HandBook For LGU Employees
HandBook For LGU Employees
HandBook For LGU Employees
A. General Policies Officials and employees who failed to submit their DTRs
for three (3) consecutive months shall be dropped from
1. All employees are required to register their daily attendance in the roll. A memorandum will be issued to the personnel
the Biometrics located at the Ground Floor of the Municipal concerned for his compliance.
Submission of I/OPCR is done every semester which shall 2. Any employee shall be considered habitually tardy if he
determine the target and accomplishment of every employee. It is incurs tardiness, regardless of the number of minutes, ten
the duty of the Department Head to discuss with his/ her (10) times a months for at least two (2) months in a
subordinates the assessment of the performance. semester or at least two (2) consecutive months during
the year.
The supervisor shall indicate qualitative comments, observations
and recommendations in the individual’s employee’s performance 3. Any officials or employee who incurs under time,
and review to include competency assessment and critical regardless of the number of minutes/hours, ten (10) times
incidents which shall be used for human resource development a month for at least two months in a semester shall be
purpose such as promotion and other interventions. The liable for Simple Misconduct and/or Conduct Prejudicial
discussion shall focus on strengths, competency related to the Best Interest of the Service, as the case may be (CSC
performance gaps and the opportunity to address these gaps, MC No. 16, s. 2010, CSC Resolutions No. 10-1357 dated
career paths and alternatives. July 6, 2010).
G. Leaving the Office for Official/Personal Reasons 4. Any officials or employee who is absent in the morning is
considered to be tardy, and is subject to the provisions on
1. Employees going out during office hours on official or Habitual Tardiness.
urgent personal business are required to secure
permission from their Department Head through the use 5. Any officials or employee who is absent in the afternoon
of Pass Slip. Staying out in the office for more than three is considered to have incurred under time, subject to the
(3) hours is allowed considered it is an emergency case. provisions on under time.
Other than this, the personnel is considered absent.
I. Overtime Services
2. The Guards-on-duty shall keep the Pass Slip records and
submit these to the Office of the HRM Officer at the end Whenever the exigency of the service demands, officials and
of the working day. employees of LGU-Daram may be authorized by the Mayor to
work beyond regular office hours, or on Saturdays, Sundays, and
H. Absenteeism, Tardiness and Under time public holidays. Those authorized to render overtime services shall
claim of the Compensatory Time-Off (CTO).
1. An official or employee in the civil service shall be
considered habitually absent if he incurs unauthorized
absences exceeding allowable 2.5 days monthly leave
credits under the Leave Law for at least three (3) months III. Leave of Absence
A. Policy Guidelines 1. All officials and employees with ten (10) days or more
vacation leave credits shall be required to go on vacation
1. All employees, whether permanent or, temporary, or leave whether continuous or intermittent for a minimum
casual, who render work during the prescribed office hours, of five (5) working days annually. However, in the cases
shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days’ vacation and fifteen where the official or employee has to report for work in the
(15) days sick leave annually with full pay exclusive of exigency of the service, the mandatory annual five-day
Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays, without limitation vacation leave shall not be deducted from the vacation
as to the number of vacation and sick leave credits that they leave credits of the employee (CSC MC No. 41, December
may accumulate. (Section 1, Rule XVI, CSC MC No. 40, 24, 1998)
December 24, 1998)
D. Sick Leave
2. All employees can claim the monetary value of their
accumulated leave credits from the office where the leave 1. Sick leave of absence shall be granted only on account
credits have been earned. of sickness or disability on the part of the employee
3. The purpose of the leave shall be clearly indicated in the
proper spaces provided in the application. 2. Application for sick leave shall be filed immediately upon
the employee’s return from such leave. Notice of
4. An official or employee who is absent without approved absence, however, should be sent to the immediate
leave shall not be entitled to receive his salary supervisor.
corresponding to the period of his unauthorized leave of
absence. 3. Applications for sick leave in excess of five (5) successive
days shall be accompanied by a medical certificate.
5. An official/employee who is continuously absent without
approved leave for at least thirty (30) calendar days shall be 4. When an employee has already exhausted his sick leave
considered AWOL and shall be dropped from the rolls. credits, he may use his vacation leave credits but not
vice versa (Section 56, CSC MC No. 14)
1. The grant vacation leave of absence is discretionary on the 1. In addition to the vacation and sick leave, every
part of the LCE. Thus, the mere filing of an application for woman in the government service shall be entitled
leave does not entitle the employee to go on leave outright. in cases of pregnancy to maternity leave of One
Hundred Five (105) calendar days subject to the
C. Forced Vacation Leave following conditions:
F. Paternity Leave
a. Those who have rendered an aggregate of
two (2) or more years of service shall be 1. Every married male employee is entitled to
entitled to One Hundred Five (105) days paternity leave of seven (7) working days for each
maternity leave with full pay. of the first four (4) deliveries of his legitimate
spouse with whom he is cohabitating.
b. For those who have rendered one (1) year
or more but less than two (2) years of 2. Paternity leave is non-cumulative and strictly non-
service, maternity leave shall be computed convertible to cash.
in proportion to their length of service.
G. Rehabilitation Leave Privileges
c. Those who have served for less than one
(1) year shall be entitled to sixty (60) days The following are the guidelines for availing of the rehabilitation
maternity leave with half pay. leave privilege:
2. The availment of maternity leave cannot be 1. All personnel with permanent, temporary, casual, or
deferred but it should be enjoyed within the actual contractual appointments, including those with fixed term
period of delivery in a continuous and of office, may avail themselves of the Rehabilitation
uninterrupted manner, not exceeding sixty (60) privilege during their employment on account for wounds
calendar days. and/ or injuries sustained while in the performance of
official duties.
3. Every woman, married may be granted maternity
leave in every instance of pregnancy irrespective of 2. Performance of official duties means situations wherein
its frequency. the officials or employee was already at work. The same
privilege may be extended to officials and employees
4. A female employee who wants to report back to meets and accident while engaged in activities inherent to
duty before the expiration of the maternity leave the performance of his/her duties, including being on
may be allowed to do is physically fit to assume the Official Business, authorized overtime, and Special Order.
duties of her position.
5. Should the employee return to work before the 3. An official/ employee who is availing of the Rehabilitation
expiration of her maternity leave, she may receive Privilege shall receive his/ her salaries and regular benefits
benefits granted under the maternity leave law and such as Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA),
the salary for actual services rendered effective the Additional Compensation (AdCom), year-end bonus, and
day she reports back for work. cash gift mandated by law.
However, he/ she is not entitled to benefits and privileges
that are enjoyed based on the actual performance of 3. Any family member who assumed the responsibility of
duties of the position such as Representation and Travel head of family as a result of the death, abandonment,
Allowance. disappearance, or prolonged absence of the parents or
solo parent, provided, that such abandonment,
H. Parental Leave Privileges disappearance, or absence last for at least one (1) year.
Any individual in the government service who falls under any of A parent leave of seven (7) days in addition to existing
the following categories shall be considered a Solo Parent for the leave privileges shall be granted to any solo parent
availment of the Parental Leave: employee subject to the following conditions:
1. Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of a. The solo Parent must have rendered
parenthood due to any of the following circumstance: government service for at least one (1) year,
whether continuous or broken, reckoned at
a. Death of spouse; the time of the affectivity of RA 8972 the “
Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000,” on
b. Detention of the spouse or serving sentence for a September 22, 2002 and regardless of
employment status.
c. Criminal conviction for at least one (1) year;
1. It shall be availed of every year and shall not be
d. Physical /mental incapacity of spouse as certified convertible to cash and if not availed of within the
by a public medical practitioner; calendar year, shall be forfeited.
e. Legal separation or de facto separation from
spouse for at least one (1) year provided he/she has 2. It can be availed of on a staggered or continuous basis
custody of the child/children; subject to approval by the head of agency. The
application shall be submitted at least one (1) week prior
f. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as to its availment, except on emergency cases.
decreed by a court or by a church, provided, he/she
has custody of the child/children; and 3. It can be availed of under any of the following
g. Abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year
a) Attend to personnel milestone of a child such as
2. An unmarried person who has preferred to keep and rear birthdays, first communion , graduation, and
the child/children instead of having others care for other similar events;
him/her/then or give him/her/them up to a welfare
b) Perform parental obligations such as enrollment K. Leave of Absence Without Pay
and attendance in school programs, PTA
meetings, and the like; 1. Application for leave of absence without pay may be granted
to officials and employees, subject to the following conditions:
c) Attend to medical, social, spiritual, and
recreational needs of the child; and a. Leave of absence without pay shall not exceed one (1) year
(Section 57, CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998)
d) Other similar circumstances necessary in the
performance of parental duties and b. In the interest of the service, the position temporarily
responsibilities, where the physical presence of vacated by such leave may be filed by a substitute for the
parent is required. duration of the leave.
4. A solo Parent employee who applies for parental leave L. Application for Leave
shall secure a Solo Parent Identification Card from the
1. Application for leave of absence (sick, vacation,
City/Municipality Social Welfare and Development
maternity, terminal, etc.) shall be filed in triplicate in a duly
Office. The ID card is valid for one (1) year from issuance
accomplished CSC Form No. 6 and submitted directly to the
but renewable yearly. Failure to renew card means that
Personnel Section.
the status as solo parent has ceased or has changed.
2. Recommending Authority- It shall be the duty of the
I. Study Leave Program Regional Chief Administrative Officer to recommend the
approval of the application for leave of absence
This program grants qualified personnel the privilege of time off
from the work with pay for a period not exceeding (a) six (6) 3. Supporting Papers
months in their preparation for the bar or board examinations or a. Sick Leave
(b) four (4) months for completion of master’s degree. No
extension shall be allowed herein. If more time needed, the a. 1. Medical certificate in case leave exceeds five (5)
grantees may file a leave of absence chargeable against vacation consecutive days (Section 53, CSC No. 41, s. 1998). In case
leave credits. medical consultation is not availed of, an affidavit should be
executed by the applicant.
J. Terminal Leave b. Vacation Leave
1. An official/employee who intended to sever his employment b. 1. Where leave exceeds thirty (30) days, clearances as to
may apply for terminal leave. Application for terminal leave is money and property accountabilities and as to
allowed only if the employee’s resignation, retirement or administrative and criminal charges.
separation from the service be without any fault on his part.
c. Maternity Leave
c. 1. Certificate of Live Birth of the child covered by any special law (Section 26, CSC MC No. 41, s.
c. 2. Where commutation of leave is requested, clearances
as to money and property accountabilities and as to
2. Monetization of leave credits may be allowed, at the
administrative and criminal charges
discretion of the LCE, if the number of days to be monetized
c. 3 1 In case of abortion (complete/incomplete) exceeds fifteen (15) days, provided of the availability of funds
and justifiable reasons, such as:
c. 3. 1 medical certificate of attending physician, duly
notarized a. Health, medical and hospital needs of the employee and
d. Paternity Leave the immediate members of his/her family.
b. Financial aid and assistance brought about by force
d. 1 Marriage Contract majeure events such as calamities, typhoons, fire,
d. 2 Certificate of Live Birth of the Child earthquake, and accidents that effects the life, limb/ and
property of the employee and his/her immediate family;
e. Terminal Leave
c. Education needs of the employee and the immediate
e. 1 Clearance as to money and property accountabilities
members of his/her family;
e. 2 Clearance as to administrative charges
d. Payment of mortgages and loans which were entered into
e. 3 Service Record
for the benefit of the employee and his/her immediate
M. Cumulation of Leave family;
1. Vacation and sick leave shall be cumulative and any part e. In cases of extreme financial needs of the employee or
thereof not taken in the calendar year were earned, may be his/her immediate family where the present sources of
carried over to the succeeding years (CSC MC No. 41, s. income are not enough to fulfill basic needs such as food,
1998) shelter, and clothing; an
N. Commutation and Monetization of Leave Credits f. Other analogous cases as determined by the top
management (CSC MC No. 41, s. 2002)
1. An official or employee who retires or voluntarily resigns, is
allowed to resign, or is separated from the service through no O. Computation Leave
fault of his own shall be entitled to the communication of his
vacation/sick leave credits, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays 1. Computation of vacation and sick leave shall be made on
and holidays without limitation as to the number of days of the basis of one (1) day vacation and one (1) day sick leave
leave he accumulated, provided his leave benefits are not for every twenty-four (24) days of actual service (Section
27, CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998)
4. Identification Card (ID) must be wore at all times while on
2. The term “actual service” refers to the period of official duty.
continuous service from time of the periods covered by
any reason other reason other than illness, shall not be A. Prohibited Attire
counted as part of the actual service rendered (Section 28,
CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998) Should the clothing allowance be granted in the form of cash, the
provisions of the Revised Dress Code for all Government Officials and
3. Tardiness and under time shall be deducted from vacation Employees as prescribed in the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in its
leave credits and shall not be charged against sick leave is Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 9, s. 200, “ Revised Dress Code for All
supposed by a medical certificate and an application for Government Officials and Employees” , dated October 31, 2000, shall be
leave of absence (Section 34, CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998) strictly followed, viz.
Chapter Two
1. The following attire are prohibited when performing official
Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 01-2008 January 17, 2008, provides (b) “sando”, sleeveless, strapless, or
for the following “Guidelines on the (A) Grant of Uniform/Clothing spaghetti-strapped blouse, tank tops
Allowance; and (B) Wearing of Office Uniform /Appropriate attire.” (unless worn as an undershirt), blouse
with over-plunging necklines;
1. Officials and employees should strictly wear their proper office
uniform, according to color-coding, as scheduled: (c) Micro-mini skirt, walking shorts, cycling
shirts, leggings, tights, jogging pants, Capri
Monday- Pink Uniform pants, pedal pushers;
Tuesday- Yellow Uniform
Wednesday- Blue Uniform 2. The sporting of long and unkempt hair, as well as wearing of
Thursday- Green Uniform earring and body ornaments by male employees are not allowed.
Friday- Any formal Attire
3. Denim or “maong” pants, collarless t-shirts for men, rubber shoes,
2. If wearing skirts, it should be at least knee-length; sandals, and step-ins are allowed on Fridays only.
3. Appropriate foot ware shall mean closed formal shoes; B. Implementation and Monitoring
however, mules, sling bag shoes and peer shoes are allowed
1. All Department Heads and immediate supervisors shall be III. Telephone Courtesy
responsible for:
1. When answering calls:
(a) Implementing these guidelines; a. State of giving name of office;
b. Say ‘Good morning’/”Good Afternoon”/ “Good evening” and
(b) Monitoring compliance with these guidelines; “May I help you”.
c. Then, converse with party in a courteous and clear voice.
(c) Reporting and submitting cases if violations for proper
disciplinary action 2. When employee being called is not in the office:
II. Other Office Rules and Regulations a. Inform calling party when person being called is expected at
In addition to existing rules and regulations of the Civil Service, the
following rules and regulations must be strictly observed and violation b. Ask for calling party’s name, address, phone number, and
thereof shall be a ground for disciplinary action: message.
1. All officials and employees are required to attend the flag c. Assure party that action will be taken on his/ her message or
ceremony and flag retreat. call will be returned, if requested.
2. They must not loiter or gather in groups and waste working hour’s d. Fill out a call slip immediately and place it on the table of the
idle talk. person being called.
7. They are not permitted to gamble, drink alcoholic beverages, or 1. On official business – where travel is credited on official time
engage in any form of improper unbecoming conduct within the and travel and incidental expenses are allowed by and charged
premises of Municipal Hall. to the Regional Office; or
2. On official time – where travel is credited in official time only I. Liquidation - is the liquidation documents in the books of accounts
and all travel and incidental expenses incurred in connection by the accountant as a credit to the cash advance account after
thereto are for the travel and incidental expenses incurred in verifying the same
connection thereto are for the personal account of the official/
employee and not chargeable to the office II. Specific Guidelines
C. Travel Time – the period between actual departure from and b. Officials and employee who use government vehicle shall
return to the permanent official station which shall include one (1) not be entitled to transportation expense.
day before and one (1) day after for domestic travels
c. Travel Beyond Fifty-Kilometer Radius:
D. Travel Expense – is the amount authorized to cover hotel or
lodging rates, meals and incidental expenses, excluding 1. The local travel expenses of officials and employees, regardless
transportation expenses going to and from the travel destination. of rank and destination, shall be in the amount of Eight Hundred
Pesos (P800.00) per day.
E. Transportation Expense – is the amount authorized to cover
expenses from the permanent official station or residence to the 2. Personnel who take taxi may be entitled to reimbursement in
destination or place of work assignment in the field and back to the amount of P300.00 only.
the permanent official station or residence
3. The officials/ employee shall draw up a liquidation report
F. Hotel Room or Lodging Rate – is the daily hotel or lodging cost supported by the following documents:
including taxes and services charges
a. Certificate of Travel completed with itinerary of travel
G. Incidental Expenses – is the amount that includes but not limited attached
to baggage fee, travel insurance, porterage, and local inland
transport b. Used plane, boat or bus tickets from the official station
or residence to the place of destination, but expenses
H. Proper Accounting – refers to the procedure whereby the for rebooking shall not be allowed unless supported by
prescribed liquidation documents are submitted to and received, satisfactory explanation
recorded in the accounts of the accountant
c. Official receipts
d. Certificate of Appearance/ Participation
C. Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)
e. Appendix B
The PERA in the amount of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)
f. Accomplishment Report/Post Travel Report is given monthly to all employees irrespective of
employment status as provided for under GAA. The PERA
Chapter Four
replaced the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) which was
EMPLOYEE’S BENEFITS, PRIVILEGES AND SEVICES integrated into the basis salary pursuant to the provisions
of RA 6758 or the “Salary Standardization Law.” Under the
Allowances are emoluments granted in addition to fixed compensation or in DBM Budget Circular No. 2009-3, the PERA in the amount
exchange for services rendered. Allowances are paid or given in cash or in kind of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) per month and the
subject to certain conditions provided for by law authorizing the grant. Additional Compensation (ADCOM) in the amount of One
I. Allowances Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1, 500.00) have been
combined as PERA in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos
A. Clothing Allowance (2,000.00).
The appropriation that may be used for uniform of II. Productivity Enhancement Incentive
clothing allowance of each employee shall be in
accordance with the General Appropriations Act (GAA). The PEI is granted to all officials and employees who have rendered
Guidelines for the grant: at least one (1) year of services.
B. Rules and Regulations There are two (2) kinds of Compulsory GSIS Life Insurance
programs: the Enhanced Life Policy (ELP) and the Life
Additional rules and regulations on the grant of year-end bonus Endowment Policy (LEP).
and cash gift shall be subject to existing Budget Circulars of the
Department of Budget and Management (Budget Circular No. 15, ELP provides coverage for those who are entered after July 31,
March 5, 1998) 2003. However, members whose policies have matured are
also covered by ELP. Maximum loanable amount is up to 90 %
V. Step Increment of the accumulated termination value of the policy.
VI. Loyalty LEP is the life insurance policy issued to those who entered
government prior to August 1, 2003. Maximum loanable
A loyalty cash award is granted to all officials and employees who amount is up to 50% of the accumulated termination value of
have rendered ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory the policy.
service in the government (CSC MC No. 6, February 26, 2002
(Revised Policies on the Grant of Loyalty Award) 2. Issuance of a Policy Contract
VII. Program on Award and Incentives for Services Excellence (DAR An employee is required to accomplish and submit to the GSIS,
PRAISE) the Information for Membership form as prescribed by the
GSIS together with a certified photocopy of Service Record and
The LGU-Daram has constituted PRAISE Committee that shall Appointment duly approved by the CSC, for the issuance of a
discuss matters on awards and incentives for service excellence to policy contract.
its personnel.
3. Contributions
VIII. GSIS Benefits
Effective January 1, 2003, the rate of contribution payable by
A. General Policies and Rules the member shall be twelve percent (12%) based on the actual
monthly salary of the member.
1. Compulsory Member and Life Insurance Coverage
B. Compulsory Life Insurance Benefits
Membership in the GSIS shall be compulsory for all employees
receiving compensation who have not reached the compulsory 1. Benefits Coverage
retirement age, irrespective of employment status.
a. Maturity Benefit – Upon maturity of the life insurance in accordance with the divided allocation formula
policy, the amount appearing on the policy contract determined by GSIS.
shall be paid to the number after deducting the policy
loan balance (if any) from the proceeds of the C. LOAN Privileges
insurance benefit. If the member is already separated
from the service upon the maturity date of the policy, This can availed by a member who has been in the government
the salary loan balance is likewise deducted from the service for at least twenty (20) months.
a. Availment Conditions
b. Death Benefit – When a member dies prior to the
maturity of the insurance policy and during its An employee must:
continuance, GSIS shall pay to the designated
beneficiaries to his legal heirs the face amount of the a. 1. have no pending administrative or criminal
policy less any indebtedness. case of date of application;
c. Accident Death Benefit – When the death of the a. 2. not be on leave of absence without pay;
member is accidental, the GSIS shall pay the
designated beneficiaries or the legal heirs, an a. 3. have a net take home pay sufficient to cover
additional of his compulsory insurance. the regular monthly amortization, and in no less
than Three Thousand Pesos (3000.00)(in
d. Waiver Of Premiums – When the member is accordance with the General Appropriate Act).
separated from the service due to permanent total
Renewal of an existing salary loan shall be allowed after payment of at least six (6)
disability, as determined by the GSIS, the premiums
monthly installments.
that may become due and payable during the period
of disability shall be deemed waived and considered b. Effect of death or disability on the loan
totally paid.
b.1 Should the employee die or become permanently and
e. Cash Surrender Value (CVS) – Refers to the amount totally disabled during the term of the loan, the
paid to the member who is separated from the service theoretical balance loan (the balance of the loan if the
either by resignation or retirement while the policy member constantly pays the monthly installments on or
has not yet matured. To be able to collect the CSV of before the due dates) after the date of such death or
the policy, the insurance should have been force for at disability shall; by virtue of the SALARY LOAN
least one (1) year and any indebtedness thereon will REDEMPTION INSURANCE coverage, be deemed paid.
be deducted.
f. Dividends – An annual divided may be granted that b. 2 However, if the arrearages on the loan, the difference
the life of insurance is in force for last least one (1) year between the actual balance on the loan and the
theoretical balance shall be deducted from the c. Has no pending criminal or administrative
appropriate social insurance benefits of the deceased charges;
employee. The insurance coverage is automatically
terminated when the borrower pays the loan full, or d. Has no arrearages I the payment of mandatory
renews the loan, or upon expiration of the term of the social insurance contributions; and
loan, whichever comes first.
e. Has no loan that has been declared in default.
2. Policy Loan - granted to an employee who has been insured
for at least one (1) year. The member must have an active
policy updated premium payments. IV. PAG-IBIG Fund Benefits
b. Be active service and not on leave of absence B. Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10154, Otherwise
without pay; Known as An Act Requiring All Concerned Government Agencies to Ensure
the Early Release of the Retirement Pay, Pensions, Gratuities and other
Benefits of Retiring Government Employees.
Chapter Five b. No package or property except those with proper
authorization or property gate pass provided for this
purpose shall be taken out of the office premises.
To effectively and efficiently secure LGU-Daram premises,
property, personnel and records, a security force was outsourced to c. Property gate passes must be surrendered to the security
implement safety measures/standards to attain this objective. personnel on duty for filing and record purposes.
The employees must cooperate with the security personnel on the d. The personnel of each office shall see to it that electrical
following matters: equipment and lighting facilities are put off after office
I. Wearing of the Prescribed Uniform
e. The security personnel on duty after office hours and on
The security personnel shall monitor the wearing of the prescribed weekends shall inspect all electrical equipment and
uniform. This is to easily distinguish employees from visitors. lighting facilities to ensure they were properly
unplugged/switched off.
II. Wearing of Personnel ID
f. Each office shall be provided with fire extinguishers and
2. All officials and employees must wear their other standard safety equipment.
Identification Cards at all times while inside the
office premises
The General Service Section shall conduct periodic inspection of the office buildings
and facilities to check on their proper maintenance and compliance with safety
3. Admission of Visitors
2. Reorientation Program refers to courses designated to The right to form employee’s organization is mandated by the
introduce new duties and responsibilities, new policies and Constitution (Section 8, Article III, 1987 Constitution) which
programs to employees who have been in the service for quite provides that “the right of the people, including those employed in
some time the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations or
1. Professional/technical Program refers to substantive programs in specific societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.”
professional/ technical areas for enhancement of skills and knowledge of This is consistent with the provision that the right to self-
personnel in the career service organization shall not be denied to government employees.
2. Employee Development Program refers to courses aimed at maintaining a II. Employees Organizations/Activities
high level of competence in basic workplace skills among employees in the
career service LGU-Daram Employees Association
3. Middle Management Development Program refers to a series of planned An association, open to all employees of LGU-
human resource intervention and training courses designed to provide Daram, with permanent or coterminous
Division Chiefs and other officials of comparable rank with management appointments. The regular members can avail of
and administrative skills and to prepare them for greater responsibilities multi-purpose, emergency loans and salary loans.
Chapter Eight
4. Values Development Program refers to courses which are designated to
enhance and harness the public service of employees to be effective GRIEVANCE MACHINERY
government workers
Pursuant to CSC Rules, particularly Rule XI thereof on Employee
Relation and Services, each head of department or agency shall:
5. Supervisory Development Program refers to activities and continuing
education intended to enhance the managerial skills of government
officials or executives who belong to the third level
1. Be responsible for the creation of an atmosphere conducive to a good
supervisor – employee relations and the improvement of employee morale
I. Scholarships
A Grievance Committee for LGU-Daram shall be created and shall
2. Promote a system of informing employees of their rights and privileges be composed of the following:
including the right to self-organization. 2 Head of Offices designated by LCE
2 Rank and File Representatives
IV. Definition of Terms Bilis Aksyon Partner (BAP) duly designated
III. Procedure
A. Complaint refers to an employee’s expressed (written or The procedure for seeking redress of grievances shall be as follows;
spoken) feelings of dissatisfaction with some aspects of his
working conditions, relationships, or status which are outside A. – Grievance of Parts within One Office
of his control.
1. Discussion with Immediate Supervisor. At the first
B. Grievance refers to a complaint in writing which has, in the first instance, a grievance shall be presented verbally or in
instance and in the employee’s opinion, been ignore writing by the aggrieved party to his or her immediate
overridden, or dropped without due consideration. supervisor.
The supervisor shall inform the aggrieved party of the
C. Grievance Machinery refers to the system or method of corresponding Action within three (3) working days
determining and finding the best way to address the specific from the date of presentation.
cause of causes of a grievance.
2. Appeal to the LCE. If the aggrieved party is not
I. Objectives of the Grievance Machinery satisfied with the verbal decision, he or she may
submit the grievance in writing within five (5) working
The Grievance Machinery is being institutionalized in the system of days to the Office of the Mayor thru the HRM Unit,
DAR Regional Office VIII to; who shall render a decision within five (5) working
days from the receipt of the grievance. The decision
A. Create a work atmosphere conducive to good supervisor- shall be based upon the data gathered by the
employee relations and improved employee morale; Grievance Committee.
B. Settle disputes at the lowest possible level in the B. – Grievance of Parties Belonging to Different Offices
organization; and to
1. Discussion with Immediate Supervisor of the
C. Serve as a catalyst for development of capabilities of Respondent. Whenever the parties involved belong
personnel on dispute settlement, especially among to different offices, the grievance shall be filed with
supervisors in the organization the immediate supervisor of the respondent. Such
grievance shall be resolved by the immediate
II. Grievance Committee supervisor within five (5) working days from receipt
hereof. The LCE shall render a written decision within employees. Administrative discipline helps coordinate government goals, maintain
five (5) working days from receipt of the grievance. order, and ensure that public interest is uphold at all times.
I. Legal Bases
C. –Grievance against Supervisors
Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must
at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
Where the object of the grievance is the immediate
responsibility, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and
supervisor, the aggrieved party may bring the grievance to
justice and lead modest lives (Section 1, Article XI of the 1987
the office of the Mayor. The Grievance Committee shall
conduct an investigation within ten (10) working days from
the receipt of the appealed grievance and render a written
II. Jurisdiction
decision within five (5) working days after the investigation
The LGU-Daram management exercises administrative supervision
and shall thereafter issue a Certification on the Final
over all its offices and the personnel thereof.
Action on the Grievance (CFAG) which shall contain,
among other things, the following information: history and
III. Disciplinary Cases
final action taken by the office on the grievance.
When and Where to File a Complaint. Except when The agency may formulate its own rules governing the
otherwise provided for by law, an administrative term of office of its members which should not be more
complaint maybe filled anytime with the commission or than two years, and other matters pertaining to the
any of its regional offices, head of departments agencies, functions of the Committee otherwise provided in this
national government, local government units, state Rules.
universities and colleges (SUCs) or local universities and
colleges(LUCs) and government-owned or controlled The head of office fails to create a CODI shall be charged
corporations with original characters except as maybe with neglect of duty.
provided by law.
Jurisdiction of the CSC over Sexual Harassment Cases. In
Complaints in Sexual Harassment Cases. In sexual case a complaint for sexual harassment is filed with the
harassment cases, the complaint shall be file with the commission, the same shall be remanded to the agency
Committee in Decorum and Investigation (CODI) which where the alleged offender is employed. However, the
shall be created in all national or local agencies of the Commission may take cognizance of the case under any of
government, state/local colleges and universities, the following circumstances:
a. the agency has no CODI dismissal or discharge of the person complained of
from any administrative liability.
b. the disciplinary authority is the subject of the complaint;
c. the subject of the complaint is CODI member; or Action on the Complaint. Upon receipt of a
complaint which is sufficient in form and substance,
a. There is unreasonable delay in complying with the periods the disciplining authority shall conduct a preliminary
provided in these rules for the investigation and investigation determine the existence of a prima
adjudication of a sexual harassment complaint. facie case. The disciplining authority may create an
investigating committee or design an investigator
For this purpose, there is unreasonable delay when any of the periods set
for such purpose.
in these Rules lapsed for a period of more than thirty (30) days without justifiable
In the determination of the penalties to be imposed, the DARRO management may consider: