Hospital Waste Management in Florida Hospital Waste Management in Florida

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Hospital Waste Management in Florida

Kau-Fui Vincent Wong, Ph. D., P.E.

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Miami
Telephone #(305) 284-2571

Ramarathnam Narasimhan, Ph. D.

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Miami
Telephone #(305) 284-2022

June 14, 1994

Acknowledgements go to the staff of the LMH and the LFH for their great cooperation and
assistance in carrying out the project. Acknowledgements go also to the FCSHWM for the financial
support, without which the project could not have been carried out. Special thanks go to Mr. John D.
Schert, the Interim Executive Director of the FCSHWM, and to Ms. Gisela Bosch and Dr. Paul Still,
the program monitors.
Expressed gratitude goes to Mr. Bill Hinkley of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
who approved the project.
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3. MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT IN THE LMH AND THE LFH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.1 LARGE METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1.1 Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1.2 Incinerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 LARGE FEDERAL HOSPITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2.1 Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2.2 Purchase and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4. METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4.1 FRONT END MASS BALANCE STUDIES(LFH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 BACK END WASTE CHARACTERIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.1 Large Metropolitan Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.2 Large Federal Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3 PLASTIC CHARACTERIZATION AT THE LMH AND LFH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.4 INCINERATOR STUDIES(LMH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.4.1 Ash Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.4.2 The stack sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5. DATA ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1 STUDENT t-TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1.1 Front End Mass Balance (LFH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.2 Back End Waste Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1.3 Plastic Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1.4 Ash Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE TEST(ONE WAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2.1 Back End Waste Characterization(LFH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. THEORETICAL ESTIMATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.1 INCINERATION AT STOICHIOMETRIC CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.2 FLUE GAS COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7. RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


TABLE 1. Estimated and Actual Red Bag Waste Generated by the LFH for the Year 1992.

TABLE 2(a). Estimated and Actual Waste Generated by the LFH for 1992.

TABLE 2(b). Comparison of Waste Constituents Estimated and Actually Incinerated for the LFH.

TABLE 2(c). Estimated and Actually Incinerated Percentage of Waste Components for the LFH.

TABLE 3. t-Test Percentage Results for Each Department of the LFH.

TABLE 4. t-Test Percentage Results for Each Department of the LMH.

TABLE 5(a). Average Percentage of Total Weight of Red Bag Waste Generated by Each Department
of the LFH.

TABLE 5(b). Average Percentage of Each Component in the Red Bag Waste.

TABLE 5(c). Average Percentage of Each Component Generated in Different Departments of the

TABLE 6. t-Test Percentage Results for Plastic Characterization for the LFH.

TABLE 7. t-Test Percentage Results for Plastic Characterization for the LMH.

TABLE 8(a). Bottom Ash Contents.

TABLE 8(b). Boiler Ash Contents(Average g/g).

TABLE 9(a). ANOVA Test for Plastics, LFH.

TABLE 9(b). ANOVA Test for Glass, LFH.

TABLE 9(c). ANOVA Test for Paper, LFH.

TABLE 9(d). ANOVA Test for Metals, LFH.

TABLE 9(e). ANOVA Test for Cotton, LFH.

TABLE 9(f). ANOVA Test for Misc., LFH.

TABLE 10. Waste Combustion Characteristics.

TABLE 11. Emission Results for Different Departments of the LFH.

TABLE 12. Particulate Emissions.

FIGURE 1. Flow of Waste from Source to the Incinerator in the LMH.

FIGURE 2(a). Average Waste Constituents for Different Departments in the LFH.

FIGURE 2(b). Average Waste Constituents for Different Departments in the LMH.

FIGURE 3(a). Average Plastic Constituents for Different Departments in the LFH.

FIGURE 3(b). Average Plastic Constituents for Different Departments in the LMH.


CICU Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

SICU Surgical Intensive Care Unit
NHCU Nursing Home care Unit
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
Psyc Psychiatry
MeWa Medical wards
ExCa Extended Care
Dial Dialysis
D Dialysis
MI Medical Intensive Care Unit(MICU)
LD Labor and Delivery
R Rehabilitation
A Adolescents
BU Burnt Unit
E Emergency
PW Patient Wards
U Urgent Care Center(UCC)
P Pediatrics
M Maternity
S Surgery
misc. Miscellaneous

Symbols * Multiplication
Units of Measurement FPS

( August 1992 - June 1994 )

PROJECT TITLE: Hospital Waste Management in Florida

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S): Prof. Kau-Fui Vincent Wong, Ph.D.,P.E.

Ramarathnam Narasimhan, Ph.D.
AFFILIATION: University of Miami
Department of Mechanical Engineering
COMPLETION DATE: 06/14/94 PHONE NUMBER: (305) 284 2571


Biohazardous Waste, Medical Waste, Large Metropolitan Hospital, Large Federal Hospital,
Waste Characterization, Incinerator, Flame Temperature, Recycling, Stack Sampling, Emissions,
Plastic Characterization, Statistical Analysis, t-test.

Disposal of medical waste has emerged as a major problem in United States. The public is
increasingly concerned over the improper disposal of medical waste, particularly the waste
contaminated with communicable disease agents such as the AIDS and the hepatitis B viruses [William
and David 1991; Lee, Huffman and Nalesink 1991; U.S.EPA 1991]. Given the general lack of
federal standards and regulations and the large amount of biohazardous waste generated, it becomes
extremely important to device efficient methods of waste handling and its disposal. The principal
objective of this project is to characterize the medical waste by actual hand separation, and theoretical
studies for clean incineration with the aim of complying with the State of Florida's emission standards.
The present report highlights the test results of two years of study at two large hospitals in the State of
Florida. Test results show a substantial proportion of plastic, paper and cotton in the waste stream.
Plastic characterization has been carried out to differentiate between various types of plastic resins
appearing in the waste stream. The waste characterization data obtained is statistically analyzed using
the t-test. In addition, waste estimation studies have been carried out for the year 1992 by analyzing
the percurement lists. The test results are compared with the actual amount of waste generated by one
of the hospitals for the year 1992. One way analysis of variance test has been carried out to determine
possible interrelationship between the waste originating from any two different departments of the
Large Federal Hospital. The metallic constituents in the ash from the different parts of the incinerator
of one of the hospitals have also been analyzed. Our two years of on-site research on medical waste
gives a better insight into the characteristics of medical waste. Test results as well as theoretical studies
show ample scope and increasing need for environmentally friendly disposal of medical waste.
( August 1992 - June 1994 )

PROJECT TITLE: Hospital Waste Management in Florida

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S): Prof. Kau-Fui Vincent Wong, Ph.D.,P.E.

Ramarathnam Narasimhan, Ph.D.
AFFILIATION: University of Miami
Department of Mechanical Engineering
COMPLETION DATE: 06/14/94 PHONE NUMBER: (305) 284 2571

Disposal of medical waste has emerged as a major problem in United States. The public is
increasingly concerned over the improper disposal of medical waste, particularly the waste
contaminated with communicable disease agents such as the AIDS and the hepatitis B viruses [William
and David 1991; Lee, Huffman and Nalesink 1991; U.S.EPA 1991]. Given the general lack of
federal standards and regulations and the large amount of biohazardous waste generated, it becomes
extremely important to device efficient methods of waste handling and its disposal. The principal
objective of this project is to characterize the medical waste by actual hand separation, and theoretical
studies for clean incineration with the aim of complying with the State of Florida's emission standards.
Test results of the study at two large hospitals in the State of Florida show a substantial proportion of
plastic and paper percentage in the waste stream. The metallic constituents in the ash from the different
parts of the incinerator of one of the hospitals has been analyzed. The waste characterization data
obtained is statistically analyzed using the t-test. Front end mass balance studies have been carried out
to estimate the amount likely to end up in red bags. Plastic characterization has been carried out to
differentiate between different types of plastic resins appearing in the waste stream.

This report presents the results obtained by the characterization of the biohazardous medical
waste generated by a Large Federal Hospital (LFH) in the state of Florida. The amount of waste likely
to be generated for different months of the year 1992 has been estimated based upon the front-end
analysis. This estimate is compared with the actual waste generated for different months of the same
year. The data collected is presented at the end of this report. For the purpose of characterization of
medical waste, we have been going to the aforementioned hospital twice a week and have been
working in conjunction with the Environmental Services Department of the hospital. Complete
attention towards the LFH has yielded more number of data points, thus giving a better approximation
to the amount and type of waste stream constituents for the same hospital.

Work at the Large Metropolitan Hospital (LMH) had to be discontinued owing to unusual
circumstances developing between the LMH and the authorities. Full attention was given to the LFH.
The new incinerator at the LFH is likely to be available for sampling in the month of June, 1994. This
sets back the schedule for attaining the objectives of the project. This is because the installation of the
incinerator is being delayed due to some reason. A research paper based on the characterization
studies has been accepted by the Journal of Environmental Health for publication in the July/August
1994 issue.

Results obtained by waste characterization at both hospitals indicate variation in the

composition of waste generated by different departments. Since the waste composition from various
departments are different, the kind of emissions generated can be expected to be different. Knowing
the kind of emissions generated by waste from a particular department will help in better control over
the emissions. As an example, for smaller hospitals not having a scrubber, a waste mixture generated
by combining wastes from different departments with waste paper, etc. can be burnt to keep HCl
emissions below acceptable level.
Ref: K. V. Wong, R. Narasimhan, R. Kashyap, J. Fu, "Medical Waste Characterization and Front-
End Analysis," Journal of Environmental Health, July/August 1994.

Disposal of medical waste has emerged as a major problem in the United States. The public is
increasingly concerned over the improper disposal of medical waste, particularly the waste
contaminated with communicable disease agents such as the AIDS and the hepatitis B viruses [William
and David 1991; Lee, Huffman and Nalesink 1991; U.S.EPA 1991]. Approximately 465, 000 tons of
biohazardous waste is generated by United States each year by 377, 000 health care facilities.
Hospitals, which comprise only 2% of the total number of generators, produce the greatest
quantity(approx. 77%) of the biohazardous waste among the different types of institutions [Green
1992]. Given the general lack of federal standards and regulations and the large amount of
biohazardous waste generated, it becomes extremely important to device efficient methods of waste
handling and its disposal. Autoclaving, shredding and chemical disinfection and incineration are the
three principal technologies for the treatment and disposal of medical waste. Incineration process is
widely used for medical waste disposal as it disposes of most waste types and forms, is suitable for
large volumes, causes large weight and volume reductions, sterilizes and detoxifies, and heat can be
recovered. According to U.S.EPA 1991, a key factor in specifying an incineration system for a
particular application is the clear identification of the ranges of waste properties and waste
characteristics. Use of averages could lead to inadequate incinerator capacity and could jeopardize
performance. Also characterization of waste is important to effectively control the potentially toxic
pollutants such as acid gases, heavy metals, and dioxins.

This report presents the results from a two year study of characterization of the biohazardous
medical waste generated by a Large Metropolitan Hospital and a Large Federal Hospital in Florida.
The data collected is presented at the end of this report. For the purpose of characterization of medical
waste, we have been going to the aforementioned hospitals twice a week and have been working in
conjunction with the Environmental Services Department of the hospitals.


The amount of waste generated by hospitals and other health care facilities has increased with wide
acceptance of single use items. The State of Florida prohibits the disposal of infectious waste in
landfills without prior treatment. The most common method of treatment is incineration. Studies have
shown that hydrogen chloride and heavy metals are emitted from medical waste incinerators causing air
pollution. In order to reduce air pollution, identification of all sources of pollutants in the waste
stream is important [U.S. EPA 1989, 1990, 1991]. So, quantifying and characterizing the waste
stream becomes a very important initial task in pursuing the goal of managing the medical waste. The
principal objective of this project is to characterize the medical waste by actual hand separation and as
well as to predict the amount of waste generation from a large hospital. Preliminary studies have been
done to investigate into the type of emissions produced if waste from different departments of a
hospital are burnt separately. The concept is to meet the emission standards without any costly add-
on's to the incinerator through the control of the waste feed into the incinerator and the operating
conditions of the incinerator. Thus characterization of medical wastes from hospitals becomes an
integral part of this concept so that management of such wastes can be improved. Other objectives
include education of hospital workers in the state and source reduction of waste.


The LMH has more than 500 beds and has an occupancy of over 90%. American Hospital
Association, 1991, classifies this facility as a General Medical and Surgical Facility. This facility
includes trauma, maternity and pediatrics care units.
3.1.1 Waste Management

The LMH is a large hospital and has many departments. The disposal of medical waste
(biohazardous as well as non-biohazardous) is the responsibility of the Environmental Services
Department of the hospital. The waste originates from different departments located on different wings
or towers of the hospital.

Each tower has several floors and on each floor there are separate trash rooms for the
collection of medical waste. Generally only one department is present on a particular floor. Some
departments may extend to many floors. The trash rooms are located near the service elevator on all
the floors. Each floor has a house keeper who collects the waste and dumps it into the nearest trash
room. The trash rooms have one or two large trolleys kept inside which receive all the trash. An
employee of the Environmental Services Department periodically comes and transfers the waste to the
back of the hospital. He takes the trolley containing medical waste from trash room and replaces it with
an empty trolly which he brings with him. If that employee is working for different floors, which is
true for most of the employees, he may transfer the waste into the empty trolly he brings with him
from the trolly kept inside the trash room. The biohazardous medical waste is identified by the red
plastic bags containing waste and all other plastic bags are considered non-biohazardous. The trolly(s)
containing waste are then transported manually by the employee via an elevator to the ground floor.
The trolly(s) are then moved through the hospital corridors to location 1(Figure 1). On reaching
location 1, the employee transfers the waste from his trolly(s) to the trollys kept at location 1. The
trollys kept at location 1 are used to transport waste to the incinerator. The employee is now ready for
another cycle of waste collection. Medical waste is collected on all seven days of a week. Medical
waste from some of the departments goes to location 2 which is different from location 1. Trollys kept
at location 2 contain all the medical waste. Waste from location 2 is directly transferred to the
incinerator. A day is divided into three shifts namely, morning shift (6.30 am to 3.00 pm), noon shift
(3.00 pm to 11.30 pm) and night shift (11.00 pm to 6.00 am). According to the hospital staff, most of
the trash is collected in the morning shift.
3.1.2 Incinerator

The incinerator at the Large Metropolitan Hospital is located in a separate

building. It is operated by the staff of the Environmental Services Department of the LMH. The
incinerator operates twenty-four hours a day and is only shut down during routine cleaning operation or
when it breaks down. The medical waste is transported to the incinerator in trollys towed by a small
truck. The truck leaves the trollys with waste at the incinerator and brings back empty trollys from the
incinerator to the location 1. The red bags in the trollys containing medical waste are directly fed to the
incinerator by tilting the trollys onto the catchment of the incinerator. The incinerator ram then pushes
the bags into the incinerator where they are burnt. The incinerator has two chambers one on top of the
other. The lower chamber is maintained at 1600 degrees Fahrenheit and the upper chamber where the
flue gases are burnt is maintained at 1900 degrees Fahrenheit. The thermal energy generated by
burning the waste is used to heat the water which is supplied to the hospital. The heat exchange

between the hot flue gases and water takes place in a three pass boiler. The gases produced by burning
the waste are then passed through a wet scrubber and then are released to the atmosphere through the
chimney stack.

The LFH has more than 500 beds and has a occupancy of over 75%. American Hospital
Association classifies this facility as a General Medical and Surgical Facility. This facility does not
have trauma, maternity or pediatrics care units. This facility has a nursing home type care unit.
3.2.1 Waste Management

In the LF Hospital, the management of medical waste is the responsibility of the Environmental
Management office. The wastes which are generated by different departments and wards are collected
separately as non-biohazardous and biohazardous wastes by the housekeepers. There are two
collections daily from monday through friday. There are no collections on saturday and sunday. The
first collection is done in the morning at 7 am, the second is done at 2:30 in the afternoon. The
housekeepers collect the wastes and bring them down to the back platform of the hospital, where they
put the non-biohazardous and biohazardous carts into different trailers. Each trailer can hold 103
biohazardous carts at a time. Typically, two trailers are used every three days. ( Note: because
the incinerator in the LFH did not work, they have to put the waste carts into trailers to be transported
to another place to burn ). The flow of the medical waste in LMH is similar to LFH, except that all the
waste is collected at a single location from where it is transferred to the trailers.
3.2.2 Purchase and Distribution

In the LF Hospital , the Supplies Process and Distribution Department(SPD) is responsible for
buying the materials ordered by different departments of the hospital. Each item has a unique number
for identification. All the supplies are stored in a storage room, where they are kept on shelves. Some
of the supplies are also stored in the Emergency room which were also surveyed under the present
study. The SPD keeps a running database of all the items purchased and their usage.


These studies involve survey of the material bought by the hospital's supply department. The
procedure included the weighing of the packaging and the contents of the different items. The total
weight of packaging and the amount of supplies (excluding ingested material) gives an idea about the
worst case scenario, when all the medical supplies including the packaging end up in the red bags.

An overwhelmingly number of products are used by the LF Hospital. To characterize them

and to predict their monthly usage following strategy has been carried out :
1. The SPD department of the LFH manages a computer database of medical supplies needed
for the Hospital. From this running computer database a list of products with their name, identification
number and monthly usage is printed out.
2. Then with the help of experienced personnel of the SPD Department of the LF hospital,
those items on the list which are most likely to end up in red bags and contribute appreciably towards
the red bag waste are highlighted. The rest are ignored for the present case. For example, sutures may
end up in red bags, but their weight is so small that they can be neglected.

3. The above eliminating process still leaves a great number of products which are then
grouped according to packaging type and item category.
4. Then a sample item is picked up and the package is opened. While the package is
characterized as paper or plastic, the product is characterized as composed of plastic, paper, cotton,
and metal.
5. This weighing was carried out for all the items that are most likely to end up as red bag
waste. These weights and the monthly usage for the year 1992 have been obtained from hospital
records. The monthly usage multiplied by the weights of the different material gives the monthly usage
weight of the materials. Adding the monthly usage weight for all the materials gives an estimate of
waste likely to end up as red bag waste as shown in Table 1 and Table 2(a).

Medical waste produced by the hospital can be divided into two groups :
(a) Biohazardous
(b) Non-biohazardous
The biohazardous waste produced is characterized as to how much paper, plastic, cotton,
metal, glass and other miscellaneous items are present as percentage by weight in a sample taken from
waste produced by a particular department. In the second phase of the project the plastic found in the
waste has been further characterized into the following seven categories:

1. Polyethylene Terephthalate (Industrial Code "1")

2. High Density Polyethylene (Industrial Code "2")
3. Poly Vinyl Chloride (Industrial Code "3")
4. Low Density Polyethylene (Industrial Code "4")
5. Polypropylene (Industrial Code "5")
6. Polystyrene (Industrial Code "6")
7. Others (Industrial Code "7")

The plastic characterization has been done as a part of total waste characterization. By characterizing
the red bags at the LFH and LMH, we obtained the different components of the medical wastes as

[1] Plastics include: gloves, containers, tubes, bowls, bags, etc.

[2] Cotton includes: diapers, bandages, cotton balls, clothes, etc.
[3] Paper includes: towel papers, newspapers, office papers, etc.
[4] Metals include: aluminum cans, metal cans, etc.
[5] Glass includes: bottles, etc.
[6] Miscellaneous: foods, fruits, etc.
4.2.1 Large Metropolitan Hospital

The Large Metropolitan Hospital is divided into individual departments for the present work.
For the characterization of the waste a particular department or a group of departments are chosen
during a scheduled week and waste characterization is done for those departments only. The different
departments of the hospital are as follows :
* Emergency
* Laboratories
* Maternity
* Labor and Delivery
* Pediatrics

* Adolescents
* Urgent Care Center
* Dialysis
* Rehabilitation
* Psychiatry
* Surgery
* Patient Wards
* Infants
* M.I.C.U.
* Burnt Unit
* Trauma Center
On arrival to the backyard or location 1 of the hospital, an employee or employees working for
scheduled department are identified with the help of the supervisor. Then for the separation of medical
waste large cardboard sheets, which are freely available, are laid on the floor. The purpose of this is to
keep the floor clean. Small trash bins 4 to 6 in number are arranged around the cardboard sheet near
the weighing scale. The person(s) characterizing the waste dress up by putting on a light overall gown,
gloves and face mask to protect nose and mouth. As soon as the predetermined employee arrives with
a trolly containing waste, the unwanted trash(cardboard boxes and white bags) are separated out. Then
the red bags are pulled out manually and put on the scale. The empty trolly is taken by the employee
back to the floor in which he is working, for the next round of trash. This way the employees work is
not hindered or slowed down. This total trash is a single sample representing a particular department.
A sample may weigh 10 lb to 250 lb and may contain 0 to 25 red bags. An average red bag weighs
about 10 lbs. If a sample weighs less than 50 pounds then the whole sample is characterized;
otherwise in case of a large sample, red bags are selected randomly. On an average 45 to 50 pounds
of waste are characterized from a particular department. The red bags are opened and waste is
dumped on the cardboard sheet one by one. Simultaneously paper, plastic, etc. are separated out and
put into small trash bins arranged along the cardboard sheet until all red bags are exhausted. The bins
arranged alongside also have red bags wrapped inside them. After the sample is separated, the red
bags from the bins are taken out. These red bags now contain exclusively either plastic, paper, metal,
cotton, glass or miscellaneous items. The red bags are then weighed individually. This gives us the
amount of each individual item present in the sample. The percentage composition by mass can also be
found out using the total weight. So the process of waste characterization involves removal of
biohazardous waste from red bags and putting them into different red bags after separation of different
items manually. Any additional trash coming from the same department at some other time on the
same day is also taken into account by measuring the total weight of red bags present. This gives us an
estimate of total trash produced in a day by a particular department. After characterization, the red bags
are dumped into different trollys which include trash from other departments also. These trollys are
periodically towed by a truck to the incinerator where the waste is burnt. Ash samples from different
locations of the incinerator are also collected. The flow chart of the whole process is depicted in Figure
1. For the characterization of the trash going to location 2, the trash is transported to location 1 as
there is no weighing scale and proper space for waste characterization at location 2.
4.2.2 Large Federal Hospital

The Large Federal Hospital has been divided into the following departments for the purpose of
waste characterization. For the characterization of the waste a particular department or a group of
departments are chosen during a scheduled week and waste characterization is done for those
departments only. The different departments of hospital are as follows :
* Nursing home care
* Surgical intensive care
* Psychiatry
* Surgery

* M.I.C.U (Medical intensive care)
* C.I.C.U (Cardiac intensive care)
* Medical ward
* Dialysis
* Extended care
* Ambulatory
* Spinal cord injury center
* Chemotherapy clinic
* Emergency
* Mental hygiene
* Day treatment
* Laboratory outpatient
Waste characterization at the LF Hospital has been done in the same way as that of the Large
Metropolitan Hospital. The only difference being that in the LFH, the medical waste is collected only
twice a day and no waste is collected on weekends. Also waste is transported by trailers outside the
hospital for incineration. Although there are many departments and wards in the hospital, some of
them have very little biohazardous wastes or even no red bags. For example, in the Emergency
department the arriving patients are stabilized and diagnosed and admitted to the appropriate ward. As
a result there is very little red bag waste from the Emergency ward in the LF Hospital. The
departments which account for over 90 percent of the total biohazardous wastes produced in the LF
hospital as per the experienced personnel of LFH are:
* Nursing home care
* Surgical intensive care
* Psychiatry
* Surgery
* M.I.C.U
* C.I.C.U
* Medical ward
* Dialysis
* Extended care
Waste characterization in the LFH is done for the above departments only.

Plastics found in the waste is further characterized into seven sub-groups based on resin type.
The plastic characterization is done as described below.

After characterizing trash from a particular department into paper, plastic, metal, cotton etc.,
the individual group is weighed and noted down. Then all the separated groups, except plastic, are
disposed off. Then the plastic characterization is carried out in the same way by arranging bins along
side the plastic waste and picking up plastic items belonging to a particular category and dumping them
into a particular bin. Plastics are separated into seven different groups as explained before. The
characterization of plastic requires a prior knowledge of type of plastic resin. Also quite a few of the
plastic products appearing in the red bags have resin name on them. Some of the very conspicuous
plastic products are: Thermocole(#6) and PVC(#3) and hard plastic products(Usually #2). In case of
doubt information from the front end was obtained about the product type or the manufacturer was
called. Plastics have been characterized according to following seven standard categories:

#1 or Polyethylene Terephthalate : White or colorless bottles (seldom seen).

#2 or High Density Polyethylene : chemical bottles, hard plastic stuff etc.
#3 or Polyvinyl Chloride : Tubing, gloves and plastic bags.
#4 or Low Density Polyethylene : Thin plastic covers.

#5 or Polypropylene : Jam and small juice containers, hard yellow pots.
#6 or Polystyrene : Thermocole coffee cups and thin brittle plastic
package bottoms.
#7 or Others : Seldom Seen.


4.4.1 Ash Sampling

Ash sampling involves regular collection of ash samples from the bottom of the incinerator
(bottom ash) and collection of ash samples from I, II, III pass and scrubber of the boiler whenever the
boiler is shut down for repairs. Bottom ash samples from the incinerator were collected approximately
once a week and the ash samples collected over a period of time were sent to Florida Institute of
Technology for analysis of its metallic constituents.
4.4.2 The stack sampling

The stack sampling involves an analysis of particulate and gaseous material emanating from the
chimney of the incinerator. Standard Methods, Method-26 for Hydrochloric acid gas and Method-5
for particulate material was followed. Since stack sampling ports are situated at the top of the 40-Feet
chimney, a rope and pulley assembly and a roller arrangement have been designed and fabricated at
the University of Miami, College of Engineering Machine shop to hoist the instruments and to hang
them above the sampling ports. Initial test runs have been carried out successfully to check the
functioning of purchased as well as fabricated equipment. The procedure used is explained below.

On arrival to the incinerator a person climbs up to the chimney top and the other person
standing at the bottom ties the equipment to a rope which goes around a pulley installed by us at the
platform near the chimney top. The equipment is hoisted up piece by piece by the person standing
below. After everything is pulled up, the equipment is assembled and the sampling port is opened and
the probe of the sampling train is inserted into the stack. The samples will be collected according to the
standard method. After sampling the equipment is disassembled and hoisted down with the help of the
same rope and pulley assembly. The sample is then brought back for analysis.

A trial run was made using the above procedure at the LMH incinerator. After the run access
to the incinerator was not available, owing which no further sampling was done. The LFH incinerator
was being replaced during the time of present study. It should be available after June 1994.


The waste generated by various departments of the LMH and LFH has been sampled and
analyzed separately to determine the percentage of different trash constituents, namely paper, plastic,
cotton etc. The data so generated is statistically analyzed using student-t test as the number of samples
for each department are less than 30[Richmond,S. B.]. Various statistical parameters for the
percentage of trash constituents are calculated. Since the actual standard deviation and mean of
percentage of trash constituents for different departments are unknown, hence use of student-t test is
recommended. The ash generated by the incinerator in LMH is sampled to determine the various
metallic constituents of the ash.

Standard deviation of percentage, mean percentage, standard error and median for student-t
test also known as "small sample test"[Richmond 1964] in the present case for a particular constituent
of trash and for a particular department is calculated using the equations given below :

Since we do not know the true means and standard deviations of various constituents of trash,
and to determine how much the sample means and standard deviations represent their true values, the
value of 't' of student-t test is selected from the standard student t-distribution table. The criterion for
the selection of t value from standard table depends upon the level of significance and degrees of

In the present case the level of significance for all samples is taken to be 0.05. A level of
significance 0.05 implies a 95% confidence interval. For the corresponding level of significance and
degrees of freedom, the value of t is picked. Then the confidence limits for the mean are calculated as
below :

This directly follows from the basic formula for the calculation of t value if the true mean is
known. i.e.

5.1.1 Front End Mass Balance (LFH)

Table 1 gives the total weight of items purchased for the year 1992, which are most likely to
end up in red bags. It also shows the percentage of packaging and products inside the package which
are most likely to end up in the red bags. The table shows that the percentage of paper as package
material is considerably higher than the percentage of plastic as package material. On the other hand,
the percentage of plastic as product material is the highest followed by percentage of cotton products.
The percentage of paper as product material is the least. For example, in the data obtained from the
Engineering Services Department of LFH the total red bag waste for the September 1992 month is
104,000 lbs. The total weight of supplies most likely to end up in red bags is 104,659 lbs. This figure
is obtained by adding all the entries in the row entitled weight(lb) for the month of September 1992 in
Table 1. The weight without the packages can also be calculated from Table 1.

From Table 1, the ratio of the actual weight from the back end incinerated to the total weight
from the front end estimated, can be calculated. This ratio is calculated for the individual waste
constituents as well as for the total waste also. Table 2(b) gives this ratio for the different components
of the waste. For example for the month of April 1992, the ratio of back end incinerated to the front
end estimated is 23195.13/20205 = 1.147. Which means the actual amount of paper ending up at the
back end for the month of April 1992 is 1.147 times as estimated from the front end.

Table 2(c) gives the ratio of percentages of front end estimation and back end incineration of
various waste constituents for the year 1992. Table 2(a) gives the ratio of actual weight of waste from
back end incinerated to the front end estimated for each month of the year 1992. This ratio could not
be calculated for the month of May and June due to non-availability of the data for these months.

A very conspicuous fact during the characterization of medical waste has been the absence of
any body parts. The reason for this is, that the LMH operating regulations require that the body parts
such as umbilical chords and placenta be stored separately in a refrigerator kept at East Tower 4 (ET-
4), and not be disposed off as part of other biohazardous waste. After the refrigerator is filled to
capacity the body parts are then disposed off into the incinerator along with the other waste present at
that time at ET-4. In the LFH, the body parts are disposed off once a week from the laboratories
located in the research building.

For the LMH, similar tables could not be completed because the work had to be discontinued
owing to unusual circumstances developing between the LMH and the authorities.
5.1.2 Back End Waste Characterization

Table 3(LFH) and Table 4(LMH) present the average percentage of different components from the
different departments of the hospitals. It also presents the number of samples, sample standard
deviation, standard error, median value and confidence limits for different categories and different

departments in the LFH and LMH Hospital. The statistical parameters are calculated for constituents of
red bag wastes from different departments. They also include the limit within the true value of mean
percentage will lie for different constituents of trash generated by different departments. Some of the
confidence limits show negative values in Table 4. This implies that the present amount of data points
for that trash constituent of a particular department are insufficient to represent the true mean. There is
however no such problem with the data from the LFH.

In the present case the true mean and standard deviations are unknown. The use of confidence
limit implies that we are 95% confident, that the true value of mean will lie between the average sample
mean plus or minus t times standard error. For example in the case of SICU department of the Large
Federal Hospital there are 21 data points. Considering plastic for this department, the average
percentage is 46.63 and the standard error is 3.01. Then for a 0.05 level of significance and 20 degrees
of freedom (N - 1) the value of t is 2.086. Hence we can say that the true mean percentage of plastic for
SICU department of the Large Federal Hospital will lie between 46.63 -3.01*2.086 and 46.63 +
3.01*2.086; in other words, between 52.90 and 40.36. Similarly for NHCU of the Large Federal
Hospital we can say for that the true average percentage of paper will lie between 13.36 and 7.48. The
degrees of freedom in this case is 21 and value of t is 2.080 for 95% confidence interval.

From the bar chart[Figure 2(a,b)], we can see the percentage of different categories for each
department is different, for example, for the department of dialysis, LF Hospital, the percentage of
the plastics is the highest; for the department of the NHCU, the percentage of the cotton is the highest.
This large percentage is due to the nature of care provided. This department essentially provides a
nursing home type care and most of the cotton comes from diapers used by the patients. But one fact is
apparent, no matter in which department, the plastic, paper, and cotton products together always
account for most of the total wastes. During this period of characterization, as a whole, plastic, paper
and cotton products make up over 90 percent. Thus, we can say that most of the biohazardous waste
in the LF Hospital are plastic, paper and cotton products. At the Large Metropolitan Hospital the
cotton percentage is much smaller than the LF Hospital, but plastic and paper still remain the main
constituents of the trash.

The waste at the LFH is collected once in the morning and once in the evening only. This is
done Monday through Friday. The waste is not collected on Saturday and Sunday. This allows us to
weigh the total waste from each department on the days sampling was done at the LFH. Using the
average weight of the wastes, it is possible to calculate the average percentage of the red bag waste
produced by each department. This is shown in Table 5(a). As can be seen from the table, the NHCU
department produces the largest amount as can be expected. The Dialysis ward produces the smallest

Based upon the comparison data from each department and the weight, we can calculate the
percentage of the different components in the total red bag waste. These results are shown in Table
5(b). The largest fraction is that of cotton, followed closely by that of plastic. The third largest
component is paper. These three components together account for over 90% of the total red bag waste

Taking the total weight of each component to be 100%, it is possible to calculate the
percentage contribution of the component from each department. These results are shown in Table
5(c). Dialysis and MICU are the largest generators of plastics. CICU, Surgery and Medical Wards are
the largest generator of paper, while the NHCU is the largest generator of cotton.

For the LMH, similar tables could not be completed because the work had to be discontinued
owing to unusual circumstances developing between the LMH and the authorities.

5.1.3 Plastic Characterization

Table 6 gives the t-test results of plastic characterization for the departments of the LFH. A
marked feature about the results is the absence of #1 and #7 plastics. The percentages of #2 and #3
plastics are the highest for most of the departments.

Table 7 gives the t-test results of plastic characterization for three departments of LMH. Again
#1 and #7 plastics are absent. The percentages of #2 and #3 plastics are the highest. For other
departments of the LMH, tables could not be generated because the work had to be discontinued owing
to unusual circumstances developing between the LMH and the authorities. Figure 3(a) and Figure
3(b) are the stacked bar representation of percentage composition of various plastic components for
different departments of LMH and LFH. For example the MICU department of LMH shows more than
60% of PVC in the total plastic content. The department is shown as MI in Figure 3(a). Plastic #2, #3
and #4 account for more than 50% of total plastic present in the waste.
5.1.4 Ash Samples

A look at the initial test results of the metallic constituents (Table 8(a,b)) of the ash samples
show a high percentage of iron and lead. The III-pass of the boiler shows a high concentration of
Cadmium. The test result show a substantial amount of Chromium and Nickel too. Test results for the
amount of mercury present in the waste are also shown in Table 8(a,b). The scrubber has the highest
amount of mercury present and the incinerator ram has the second highest amount of mercury present.
All amounts are listed in g / g.

The difference between the bottom ash and the ram is that the ram ash falls into a cooling pit
and is then collected as bottom ash. The number of samples is too small to statistically confirm if the
difference in the amount of mercury is really true.

The analysis of variance test is used to find the homogeneity of a set of sample means by
analysis of the variability or variance among them. The basic contribution of the analysis of variation is
a technique for testing whether a set of two or more sample means can be taken to be random samples
from the same population. The basic idea is that the population variance may be estimated from the
sample in several ways, the comparison among these estimates can tell us a great deal about the

Using the terminology that is used for the student's t test, the variance for the sample data
points is calculated in following three different ways [Richmond, S. B.]:

(1) The variation between groups

This is the weighted variation of the group means about the grand mean. Each group mean is
compared with the grand mean, the difference is squared and weighted by the number of observations
in the group, and these weighted squares are summed for the k groups. X double bar is the grand
mean of all samples. ni is the number of observations in the ith group and i is the group designation.

(2) The variation within groups

This is the variation of all the individual observations about their respective group means. Each
observation is compared with its own group mean, the difference is squared, and the squares are
summed for the group, and then combined for all k groups. In the above equation j is the serial
number designated for individual observation within groups.

(3) The total variation

This is the variation of all the individual observations about the grand mean.

Each of these sum of squares measures the degree of variation among the elements in the
population. When each is divided by the appropriate number of degrees of freedom, the resulting
variance is an unbiased estimate of the population variance; and, if the hypothesis of no difference
between the population mean is true, they are all estimates of the same variance and should not differ
more than might be expected on the basis of chance. If, however, the variance among groups is
significantly greater than the variance within groups, the hypothesis of the homogeneity of the group
means will be rejected. For the variance between group means, the degrees of freedom is taken to be
k-1 and for the variance within the groups the degrees of freedom is T-k and total variance the degrees
of freedom are taken to be T-1. T is the total number of observations for all samples and k is the
number of samples each sample having more than one data points. Then the ratio of variance between
groups and variance within groups is calculated. This ratio corresponds to F value. This value is
compared with the standard value given in standard F table for a given level of significance. In the
present case the level of significance is taken to be 0.05. For example for 95% confidence limit the
value of F(2,11) is 3.98, where 2 is the degrees of freedom for variance between groups and 11 is the
degrees of freedom for variance within groups.
5.2.1 Back End Waste Characterization(LFH)

Table 9(a-f) presents the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test results for the LFH hospital.
Comparisons have been made to check whether waste composition of one department is significantly
different from the other departments of the hospitals or not. An appearance of 'Y' or 'YES' in the tables
means that waste from two departments is indeed significantly different in a statistical sense and
appearance of 'N' or 'NO' means that waste from two departments is not significantly different in a
statistical sense, or in other words 'N' means that waste samples from the two departments come from
same parent population. From the tables the following information about different components of the
medical waste can be inferred.

Plastics: The percentage of plastics in the red bag waste from different departments are
significantly different from each other in most of the cases(greater than 95% confidence limits). The
comparisons are shown in Table 9(a).

Glass: The percentage of glass in the red bags from the CICU is significantly different from
most other departments. There is no significant difference between the glass composition from the
other eight departments. The results are shown in Table 9(b).

Paper: The percentage of paper in the red bag waste from the Surgery department, the NHCU
and the CICU are significantly different from all other departments. They are also significantly
different from each other. The results are shown in Table 9(c).

Metals: The percentage of metals from most departments are not significantly different from all
other departments except that of Medical wards. The results are shown in Table 9(d).

Cotton: The percentage of cotton in the red bag waste from the different departments are
significantly different from each other in most cases. The results are shown in Table 9(e).

Others: The percentage of miscellaneous waste from all the departments is not significantly
different from most other departments. The results are shown in Table 9(f).

Since the difference in plastics are significant in most cases, it might provide us with an
opportunity to reduce emissions by regulating the amount of plastics fed into the incinerator.

For the analysis of medical waste incineration theoretical estimations have been carried out for
mass balance, heat balance and flue gas generation. Theoretical results show extra amount of air is
required to keep the combustion chamber temperature below the operating temperature limit of 1800
F. The calculations also show generation of HCl above the levels set by the law. In all the
calculations it has been assumed that only paper, cotton and plastic burn and contribute to flue gas.
Details of calculations being very long and tedious are not included in this report. The following
describes in brief the various estimations for medical waste incineration of the LFH:

For theoretical estimations of medical waste incineration, it is important to know the chemical
combustion formula for various components of the waste. It is assumed that only paper, cotton and
plastics take part in combustion. One main reason for this assumption is, because paper, cotton and
plastic are the major components of medical waste generated by the LFH. The other three components,
namely metal, glass and miscellaneous items account for less than 10% of the total medical waste
generated at the LFH, hence they are neglected for the purpose of calculations.

The major component of paper and cotton is cellulose. Plastic #2 and #4 are composed of
polyethylene. Plastic #3 is Poly Vinyl Chloride. Plastic #5 is composed of Polypropylene. As
indicated by waste characterization, plastic #1, #6 and #7 are rarely found in the waste at the LFH. The
stoichiometric combustion equations for above mentioned components are as listed below:


162.16 32.0 28.02 44.01 18.02 28.02

C6H10O5 + 6O2 + (6*3.76)N2 ->6CO2 + 5H2O + (6*3.76)N2
162.16 192 632.1 264.06 90.10 632.1
1.00 1.18 3.90 1.63 0.56 3.90


28.06 32.0 28.02 44.01 18.02 28.02
C2H4 + 3O2 + (3*3.76)N2 ->2CO2 + 2H2O + (3*3.76)N2
28.06 96 316.07 88.02 36.04 316.07
1.00 3.42 11.26 3.14 1.28 11.26


62.50 32.0 28.02 44.01 36.5 18.02 28.02

2C2H3CL + 5O2 +(5*3.76)N2 ->4CO2+ 2HCL+ 2H2O+(5*3.76)N2

125 160 526.78 176.04 73 36.04 526.78
1.00 1.28 4.21 1.41 0.58 0.29 4.21


42.09 32.0 28.02 44.01 18.02 28.02

2C3H6 + 9O2 + (9*3.76)N2 ->6CO2 + 6H2O + (9*3.76)N2
125 288 948.20 264.06 108.12 948.20
1.00 3.42 11.26 3.14 1.28 11.26

First line in all the above equations is the molecular weight of a single molecule of the reactants
and the products. The second line is the chemical formula for the combustion reaction. The third line
is the molecular weight of actual amount of molecules of reactants and products. The fourth or the last
line is the amount of air needed to burn each pound of reactant.

For example, paper or cotton are mostly composed of cellulose. The chemical formula for
cellulose is C6H10O5 as shown in line 2. Therefor the molecular weight of cellulose is 162.12 as shown
in the first line. Similarly the first line shows the molecular weight for O2, N2, CO2, H2O, and N2. The
third line gives the molecular weight of total number of molecules present for each component in the
combustion reaction. The third line for combustion equation for paper or cotton show 192 for O2,
which is number of participating oxygen molecules times the molecular weight of oxygen, or
6*32=192. This line also shows that for each molecule of oxygen there are 3.76 molecules of N2
present in the combustion air by weight. The fourth line gives the amount of oxygen needed to
completely burn 1lb of cellulose.

In real life air is used for combustion purposes. Since oxygen and nitrogen are the main
components of air, only they are listed in all the above combustion equations. For example, to burn
1lb of cellulose, the major component of paper and cotton, 1.18lbs of oxygen and 3.90lbs of nitrogen
is needed. In other words, for complete combustion of 1lb of cellulose approximately 5lbs of
air(1.18lbs oxygen + 3.90lbs nitrogen) is needed. Clearly nitrogen does not take part in the combustion

Table 10 shows various assumed characteristics for combustion of medical waste. It shows the
moisture content and the higher heating value(HHV) for various components. It also shows
stoichiometric requirements, that is the amount of air needed per pound of waste burnt, for various
components of medical waste. For example, to burn 1lb of polyethylene, approximately 15lbs of air is
needed, and to burn 1lb of paper or cotton, 5lbs of air is needed. The moisture content and HHV are
used for the calculation of heat and mass balance.

Another important aspect of the selective burning is emissions. Since the waste composition

from various departments are different, the kind of emissions generated can be expected to be different.
Stack sampling involving Method-5, also known as Isokinetic sampling or Particulate sampling and
Method-26 for HCl emissions would be undertaken on-site. Knowing the kind of emissions generated
by waste from a particular department will help in better control over the emissions. As an example,
for smaller hospitals not having a scrubber, a waste mixture generated by combining wastes from
different departments, or from red bag wastes diluted by waste paper, can be burnt to keep emissions
below acceptable level.

Based upon the available data, calculations have been carried out to estimate the flue gas
composition of waste from different departments are burnt separately. Table 11 shows the different
gaseous components generated in lb/hr as well as in percentage of the total amount of flue gas. The
table is generated by assuming a wet feed of 500lb/hr. By wet feed it is meant that the waste from a
particular department is assumed to have a moisture content. This moisture content is calculated by
using Table 3 and Table 10. From Table 11 we can see that the percentage of various components of
flue gases for different departments are similar. The reason for this is that increase in a particular
component results in the increase in total flue gas resulting in a small difference in ratio. From the
table, it can be seen that the Dialysis department produces the maximum amount of CO2. The NHCU
department produces the least amount of CO2. Similarly the Dialysis department produces maximum
amount of HCl. The Dialysis department also produces the maximum amount of water in combustion

Table 12 shows the calculated results for allowable emission limits based upon the State of
Florida's allowable limits for particulate emission. The table also shows the theoretically calculated
amount of particulate emission in lbs/hr from burning waste from various departments of the hospital.
These calculations are based upon mass and heat balance calculations. Since the actual emissions are
considerably higher than the allowable emissions, an efficient scrubber is required. This table also lists
the scrubber efficiency needed if wastes from different departments are burnt separately.

Cleanliness kept at both the hospitals as well as great cooperation of the employees of the
Environmental Services Department is highly appreciated. A discussion is given below on some of the
observations that have been made.

Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b) show that the plastics percentage is the highest in the waste stream.
Within the plastics, polyvinyl chloride, the main source of hydrochloric acid gas upon incineration, is
present in an appreciable amount [Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b)]. A great deal of pollution could be
potentially avoided by replacing the material or recycling the PVC. In addition, the paper comprises
the second highest percentage in the waste stream. From the characterization of the waste stream, it
has been found that the paper is mostly newspapers plus office and toilet papers. Recycling of
newspaper, instead of burning could reduce the lead pollution, as lead is present in the printing ink
used for printing newspapers.

In the LMH, the following procedure is used. The red bags containing biohazardous waste as
well as the white bags containing non-biohazardous waste are burnt randomly in the order they arrive at
the incinerator. In other words, universal precaution has to be taken for all wastes. A simple
segregation of waste just before incineration of the waste could improve the incinerator thermal
efficiency. Using semi-transparent red bags could aid in the visual appraisal of their contents, so that
by just looking at the red bags, a person can segregate the waste appropriately. Most of the time, the
red bags have liquid in the form of water, chemicals or blood, inside them. Drying the waste before
incineration could greatly improve the thermal efficiency of the incinerator.

The following is a list of suggestions which could enhance the operating efficiency of the
hospitals with regards waste management:
(1). Many a times red bags contain newspapers and other types of printed matter in large
proportions which cannot be considered as bio-hazardous.
(2). Some of the floors which do not have any type of patient wards or have only
administrative offices also produce red bags.
(3). Many a times wasted food, cold drink cans and bottles are disposed off in red bags. These are
shown as miscellaneous items in the data.
The reasons for (1),(2) and (3) could be
(a) vicinity &
(b) availability of red bags.
Stopping of the above three practices will reduce the red bag waste.
(4). Some of the red bags contain white bags inside them. This may happen because the employee
collecting trash from trash rooms generally carry empty red bags with him. So for manageability he
may put smaller white bags into a larger red bag.
(5). Red bags containing biohazardous waste as well as white bags are dumped into the same trolly
kept inside the trash room in the LMH.
(6). As a universal precaution all types of wastes that are generated in the LMH are burnt.
Separation of white bags from red bags can be more economical. This can be easily seen in case the
hospital incinerator is down, and the red bags and white bags have to be hauled off by a commercial
medical waste management company. Burning red bags costs more than burning white bags.
(7). Among the biohazardous wastes, plastic products make up the highest portion; if they are put
into different red bags according to the resins and then recycled, the wastes and pollution would be
reduced. Waste treatments such as microwaving, autoclaving and electron beam impingement for
disinfecting waste are important before recycling is carried out.
(8). Because the medical waste include many categories of products, if they are burnt selectively, it
can reduce pollution and also save energy.
(9). In the red bags, there are some unused medical goods such as plastic tubes and some office
paper. If this is avoided, medical waste will be reduced and money will be saved for the hospital.
(10). Education of the staff and patients of the hospitals with regards the above findings will lead to
improved waste management and savings.

The state of Florida regulations stipulate that the HCl acid (HCl) emissions shall not exceed 4.0
pounds per hour for stationary sources. From Table 12, it can be seen that the waste from each
department generates HCl much above the stipulated levels on combustion. The solution to this
problem is the use of a high efficiency scrubber. For small and medium size hospitals that do not have
scrubbers on their incinerators, HCl can be diluted by mixing the waste with waste paper, etc. Other
options are recycling and separating the PVC at the point of discard. In addition, PVC can be replaced
by something else that does not produce harmful substances on combustion. The replacement of PVC
in the manufacture of gloves would be a very significant improvement since the PVC in the gloves is a
major source of HCl in all departments.

1. A.R. William, J.W. David, "Infectious Waste-Mismatch between Science
and policy," New England Journal of Medicine, 325(8):578(Aug. 22, 1991).

2. C.C. Lee, G.L. Huffman, R.P. Nalesink, "Medical Waste Management,"

Environment Science and Technology, 25(3): 360(1991).

3. Medical and Institutional Waste Incineration: Regulations, Management,

Technology, Emissions, and Operations; Seminar Publication, EPA/625/4-91/030,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and development,
Washington DC, 1991.

4. A.E.S. Green, Medical Waste Incineration and Pollution Prevention, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, 1992, pp 37-52.

5. Midwest Research Institute, Hospital Waste Incinerator Field Inspection and Source
Evaluation manual, EPA-340/1-89-010, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Air and Radiation, Washington DC, 1989.

6. Roy Neulicht, Mark Turner, Dennis Wallace, Operation and Maintenance of
Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator, Handbook, EPA/625/6-89/024, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Washington DC, 1990, pp 1-20.

7. S.B. Richmond, Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed., Ronald Press Company, New York,
1964, pp 185-197, 304-323.

8. R. Brunner , P.E. Calvin,Incineration Systems-Selection and Design, Van Nostrand

Reinhold Company, 1984.

9. T.A. David, R.J. Amadeo, V.M. Katherine, Incineration of Municipal and Hazardous
Solid Waste, Academic Press, Inc., 1989.

10. J. Glenn, "The State of Garbage in America," Bio Cycle, April 1992.

11. R.D. Leaversuch, "Medical disposables create a special problem in solid waste
management," Plastics World, March 1990.

12. Walker,B. L., Cooper, D. C., "Air pollution emission factors for medical waste
incinerators," Journal of Air Waste and Management association.Vol. 42, No. 6, June

13. American Hospital Association, Guide to Health Care Field, American Hospital
Association, Chicago, 1991.


N Number of Samples
X Individual Value of Variable
X Sample Mean
Sx Standard Error
S Standard Deviation
True Mean
t Standard Statistical Parameter
k Number of Groups
T Total Number of Observations in All Groups Combined
i Group Designation
j Serial Number Designation for Individual Observations Within Groups
ni Number of Observations in the ith Group
Xij An Observation. The jth Observation in the ith group
X Grand Sample Mean of All T of the Observations
Xi Arithmetic Mean of ith group

Mr. John D. Schert
Interim Executive Director
Florida Center Solid and Hazardous Waste
University of Florida
2207 NW 13 Street, Suite D
Gainesville, FL 32609.


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