Class I Syllabus For 2019 - 2020 Unit Test I

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1. What's that Noise? (Semester 1)
2. Asma's House (Semester 1)
English Text
3. A Walk to the River (Semester 1)
Poetry : Slow Fast Song, Here is my Turtle (Semester 1)
1. A Peep into Alphabet land
2. Alphabetical Order
English Language 3. Vowels and Consonants
4. Word Building
5. Joint Letters
1. Numbers 1-20 pg no 2-19
Numeration and Notation (1-400)
2. Addition 1-10 Pg no 22-35
3. Subtraction 1-10 pg no 38-51
1. About Me (Semester 1)
2. My Body (Semester 1)
3. My Body Helps Me (Semester 1)
4. My Body Needs Care (Semester 1)
Computer studies 1. Computer – A Machine
Hindi Writing of Vowels A – A:
Part I - My People And I
1. Myself, 2. My Family, 3. My Parents, 4. My Brother and Sisters
1. My Family
Value Education
2. My Home
1. Shopping (Semester 1)
2. In the Children's Park (Semester 1)
English Text 3. Keep the Beach Clean (Semester 1)
4. Little Boy and Little Cat (Semester 1)
Poetry : Tulips, Whisky Frisky (Term 2,3)
6. Riddles
7. Parts of Speech
8. Naming Words - Nouns
9. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
English Language 10. Singular and Plural Nouns
11. Words used in Pairs
12. Word Game
13. Composition : A Simple Topic
(Unit Test - 1 Portions also included)
1. Shapes and patterns pg no: 54-65
2. Addition 1-19 Pg no 68-76
3. Subraction 1-19 Pg no 79-85
4. Numbers 21-100 Pg no: 88-107
1. The Food We Eat (Semester 1)
EVS 2. The Clothes We Wear (Semester 1)
3. My Family (Semester 1)
1. Parts of a Computer
Computer studies
2. Computer Mouse
Vowels and Consonants , Two letter words with these letters
A – A:
M - Qû.
Mü uÉaÉï
Catechism 5. My Friends, 6. My Neighbours, 7. My World
1. My School
Value Education 2. My Friends
3. My Teacher
1. The Missing Honey Pot (Semester 2)
English Text 2. Daisy, the cow (Semester 2)
Poetry : Sparrows, The Kitty Ran up the Tree (Semester 2)
13. Doing Words - Verbs
14. Verbs through Pictures
15. Words used in place of Nouns - Pronouns
English Language
16. Describing Words - Adjectives
17. Is, Are, Am
(Unit Test I & First Term portions also included)
1. Addition and Subraction 1-99 pg no 2-25
Arithmetic 2. Measurements [Activity] Pg no: 28-33
3. Money Pg no: 36-41
1. My School (Semester 2)
EVS 2. Plants Around Us (Semester 2)
3. My Home (Semester 2)
1. Uses of a Computer
Computer studies
2. Using Computers - Do's and Don'ts
Vowels and Consonants , two letter words with these letters
A – A:
Mü – hÉ
cÉ uÉaÉï – Oû uÉaÉï
Part II - Jesus And I
Catechism 8. Jesus in My Life, 9. Jesus in My House, 10. Jesus in My Neighbours,
14. Mary Is My Mother
1. My Day
Value Education
2. Being Good
Final Exam
1. Champa's Fruit Basket (Semester 2)
2. A Shell from the Sea (Semester 2)
English Text 3. At the Traffic Lights (Semester 2)
Poetry : When All the World's Asleep (Semester 2)
Stop! Look ! Listen! Think (Semester 2)
18. This, That, These, Those
19. Nouns and Verbs
20. How many and How much
English Language 21. Has and Have
22. Vocabulary Development
23. Composition
(Full Year Portion)
1. Multiplication (Pg. 51 to 64)
Arithmetic 2. Time (Pg. No. 44 to 48)
3. Data Handling only text book (Pg. No. 67-70)
1. Animals Around Us (Semester 2)
2. Rules for Safety (Semester 2)
3. The Earth and the Sky (Semester 2)
4. How early people lived (Semester 2)
1. Computer Keyboard
Computer studies
2. Storage Devices
A - A:

Hindi क - ह
Vowels and Consonants , two letter words with these letters
Sentences with two letter words
Part III; God and I
11. God Speaks To Me
12. I Speak To God
13. I Go To Church
1. I love nature
Value Education 2. God loves us
3. Thank you

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