CCT 11-17-2010 Food: A Gift That Gives Back, Page 3
CCT 11-17-2010 Food: A Gift That Gives Back, Page 3
CCT 11-17-2010 Food: A Gift That Gives Back, Page 3
Kitchen safety
during holidays
As the holiday season
approaches, Safe Kids
Carroll County reminds
parents and caregivers to
check the kitchen for pre-
ventable hazards and to
supervise children at all
times in the kitchen.
It’s important to keep Maggie Rauser
cabinets closed and Health Department
locked, and to store haz-
ardous substances out of
reach. However, the most
important safety precau-
tion in the kitchen is con-
stant, close and attentive
young AP PHOTO
supervision. Simply being
in the same room as a
children have custard can be done a day ahead of time and the candy coating for the top can be quickly made as dinner
Fresh ginger creme brulee is shown. Shake things up for Thanksgiving dessert with this tasty recipe. The
hours (30 minutes active) scription to Rite Aid, plus Click on “Contact” at the
Makes about 30 cook- 25 points per prescription top right side, then fill out VISA •M ASTERCA RD •D IS COVER •Ho u rs : M on.-Fri.8am -5pm ;Sat.7:30am -1pm
2 teaspoons cinnamon on your Wellness + Card.
½ teaspoon ground ies
All coupons in the book,
cloves including the ones for a
½ teaspoon ground nut- Recipe adapted from
$25 gift card, expire Dec.
meg Virginia Ellison’s “The 31, 2010.
1 cup butter or margarine, Winnie-the-Pooh Cook- Rite Aid’s circular from
cut into dots and brought book,” Dutton, 2010 last week included a simi-
to room temperature
½ cup honey