Vendor Information Guide: Purchasing Department 100 E. First St. PO Box 2970 Edmond, OK 73083-2970

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Vendor Bid List

All vendors interested in receiving bid solicitation

notification should visit our website and register
as a supplier. There is no charge for registering
or downloading bid documents.
Vendor Solicitations
Suppliers of materials, equipment, services, and
construction may conduct sales calls,
demonstrations, provide brochures, and provide
trial goods without any obligation of the City. Purchasing Department
Any unauthorized action by a supplier shall be at 100 E. First St. PO Box 2970
the supplier’s risk, time, and expense. Scheduled Edmond, OK 73083-2970
appointments are encouraged.
Standard of Conduct
No official or employee of the Purchasing
Department is permitted to accept any personal
gift, favor, or service from any vendor under any
circumstance which could be reasonably inferred
that the gift, favor, or service is intended to VENDOR INFORMATION GUIDE
influence the officer or employee in the
performance of such person’s official duties. Your
cooperation in observing this standard of conduct
is appreciated.
Submittal and Payment of Invoices
Payment for supplies, materials, equipment,
services, and small dollar construction is made
Payment is made only after receipt of an invoice and
verification from an authorized City official that the
supplies, materials, equipment, services, or Purpose
construction have been received in accordance with
the terms of a contract or purchase order. The purpose of this guide is to assist
Questions vendors/contractors understanding of the procurement
policies and procedures of the City of Edmond.
Any questions regarding policy and purchasing
procedure should be directed to Brenda Mayer,
Purchasing Manager at (405)359-4533 or via e-mail
at [email protected].

Rev. 2/2009
Procurement by the Purchasing Department In general, purchases under $15,000 may be made Bid Information
The Purchasing department provides centralized on the open market from those persons, firms and The City solicits and awards bids to meet one-time
control over the procurement of supplies, corporations which have the ability to furnish the purchases of supplies, materials, equipment,
materials, equipment, services and construction supplies, materials, equipment, or services at the services, and construction as needed by City
needs of all City departments. Purchasing is lowest and best price. Purchases between $15,000 Departments. The City also solicits and awards bids
responsible for soliciting sealed bids and and $49,999/$24,999 (EPWA) require the based on estimated requirements for supplies,
proposals through the competitive bidding and solicitation of a minimum of three (3) written price materials, equipment and services over a one or
award process requirements of the City Charter. quotations. more year period. Purchase orders are issued for
The following information is provided as an Emergency Procurement such awards during the contract period as needed
overview of the various procurement methods based on the established price schedule.
Emergency purchases of supplies, materials,
utilized by the City of Edmond. Notice of bid solicitations for supplies, materials,
equipment, services, or construction are made
Competitive Sealed Bidding whenever situations or conditions arise which create equipment, services, and construction are posted on
a threat to public health, welfare or safety. the Purchasing Department bulletin board and the
Purchase awards of twenty-five thousand
Emergency purchases are made whenever a serious City’s web site.
($25,000) dollars (EPWA Funds) and fifty thousand
($50,000) dollars (General Fund) or more for need for supplies, materials, equipment, services or Solicitations for construction projects are also
supplies, materials, equipment, services and construction cannot be met through normal advertised in the local newspaper and in the Journal
construction are made through competitive sealed procurement methods and the lack of the supplies, Record.
bidding. Construction projects are advertised in materials, equipment, services or construction will Requests for bid documents should be directed to
the local newspaper. threaten the continued function of the City, the or the Purchasing
preservation of property, or the health or safety of Department. Bidders must submit their bids to the
Bid documents for the purchase of supplies,
any person. Purchasing Department on or before the date and
materials, equipment, services and construction are
issued by the Purchasing Department. Emergency procurement is made with such time specified by the bid document. Bids may be
competition as is practicable under the mailed, hand delivered or submitted online via the
All bid/RFP packages are posted on our website at
circumstances. City departments are authorized to City’s online bidding system.
make emergency purchases. All competitive sealed bids are publicly opened and
The bid document specifies the requirements or
Competitive Sealed Proposals read aloud at the location, date and time specified
scope of work, specifications and terms and
by the bid document.
conditions for the furnishing of supplies, materials, When the use of competitive sealed bidding is
equipment, services or construction to meet the determined to be either not practicable or not Any questions relating to bids should be directed to
needs of City Departments. Bidders must comply advantageous, awards for the purchase of supplies, the Purchasing Manager.
with the bid requirements as specified by the bid materials, equipment and services may be made The policy of the City is to allow vendors/contractors
document. The requirements of the bid documents through solicitation of requests for proposals. a fair and equal opportunity to meet the City’s
become the requirements of the contract for the Award under the request for proposal procedure is needs for supplies, materials, equipment, services,
purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and made to the responsive and responsible offeror and construction. It is also the policy of the City to
services. whose proposal is determined to be the most prepare bid specifications that will meet the needs
Award is made to the lowest responsible bidder advantageous, taking into consideration price and of the City in procuring supplies, materials,
whose bid meets or exceeds the requirements set the evaluation factors set forth in the request for equipment, services, and construction.
forth in the bid document. proposal. The City may require any vendor/contractor to
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Professional Services provide answers to pertinent questions to determine
Professional services are services performed by the bidder’s ability or qualification to meet the City’s
Small Dollar Procurement procurement needs.
persons licensed as professionals by the State.
Small dollar purchases are purchases under $15,000 Although not required, it is encouraged that
made by City departments for supplies, materials, procurement of professional services be made by
equipment, services and construction. solicitation of sealed proposal or by request for
qualification as needed.

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