Performance Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract—Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can form an ad- network regularly to maintain connectivity, thus reducing the
hoc network to communicate and cooperate with each other amount of available bandwidth within the network. Reactive
via wireless links. UAV ad hoc networks have the potential to protocols only require that paths be found when data needs
provide reliable and real-time services using single-hop or multi-
hop communications. However, the network topology of a UAV to be sent which means that there is little protocol overhead.
ad-hoc network is highly dynamic because of the fast flying While reactive protocols do require a large amount of protocol
UAVs that result in short lived communication links between overhead, knowing paths ahead of time allows for a low end-
UAVs. In mission critical applications, small delays could result to-end delay time for sending data. Reactive routing protocols
in catastrophic outcomes. Thus it is required for UAVs to do not have this advantage. When choosing a routing protocol,
exchange their information as quickly as possible (with shortest
delay). In this paper, we evaluate the performance of
possible a tradeoff must be made between delay time and available
UAV ad hoc networks by considering the effect of network size bandwidth.
on throughput, energy consumption and effective transmission In a UAV network all nodes are connected to a ground
range (total coverage range). Numerical results obtained from station via single or multi-hop communication. The goal of
simulations are presented to evaluate the performance of UAV this network is to relay information from mobile UAV nodes
ad hoc networks. Our results show that when network size (the
number of UAVs) increases, the throughput per UAV and energy back to the stationary ground node. This type of technology
decrease while the total network transmission range can be used in disaster situations where continuous updates
(effective coverage range) increases. are needed but rescue workers cannot reach the target area in
Index Terms—UAV ad hoc networks, aerial MANETs, wireless a timely manner (due to debris or other obstructions). UAVs
ad hoc networks, performance evaluation. would be able to fly over the target area and relay information
(pictures, videos, etc.) back to the rescue workers to keep them
I. I NTRODUCTION updated. For a UAV network to be useful in the described
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are emerging for dif- situation, it must maintain both connection and throughput
ferent applications in many fields [1]–[4]. UAVs can be between individual UAVs within the network.
used for everything from reconnaissance in military uses to A typical ad hoc routing protocol works well for 2-
photography in the civilian world. These UAVs are equipped dimensional stationary networks. A new routing protocol was
with a micro-controller for processing inputs and commands proposed in [8] that would work well in a 3-dimensional het-
be externally controlled via remote control if desired.
and can erogeneous network where communication is needed between
UAVs can also be equipped with wireless transceivers to allow highly mobile aerial and ground nodes. The authors consider
for communication
with other UAVs or with units on the hierarchical clustering where similar nodes are grouped into
ground. If multiple UAVs are communicating with each other, clusters. These clusters are then grouped into levels. Within
they can
form an ad hoc network. An ad hoc network allows these levels, a cluster head is appointed to facilitate communi-
for data to be collected at one node within the network and sent cation between levels. This organization of the network allows
to any other node within the network [5], [6]. Data is routed for reduced bandwidth as only the cluster heads need to worry
through the network and the path taken depends on the routing about communicating with other clusters.
protocol used. In [7] the pros and cons of different routing Besides for routing, throughput is also extremely important
protocols are discussed. They consider two kinds of routing in UAV networks. The authors of [9] examine the effects
protocols: proactive and reactive. Proactive routing protocols of lossy links on throughput and energy consumption within
that each UAV within the network knows the shortest
require a network. The paper mentions that lossy links can have a
path to any other UAV within the network. This data is stored huge impact on throughput - in some cases reducing network
into a table and is updated frequently. By having to update throughput by up to half. The effects of lossy links on energy
shortest paths within a network periodically, proactive routing consumption was seen as less significant as compared to
require a large amount of protocol overhead. This
protocols throughput. In [10], a Load-Carry-and-Deliver (LCAD) model
means that a large amount of data is needed to be sent by the is created for use in UAV networks where delay-tolerant bulk
data needs to be sent. An analysis is done to show how the
LCAD model performs as compared to multi-hop transfer of
data. Similarly, an adaptive medium access control protocol
can be used if the UAVs are equipped with two directional
antennas and two omnidirectional antennas [11]. UAVs us-
type of protocol can receive information using the
ing this
omnidirectional antenna while being able to simultaneously
information from either directional antenna. An in-
transmit UAV
Link to ground station
depth throughput analysis for 802.11 multi-hop networks with
Object of Interest Radio range of a UAV Ground station
to hidden nodes is done in [12]. Optimum node density
is analyzed in [13] for mobile ad hoc networks relating to
Fig. 1. A sample network of 7 UAVs and a ground station where UAVs sense
power. It was seen that there is no optimal node the target region to find a object of interest while maintaining single-hop and
density for ad hoc networks. Instead, it was noted that as node multi-hop communication link with the ground station [6].
mobility increases, the number of nodes should also increase
to achieve the highest throughput.
time T . We consider Pf to be the probability of failure. The
The goal of this paper is to analyze the effect of network
goodput differs from the throughput as throughput considers
size on throughput, energy consumption and transmission
all data, not just the useful information. Goodput is a better
range. While throughput and energy consumption have been
in the referenced papers, none of them have taken measurement as it does not consider the network overhead.
Eq.(1) shows the total network goodput. If we want to find
into account how the size of the network would affect the
parameters. Simulations are done to show a graphical the goodput per UAV we need to take into account all of the
UAVs in the network. In this type of network, we consider all
representation of the results.
users to be equal and share bandwidth evenly. Eq.(2) shows
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: A
the goodput per UAV by dividing the total network goodput
system model is presented in Section II which describes what
by the number of UAVs. Nuav represents the number of UAVs
our analysis will be based off of. Section III consists of a
using the same channel within the network.
performance analysis. Simulation results are shown in Section
IV and we conclude the paper in Section V. G
Gp = [bps] (2)
Each UAV in the network will need to use a certain amount
In this paper, we consider a network of UAVs equipped
of energy to achieve the specified goodput. We represent that
with cameras/sensors
for sensing, GPS unit, and with wire-
energy as E. We can create an equation to represent the
less device (a transceiver with omnidirectional antenna) for
amount of goodput achievable per unit energy by dividing
networking and transferring information to another UAV or a
goodput per UAV, Gp , by the needed energy E.
ground station using single-hop or multi-hop communication
as shown in Fig. 1. We have considered a disaster situation Gp
where rescue workers are not able to reach a target area in a Ge = [bps/J] (3)
timely manner. This network of UAVs are able to configure
themselves in such a way that they create a temporary link If we look back to our example of using a UAV network
between a ground station and the target area. This temporary in a disaster situation, it is important to know the maximum
link provides a crucial data link to rescue workers as they possible transmission range for the network. This is achievable
approach the target area. when each UAV is put into a straight line. Each individual
In this paper, using this system model, our goal is to UAV in the network will have a max transmission range. That
look into how throughput is affected by network size, energy transmission range might vary from UAV to UAV. The trans-
and transmission range. mission range between any two UAVs needs to be the smaller
transmission range achievable between those two UAVs. From
III. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS Fig.2, we can see that there are three UAVs in the network.
If we consider goodput to be the total amount of useful data To get our transmission range of the network we must add the
transmitted from one node to another over a certain period transmission range of UAV 1, T1 , to the smaller of the two
of time, the goodput can be calculated using the following transmission ranges between UAV 1 and UAV 2. We add that
equation: sum to the smaller of the two transmission ranges between
UAV 2 and UAV 3 and then add it to the transmission range
(d − h) × Np of UAV 3. This sum gives us our total network transmission
G= (1 − pf ) [bps] (1)
T range, which we will define as Tr . Eq.(4) shows how we
This equation takes the useful information (d data bits) and can define this mathematically. We must add the first and last
out the h header bits. This is then multiplied by
subtract transmission ranges, T1 and Tn respectively, to the sum of all
Np number of packets and divided by the total transmission the intermediate transmission ranges, Ai . The equation for Ai
©2015 IEEE ©2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
can be seen in (5) and will sum for all UAVs in the network,
Tr = T1 + Tn + Ai (4)
i=1 600
T1 min{T2,T3}
UAV 1 UAV 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
UAV 2 Number of UAVs
between UAVs where distance between UAVs can be computed using GPS 10
locations. Note that the distance between them depends on their relative
intervals. Fig. 3 shows the needed data rate to send that one
data packet over the specified time period. From the
megabit 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of UAVs
7 8 9 10
Amount of data sent successfully (megabits)
Data Rate (bits/second)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
10 probability of failure
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (seconds) Fig. 6. Goodput vs probability of failure
Fig. 3. Datarate needed versus total transmission time
Using eq.(4) we simulated the maximum network trans- the number of UAVs in the network increases, the maximum
mission range versus the number of UAVs in the network. possible transmission range increases as well.
This simulation considers that the UAVs are all at the same Considering the same model as the transmission range
and that the maximum transmission range between
altitude graph, we also plot the affect on propagation delay. Fig.
any two UAVs is the shortest Fig. 4 shows max network 5 plots propagation delay as a function of the number of
transmission range as a function of the number of UAVs in the UAVs in the network. We must consider that as you increase
network. We consider the furthest possible transmission range the number of UAVs in the network, the propagation delay
by simulating the UAVs in a straight line at maximum range increases exponentially as each new UAV adds a new point of
from each other. The result is a linear graph showing that as possible failure.
©2015 IEEE ©2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
unit energy for each UAV in the network. If you increase the
number of UAVs in the network, the amount of throughput
available to each UAV decreases, which in turn decreases
goodput per unit energy for each UAV. From Fig.7 we can see
Goodput per unit energy (bps/J)
10 UAV that the goodput per unit energy for 10 UAVs in the network
is lower than when only one UAV is in the network.
The simulations performed in this paper can be used to
analyze and to add a more detailed explanation of what factors
10 most affect a UAV network.
Our future research includes showing the effect of different
routing protocols (proactive vs reactive) on the throughput
along with the number of UAVs and transmission ranges of
10 20 30 40 50 60 UAVs.
Time (seconds)
©2015 IEEE ©2015 IEEE