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What is your gender?



I would not like to comment

Which type of geographical area do you reside?

Center of the city




What is your marital status?



Living in with partner



I’m not comfortable answering this question

What’s your family’s monthly income?

< $20K





How many children (under the age of 18) live in your family?


If more than 3, specify how many:

I would not like to comment

How many adults (above the age of 18) live in your family?


If more than 3, specify how many:

I would not like to comment

In your household, who is incharge of making financial decisions?


You and your spouse/partner

You and a member of your family

Only your spouse/partner

Only a family member


How often does your family maintain financial records?

We record every small or big financial expense that our family has to incur.

We do maintain financial records, but not every single one.

We do not prefer maintaining financial records as we all remember each expense.

We couldn't care less about finances. None of us maintains financial records.

Some people feel their income doesn’t match their expenses. In the past year, has that happened to
you as well?



Not Applicable (I have no personal salary)

I would not like to comment

In case you and your family have some money saved before you are paid next, what would you
We keep it as it is

We spend it on household goods

We invest it in a profitable market

We loan it to friends or family

Answer not mentioned in the above options

I’m not comfortable answering this question

What are the chances of you and your family running out of finances before you are paid next?
Very High



Very Low


I’m not comfortable answering this question

What is your usual plan of action when you and your family start running out of finances?
We start spending our savings

We plan expenses and try to save as much as we can

We borrow money from friends or family

We max out our credit cards

We take up a extra hours at work or start working supplementary jobs to earn some extra money

Answer not mentioned in the above options

I’m not comfortable answering this question

In the last 2 years, have you or your family members faced circumstances where there was a sudden

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