN] Required Element Range Effects EP
Ascension x1 Single Attack 10
Saint x3, x1 Single Support - STR / DEF +25% 40

Phantom Pain x5, x3 Area (M) Obstruct - STR -15% 50

Silent Cross x6, x2 All Obstruct - Impedes Arts & Confuse 50
Chaos Brand x7 Single Obstruct - Confuse 40

Zodiac x8, x4 All Support - STR / DEF +25% 240

Silver Thorn x20, x12, x4 Area (M) Attack - Confuse (90%) 90
Enfeeble x21, x12, x3 Area (M) Obstruct - DEF -25% 150
Arch Drain x24, x18 All Support- EP Absorb 0

Element List
Earth Water Fire Wind Time Space Mirage

Earth Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Type Location Effects Output Synthesis
Defense 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) DEF +3%, STR -1% x1 x20
Defense 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) DEF +6%, STR -3% x3 x100
Defense 3 Stone Monument (Golden or Silver Road) DEF +9%, STR -5% x5 x200
Defense 4 Stone Monument (Saint-Croix Forest) DEF +12%, STR -7% x8 x300
Topaz Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) DEF +15%, STR -9% x12 x1000
Poison Stone Monument (Grancel) Attacks/Crafts can poison enemies (10% chance) x3 x100
Poison 2 Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory Attacks/Crafts can poison enemies (20% chance) x8 x200
Petrify Stone Monument (Grancel) Attacks/Crafts can petrify enemies (10% chance) x3 x100
Petrify 2 Treasure: Phantasmagoria Attacks/Crafts can petrify enemies (20% chance) x8 x200
Mute Stone Monument (Grancel) Attacks/Crafts can mute enemies (10% chance) x3 x100
Mute 2 Treasure: Jenis Royal Academy Attacks/Crafts can mute enemies (20% chance) x8 x200
Septium Vein Star Door 1 Reward Increases the amount of sepith dropped by enemies x5, x3 N/A

Soul Sun Door 3 Reward EP is converted to CP during battle x10, x2 N/A

Arts & Quartz (Continued)

Water Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Type Location Effects Output Synthesis
HP 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Max HP +3% x1 x20

HP 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) Max HP +6%

Treasure: Grancel x3 x100

HP 3 Stone Monument (Golden or Silver Road) Max HP +9% x5 x200

HP 4 Stone Monument (Saint-Croix Forest) Max HP +12%

Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest x8 x300

Water Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) Max HP +15% x12 x1000
Mind 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) ATS +3%, ADF -1 x1 x30
Mind 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) ATS +6%, ADF -2 x3 x100
Mind 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) ATS +9%, ADF -3 x5 x200
Mind 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) ATS +12%, ADF -4 x8 x300
Sapphire Gem Treasure: Erbe Scenic Route ATS +15%, ADF -5 x12 x1000
Freeze Stone Monument (Grancel) Attacks/Crafts can freeze enemies (10% chance) x3 x150
Freeze 2 Treasure: Black Ark Attacks/Crafts can freeze enemies (20% chance) x8 N/A
Examine the Fountain in the Finale
Reflect Reflect magical damage with 50% success. EP-30% x8, x6, x4 N/A
Note: Must ran from 300 battles.
Heal Default Quartz on Kloe HP slowly recovers by walking. x3, x2 N/A

Yin-Yang Star Door 4 Reward Combine the effects of Haze and Heal N/A
x5, x2
Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Spiritual Sun Door 3 Reward Receives less magic damage, but more physical damage x5 N/A

Fire Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Type Location Effects Output Synthesis
Attack 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) STR +3%, DEF -1% x1 x50

Attack 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) STR +6%, DEF -3% x3 x100

Treasure: Grancel Castle
Attack 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) STR +9%, DEF -5% x5 x200
Attack 4 Treasure: Balstar Channel STR +12%, DEF -7% x8 x300

Ruby Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) STR +15%, DEF -9% x12 x1000
Seal Stone Monument (Le Locle) Attacks/Crafts can seal enemies (10% chance) x3 x50
Seal 2 Treasure: Black Ark Attacks/Crafts can seal enemies (20% chance) x8 N/A

Mirror Examine the Fountain in the Finale Reflect physical damage with 50% success. Max HP-20% x6, x8, x4 N/A
Note: Fought 300 battles without running.
Ingenuity Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory Recovers EP when walking x5, x2 N/A
Ingenuity 2 Star Door 7 Reward Recovers EP in battle and when walking x8, x4 N/A

Physical Sun Door 3 Reward Receive less physical damage, but more magic damage x3 N/A
Carnage Treasure: The Abyss STR +20%, DEF -20% x10 N/A

Wind Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Type Location Effects Output Synthesis
Shield 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) ADF+30, ATS -1% x1 x20
Stone Monument (Grancel)
Shield 2 ADF+40, ATS -3% x3 x100
Treasure: Grancel Castle
Shield 3 Stone Monument (Golden or Silver Road) ADF+50, ATS -5% x5 x200
Shield 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) ADF+60, ATS -7% x8 x300
Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Emerald Gem ADF+150, ATS -9% x12 x1000
Treasure: Black Ark
Evade 1 Stone Monument AGL +1 x1 x20

Evade 2 Stone Monument AGL +2 x3 x100

Boss Drop: Bennu
Evade 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) AGL +3 x5 x200
Evade 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) AGL +4 x8 x300, x100
Wind Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) AGL +5 x12 x1000, x100
Sleep Stone Monument (Le Locle) Attacks/Craft can put enemies to sleep (10% chance) x3 x50
Sleep 2 Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory Attacks/Craft can put enemies to sleep (20% chance) x8 N/A

Impede 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Prevent enemy arts and crafts with 10% success rate x1 x100, x50, x50
Impede 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) Prevent enemy arts and crafts with 15% success rate x3 x200, x100, x100
Impede 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) Prevent enemy arts and crafts with 20% success rate x5 x400, x300, x300
Impede 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) Prevent enemy arts and crafts with 25% success rate x8, x1, x1 x800, x600, x600
Wood Gem Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route) Prevent enemy arts and crafts with 30% success rate x12, x2, x2 x1200, x850, x850
Scent Treasure: Grancel West Make enemies more likely to notice you (Field Only) x2, x4 N/A
Absorb Renne's Default Quartz Recover 2% of user's max HP when defeating an enemy x2, x4, x2 N/A

Swiftness Star Door 5 Reward Battles become advantage encounters x8, x4 N/A
Divine Eye Star Door 8 Reward Effects of Scent, Eagle Eye, Information, Septium Vein, Fortune. x5, x8 N/A

Time Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Type Location Effects Output Synthesis
Action 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) SPD +10% x1 x100
Action 2 Stone Monument (Grancel Arena) SPD +20% x3 x200
Action 3 Stone Monument (Golden or Silver Road) SPD +30% x5 x400

Action 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) SPD +40%, MOV -1 x8 x600

Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Onyx Gem SPD +50%, MOV -2 x12 x1000
Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Blind Stone Monument (Grancel) Attacks/Crafts can blind enemies (10% chance) x3 x50
Blind 2 Treasure: Leiston Fortress Attacks/Crafts can blind enemies (20% chance) x8
Deathblow 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) 10% chance to instant kill enemy x3 x200

Deathblow 2 Stone Monument (Ch. 2) 100% chance to instant kill enemy N/A x50
Note: Breaks after use
Death Renne's Default Quartz 20% chance to instant kill enemy x8 x400
Cast 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Time to cast arts is cut x1 x20
Cast 2 Stone Monument (Ch. 3) Time to cast arts is greatly cut x3 x200

Time Gem Sun Door 5 Reward STR/DEF-20%, ATS-15% N/A N/A

Time to cast arts is tremulously cut
Memory Moon Door 4 Reward Door locations are shown on the minimap x1, x4 N/A
Fortune Moon Door 5 Reward Increases enemy item drop rate by 30% x1, x3, x1 N/A

Space Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Slot Lv. Location Effects Output Synthesis
Move Stone Monument (Ch. 1) MOV +1 x1 x100
Move 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) MOV +2 x3 x200
Move 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) MOV +3 x5 x400
Range Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Arts affect a wilder range x3 x50
Range 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) Arts affect a much wilder range x5 x400
EP Cut 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Arts' EP cost -10% x1, x2, x1 x10, x20, x10
EP Cut 2 Stone Monument (Grancel) Arts' EP cost -20% x2, x3, x2 x100, x200, x100
EP Cut 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) Arts' EP cost -30% x3, x5, x3 x300, x400, x300

EP Cut 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) Arts' EP cost -40%

Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest x5, x8, x5 x400, x600, x400

Gold Gem Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route) Arts' EP cost -50% x7, x10, x7 x600, x1000, x600
Strike Stone Monument (Grancel Arena) 10% Chance to critically strike x3 x120
Strike 2 Treasure: Black Ark 20% Chance to critically strike x8 N/A

Eagle Eye (PC) Stone Monument (Split Area) Can see enemies from a distance. x3, x2 x50, x50
Falcon Eye (PSP) Moon Door 3 Reward Combines "Eagle Eye" and "Information"
Heaven's Eye Treasure: Black Ark Combines "Eagle Eye" and "Information" x3 , x3, x1 N/A

Mirage Quartz
Name [EN/JP] Slot Lv. Location Effects Output Synthesis
EP 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) Max EP +3% x1, x1, x2 x10, x10, x20
EP 2 Stone Monument (Ch. 2) Max EP +6% x2, x2, x3 x50, x50, x100

EP 3 Stone Monument (Split Area) Max EP +9% x3, x3, x5 x100, x100, x200
EP 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) Max EP +12% x5, x5, x8 x200, x200, x300
Silver Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) Max EP +15% x8, x8, x12 x400, x400, x1000

Hit 1 Stone Monument (Ch. 1) DEX +5, AGL -1 x1 x20

Hit 2 Stone Monument (Split Area) DEX +10, AGL -2 x3 x100

Treasure: Arseille
Hit 3 Stone Monument (Golden or Silver Road) DEX +15, AGL -3 x5 x200

Hit 4 Stone Monument (Le Locle) DEX +20, AGL -4 x5 x300

Mirage Gem Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth) DEX +25, AGL -5 x12 x1000
Confuse Attacks/Crafts can confuse enemies (10% chance) x3 x200
Confuse 2 Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory Attacks/Crafts can confuse enemies (20% chance) x8 N/A

Information Treasure: Jade Corridor Perceive enemy stats x2 N/A

Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Detection Sun Door 1 Reward Undiscovered treasure chests are shown on the minimap x2, x1 N/A
Haze Treasure: Grancel Castle Enemies become unaware of presence x2, x3 N/A

Cloak Treasure: Black Ark Avoid all encounters x2, x3 N/A

Nothingness Star Door 15 Reward Attacks inflict a random status ailment without fail x1 , x2, x8 N/A
Covert Star Door 12 Reward Combines the effects of Haze and Information x5, x8 N/A

Weapon List
Character List
Kevin Ries Estelle Joshua Scherazard Orbal Gun
One-Handed Sword Two-Handed Sword Tita Zin Katana Renne

Kevin [Crossbow]
Name Status Price Location
Ritter Bow STR +100, RNG +4 N/A Kevin's Default Weapon
Aqua Bow STR +200, RNG +4 100 Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Hound Bow STR +300, RNG +5 500 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Soliste Bow STR +400, RNG +5 500 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Aion Bow STR +500, RNG +6, ATS +25, DEX +15 N/A Treasure: Golden Road
Invisible Bow STR +600, RNG +5 2000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Juggernaut STR +700, RNG +6, ATS +50, DEX +20 N/A Treasure: Grimsel Fortress
Sherwood STR +800, RNG +6 4000 Stone Monument (Ch. 5)
Eclipse Gear STR +900, RNG +6 8000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Punisher STR +1000, RNG +7, ATS +75, DEX +25 N/A Treasure: Old Schoolhouse
Treasure: Gehenna
Puragatorio STR +1100, RNG +7, ATS +75, DEX +25 12000
Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Cherished Bow STR +1200, RNG +8, ATS +125, DEX +35 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Aster STR +850, RNG +6, ATS/ADF +30, DEX +10 N/A Enemy Drop
Aster +1 STR +950, RNG +7, ATS/ADF +40, DEX +20 N/A Enemy Drop
Aster +2 STR +1300, RNG +8, ATS/ADF +50, DEX +30 N/A Enemy Drop
Septenary Bow STR +1500, RNG +8, ATS/ADF +60, DEX +35 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Ries [Templar Sword]

Name Status Price Location
Plum Edge STR +100, RNG +2 N/A Ries' Default Weapon
Lunar Anthem STR +200, RNG +2 100 Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Septiene Nuit STR +300, RNG +2 500 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Holy Choir STR +400, RNG +2 500 Stone Monument (Ch. 2)
Silvahn STR +500, ATS +50, RNG +3 N/A Treasure: Silver Road
Roten Himmel STR +600, RNG +2 2000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Ceremonial Sword STR +800, RNG +2 4000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Giardino STR +900, ATS +150, RNG +2 N/A Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth 2
Triptych Loa STR +1000, RNG +2 8000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Tabernaculum STR +1100, ATS +200, RNG +2 12000 Treasure: Gehenna
Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Agnus Dei STR +1200, ATS +250, RNG +3 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Morality Sword STR +1050, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX +5, AGL/SPD +2. RNG +3 N/A Enemy Drop: Nightmare
Morality Sword +1 STR +1300, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX +10, AGL/SPD +5. RNG +3 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Ries (The Abyss)
Photon Sword STR +1500, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX +15, AGL/SPD +10. RNG +3 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Estelle [Staff]
Name Status Price Location
Linear Grip STR +500, RNG +2 N/A Estelle's Default Weapon
Nohval Staff STR +600, RNG +2 N/A
Calamites Rod STR +800, RNG +2 4000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Corkswain STR +900, RNG +2 8000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Force Flag STR +1000, DEX/AGL +10, SPD +5, RNG +3 N/A Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Hercule STR +1100, RNG +2 12000 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Amanomadra STR +1200, DEX/AGL +10, RNG +3 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Umegae STR +950, DEX +5, AGL +15. SPD +5, RNG +3, N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Estelle
Umegae +1 STR +1300, DEX +5, AGL +25. SPD +5, RNG +3, N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Estelle (The Abyss)
Sphere Soleil STR +1500, DEX/AGL +25, SPD +5, RNG +3 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Joshua [Twin Blades]

Name Status Price Location
Misericordes STR +200 N/A Joshua's Default Weapon
Main-Gauche STR +300 500 Stone Monument (Grancel Castle)
Shadow Stichers STR +400, DEX/AGL +5 750 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Sting Edges STR +500 N/A Treasure: Golden Road or Silver Road
Hatchets STR +600 2000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Kidney Daggers STR +700, DEX/AGL +10 N/A Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest
Oddeyes STR +800 4250 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Kusanagi Blades STR +900 8250 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Catacombs STR +1100, DEX/AGL +20 12250 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Swallow Tails STR +1200, DEX/AGL +25 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Snow & Rain STR +950, ADF/DEX +25 N/A Enemy Drop: Incubus
Snow & Rain +1 STR +1300, ADF +75, DEX +25 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Joshua (The Abyss)
Serenity Blades STR +1500, DEX +30, AGL +25 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Scherazard [Whip]
Name Status Price Location
Chain Whip STR +500, RNG +3 N/A Sherazard's Default Weapon
Needle Whip STR +600, RNG +3 800 Stone Monument (Grimsel Fortress)
Severance Whip STR +800, RNG +3, DEX +5 1800 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Myrrh Thorns STR +900, RNG +3 3800 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Iron Whip STR +1100, ATS/ADF +30, DEX +5, RNG +3 8800 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Gorgon's Treasure STR +1200, ATS/ADF +35, DEX +10, RNG +4 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Zigeuner STR +950, ATS/ADF +50, DEX +10, RNG +4 N/A Enemy Drop: Succubus
Zigeuner +1 STR +1300, ATS/ADF +100, DEX +20, RNG +4 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Scherazard
Viper STR +12, RNG +3 N/A Default equipment in Moon Door 2
Arc en Ciel STR +1500, ATS/ADF +150, DEX +20, RNG +4 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Oliver/Josette [Orbal Gun]

Name Status Price Location
Dual Star STR +200, RNG +5 N/A Josette's Default Weapon
Skyfish STR +300, RNG +5 550 Stone Monument (Grancel Arena)
Juggernaut STR +400, DEX +5, RNG +5 750 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Stinger-M STR +500, RNG +5 N/A Treasure: Golden Road or Silver Road
O-Type Orbal Gun 2 STR +600, RNG +5 2550 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Moby Dick STR +700, DEX +10, RNG +6 3550 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Phantom S STR +800, RNG +5 N/A Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Peace Breaker STR +900, RNG +5 8550 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Olibanum Ray STR +1000, DEX +15. RNG +6 N/A Treasure: The Black Ark
Desperado STR +1100, RNG +5, DEX +20 12550 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Akashic R STR +1200, DEX +25, RNG +6 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Ein Kleine STR +750, DEX +30, SPD +5, RNG +6 N/A Enemy Drop: Incubus or Succubus
Ein Kleine +1 STR +950, DEX +35, SPD +5, RNG +6 N/A Enemy Drop: Hammer Dwarf
Ein Kleine +2 STR +1300, DEX +40, SPD +5, RNG +6 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Olivert or Doppel Josette (The Abyss)
Masquerader STR +1500, DEX +50, RNG +6 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Kloe/Julia [One-Handed Sword]

Name Status Price Location
Foil STR +100 N/A Julia's Default Weapon
Epee STR +200 100 Stone Monument (Jade Corridor)
Scramasax STR +300 500 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Akashic Heart STR +400, ATS +50, AGL +5 N/A Treasure: Grancel
Damascus Sword STR +500 1000 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Sempre Verde STR +600 2000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Calvary Cross STR +700, ATS +30, AGL +10 N/A Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest
Fealty Sword STR +800 4000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Wing Blade STR +900 8000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Sigrdrifa STR +1100, ATS +35, AGL +15 N/A Treasure: Jenis Royal Academy
Mistileinn STR +1100, ATS +40, AGL +20 12000 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Celeste Blue STR +1200, ATS +45, AGL +25 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Vorpal Sword STR +850, ATS +20, DEX/AGL +5 N/A Enemy Drop: Succubus
Vorpal Sword +1 STR +950, ATS +40, DEX +5, AGL +15 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Kloe
Vorpal Sword +2 STR +1300, ATS +60, DEX +5, AGL +20 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Julia
Divine Nova STR +1550, ATS +80, DEX +10, AGL +25 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Agate/Mueller [Two-Handed Sword]

Name Status Price Location
Two-Handed Sword STR +250 N/A Mueller's Default Weapon
Antler Sword STR +350 450 Stone Monument (Grancel Arena)
Rustic Sword STR +550 950 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Kumo no Tachi STR +650, DEX -10 N/A Treasure: (Golden or Silver Road)
Hard Rock STR +750 1850 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Dragonsbane STR +850 3350 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Apeiron STR +950, DEX -15 N/A Treasure: Umbral Labyrinth
Galatyn STR +1050 7250 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Hihiirokane Sword STR +1150 10550 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Apocrypha STR +1250, DEX -20 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Pendragon STR +900, DEX +5, AGL +10 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Agate
Pendragon +1 STR +1100, DEX +10, AGL +15 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Agate (The Abyss)
Pendragon +2 STR +1350, DEX +15, AGL +20 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Agate (The Abyss)
Dino Fossil STR +1550, DEX +20, AGL +25 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Tita [Orbal Cannon]

Name Status Price Location
Hydrid-D STR +100, RNG +4, Area (S) N/A Tita's Default Weapon
G-03 STR +200, RNG +4, Area (S) 175 Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Parabola Cannon STR +300, RNG +4, Area (S) 750 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Stun GB STR +400, RNG +5, Area (S) N/A Treasure: Grancel West Block
UG-01 STR +500, RNG +4, Area (S) 1250 Stone Monument (Split Area)
R-Launcher STR +600, RNG +4, Area (S) 2000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Gatling Gear STR +700, RNG +5, Area (S) N/A Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest
UG-02 STR +800, RNG +4, Area (S) 4400 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Sentinel STR +900, RNG +4, Area (S) 8800 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Grand Slam STR +1000, RNG +5, Area (S) N/A Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory
Disaster Cannon STR +1100, RNG +4, Area (S) 13000 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Vritra-han STR +1200, RNG +5, Area (S) N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Merciless Rocket STR +850, DEX +20, ADF/SPD +5, RNG +5, Area (M) N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Tita
Merciless Rocket +1 STR +850, DEX +30, ADF +10, SPD +5, RNG +5, Area (M) N/A Enemy Drop: Bazooka Dwarf
Merciless Rocket +2 STR +1300, DEX +40, ADF +15, SPD +5, RNG +5, Area (M) N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Tita (The Abyss)
Meltdown Buster STR +1500, DEX +50, DEF/ATS/SPD +10, ADF +20, RNG +5, Area (M) N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Zin [Knuckles]
Name Status Price Location
Steel Arms STR +450 N/A Zin's Default Weapon
Tiger Knuckles STR +650 1500 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Kaiser Knuckles STR +750, DEX +5, SPD +5 N/A Treasure: Balstar Channel
Purity Fists STR +850 2800 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Moon Claws STR +950 4800 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Gold Crests STR +1050, DEX +10, SPD +5 N/A Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory
Omen Breakers STR +1150, DEX +15, SPD +10 8000 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Acalanatha STR +1250, DEX +20, SPD +5 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Iron Arms STR +1000, DEX +30, SPD +10 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Zin or Shield Dwarf
Iron Arms+1 STR +1350, DEX +35, SPD +20 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Zin (The Abyss)
Tetra Monster STR +1550, DEX +40, SPD +25 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Anelace/Richard [Katana]
Name Status Price Location
Tatara STR +450 N/A Anelace's Default Weapon
Amagumo STR +650 2500 Stone Monument (Saint-Croix Forest)
Subaru STR +750 3000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Ugetsu Zanshin STR +850 N/A Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Yaegaki STR +950 8500 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Jinu STR +1000, ATS/ADF +50, DEX +25, AGL/SPD +5 N/A Star Door 5 Reward
(Anelace Only)
Mumei Jittetsu STR +1050 N/A Treasure: Lakeside Laboratory
Kagutsuchi STR +1150 12500 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Hakuryuu STR +1250 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Hotarukiri STR +1000, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX/AGL +10, SPD +5 N/A Enemy Drop: Incubus or Doppel Richard
Hotarukiri +1 STR +1300, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX/AGL +15, SPD +10 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Anelace (The Abyss)
Houkiboshi STR +1550, DEF/ATS/ADF/DEX/AGL +20, SPD +15 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone
(Anelace Only) STR +1600, ATS/ADF +150, DEX +100, AGL/SPD +25 N/A Cleared Sun Door 3 part 3 with Anelace in your party.
(Upgraded Version)

Renne [Scythe]
Name Status Price Location
Nine Lives STR +750 N/A Renne's Default Weapon
Rose Ripper STR +850 3900 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth 2)
Camellia Scythe STR +950 7800 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Bloody Slaughter STR +1050 N/A Treasure: Black Ark
Red Crescent STR +1150 12500 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Crimson Scythe STR +1250 N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Stella Machina STR +1200, DEX +50, AGL +20, SPD +5 N/A Enemy Drop: Doppel Renne
Nemesis Ripper STR +1450, DEX +100, AGL +25, SPD +10 N/A Exchange with Zemurian Stone

Armor List

Name Status Character Price Location
Leather Vest DEF +5 All N/A Moon Door 2
Fitted Leather DEF +100 All N/A Default equipment
Enhanced Denim DEF +200 All 500 Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Survival Vest DEF +300 All 1000 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Bestia Coat DEF +400, ADF +10, AGL +5 All N/A Treasure: Grancel East Block
Titanium Vest DEF +500 All 2000 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Bracer Coat DEF +600 All 4000 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Dragon Tree Jumpsuit DEF +700, ADF +15, AGL +5 All N/A Treasure: Balstar Channel
Battle Surcoat DEF +800 All 8000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Amalgam Guard DEF +900 All 12000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Gargan Armor DEF +1000, ADF +20, AGL +5 All N/A Jenis Academy (Chapter 6)
Cosmic Gear DEF +1100 All 16000 Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Treasure: Gehenna
Ninja Garb DEF +750, SPD +5, AGL +100 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Knight Armor DEF +1500, ADF -600, AGL -50, SPD -5, MOV -1 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Reflective Robe DEF +650, ADF +1000, MOV-1 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Kitty Suit DEF +750, DEX +10, AGL +10, SPD +30, MOV +1 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Jagd Armor DEF +1000, STR +100, ADF -100, DEX -50 All N/A Reward from Star Door 13
Kaleido Armor DEF +225, STR +20, ADF +20, SPD +5 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop
Kaleido Armor +1 DEF +525, STR +40, ADF +40, SPD +5 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop
Kaleido Armor +2 DEF +825, STR +60, ADF +60, SPD +5 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop: Ebony Vanguard or Mirror Vanguard
Kaleido Armor +3 DEF +1155, STR +80, ADF +80, SPD +5 Male Only N/A Boss Drop: Abyss Bosses
Raphael's Halo DEF +1100, ADF +25, AGL +5 Male Only N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Schwarz Silk DEF +225, ATS +50, AGL +15 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop
Schwarz Silk +1 DEF +525, ATS +100, AGL +30 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop
Schwarz Silk +2 DEF +825, ATS +150, AGL +45 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop: Ebony Vanguard or Mirror Vanguard
Schwarz Silk +3 DEF +1155, ATS +200, AGL +60 Female Only N/A Boss Drop: Abyss Bosses
Gabriel's Aura DEF +1100, ATS +25, ADF +25 Female Only N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria

Name Status Character Price Location
Step Shoes DEF +50, MOV+2 All N/A Kevin's Default Shoes
Gryps Boots DEF +60, MOV+2 All 500 Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Royal Spikes DEF +70, AGL +10, MOV+3 All N/A Treasure: Arseille
Trekking Gear DEF +80, MOV+2 All 1000 Stone Monument (Grancel)
Composites III DEF +90, MOV+3 All 1500 Stone Monument (Split Area)
Gaia Greaves DEF +100, AGL +15 MOV +4 All N/A Treasure: Golden Road and Silver Road
Soldier Tabi DEF +110, MOV+3 All 2500 Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Force Gaiters DEF +120, MOV+4 All 3000 Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Strega-O DEF +130, AGL +20, MOV+5 All N/A Treasure: Umbral Labyrinth
Synchrotrons DEF +140, MOV+4 All 4000 Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Treasure: Gehenna
Dragon Boots DEF +150, MOV+5 All 4500
Stone Monument (Ch. 8)
Ninja Tabi DEF +105, AGL +100, SPD +10, MOV+5 All N/A Enemy Drop
Knight's Sabatons DEF +180, ADF +30, AGL-50, SPD- 5, MOV+3 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Shaman's Sandals DEF +95, ATS +25, ADF +100, MOV +3 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Kitty Slippers DEF +100, AGL/SPD +10, MOV+8 All N/A Enemy Drop: Arch Devil
Heat-Resistant Boots DEF +10, AGL -20, SPD +15, MOV +2 All N/A Treasure: Balstar Channel
Note: Reduced damage received when walking on lava.
Leather Boots DEF +2 All N/A Default equipment in Moon Door 2.
Reinforced Boots DEF +30, MOV+1 All N/A Default equipment in Star Door 6
Superior Shoes DEF +75, ATS/ADF -5, AGL/SPD +5, MOV +2 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop
Superior Shoes +1 DEF +105, ATS/ADF -15, AGL/SPD +10, MOV +3 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop
Superior Shoes +2 DEF +140, ATS/ADF -25, AGL/SPD +15, MOV +4 Male Only N/A Enemy Drop: Ebony Vanguard or Mirror Vanguard
Superior Shoes +3 DEF +165, ATS/ADF -35, AGL/SPD +20, MOV +5 Male Only N/A Boss Drop: Abyss Bosses
Titan's Sandals DEF +160, DEX/AGL +25, SPD +5, MOV +3 Male Only N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Spiritual Boots DEF +75, ATS/ADF +10, AGL -10, MOV +3 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop
Spiritual Boots +1 DEF +105, ATS/ADF +25, AGL -10, MOV +4 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop
Spiritual Boots +2 DEF +140, ATS/ADF +50, AGL -15, MOV +5 Female Only N/A Enemy Drop: Ebony Vanguard or Mirror Vanguard
Spiritual Boots +3 DEF +165, ATS/ADF +75, AGL -20, MOV +6 Female Only N/A Boss Drop: Abyss Bosses
Artemis Heels DEF +160, ATS/ADF +30, AGL +15, MOV +5 Female Only N/A Treasure: Phantasmagoria

Accessory List
Name Status Location
Night Goggles Allows sight in darkness. Treasure: Grimsel Fortress
Prevents K.O., restoring HP/EP/CP Fully
Emergency Puppet Treasure: Black Ark
Defends against K.O. once, but breaks afterwards.
Proxy Puppet Prevents K.O. Treasure: Grancel
Defends against K.O. once, but breaks afterwards.
Gladiator Headband STR +5, DEF -5 / CP Recovery Up Treasure: Black Ark
Star Door 6 Reward
Superior Gladiator Headband STR +25, DEF -25 / CP Recovery Up
Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Gladiator Belt STR +10, DEF -10 / Auto-CP Up Treasure: Black Ark
Superior Gladiator Belt STR +50, DEF -50 / Auto-CP Up Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Long Barrel EX STR +20, RNG +2 (Tita Only) Moon Door 1 Reward
Long Barrel RNG +2 Enemy Drop: Sudorudo Giza
Long Barrel+ DEX +10, SPD +3,RNG +2
Long Barrel 2 Name RNG +3 Status Location
Treasure: Grancel West Block
Long Barrel 2+ DEX +20, SPD +3,RNG +3 Enemy Drop: Doppel Tita or Bazooka Dwarf
Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Long Barrel 3 RNG +4
Enemy Drop: Hammer Dwarf
Long Barrel 3+ DEX +30, SPD +3,RNG +4 Boss Drop: Bleublanc
Lunar Seal STR +5, DEF -5 / CP Recovery Up Carryover bonus from Trails SC
Solar Seal STR +10, DEF -10 / Auto-CP Up Carryover bonus from Trails SC
Silver Earring Prevents Poison Stone Monument (Split Area)
Silver Earring+ DEF +50, ADF +600 / Prevents Poison Treasure: Grimsel Fortress
Lighter Prevents Freeze Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Lighter+ STR +50, MOV -1 / Prevents Freeze Treasure: Black Ark
Mirage Ring Prevents Petrify Stone Monument (Luminous Labyrinth)
Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Mirage Ring+ DEF +50, ADF +600, AGL +10 / Prevents Petrify Star Door 4 Reward
Black Bangle Prevents Sleep Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Treasure: Jade Corridor
Black Bangle+ Dex +100, AGL +10 / Prevents Sleep Treasure: Grancel West Block
Glam Choker Prevents Mute Stone Monument (Ch. 1)
Treasure: Jade Corridor
Glam Choker+ ADF +600, SPD +5 / Prevents Mute Treasure: Grancel Castle
Stone Monument (Grancel)
White Bracelet Prevents Blind
Treasure: Grancel
White Bracelet+ ATS +100, MOV -1 / Prevents Blind Treasure: (Golden or Silver Road)
Pearl Earring Prevents Seal Stone Monument (Grancel)
Treasure: Grancel Castle
Pearl Earring+ DEF +50, AGL +10, MOV +1 / Prevents Seal Treasure: Silver Road
Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Lily Necklace Prevents Confuse
Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest
Lily Necklace+ STR +50, ADF +400, AGL -5 / Prevents Confuse
Feather Brooch Prevents Faint Stone Monument (Split Area)
Treasure: Balstar Channel
Feather Brooch+ Various Stats Up / Prevents Faint Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth
Skull Pendant Prevents Deathblows Stone Monument (Split Area)
Skull Pendant+ ATS +50, SPD +5 / Prevents Deathblows Treasure: Balstar Channel
T-Anklet Prevents Freeze/Petrify Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
T-Anklet+ ATS/ADF +50, SPD/AGL +5, MOV +1 / Prevents Freeze/Petrify Boss Drop: Kurt
Crest Charm Prevents Sleep/Faint Treasure: (Luminous Labyrinth)
Crest Charm+ ATS/DEF +50 / Prevents Sleep/Faint Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Master Beads Prevents Sleep/Confuse Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Treasure: Leiston Fortress
Master Beads+ DEX +100, AGL +10 / Prevents Sleep/Confuse Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Tornado Fan Prevents Poison/Freeze Treasure: Jenis Royal Academy
Tornado Fan+ STR /DEF +50 / Prevents Poison/Freeze Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Stone Monument (Le Locle)
Moonglasses Prevents Poison/Blind
Treasure: Grimsel Fortress
Moonglasses+ ATS +50, ADF +400 / Prevents Poison/Blind Treasure: Umbral Labyrinth
Lebensborn Prevents Petrify/Deathblows Stone Monument (Erbe Scenic Route)
Treasure: Black Ark
Lebensborn+ ADF+400, DEX +50, MOV -1 / Prevents Petrify/Deathblows Treasure: The Abyss
Vajra DEF +25, ADF +400, AGL +10 / Prevents Seal/Mute Treasure: Gehenna
Vajra+ STR/DEF +50, ADF +800, AGL +10 / Prevents Seal/Mute Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Shine Sphere STR +50 / Prevents Sleep/Blind/Freeze Treasure: Gehenna
Shine Sphere+ STR/DEF +50, ATS +100, ADF +400, SPD +5, MOV +1 / Prevents Sleep/Blind/Freeze Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Grail Locket Prevents all abnormal status (except K.O.) Treasure: Gehenna
Treasure: Phantasmagoria
Quinty Ribbon DEF/ADF +50, ADF +400, SPD/AGL +10, MOV +1 Treasure: The Abyss
Quinty Ribbon +1 DEF/ADF +50, ADF +800, SPD/AGL +20, MOV +1 Enemy Drop: Doppel Tita (The Abyss)
Tiger Heart STR +200, DEF +100, ATS/ADF -100 / Prevents Seal Treasure: The Abyss
Crimson Eye ATS +300, ADF +400, SPD -5, MOV -1 / Prevents Mute Treasure: Grancel West Block
Shining Emblem STR/ATS/ADF/DEX +10, AGL +400, MOV +1 / Prevents Ailments (except K.O.) Boss Drop: Tempest Pom
Divine Blade's Emblem All Stats Up (except RNG) Boss Drop: Cassius
Bladelord's Emblem All Stats Up (except RNG) Boss Drop: Schwarzritter
Fool's Emblem Various Stats Up / Various Stats Down Boss Drop: G-Apache (Sun Door 3)
Fisherman's Emblem STR +50, RNG +1, MOV -3 (Estelle Only) Sun Door 2 Reward
Happiness Stone SPD -20 / Obtain more Sepith Moon Door 5 Reward
Phantom Thief's Cape AGl +20, MOV +3 / Drop Rate Up Star Door 11 Reward
Destiny Card Prevents Deathblows Treasure: Umbral Labyrinth
Cat Tail MOV +2
Carnelia Bracelet Prevents STR/DEF/ADF Down Treasure: Le Locle
Amberl Bracelet Prevents MOV/SPD Down Treasure: Luminous Labyrinth 2
Sapphirl Necklace Prevents AIlments (except K.O.) Treasure: Gehenna
Esmelas Circlet Various Stats Up / Prevents Ailments (except K.O.)
Brilliant Crown Prevents Ailments & Stat Down / Various Stats Up Star Door 14 Reward

Recipe List
Sit-Down Recipes To-Go Recipes Attack Recipes
Master's Hotpot Egg Salad Sandwich Repellent Dish Triplet Ice Cased-in-Jelly Septium Drops
Tom Yum Goong Extra Spicy Fries Fluffy Crepe Spiral Grill Tomato Fondue Queenly Cookie
Fresh Water Miso Fish Springed Egg Amazing & Sparkling Sludgy Cookie
Luxurious Lunch
Fishy Finale Anar Spiritus Plate of Excellence Fish Skewers Freezing Meatballs
Swingwich Castel Castella Tasty Medicine Napalm Meat
Easy Paella Septium Bullets
Brain Roast Fragrant Juice Beastly Stew Crab Special
Wobbly Rainbow
Enigmatic Stew Fried Phoenix UF Pie Fruity Temptation Bloody Meatballs
Blood Extract

Sit-Down Recipes

Master's Hotpot
Description [Sit-Down] Restores all HP / CP 80 (All)

Acerbic Tomato 3 Red Pepper 3

Aged Miso 1 Fish Fillet 1
Ingredient Vintage Wine 1 Tender Poultry 1
Black Pepper 3 Beast Flesh 1

Location Treasure: The Abyss - Depths

Tom Yum Goong

Description [Sit-Down] Restores 15000 HP / CP 40 (All)

Acerbic Tomato 2 Tender Whitefish 2

Crisp Onion 2 Juicy Bone 2
Ingredient Dirty Carrot 1 Fish Fillet 2
Red Pepper 3

Location Sun Door 4 Reward.

Luxurious Lunch
Description [Sit-Down] Restores 8000 HP / Cures K.O. (All)

Fresh Eggs 1 Marbled Steak 2

Ingredient Sharp Cheese 1 Bird Egg 1
Milled Flour 2

Location Star Door 3 Reward.

Easy Paella
Description [Sit-Down] Restores 4000 HP

Tri-Colored Rice 1 Ironbone Fish 1

Ingredient Fresh Eggs 1 Tender Whitefish 1

Location Treasure: Arseille

Enigmatic Stew
Description [Sit-Down] ???? (All)

Aged Miso 1 Juicy Bone 2

Vintage Wine 1 Lucky Fang 2
Ingredient Black Pepper 5 Prickly Seed 2
Red Pepper 5 Curative Horn 2

Location Sun Door 5 Reward.

To-Go Recipes

Egg Salad Sandwich

Description [To-Go] Restores 1500 HP

Fresh Eggs 1 Flaky Potato 1

Ingredient Milled Flour 2 Crisp Onion 1

Location Automatically acquired in Chapter 1.

Recipe List (Continued)

Extra Spicy Fries
Description [To-Go] Restores 2000 HP / Cures Freeze

Flaky Potato 2 Olive Oil 1

Ingredient Kibbled Salt 1

Location Treasure in Jade Corridor, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fresh Water
Description [To-Go] Restores 2000 HP / Cures K.O.

Maple Sugar 1 Juicy Bone 1

Ingredient Royal Leaf 2 Clear Gelatin 1

Location Treasure in Jade Corridor, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fishy Finale
Description [To-Go] Restores 2500 HP / Cures Faint/Sleep

Kibbled Salt 1 Tender Whitefish 2

Ingredient Black Pepper 3

Location Treasure in Jade Corridor, consume dish to learn recipe.

Description [To-Go] Restores 3000 HP / CP 50

Acerbic Tomato 3 Fresh Herb 1

Ingredient Milled Flour 1 Black Pepper 1
Kibbled Salt 1 Beast Flesh 1

Location Treasure in Grancel West Block, consume dish to learn recipe.

Brain Roast
Description [To-Go] Restores 4000 HP / Cures Sleep

Fresh Herb 1 Black Pepper 1

Ingredient Dragon Beans 5 Juicy Bones 1

Location Treasure in Grancel West Block, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fried Phoenix
Description [To-Go] Restores 4000 HP / STR +20%

Kibbled Salt 1 Red Pepper 2

Ingredient Olive Oil 5 Tender Poultry 1

Location Treasure in Grancel, consume dish to learn recipe.

Repellent Dish
Description [To-Go] Restores 4000 HP / DEF +10%

Ironbone Fish 2 Tender Whitefish 2

Ingredient Kibbled Salt 2 Monster Carapace 1

Location Treasure in Grancel Castle, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fluffy Crepe
Description [To-Go] Restores 4300 HP / MOV +1 / SPD +10%

Firefly Fungus 1 Azelia Fruit 2

Ingredient Fresh Milk 1 Milled Flour 1
Fresh Eggs 1 Maple Sugar 1

Location Treasure in Grancel Castle, consume dish to learn recipe.

Miso Fish
Description [To-Go] Restores 5400 HP / Cures Seal

Aged Miso 1 Tender Whitefish 2

Ingredient Maple Sugar 1 Fish Fillet 1
Kibbled Salt 1

Location Treasure in Silver Road, consume dish to learn recipe.

Anar Spiritus
Description [To-Go] Restores 5500 HP / Cures K.O.

Vintage Wine 1 Maple Sugar 2

Ingredient Azelia Fruit 5 Savory Pinion 1

Location Treasure in Golden Road, consume dish to learn recipe.

Castel Castella
Description [To-Go] Restores 5500 HP / Cures Petrify

Fresh Eggs 2 Maple Sugar 2

Ingredient Milled Flour 2 Royal Leaf 1

Location Treasure in Silver Road, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fragrant Juice
Description [To-Go] Restores 8000 HP / STR/DEF +20%

Luscious Orange 4 Dragon Beans 2

Ingredient Ripe Apple 4 Lucky Fang 1
Azelia Fruit 2

Location Treasure in Balstar Channel, consume dish to learn recipe.

UF Pie
Description [To-Go] Restores 8000 HP / Cures Confuse

Fresh Eggs 3 Fresh Herb 2

Ingredient Sharp Cheese 4 Gummy Eyeball 1
Milled Flour 2

Location Treasure in Balstar Channel, consume dish to learn recipe.

Triplet Ice
Description [To-Go] Restores 8200 HP / CP 20

Firefly Fungus 2 Maple Sugar 3

Acerbic Tomato 1 Fresh Herbs 2
Fresh Milk 3 Dragon Beans 2
Fresh Eggs 2 Royal Leaf 2

Location Treasure in Saint-Croix Forest, consume dish to learn recipe.

Spiral Grill
Description [To-Go] Restores 8200 HP / Cures Faint/Sleep/Petrify

Firefly Fungus 1 Dragon Beans 2

Aged Miso 1 Black Pepper 2
Sharp Cheese 3 Tender Whitefish 2
Kibbled Salt 2 Juicy Bone 1

Location Treasure in Grimsel Fortress, consume dish to learn recipe.

Springed Egg
Description [To-Go] Restores 10000 HP / Cures Poison/Blind/Freeze

Fresh Eggs 3 Red Pepper 2

Ingredient Sharp Cheese 1 Bird Egg 1

Olive Oil 1 Gummy Eyeball 1

Location Treasure in Umbral Labyrinth, consume dish to learn recipe.

Plate of Excellence
Description [To-Go] Restores 10000 HP / Cures Faint/Sleep/Petrify

Ingredient Tender Whitefish 2 Fish Fillet 1

Location Sun Door 2 Reward,

Tasty Medicine
Description [To-Go] Restores 12000 HP / Cures K.O.

Aged Miso 1 Fresh Herb 5

Vintage Wine 1 Dragon Beans 2
Maple Sugar 2 Black Pepper 4
Kibbled Salt 5

Location Treasure in Lakeside Laboratory, consume dish to learn recipe.

Beastly Stew
Description [To-Go] Restores 12000 HP / CP 60

Acerbic Tomato 5 Tender Poultry 1

Marbled Steak 5 Fish Fillet 1
Red Pepper 5 Leathery Tail 1
Beast Flesh 1 Juicy Bone 1

Location Treasure in Gehenna, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fruity Temptation
Description [To-Go] Restores 12000 HP / Cures Status

Bear Claw 3 Azelia Fruit 3

Vintage Wine 1 Fresh Herb 3
Luscious Orange 3 Royal Leaf 3
Ripe Apple 3

Location Treasure in Leiston Fortress, consume dish to learn recipe.

Description [To-Go] Restores 13000 HP / Cures Seal/Mute/Confuse

Ironbone Fish 1 Tender Whitefish 1

Crisp Onion 1 Clear Gelatin 1
Dirty Carrot 1 Fish Egg 1
Red Pepper 1

Location Treasure in Lakeside Laboratory, consume dish to learn recipe.

Tomato Fondue
Description [To-Go] Restores 13000 HP / Cures Poison/Blind/Freeze

Firefly Fungus 1 Dragon Beans 1

Ingredient Vintage Wine 1 Bird Egg 1

Sharp Cheese 1 Gummy Eyeball 1

Location Treasure in Jenis Royal Academy, consume dish to learn recipe.

Amazing & Sparkling

Description [To-Go] Restores 14000 HP / STR+DEF +20%

Luscious Orange 3 Monster Carapace 1

Ripe Apple 3 Savory Pinion 1
Azelia Fruit 3 Prickly Seed 1
Dragon Beans 3 Lucky Fang 1

Location Treasure in Leiston Fortress, consume dish to learn recipe.

Fish Skewers
Description [To-Go] Restores 14000 HP / SPD +20%

Ironbone Fish 2 Black Pepper 2

Kibbled Salt 2 Fish Fillet 2

Location Treasure in Jenis Royal Academy, consume dish to learn recipe.

Napalm Meat
Description [To-Go] Restores 16000 HP / DEF +20%

Marbled Steak 2 Red Pepper 1

Ingredient Kibbled Salt 1 Beast Flesh 1

Black Pepper 1 Juicy Bone 1

Location Treasure in Lakeside Laboratory, consume dish to learn recipe.

Crab Special
Description [To-Go] Restores 18000 HP / DEF +20%

Firefly Fungus 1 Tender White Fish 2

Ingredient Aged Miso 1 Fish Fillet 1

Vintage Wine 1 Monster Carapace 2

Location Treasure in the Black Ark, consume dish to learn recipe.

Wobbly Rainbow
Description [To-Go] Restores 24000 HP / Cures K.O.

Bear Claw 5 Gummy Eyeball 1

Fresh Herb 5 Clear Gelatin 2
Dragon Beans 5 Prickly Seed 1
Royal Leaf 5 Savory Pinion 1

Location Treasure in Gehenna, consume dish to learn recipe.

Blood Extract
Description [To-Go] Restores All HP / Cures Status Ailments

Bear Claw 3 Royal Leaf 3

Vintage Wine 3 Clear Gelatin 1
Ripe Apple 3 Prickly Seed 1
Fresh Herb 3 Gummy Eyeball 2

Location Treasure in Gehenna, consume dish to learn recipe.

Attack Recipes

Septium Drops
Description [Attack] STR 1350 / Inflicts random status (Rarely)

Bear Claw 3 Royal Leaf 3

Vintage Wine 3 Clear Gelatin 1

Location Treasure: Grancel East Block

Queenly Cookie
Description [Attack] STR 1750

Fresh Milk 1 Olive Oil 1

Ingredient Fresh Eggs 1 Savory Pinion 1

Milled Flour 1 Prickly Seed 1

Location Treasure: Grancel Castle

Sludgy Cookie
Description [Attack] STR 2000 / Sleep (100%)

Vintage Wine 1 Olive Oil 1

Fresh Milk 1 Prickly Seed 1
Fresh Eggs 1 Savory Pinion 1
Milled Flour 1 Bird Egg 1

Location Treasure: Saint-Croix Forest

Freezing Meatballs
Description [Attack] STR 2550

Marbled Steak 1 Red Pepper 2

Ingredient Kibbled Salt 2 Leathery Tail 1

Black Pepper 2 Beast Flesh 1

Location Treasure: Le Locle Training Grounds

Septium Bullets
Description [Attack] STR 2850 / Random Status (100%)

Firefly Fungus 3 Curative Horn 1

Ingredient Maple Sugar 10 Savory Pinion 1

Lucky Fang 2 Clear Gelatin 2

Location Sun Door 5 Reward.

Bloody Meatballs
Description [Attack] STR 3150 / Faint (100%)

Marbled Steak 1 Lucky Fang 1

Kibbled Salt 5 Beast Flesh 1
Black Pepper 5 Leathery Tail 1
Red Pepper 5 Curative Horn 1

Location Star Door 9 Reward.

Character Skills
Character List
Kevin Graham Ries Argent Tita Russel Julia Schwarz
Mueller Vander Josette Capua Joshua Bright Klaudia von Auslese
Oliver Lenheim Zin Vathek Anelace Elfead Scherazard Harvey
Agate Crosner Estelle Bright Alan Richard Renne

Kevin Graham
Name Effects Range CP Level
Sacrifice Arrow Support - Sacrifices own CP to raise the CP of others by 40 Area (M) 65 Auto
Crossgear Rage 2 Crossgear Rage. Now with more range and a delay effect. [AT Delay] Single 20 95
Sacred Breath Recovery - Heals all allies in range for 2500 HP and cures ailments. Area (L) 30 Auto
Sacred Breath 2 Recovery - Heals all allies in range for 5500 HP and cures ailments. Area (L) 30 109
Mortal Punishment Attack foes at speed then impales them with spears from below. Area (M) 30 Auto
Mortal Punishment 2 Attack - Spears affect a wider area and are even deadlier than before. Area (M) 30 126
Gorgon Arrow Fires a malevolent arrow to petrify foes. Line 35 116

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Grail Sphere Support - A prayer and proffered grail block one attack. (2 with full CP) Area (L) Default
Spear of Loa Attack - Releases Stigma's power in the form of countless time spears. Area (All) Chapter 4
Spear of Ur Attack - Releases Stigma's power in the form of countless space spears. Area (All) Chapter 7

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Recover 2% CP ADF +30% N/A

Character Overview
Kevin is an excellent character in The 3rd. Not only Kevin is much stronger than his counterpart in Trails SC, Kevin has a bunch of new crafts to aid him, and because he's the
protagonist, you'll be stuck using him for majority of the game. Kevin has above average stats which makes great for everything, rather as a support unit or even as arts user, he
won't be hitting as hard as some of the other characters, but his great versatility make him usable for all situation, his S-Craft, Grail Sphere is also one of the best S-Crafts in the

Ries Argent
Name Effects Range CP Level
Chain 2 Up to three people charge forth and deal damage. Varies 20 100
Holy Blessing Recovery - Heals 50% HP, restores 50 CP and cures K.O. with a blessing. Single 45 Auto
Arc Fencer Attack - Raises templar sword and extends it to attack [Impede] Line 25 Auto
Arc Fencer 2 Attack - Raises templar sword and extends it to attack [Impede] Line 25 119
Thousand Sparrows Attack - Templar sword breaks apart, bombarding foes with rapid hits. Area (L) 30 105
Infinity Sparrows Attack - Manipulates templar sword's parts to hit foes in a wide area. Area (L) 30 127

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Heavenly Sphere Attack - Prays for a valkyrie who crushes foes with a ball of light. Area (All) Chapter 1
Heavenly Strike Attack - Prays for a valkyrie who mows down foes with a light beam. Area (All) Level 122
Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
EXP +10% / Sepith +20% N/A N/A

Character Overview
Ries is above average, she hits a little bit harder than Kevin, but you will find her Crafts isn't all that special except her Holy Blessing which works great as CP battery. Her lackluster
orbment line will also prevent her from excelling as an art user. Overall you will find Ries being outclassed by a lot of party members, but she is also a mandatory member for a lot of
the game, so make sure you at least use her.

Tita Russel
Name Effects Range CP Level
Smoke Cannon 2 Attack - Hits enemies with a smokescreen. [Blind] Area (L) 30 Auto
Vital Cannon 2 Recovery - Heals 3500 HP. Cures ailments and stat down. Area (L) 25 Auto
Vital Cannon 3 Recovery - Heals 8000 HP. Cures ailments and stat down. Area (L) 30 113
Orbal Gear Special Craft - Mount Orbal Gear - HP +100%, STR/DEF +20% Self 20 Moon Door 1

Orbal Gear Effects Range CP

Bullet Barrage Unleash a barrage of bullets on foes. Area (M) 10
Smoke Missiles Launches smoke missiles, blinding foes in an area [Blind] Area (S) 10
Charge Attack - Body slams a foe, knocking them backwards. [Faint] Single 10

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Cannon Impulse 2 Now modified to be even more deadly than before. Area (M) Default
Satellite Beam 2 A deadlier laser strike fired by a satellite from overhead. Area (M) Level 124

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A DEX +15%, AGL +10% SPD -5%

Character Overview
Tita starts out as a fairly balanced character that doesn't excel at anything. Her main specialty comes from her skill sets, which all has an area effect. What makes her truly shine is
when you unlock Orbal Gear by clearing Moon Door 1. Orbal Gear lets Tita use very devastating attacks at very low cost, it is essentially a boss killer, making Tita one of the
strongest characters in the game.

Julia Schwarz
Name Effects Range CP Level
Attack Orders Support - Heightens allies' will to fight. [STR +20%/SPD +10%] All 20 94
Lazenreiter Attack - A perfect four-strike combo [Impede] Single 25 Auto
Lazenreiter 2 Attack - An even deadlier four-strike combo [Impede] Single 25 112
Mirageberg A shield of illusion and shadow. Negates one attack. Self 30 Auto
Mirageberg 2 A shield of illusion and shadow. Negates two attacks. Self 30 126

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Trinity Kleis Attack - Draws a triangle with her sword, then summons a light pillar. Area (M) Default
Pentagrammic Kleis Attack - Draws a pentagram with her sword, then summons a light pillar. Area (L) Level 123

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A DEF +2% / ADF +20% ATS -5%

Character Overview
Julia is kind of mediocre, her use in battle is fairly limited, she doesn't hit as hard as some of the party members, and her as arts user she doesn't really excel in that department
either. One of the advantages is that Julia joins fairly early, but will quickly get overshadowed by other party members. Overall, Julia works great as a support member, she has the
ability to buff your allies, and a quick way of debilitating enemies, but doesn't have much going for her after that.

Mueller Vander
Name Effects Range CP Level
Ragna Bind Attack - Draws foes into range and knocks them unconscious. [Faint 50%] Single 20 Auto
Hound Gale Attack - Cuts through even more enemies with fine footwork. Area (S) 35 Auto
Hound Gale 2 Attack - Cuts through even more enemies with fine footwork. Area (M) 35 116
Blade Dancer Attack - Befuddles does with elegant bladework. [Confuse 20%] Single 30 Auto
Blade Dancer 2 Attack - Blade Dancer with even greater speed and power. [Confuse 20%] Single 30 127
Mirage Edge Support - Throws a dagger to prevent arts & crafts. [Impede, Mute] Single 35 Auto

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Righteous Witness Attack - A powerful slash that casts enemies into oblivion. Area (M) Default
True Righteous Witness Attack - A Vander technique that eliminates chaos and brings tranquility. Area (L) 124
Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A SPD +5% / DEF +20% AGL -10%

Character Overview
Mueller is one of the strongest characters in this game, along with an excellent set of crafts. However, Mueller has a huge setback, his underwhelming speed, which is complete
suicide for late game. This will render Mueller useless and you will probably replace him when superior attackers join the party.

Josette Capua
Name Effects Range CP Level
Stampede Attack - Combination gunfire to the enemy's vitals. [DEF -30%] Single 20 Auto
Anchor Flail Attack - Throws out a metal anchor. Yarr! [Faint] Single 20 Auto
Plunder Support - Commonly steals from foes using a mechanical arm. [Steal] Single 30 Auto
Orbal Bomb Attack - Throws bombs at foes and detonates them with her gun. [Impede] Area (M) 25

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Bobcat Attack - The beautiful bond between siblings. Summons the Bobcat. Area (M) Sun Door 1
Bobcat 2 Attack - The timeless bond between siblings. Summons the Bobcat. Area (All) Chapter 6

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Item Drop +20% / Sepith +30% N/A DEF -5%

Character Overview
Josette is officially the worst character of the entire Trails series. Josette has poor crafts and mid level stats. Josette isn't good with arts either, with two separate orbment lines.
Josette also has a good Remote Ability, which will increase your drop rate during battle, which will just encourage you to put her on the sideline her even more.

Joshua Bright
Name Effects Range CP Level
True Flicker Attack - Enhanced Flicker. [Penetrate, AT Delay] Line 30 Auto
Supreme Flicker Attack - Flicker perfected. [Penetrate, AT Delay] Line 30 110
True Cloak & Dagger Attack - A clean strike aimed at a foe's weak spot. [K.O. 20%] Single 20 Auto
Supreme Cloak & Dagger Attack - A clean strike aimed at a foe's weak spot. [K.O. 35%] Single 20 115
Evil Eye EX Attack - Extra-penetrating glare. Scares foes senseless. [AT Delay] Area (M) 40 Auto
Supreme Evil Eye Attack - The Evil Eye technique perfected. [Confuse, AT Delay] Area (M) 45 128
Taunt Support - Temporarily focuses enemy attention on self. [Rage] Self 20 Auto
Supreme Dual Strike Attack - Even more enhanced Dual Strike that always poisons. [2-Hit] Single 20 Auto

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

True Sever Attack - Sever enhanced with greater destructive force. Single Default
True Black Fang Attack - Polished Black Fang. Brings even the biggest foes to heel. Area (All) Default
Phantom Raid Attack - A stealth technique using high speeds to create duplicates. Area (All) Default
True Phantom Raid Attack - A stealth technique using high speeds to create duplicates Area (All) 125

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A DEF +2% / ADF +20% ATS -5%

Character Overview
Joshua is a very strong character, he has an excellent set of crafts and with a time-based orbment line, he is made into an agile killing machine. Although Joshua isn't good as his
SC counterpart, Joshua has a lot of great crafts, that has all type of uses. Joshua also one of the best S-Craft in the game.

Klaudia von Auslese

Name Effects Range CP Level
Kaempfer 2 Debilitate - A preemptive air strike. [STR -20%, DEF -30%] Single 20 Auto
Sturm 2 Attack - Graceful, continuous blows. Cancels arts & crafts [Impede] Single 20 Auto
Sturm 3 Attack - Deals graceful yet agonizing continuous blows. [Impede] Area (M) 20 118

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Lichtkreis 2 Recovery - Heals 12000 HP and cures K.O. DEF +50% when 200 CP consumed. Area (L) Default
Lichtkreis 3 Recovery - Heals 23000 HP and cures K.O. DEF +50% when 200 CP consumed. Area (L) 124
Sanctus Nova Attack - Prayers to Aidios become ribbons of light to defeat foes. Area (L) Default
Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Recover 5% HP / 2% CP N/A DEF -5%

Character Overview
Kloe is among of the best arts user in the game. Kloe has excellent support crafts to back her up and with her high ATS, she packs a ton of power. However, what hinders Kloe is her
orbment lines, Kloe is locked with three water orbment slots, giving her very small versatility in arts selection. Even with this handicap, Kloe still makes an excellent support mage
and will still provide great use in battle.

Oliver Lenheim
Name Effects Range CP Level
Quick Draw 2 Attack - Polished quick draw move. Fires a barrage of bullets. Area (L) 20 Auto
Happy Trigger 2 Recovery - Mysterious technique from Oliver. Heals 2500 HP with LOVE. Area (M) 20 Auto
Happy Trigger 3 Recovery - Heals 5500 HP with LOVE. How? We still don't know. Area (M) 20 116
Sniper Shot 2 Attack - Quiet shot with great power. Cancels arts & crafts. [Impede] Single 20 Auto
Sniper Shot 3 Attack - Perfected to target enemy weak points flawlessly. [Impede] Single 20 105

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Howling Bullet 2 Attack - Recoil control allows energy bullets to be fired more densely. Area (M) Default
Requiem Hearts Attack - A raging barrage of shots that shatter the silence. Area (M) Default
Requiem Hearts 2 Attack - A even deadlier barrage of shots that are almost musical. Area (M) 124

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A ATS +5%, ADF +50% DEF -5%

Character Overview
Oliver is one of the best arts users in the game. Oliver joins pretty early and has a pretty good set of support crafts, ranging from healing to impede. Although his ATS stat isn't high
as Kloe or the final party member, Oliver's advantage is his versatility over Kloe.

Zin Vathek
Name Effects Range CP Level
Taunt Support - Temporarily focuses all enemy attention on self. Area (All) 20 Auto
True Distend Support - Distend mastered. Ups STR and DEF temporarily. [+50%] Self 20 Auto
True Composure Recovery - Cures all ailments except K.O. and heals 3100 HP. Single 20 Auto
Supreme Composure Recovery - Cures all ailments except K.O. and heals 13000 HP. Single 20 110
True Smite Attack - Enhanced Smite. Has a more powerful thrust. [Confuse 50%] Single 30 Auto
Supreme Smite Attack - An incredibly deadly, perfected Smite. [Confuse 50%)] Single 30 120
Thunder God Kick Attack - A downward kick from the sky like a flash of lightning. Area (S) 35 Auto
S.Thunder God Kick Attack - A downward kick from the sky like a flash of lightning. Area (S) 35 128

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

True Disable Attack - An upgraded Disable. Now with overwhelming destructive power. Single Default
True Aural Blast Attack - An enhanced Aural Blast. Attacks foes within the area. Area (M) Default
Wrath of Genbu Attack - The ultimate tackle using earth power to obliterate foes. Area (M) Default
True Wrath of Genbu Attack - The ultimate tackle using earth power to obliterate foes. Area (M) Level 122

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Recover 4% HP DEF +3% ADF -25%

Character Overview
Zin is the strongest party member in the game, he has the highest strength value and can unleash a ton of damage. Zin also has the ability to self buff to raise his attack power
exponentially. Zin is a strong party member, but he is definitely poor in the support department, and with his slow speed doesn't help him in the tougher fights in game. If you're
playing the original Japanese PC version, there is animation bug that counted the damage based on the number of hits, which made the craft deal insane amount of damage, giving
Zin the ability to cheat through certain battles.

Character Skills (Continued)

Anelace Elfead
Name Effects Range CP Level
Eight-Leaf Blitz Attack - Slashes the enemy with chaotic sword strikes. Single 30 Auto
True Eight-Leaf Blitz Attack - Slashes the enemy with chaotic, deadly sword strikes. Single 30 118
Swordwind Slash Attack - A high-speed sword technique that creates a vacuum blade. Area (S) 20 Auto
True Swordwind Slash Attack - Deadly high-speed sword technique that creates a vacuum blade. Area (S) 20 128
Fallen Leaves Attack - A kick followed by a mid-air strike. [AT Delay] Single 35 Auto
Petal Dance Support - A move that sacrifices defense for offense. [STR+50%, DEF -30%] Self 20 Auto
Whirlwind Dance Support - A revolving attack that draws enemies close. [Suction] Area (L) 20 Auto

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

True Piercing Wave Attack - Gathers energy before unleashing two blades of light. Area (M) Default
Supreme Piercing Wave Attack - Gathers energy before unleashing two blades of light. Area (M) Level 123

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A SPD +2%, MOV +1 ADF -25%

Character Overview
Anelace is fairly average, she doesn't hit really hard and not really good at using arts. What gives Anelace a huge advantage is that if you manage to clear Star Door 5, as soon as
she joins, Anelace will get an excellent weapon which will put her above her peers. Once her peers caught up in gear, you will find Anelace isn't that great. Anelace does work greatly
with some teams, as she can suction a group of enemies to one area, which can let you use AOE arts without any problems

Scherazard Harvey
Name Effects Range CP Level
Sylphen Whip 2 Attack - Increased whip speed creates a sharper vacuum. Area (M) 20 Auto
Sylphen Whip 3 Attack - Perfected to deal sharper, more cutting blows than ever. Area (M) 20 115
Bind Whip 2 Attack - Weighted whip strike. Cancels arts & crafts [impede] Single 20 Auto
Bind Whip 3 Attack - A merciless whip strike that cancels arts & crafts [impede] Single 20 120
Heaven's Kiss Attack - Whips allies into shape. [AT Advance] Area (M) 20 Auto
Fox Tail Attack - Creates an opening during which to steal items. [Steal] Single 30 Auto

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Sadist Whip 2 Attack - Envelops an enemy in a wicked whipping storm. Single Default
Judgment Card Attack - A card of fate. Inflicts one of four random status effects. Area (M) Default
Judgment Card 2 Attack - A card of fate. Inflicts one of four random status effects. Area (M) Level 122

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Item Drop +10%, Recover 2% EP N/A SPD -5%

Character Overview
Schera is kind of a low tier character for Trails in the Sky. Schera has mediocre status, but a little above average on ATS, making her somewhat of a decent arts user. A major
problem is that she joins very late into the game, and she doesn't really provide much of an advantage. Her Crafts are kind of mixed, you can use her to impede enemy arts and
crafts or accelerate your party's turn. Overall Schera is definitely not someone I would recommend using.

Agate Crosner
Name Effects Range CP Level
Wild Rage 2 Support - A battle cry that exchanges HP for CP. [CP +150, Max HP -75%] Self N/A Auto
Flame Smash 2 Attack - Powerful, flaming maelstrom that greatly knocks back foes. Area (S) 20 Auto
Flame Smash 3 Attack - Almighty flaming maelstrom that greatly knocks back foes. Area (S) 20 115
Draguna Edge 2 Attack - Blazing slash. [Penetrate, Impede] Line 20 Auto
Draguna Edge 3 Attack - A deadlier blazing slash. [Penetrate, Impede] Line 25 102
Spiral Edge 2 Attack - Spinning attack with few openings. [AT Delay] Single 20 Auto
Spiral Edge 3 Attack - An expertly-dealt spinning blow. [AT Delay] Single 25 128

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Beat Down 2 Attack - A refined and deadly barrage of sword slashes. Single Default
Final Break 2 Attack - Final Break with even more destructive power. Area (M) Default
Dragon Dive Attack - A charged attack wreathed in flame from an inhuman jump. Area (All) Default
Dragon Dive 2 Attack - A refined jumping attack wreathed in flame. Area (All) Level 125

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
N/A STR +5%, DEX +20% AGL -10%

Character Overview
Agate will be the second heavy blade user joining your party. He's similar to Mueller, except his crafts are much more versatile. Unlike Mueller, Agate is much faster and has one of
the best S-Craft in the game, with his Wild Rage ability, he can spam his S-Craft in an instant if you don't mind putting his life at risk. Overall, Agate is easy to play and one of the
stronger party members in this game.

Estelle Bright
Name Effects Range CP Level
Morale Support - A shout to encourage allies. [STR+20%] Area (M) 20 Auto
True Comet Attack - Launches a powerful ballistic wave of energy. [Penetrate] Line 20 Auto
Supreme Comet Attack - Launches a very powerful ballistic wave of energy. [Penetrate] Line 20 112
True Hard Break Attack - Hits enemies' weak spots. Cancels arts and crafts. [Impede] Area (M) 20 Auto
Supreme Hard Break Attack - A deadly strike at a foe's weak point. [Impede] Area (M) 25 127
Supreme Hurricane Attack - An even faster spinning attack. Turns foes to dust. Area (M) 30 Auto
Taunt Debilitate - Temporarily focuses enemy attention on self. [Rage] Area (M) 20 Auto

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

True Pummel Attack - Pummel with more charging power. Steals foe's health. Single Default
True Barrage Attack - Perfected Barrage with a fluid motion. Steals foe's health. Single Default
Wheel of Time Attack - Ultimate smash technique using centrifugal energy. Single Default
True Wheel of Time Attack - A faster, more devastating Wheel of Time. Steals foe's health. Single Level 120

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Recover 3% HP STR +2% ADF -25%

Character Overview
Estelle is fairly balanced character, she has a whole assets of skills which is useful for most situations. However, Estelle has really average stats, she doesn't really excel at anything.
Estelle basically the well-rounder, Jack of all trades character of the franchise.

Alan Richard
Name Effects Range CP Level
Luminous Divider Attack - Attacks with a flurry of slashes before passing through foe. Single 25 Auto
True Luminous Divider Attack - Attacks with an increased number of rapid slashes. Single 30 128
Luminous Wheel Attack - Launches a wheel from his blade, cutting into groups of foes. Area (S) 40 Auto
True Luminous Wheel Attack - Launches a more deadly wheel even further than before. [Impede] Area (S) 40 103
Luminous Ogre Slash Attack - Unsheathes sword and attacks with such force that foes faint. Single 25 Auto
True Luminous Ogre Slash Attack - Unsheathes sword for a deadly attack. [Faint 30%] Single 25 114

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Afterglow Smasher Attack - Unsheathes blade so fast that enemies won't even notice it. Single Default
Sakura Morning Moon Attack - So fast it leaves no afterimage --- only a trail of blood. Single 120

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
Recover 2% CP MOV +1 ADF -25%

Character Overview
Richard is perhaps the strongest character in The 3rd. What makes Richard one of the deadliest characters is his crafts has barely any delay, this allows him to immediately act as
soon as you use one of his abilities. If you give him enough CP boosting accessories and allies to support his CP regen, Richard can have next to unlimited turns, allowing him to
destroy most boss with ease.

Name Effects Range CP Level
Blood Circle Attack - Swings her scythe in a circle, damaging nearby foes. [K.O. 10%] Area (M) 30 Auto
Blood Circle 2 Attack - A spinning attack that hits foes in a wide area. [K.O. 10%] Area (M) 30 110
Calamity Throw Attack - Throws her scythe, rending foes in its path. [K.O. 10%] Line 25 Auto
Calamity Throw 2 Attack - Uses centrifugal force to increase throwing damage. [K.O. 10%] Line 25 124

S-Craft [EN] Effects Range Acquire

Rennede Attack - Cuts through enemy ranks, taking the lives of foes. [K.O. 50%] Area (M) Default
Pater-Mater Attack - Summons Pater-Mater which annihilates all with its cannons. Line (L) Star Door 10

Remote Ability
Obtained Benefits Increased Stats Decreased Stats
EXP +15%, Sepith +20% N/A DEF -5%

Character Overview
Renne is officially the best arts user in the game. Renne doesn't suffer from the limitation that Kloe has and with highest ATS, Renne is a juggernaut when it comes to arts. Renne is
also packed with excellent quartz in her inventory, making it really easy to optimized her setup. Her only weakness is her crafts have very limited use compared to the other

Achievement / Trophies
Icon Title Description

The Gralsritter Complete the Prologue.

Icon Title Description
Phantasma Complete Chapter 1.

The Otherworldly Capital Complete Chapter 2.

Golden Road, Silver Road Complete Chapter 3.

The Dark Stigma Complete Chapter 4.

Labyrinth of Shadows and Light Complete Chapter 5.

The Guardians' Trial Complete Chapter 6.

The Distant Flames Complete Chapter 7.

The Future We Dream of Complete the Finale.

Easy Peasy Finish the game on Easy or above.

Straight and Narrow Finish the game on Normal or above.

Proud Powerhouse Finish the game on Hard or above.

Only In Your Dreams Finish the game on Nightmare or above.

Honeymoon Complete all Moon Doors.

Sunny Days Complete all Sun Doors.

Starry-Eyed Complete all Star Doors.

Tempting Fate Defeat all Abyss fiends.

Sidetracked Chest-Tracker Carefully examine nearly every chest that you come across before the final chapter.

Bookworm Read all of the books in the Garden.

Icon Title Description
Minigame Madness Complete all minigames on any difficulty.

You Know Too Much Complete "Who Wants to Be a Mirannaire?" Maniac mode.

Read a book you wish you hadn't...

Please Erase My Memories
Requirement: Read Gilbert's thesis in Chapter 6.

Fierce Fighter Obtain a special quartz from brave deeds.

Requirements: Fight 300 battles without running away. Then examine the fountain during the finale for the special quartz.

Flighty Fighter Obtain a special quartz from cowardly deeds.

Requirements: Ran from 300 battles Then examine the fountain during the finale for the special quartz.

Farewell, My Nightmares Complete the Farewall Arena on Nightmare.

Requirements: Cleared arena in Nightmare mode.

Beat the ultimate opponent on the highest difficulty.

The Dadliest
Requirements: Defeat Cassius in Nightmare Mode.

Credits and Special Thanks

To Xseed games for localizing the Legend of Heroes series and also translating and bringing all kinds of niche titles over.
To Nightwolve for creating all the Ys translation patch before the Falcom series were localize. If weren't Nightwolve, these
guides wouldn't have exist now.
To Ravan for correcting this guide and making it better than it is.
To all users in the Gamefaqs forums for providing feedback and corrections.
Krystal109 for always replying on my Feedback request post.
To members of the Falcom Discord (Gu4n, Aliseyun, Adamska, Voidu-Kun, Acerola, Fonster, omgfloofy, Rappy, Lightl) for
providing correction and help when i needed to.
And to the following website for providing all Japanese resources and Japanese text.

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