Appendix B. Supplemental Welder Qualification Testing Procedure
Appendix B. Supplemental Welder Qualification Testing Procedure
Appendix B. Supplemental Welder Qualification Testing Procedure
Part I
This appendix supplements Part I, Section 3.3.1 and provides for qualification testing of
welders required to perform critical welds in steel moment frames designed for seismic
Test Plate
The test plate thickness shall be 1-1/2 inch. The web plate thickness shall be 1 inch. The
access hole and groove angle shall be as indicated in Figure B-1. The groove angle shall be 30o,
with a root opening of 3/8 inch. Steel backing shall be 3/8 inch thick and at least 1 inch wide.
Weld tabs 3/8 inch thick and 1-1/2 inches long shall be attached at each end of the joint. The
column plate, representing the column flange and tack welded to the test plate, shall be a
minimum 3/8 inch thick, and shall be separated from the test plate by ¼ inch. The length of test
weld shall be 12 inches minimum, not including weld tabs. See Figure B-1.
Welding Operation
The welder shall fit and tack weld the test assembly from prefabricated parts, and shall
perform all the groove welding. Backgouging, cutting, tack weld removal, and grinding
operations listed in this paragraph may be performed by another welder. Following welding, the
backing bar shall be removed by air carbon arc cutting, the joint root backgouged to solid weld
metal, and the root backwelded until flush. The weld tabs shall be removed by thermal cutting or
air carbon arc cutting, then ground smooth and flush with the test plate. The vertical restriction
plate and web shall then be removed, tack welds ground to a depth 1/8 inch below the surface,
and the weld surface ground smooth. Should another procedure be used on the project for the
removal of the backing bar or weld tabs, then that procedure shall be used for this testing.
Either radiographic testing (RT) in accordance with AWS D1.1, Section 4.30.3 or side-bend
tests in accordance with this section may be performed. When side-bend tests are to be
performed, the flat test plate shall be cut to prepare three transverse side-bend tests, with each
test specimen ¾ inch thick. Two side-bend specimens shall be from near the middle of the joint
at the web, and one side-bend specimen shall be from near either end of the joint. Testing shall
be in accordance with AWS B4.0-92, Standard Methods for Mechanical testing of Welds,
Section A1.
Part I: B-1
FEMA-353 Recommended Specifications and Quality
Part I: Appendix B Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame
Supplemental Welder Qualification Testing Procedure Construction for Seismic Applications
Alternatively, radiographic testing may be performed for the full length of the weld in
accordance with AWS D1.1, Section 4.30.3.
All three test specimens must pass the transverse side-bend tests. If radiographic testing is
used, the specimen must satisfy AWS D1.1, Section
Beam Web Interface
Attachment 4−1/2ˆ
Test Plate Test Plate
Root Opening
Backing Bar
Figure B-1 Supplemental Welder Qualification Test Assembly
Part I: B-2