Score - Place Value Quiz: - Hundreds - Tens - Ones - Hundreds - Tens - Ones

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Place Value Quiz Score

Write the number for each set of base ten blocks on the line.

1. 2.

______________ _____________

3. 4.

______________ ______________
Write the number of hundreds, tens, and ones for each number below.

5. 389 6. 704
___hundreds ___tens___ones ___hundreds ___tens___ones

Compare the numbers below using the symbols >greater than, <less
than or =equal to.

7. 8,746 _____ 7,635 8. 5,342 _____ 5,432

9. 785 ____ 954 10. 2,390 _____ 2,390

Unscramble the place values and write the number.

11. 3 hundreds + 7 ones + 4 tens


12. 0 ones + 4 hundreds + 5 tens


Write each number in expanded form.

13. 492 14. 5,903

___________________ _____________________

15. 3,862 16. 804

___________________ _____________________

Write the numbers below in standard form.

17. 300+80+9 18. 500+20+3

________________ ________________

19. 4000+0+40+3 20. 7000+600+0+5

________________ ________________
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