Algebra Math: Algebra Is One Among The Oldest Branches in The History of Mathematics Dealing With The Number
Algebra Math: Algebra Is One Among The Oldest Branches in The History of Mathematics Dealing With The Number
Algebra Math: Algebra Is One Among The Oldest Branches in The History of Mathematics Dealing With The Number
theory, geometry, and its analysis. The definition of algebra states sometimes as the study of the
mathematical symbols and the rules involving the manipulation of these mathematical symbols.
Algebra includes almost everything right from solving elementary equations to the study of the
abstractions. Algebra equations are included in many chapters of Maths, which student will learn in
their academics. Also, there are a number of formulas and identities present in algebra.
Algebra 1 and algebra 2 are the Maths courses included for students in their early and later stages of academics respectively. Like, algebra
1 is the elementary algebra practised in classes 7,8 or sometimes 9, where basics of algebra are taught. But, algebra 2 is the advanced
algebra, which is practised in high school level. The algebra problems will involve expressions, polynomials, the system of equations, real
numbers, inequalities, etc. Know more algebra symbols that is used in maths.
In BYJU’S, students will get the complete details of algebra including its equations, terms, formulas, etc. Also, solve examples based on
algebra concepts and practice worksheets to get a better understanding of the fundamentals of algebra.
Algebra Math
Algebra helps in to solve the mathematical equations and to derive the unknown quantities, like the bank interest, proportions, percentages.
The letter variables in the algebra can be used to represent the unknown quantities which are coupled with the ability to rewrite the equations
making it easier in finding the data for a given set of equations.
The algebraic formulas are used in daily life like finding the distance, find the volume in containers, or to figure out the sales prices as and
when needed. Algebra is very helpful in stating a mathematical equation and relationship by making use of letters or other symbols
representing as entities. The values of the equations of unknown quantities can be solved through algebra.
Some of the main topics coming under algebra include Basics of algebra, exponents, simplifying of algebraic expressions, polynomials,
quadratic equations, etc.
Branches of Algebra
Algebra is divided into different sub-branches;
Abstract Algebra
Abstract algebra is one of the divisions in algebra which discovers the truths relating to algebraic systems independent of specific nature of
some operations. These operations in specific cases have certain properties. Thus we can conclude some consequences of such properties.
Hence this branch of mathematics called abstract algebra.
Abstract algebra deals with algebraic structures like the fields, groups, modules, rings, lattices, vector spaces, etc.
The concepts of the abstract algebra are below-
1. Sets – Sets is defined as the collection of the objects that are determined by some specific property for a set. For Example- A set
of all the 2 by 2 matrices, the set of two-dimensional vectors present in the plane and different form of finite groups.
2. Binary Operations – When the concept of addition is conceptualized, it gives the binary operations. The concept of all the binary
operations will be meaningless without a set.
3. Identity Element – The numbers 0 and 1 are conceptualized to give the idea of an identity element for a specific operation. Here,
0 is called as the identity element for the operation addition, whereas 1 is called the identity element for the operation
4. Inverse Elements – The idea of Inverse elements comes up with the negative number. For Addition, we write -an as the inverse
of a and for the purpose of multiplication the inverse form is written as a−1.
5. Associativity – When integers are added, there is a property known as associativity in which the grouping up of numbers added
does not affect the sum. Consider for Example – (3 + 2) + 4 = 3 + (2 + 4)
Linear Algebra
Linear algebra is a branch of algebra which applies to both applied as well as pure mathematics. It deals with the linear mappings between
the vector spaces. It also deals with the study of planes and lines.
Commutative algebra
Commutative algebra is one of the branches of algebra that studies the commutative rings and its ideals. The algebraic number theory, as
well as the algebraic geometry, depending on the commutative algebra.
Parts of Algebra
Introduction to Algebra
Algebra Basics
Addition And Subtraction Of Algebraic Expressions
Multiplication Of Algebraic Expressions
BODMAS And Simplification Of Brackets
Substitution Method
Solving Inequalities
Introduction to Exponents
Square Roots and Cube Roots
Simplifying Square Roots
Laws of Exponents
Exponents in Algebra
What is a Polynomial?
Adding And Subtracting Polynomials
Multiplying Polynomials
Rational Expressions
Dividing Polynomials
Polynomial Long Division
Rationalizing The Denominator
Quadratic Equations
You can find the detail about some basics things in algebra like types of equations, expressions involving one variable or two variables in
Byju’s, the learning app.
Terms related to basic algebra skills are mentioned below.
1. Exponent
2. Expression
3. Polynomial (Monomial, binomial and trinomial)
4. Like terms and Unlike terms
5. Constants
An equation is a statement which implies two same identities separated by “=” sign. Whereas an expression is a group of different terms
separated by ‘+’ or ‘-‘ sign.
Like terms are those terms whose variables and their exponents are same.
Basic Algebra Rules:
The basic algebra rules are mentioned below:
1 The Symmetry rule
2 The commutative rules
3 The inverse of adding
4 Two rules for equation
Some of the basic algebra worksheets are given below containing basic math algebra questions.
Example 1: Find y, when, y + 15 = 30
Solution: y = 30 – 15
y = 15
Q2 : Find x, when, 9x = 63
Ans. x = 639<
Basic algebra practice is the key to success according to the tablet learning program.
We are all interested in cricket but have you ever wondered that during the match why the run rate of the particular over is projected and
what does run rate mean? Or when you get your examination result card you mention the aggregate percentage. Again what is the meaning
of aggregate? All these quantities in real life make it easy to represent a collection of data in terms of a single value. It is called as Statistics.
Statistics deals with the collection of data and information for a particular purpose. The tabulation of each run for each ball in cricket gives the
statistics of the game. The representation of any such collection of data can be done in multiple ways, like through tables, graphs, pie-charts,
bar graphs, pictorial representation etc.
Now consider a 50 over ODI match going between India and Australia. India scored 370 runs by the end of first innings. How do you decide
whether India put a good score or not? It’s pretty simple right; you find the overall run rate which is good for such a score.
Mean is most commonly used measures of central tendency. It actually represents the average of the given collection of data. It is applicable
for both continuous and discrete data.
It is equal to the sum of all the values in the collection of data divided by the total number of values.
Suppose we have n values in a set of data namely as x1,x2,x3……………….xn Then the mean of data is given by:
It can also be denoted as:
Generally median represents the mid value of the given set of data when arranged in a particular order.
Median: Given that the data collection is arranged in ascending or descending order, the following method is applied:
i) If number of values or observations in the given data is odd, then the median is given by (n+12)th observation.
ii) ) If in the given data set the number of values or observations is even then the median is given by the average
of (n2)th and (n+12)th observation.
The most frequent number occurring in the data set is known as the mode.
Consider the following data set which represents the marks obtained by different students in a subject.
1 Sachin 80
2 Yuvraj 52
3 Virat 40
4 Sehwag 52
5 Rohit 70
6 Harbhajan 1
7 Dhoni 6
Runs 1 6 40 52 52 70 80
As the number of items in the data is odd in number the median is (n+12)th observation.
⇒ Median = (7+12)th observation = 52
⇒ Median observation
iii) Mode is most frequent data which is 52.
To know more about Measures of central tendency and the application of Mean, Median and Mode with solved examples stay tuned with