Class AB Power Amplifier
Class AB Power Amplifier
Class AB Power Amplifier
Class AB Power Amplifier
• Crossover distortion can be virtually eliminated by biasing the
complementary output transistors at a small nonzero current.
vI = 0, vO = 0;
vO = vI + VBB/2 - vBEN;
into RL.
proportion as IQ is constant.
Class AB Power Amplifier
• As vBEN raises above the VBB/2, a
i i i
• VT ln N+ VT ln P= 2VT ln Q;
• or iNiP = IQ2 (2)
emitter follower.
Class AB Power Amplifier
• The class AB operation is similar to class B, the only difference being
at Q-point both QN and QP conduct a small current.
• As the signal grows positive, QN takes over and for the negative half
QP dominates.
• i.e. for vI = 0, both QN and QP conduct equally. With vI > or < 0 the
scene changes.
• Since IQ is usually much smaller than the peak load current, the