Incentives: A (De) Motivational Tool For Class Participation

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Science and Technology Education Center

Senior High School Department

S.Y. 2017-2018



Group 1

Alcoseba, Grahamnush

Cacho, Crystal Mary

Daño, Trisha Nicole

Manabat, Mary Ann

Tero, Ivy

Vios, Marga Lian




Rationale ……………………………………………………………………………… 3

Theoretical Background …………………………………………………………… 5

Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………….... 9

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………… 13

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………. 14

Research Methodology ……………………………………………………………. 15

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………… 17

References ………………………………………………………………………...... 18

Appendices …………………………………………………………………………. 22




In the diversity of ways on how students learn, teachers have developed a

teaching tool in motivating students to actively participate during class discussion.

Giving of incentive in form of class points or rewards is one of the currently used

strategy that influences students’ perception to a certain topic.

According to Sansgiry (2004), researchers have shown that introducing

incentives can enhance performance. This is true with respect to any setting

whether it is a health care institution, industry, office, or school. Incentives can

serve several functions such as initiating action, changing or suggesting goals and

intentions, and ensuring commitment. In the public sector, incentives can

effectively enhance performance when provided in combination with goals and

feedback. However, this might mislead students’ way of acquiring knowledge.

They might think that it is a must to participate in class for the sake of incentives.

This has gradually became the downside of giving incentives which is one of the

researchers’ concern in conducting this research.

The purpose of this study is to present the impacts of incentives to

students’ class participation in a student and teacher’s perspective. In addition,

researchers aim to find relevance between grade level and their adaptation to


Science and Technology Education Center is one of the schools that uses

the giving of incentives as a strategy in teaching their students to participate in the

class activities effectively. A students’ motivation can change from time to time.

Their participation is a dependent variable upon the teachers’ strategy. In this

context, the researchers aim to find out the impact of incentives to students

participation in class discussion especially in Grade 12.


Theoretical Background

Incentive Theory of Motivation. This study is anchored on the Incentive

Theory of Motivation proposed by Hockenbury and Hockenbury. According to

Hockenbury & Hockenbury (2003), the behavior of a person is motivated by the

incentives offered, to encourage them in doing activities. People do what they

usually do because they are either willing to do the action and it is in accordance

to their desires or they do these things to receive external rewards. Hockenbury &

Hockenbury (2003) proposed that, “behavior is motivated by the "pull" of external

goals, such as rewards, money, or recognition.” (para. 2). “Pull” is the force that

drives a person to move in order to accomplish a goal. Therefore, people thrive

hard to accomplish their goal when a certain incentive is given as a reward to the

hard work exerted.

People’s behavior is a reflex generated as an outcome that has been

influenced by an individual’s motivational state or history. There is a reason people

behave in a certain way. A study developed by Ivan Pavlov, John Watson and B.F.

Skinner was the Behaviorism Theory which explains the behavior on how people

respond to their stimulus if given a positive or negative reinforcement or


Classical Conditioning proposed by Pavlov (2003), states that a person’s

behavior is a reflex that is caused by the internal or external stimulus in the body

connected to a person’s nervous system, specifically the cerebral cortex. Thus

stimulus is essentially connected to a definite response, as cause goes with an

effect. Pavlov had observed that when he was bringing food to his dogs, the dogs

were salivating but when he came by without bringing any food, he noticed that the

dogs were drooling. He then tried an experiment about Classical Conditioning

where he tried to ring a bell every time he give food to his dog. He did this routine

constantly and by the moment he rings the bell even if without bringing any food,

the dogs would still salivate.

Watson’s (1913) methodological behaviorism declares that a mind is at its

blank slate at birth. Blank slate or tabula rasa meant by Watson is when a mind of

a person is still on its original state and factors such as people and experiences

have not yet influenced the mind’s original state. He focused more on the person’s

external behavior than the internal behavior in which how people react on given

situations. Watson conducted an experiment by using little Albert, a baby, as his

subject. Every time he shows little Albert the rat, he would make loud noises. The

next time he shows little Albert the rat, the baby would scream and cry. Once the

baby associate an ordinary rat with the loud noise, it became the conditioned

stimulus. A conditioned stimulus is an ordinary or neutral stimulus paired with an

unconditioned stimulus that produces the new desired response. Loud noises

naturally makes a baby cry which is the unconditioned stimulus while the rat is the

neutral stimulus.

Similar to Watson’s Methodological Behaviorism is Skinner’s (1971) Radical

Behaviorism where he explained that an individual’s behavior is influenced by

environmental factors and the role of genes and biological components in behavior

is being recognized. Skinner also had experiment about Operant Conditioning

where he used a rat as the subject of his experiment. He placed the rat inside a

box and connected the feeding tube to a lever. As the rat pulls the lever, the food

comes out from the tube. When the rats realized that every time they pull the lever,

they get food, the rats has been spending a great amount of time pressing the

lever. In that experiment, he trained the rats by using the Positive Reinforcement

in giving the rats an incentive. Positive Reinforcement is increasing the likelihood

of a behavior when a positive consequence occurs. If Skinner wants to apply the

Negative Reinforcement to his experiment, he would have likely put an electric

shock to the box where the rat is staying so that the rat would pull the lever.

Negative Reinforcement is increasing the likelihood of a behavior when a negative

consequence occurs.

Expectancy Theory. The main theory is supported by the theory proposed

by Vroom which is the Expectancy Theory. The theory proposed by Vroom (1964)

stands that the behavior of a person is motivated to choose a specific behavior

rather than the other behaviors because people are “due to what they expect the

result of that selected behavior will be.” (para. 1) People’s performance on a

specific task depends on the expectations they think but, it relies on the assurance

of the reward given. They are at most motivated if the reward given is in

accordance to their desire but are least motivated when they do not like the reward

given. This theory is about a mental process that requires the ability to choose in

which an individual exercises the different elements of motivation. The choices

they make are based from the estimated results on how well the results are from

the behavior done. It emphasizes that a progress of a person depends on the

rewards given after a performance in which they are ensured that the rewards

given are those rewards that would satisfy and are deserved by the recipient.

This study is anchored on the Incentive Theory of Motivation proposed by

Hockenbury and Hockenbury that is supported by the studies and experiments

conducted by Pavlov, Skinner and Watson which are the Classical Conditioning,

Methodological Behaviorism and Radical Behaviorism. Expectancy Theory

supports the anchored theory that is proposed by Vroom. The theories presented

above supports the different impacts of giving incentives to various participants in

different studies.

Review of Related Literature


“Incentive theories proposed that behavior is motivated by the ‘pull’ of

external goals, such as rewards, money, or recognition.’’ (Hockenbury &

Hockenbury, 2003, para. 2).

“Motivation is an act or process of giving someone a reason for doing

something.” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

“It stimulates desire and energy on people to be continually interested and

committed to try to attain goals” (Business Dictionary, n.d.)

Incentives are given as a payment or concession to stimulate greater output

and is a form of positive reinforcement. Giving incentives can be in a form of

monetary or non-monetary that serves as an external reward that helps activate


A research by Yavuz (2004) about non-monetary incentives concludes that

“it is possible to argue that nonmonetary incentives may promote the employees’

willingness to exert more effort in their jobs, to go beyond expectations and to

contribute to the organizational objectives fully when applied effectively in the

public sector of Turkey.” (para. 1 - 2)

This concept emerged during 1940s which eventually was adapted by

teachers in facilitating students’ interest in something they originally did not have

interest in and motivate students to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Related studies about relation between incentives and motivation by Harms

(2012) states that giving incentives and rewards motivates students to take exams

more seriously and when the students fail to receive an award it creates a stronger

desire to perform better.

Harms (2012) suggests that offering rewards just before students are about

to take tests influences the students’ test performance.

Teachers’ Perspective of Incentives. To prevent students from boredom,

teachers are constantly finding ways to avoid students from being stagnant in their

classes. It has been a struggle to motivate and make students participate in their

classes. As Mckay (2015) stated, motivation is an essential part of a student’s

learning which determines the amount of students’ participation and perseverance

in a certain challenge.

“Teachers know how motivation matters. Motivation is central to a student’s

learning aspect. It determines how students are engaged in their work, how hard

students work and how well they persevere in the face of challenges.” (Mckay,

2015, para. 3).

With the workloads given to students, they tend to lose motivation.

Motivation brings a great impact on how students do their tasks that is why

students need the right motivation for them to face their challenges accordingly.

When Koretz and colleagues (1996) conducted a survey and an interview

to a certain number of teachers and principals, they found that most teachers

attempted to improve the way they give incentives to increase a student’s

performance in school. The provision of the teachers to their students includes

practicing their students to answer tests, especially tests that are similar to final

exams. However, it is questioned that how students performed well after

incentives were given. Ladd (1999) used data from the Texas Assessment of

Academic Skills (TAAS) and found out that the program given had positive results

on examination pass rates but had a negative impact to drop-out rates. This

gathered data by Palmer (2002) provides evidence that teachers respond in giving

incentives depends on how teachers condition instructional strategies and

curricula to what they know or sensed what the students will ask during

examinations. The result is beneficial to teachers and the school’s name because

on how students’ passing rate increase but the effects might be less clear for the


Incentives for the teachers aim to improve quality of teaching, as far as all

know, a teacher’s strategy of motivation is effective on how students adapt to it.

Students’ Performance. Students have different levels and types of

intelligence whereas there are also different ways of conducting incentives.

Vroom’s (1964) expectancy model discusses that there is a connection

between incentives and students’ performance. According to Vroom’s (1964)

model, a workers way of motivation to success is the function of the worker's

expectancy of success, value of success, and the need to succeed. Locke, et al

(1996) also proposed that the desired goals of a person to be motivated are how

incentives affect a person’s performance. Depending on the incentives offered,

students have “varying enthusiasm and interest for school” (Pharm, 2006, para. 8).

A lot of educational institutions have to regulate what type of motivational strategy

should be conducted in order to improve a learner’s ability in class.

Local Perspective. According to Garcia (2017), motivation is one of the

biggest challenges that educators must face. Both parents and teachers are

tempted to excessively reward a child. However, there is a difference in the

personality of a child between home and school. An adaptable educator’s method

of motivation should also vary to a child’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. One of

the best ways to develop a more instructional and motivational discussion, a

teacher must conduct practical and outdoor activities which also promote the idea

that learning itself is a lifelong reward.

A study conducted by Mehta (2014) states that rewards are often necessary

in terms of helping students excel in their academic goals. Effective motivation and

interesting rewards allows students to think more and use their creativity as they

develop their potentials and passions or interest.

Papa (2009) explained that collaboration of teachers and students is

needed to have a successful discussion as well as to improve both skills and

knowledge of the teachers and student. Incentives are beneficial to both sides.

Although some disadvantages are also regarded, giving of incentives must not be

abused or else it might lead students’ irresponsibility and teachers’ indefiniteness

to execute well the goal of educating.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the impact of incentives as a motivational tool given

to the Grade 12 Senior High School students of Science and Technology

Education Center by all their subject teachers in School Year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following queries:

1. What are the common practices of teachers in giving incentives?

2. What are the perceived benefits on giving incentives in teachers’ and

students’ point of view?


3. What are the issues and problems encountered by the teachers and

students from giving incentives?

Significance of the Study

There are lots of ways in motivating a student to strive hard in performing

well in school. One strategy that the researchers want to know is the impacts of

giving incentives by the teachers towards students’ performance. Thus, this study

is significant to:

Students. This study is beneficial to the students for them to be familiar

with the concept of incentives. Students will know how to deal with the impacts that

incentive gives.

Teachers. They must know the impact of incentives to students for them to

be able to utilize and revise incentive scheme as a motivational tool. They will be

able to facilitate effectively in building the students’ interest in acquiring new skills

and knowledge.

Future Researchers. Those who will engage in the same study can use

this for further reference through the data gathered from this study.

Research Methodology

Research Design. This study will use the descriptive research design. The

researchers will be using a phenomenological strategy as a qualitative analysis

of narrative data. The general procedure of investigating the students and


teachers stands about having class incentives of the STEC Senior High School.

The instrument for data collection will be a semi-structured researcher made

questionnaires through in-depth interviews and participant observation.

Research Locale. This study will be conducted in Lapu-Lapu City Science and

Technology Education Center situated in Basak Lapu-Lapu City. “Excellence is our

habit, perfection is our goal” is said to be the school’s mission and vision. STEC is

known to be a school where students are selected and trained to be shaped

holistically. The area of the school is found beside the Mactan International Airport.

The school is a one-story building but it is enough to accommodate and ensure

the comfort of the students. The population of the school is approximately 2,000

students including the faculty members and non-teaching personnel.

Research Participants. Participants for the study will include teachers and

students in Lapu – Lapu City Science and Technology Education Center

specifically the Grade 12 Senior High School students. The researchers will use

the cluster sampling technique. Students who are experiencing the giving of

incentives by the teachers will be picked according to the researcher’s judgment.

Research Instruments. The study will use in-depth interview and participant

observation data gathering method which seeks to answer these following

problems (1) the impacts of giving incentives to students; (2) the influence of

incentives to a student’s way of learning; (3) the stand of both teachers and

students about having incentives; and (4) the issues encountered in giving

incentives to students.

Consent forms such as Informed Consent Form for the participants and

Parents Consent for the researchers will be presented before the interview is


Research Procedure. This research will be conducted in the first semester of

2017-2018. Researcher–made questions will be supervised to the participants in

a face-to-face interview. Responses and data will be documented through field

notes and audio/visual recordings. The research strategy, implementation, and

variables of interest will be defined.


Definition of Terms

Incentive. Anything that motivates or encourages one to do something

Monetary Incentives. A money-based reward given when an employee meets or

exceeds expectations. Monetary incentives can include cash bonuses, stock

options, profit-sharing and any other type of reward that increases an employee's


Non- Monetary Incentives. Rewards that can be less tangible, intangible, formal,

and informal and those that have a longer lasting effect on the employee. Non-

monetary incentives can range from a significant gesture to an item that you will

treasure forever

Pull. Is the force that drives a person to move in order to accomplish a goal

Scheme. A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some

particular object or putting a particular idea into effect

Tabula Rasa. A mind of a person is still on its original state and factors such as

people and experiences have not yet influenced the mind’s original state

Utilize. Make practical and effective use of




As shown in table I, the participants consisted of 10 senior high school

students in grade 12 and 6 senior high school teachers of science and

technology education center were asked about their perception on classroom




Participant No. Code Name

1 Red

2 Orange

3 Yellow

4 Green

5 Blue

6 Violet

7 Gold

8 White

9 Peach

10 Dandelion


`Participant No. Code Name

11 Magenta

12 Lavender

13 Black

14 Silver

15 Nude

16 Grey

Table II. Presentation of Main Themes

Common practices of teachers in giving incentives.

Themes Key Informants

Point System Lavender





Appraisal Nude

Tangible Incentive Black

Point System. The point system is a way of motivating students to do their best in

doing a certain task given by the teachers. This system is considered by one of the

English teacher as the “…most convenient…” (P13) incentive that a teacher could

give. Teachers are using both positive and negative point system approach. It does

not settle only with giving additional points to the students who do good in achieving

a task and affirm its goodness but also doing the other way around which is giving

deduction to students who does not manifest a good behavior.

According to Grey which is a Philosophy teacher,

“There are plus and minus, advantages and disadvantages. So

again I’d like to reiterate that my incentive is given as the need

arises. Its not permanent… I. I Look at the person, it’s either to

affirm its goodness i give the incentives or the other way around i

give deduction if the manifestation of the behavior is not good.

That is also an incentive. Not in terms of plus, but in terms of

developing oneself, that is another approach to incentive.” (P16)

In relation with this, a theory proposed by B.F. Skinner is the positive and negative

reinforcement. The teachers can motivate the students through positive

reinforcement by giving points to students who manifest a good behavior. At the

same time, when a student does not manifest a good behavior, a teacher can apply

the negative reinforcement by deducting scores to the students for them to strive

hard and do better next time.

Appraisal. One of the ways to motivate a student to maintain a job well done

performance is through appraisal. Recognizing a student’s pleasing acts can boost

self-confidence that drives the student to perform better. The behavior of the

student changes as the teacher encourages them in doing activities.

According to Nude, which is a Biology teacher,

“...I motivate them to do their, to show their best because the best

motivation is something that comes from within. There is no

greater motivation than someone who actually self motivates in

self over self. The reward of a job well done is doing it very well so

that’s -the self motivation…”

One of the theory proposed by Hockenbury & Hockenbury (2003) is the Incentive

Theory of Motivation in which a person is motivated through external rewards,

specifically appraisal. The feeling of being appreciated by the teachers especially

with those who are high standards is the best motivation for the students. This

pushes them to strive and work harder next time they will be given a task. Simple

pleasing words that they can hear makes them feel that they are doing good and

they are now the one motivating themselves in order to accomplish tasks perfectly

as they can.

Tangible Incentives. Teachers and students are starting to build closer

relationships to each other. One type of reward that teachers give to their students

is through giving tangible incentives such as food and trophies. When a student

performs well in a certain task, teacher treat their students as a reward depending

on the agreement between two parties.

According to Black, which is an English teacher,

“ motivate them they wear uniform all the time, dress up during

Wednesday.. I give points for the team of the month and the end of

the month I give them goodies or food or something like that That’s

the only time that I give that kind of incentives…”

Teachers give these rewards as an exchange of their students’ effort in following

the rules and regulations imposed in the classroom. These rewards serve as a

motivational factor for the students to comply on what the teachers would want

them to do. Through this, it mold s a good connection between the teachers and

the students.

Benefits of Incentives in Teachers’ Point of View

Themes Key Informants

Motivates Grey


Develops Morale Nude

Increases Grades Black

Benefits of Incentives in Students’ Point of View

Themes Key Informants

Motivates Orange







Develops Morale Gold

Lessens Work Red







Increases Grades Red








Motivates. Part of learning is to be motivated. People learn more when they are

motivated, interested and have the will to learn. Motivation is one of the perceived

benefits of incentive-giving. Most of the students stated that giving of incentives

motivates them to participate and work more. Supporting statements from students

about incentives which motivates them are as follows:

“Ahmm for me, the benefit would be the student will actually try harder

and exert effort uhh exert effort and hardwork in their task because of

the incentives…” (P9)

“Significant gyud siya kay ang paghatag og incentive for the reason mas

maka drive siya or mas maka inspire ang students bitaw buhaton nila ang

ilang best sa certain nga butang…” (P6)

(“It is really significant because giving of incentives for the reason that can

drive students or to inspire the students to do their best to a certain


“…pampagana sha sa usa ka student na kanang mas mo do-mas mo do

more pa, mas mo…. mas mo exert pa shag effort..” (P9)

(“…motivaton to a particular student to do more-to do more, to be

more…to exert more effort…”)

Students usually get motivated once they are given a reward after doing a

particular task.They exert more effort in doing things because they know they

will be paid off. It can lead to incentive dependency but it still motivates students in

many ways. It is not worthy of an argument to go against how students learn in a

way of incentives as long as they are learning and motivated.

Develops Morale. Learning comes with discipline. Any academic institution


includes developing values in the curriculum. Truly, incentives can motivate a

student to perform a specific task no matter how hard or hassle it is. Incentives

does not only motivate a student but also develops morale. As what was said by

Gold, a Grade 12 students,

“Ang benefit kay… mura siyang makaboost sa imong morale?

Makaboost ba like mo give jud ka sa imong best sa subject, and also

since like ingani naman sa imong morale boost na so the other subject

kay ma affect sad nya ma boost sad imong morale na mo participate

sa kuan..”

(The benefit is… maybe iit can boost your morale? It can boost like you

will give your best to that particular subject, and also since like you are

used to it so your moral was already boosted, so it can also affect your

other subject, your morale will be boost to participate to..”)

Just like a theory proposed by Pavlov (2003), the classical conditioning where in a

person’s behavior is a reflex that is caused by the internal or external stimulus in

the body. Incentive is the stimulus in the body that strives a passion to do a certain

task. Students work and accomplish a task because of incentives, by the time that

stimulus is removed, it will still drive students to perform the task given.

Increases Grades. Grades are very important to students’ lives. Teachers give

points to students as incentives which can pull up their grades. Points are usually

added to their performance or quizzes.Exemptions can also increase their grade


because they will automatically get perfect which is a great advantage to them.

According to Peach, a grade 12 student,

“Giving incentives in class performance is very helpful especially

when gagmay og grade ang students so maka help shag pull up

sa grades sa students…” (P9)

(Giving incentives in class performance is very helpful especially

when a student has low grades so it really help to pull up the

grades of students…”)

Lessens Work. There is always a way to make a task easier to accomplish. In a

students’ point of view, indulging oneself in the academic field like studying for the

exams and making projects gives so much stress than to participate and prepare

for the different school activities. Students rather perform tasks given by their

teachers in return of being exempted for the exams. Supporting statements are as


“…Makuhaan among stress.. mudawat nalang mi og task para

wala nalay exams..” (P1)

(“…Our stress will be lessen…that is why whatever task given to

us we do it so that there will be no exams…”) (P1)

“….like naay usa ka teacher nga kuan gipatabang mi sa design

sa among intrams niya exempt dayon mi sa research ay dili sa

Bio.” (P2)

(… like there was this one teacher who asked help for the designs

for our Intrams and then we got exempted in our research no I

mean in Bio.”)

The following statements clearly shows that students prefer to join extra curricular

activities because they think that it will greatly help to increase their grades rather

than having exams which they consider quite challenging to take.

Issues encountered by teachers from giving incentives.

Theme Key informants

Led Incentive Dependency Black



Triggered Negative Behavior Lavender




Intuited Perception Nude

Led Incentive Dependency. Student became motivated of the giving of incentives.

However, if this method become excessive and frequent it will lead to incentive

dependency. One of the Language teacher said that giving of incentives

“..shouldn’t be as frequent as possible,..” (P13) because student tend to respond

only because there is incentive. From the data gathered in the interview, a

particular student and teacher similarly mentioned that incentive giving will make

the student be blind and somehow leads them to become an idle student.

According to Silver, a Social Sciences teacher,

“ I’ve noticed, they are no longer paying attention with the

lesson but more on what will be the rewards that they will

acquire later on if they will win the contest or whatever

form of uhh activity I have in my class, and I don’t find it

healthy because it seems like we have lost the essence of

learning because what they are trying to after is the incentive.

Mao ragyud na akong nakita nila. Nag apas ra sa, ayy ang

chocolates na ihatag karong kung makadaog ta, patay dili

nako ganahan ana nga style kay wala na sila nagkat on sa

cont--wala na sila nagkat on sa content sa kung unsa among

gi discuss, more on nagpaabot nalang sila sa reward na

akong ihatag…”

(“ I’ve noticed, they are no longer paying attention with the

lesson but more on what will be the rewards that they will

acquire later on if they will win the contest or whatever form

of uhh activity I have in my class, and I don’t find it healthy

because it seems like we have lost the essence of learning

because what they are trying to after is the incentive. That’s the

only thing that I see. They are trying to go after with ayy the

chocolates that will be given if we win, shoot I don’t like it

anymore because they are not learning the cont--they are not

learning the content of what we have discussed, they are more

on waiting for the reward that I am going to give…”)

And according to Peach, a Grade 12 student,

“... But sometimes mangud ang students ma-blind sa incentives

like ana sila sige daoga ni ninyo igka human ana kay dili namo

ka take og periodical exam. Perfect namo tanan. Dili namo

ka take og quarterly exam and stuffs like that…”

(“ But sometimes, the students get blind to incentives like they will

say, you win this then after that we don’t have to take

periodical exams anymore. You all got a perfect

score. You will not take quarterly exam and stuffs like that.")

In this situation, student became conditional in how they perform in their class

and thus affect their grades in performance. There is a great loss to the one

giving the incentives when the person who receives it is much more dependent to

the reward than what is being produce from a given task. It is not prevalent that

being dependent to rewards happen especially if rewards are frequently given. It

will create a mindset to some that there is always something to get even if it’s not

their will to do it.

Triggered Negative Behavior. Relative to most of the student respond only if

there is incentives, negative behavior is also a response of incentive-giving.

Negative behavior responses from students is a result when a teacher doesn’t

agree to a student’s request or when reward system is stopped which is also

explained by one of the teacher and he said, “…next time you will not get points,

they will not perform anymore…” (P15) It is observed by a teacher that a certain

student averted a behavior into an assertive one.

According to Black, which is also a Research teacher,

“...Too aggressive to get points, they’re so desperate to get points,

naah– Ma’am, maka points ni ma’am, and then they would go

to you and ask sometimes, they would report, they would be

lively, and that really happen. As a teacher, it makes me

realized that one of the drawback of incentives so kana.. aside

from they become dependent on incentives, they would

create a not so healthy competition…”

(...Too aggressive to get points, they’re so desperate to get points,

naah - Ma’m will we be having points for this, and they would

go to you ans ask sometimes, they would report, they

would be lively, and that really happen. As a teacher, it

makes me realized that one of the drawback of incentives

so that’s it.. Aside from they become dependent on

incentives, they would create a not so healthy competition…”)

Knowing further how this negative change of behavior occur, several observation

from classrooms, workplaces, and according to Kohn (1993), other settings

suggests that “failure of any given incentive program” (para 1) possibly triggered

negative responses. Implementation of incentives varied to students, some may

agree and some may oppose. Competition among colleagues is also a factor that

trigger negative behavior. Student who want to achieve or earn more will probably

tend to grab any opportunity like incentives and if its method of giving doesn’t suit

to a student then assertive going to aggressive behavior emerge.

Intuited Perception. Things are usually misinterpreted if not being discussed

properly or the other party is too narrow in seeing things. Teachers give incentives

to those who deserve to be given and students think that this manner is a form of

favoritism. Students feel that they are being deprived for not having the same

degree of points given by their teacher to the other.

According to Nude, which is also a Research teacher,

“…When you say loopholes in giving incentives, sometimes they will

mistook it as a favoritism like ayyyy siya ra lagey gihatagan og incentives,


kami wala lage. Ayyy kami ra nga section ang gitagaan, ang STEM ray

gitagaan, ngano ang GAS wala man tagae? It’s just like that. But this is

more of a psychological rather than rather than probably political issues,

noh? They just feel that they are deprived but actually it’s it’s…. mao na

akong punto ganina. There are sections that deserves points and there

are sections that doesn’t deserve points. If they could keep up with the

sections that are very good and then they also deserve points. But if they

they not mohatag diay diay ka…”

(“…When you say loopholes in giving incentives, sometimes they will

mistook it as a favoritism like ayyy they are given incentives, we are not.

Ayyy we were only the section that were given, STEM only was given,

why GAS was not given? It’s just like that. But this is more of a

psychological rather than rather than probably political issues, right? They

just feel that they are deprived but actually it’s it’s… that was point earlier.

There are sections that deserves points and there are sections that

doesn’t deserve points. If they could keep up with the sections that are

very good and then they also deserve points. But if they they not will will

you give…”

Giving of incentives is not just about giving it to anyone. Teacher evaluate

students well before deciding to whom it will give. Efforts exerted by the students

matter the most. If they exerted effort more than what a teacher expected them to

do, that will be the time for the teacher to give them incentive which serves as

their labor of doing good.


Issues encountered by students from giving incentives.

Theme Key informants

Led Incentive Dependency Yellow



Triggered Negative Behavior Yellow




Created Bias Red






Created Trust Issues Dandelion

Created Bias. Frequent giving of incentive not only result in negative behavior and

dependency but it also create biases among the class. Biases emerged whenever

a teacher is in favor of a certain student. This certain student often receives more

points or even be the center of attention of the teachers. Much to this, most of the

students who notices this became cold or jealous to that favored student. Not only

does it happen to a favored student but also when another class was given

exemptions or even given a task that is unrelated to the subject in addition that a

certain student or class cannot take the exam anymore. It is sort of unfair to others

since everyone is undoubtedly doing their best to excel and pass the exam.

According to Yellow, a SHS student,

“...for example to do usually a lot or they are asks to print a tarpaulin for

the intrams or something that gives the disadvantage of the other people

who did something nga kanang …example kanang gi skip ang test and

they were just asked to do something else. For doing that their incentive

would that they will get good score ahhh. They would be given a passing

score on the test that they missed that would be the disadvantage on

those people who took the test because they study while others who

didn’t take the test just had to do something, just fairly easier than the

test and they had a passing score for that test and I think it’s the


(“...for example to do usually a lot or they are asks to print a tarpaulin for

the intrams or something that gives the disadvantage of the other people

who did something that …example they skip the test and they were just

asked to do something else. For doing that their incentive would that they

will get good score ahhh. They would be given a passing score on the

test that they missed that would be the disadvantage on those people

who took the test because they study while others who didn’t take the

test just had to do something, just fairly easier than the test and they had

a passing score for that test and I think it’s the disadvantages.”)

Teachers are expected to give incentives properly to those who exerted an effort.

Students notice that teachers are giving incentives to those students who did

something but not relevant to the subject and for them, it is quite unfair. Giving of

incentives must be fairly given between students for they are doing the same task

together and not just giving of incentives to whom teachers wanted to.

Created Trust Issues. One issue encountered by the students in teachers’ giving

of incentives is when a teachers did nit manifest the said agreement. Dandelion, a

Grade 12 student said that,

“Ay loopholes kanang kanang oh, kanang botbot nga ano kay usa-

usahay ay I don’t know ay not here. Okay ra dili ar? Dili ari nga

school? Kay sa, sa, sa last, past school nako kay kana bitawng

ingnan mi nga kung buhaton ni ninyu kay tagaan ta mog ay

eexcempt tamo sa exam, mao na konohay. Niya pagbuhat namo

ato, pag-abot sa exam kay murag wala, mura nalag nalimtan kay

ingon sila ay dili namo para na fair para na para fair sa tanan so mo

take jud gihapon mi. So, murag bale na mura mig nitoo sa ilang

giingon ba pero wala ra bitaw. Mao na ang among efforts kay murag

somehow kay wala. Wala nila na paid back. Murag ing-ana.”

(“Ay loopholes is yeah, fake the because some-sometimes ay I don’t

know ay not here. Is it okay that it is not here? Not in this school?

Because in, in, in the last, in my past school is that we are told if you

can do this, I will give you ay I’ll give you exemptions in the exam,

maybe that’s it. Then after we did it, when examination came, it was

being forgotten because they said ay you will not given anymore in

order to be fair in order to be fair to all so we still have to take the

exams. So, we believed to what they said but nothing happens. Our

efforts were somehow wasted. They didn’t paid back. Something like


In relation with this, a theory was proposed by Vroom (1964) which is the

Expectancy Theory stated that a person is at most motivated due to the assurance

of the reward given. Motivation of a person also depends on what will they get after

doing a specific task. They are motivated more if the reward given is in accordance

to their desire. Since the students were promised to be given an exemption after

they will accomplish the task given, they exerted much effort but the agreement

was not realized. This might lead to students’ loss of desire to do something.

Limitations of teachers in giving incentives.

Theme Key Informants

Performance-based Nude

Observation-based Grey


Classroom-based Silver

Frequency-based Silver

Score-based Lavender

Performance-based. Students’ performance in class are usually the basis how

teachers rate them. Additionally, performance also serve as one of the basis on

when they will give an incentive to their students. Additional points are given to

those students who deserve it because they had done something very well.

Nude, which is also an Elective teacher said,

“Limitations. Performance. And then I choose people uhm.. I choose

people where I would, to whom I will give the incentives too. Because dili

pwede tanan tagaan nimo’g incentives. Imo ra gyud na shang I-pair sha

nya igka human, pilion rasad nimo ang klase nga angay gyud tagaan og

incentives because there are some class sections actually that are highly

cooperative with each with each other, nya ganahan man sad kayka

mohatag nilag incentives because they are doing very well. However in

the opposite side, naa gyuy mga classroom nga tapulaaaaan kay’ sa ka

tanan nga di jud ka ganahan mohatag og incentive...”

(“Limitations. Performance. And then I choose people uhm.. I choose

people where I would, to whom I will give incentives too. Because not all

can be given incentives. You have to pair it then, you choose a class that

really deserves to be given incentives because there are some class

sections actually that are highly cooperative with each other, then you

love to give incentives because they are doing very well. However in the

opposite side, there are classroom that are too lazy that you really hate to

give incentives.…”)

Teachers see that their students are performing very well in a certain task, that is

the time that the teachers would give incentives. Teachers evaluate their students’

learning and performance tasks with the use of rubrics to rate their students’

outputs. Even if there is a set of guidelines in rating their performance, some


teachers give additional points especially to those who did a great job.

Observation-based. One way of teachers’ limitation in giving of incentives is

through observation. They pay more attention to those students who will participate

in class without saying that there will be an incentive afterwards. Students’

behavior is mostly different and if giving of incentives is announced or not. If a

particular student participated, one of the teacher “…write it on a notebook or a

piece of paper..” (P13) to be guided to whom she will give points.

According to Grey, which is a Philosophy teacher,

“...I observe when it is needed. So they don't abuse, i hate rules. I will only

give the rules if I've seen the student is not responding, but if i give them

rules, step 1 step 2 one by one, that’s imposing. That’s in our lesson, I

don’t want to impose myself. I want them to realize. I want them to use

their creativity. I want them to utilize their critical thinking that they should

not depend on the incentive. Because the incentive is just an illussional,

for them to move and give their best. If they realize that there is something

good in giving their best then that is already an incentive.”

Most students usually abuse teachers’ giving of incentives especially when they

know that they will be given additional points or exemptions. Students may portray

negative behavior and teachers doesn’t want that to happen. Before teacher give

incentives, they will observe first and give incentives to those who deserve it.

Classroom-based. Incentives should be given to students who work for any

activities that is under the school concern and not for the teachers’ personal benefit

if so, the essence of giving incentives as motivational tool for students is already

abused. As expressed by Silver, a UCSP teacher,

“….my limitation must be inside the four corners of the classroom. Mao

lang jud n, dhai lang jud ko kutub. Dili ko anang I will treat you out and

we’ll go to beach because kana bla blah blah ana dili lang claasroom


(…my limitation must be inside the four corners of the classroom. That’s

it, I will put my limits here. I don’t like the idea that I will treat you out

and we’ll go to the beach those things blah blah blah it should be within

the classroom only.)

Teachers should put regulation upon giving incentives and the purpose of which is

to give credit for the students who have done their part within the four corners of

the classroom or within the school’s institution and nothing more than that.

Students might think that there are various ways to make their grades increase

rather than complying with the competencies that the school has given and that is

doing certain things which are not related to the school.

Frequency-based. Frequent giving of incentives lead to different issues. Teachers

set limitation when to give incentives in order to prevent students’ dependency to

incentives. As what was said by Black, a Language teacher,

“...There should be proper ways and times and when you’re going to give probably not all times, so it shouldn’t be as frequent as

possible, it should be, just be uhmm on…occasionally. Occasionally


lang… so they would have excitement.”

(“...There should be proper ways and times and when you’re going to give probably not all times, so it shouldn’t be as frequent as

possible, it should be, just be uhmm on…occasionally. Just occasionally…

so they would have excitement.)

Teachers should set regulations when to give incentives and should not be as

frequent as possible. Students might not focus in class if incentives are frequently

given. They are just trying to after the incentives all the time.

Score-based. Most student are very conscious on how high or low their scores

are especially for those who are in the honor roll list. If teachers are giving

incentives, they are the one who are most involved for their eagerness to gain


According to Lavender, which is one of the Mathematics teacher,

“Limitations maybe… uhmm no I limit the perfect score nalang

para others to kuan..for others to cope up makaapas gyud


(“Limitations maybe… uhmm no I will just limit the perfect score

for others to..for others to cope up, for them to cope up.”)

Teachers usually limit the perfect score in order for the students not to be left

behind. Mostly teachers set the highest score to be the new perfect score

especially if the scores are very far from the real perfect score. This can also help

students’ not to have a failing grade.

Stands of teachers towards giving incentives

Theme Key Informants

Grades actual performance Magenta

Manipulates through incentives Lavender


Stands of students towards giving incentives

Theme Key Informants

Hinders true learning Yellow


Encourages students Violet

Grades actual performance. Grading the performance of the student identify the

potential of a student. Students are given points for being active in class and is

often given extra credits. However in some cases, students complain that teachers

would go overboard in giving points and teachers also notice that students ought

to do good because of incentives.


According to Magenta, an Accounting teacher,

“Oh okay, I don’t believe in that. I just ahh grade them according to their

performances,written work performances and exams.”

Some of the teachers are not fan of giving incentives because the actual

performance or work of the students matter the most. They grade students based

on what was really the entry of students in that particular subject. They do not want

the students to be aware of their real performance rather than be compensated

enough because of incentives.

Hinders true learning. Teachers guide their students in order for them to learn

and develop into a better person. There are strategies and techniques that

teachers use to motivate their students in meeting the student’s full potential.

However, improper use of incentive can lead to negative effects. One of which is

hindering the student’s true learning. Because of exemptions that teachers give to

their students as an incentive, it does not push the student to work hard and do

good. The students will then get a higher grade without really testing the full

potential and application of the students’ learning.

According to Yellow,

“Well for me I never really thought that as a good indication of

kanang good measure of someone’s intelligence. It only

measures small portion of that person’s intelligence in that

subject. So I believe that however doing these things (Points

the output) are good measure these are just mainly about

event making. However for us it will be much more…it is not

exactly beneficial but it is better for us to do these because

there are last tasks to do and everyone else can cooperate

unlike..unlike kanang test. Everyone is on their own and task to

so individually some fails some don’t and these (pointing at

the output again)activities like these….everyone can fail and also

get a good score...”

(Well for me I never really thought that as a good indication of

good measure of someone’s intelligence. It only measures small

portion of that person’s intelligence in that subject. So I believe

that however doing these things are good measure these are just

mainly about event making. However for us it will be much

more…it is not exactly beneficial but it is better for us to do these

because there are last tasks to do and everyone else can

cooperate unlike..unlike test. Everyone is on their own and task

to so individually some fails some don’t and these activities

like these….everyone can fail and also get a good score.)

Giving group activities to students for them to be exempted in an exam cannot

determine on how far the student has learned in a specific subject. Unlike taking

an exam where their learning are tested individually.

Manipulates through incentives. Motivation is a great thing in the aspects of

learning but on the other hand students get motivated only because there is

incentives. They let themselves become manipulated by the incentives being



According to Silver,

“...we’re not teaching students to become robots and to respond only

based on incentive. These are human that are capable of doing things na

they have to learn sad na in reality dili tanan atung gitrabaho ma

reciprocate-an na siya ug reward. Ma reciprocate-an na sha ug equivalent

amount. There’s no such thing as that. Kita tanan capable ta na mo

respond ta tungud kay mao ni atung nakita na mao ug dapat buhatun, not

about unsa akong makuha inig later on, unsay reward ani…”

“...we’re not teaching students to become robots and to respond only

based on incentives. These are human that are capable of doing things

that they also have to learn that in reality not all things that we’ve worked

in can be reciprocated by rewards.Being reciprocated with an equivalent

amount. There’s no such thing as that. We are all capable to respond

because this is what we are obliged to do, not about what will I get later on,

what will be the reward…”

Students are expected to initiate for this is one of their major responsibilities.

Incentives is not only the way to drive the student’s interest and motivation in order

to become an excellent student.

Encourages Students. Incentives is another form of motivating students through

giving out rewards if they do these.These method uses powerful and inspiring

words to influence the student's drive to carry out the task and do their best.

intrinsic incentives works best with encouragement from experts in that field.These

method uses powerful and inspiring words to influence the student's drive to carry

out the task and do their best.

According to Violet,

“Para nako nindot man strategy sa incentives in a way nga maka

drive siya sa students nga mas maka focus ang students kung

naay incentives.”

(For me, incentives is a nice strategy in a way that it drives

students to focus more because of incentives.)

Some teachers believe that an incentive should also both internal and

external.Incentives should be limited to external rewards; the best way to improve

their motivation is motivation from within to avoid the issues of incentive

dependency, unhealthy competitions and the development of negative behaviors,

teachers should encourage students even without promising something as reward.

According to the Incentive Theory of Motivation proposed by Hockenbury &

Hockenbury (2003) states that when people are offered to do a particular activity,

either willing to do the action and it is in accordance to their desires or they do

these things to receive external rewards, they are encouraged to complete that

task. Similarly to what is observed in this research, students either have these

reasons in doing their task. Either way, incentives is still an encouragement for

them to put more effort and develop more their potential in class.





Based from the data gathered and from the themes arose, the common types

of classroom reward given by the teachers are the (1) point system, (2)

appraisal, (3) exemption and (4) tangible rewards. The respondents (teachers)

shared that their purpose of giving incentives are motivating students to

participate, bringing excitement, molding their initiative and appreciating a

students’ effort. The perceived benefits by the respondents are (1) motivates,

(2) develops values, (3) lessens work, and (4) increases grade. However, the

practice of giving incentives has drawbacks such as it has to (1) led incentive-

dependency, (2) created bias, (3) triggered negative behavior, (4) intuited

perception and (5) created trust issues.


The researchers concluded that teachers give different types of incentives

according to their purpose and goals to attain. The benefits that one can

acquire from incentives motivates students to participate and do their best in

performing their tasks, thus, labels incentives as a tool to motivate them.

However giving of incentives should not be used as often as it might develop

negative behaviors of students.


The research team recommends the following to the future researchers to:

1. Conduct the in-depth interview in a peaceful place so it would be easier for the

researchers to transcribe the audio recordings.

2. Study the factors that affect the behavior of the participants.

3. Consider overt observation.

The research team would like to suggest the following to the teachers to:

1. Know the appropriate incentive that should be given to the students for them

to positively participate

2. Consider the suggestion of students in setting limitations with incentive-giving.

The research team would like to humbly suggest to the Department of Education

to :

1. conduct a seminar to the teachers about effective giving of incentives to the



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Basak, Lapu-Lapu City


September 15, 2017

Dr. Bryant C. Acar

SHS Focal Person, Science and Technology Education Center

Basak, Lapu-Lapu City



The undersigned students are currently finishing their Qualitative Research work

at Science Technology Education Center (STEC), Basak, Lapu-Lapu City. In

compliance for the requirements of the course, the undersigned students are now

working on the research entitled,



In this connection, the undersigned students are asking your permission and

approval to conduct their study among the Senior High School teachers and Grade

12 students.

Rest assured that the findings will be utilized for the improvement of your school

in general and will benefit the pupils, teachers and parents and entrepreneurs in


Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Alcoseba, Grahamnush Cacho, Crystal Mary Daño, Trisha Nicole


Manabat, Mary Ann Tero, Ivy Vios, Marga Lian

Recommended by:


Research Teacher


Basak, Lapu-Lapu City


PROJECT TITLE: Classroom Incentives: A ( De ) Motivational Means for

Students’ Response


You are invited to join a research study to look at our study about the impact of

incentives to students and teachers. Please take whatever time you need to

discuss the study with your family and friends, or anyone else you wish to. The

decision to join, or not to join, is up to you.

In this research study, we are investigating/testing/comparing/evaluating the

effects and responses of senior high school students to incentives and the

perception of the teachers about this. The findings and conclusion may be used as

grounds in improving a teacher’s methods of using incentives as a tool for

participation in class discussions and activities.



If you decide to participate you will be asked to answer few questions about your

perception incentives given by teachers. To the student participants, you will be

asked to answer a designated questionnaire. We will also conduct an observation

of your class for further information. To the teachers as participants, we will

conduct an in-depth interview focusing on your perception about incentives at

school. During the interviews, there will phone camera for audio/video recording.

The investigators may stop the study or take you out of the study at any time they

judge it is in your best interest. They may also remove you from the study for

various other reasons. They can do this without your consent. One of the reason

might be reaching data saturation, you might be removed from the list of


You can stop participating at any time. If you stop you will not lose any benefits.


This study involves the risk of exposing your negative comments to incentive-

based participation of the students. This may need your honest thoughts about

the topic which might point faculty staffs.

There may also be other risks that we cannot predict.



It is reasonable to expect the following benefits such as being able to express your

thoughts and being able to take part in an educational improvement from your

responses specifically your feedbacks. The results of this research may be used

as grounds for improvement in the instructional system of Philippine education.

Lastly, as grade 11 ABM students conducting for our qualitative research, your

participation is a great help in accomplishing our tasks as researchers. However,

we can’t guarantee that you will personally experience benefits from participating

in this study. Others may benefit in the future from the information we find in this



We will take the following steps listed below to keep information about you

confidential, and to protect it from unauthorized disclosure, tampering, or damage.

Only us, the researchers, are allowed to view the audio and video recording whose

aim is only to record your responses, gestures and reactions. All the researchers

are oriented to prevent the circulation of the said audio and video recording. Only

the authorized persons and guest judges will have the authority to access these

information. If not used in data presentation, these files are stored in a folder in

under the name of virus to avoid other pc users from opening it. The personal

computer requires a password if not signed in as administrator.


In this study, there will be no incentives, rewards or any kind token for the



Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right not to participate at all

or to leave the study at any time. Deciding not to participate or choosing to leave

the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are

entitled, and it will not harm your relationship with the researchers. In case of

withdrawal from any follow-up question which you as participant would like to

refuse to respond, you may signal the interviewer as soon as you read the



Call Trisha Nicole Dano at 09153485343 or email Ivy Tero at

[email protected] if you have questions about the study, any problems,

unexpected physical or psychological discomforts, any injuries, or think that

something unusual or unexpected is happening.

For further questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant.

Please approach the following researchers at grade 11- ABM Maxwell:

Alcoseba, Grahamnush

Cacho, Crystal Mary

Dano, Trisha Nicole

Manabat, Mary Ann

Tero, Ivy

Vios, Marga Lian

Consent of Subject (or Legally Authorized Representative)

Signature of Subject or Representative Date





Activities Resources/Materials

Validation of the instruments that Snacks 6 Resarcher X Php Php 300

are Researcher-made (to be 50.00 each

Validated by Subject teacher) Photocopy of Tools Php 150

Orientation and observation of the Snacks 9 JHS teachers X Php Php 1,350

participants (by year level 30.00 each X 5 days)

students, and JHS Teachers) –

nature of research, scope of

participation, ethics and time line

Profiling of the participants (40 Office Supplies (Folders, Php 500

JHS students and 9 JHS puncher, fastener, sign pens,

teachers, separately) ball pens, pencil, stapler/wire,

bond papers)

Printer’s Ink (Php 200 per Php 200

bottle X 1 Color)

In depth interview for JHS Snacks 9 teachers, 6 Php 1,500

teachers researchers, X 20 each X max

of 5 days

Transportation Allowance From validation to FGD Php 240

(tricycle and jeep fare)

Tallying of results and treatment Snacks (Php 20.00 each day) Php 3,000

of data. and 1 lunch (Php 80.00 each

Writing of the Initial Findings day) x 5 days x 6 researcher

Php 7,240


Prepared by:

Alcoseba, Grahamnush Cacho, Crystal Mary Daño, Trisha Nicole

Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and


Manabat, Mary Ann ___Tero, Ivy__ Vios, Marga Lian

Name and Signature Name and Signature Name

and Signature

Approved by:


Research Instructor


Job Tasks Days Date


1 The researcher prepared the research 1 June 29-June

design and tools to be utilized in the study 30

2 Presentation of prepared research topics 0 June 30

with problems and sub-problems.

3 Approval and recommendation from the 0 June 30

research teacher will be sought

4 The proposed title and design will be 0 August 3

submitted to the research teacher. Once

approved, the researcher will begin the


5 Making and submission of Rationale, 4 August 7-

Significance of the Study and Statement of August 11

the problem.

6 Making, submission and revision of Review 13 August 14-30

of Related Literature

7 Validation of the instruments that are 0 August 14

Researcher-made (to be Validated by the

research teacher)

8 Formulating, submission and revision of 3 August 7-

interview questions August 10

9 Making, submission and revision of 4 August 14 -

Research Methodology 18

10 Finalization for Chapter 1 and Appendices 3 September 2-

11 Research Proposal 0 September 8

12 Orientation and observation of the 4 September

participants (by year level students, and 11-15

JHS Teachers).

13 In-depth interview for the JHS teachers 4 September


14 Profiling of the participants ( 40 JHS 0 September 23

students and 9 JHS teachers, separately)

15 Tallying of results and treatment of data. 2 September


September 28

16 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of 5 September

Data. 29-October 3

17 Writing of the summary of findings, 5 October 4-

conclusions and recommendations October 9

18 Final Defense for approval 0 October 12

19 Editing, Proof Reading & Binding 2 October 13-15

Total Days 50 days



1.) Does your teacher give you incentives?

2.) What type of incentive does your teacher usually offer?

3.) Does your teacher inform the class when giving an incentive?

4.) In a student’s point of view, how significant is giving incentives in your class


5.) What type of incentive do you prefer? Why?

6.) How does incentives affect your participation in class?

7.) For you, what are the benefits of giving incentives in classrooms?

8.) Was there time where you have encountered/ heard loopholes of your

teachers’ incentives? What happened?



1.) Do you give incentives to your students?

2.) What types of incentive do you usually give?

3.) What are your reason for giving incentives to your students?

4.) Is there any difference in your students' behavior with or without incentives?

5.) For you, is giving incentives a good strategy in motivating your students? If

yes, why? If no, why not?

6.) What are your limitations in giving incentives to your students?

7.) Was there a time where you experience having or hearing loopholes of your

methods in giving incentives?



What are the common practices of giving incentives?

Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

Additional Points 1 Point System Additional points to Serious


Give Points 1 Point System Most convenient Smiling

Goodies or food 3 Tangible To motivate students Serious


Participation Points 1 Point System Only form of incentives Calm

that i can give to my


Give a plus 1 Point System Reward without them Serious

knowing it

Intrinsic 2 Appraisal Self-motivation; motivate Confident


Extrinsic 1 Point System Points or exemption in Confident

an exam

Based on 1 Point System Give points to promote a Serious

competition competition among the


Giving strips of 1 Point System every time they Calm

paper with participate or they won

equivalent number from a specific ahh

of points, giving contest or competition

chocolates within the class

giving them extra 1 Point System saw their efforts that Calm

credits they tried

give the incentives 1 Point System to affirm its goodness Serious

give deduction 1 Point System manifestation of the Serious

behavior is not good

give them minus 1 1 Point System If the classroom is not Serious


it’s plus 1 1 Point System If the classroom is clean Serious


What are the benefits of the students and teachers in giving incentives?


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

Motivation 1 Motivates Give their best Serious

as a 1 Motivates to be more Serious

motivating participative in

factor class

more 1 Motivates giving external Serious

intrinsically motivation,

motivated external


Students will 2 Develops I give them Serious

go back to Values points


Increases 4 Increases Giving of Smiling

their grades Grade points


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

Adds to our 4 Increases Points are Confused

grades Grade added to our


Help in our grades 4 Increases Exemption in Serious

Grade exams

Lessen Stress 3 Lessens Work Exemption in Smiling

the finals

Exemption to Bio 3 Lessens Work Help out during Confused


Eager to do the 1 Motivates Exempted or to Serious

task get points


not be given a 3 Lessens Work Perform in our Serious

periodical test PE classes

give point 4 Increases perform in our Serious

incentives Grades PE classes

exempted for 3 Lessens Work Given tasks to Serious

periodicals. do an event

give us points 4 Increases asked to do Serious

Grades something

Exempted in the 3 Lessens Work Joins Serious

quarterly test committee in a

school activity

Help in students’ 4 Increases Because of Calm

grades grades incentive points

Less hassle 3 Lessens Work Because of Calm

incentive points

Our lesson is 3 Lessens Work Because of Calm

quick Incentive points

Motivated to 1 Motivates Shortcut to get Serious

participate motivated

Let them pass the 3 Lessens Work Over-all first Serious


test during the last


Can improve or 1 Motivates Enables us to Serious

motivate do our best

Plus points to our 4 Increases Over-all Serious

Physics and Grade champion

Chemistry during


Plus or perfect to 4 Increases If we’ll win in a Serious

our quizzes Grade certain contest

Drives and 1 Motivates Clearer goals Confident

inspires students and builds up

to do their best will to

accomplish a


Allows the student 1 Motivates If there is Serious

to focus incentives

Helps in the 4 Increases Points were Hesitant

performance Grade added to the


Give extra points 4 Increases If we’ll Hesitant

grade participate or

answer to the


Boosts Morale 2 Develops gives best Hesitant


Exempted to 3 Lessens Work If we’ll win in Confident

biology quiz the intrams

Motivational to 1 Motivates Exerts more Calm

students effort

Adds on to my 4 Increases Because of Serious

grades Grades exemption and


Help pulls up 4 Increases Giving of Confident

grade Grades incentives

Energizes the 1 Motivates Because if Confident

students to do incentives


I participate more 1 Motivates Because of Serious


Not taking 3 Lessens Work if ever we’ll get Serious

periodical exams 45 over 50 or

48 over 50

Give us plus 4 Increases If we will Serious

points grade participate in

an event

Excited to do 1 Motivates If we will get Calm

something plus points

Pulling up your 4 Increases Added with Serious

grade grade plus points

Somehow fills in 4 Increases Because of Confident

our grades grade incentives

try harder and 1 Motivates Because of Confident

exert effort and incentives

hard work to do

their task

What are the issues and problems encountered by the teachers and students?


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition


Students are 2 Triggered If there is no Serious

reluctant Negative incentive


incentive 1 Led Incentive they will not Serious

driven Dependency work without


create a not 2 Triggered aggressive to Serious

so healthy Negative get points,

competition Behavior they’re so

desperate to

get points

lost the 1 Led Incentive they are trying Calm

essence of Dependency to after is the

learning incentive.

Students 4 Intuited Students feel Serious

mistook it as a Perceptions that they are

favoritism deprived

Students will 2 Triggered If the reward Calm

not work Negative system is

Behavior stopped

just be 1 Led Incentive they are so Calm


dependent on Dependency alert with the

the incentives. incentives

person is 2 Triggered give false Serious

distrustful Negative reports


Somehow not 2 Triggered students Serious

healthy Negative participate

Behavior because they

can get


Will not 2 Triggered If there is no Serious

participate Negative incentive

anymore Behavior


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

Hinders 1 Led Incentive Because of Serious

learning Dependency exemptions

Less 2 Triggered Less learning

perseverance Negative


Skips the test 1 Led Incentive Doing tasks Serious

Dependency that are not

school related

Unfair 3 Created Bias Others get Serious

good score

without putting

much effort

Intrams 2 Triggered Immediately Serious

became an Negative pass the exam

unhealthy Behavior if we will win


Unfair to others 3 Created Bias Failed to Calm

adhere with the


There is bias 3 Created bias Teacher is in Serious

our side

Not giving effort 2 Triggered There is Serious

Negative exemptions


Unfair 3 Created Bias The other class

was given


Cannot learn 1 Led Incentive There is

anymore Dependency exemptions

Bias 3 Created Bias Unfair grading Hesitant

Sort of unfair 3 Created bias Asked to do Confident

tasks that are

unrelated to the

subject and

cannot take



Blind to 1 Led Incentive Because of Confident

incentives Dependency exemptions

Less time in the 2 Triggered Pulled out from Confident

class Negative the class to do

Behavior something

Fake 5 Created Trust Agreement was Calm

Agreement Issues not realized


What are the teachers’ limitation in giving incentives?

Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

limit the 5 Score-based for others to Serious

perfect score cope up

I don’t want to 2 Observation- I write it on a Smiling

announce based notebook or a

piece of paper

shouldn’t be 4 Frequency-based so they would Calm

as frequent have

as possible excitement

must be inside 3 Classroom-based I don’t like Calm

the four treating the

corners of the students out


Performance 1 Performance- highly Serious

based cooperative

with each with

each other

I choose 1 Performance- Deserves to Serious

people based be given


I know to 2 Observation- who have Serious

whom and based exerted effort

when i will and to those

give who deserve

incentives incentives

i observe 2 Observation- So they don’t Serious

based abuse

What are the teachers’ and students’ stand in giving incentives?


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

I don’t believe 1 Grades actual You do good Calm

in that. performance because you

are ought to

do good but

not because

of incentives.

I discouraged 3 Manipulates Because we Serious

incentives through are already

incentive mature for


it should be, 3 Manipulates they will Calm

but not at all through abuse

times, incentives


Theme Code Main Theme Features Disposition

I prefer points 2 Hinders true You won’t Smiling

as an learning learn


rather than


I never really 2 Hinders true It only Serious

thought that learning measures

as a good small portion

indication of that



The strategy 4 Encourages Because it Serious

of giving students drives

incentives is students to

good focus



Common Practices

Perceived Benefits

Issues or Drawbacks



Features to each theme

Code Name: Red Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 3:44

Location: Grade 12 STEM-Neuron Time Ended: 4:52

Interview So good afternoon ate, any information gathered will be treated with

er: confidentiality,so since kabalo naman ka nga among research is about

incentives. So does your teacher give you incentives?

Red: Yes.

Interview In what type of incentives?


Red: Uhmm…(doing hand gestures) mostly ang magsige og hatag namo og

incentives kay si Sir Acar, niya karon naghatag siya og incentives namo

para makabawi mi kay katong mag make mi og magazine about sa bio

something ing-ana maoto mo hatag siya og points namo or either


muhatag siya og exemptions….. sa periodicals.(serious)

Interview Does your teacher inform the class when giving an incentive? Like

er: beforehand? Example ate like kung naay buhatoun nga project kay para

molihok mo tanan kay sultian mo nga naay incentives ihatag.

Red: Yes, mo inform man sila before…(Looks up) kay kami uhmm..maybe like

mostly tapulan musogot nalang mi nga muhatag sila og ing-ana unya

manglihok mn sad mi..unya mao sad na akong nabantayan nga maypa

muhatag nalang sila og special projects kay exempted nalang wla nay

finals nga exam ba like kapoy na.

Interview So for you Ate.How significant is giving of incentives in your class

er: performance?

Red: Hmmm…Significant..kanang kuan..uhmm it can really help in our grades

gyud like important siya for sa mga student nga let say kanang….tapulan

mutoon na ba. Kay incentives sa ako kay kung if mo submit mi ani kay

mao to ma exempted mi sa exam so important pud siya namo kay grabe

naman gyud mi ka busy niya so para murag somewhat murag mao nalang

among solution or kuan lang ba dili na mi ma stress ani nga subject. Kay

kaning Bio grabe man gyud ni siya ka stress. So mas mo prefer mi og


Interview Was there a time when you have encountered or heard loopholes of

er: teachers in giving incentives?


Red: Diba kanang loopholes kay murag kanang down ..murag naa bay lain ang

paghatag sa incentives?

Interview O.


Red: Confidential man ni no.(serious) so ako nalang ni isulti. Naa koy

nabantayan nga naay bias between duha man ka stem. Sa grade 11 pa

mi among adviser Sir Acar and Mendelev kay Sir Adem. Mas gipaboran

mi ni Sir Acar kay kami iyang advisory like mo affect man na ang

performance sa student sa teacher so mao to pagkahuman ang katong

mga nahagbong pag last sem like gi pa removal ni sir niya ang pikas

section wala. Naay mga hagbong unya among section wala. Lipay kaayo

mi kay removal ba ing-ana ang uban niya ming-ana dayon ko nangutana

nila sa pikas section nga naka removal namo? Inggon dayon sila wla man

mao to wala. Naka feel gyud ko nga laina ni sir oi ana siya namo mo buhat

mo ani ana unya ang pikas wala.

Interview So anything you can add ate? Or do you have suggestions? Or your

er: stand..advantages and disadvantages.

Red: Uhmm. Murag kuan ko neutral lng tingali. Kay ang incentives maka help

man gyud siya…pero dili lang gyud na malikayan nga naay bias

something ba. Pero this time kay walay nay bias like Grade 12 nami. So I

consider incentives as a advantage thing like what I said before.


Makuhaan among stress.. mudawat nalang mi og task para wala nalay

exams. (smiles)

Interview Thank you ate for you time.


Red: Your Welcome! Thank you! (smiles)

Code Name: Orange Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 4:02


Location: Grade 11 ABM-Maxwell Time Ended: 4:06

Interview So good afternoon ate. We are from 11 Maxwell kanang gathering

er: informations for our research about incentives. So any informations

gathered will be treated with confidentiality. So the question is…Does your

teacher give you incentives?

Orange: Unsay incentives? HAHAHAAH…(laughs)

Interview Incentives kana bitawng incentives or reward for your participation like

er: points or muhatag sila og exemptions.

Orange: O muhatag sila naay usa ka teacher nga kuan

gipatabang mi sa design sa among intrams niya exempt dayon mi sa

research ay dili sa Bio. (doing hand gestures and a bit confused)

Interview So exemptions, so that would answer nga the type of incentives nga

er: gihatag sa teachers ninyo og points pud. Does your teacher inform the

class when giving an incentives?

Orange: Uhmm. O mo inform sila.

Interview In a students point of view. What is the significance in giving of incentives?


Orange: Para nako kay kuan maganahan ang students nga mubuhat para ma

exempt ana or matagaan or makakuha siya og points. (serious)

Interview So for you ate what type of incentives nag do you prefer? Like the type of

er: incentives nga gusto nimo madawat sa teachers?

Orange: Ahh okay ra ko og points..pero mas better gyud ang exemptions.

Interview How does incentives affect your participation in class?


Orange: Kanang kuan usahay kay depende ra gyud kung ganahan ko ana nga

exemptions kay ako gyud nang buhatan gyud og effort para ma exempt

lang gyud. (smiles)

Interview So what are the benefits of giving incentives in the classroom?


Orange: Kuan naa siyay bad naa pud siyay good. Niya ang bad kay dili ka muhatag

gyud og effort gyud kanang mo take ka og exams dili naka manghinanglan

og ing-ana. Dili na kaayo ka maka learn kay tungod naay

exemptions…unya ang good kay makuan gyud imong trabaho like naa

ba gyud other subject baya nga kuanan og effort niya makakuha naman

ka og exemptions. (serious)

Interview Was there a time ate when you have ninyo ba nga unfair or bati ang

er: paghatag or pag distribute sa incentives sa inyo?


Orange: (Nods) Like diba duha man mi ka section sa STEM …. Ang pikas kay

gitagaan sila og exemption while ang kami wala. (hesitant)

Interview So ana so dili nalang ka mo further explain tungod sa nahitabo. So for you

er: ate what is your stand about giving of incentives? Dapat ba siya or dili?

Orange: Para nako kay kung exemptions man lang gani ayaw nalang points nalang

ana. Csmiles)

Interview Mao ra na siya ate thanks you very much for your time.


Orange: Thank you…Good Luck.. (smiles)

Code Name: Yellow Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 3:28


Location: Grade 12 STEM-Neuron Time Ended: 3:35

Interview Good afternoon kuya..we are from grade 11 Maxwell research team. Any

er: information gathered will be treated with high confidentiality. What language

do you prefer?

Yellow: Char (grinned) uhmm English.

Interview Our research is about giving incentives to students. Does your teachcer give

er: you incentives?

Yellow: Uhmm some of them. Usually those teachers who are present uh who are

always present in the class.Instead of kanang giving activities they just let

us do something. Like instead of doing full discussion or activities in class

they just let us do something elsse to do like when we do that then we will

be given corresponding points. (calm)

Interview Do they inform you if they give incentives?


Yellow: Yeah usually..usually but usually they do give information because

everyone here is super competitive at that point. And everyone will really

comply with the activity.

Interview Usually what type of incentives does your teacher give?


Yellow: Usually they give point incentives example for our PE class or everyone's

PE classes Sir Wency is there right. If we were told to perform in our PE

classes …….or representatives for the intrams pageant. I we will do that we

will be given points . or there are some other teachers who made us do

(pointing out an output) like this one. For them their incentives would be

(clears throat) not be given a periodical test if they do this activities. So

they are the kinds of incentives that they will receive. (serious)

Interview What kind of incentives do you usually prefer?


Yellow: For me we were…we were just tasks to do an event then we would be

exempted for periodicals. First of all test…usually these tests that these

teachers give are very tedious to do like you have to memorize a lot of

numbers...memorize a lot of terms so we really much if we would

be given activities like this.. all of us prefer to do these kind of activities

(pointing at the output) because we just need to organize everything and

then we will be exempted for everything like for example last time..last time

we had our exhibit last grading so in exchange for that event…we weren’t

given any periodical test for our subject in that is why we prefer

these kind of activities although they are quite tired to do. (serious)

Interview Is it beneficial to your performance in class?


Yellow: Well for me I never really thought that as a good indication of kanang good

measure of someone’s intelligence. It only measures small portion of that

person’s intelligence in that subject. So I believe that however doing these

things (Points the output) are good measure these are just mainly about

event making. However for us it will be much more…it is not exactly

beneficial but it is better for us to do these because there are last tasks to

do and everyone else can cooperate unlike..unlike kanang test. Everyone is

on their own and task to so individually some fails some don’t and these

(pointing at the output again) activities like these….everyone can fail and

also get a good score. (serious)

Interview So for you what is your stand about giving incentives?


Yellow: Personally, I am not exactly a fan of giving incentives because there would

be times for example… mostly incentives are given when you pay and

you don’t have exactly have enough money in my pocket always while they

are trying to do that you need to borrow more money from your classmates.

That is not exactly good I don’t exactly like pero mao na nga it also put people

at the disadvantage because like for example there are also other people

who are not exactly ahh….who don’t have for example to do usually a lot or

they are asks to print a tarpaulin for the intrams or something that gives

the disadvantage of the other people who did something nga kanang

…example kanang gi skip ang test and they were just asked to do something

else. For doing that their incentive would that they will get good score ahhh.

They would be given a passing score on the test that they missed that would

be the disadvantage on those people who took the test because they study

while others who didn’t take the test just had to do something, just fairly

easier than the test and they had a passing score for that test and I think it’s

the disadvantages. (serious)

Interview So is there anything that you would like to add? Or suggest?


Yellow: I think for the suggestions… I think anyway as much as I’d love to lessen

the incentives or points or everything else. I think it cannot be help because

teachers and students themselves are busy and I don’t.. I can almost say

that this school is almost not having classes because teachers and students

are busy for events. So even though, as much as possible I would love to

lessen the incentives because it’s like an disadvantage to the people

who gives exactly not the same level of effort…not just me. (serious)

Interview Thank you. Thank you for your time.


Yellow: You’re welcome. (smiles)


Code Name: Green Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 3:36

Location: Grade 12 STEM-Neuron Time Ended: 3:42

Interview Good afternoon any information gathered will be treated with

er: confidentiality. So ate we would like to ask what language do you prefer?

Green: Pwede duha ra gamiton.

Interview Our research is all about giving of incentives. We are going to test whether

er: incentives will be a motivational or demotivational factor. So first – Does

your teacher give you incentives?

Green: Yes.

Interview So what type of incenitves does your teacher give?


Green: Well in some cases where in mga Friday classeses. Sometimes they

cannot give us anymore classes because of activities reason. So for

example they will ask us to do something kanang like naay event so they

will give us points and that would be countless activities…others uhmm

kanang last year we have to join a committee as an activity for school

and we would be exempted for the quarterly test. (serious)

Interview Do they inform you if they give you incentives?


Green: Unsa imong pasabot sa imong pangutana?

Interview Because there are some teachers like they have strategies and that is why

er: students are motivated. So we are going to test if they are going to tell you

what kind of incentives do they give and uuhhh…. For you are the benefits

or are there any benefits of giving incentives?


Green: Uhmm…for me especially for some subjects that have…like our kana

bitawng less ra ang time sa amoa. For me maka forward gyud siya..uhmm

unya raha…naay ubang subjects uhmm murag gubot to nga

student…pero hinoon lisod..lisod gyud sa stec kaylangan mo hardwork

gyud ka pero thankfully motabang pud ang teachers namo. Ang kaning

incentives mao ni ang way nga nakatabang namo para ma pull among

grades..unsa pa gani to imong question? (doing hand gestures)

Interview Uhh for you is there any benefit if makatabang ba.


Green: One makatabang sa student sa grade. Two kay dili na kaayo mi mahasol

og dili na kaayo murag bitaw mas ma quick among lesson tungod sa

incentives points..murag mao ra na amoa. (calm)

Interview What is your stand about this? About giving incentives?


Green: Uhmmm. I agree with incentives because sometimes what is in our system

is something that I believe is not gamit sa students example memorizing

dili man sad nato ma apply in real life for example sa akoa sa mga related

subjects nga dili man sad nako magamit sa akong padulngan nga career

and like for me what matters most is being able to apply these things not

memorizing them so yeah.. mao to akong giingon nga most of the

incentives para ma gain og points and ma exempted mi sa test para dili


kaayo mi maglisod… ang other teachers kung dili sila mohatag og

incentives ang ilang buhaton muhatag sila og activities hasol kaayo unya

dili siya related wala kaao gamit sa life sa students. (serious)

Interview So how do incentives affect your performance in class? Example if a

er: teacher gives you incentives or plus points kanang for you ma motivate ba

ka like I will do this more like mas mo work hard ko kay naa koy incentives

or maybe

mag think ka nga ayy kuan ra man na like what is your stand.

Green: Since I want to be part of the ano..since I want to maintain a grade. It is a

way for me to be more involved in the class that’s what youl will mostly

see with my classmates and uhhm…what do you call this! Hmm..para

nanko maka motivate gyud siya uhmm.. tanang tawo tingali nga murag gi

kapoy na so ang incentives mura siya og short cut to get motivated.


Interview Is there anything you would like to add? Or suggest?


Green: Ahh suggest! Unsa mana?

Interview Kanang suggest ate about this nga muhatag ba ka more of incentives or

er: maybe tang-tangon na.

Green: Siguro for me ang incentives dili lang gyud focus sa ano…sa mga going

out nga students like moadto sila ani nga place para makuha ni nila. Sa

akoang nabantayan mostly students ra gyud mismo muadto niya maunsa

man lang na ang bata. Na pud uban nga like pareha ako dili ko kabalo mo

navigate sometimes dili ko ka ano mahadlok ko. Early in the morning so

murag hmm.. gikapoy ko. Suggest gyud ko nga if naa gali ing-ana go as a

group ta muadto. Mao ra to. (serious)

Interview So thank you. Thank you for your time!


Green: Sige.(smiles)

Code Name: Blue Date: September 20,2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 5:34

Location: Grade 11 ABM-Maxwell Time Ended: 5:39

Interview Good afternoon! So any information gathered in this interview will be

er: treated with confidentiality. So first what medium of language do you


Blue: Bisag unsa lang.

Interview First kuya. Does your teacher give you incentives?


Blue: Like unsa nga type sa incentives?

Interview Like points or gratitude or exemption.


Blue: Usahay. Pareha ni Sir Acar kausahay.

Interview What type of incentives does he give.


Blue: Example…maka score ka ug dako…example intrams kanang example

last year kanang nadaug mi first mi over all. Then siya man among

adviser ato iya ming gipapasar sa amoang test. (serious)

Interview Did he inform you that tagaan mo niya og incentives ato or wala mo gi

er: inform?

Blue: Ming ingon siya daan para pursigihan namo ang among intrams ato.

Interview In the students’ point of view how significant is giving incentives in your

er: class performance?

Blue: Feel nako..ahhh makakuan siya…maka inspire siya..ahh dili guro inspire

murag makapag improve man siguro.. o maka-motivate. Feel nako maka


motivate siya pareha ato example kay katong intrams…(serious) instead

lingaw-lingaw lang unta mi atong intrams. Murag nahulog siya nga

among test kay nadaug man mi so pasar mi daan mao to.

Interview So what type of incentives do you prefer?


Blue: Depende kung unsa ang kuan..pero if (laughing) feel gyud nako points


Interview Para nimo beneficial ni siya or at some point dili?


Blue: Uhhmm.. siguro unfair sa uban. For example kato ang sabot man gud

ato kung first ka sa imohang naapilan nga contest pero naabot siya

sa point nga..first man mi overall unya kami tanan ang gihatagan og

incentives.(calm, no eye contact)

Interview Was there a time where you encountered or heard drawback of your

er: teachers incentives? What happened?

Blue: Unsa kanang balik?

Interview Kanang murag mga bad feedbacks…


Blue: Ahh kanag padungo-dungog?


Interview O


Blue: Ahhh Feel nako naa koy nadunggan… ay dili kaayo ingon nga nadungog

gyud pero feel ra siguro nako sa akong hunahuna nga nakadungog ko.

Murag wala raman siguro…Hahhahaha

Interview Sa hunahuna nakadungog ka?


Akong utok ra siguro ang nag ingon nako bati man gyud but since

kinahanglangnon man.

Interview So what is your stand about incentives?


Blue: Ahhh….Feel nako kung deserving ang tawo og incentives kay makuha

niya pero example pareha ato abot sa ma first ka sa imong giapilan sa

activity. Murag nahulog man gyud siya nga dapat gyud ka mag work hard

para ato. Example kanang ma perfect ka sa inyong moving

exam….perfect pud ka sa imong quarter. Kailangan gyud tun-an nimo og

maayo ang imong exam para kung ma perfect ka deserving ka nga ma

perfect so mao na siya nga mo work hard gyud ka sa imong incentives..

(serious)dili ingon nga hala ganahan ko nimo 5 point na ing-ana ana wala

nay buhaton lain. Unfair pud sa uban pero kung deserving sa tawo okay


Interview Is there anything you would like to add?


Blue: Wala na…wala..(laughing)….

Interview Thank you Kuya!


Blue: Thank you. (smiles)

Code Name: Violet Date: September 20,2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 5:43

Location: Grade 11 ABM-Maxwell Time Ended: 5:50


Interviewer: Good afternoon kuya! How are you today?

Violet: Okay ra. (smiles)

Interviewer: Does your teacher give incentives?

Violet: Incentives? Uhmm… yes siguro sa among adviser og sa among ubang

teachers muhatag gyud sila og incentives like kung naay mga events;

Interviewer: Like unsa man nga mga events?

Violet: Example nga akong nahinumduman….kay katong sa intrams nga if

ma first mi ang bluesharks kay naay plus sa among physics og chem.

O physic og chem sa among tanan. (serious and having hand gestures)

Interviewer: So what type of incentives does your teacher usually use murag sa

ilang tanan or as a general?

Violet: Mostly mugamit sila og incentives if kanang…if ganahan bitaw sila nga

mo participate mi tanan …nga mo participate mi sa certain part sa

event. Example sa intrams kay gitagaan mi og incentives ato kay

nadaog mi…. hatagaan mi ug kanang reward og another sad kay

katong buwan ng wika og scimath…kung madaog pud mi naa pud miy

plus or perferct mi sa among quizzes. (serious)

Interviewer: Does your teacher usually inform the class ahead of time when they

give incentives?

Violet: Ahh…sometimes mo inform sila…sometimes mo inform. Sometimes

dili pud kay since duha man mi ka STEM..Stem atom og neuron…naay

times nga sila ang una matagaan sa incentives dira ra pud mi makabalo

nila at the end mangayo pud mi og incentives kay gitagaan man sila.

Murag it’s a matter kung kinsa ang una ingnan.

Interviewer: Hmm..but sa kanang sa aside sa kang sir Quilantang og sir Acar so ang

other teachers ba mukaan mo inform sila?

Violet: O. example kay si Sir Quilantang og si Sir Acar. Muhatag gyud na sila.

Interviewer In a student’s point of view, how significant is giving of incentives to

: your class performance?

Violet: Significant gyud siya kay ang paghatag og incentive for the reason mas

maka drive siya or mas maka inspire ang students bitaw buhaton nila

ang ilang best sa certain nga butang. Mas naa kay clear nga goal og

daghan ka og will bitaw para mahuman para makapag compete ka.


Interviewer: Kanang aside from kanang maka inspire siya or mo drive siya sa

student nga mubuhat sa iyang best. What are the other benefits of

giving incentives?

Violet: Other benefits sa pag give og incentives kay…kay mas murag ma

center siya og focus bitaw sa amo karon kay daghan na bitaw mi og

focus sa laing subjects. Pero naay incentives ang usa ka subject like

atong ibutang nga minor ma focus na namo for its specific time..

(serious) mao ra na among focusan kay mao man naay incentive. So

mura siyag ma center of attraction. Another benefits siguro sad

kay…mas..mas..maningkamot mi ani nga butang kay naay incentives.

Example katong buwan ng wika kay ku ng walay incentives dili man

gyud mi moapil..pweder ra man mi mo stay sa among classroom.

Interviewer: So kanang was there a time where you have encountered or heard

loopholes of your teachers incentives like unsa nahitabo?

Violet: Uhhmm..loopholes..siguro naay mga time nga murag dili ingon

loopholes kanang murag kanang like bias ba sa incentives. For

example kanang…katong Sir Wency patay makita ko (laughs) for

example katong atong ibutang Sir W. naay say kanang murag naay

student nga nahagbong…dili kay ingon hagbong wala naka tungtong

og 90. Nangyo siya og murag kanang incentive nga if naa siyay

achievements inig intrams mudako iyang grado so…mao to at the

end siya ang highest namo which is… (hesitant)

Interviewer: Murag ang iyang criteria…

Violet: Dili nalang ko muingon basta mas dako iyang grado. (smiles)

Interviewer: Kanang kuan kanang general…naa bakay ma add about

incentives ,your perspective about incentives or is it a good strategy by

the teachers?

Violet Para nako nindot man strategy sa incentives in a way nga maka drive

siya sa students nga mas maka focus ang students kung naay

incentives pero naa pud siyay loophole or kanang downfall if dili ma

control or dili ma unsay tawag ana ma sustain ahh dili sustain kanang

murag dili tarong bitaw og use ang kanang kuan incentive like dili na

mao or sobra na kay bati.. bati pud siya sa part sa students as well as

the teachers. (serious)

Interviewer: Thank you Kuya, that would be all. Thank you for your time.

Violet: Sige.(Smiles)

Code Name: Gold Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 3:34

Location: 12 STEM Neuron Classroom Time Ended: 3:38

Interviewee: Good afternoon ate

Gold: Good afternoon

Interviewee: how are you?

Gold: Gikilig ko

Interviewee: Asa imong gusto or comfortable nimo na place ate?

Gold: By the wind (smiling) by the wind hhah

Interviewee: okay first what is your preferred language?

Gold: French nalang

Interviewee: Ayyy

Gold: Anything.. okay ra Filipino, okay ra bisaya (hand gesture)… okay rapud

Interviewee: so second question, does your teacher give you incentives?

Gold: For me uhmm.. it depends on my performance on the class. Naa may

time na ganahan ko ani na class like active kayo ko so moingon ko ug

yes because for example in our Filipino sa activity namo, mura syag

fruits of labor na nagtatiman sa ako grades kay dako jud siya ka

ang…ang imong participation kay hatagan jud ug points….so yeahhh

Interviewee: what type of incentives does your teacher usually give?

Gold: uhmm extra points

Interviewee: Points then unsay pamaagi?

Gold: uhmm e add lagi…(touches at her nape) sa amo kay e add siya sa

uhmm e add siya sa among performance which ni help pud siya kay

ang performance 60% siya sa overall na grade so adtu na niya ….

Example (hand gesture) five points sa performance which maka help


jud siya (quite hesitant)

Interviewee: so individual____

Gold: Yeah it depends how you..unsay kuan nimo sa room

Interviewee: okay does your teacher inform the class when giving incentives?

Gold: ahh yes they informed. If dili e inform like lain sad kaayu nay incentives

nya para nimo ra ha, para rajud mura syag para fair sa tanan

mo inform ang teacher like uhhm mao ni mabuhat like I give extra points

if mo participate mo or mo raise ug hand, mo answer og question,

so it just depend on the student if ever di sya mo participate di siya answer sa question…(looks down)

Interviewee: uhm sa imong student’s point of view of giving incentives, unsay


Gold: so its really important like uhmm(twist fingers) ang incentives kay

makatabang jud sya maka raise sa imong points bsag gamay lang

point 5 and all then kung ganahan ka like honor-honor student, ing-ana,

like makahelp jud siya..if you’re active and all..and also sa mga

trabahunon sad kailangan sad sila ma productive pero I guess like maka

help jud sya sa grades(calm)

Interviewee: For you like what time of maka affect jud nimo(point out

to the interviewee) in your participation in class?


Gold: Uhm participation(touches her nape and smiles) hahhaah like kanang

answer og question, raising..oo raising of the hands, kanang tawgon

ang name(hand gestures)

Interviewee: unsa na subject ang maghatagan nimo ug incentives?

Gold: ahh haa Filipino(waves at the camera)

Interviewee: Kanang, Mosqueda?

Gold: no… (shakes her head)di s imam mosqueda, Sir Quilantang(smiles)

Interviewee: sir quilantang, so for you unsay nakahelp sa imo ang incentives? Unsay

mga benefits

Gold: ang benefit kay… mura siyang makaboost sa imong morale?

(hesitant)Makaboost ba like mo give jud ka sa imong best sa subject,

and also since like ingani naman sa imong morale boost na so the other

subject kay ma affect sad nya ma boost sad imong morale na mo

participate sa kuan..(hand gesture)

Interviewee: so was there a time when there are loopholes of teachers giving


Gold: ahh not really but ahh different case pud tu sa among pud…pero wa ko

ka try ug kanang

Interviewee: like imong ____(di maklaro)


Gold: Wala..(shakes her head)

Interviewee: haha thank you


Gender: Male Time Started: 4:01

Location: 12 STEM Neuron Classroom Time Ended: 4:06

Interviewer: Good afternoon kuya.

White: Hi hahhhaahhha

Interviewer: Ahmm I am from ABM Maxwell and we are conducting uhmm research

about classroom incentives. So any… any data ah ahmm gathered in this

in depth interview will be treated confidentially.

White: (nodding)

Interviewer: Kuya what language do you prefer?

White: Bisaya lang hehheheh

Interviewer: But is it okay if English akong questions?

White: Hmmm (nods with a smile)

Interviewer: So my first question will be does your teacher gives you incentives?

White: Uhmm oh manghatag hahaha (looks at the questionnaire held by the


Interviewer: Uhmm what type of incentive does your teacher usually offer?

White: Uhmm sa among kuan sa uhmm kasagaran kay sir Acar mangud nga

subject like usually kay sa kuan uhmm pareha anang kuan example mo

participate mo sa kanang nay mga event example like intrams guro or

something na kanang exempted mi mmmm example parehas attong sa

last namo nga… katong pag intramurals namo nga if madaog mi kay like

exempted name sa quiz sa biology na class pag last sem.(confident)


Interviewer: Does your teacher inform the class when giving of incentives?

White: Yes mm like especially kanang kasagaran ana kay like kanang hapit na

qui-hapit na tig exam gud mao nay tinghatag og incentives sa students

Interviewer: Next kay in a student’s point of view how significant is giving of incentives

in your class performance?

White: Ahmm so, it’s significant in such na kuan (long pause) uhmm para nako

ang incentives guro kay isa sa way nga kanang murag pagana gud sa usa

ka student nga kanang like mo perform pa sha og kuan kanang like

example na mo base ko sa experience kanang for example like makabawi

ko ba for example gamay-gamay kykog score sa kani nga class so

kailangan ko mobawi ani pero kasagaran na i-kuan sa mga teachers

instead of like retaking or something mo take og exam balik ore remedial,

moagi nalang og kanang mga for example kanang mo participate aning

mga butanga mga pagkuan pod og maghimo pod ka og mga event event

kay for example mga curriculum or mga symposium. (calm)

Interviewer: Ahh so what type of incentives do you prefer and why?

White: Uhmm para nako kuan na type ahhh (long pause and thinking while

looking up) unsa man na (long pause and thinking again) unsay type of

incentives oyyy?! HAAHAHHHAH (facing to some of his classmates)

Interviewer: Like exemption, plus points---

White: Uhmm feel nako kanang..kay mga plus plus plus points kay example kay

kana mangung plus points kay nagpakita mangud og kanang effort ang

students and dili baya tanan na kanang like dili baya tanan students ang

mahatagan og chance na kanang kanang kung unsa na mahatagan like

for example plus points for-kay ni participate ani or ni give og effort ani

nga mga task so kana nga type.

Interviewer: So, how does incentives affect your participation in class?

White: Uh ang incentives kay as (pause) ang incentive kay dako jud og effect or

affect nako kay for example kay kato pampagana sha sa us aka student

na kanang mas mo do-mas mo do more pa, mas mo…. mas mo exert pa

shag effort nga nya kaning mga botang na kato (calm)

Interviewer: Next question is for you, what are the benefits of giving incentives in the


White: Benefits….benefits… so kuan siguro uhmm para nako kay kuan

hahahhaha mado-madongagan akong kuan, na add on akong grades and

other is kuan aside sa ma add on sha sa grades uhmm (long pause

thinking) add sa graaades (long pause) kana ra (confused)

Interviewer: Last is, was there time you heard loopholes sa incetive na gihatag sa imng


White: Issues….encountered nako? (pause) wala ra…wala raman mi naka

encounter og ing ana kay tanan mangud kay like na inform mangud mu

nga students like example ig mag announce ang teacher nga plus points

or something arak ay iinform dayun…kay wala pod diri ang uban like

example sa kanang online ipost sa group na nay kuan na kani guys kay

kuan ni para addition ni sa atong kanang periodical exam para , mao to..

wala shay-wala pod ko kauway or naka experience og loopholes sa


previous nako nga school.

Interviewer: Sgee mao rato kuya thankyouuuuu

White: Hihihi thankyouuu saaad.


Code Name: Peach Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 4:38

Location: Grade 12 STEM-Neuron Time Ended: 4:43


Interviewer: Good afternoon ate

Peach: Good afternoon

Interviewer: So any data gathered in this in depth interview will be treated

confidentially so uhmm what language do you prefer?

Peach: Anything lang.

Interviewer: So kanang--- (someone passed)

Passer-by: Sorry sorry

Peach: Bastos ayy nibalik pajug agi (curse)

Interviewer: Sige so moderetso nakos akong question. So does your teacher give

you incentives?

Peach: Yes hatagan mig incentives ever since pag junior high school namo

Interviewer: So next kay what type of incentive does your teacher usually offer?

Peach: Exemption sa periodical exams. Exemptions sa quizzes, plus points sa

grades or plus points sa outputs namo.

Interviewer: So next is does your teacher informed the class when giving of


Peach: Yeah…iyang eh-ila eh… They spread it around the classroom na if ever

we do something, we’ll get plus points or yeah incentives. (serious)

Interviewer: Next is, in the student’s point of view, how significant is giving of incentive

in your class performance?

Peach: Giving incentives in class performance is very helpful especially when

gagmay og grade ang students so maka help shag pull up sa grades sa

students. And aside sa pag pull up sa grades sa students kay mas uhmm

energize ang students to do something because of the incentives and

then once na ma energize ang students to do something like for example

mag activity mi and then instead of having the activity, we will propose

another thing for a culmination. So if we propose something for a

culmination, it has to be related to the subject mansad among incentives.

So, since it’s related to sha to the subject, ila i-credit. And then among i-

corporate among lessons or the lessons we are taking in that moment

so inig ka corporate ato nga lessons, so naa gihapon mi amoang

learnings based sa lessons para naa sad mi makuha nga matangtangan

mi og murag tunok sa side na murag mag take pami ani-so nice sad sha.


Interviewer: So next is, what type of incentives do you prefer and why?

Peach: What type of incentive? Any incentives possible cause ahh

aside..every—ah well, incentives really help you especially when needed

nimo ang… pull up sa imong grade--pull up sa imong grade so any

uhmm incentives will do pero I think also that incentive shouldn’t be


about anything. It should be related into particular subject not just any

random incentives like sige sige gawas mo pakantahon tamo, sige

perfect namo sa akong PE or perfect naka sa Science, perfect naka

sa Math and then you don’t need to take exams. I think that’s….That

kind of incentives is sort of unfair. Maybe pwede siya in ana pero not

really totally perfect more like kung unsay highest score akong i-give

ninyo, bisan wala mo ni take sa exam. Maybe uhmmmm to balance out

and being fair in giving incentives kay is one of the biggest issu----but I

don’t really prefer or having any preferences of what type of incentives

that I’d love but incentives, ganahan ko og incentives or any form of

incentives because it helps pull up my grade. (confident)

Interviewer: Next is, how does incentives affects your class participation?

Peach: Mas mo participate ko if nay incentiveslike for example ang teacher mo

ana nga kanang if ahmm mo uhh participation in class example moana

sila if uhmm naa man mi incentives sauna sa junior high school and is

that when we have this mock nga periodical, mohatag sila og summative

test, if ever we score 43 up-ah okay- no diay wrong. Periodical test,

cause we have division nga periodical test, the DepEd and we also have

our teacher-made periodical test. So far the Division, if ever makakuha

mig 45 over 50 or 48 over 50, pwede na dili mo take sa periodical exam.

So, ing ana nga type of incentive. (serious)

Interviewer: So, for you what are the benefits of giving incentives in classroom?

Peach: Ahmm for me, the benefit would be the student will actually try harder

and exert effort uhh exert effort and hardwork in their task because of

the incentives. But sometimes mangud ang students ma-blind sa

incentives like ana sila sige daoga ni ninyo igka human ana kay dili namo

ka take og periodical exam. Perfect namo tanan. Dili namo ka take og

quarterly exam and stuffs like that then due to that, doesn’t mean ang

student dili ganahan mo study pero murag ma energize gani to do what

they are supposed to do in the classroom because of the fact na nay

incentives. (confident, hand gestures)

Interviewer: Last ate kay, was there time you have encountered or heard loopholes

of your teacher’s incentive? What happened?

Peach: Loopholes….So far I haven’t heard my loopholes or wala ko ka notice og

any loopholes but naka notice og any loopholes but naka notice ko nga

nay sometimes unfair kayo nga incentives kay were taking the same

thing but then they have and we don’t because of the fact nga naa lay

things nga need og skills but not really nga loopholes but sometimes

naay pagka unfair.

Interviewer: Sigee mao rato ate thank youuu

Peach: Thank you sad.


Code Name: Dandelion Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 3:31

Location: 12 STEM-Neuron Classroom Time Ended: 3:36

Interviewer: Good afternoon ate!

Dandelion: Good afternoon

Interviewer: So, kanang, how are you today?

Dandelion: I’m fine, thank you how about you?

Interviewer (laughing)

& Dandelion:

Interviewer: Sige so, my first question would be uhm… does your teacher give you


Dandelion: Unsa nga incentives?

Interviewer: Like kanang classroom incentives. Plus points ba ron or kanang


Dandelion: Ahhh… mmm… yahhh… mohatag silag in-incentives for example

motabang mi, tagaan mi konohay og plus points, or kung mo participate

mi og events kay tagaan mig pluspoints. (serious)

Interviewer: So, what type of incentive does your teacher usually offer?

Dandelion: Kanang grades. Anha jud na sila sa grade…(long pause because

airplane passed). So mostly anha jud na sila sa grades mo igo kay kay

kanang mga plus points ila man gud ng ibutang sa kanang example

gamay kag kuan diri so murag mao nay pampabira konohay ba. So para

(Airplane passed by)… partial grade… (Airplane passed by) so mao na,

usually kung muhatag silag incentives, scores jud na ilaha, mga plus

points nga makatabang sa grade.

Interviewer: So, does your teacher inform the class in giving an incentive?

Dandelion: Yes, they do inform kay once they want us to do something ila man gud

ingnon dayun nga naa mo’y plus points para ani. So murag as

students, mo enganyo mi mobuhat pud. (calm)

Interviewer: So, in a student”s point of view, how significant is giving incentives in your

class performance?

Dandelion: Kanang, kuan kaay siya tabang. It’s really helpful especially if imohang

grades kay kanang gamay bitaw because when teachers give incentives.

It’s scores, it’s plus points man jud so it’s one way of kanang pulling up

your grade. Usa usa siya sa mga facctors nga makapataas sa imohang

grade or kung dili man kaaay nindot imong class performance, at least

matapalan siya sa plus points nga ipanghatag sa mga teachers.


Interviewer: Sige, So, uhmm.. what… what type of incentive do you prefer? Why?

Dandelion: Kung pangutan-on ko sa? Kana jud, ang plus points jud kay usahay man

gud kanang for example gamay kog score ani, at least kung naa koy

plus points kay mubira pud siya kanang bale tungod anang mga plus

points kay mura pud shag makatabang nako nga mo-inat akong grade sa


Interviewer: So next te kay, How does incentives affect your participation in class?

Dandelion: Kuan, nindot ang kuan nila noh? Kung mohatag silag incentives kay

nindot siya pero usahay kana bitawng kanang makwaan kag time kanang

in class kay for example kanang birahon rakag kalit to do something

pero naay pero naa siyay kuan kana bitawng kapalit, so plus points murag

ikaw pud as a student dili bitaw ka kabalibad kay plus points nagud na

niya usa na, usa na baya na sa reason nganong taas kag grade nganong

mataplan imong gamay nga score, pero usahay pud kanang nindot siya

kay makapatapal siya pero usahay pud kanang mabira birahon lang kas

klase og kalit di nalang ka kaapas sa discussion kay tungod kay

pabuhaton ka ani pero tungod sa incentives murag somehow mataplan

bitaw niya. (confident)

Interviewer: Ah sige. For you, what are the benefits of giving incentives in classroom?

Dandelion: Kana makapainat sa class performance, kanang motaas imong standing

sa class, niya kanang ang grades nimo kay mainat pud.

Interviewer: Lastly kay was there a time where you have encountered or heard

loopholes of your teachers incentives?

Dandelion: Ay loopholes kanang kanang oh, kanang botbot nga ano kay usa-usahay

ay I don’t know ay not here. Okay ra dili ar? Dili ari nga school? Kay sa,

sa, sa last, past school nako kay kana bitawng ingnan mi nga kung

buhaton ni ninyu kay tagaan ta mog ay eexcempt tamo sa exam, mao na

konohay. Niya pagbuhat namo ato, pag-abot sa exam kay murag wala,

mura nalag nalimtan kay ingon sila ay dili namo para na fair para na para

fair sa tanan so mo take jud gihapon mi. So, murag bale na mura mig

nitoo sa ilang giingon ba pero wala ra bitaw. Mao na ang among efforts

kay murag somehow kay wala. Wala nila na paid back. Murag ing-ana.

(no eye contact, calm)

Interviewer: So, mao ra to te. Thank you!


Code Name: Magenta Date: September 15,2017


Gender: Female Time Started: 3:44

Location: STEC Senior High Faculty Time Ended: 4:52

Interview Good morning ma’am. Any information gathered will be treated with
er: confidentiality. So first ma’am our topic is all about incentives.

Magenta: Incentives for students? (chuckles) what do you mean incentives?

Interview Like Points…


Magenta: Ah how do you define incentives in your research?

Interview Incentives like giving points, or maybe simply giving gratitude with them
er: doing good it’s already part of incentives.

Magenta: Oh okay, I don’t believe in that. I just ahh grade them according to their
performances,written work performances and exams. (laughs)

Interview Do you think that giving of incentives is effective for other teachers who
er: give incentives?

Magenta: Uhmm.. I’m not sure though but for me NO.

Interview So what do you think about ,is it effective for students?


Magenta: Maybe for some. (nods) for some students. they will be given incentives.
Some students would rather do their task or do something good because
of incentives. I myself won’t be doing that. You do good because you
are ought to do good but not because of incentives.

Interview So anything you would like to add ma’am?


Magenta: Hmmm..No (grins).

Interview Thank you ma’am. Thank you for your time.


Magenta: Sige.

Code Name: Lavender Date: September 15,2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 5:00


Location: STEC Senior High Faculty Time Ended: 5:06

Interview How are you Sir, good afternoon!


Lavender: Yes okay ra, good afternoon dae!

Interview Comforatable ra ka sir?


Lavender Ah yes.

Interview So our interview is all about incentives sir,so first question IS: Do you give
er: incentives your students?

Lavender Yes. Actually I prepare gyud index cards didto mo reflect ang incentives.

Interview Okay sir. So type of incentives do you give to your students?


Lavender Specifically kanang oral participation, like additional points para mapuno
nako sa performance. Another is kanang mga performance tasks
actually naa man gyud nay points gyud. So additional points actually.
(serious and hand gestures)

Interview Is there any difference to how your students perform with or without
er: incentives?

Lavender Uhmm..yes kay actually the use of incentives is to motivate man, so

sometimes students are uhhmm. The more points ah the more incentives
the more participation so meaning they will be motivated to go with the
performance when they have incentives unlike kung walay incentives
medyo mawalay gana bitaw actually motivation is one of the principles of
teaching. (serious)

Interview So is there any negative feedbacks about you giving incentives?


Lavender Negative feedback!...maybe for those who are not into participation like for
example those learners nga kana ra galing maminaw ra because they
don’t like interaction, siguro ang negative feedback ana kay naay unfair
pero actually we will try our best to cater the all types of learners man.

Siguro katong mga hilumon tagaan lang siguro og activity nga dili
kinahanglan mo isturya bitaw naa may ing-ana.

Interview So sir is your incentive style of giving is a strategy?


Lavender Yes actually it’s a strategy because in the first part of the lesson you are
going to get the attention of the class man and of course full participation
so sometimes incentives will be the best solution.

Interview Naa man gyud nay negative feedback sir about ana, then naay uban nga
er: mu-abuse gyud.

Lavender Abuse like what? (confused)

Interview Like incentives sir ma abuse siya like magsalig nalang sila kay naay
er: incentives.

Lavender Hmm.sometimes yeah.

Interview Sir naa kay limitations about sa paghatag nimo og incentives? Like naa
er: kay regulations.

Lavender Limitations maybe… uhmm no I limit the perfect score nalang para others
to kuan..for others to cope up makaapas gyud sila kay usahay pud
maabuse siya in the sense nga student ma independent sa incentives. So
how about kung walay incentives diba? So basin dili na sila mo
participate. Murag gali mahulog nalang nga ganahan sila mo participate
kay naa silay makuha which is somehow dili siya healthy. (serious)

Interview So sir is there any kanang experience nimo sir nga miingon ang
er: estudyante nga bati ang imong paghatag nimo og incentives or lain-lain
ba sila og kuan sir mechanism para mo cope up sa imong incentives?

Lavender Uh so far wala raman . Actually ang feedback nga makuha nako kay the
student will approach to me the mo ana ‘’Sir dili man gyud ko expressive.’’
Unya that is why naa gyud learners nga dili expressive so mao to, so far
wala ramay feedback … (short pause) negative feedbak about incentives
it is somehow like a reward man pud so I think positive ra siya.

Interview Do you use the same style or method of giving incentives to all classes or
er: different sir?

Lavender Like what do you mean different classes?


Interview Example sir, like sa laing section sa STEM, ABM. Do you give different
er: types of incentives or the same.

Lavender No. as long as you are participating you are given the same incenitve.

Interview So kung if the same ra sir. Most of the students pareha ra ba sila og
er: respond sa imong incentives?

Lavender Actually..ahh…it is advantage for students who are active in academics

but there are some students they are not active in academics. Usually if
I’m going to compare like for example sa Gas, actually sa Gas dili gyud
sila into incentves man like no matter how big nga points na gali imong
ihatagdili gyud sila, mauwaw gyud sila. (serious)

Interview So how will you cope up with ana sir?


Lavender Siguro kuan nalang instead of oral participation lang ko muhatag, kuan
akong dak-on ang incentives sa performance task like group work where
they can collaborate as long as there is collaboration and participation not
necessarily oral participation even like collaboration lang ana.

Interview Is there anything you can say about incentives sir?


Lavender Hmmm… (short pause) incentives maybe..okay since we are already in

senior high school naman so most probably I discouraged
incentives..why? because we are already mature na gyud we are now
in the second level of kanang morality stage..we are not into reward
system but we are now into self motivation or shall we say effective
learning if you will really learn without incentive so that’s a good thing. So
para nako i discouraged nako ang incentives kay dili naman ta bata gud.

Interview Like magsalig sir sa?


Lavender Dili na bata ba.. Kailangan pa gyud tagaan og candy para lang gyud
mukuan diba. (laughs)

Interview Thank you sir.


Lavender Yes. (smiles)

Code Name: Black Date: September 15, 2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 3:53

Location: STEC SHS Faculty Time Ended: 4:02

Interviewee: A pleasant day ma’am. How are you?

Black: Im fine (touches things)

Interviewee: uhh what is your preferred language?

Black: English(shakes head slightly) I think that would be beneficial to you if you
choose English

Interviewee: do you give incentives to your students?

Black: (looks up) Giving incentives..points(give out a hand)

Interviewee: kanang what type of incentives do you usually give?


Black: okay that’s good.. So I give most of the time..i give points..i think that’s the
most convenient among the teachers (smiles) you don’t have to buy
something . But I do occasionally in my advisory class. For example
I ..uhmm I happen to have this…something like uhh team of the month,
for example. So that’s my most recent activity on my advisory class
so(moves away dangling hair) so to motivate them they wear uniform all
the time, dress up during Wednesday.. I give points for the team of the
month and the end of the month I give them goodies or food or something
like that That’s the only time that I give that kind of incentives. Most of the
time I give uh points, points system. (serious)

Interviewee: Thank you mam uhm I kanang before the moment that you give incentives
mam do you usually inform them?

Black: HMMM yeah I give,(nods) most of the time I do that..uhhh..When was the
last time I did not inform them that I’ll give incentives(thinking)…ahhh
okay! Yes! I remember uhmm I gave them an outputs, I asked them to
produce an output, that was a tagline but, not all not everyone was able
to submit the instead of probably giving deduction of points off
from their score…. What I gave was I gave a Okay plus ten
for someone who can submit today(hand gestures) …instead of like it’s
the other way around (touches nose)instead of deducting points I give a
positive re …reinforcement instead.. well that’s not the only time that I
gave surprise but most of the time I announce it. Tell them like..okay! If
you can do this you can earn plus ten points. Uhmm yah I also
remembered one(closes eyes in a moment) During the uhh how do you
call it, during discussion? (asking the interviewer) I like them to participate,
but I don’t want to announce that I will be giving points for this particular
discussion or answer. If you want to answer okay I give points. What I do
is I ..i write it on a notebook or a piece of paper, but I don’t tell them
that- hey, im giving points for this. And students normally notice
that(smiles and touches her shoulder) hmmmm .. so yeah that’s probably
the time that they raise their hands(imitates students raising hands)… Im
not announcing it to the class.

Interviewee: aww okay kanang in a teacher’s point of view mam, how
significant is giving incentives in the class performance mam?

Black: Hmmm, class performance that would pump them to be more

participative in class discussions. I see it as a motivating factor for them.
But I hope it will not just be ahh external motivating factor, I hope its gonna
contribute to the intrinsic motivation of the student. Even if without the

points, no, they would still participate. That’s my worry to the students to
become incentive driven that they will not work without points.
Sometimes they do not, I do not really encourage, I do not give points for
outputs that they really need to apply but for outputs that are worth
rewarding, let’s say they submitted it early or they put extra effort on it, I
might consider giving an extra points or actual points, credits on top of
their score. Okay so yeah, it’s just one of the drawback of incentives that
they become so dependent on it. (serious)

Interviwee: For you mam, as a teacher, unsay uhmm unsay Makita na benefit sa
imohang incentive?

Black: hmm benefit? Aahh yeahh, like I said earlier it become a part of the system
to participate and then eventually, eventually they will become more
intrinsically motivated(hand gestures)uhh through the strategy of giving
external motivation, external incentive. But again as I’ve said earlier, it
may have uhh well, If they’re used incfentives scheme they would
become dependent. drawbacks, it might actually caused them to be
dependent on points so they don’t work without the points, right? But ahh
other than that I think that’s the only benefit that I can think of. Well,
probably to increase their grades(smiles) as well, but its so superficial,
just a surface level of learning. I think the true motivation should be coming
from the self, the internal or the will of the person to participate or to take
part not from what we give as teachers, no? do you agree? Hahhaha

Interviewee: okay ahha then aside from kanang giving ..para ma motivate ang students
kanang mo teach kag..

Black: sorry?

Interviewee: ahh aside from motivating the student to participate in the discussion,
what are the other reason why teachers, why you teachers give incentive?

Black: Well that is to add fun and excitement because ahh when students would
hear, this is based on observation, (hand gestures) when they hear that
the teacher is giving points? It would excite them, so it would create an
atmosphere of fun, excitement and healthy competition because they
would sometimes compete. Sometimes I give incentives based on
competitions. Let’s say I’m going to give points for this group if uhh I
mean I’m going to give points for the first group to submit so plus points
for those who can submit first. I mean that would promote a competition
among the group. But don’t write there that it’s a healthy competition ha?

So yeah... that’s probably one of the best, aside from promoting

competition. (Serious and hand gestures).

Interviewee: so kanang was there a time mam na there was an issue kanang mga
drawback sa kuan mam, nakacraete ba’g issue, between teacher and
student mam?

Black: hmm there was a time when a student take it seriously, that was the time
the student really want to get points and insisted, and that probably had
shifted the behavior from a friendly competition to a more, how do you call
that, step up uhh assertive. They become assertive, when assertion go
overboard, it would become assertion. They would become too
aggressive to get points, they’re so desperate to get points, naah –
Ma’am, maka points ni ma’am, and then they would go to you and ask
sometimes, they would report, they would be lively, and that really
happen. As a teacher, it makes me realized that one of the drawback of
incentives so kana.. aside from they become dependent on incentives,
they would create a not so healthy competition. (serious)

Interviewee: so aside atu na student imong giingon mam, pwede mangutana unsa
specifically iyang nabuhat katung.

Black: oo kana !, they would try to put others down so lets say..

Interviewee: ahh murag crab mentality..

Black: yeah yeah that’s probably the term. They put other teams down.’’ Ma’am
wala man sila nagtarung.. like kami una dili sila..’’I mean you already have
decided. So I think that’s a kind of disrespect for me because I already
decided. I was the facilitator and I given my verdict so once you question
me that mean..ahhh I would say a little, ah slighted the action. I
understand the enthusiasm of the student, just like it was badly
misinterpreted by him and rather than turn it into positive it turn into

Interviewee: : in general mam, do you have anything you want to add about the topic

Black: as for the incentives, I do think that it’s a good thing its just probably that
teachers should learn do you call that, have limitations,…hmm
what’s the term… regulation. There should be proper ways and times
and when you’re going to give probably not all times, so
it shouldn’t be as frequent as possible, it should be, just be uhmm

on…occasionally. Occasionally lang… so they would have excitement.


Interviewer: So, dili nalang mao ilang focus sa klase

Black: Yeah because… (agreeing) exactly noh? (ended the conversation)

Interviewer: I: thank you mam

Code Name: Silver Date: September 20,2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 9:59

Location: STEC Senior High Faculty Time Ended: 10:05

Interviewer: Good morning sir.

Silver: I-blurr man na no? (pointing to the camera and smiles)
Interviewer: Oh eh blur sir hahaha
Silver: Aw sige
Interviewer: Sige sir ahmm we are from ABM Maxwell. We are conducting a research
about giving of classroom incentives and I-any data gathered in this in
depth interview will be treated with confidentiality. So first sir uhmm, unsa
imong ganahan nga kanang language sir?
Silver: Bisag unsa
Interviewer: Sige sir
Silver: Sagol rata pwede ra?
Interviewer: Oh pwede ra pero okay ra na puro english akong questions sir?
Silver: Oh pwede ra
Interviewer: Ah sige sir. So my first question is do you give incentives to your
Silver: What do you mean incentives? What form of incentives?

Interviewer: Like kuan sir, depende. Uhmm extrinsic or intrinsic.

Silver: Okay. Most of the time, I am giving participation points. That is--I think ,
mao ranay makita na form of incentive nga akong ihatag sa akong
students. (calm)
Interviewer: So uhmm what are your reasons for giving incentives to your students?
Silver: Of course, it is due to them. Naningkamot sad sila and at the same time,
they were able to participate during the discussion. Other than that, I am
no longer giving any form of incentives. Uhmm, Classrom lang gyud.
Classroom lang (hand gestures)
Interviewer: Is there any difference in your student’s behavior with or without
Silver: Ahh I used to have that one before. Ahh during my first few years in
teaching, I am--I am fond of giving ahh strips of paper with equivalent
number of points, giving chocolates every time they participate or they
won from a specific ahh contest or competition within the class. I am
giving them that. But apparently, as I’ve noticed, they are no longer paying
attention with the lesson but more on what will be the rewards that they
will acquire later on if they will win the contest or whatever form of uhh
activity I have in my class, and I don’t find it healthy because it seems like
we have lost the essence of learning because what they are trying to
after is the incentive. Mao ragyud na akong nakita nila. Nag apas ra sa,
ayy ang chocolates na ihatag karong kung makadaog ta, patay dili nako
ganahan ana nga style kay wala na sila nagkat on sa cont--wala na sila
nagkat on sa content sa kung unsa among gi discuss, more on nagpaabot
nalang sila sa reward na akong ihatag. (calm and faces the airport).
Interviewer: Sige so, kung naa kay mga nasugatan na mga in ana nga instances sir,
pero para nimo, imoha ba gihapon ma consider ang incentives as uhmm
good strategy in motivating your students?
Silver: Ahh pwede,oo pero not all the time. I mean naa shay--there is a proper
timing for everything ba.Dili siya…it will lose its essence mangud if
repetitive na siya buhaton, kung perementehon na lang siya. Once in a
while siguro I’m giving incentives to my students that in a way of
motivating them. For example, (pause) in one of my class I asked them
to bring… soil. So, as a form of incentive , in return to what they have
done, I am giving them (pause) extra points for, for ahh indigenous
costume for the celebration of Buwan ng Wika without using or wearing
leotards or leggings. I am giving them extra credits or extra points for that
of which I saw their efforts that they tried. (calm)

Interviewer: But sir…..are there any limitation or na kay limitations sir kung maghatag

kag incentive sa usa ka student?

Silver: Limitation lang….my limitation must be inside the four corners of the
classroom. Mao lang jud n, dhai lang jud ko kutub. Dili ko anang I will
treat you out and we’ll go to beach because kana bla blah blah ana dili
lang claasroom lang (calm)
Interviewer: Sige uhmm last Sir, aside sa imong gipang-storya ganiha na mga issues
if maghatag ug incentives Sir, is uhm naa ba gihapoy laing kanang…was
there a time you experience having or hearing uhm drawbacks of your
methods in giving incentives?
Silver: Ahhh…so far, wala man ko na experience ana ‘cause as much as
possible, I’m trying to be fair to everyone, fair but not equal, mao mana
ako isulti sa ilaha gud. So far wala pa koy nadungog ana and wala man
gud ko ni subra pa sa pwede pa nako ihatag sa ilaha gud, as a form of
Interviewer: Is there anything that you wanted to add sir about giving of incentives?
Silver: Siguro about giving incentive, a teacher must also consider…ah the
severity of the past, ug unsa jud ka gibug-atun ang task na gihatag para
mohatag kag incentive sa studyante. And… dili sad sha angay
permenantehon tungod kay we’re not teaching students to become
robots and to respond only based on incentive. These are human that
are capable of doing things na they have to learn sad na in reality dili
tanan atung gitrabaho ma reciprocate-an na siya ug reward. Ma
reciprocate-an na sha ug equ ivalent amount. There’s no such thing as
that. Kita tanan capable ta na mo respond ta tungud kay mao ni atung
nakita na mao ug dapat buhatun, not about unsa akong makuha inig later
on, unsay reward ani. Like for example, asking someone to clean the
classroom, I don’t need to instill to them that there will be a corresponding
points for them just to clean the classroom. Kay it is our responsibility, it
is our social responsibility to maintain our classroom clean all the time
because kita may nagpuyo ngadtu, ing-ana nalang… (calm)
Interviewer: Thank you sir..
Silver: Okay, mana?
Interviewer: Yes sir

Code Name: Nude Date: September 15, 2017

Gender: Male Time Started: 3:55

Location: STEC Senior High Faculty Time Ended: 4:04

Interviewer: Good afternoon Sir. We are from Grade 11 ABM Maxwell and we are
conducting a research about giving of classroom of incentives.

Nude: Mmm…

Interviewer: So, any data gathered in this in-depth interview will be treated
confidentially. So, first sir uhmm… Do you give incentives to your

Nude: Yes

Interviewer: What type of incentive do you usually give?

Nude: Both intrinsic and extrinsic. When we say intrinsic, I motivate them to do
their, to show their best because the best motivation is something that
comes from within. There is no greater motivation than someone who
actually self motivates in self over self. The reward of a job well done is
doing it very well so that’s -the self motivation. While extrinsic, I also use
it sometimes simply because I also would want them to know that there
are things that you could get out of doing something good. So like for
example, points in an exam, or exemption in an exam. That’s it.

Interviewer: Then uhmm.. what are your reasons for giving incentives to your

Nude: Mao to sha. Intrinsic. My reason is that, I would want them to know that
there are really good things that awaits for those who do good things.
Mura ba’g doing things for goodness sake and nothing else. While
extrinsic is that I would want them to do something and would want them
to think that at the end of doing something good, they could get
something out of it. Like just a small reward, a score, a..a..a.. points in a
score or an exemption in an exam. Like for example if they’ve done really
really good in in in project, I usually exempt them exams.

Interviewee: Sir uhmm.. Is there any difference in your student’s behavior with or
without incentives?

Nude: It depends. Situation based. There are sections actually that are quite
responsive to the motivation I gave. They respond a lot when they know
that they get points out of doing it. Oh like for example, I want them to
compel on cleaning the classroom, or performing a project or do good in
their in their performance in a certain event because I was an adviser
last year and as an adviser, its really hard to keep the classroom clean
so every time they clean the classroom actually, I give points to them
noh? ingon-ana. I remember we have C.O.C. murag C.O.C, cleanest and
organized classroom so uhmm but.. but.. individually, I give them scores
like if if the area that surrounds them is clean, I give them minus 1. If it’s
if it’s not clean. If it’s clean, it’s plus 1 and then this plus 1 actually you
know these are these are generating week after week after week and at
the end of the semester, they could exchange this for a points. It’s just
like that. (serious)

Interviewer: Then for you, is giving incentives a good strategy in motivating your
student students? If yes, why, if no, why not?

Nude: Anything that is too much is a poison so you don’t want to tell them that
the only way you can pass the class is through incentives. So you have
to do a lot of you have to good uhmm… I would want them to also to
think that uhmm giving incentives is just an extra bonus noh? But at the
end of the day, what matters most is that you are doing very well for
goodness sake. You are doing it for your own self, with or without
motivation, with or without incentives, with or without points. So kana
lang. There is limit to everything and I usually control my points. If I see
that they are so down, I give them points so that they will go back to
their kuan bitaw, enthusiasm, but if I see that they are doing very very
well, and then I’ll I’ll pull out some incentives because they no longer
need it. (serious).

Interviewer: Hmm sige so what what are your limitations in giving incentives to your

Nude: Limitations. Performance. And then I choose people uhm.. I choose

people where I would, to whom I will give the incentives too. Because dili
pwede tanan tagaan nimo’g incentives. Imo ra gyud na shang I-pair sha
nya igka human, pilion rasad nimo ang klase nga angay gyud tagaan
og incentives because there are some class sections actually that are

highly cooperative with each with each other, nya ganahan man sad
kayka mohatag nilag incentives because they are doing very well.
However in the opposite side, naa gyuy mga classroom nga tapulaaaaan
kay’ sa ka tanan nga di jud ka ganahan mohatag og incentive. You want
them to learn the hard way because the opposite of incentive is
punishment. So, ana gyud sha. So kung di nimo tagaag incentive, tagaan
nimog punishment. Niya pag tagaan sad nimog punishment, mag sige
sa’g ka down down down down, they will never go up man, so uli…kwaon
nasad nimo ang punishment, tagaan nasad nimog incentives. Ingon ana
ra gud. It’s just like a mother ba in the household. When you did
something wrong, you will be punished. But if you did something good,
you will be rewarded. It’s just like that. (serious)

Interviewer: Last sir, uhmm was there a time where you experience havingor hearing
loopholes pf your methods in giving incentives?

Nude: Uhmm… this is my thirteen years of teaching. I..I’ve already had

undergone a lot of mistakes in my first, second year third year fourth year
of teaching. But good thing that I’ve I’ve learned from those mistakes.
When you say loopholes in giving incentives, sometimes they will
mistook it as a favoritism like ayyyy siya ra lagey gihatagan og
incentives, kami wala lage. Ayyy kami ra nga section ang gitagaan, ang
STEM ray gitagaan, ngano ang GAS wala man tagae? It’s just like that.
But this is more of a psychological rather than rather than probably
political issues, noh? They just feel that they are deprived but actually
it’s it’s…. mao na akong punto ganina. There are sections that deserves
points and there are sections that doesn’t deserve points. If they could
keep up with the sections that are very good and then they also deserve
points. But if they they not mohatag diay diay ka og… mohatag diay ka
og tip sa waiter nga bastos? Di jud ka mohatag og tip sa waiter nga
bastos pero waiter gani nga asikasuhon kag maayo, maskin di pa
mangayo og tip, tagaan jud na sha nimog tip kay gusto ka nga ingon ana
gihapon iyang serbisyo inig balik nimo. It’s just like that (serious)

Interviewer: So mao rato sir, thank you sir.

Nude: Ayyyy!!! mana???

Interviewers: Is there you would like to add sir?

Nude: Asa man e-add? Kuan kana lang kaning kana shang point bitaw kanang
not controlling giving points to the students because the tendency is that

if you keep on giving incentives to the students, there mind set actually
will set deeper. They will think ba nga okay I wil do this because I’ll get
points. The next time you will not get points, they will not perform
anymore. Mao na sya’y conditioning ba.. That’s Ivan Pavlov’s
conditioning… pag.. pag.. dili na gani, maundang na gani ang kuan,
maundang na gani ang reward system nimo, dili nana sila molihok.
Mao lang na siyay loopholes kay nasuwayan man ko na sauna na
nagsunod ang activities ba like karon. Kani, nya adviser man gud ka, nya
mauwaw sad ka. “Sige panglimyo mo! 5 points.” “Oh sige, buwan ng wika
nasad. Hala sige panayaw. Kailangan makadaog jud ato classroom ha.
5 points nasad” kas na kay kag 5 points noh? Ang sunod sa kuan, nag
intrams na sad. So mapugos nasad ka’g hatag ug puntos nila. Ma kas
kaayo sa ka tanan ug puntos para nako. Pero mao lang na siya, hangtod
naka learn ko nga dili sad siya maayo nga sige-on nimo’g hatag ug
puntos ang mga bata kay mao ranay huna huna nila nga “okay we’ll get
points” “mupasar rata tungod ani. Mupasar rata tungod ani. mupasar rata
tungod ani” and I don’t want them to think of that because STEC is STEC
and we have quality here and we have standards here. The standard
here is not incentive. The standard here is performance. (calm)

Interviewers: Thank you Sir!

Nude: Thank you sad!

Code Name: Grey Date: September 20, 2017

Gender: Female Time Started: 9:06

Location:ABM 11- Maxwell Classroom Time Ended: 9:15


Interviewer: Do you give incentives?

Grey Yes, all the time.

Interviewer: What type of incentives do you usually give?

Grey (serious)I give( hand gestures of giving) chances to work if they have
done something i gave a plus do you notice that?(gray smiles)
(interviewer nods) So i give a reward, for example in every effort you
have exerted they receive a reward without them knowing it, i do not
announce that you have this plus i wait for them to operate that ahm
ahm when you give at the last, there is no selfish motive on just getting
the reward. (serious)

Interviewer: Karon maam?

Grey As a incentive for them also because sometimes is, philosophy is quiet
difficult to understand, it is new to the grade 11, so i need to give them
kaya i dont give remediation because In every act that we do, there is
an exertion and i know to whom and when i will give incentives
especially to those who have exerted effort and to those who
deserve incentives. (serious)

Interviewer: So I see maam na thats how u give incentives maam so, ahm. I heard
nga earlier you said that you usually inform them that u give reward.
Was there a time nga niinform ka before hand nga muhatag ka?

Grey Yea.Yes, there are times that the task is quite great. It is a a really
needed. And they really have to perform well.

Interviewer: Aside from...

Grey So that they will also u know, there are times that they will..there’s also
a motivation to probably give their best (serious)

Interviewer: Aside from motivating students, and getting everyone to participate in

class and develop a moral nila maam na ,o , mutabang jud maam na
without looking forward for the incentive, what are your other benefits?

Grey That’s all. (smiles)

Interviewer: Ahm, maam kanang....

Grey I give more because the person deserve it.


Interviewer: Have you notice any difference on the class participation/ performance
of the students na natagaan na nimu og incentives

Grey In your class?

Interviewer: Or in any class maam?

Grey If they are used to it, sometimes... I do not give it all the time esp to
classes who do not value it. sometimes i give it with a gap so that they
will not get used to it. they will just say ah anyway i will pass bec of the
incentive. It has to be with an effort, because of this there is more on
realization. There is more on the the the ability to give and pass on time
and a deduction to those who do not, my incentive is more on formative
behavior since they will realize later that if they do it right away and
spend it correctly then there is an incentive, in that manner they are
also, they will realize that its nice to give your best because there is a
reward because they are no alert, later they will discover.

Interviewer: So ur more like molding on the behavior?

Grey Formative behavior. If they’re quick to realize that then they will benefit,

Interviewer: Is giving incentives a good strategy in motivating students

Grey It should be, but not at all times, especially when they will abuse. They
will just be dependent on the incentives. I have seen one group who is
always, they are so alert with the incentives, this is the grade 12
HUMSS. (calm)

Interviewer: Maam, what are your limitation on giving incentives?

Grey I don’t play with the rules, i observe when it is needed. So they dont
abuse, i hate rules. I will only give the rules if i’ve seen the student is
not responding, but if i give them rules, step 1 step 2 one by one, that’s
imposing. That’s in our lesson, i don’t want to impose myself. I want
them to realize. I want them to use their creativity. I want them to utilize
their critical thinking that they should not depend on the incentive.
Because the incentive is just an illussional, for them to move and give
their best. If they realize that there is something good in giving their best
then that is already an incentive. (serious)

Interviewer: Is there a time that you encounter any issue or drawback of incentives?

Grey There’s one who is so kulit in STEM-Mendel so i gave them a formation

card like what u are doing. And then i trust each person to check
according to how they work and there was a a complain, this person is
distrustful he was telling me that somebody is checking( more than what
is told), so i go to the person so i approached and asked, but then he
said no. So i approached and ask the one who complain , so do not just
give false reports from hear says because of this and that. It is
understandable some person compare because those who have the
tendency to ask questions about that incentives are the people who
does not work and they just rely on the incentives. They are the ones
who wil just do the easy..easy thing, receive the easy thing. Thats why i
say, you cannot pass with incentives. Did you notice that one in the
classroom? I motivate you according to kuan. Later..ok later, those who
have recited plus. i was about to do that but i forgot those who recited
because i’ve seen your scores are very low. Perhaps i will ask their
scores. (serious)

Interviewer: In a teacher’s point of view,maam, kanang, is giving incentives kanang

kuan, is giving incentive a thing for instructional or inspirational?

Grey There are plus and minus, advantages and disadvantages. So again id
like to reiterate that my incentive is given as the need arises. Its not
permanent.,... I. I. Look at the person, it’s either to affirm its goodness
i give the incentives or the other way around i give deduction if the
manifestation of the behavior is not good. That is also an incentive.
Not in terms of plus, but in terms of developing oneself, that is another
approach to incentive. (serious)

Interviewer: So maam, that would be all. Thank you for the time maam.


Going inside to participants’ classroom


In-depth interview with a


In-depth interview with a teacher

Transcribing and Coding


During our participant Observation

Analysis of Data and Finalization of papers

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