CCT 11-17-2010 Food: A Gift That Gives Back, Page 3

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Carroll County Times Wednesday, November 17, 2010, Page C3


Kitchen safety
during holidays
As the holiday season
approaches, Safe Kids
Carroll County reminds
parents and caregivers to
check the kitchen for pre-
ventable hazards and to
supervise children at all
times in the kitchen.
It’s important to keep Maggie Rauser
cabinets closed and Health Department
locked, and to store haz-
ardous substances out of
reach. However, the most
important safety precau-
tion in the kitchen is con-
stant, close and attentive
young AP PHOTO
supervision. Simply being
in the same room as a
children have custard can be done a day ahead of time and the candy coating for the top can be quickly made as dinner
Fresh ginger creme brulee is shown. Shake things up for Thanksgiving dessert with this tasty recipe. The

child is not necessarily thinner skin dishes are cleared.

than adults,
supervising. An actively
supervised child is in
sight and in reach at all
Burns — from spills,
they burn
Dessert shakes up expectations
steam, hot surfaces and
flame — can be especially
devastating injuries. Be- severely. Creme brulee good replacement for pie oven, roasting pan. Set the pans in the
then pour enough boiling
cause young children have water from the kettle into the roast-
thinner skin than adults, toaster or microwave BY JIM ROMANOFF densed milk ing pan to come halfway up the side
they burn more severely down from a countertop. ASSOCIATED PRESS 3 large eggs of the baking dish.
and at lower tempera- In addition to hot sur- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, or until
tures. faces, hot liquids and Though Thanksgiving traditionally
Scald burns from hot à teaspoon salt set around the edges but still slightly
sharp objects, the other is a holiday of pies, a creamy, sweet
liquid or steam are the Ð cup sugar wiggly at the center. Remove the
major hazard in the and crunchy creme brulee — essen-
most common type of 1 pint fresh raspberries custard from the water bath, set on
kitchen is poison. You tially a candy- coated custard — is an a rack and let cool to room tempera-
burns among children should store potentially appealing way to shake things up.
ages 4 and younger. A Heat the oven to 325 F. ture. Once cooled, cover and refrig-
hazardous goods, such as The custard for this fresh ginger- erate for at least 4 hours.
child will suffer a full- cleaning products and al- infused creme brulee can easily be In a medium saucepan over
thickness burn (third- de- medium-high, heat the half-and- When ready to serve, heat the
cohol, in cabinets that are prepared a day or two ahead and kept broiler. Remove the custard from the
gree burn) after just three locked and out of reach. covered in the refrigerator. half, stirring constantly, until steam- refrigerator, uncover and blot off any
seconds of exposure to Also, install a carbon Then, while some of your helpers ing but not boiling.
140- degree water, and will monoxide detector to excess moisture from the top with a
clear the table, you sprinkle some Remove the pan from the heat and paper towel.
need surgery and skin alert everyone to get out
grafts. sugar on top of the pre- made custard, add the ginger. Cover and set aside Sprinkle the sugar evenly over the
of the house in the event throw it under the broiler for a few
Keep these precautions of a buildup of the odor- to steep for 20 minutes. top, making sure the edges are cov-
in mind to prevent minutes to create the caramel crust After the half-and-half and ginger ered. Broil at least 6 inches from the
less toxic gas given off by
kitchen burns and acci- fuel- burning appliances. and you are ready to serve it topped have steeped, bring a kettle of water heat source until the sugar is melted
dents: Children who can fol- with fresh raspberries. to a boil. and caramelized, 8 to 10 minutes,
■ Never leave a hot low directions may be This dish also can be cooked in in- Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk rotating the dish as needed to en-
stove unattended. (Unat- ready to help out in the dividual ramekins using the same together the sweetened condensed sure even browning. Let cool for a
tended food on the stove kitchen with tasks that do technique. The cooking time will be milk, eggs, vanilla and salt until few minutes. Serve immediately
is the number one cause not involve knives, appli- roughly the same. (best within 2 hours so the crust re-
slightly frothy. Slowly whisk in the
of home fires.) ances or heat. mains firm), garnished with the
hot half-and-half and ginger mix-
■ Never hold a child You know your own Fresh ginger creme brulee raspberries.
while cooking or carrying ture. Pour the mixture through a
children. Don’t give them 2 cups half-and- half mesh strainer into a shallow 1- or
hot items. knives or let them handle Start to finish: 1 hour 10 minutes
■ Cook on back burners 4- inch piece unpeeled fresh 1½-quart baking dish. Discard the (15 minutes active), plus 4½ hours
anything hot until they
whenever possible and ginger, coarsely chopped solids in the strainer. cooling
have shown the maturity
turn all handles toward 14- ounce can sweetened con- Set the dish in a larger, shallow Servings: 8
and coordination to do it
the back of the stove.
■ Don’t allow loose- fit- safely. Some children ma-
ting clothing in the ture faster than others, so
■ Keep hot foods and
liquids away from the
it’s up to parents to use
good judgment about each
child’s capabilities.
For more information
Discounts given for getting flu shot
edges of counters and ta-
about kitchen safety and
bles. Be especially careful
burn prevention, call 410-
Getting a flu shot is at Karen Silverman the information. store and when I got there,
around tablecloths be- the top of most people’s The Renn Fest will no all of the Cupcake
cause children can pull 876-4448 or visit www.usa. “to do” list this time of Coupon Corner longer mail postcards, so Plungers had been sold.
hot dishes down onto year, but there are several even if you were previ- Even worse, when an em-
themselves. things to consider before
■ Tie up electrical Maggie Rauser is the you choose where to get it. lar coupon, but it was good ously on the mailing list, ployee looked online to
for a $24.99 flu gift card. you won’t receive a notice see if other stores had any,
cords of small appliances. Safe Kids Coordinator for Some questions you may or coupons unless you sign the product didn’t show up
A toddler playing with a the Carroll County Health want to ask yourself in- (The coupon is valid
through Nov. 20, 2010.) up online. at all. He said that meant it
dangling cord can pull a Department. clude: Does your insur-
When my husband trans- was probably a one- time
ance or Medicare cover Cupcake plunger
the price of the shot? Will ferred a prescription, he shipment, so you may or
was given a regular $25 gift A recent Bed, Bath & Be- may not find the plunger
Bear ment or waxed paper,
then rolled out.
you have to make an ap-
pointment or can you sim- card, which he gave back yond circular featured a at other Bed, Bath & Be-
From Page C1 ply walk in? Are there any to the pharmacist to re- Cupcake Plunger for $3.99, yond stores.
Use 3-inch cookie cut-
incentives, such as store ceive a free flu shot. which removed the cores
ters to cut cookies from No appointment is nec- from the cupcakes so the Karen Silverman lives
“Kids understand being discounts or gift cards?
the dough, rerolling the Right now, Rite Aid has essary to receive a flu shot centers can be filled. in Eldersburg and can be
hungry and wanting more of scraps once. two excellent offers. The at Rite Aid, but you may Unfortunately, I waited reached at kizsk@verizon.
your favorite food,” Bird says.
Transfer the cookies to first offer is good for a free want to call first to see about a week to go to the net.
“It’s kind of a wish fulfill-
the prepared baking coupon savings booklet, how busy the store is on
ment. Imagine having a pot
sheet, in batches if nec- worth up to $128, when the day you plan to get
as big as yourself filled with
your favorite food. Like a big essary. Bake for 12 to 15 you get a flu shot. It has
coupons for products
your shot. W ’M
T he Q u a lity M ea tPeople
pot of cake.” minutes, or until just M t. A iry L ocker Com pa ny N OV . 17th - N OV . 23rd , 2010
ranging from soda, vita- Renaissance Festival
golden at the edges. mins and light bulbs to C hoice B oneless Top Loin S teaks $5.69/LB SAUSAG E O F THE W EEK :
Honey gingerbread The Maryland Renais- C hoice B ottom R ound R oast $3.09/LB R EG U LA R LO O SE - $2.69/LB
Let the cookies cool for over- the- counter medi- Lean B eef S tew C ubes $3.19/LB
cookies sance Festival is over for N O W TA KIN G O R D ER S FO R
1 minute on the pan, then cines, cleaning products Lean & Tender P ork S tuffing C hops $3.09/LB TH A N KSG IV IN G
½ cup sugar and health and beauty aids. this year, but if you’d like Fresh P ork S pare R ibs $2.29/LB FR ESH TU R KEY S,
use a spatula to transfer to receive notice of next W agner P ride S m oked H am s-
There are also two W A G N ER PR ID E H A M S,
3 cups all-purpose flour them to a rack to cool. W hole $2.39/LB H alves $2.49/LB O Y STER S,C H O IC E BEEF C U TS
coupons inside, each good year’s dates, as well as dis- S tore S liced FootballH am $4.09/LB
2 teaspoons baking soda A N D FR ESH PO R K
for a $25 gift certificate count coupons, visit renn
½ teaspoon salt Start to finish: 1 ½
2 teaspoons ground gin- when you transfer a pre-
6 0 4 N . M a in St. •M t. Airy, M D •3 0 1-8 2 9 -0 5 0 0 •3 0 1-8 3 1-74 4 0

hours (30 minutes active) scription to Rite Aid, plus Click on “Contact” at the
Makes about 30 cook- 25 points per prescription top right side, then fill out VISA •M ASTERCA RD •D IS COVER •Ho u rs : M on.-Fri.8am -5pm ;Sat.7:30am -1pm
2 teaspoons cinnamon on your Wellness + Card.
½ teaspoon ground ies
All coupons in the book,
cloves including the ones for a
½ teaspoon ground nut- Recipe adapted from
$25 gift card, expire Dec.
meg Virginia Ellison’s “The 31, 2010.
1 cup butter or margarine, Winnie-the-Pooh Cook- Rite Aid’s circular from
cut into dots and brought book,” Dutton, 2010 last week included a simi-
to room temperature
½ cup honey

In a large bowl, sift to- 27TH ANNUAL

gether the sugar, flour, bak- K r isK r in g leH oliday
ing soda, salt, ginger,
cinnamon, cloves and nut- C r a ft Sh ow
meg. N OV EM BER 20T H & 21ST
Use your fingertips to SA T & SUN 9A M -5PM
work the butter into the dry
ingredients. When thor- Ha gerstow n Com m u n ity College
oughly worked in, add the ( A R CC A ren a)
honey and stir until 11400 R obin w ood D rive
blended. ( Off R t. 40)
Cover the bowl and re- Ha gerstow n ,M D
frigerate the dough for at Sh ow fea tu res:250 qu a lity cra ftven dors,
least 1 hour. Line a baking w idera isles,la rgerbooth spa ce,la rger
sheet with parchment floorspa ce,bettersh oppin g experien ce
paper. Fre e Go lfCa rtShu ttle , Fre e Gift
When the dough is W ra p, Fre e Pa c ka ge H o ld in g Are a ,
chilled, heat the oven to Fre e D o o r Prize s, Fre e Pa rkin g
350 F.
On a lightly floured sur- B E NE F IT THE P AR E NT-CHIL D CE NTE R OF H AGE R STOW N
face, roll the dough out W e a re a ccepting dona tions ofnonperis ha ble food item s for
about Ã-inch thick. The Chris tm a s ba s kets forloca l needy fa m ilies a nd/ora new toy for

the u nderprivileged children. All to benefitH a gers tow n Trinity

dough also can be placed L u thera n Chu rch F ood Ba nk.
between sheets of parch-

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