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SA-516¡SA-516M 2013 SECTION 11.




~ m®
Sumdards Worldwide

(Identical with ASTM Specification A 516/ A 516M-06)

1. Scope values from the two systems may result in nonconforrnance

1.1 This specification covers carbon steel plates with the specification.
intended primarily for service in welded pressure vessels
where improved notch toughness is important.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 Plates under this specification are available in four 2.1 ASTM Standards:
grades having different strength levels as follows: A 20/ A 20M Specification for General Requirements for
Tensile Strength, Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels
Grade U.S. [SI] ksi [MPa]
A 435/ A 435M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic
55 [380] 55-75 [380-515] Examination of Steel Plates
60 [415] 60--80 [415-550] A 577/ A 577M Specification for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam
65 [450] 65--85 [450--585]
Examination of Steel Plates
70 [485] 70--90 [485-620]
A 578/ A 578M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic
1.3 The maximum thickness of plates is limited only Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special
by the capacity of the composition to meet the specified Applications
mechanical property requirements; however, current prac-
tice norrnally limits the maximum thickness of plates fur-
3. General Requirements and Ordering
nished under this specification as follows:
Maximum Thickness,
Grade U.S. [SI] in. [mm]
3.1 Plates supplied to this product specification shall
conforrn to Specification A 20/ A 20M, which outlines the
55 [380] 12 [305] testing and retesting rnethods and procedures, perrnissible
60 [415] 8 [205]
65 [450] 8 [205]
variations in dirnensions and mass, quality and repair of
70 [485] 8 [205] defects, marking, loading, and so forth.
3.2 Specification A 20/ A 20M also establishes the rules
1.4 For plates produced from coi! and fumished without
for ordering inforrnation that should be cornplied with when
heat treatment or with stress relieving only, the additional
purchasing plates to this specification.
requirements, including additional testing requirements
and the reporting of additional test results of Specification 3.3 In addition to the basic requirements of this specifi-
A 20/A 20M apply. cation, certain supplementary requirements are available
where additional control, testing, or examination is
1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI
required to meet end use requirements.
units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the
text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated 3.4 The purchaser is referred to the Iisted supplemen-
in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each tary requirements in this specification and to the detailed
system must be used independently ofthe other. Combiníng requirements in Specification A 20/ A 20M.

Copyright ASME lntemational (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under ftcense with ASME xX Licensee=Bureau Venias - 597426015985149003. User-Ferrer. Heman
No reproduction or networking permitled without license from IHS Not for Resale. 08/2112013 15:23:20 MOT

3.5 Coils are excluded from quaIification to this speci- 5.2 Plates over 1.50 in. [40 mm] in thickness shall be
fication until they are processed into finished plates. Plates normalized.
produced from coil means plates that have been cut to
5.3 When notch-toughness tests are required on plates
individual lengths from coil. The processor directly con-
1~ in. [40 mm] and under in thickness, the plates shall be
trols, ór is responsible for, the operations involved in the
normalized unless therwise specified by the purchaser.
processing of coils into finished plates. Such operations
include decoiling, leveling, cutting to length, testing, 5.4 If approved by the purchaser, cooling rates faster
inspection, conditioning, heat treatment (if applicable), than those obtained by cooling in air are permissible for
packaging, marking, loading for shipment, and certifi- improvement of the toughness, provided the pIates are
cation. subsequently tempered in the temperature range 1100 to
1300°F [595 to 705°C].
NOTE 1: For plates produced from coil and furnished without heat
treatment or with stress relieving only, three test results are reported for
each qualifying coi!. Additional requirements regarding plate produced
frorn coil are described in Specification A 20/ A 20M. 6. Chemical Composition
3.6 If the requirements of this specification are in con- 6.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical require-
flict with the requirements of Specification A 20/ A 20M, ments given in Table 1 unless otherwise modified in accor-
the requirements of this specification shall prevail. dance with Supplementary Requirement S 17, Vacuum
Carbon-Deoxidized Steel, in Specification A 20/ A 20M.

4. Materials and Manufacture

4.1 SteelmakingPractice- The steel shall be killed and 7. Mechanical Properties
shall conform to the fine austenitic grain size requirement 7.1 Tension Test-The plates, as represented by the
of Specification A 20/ A 20M. tension test specimens, shall conform to the requirements
given in Table 2.

5. Reat Treatment
5.1 Plates 1.50 in. [40 rnrn] and under in thickness are 8. Keywords
normally supplied in the as-rolled condition. The plates 8.1 carbon steel; carbon steel plate; pressure containing
may be ordered normalized or stress reIieved, or both. parts; pressure vessel steels; steel plates for pressure vessels

................ %1·

Copyright ASME lntemalional (BPVC)

Provldec by IHS under ncensa with A$ME xX Licensee=Bureeu Ventas - 5974260/5985149003, User=Ferrer, Heman
No reproduction or networking permlned wllhout ñcense from IHS Nol for Resale, 0812112013 15:23:20 MOT
SA-516/SA-516M 2013 SECTION 11, PART A

Composition, %

Grade 60 Grade 65 Grade 70

Grade 55 [Grade 415] ..•. [Grade [Grade 485]
Elements [Grade 380] 450]
Carbón, max(A), (8):

'/2 in. [12.5 rnrn l and under 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 ,/
Over 1;2 in. to 2 in. [12.5 to 50 mmJ, incl 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.28
Over 2 in. to 4 in. [50 to 100 mmJ, incl 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.30
Over 4 to 8 in. [100 to 200 mmJ, incl 0.24 0.27 0.29 0.31
Over 8 in. [200 mmJ 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.31

~ in. [12.5J and under:
Heat analysis 0.60-0.90 0.60-0.90 (e) 0.85-1.20 0.85-1.20
Product analysis 0.55-0.98 0.55-0.98 (e) 0.79-1.30 0.79-1.30
Over '/2 in. [12.5 mmJ:
Heat analysis 0.60-1.20 0.85-1.20 0.85-1.20 0.85-1.20
Product analysis 0.55-1.30 0.79-1.30 0.79-1.30 0.79-1.30

Phosphorus, max(A) 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035

Sulfur, max(A) 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
Heat analysis 0.15-0.40 0.15-0.40 0.15-0.40 0.15-0.40
Product analysis 0.13-0.45 0.13-0.45 0.13-0.45 0.13-0.45

(A) Applies to both heat and product analyses.
(S) For each reduction of 0.01 percentage point below the specified maximum for carbón, an increase of 0.06 percentage point above the specified
maximum for manganese is permitted, up to a maximum of 1.50% by heat analysis and 1.60% by product analysis.
(e) Grade 60 plates ~ in. [12.5 mmJ and under in thickness may have 0.85-1.20% manganese on heat analysis, and 0.79-1.30% manganese
on product analysis.


55 [380] 60 [415J 65 [450] 70 [485]

Ter:Ísile strength, ksi [M PaJ 55-75 [380-515J 60-80 [415-550J 65-85 [450-585J 70-90 [485-620J
Yield strength, min, ksi [M PaJ(A) 30 [205J 32 [220J 35 [240J 38 [260J
Elonqation in 8 in. [200 mmJ, min, % (S) 23 21 19 17
Elonqation in 2 in. [50 rnrn.l, min, % (S) 27 25 23 21

(Ai: Determined by either the 0.2% offset method or the 0.5% extension-under-Ioad method.
(Sj See Specification A 20/A 20M for elongation adjustment.

Copyright ASME Intemational (BPVC)
Provided by lHS under jcense with ASME xX Licensee=Bureau Veritas ~ 5974260/5985149003, User=Ferrer. Heman
No reproducnon or netv..rorking permitled without ücense from IHS Not for Resala, 08/211201315:23:20 MOT
2013 SECTlON 11. PART A SA-516jSA-516M


Supplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified in the purchase order.
A list of standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser
is included in ASTM Specification A 20/ A 20M. Those that are considered suitable for
use with this specification are listed below by title.

SI. Vacuum Treatment, S7. High-Temperature Tension Test,

S2. Product Analysis, S8. Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with
Specification A 435/ A 435M,
S3. Simulated Post- Weld Heat Treatment of
Mechanical Test Coupons, S9. Magnetic ParticIe Examination,
S4.1 Additional Tension Test,
S11. Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with
Specification A 577/ A 577M,
S5. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test, S12. Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with
Specification A 578/ A 578M, and
S6. Drop Weight Test (for Material 0.625 in.
[16 mm] and over in Thickness), S17. Vacuum Carbon-Deoxidized Steel.

Copyright ASME Intemalional (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under ücense with ASME xX Ucensee=Bureau Venias - 597426015985149003, User=Ferrer, Hernan
No reoroductlon or networking permilted wilhoul license from IHS Nol far Resale, 08/21/201315:23:20 MOT
ASME 831.4-2009

Chapter 111
Materials ..•.

423 MATERIALS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS expected metal temperature during service, having
regard to past recorded temperature data and possible
423.1 Acceptable Materials and Specifications
effects of lower air and ground temperatures. The aver-
The materials used shall conform to the specifica-
(a) age of the Charpy energy values from each heat shall
tions listed in Table 423.1-1 or shall meet the require- meet or exceed the following:
ments of this Code for materials not listed. Specific (a) For all grades with an SMYSequal to or greater
editions of standards incorporated in this Code by refer- than 42,000psi (289MPa), the required mínimum aver-
ence, and the names and addresses of the sponsoring age (set of three specimens) absorbed energy for each
organizations, are shown in Mandatory Appendix 1, heat based on full-sized (10 mm x 10 mm) specimens
since it is not practical to refer to a specific edition of shall be 20 lb-ft (27J) for transverse specimens or 30 lb-ft
each standard in Table423.1-1and throughout the Code (41 J) for longitudinal samples.
text. Mandatory Appendix 1will be revised at intervals, (b) For all grades with an SMYSless than 42,000psi
as needed, and issued in Addenda to the CodeoMaterials (289MPa), the required mínimum average (set of three
and components conforming to a specification or stan- specimens) absorbed energy for each heat based on full-
dard previously listed in Table 423.1-1, or to a super- sized (10mm x 10mm) specimens shall be 131b-ft(18[),
seded edition of a listed specification or standard, may
be used. 4Z:J:T.4 Cast, Malleable, and Wrought Iron
(b) Except as otherwise provided for in this Code, Cast, malleable, and wrought iron shall not be
materials that do not conform to a listed specification used for pressure-containing parts except as provided
or standard in Table423.1-1may be used provided they in paras. 407.1(a)and (b), and para. 423.2.4(b).
conform to a published specification covering chernistry, (b) Cast, malleable, and wrought iron are acceptable
physical and mechanical properties, method and process in pressure vessels and other equipment noted in
of manufacture, heat treatment, and quality control, and para. 400.1.2(b) and in proprietary items [see
otherwise meet the requirements of this CodeoAllowable para. 400.1.2(g)],except that pressure-containing parts
stress es shall be determined in accordance with the shall be limited to pressures not exceeding 250 psi
applicable allowable stress basis of this Code or a more (17 bar).
conservative basis. 423.2.5 Materials for Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia
Pipeline Systems. Only steel conforming to specifica-
423.2 Limitations on Materials
tions listed in Mandatory Appendix 1shall be used for
423.2.1 General pressure-containing piping components and equipment
(a) The designer shall give consideration to the signif- in liquid anhydrous ammonia pipeline systems. How-
icance of temperature on the performance of the ever, internal parts of such piping components and
material. equipment may be made of other materials suitable for
(b) Selection of material to resist deterioration in ser- the service.
vice is not within the scope of this CodeoIt is the design- The longitudinal or spiral weld of electric resistance
er's responsibility to select materials suitable for the welded and electric induction welded pipe shall be
fluid service under the intended operating conditions. normalized.
An example of a source of information on materials Cold formed fittings shall be normalized after
performance in corrosive environments is the Corros ion fabrication.
Data Survey published by the National Association of Except for the quantities permitted in steels by indi-
Corrosion Engineers. vidual specifications for steels listed in Mandatory
Appendix 1, the use of copper, zinc, or alloys of these
(09) 4 Sfeels for prpe are- shown in
- Table 423.1-1 (except as noted in para. 423.2.5). metals is prohibited for all pressure piping components
subject to a liquid anhydrous ammonia environment.
Steel pipe designed to be operated at a hoop stress
of more than 20%SMYSshall be impact tested in accor- 423.2.6 Materials for Carbon Dioxide Piping Sy~-
dance with the procedures of supplementary require- tems. Blow down and bypass piping in carbon dioxide
ment SR5 of AP1 5L, or ASTM A 333. The test pipelines shall be of a material suitable for the low tem-
temperature shall be the lower of 32°F(O°C)or the lowest peratures expected.

Copyright ASME Inlernalional
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproducñon or networ1dng permitled wilhoullicense from IHS Not far Resale

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