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1805 00826 PDF
discussions which led to these agreed pathloss models can be aerial UEs, when they are airborne, experience LOS
found in [14]. The agreed pathloss and shadow-fading models propagation conditions to more cells with higher probability
can be found in Tables B-2 and B-3 of [1], respectively. Figure than terrestrial UEs. This generally translates into higher
3 shows the LOS pathlosses for the three scenarios at different interference caused by an airborne aerial UE to these cells. The
aerial UE heights. uplink interference over thermal (IoT) ratios for terrestrial UEs
is given in Figure 4(a) which shows the effect of increased
C. Fast-Fading
uplink interference on terrestrial UEs as the aerial UE ratio
Three alternative fast-fading models were agreed during the increases.
Release-15 study. The three alternatives differ in the angular Due to the increased uplink interference, the uplink
spreads, delay spreads, and K-factor ranges as well as throughput performance of terrestrial UEs degrades when the
modelling methodology. The first alternative is based on a aerial UE ratio is increased in the network. The degraded uplink
clustered delay line model which is derived according to the throughput of terrestrial UEs in turn increases the uplink
procedures outlined in Annex B.1.1 of [1]. The second resource utilization level in the network. In other words,
alternative (outlined in Annex B.1.2 of [1]) is based on aerial degraded uplink throughputs imply that the UEs take longer
UE height dependent modelling of angular spreads, delay time to transmit their data which will consume more resources
spreads, and K-factor. The third alternative (outlined in Annex and will lead to increased uplink resource utilization. An
B.1.3 of [1]) is based on the fast-fading model of [13] with the increased uplink resource utilization level inherently means an
K-factor set to 15dB. increased level of uplink interference in the network, which in
turn was observed to degrade the uplink performance of both
V. PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED DURING THE STUDY aerial UEs and terrestrial UEs. The corresponding uplink
During the Release-15 study, evaluations were performed results demonstrating the degraded uplink performance are
under the scenarios and channel models described in Sections given in Annexes D.2.1 and D.2.2 of [1].
III and IV, and interference problems were identified in both B. Downlink Interference
uplink and downlink for scenarios involving aerial UEs. In this
In the downlink, compared to a typical terrestrial UE, the
section, we highlight the uplink and downlink interference aerial UEs observe interference from more cells due to the LOS
problems identified during the study. propagation conditions experienced by aerial UEs when they
A. Uplink Interference are airborne. Figure 4(b) compares the five-percentile
downlink geometry experienced by the aerial UEs when
In the uplink, the aerial UEs were found to cause interference
compared to that experienced by terrestrial UEs. Here geometry
to more cells than a typical terrestrial UE could. This is because
hUE=1.5 hUE=25
1 1
0.8 0.8
LOS probability
LOS probability
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 UMi-AV 0.2 UMi-AV
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
2D distance [m] 2D distance [m]
hUE=50 hUE=100
1 1
0.8 0.8
LOS probability
LOS probability
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 UMi-AV 0.2 UMi-AV
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
2D distance [m] 2D distance [m]
hUE=200 hUE=300
1 1
0.8 0.8
LOS probability
LOS probability
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 UMi-AV 0.2 UMi-AV
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
2D distance [m] 2D distance [m]
Figure 2. Illustration of LOS probabilities derived in the Release-15 study for different aerial UE heights denoted by ℎ𝑈𝐸 in meters.
is defined as the ratio of the average received power from the applying interference mitigation. In the context of aerial UEs,
serving cell to the sum of the average interference power and interference detection is also linked with flying mode
noise power. The average interference power is computed as recognition, as when the aerial UE is above certain height, both
the sum of average received power from all non-serving cells. uplink and downlink interference increase. The threshold here
The degraded downlink geometry experienced by the aerial depends on network deployment and scenario.
UEs is a result of receiving downlink inter-cell interference During the Release-15 study, potential solutions for
from multiple cells. interference detection were broadly categorized into either UE-
Due to the increased downlink interference, the downlink based or network-based solutions. In this section, we briefly
throughput performance of aerial UEs degrades. The degraded summarize these solutions described in Section 7.1 of [1].
downlink throughput of aerial UEs when coupled with
A. UE-based Solutions
increased aerial UE ratios increases the downlink resource
utilization level in the network. An increased downlink In an LTE network, UE can perform neighouring cell
resource utilization level inherently means an increased level of measurements such as reference signal received power (RSRP),
downlink interference in the network, which in turn degrades reference signal received quality (RSRQ), reference signal–
the downlink performance of both aerial UEs and terrestrial signal to interference plus noise ratio (RS-SINR). Downlink
UEs. The corresponding downlink results demonstrating the interference can be detected based on these UE measurements
degraded downlink performance are given in Annexes D.1.1 reported to the eNodeB. One key aspect is to link the triggering
and D.1.2 of [1]. of measurement reports to the changing interference conditions.
To address the challenges due to the uplink and downlink An enhanced triggering condition could be a function of more
interference, 3GPP studied interference detection and than single cell RSRP. For example, the measurement can be
mitigation techniques, mobility enhancements, and UAV triggered when multiple cell RSRP/RSRQ values are
identification. We overview these solutions in the remaining above/within a threshold or when a sum of RSRP/RSRQ values
parts of this article, with a summary being presented in Table 1. is above a threshold.
Uplink interference can be detected either based on
VI. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS FOR INTERFERNCE measurements at eNodeB or based on measurements reported
DETECTION by the UE. Furthermore, maximum output power and physical
resource blocks (PRBs) utilized may also be useful.
In this section, we first discuss how to detect the Since these solutions are based on UE measurements,
uplink/downlink interference caused/observed by an airborne existing measurement reporting mechanisms can be enhanced
aerial UE. Interference detection is a useful prerequisite for to improve interference detection. Potential enhancements
Pathloss (dB)
-100 hUE= 1.5 m
-110 hUE= 50 m
hUE= 150 m
-140 hUE= 300 m
1 2 3
10 10 10
2D distance [m]
Pathloss (dB)
-100 hUE= 1.5 m
-110 hUE= 50 m
hUE= 150 m
-140 hUE= 300 m
1 2 3
10 10 10
2D distance [m]
Pathloss (dB)
-100 hUE= 1.5 m
-110 hUE= 50 m
hUE= 150 m
-140 hUE= 300 m
1 2 3
10 10 10
2D distance [m]
Figure 3. Illustration of LOS pathloss models derived in the Release-15 study for different aerial UE heights denoted by ℎ𝑈𝐸 in meters. Note
that a carrier frequency of 2 GHz is assumed for UMa-AV and UMi-AV, while a carrier frequency of 700 MHz is assumed for RMa-AV.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Illustration of UL and DL interference: (a) UL IoT of terrestrial UEs versus different Aerial UE ratios. Note that these UL IoT results
are drawn from Table D.3.1-2 of [1]. (b) Comparison of five-percentile geometry between aerial UEs and terrestrial UEs. Note that the results
presented above are the average of the results in Annex C.2 of [1].
include new triggering events, enhancements of triggering power control mechanism in LTE (see Clause 5.1 of [15] for
conditions, and the inclusion of more results in the details of the existing power control mechanism in LTE). With
measurement report. this technique, the aerial UEs can be configured with a different
Lastly, UE related information such as mobility history fractional pathloss compensation factor compared to that
reports, speed estimation, timing advance adjustment values configured to the terrestrial UEs. Note that depending on the
and location information were also found to be useful. aerial UE height, different aerial UEs can also be configured
with different fractional pathloss compensation factors. Based
B. Network-based Solutions
on Release-15 evaluations, it was observed that applying height
In the network-based solutions, interference detection is dependent fractional path loss compensation factors to aerial
performed via the exchange of information between eNodeBs. UEs can significantly improve terrestrial UE performance while
For example, measurements reported by UE can be exchanged yielding notable performance gains for the aerial UEs. Details
between eNodeBs. and evaluation results corresponding to this technique can be
Another example is exchanging uplink reference signal found in Section and Annex F.1.1 of [1].
configuration information of aerial UEs. By exchanging this A second power control technique evaluated during the
information, a neighbouring eNodeB can measure the uplink Release-15 study is the use of UE specific P0 parameter (note
interference caused by an aerial UE via measuring the power of that P0 is an open loop power control parameter specified in
the uplink reference signal. LTE). With this technique, the aerial UEs can be configured
Information on eNodeB’s downlink transmission power can with a different P0 parameter compared to that configured to the
also be exchanged between eNodeBs. With neighbor eNodeB’s terrestrial UEs. Based on the Release-15 evaluations, it was
transmission power, the uplink pathloss between an aerial UE observed that applying a lower P0 parameter to aerial UEs can
and the specific target neighbor eNodeB can be determined improve terrestrial UE performance at the cost of reduced aerial
assuming reciprocity and from the UE’s measurement reports. UE performance. Since the P0 parameter can be UE specifically
The uplink interference then can be estimated from the configured in LTE, this technique does not require specification
transmission power and the uplink pathloss. enhancements. However, it was found that the range of values
It should be noted, however, that the feasibility of supported in LTE for UE specific P0 may need to be extended.
exchanging all this information depends on factors such as the Details and evaluation results corresponding to this technique
type of backhaul and the feasibility of exchanging such are given in Section and Annex F.1.2 of [1].
information over a large number of eNodeBs. During the Release-15 study, closed loop power control
based technique was also evaluated. In this technique, the target
VII. UPLINK INTERFERNCE MITIGATION received power of the aerial UEs was adjusted considering
In this section, we summarize the various uplink interference measurement reports received from both serving and neighbor
mitigation techniques that were evaluated during the Release- cells. Based on the Release-15 evaluations, it was observed that
15 study. closed loop power control can result in mean throughput
performance gains for both terrestrial UEs and aerial UEs.
A. Uplink Power Control Details and evaluation results corresponding to this technique
UE specific fractional pathloss compensation is one of the are given in Section and Annex F.1.3 of [1]. During the
power control techniques evaluated during the Release-15 Release-15 study, the need for closed loop power control to
study. As the name implies, this technique requires the cope with potential fast signal change in the sky was discussed.
introduction of a UE specific fractional pathloss compensation Such fast signal changes are possible in the sky given the aerial
parameter which is an enhancement to the existing open loop UEs may be served by the sidelobes of eNodeB antennas. To
cope with such fast signal changes, the step size of the transmit since Release-13. Details and evaluation results of this
power control command may need to be increased which in turn technique are given in Section 7.2.2 and Annex E.1 of [1].
may require specification enhancements to the existing power
B. Directional Antennas at UE
control mechanism in LTE.
During the Release-15 study, other power control techniques In the Release-15 study, the use of directional antennas at the
requiring modifications to the power control mechanism in LTE aerial UE is shown to reduce the downlink interference to the
to consider interference from neighbor cells were also aerial UEs from a broad range of angles. From the evaluation
discussed. However, solutions based on these techniques were results in the Release-15 study, it was observed that with non-
not evaluated during the study. ideal LOS tracking at the aerial UEs, the mean downlink
terrestrial UE throughput performance loss can be limited when
B. FD-MIMO compared to the case when the aerial UEs are equipped with
With full dimensional multi-input multi-output (FD-MIMO), omnidirectional antennas. The mean aerial UE downlink
multiple receive antennas at the eNodeB can be used to mitigate throughput performance was also shown to be significantly
interference in the uplink. Based on Release-15 evaluations, it improved with this technique. This technique does not require
was observed that, FD-MIMO can limit the mean uplink any specification enhancements since the use of directional
terrestrial UE throughput performance loss when compared to antennas at the aerial UE is an implementation issue. Details
the case when FD-MIMO is not deployed at the eNodeB. As and evaluation results corresponding to this technique are given
FD-MIMO is supported in LTE since Release-13, this in Section 7.2.3 and Annex E.2 of [1].
technique does not require any specification enhancements.
C. Receive Beamforming at UE
Details and evaluations corresponding to this technique are
given in Section 7.3.3 and Annex F.2 of [1]. When the aerial UEs are equipped with more than 2 receive
antennas, receive beamforming can be an effective interference
C. Directional Antennas at UE mitigation technique in the downlink. From Release-15
During the Release-15 study, the use of directional antennas evaluations, it was observed that receive beamforming with 8
at the aerial UE was shown to reduce the uplink signal power receive antennas at the aerial UEs can improve mean downlink
from the aerial UE in a broad range of angles. This in turn helps throughput performance of all UEs notably. Specification
reduce the uplink interference caused by the aerial UEs. The enhancements are not needed for this technique as the
following types of aerial UE LOS tracking were considered: application of receive beamforming can be done via
• the antenna direction of the aerial UE is aligned with implementation. Details and evaluation results corresponding
the direction of travel (DOT) of the UE to this technique are given in Section 7.2.4 and Annex E.3 of
• the LOS direction to the serving cell is either ideally [1].
tracked by steering its antenna boresight towards the D. Intra-site JT CoMP
serving cell or non-ideally tracked UE with errors due
to practical constraints In the intra-site JT CoMP (joint transmission coordinated
Release-15 evaluation results showed that with the antenna multiple points) scheme, data are jointly transmitted to the UEs
direction of the aerial UE aligned with the DOT, the mean from multiple cells that belong to the same site. From Release-
terrestrial UE throughput performance loss can be limited when 15 evaluations, it was observed that intra-site JT CoMP can
compared to the case when the aerial UEs are equipped with improve mean downlink performance of all UEs at low offered
omnidirectional antennas. Furthermore, this technique was also traffic load when compared to the case when intra-site JT
shown to significantly improve the mean aerial UE throughput CoMP is not employed. Specification enhancements are not
performance. As the use of directional antennas at the aerial needed for this technique as intra-site JT CoMP can be already
UE is an implementation issue, this technique does not require supported by LTE. Details and evaluation results
any specification enhancements. Details and evaluation results corresponding to this technique are given in Section 7.2.5 and
corresponding to this technique are given in Section 7.3.4 and Annex E.4 of [1].
Annex F.3 of [1]. E. Coverage Extension
In the Release-15 study, coverage extension techniques were
VIII. DOWNLINK INTERFERNCE MITIGATION studied to enhance synchronization and initial access
In this section, we summarize the various downlink performance of aerial UEs. From Release-15 evaluations, it
interference mitigation techniques that were evaluated during was observed that the proportion of UEs achieving
the Release-15 study. synchronization and initial access can be improved via
coverage extension techniques. Specification enhancements
are not needed for this technique as coverage extension is
With FD-MIMO, multiple transmit antenna ports at the already supported in LTE since Release-13. Details and
eNodeB can be used to mitigate downlink interference to the evaluation results corresponding to this technique are given in
aerial UEs. Based on Release-15 evaluations, it was observed Section 7.2.6 and Annex E.5 of [1].
that FD-MIMO can limit the impact on mean terrestrial UE
throughput performance while providing downlink aerial UE F. Other Schemes
throughputs that satisfy the aerial UE throughput requirements In the Release-15 study, other schemes such as coordinated
discussed in Section II. This technique does not require any transmission of control and data from multiple cells was briefly
specification enhancements as FD-MIMO is supported in LTE discussed. It was concluded that the details of the specification