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34 | Wireless Demands Focus Designers On Integration
Both handset and infrastructure developers are asking for higher
levels of integration and creative ways to preserve performance while
cutting costs and speeding time to market.
38 | RF Primer
Device Processes Differ In Benefits
A wide range of silicon- and GaAs-based semiconductor processes are
available from open foundries, for fabricating low-noise and power
devices and circuits through millimeter-wave
millimeter wave frequencies.
LIANT 800/322-2645
RF/LO Conversion LO-to-RF
Model Frequency Loss Image Rejection Isolation
Number (GHz) (dB) Max. (dB) Min. (dB) Min.
IRM0204(*)C2(**) 2 – 4 7.5 18 20
IRM0408(*)C2(**) 4 – 8 8 18 20
IRM0812(*)C2(**) 8 – 12 8 18 20
IRM1218(*)C2(**) 12 – 18 10 18 20
IRM0208(*)C2(**) 2 – 8 9 18 18
IRM0618(*)C2(**) 6 – 18 10 18 18
IR1826NI7(**) 18 – 26 10.5 18 20
IR2640NI7(**) 26 – 40 12 18 20
Part Freq Range PO.1dB Insertion Loss Isolation Control Package Size Sample
Number (MHz) (dBm) (dB) (dB) Interface (mm) Availability
RF3021 10 to 6000 27 0.4 to 0.6 >50 GPIO QFN 3 x 3 July 09
RF3023 10 to 3000 30 0.2 to 0.4 25 GPIO SC70 July 09
RF3024 10 to 3000 30 0.2 to 0.4 >50 GPIO SC70 July 09
RF3025 10 to 6000 25 0.5 to 0.6 >50 GPIO QFN 3 x 3 July 09
• 10 MHz to 6 GHz operation
• Very low insertion loss
• 2.5 V minimum supply voltage
• 0.25 to 0.5 dB insertion loss at 1 GHz
• 48 to 50 dBm IP3 at 3 V
To The Editor: is a contest only open to advertisers in make the list because they have intro-
the magazine, or if a small company duced something that is practical yet
In reading your December 2009 issue with a limited budget, such as ours, innovative. And that is the key to what
and the report on the “Top Products could be considered for a top product, makes the list: that the list contains what
of 2009,” I was intrigued by the say in 2010? our editors consider the most innova-
diversity of the products on the list, Al Ternate tive, highest-performance, and practical
everything from the smallest ICs and Configuration Analysis Management products introduced during the year.
low-cost voltage-variable attenuators Danbury, CT Not all are flashy or expensive, but all
(VVAs) to the most expensive vector make a contribution in some way to
network analyzers (VNAs). Yet, on the Editor’s Note: this industry, and across any number
same list with these fancy VNAs were of technologies, including components,
low-cost power meters built into the Thank you for reading the story and for devices, software, systems, and test
shell of a Universal Serial Bus (USB) your interest in our Top Products of The equipment. It is not a perfect list, but
device. Although the list seemed to Year selections. To clarify a few of your it does generate interest, from those
be heavy on test equipment, it also points: First of all, not every product who are on it and those who want to
contained components and devices. on the list represents an advertiser in be on it, no matter how large or small
In reading the story, I was not able to the magazine. Many companies making the company.
find an explanation or justification for this annual list have never advertised in
how these products were selected by this magazine and perhaps never will,
Microwaves & RFF welcomes mail from its
your editors, or what made them so but advertising in the magazine is not readers. Letters must include the writer’s
special. I would appreciate some kind a prerequisite for consideration as a name and address. Please write to:
of explanation on the rationale used Top Product of The Year. Second, not Jack Browne, Technical Director
[email protected]
to determine what is a “Top Product.” all of the companies mentioned in the Microwaves & RFF tPenton Media, Inc.
And I would also like to know if this article are large. Often startup companies 8UI4Ut/FX:PSL
What's In
The Package?
t RF and microwave frequencies, the more perti-
nent question often is, “What is the package?” At
higher frequencies, the package can have as much
effect on the performance as the circuit it houses and
it is better to think of the package and the device as
Perhaps one of inseparable. Years ago, custom packages were needed to
the major boons ensure that the performance of microwave circuits was
not “thrown away” once in a package. For applications
to device and IC where protecting the circuit was tantamount to success,
designers is the such as in aerospace and military systems, package
increasing number design specialists such as StratEdge (www.stratedge.
com) built strong reputations with high-reliability
of package models metal-ceramic packages for use past 40 GHz. The
in high-frequency company continues to custom design packages that,
while not inexpensive, provide the highest performance
design programs. levels possible at microwave frequencies.
Of course, cost pressures have forced many device
and circuit designers to seek more standard, lower-cost packaging
solutions. Companies such as Mini-Circuits (
have long balanced the tradeoffs between cost and performance in
drop-in and surface-mount RF/microwave packaging. The firm has
kept pricing reasonable by choosing packages that are low in cost
but don’t compromise performance.
The ideal package would be electrically “invisible” with lossless
interconnections between the circuit within and the outside world. It
would also afford protection against contamination, moisture, and
other environmental factors. The interconnections would be practical,
with ground connections and electrical paths when mounted with a
variety of automatic assembly equipment or even by hand.
There is no “ideal” package, of course, and few come close. But
circuit and component designers have more packaging options than
ever, with excellent high-frequency performance. Most of the newer
standard packages are developed for small footprints and standard
die sizes, encouraging IC and device designers to follow standard
foundry rules for pad placements and other circuit considerations.
Such factors also simplify the use of standard wafer probes and test
equipment when it is time to characterize die before packaging.
Perhaps one of the major boons to device and IC designers faced
with evaluating package options is the increasing number of package
models in high-frequency design programs, such as the Advanced
Design System (ADS) from Agilent Technologies (
and Microwave Office from AWR ( These software
tools essentially allow designers to “package” their circuits in the
computer before trying the real thing, helping to tame those difficult
tradeoffs whenn finding a housing for that “perfect” cir
Technical Director
Technical Director
Managing Editor
Online Managing Editor
European Editor
Special Projects Editor
Contributing Editor
Production Coordinator
Art Director/Group Design Manager
Senior Artist
Staff Artist
Multimedia Designer
W Agilent CXA signal analyzer (N9000A)
-161 dBm DANL for fast spur search
DAICO Indust
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Daico can show you how to get your design off the ground.
Compiled b
by Da
n Highto
10 to 3000 MHz
IP 3
RoHs compliant
from ea. qty.10-49
Partnership Results In High-Permeability
Depending on the Magnetic Shielding Tubing
welding method WARWICK, RI— —A.T. Wall Company has partnered
welded product. thicknesses within 0.002 inches. The seamless is key for applications with tight tolerances on
tubing is available with wall thicknesses from machined details and roundness. The product is
0.005 through 0.250 inches. Sizes range from well suited for applications that require preci-
outside diameters of 0.080 to 2.625 inches. sion-machined magnetic shield components or
The tubing meets the standards of ASTM long lengths of small-diameter tubing. Typical
A753-08, standard specification for wrought applications include aircraft instrumentation,
nickel-iron soft magnetic alloys. It vows to medical and surgical equipment, oil explora-
provide complete shielding homogeneity tion, and imaging equipment.
BROOKLYN, NY—Gloria and Harvey Kaylie were honored at Technology Innovation of the Year Award for its femtocell
the OHEL annual dinner on February 21, which celebrated baseband processor solutions. The research firm noted that
the agency’s 40-year anniversary. Harvey is the President and the PRC6500 is the highest-capacity baseband processor for
CEO of Mini-Circuits. He and his wife are benefactors of the UMTS/HSPA+ femtocells, supporting up to 16 simultaneous
Marvin Kaylie Center at OHEL, which is named in honor of users and 21.6/5.76 Mb/s HSPA+ data rates with sniffing and
Harvey’s brother, and the soon-to-be-dedicated OHEL CAMP. embedded security capabilities.
OHEL Bais Ezra, founded in 1969, is a social-services agency BOSTON, MA—Harris Corp. has announced that its P5400 800-
that delivers programs and services for individuals and families MHz Project 25 (P25) portable radio is the first to meet the
with developmental or psychiatric disabilities. Department of Homeland Security’s P25 Compliance Assess-
STATE COLLEGE, PA—State of the Art, Inc. (SOTA) celebrated ment Program (CAP) process. The P25 CAP is a voluntary
its 40th anniversary. The company was founded in 1969 as program managed in partnership with the National Institute
a consulting business specializing in thick-film technology of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Office of Law Enforce-
seminars. Manufacturing began in 1972 and displaced the ment Standards and a coalition of emergency responders and
consulting business. The firm developed the nickel barrier communications-equipment manufacturers.
in 1980. In 1987, it became the first MIL-PRF-55342 QPL SANTA CLARA, CA— —Japan’s Yamagata University has select-
qualified S-level manufacturer. ed Agilent Technologies’ SystemVue software for use in its
HILLSBORO, OR— —TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. highlighted the emerging-communications physical-layer (PHY) research. The
success of CuFlip, its patented flip-chip interconnect technol- electronic-system-level software is expected to reduce the time
ogy, noting shipments of 100 million units. required for design and verification of the team’s communica-
LAWRENCE, MA—Aeroflex/Metelics received a manufacturer’s tion PHY system by up to 30 percent.
certification in compliance with the MIL-PRF-19500N slash WESTFORD, MA—Laser Services, Inc. is celebrating its 30th
sheets by the Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC) for anniversary. Established in 1979 by Bruce and June Beauchesne,
its small-signal switching diodes. Copies of the notification of the company is owned and operated today by Gregory Sexton,
qualification letter from DSCC along with the product data President and CEO. In the past 30 years, the firm has contrib-
sheets are available at uted to the NASA Chandra Telescope and the CERN particle
RA'ANANA, ISRAEL—Percello Ltd. has announced that Frost & accelerator. It also perfected solder preforms that enabled the
Sullivan has presented the company with the 2009 European design of microwave assemblies used in anti-IED devices.
As a global pioneer in IC products life cycle management, Lansdale manufactures over 3,000 classic
design ICs in the original package, exactly as they were created and produced by AMD, Fairchild,
Freescale Semiconductor, Harris, Intel, Motorola, National, Philips (formerly Signetics), and Raytheon.
Our exclusive life cycle management program assures you of a dependable, continuous, cost effective,
and high quality source
r of classic designed ICs today…tomorrow!
This means Lansdale eliminates the need to go to the time or expense of designing in a replacement part
or even doing a complete product
r redesign – not when we still make ‘em…exactly like they used to.
G RLAND—Smart-card
integrated-circuit (IC) maker STMi-
croelectronics has developed a low-power
d Applications
A l using M2M capabilities
include the European eCall road-accident
alert system, which is planned for launch
processor chip dedicated to managing this year (see Figure). That system allows
SIM data for machine-to-machine (M2M) vehicles to automatically inform rescue
cellular communications. Recent research services of the location and details of
is suggesting that this expanding market an accident. To communicate with the
could account for over 200 million mobile cellular network, the ST32-M has the
connections by 2013. The ST32-M IC same capabilities and security features as
family combines the advantages of non- the company’s existing ST32 smart-card
proprietary processor architecture and This IC series is used in M2M communica- processor, which is used in cell-phone SIM
high-density, low-power, embedded-Flash tions applications like the European eCall cards. The ST32-M is designed explicitly
memory, enabling machines to connect to road-accident alert system, which allows for M2M applications. By operating from
cellular networks, authenticate themselves, vehicles to automatically inform rescue -40° to +105°C, it allows M2M equipment
and communicate automatically. services of the location of an accident. to function in harsh environments.
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from kHz to
t 18
1 GHz
H as low as 7
THE INDUSTRY’S LAR RGEST SELECTION Mini-Circuits offers thousands of power
splitters/combiners for appplications from 2 kHz to 18 GHzz and with power handling as
high as 300 watts. Choose e from coaxial, flat-pack, and surface-mount housings, for 50 Ω
and 75 Ω applications. T The industry’s largest selection includes 2-way through
48-way power splitters/co ombiners in 0°, 90°, and 180° configurations, with outstanding
performance in terms off insertion loss, VSWR, amplitude unbalance, and phase
unbalance. All models are e characterized with detailed data and performance curves,
available at the touch o of a button using Mini-Circuits advanced Yoni2 search
engine. These low-costt, off-the-shelff power splitters/combiners are available
immediately, and backed d by Mini-Circuits 1year guarantee. But if your application
calls for a custom unit, ouur development team will meet or exceed your requirements
quickly and cost-effectivvely. Contact Mini-Circuits today, for the industry’s largest
selection of power splittters/combiners.
RoHS Compliant
Mini-Circuits...Your pa
artners for success since 1969 Product availability is
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excellent phase noise performance over the 2-18 GHz and -80
2-20 GHz bands. -100
MLXS-T Series
MLXB & MLXS- Series Low Noise Fundamental
(Continuous Single Band Unit) YIG-Tuned Oscillators
covering 2-18 GHz and 2-20 GHz -200
10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6
1.25” cube and 1.75” cylinder packages offer +12 to +13dBm Frequency (Hz)
power output levels and operate over the 0° to +65°C
commercial temperature range. Phase noise at 100 kHz
offset is -112 dBc/Hz at 18 GHz and -107 dBc/Hz at 20 GHz.
MLXS-T Series Low Noise Switched Band YIG-Tuned
Oscillators covering 2-18 GHz and 2-20 GHz
2.0” cylinder packages provide +13 to +14 dBm power
output levels and operate over the 0° to +65°C commercial
temperature range. Phase noise at 100 kHz offset of
-123 dBc/Hz is provided for all models “Look to the leader in YIG-Technology”
ntegration has been a key to the a single device. There is also the reduced are now being used, which have superior
advancement of wireless com- cost of assembly and test as well as actual analog performance and the additional
munications, leading to smaller design work. If all of the tuning, filtering, capability to integrate digital control
devices with more functionality. biasing, etc. is handled on the chip, there functions on chip. CMOS processes also
Although the mobile handset is at is less work required to be done by the are being utilized for highly integrated RF
the forefront of these trends, cost user. This can also improve the customer’s devices, often using digital processing to
savings and time to market are among time to market. Performance of discrete overcome RF performance limitations.
the drivers pushing for higher This past fall, the firm debuted
integration in cellular infra- RF mixers and modulators that
structure as well. As wireless enable high-density radio cards
integrators strive for more func- while increasing capacity and
tions in smaller packages, the speed for Long Term Evolution
trend in ICs continues toward (LTE) and fourth-generation
higher levels of analog, digital, (4G) base stations (Fig. 1). The
and high-frequency integration ADRF660x series of mixers and
in a single device. To compli- ADRF670x series of modula-
cate matters, both handset and tors combine multiple discrete
infrastructure integrators are 1. This RF modulator and downconverter house an integrated PLL, functional blocks into a single
trying to fit multiple wireless which is a multi-modulus fractional-N synthesizer designed to support device. The four ADRF660x
standards in one system. To LTE’s 100-kHz channel raster. products integrate an active RF
balance these various demands, mixer, RF input balun for single-
creative design techniques are leverag- RF components will generally be better ended 50-Ω input, and a PLL synthesizer
ing advanced technology resources and than that of a more integrated device. with integrated voltage-controlled oscil-
expertise in amplifiers, transceivers, But in many applications,‘good enough’ lator (VCO) in one package. The active
and other devices to create more highly performance is acceptable—as long as mixer provides a voltage conversion
integrated systems that do not sacrifice price targets are achieved. As analog gain of 6 dB. The differential IF output
performance. and high-performance RF devices make operates to 500 MHz. The ADRF6601
Dale Wilson, Analog Devices’ (www. more use of CMOS processes, there are receive mixer operates from 300 to 2500 Senior Marketing Manager, more opportunities to incorporate digital MHz with an internal LO range of 750 to
RF Group, states, “Size is an obvious control functions as well.” 1160 MHz. It reaches 1-dB compression
consideration and most important in To handle such increased levels of with +12 dBm input power and achieves
handheld or portable applications but integration, ADI has traditionally imple- an input third-order intercept point of
also desired in larger systems, where mented many of its high-performance RF +30 dBm. The mixer exhibits 12 dB
AM +24 dBm output... 0.7 to 21GHz from
Calling these amplifiers “wideband” doesn’t beg egin to describe them.
Consider that both the ZVA-183X and ZVA-2 213X amplifiers are
unconditionally stable and deliver typical +24 dBm output power at 1dB
compression, 26 dB gain with +/- 1 dB flatness, no oise figure of 3 dB ( GHz) (dB) ( dBm) (dB ) ( 1-9 )
and IP3 +33 dBm. What’s more, they are so rugge ed they can even @ 1 dB Comp.
withstand full reflective output power when the outputut load is open or ZVA-183X+ 0.7-18 26 +24 3.0 845.00
short. In addition to broadband military and commercia ial applications, ZVA-213X+ 0.8-21 26 +24 3.0 945.00
these super wideband amplifiers are ideal as workhorses khorses for a NNote: Alternative heat-sink must be provided to limit maximum base plate temperature.
wide number of narrow band applications in yourr lab or o in a
production environment. Z
ZVA-183+ 0.7-18 26 +24 3.0 895.00
Z 0.8-21 26 +24 3.0 995.00
Visit our website for comprehensive performance data and All models IN STOCK!
A RoHS compliant
specifications for our ZVAs or any of our over 10,000 catalog items.
You can even order on-line for next day shipment.
Mini-Circuits...Your partners for success since 1969
Select products and sample/designer
kits available for purchase online. BU
RF Primer
Device Processes
Differ In Benefits
A wide range of silicon- and GaAs-based semiconductor processes
are available from open foundries, for fabricating low-noise and power
devices and circuits through millimeter-wave frequencies.
JACK BROWNE cesses, particularly for millimeter-wave and military funding has supported
Technical Director
applications. Along the way, commercial substrate materials such as GaN and
silicon foundries, encouraged by the SiC with potentially higher power densi-
emiconductor processes have pressing needs of computers and tele- ties. In recent cases, the two materials
their differences. Some pro- communications for faster processing have been combined (GaN deposited
vide high power densities; speeds and data rates, have quietly eased on SiC) to achieve high-voltage devices
some excel in integration of silicon CMOS technologies well into the capable of high output-power densities
different functions. Under- millimeter-wave range. With so many with good linearity.
standing the differences process choices, it is easy to wonder Before low-cost silicon semiconduc-
is helpful not just to those choosing exactly how they differ and why one tor processing is written off, it should
foundry services, but for anyone trying would choose a particular process. be noted that much recent development
to understand the capabilities of differ- GaAs metal-epitaxial-semiconductor work has been in scaling down the
ent integrated circuits (ICs). field-effect transistors (MESFETs) have features of silicon CMOS and BiCMOS
More than three decades ago, a point been the mainstay of both low-noise processes to achieve cutoff frequencies
of debate in RF/microwave semiconduc- and large signal solid-state RF and beyond 100 GHz. Also, the use of later-
tors had to do with whether not only if microwave designs for well over 30 ally diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor
a fledgling technology such as gallium years. The semi-insulating material (LDMOS) silicon processes has resulted
arsenide (GaAs) could improve upon offers a dielectric constant (12.9) that in robust transistors capable of output-
vacuum-tube devices, but whether GaAs is compatible with microstrip struc- power levels rivaling the best reported
was even an improvement upon silicon tures in microwave-integrated-circuit results for GaN and SiC devices. In
bipolar technology. As with many new (MIC) designs and supports operating addition, processes such as silicon Bi-
high-frequency semiconductor technol- frequencies into the millimeter-wave CMOS readily support the integration
ogies, GaAs owed its early development region. The initial process technol- of RF, analog, digital, and mixed-signal
to military funding, but gained a boost ogy has been extended over the years functions on a single die.
from commercial applications, such as with heterojunction-bipolar-transistor Unfortunately, silicon has poor insu-
television-receive-only (TVRO) satellite (HBT) and high-electron-mobility- lating properties compared to GaAs, so
systems in the 1980s and cellular/wire- transistor (HEMT) configurations that transmission lines tend to suffer
less technology in the 1990s. that take advantage of the material’s high losses at high frequencies. Even
Similarly, military investments fos- basic electron mobility characteristics in silicon germanium (SiGe) processes,
tered the early growth of newer high- for improved gain at higher frequen- which have been used to fabricate HBTs
frequency process technologies, such cies. But, in spite of impressive invest- for many wireless applications, the
as gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon ments in time and capital, GaAs process performance of these devices is limited
carbide (SiC). Not to be forgotten in technologies still fall short in terms of in terms of power and noise figure
those years of development were similar output power per device compared, for compared to GaAs devices (albeit at
defense-related investments in indium example, to vacuum-tube electronics. lower cost). And the cost of extending
phosphide (InP) semiconductor pro- As a result, much recent commercial the high-frequency performance of SiGe
For mission cri
r tic
t al app
p lilcati
150 kHz to 4 GHz
US Army Photo
Case I STOCK from
3 9
ea. qtyy.10-49
Miniature hi-rel surface-mount mixers from Mini-Circuits premium in military, industrial, and commercial applications;
are built to handle tough applications in hostile environments. from UHF/VHF tactical radios to cellular basestations.
Featuring hermetically sealed ceramic quads, rugged ADE-R
mixers are supplied in durable plastic packages while For your mission-critical applications, count on rugged
reliable TUF-R mixers are enclosed in laser welded shielded surface-mount ADE-R and TUF-R mixers. With a wide
metal housings. ADE-R and TUF-R mixers cover a frequency selection of models, you'll find a high-rel mixer optimized
range from as low as 150 kHz through 4 GHz, with models for your requirements. Visit the Mini-Circuits website at
for a wide selection of LO drive requirements, including +3, for comprehensive performance
+7, +10, and +13 dBm. Both versions offer outstanding data, circuit layouts, and environmental specifications.
multi octave wideband performance featuring conversion Order online for next day shipment.
loss as low as 5.0 dB, very high isolation up to 50 dB and Mini-Circuits...Your partners for success since 1969
IP3 up to 22 dBm. They are ideal wherever space is at a U.S. Patent # 7,027,795 and # 6,133,525 RoHS compliant
RF Primer
processing has been a reduction in break-, IHP Microelectron- impressive high-power devices have been
down voltage and, consequently, output ics (SiGe, www.ihp-microelectronics. fabricated, notably by companies such as
power (as demonstrated by IBM’s SiGe com), JAZZ Semiconductor (RF CMOS, Microsemi ( and
process enhancements over the last few SiGe,, and Taiwan Cree ( for pulsed radar
years). The number of silicon foundries is Semiconductor Manufacturing Com- applications. Unfortunately, the wafer
large worldwide, and includes such firms pany Ltd. (TSMC, sizes are relatively small (to about 3 in.
as austriamicrosystems (www.austria- On silicon carbide, however, some diameter) compared to traditional sili-
con wafers, resulting in higher costs per
device than traditional silicon CMOS
or bipolar processing.
GaN processes and their variants,
such as GaN deposited on SiC wafers,
have great appeal for high-power device
fabrication because of the high break-
down voltages of GaN processes (100
V and more). Numerous studies on
GaN devices have shown greater high-
frequency potential than SiC HBTs and
GaAs MESFETs because of the mate-
rial’s excellent electron transport prop-
erties and short transit times, implying
higher gain at higher frequencies than
GaAs or SiC. In addition, GaN-based
materials have shown great potential for
high-performance small-signal devices,
such as low-noise amplifiers (LNAs),
indicating that a single GaN foundry
could support both power and low-noise
device fabrication. A further benefit of
a GaN-based LNA is its potential to
withstand higher input power levels
than GaAs-based LNAs. A number of
foundries currently offer GaN and GaN/
SiC processes, including Cree, Nitronex
(, TriQuint Semi-
conductor (, and
RF Micro Devices (,
like TriQuint, long a supplier of GaAs
foundry services. Additional GaAs
foundries include WIN Semiconduc-
tors (, United
Monolithic Semiconductors (www., OMMIC (www.ommic.
com), and Northrop Grumman (www.
In fact, military interest is so great
in GaN on SiC that the US Department
of Defense (DoD) has issued an online
grant offer (, number
BAA-04-08-PKM-CALL-17. Sponsored
by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL),
the grant aims to establish a domestic
open-foundry merchant supplier of GaN
on 100-mm SiC substrates.
1710 - 2 4
824-960 00 MHz
D p
w as
as Lo
450 5 dB NF $995
5 -6000 MHz 0.55 9 ffrom
TAMP Typical Specifications
a. qty. 5-49
The TAMP series of LNAs not only eliminates the need for
Frequency, NF Gain Max Output Price $
designers to optimize low noise transistor bias and matching MODEL GHz dB dB dBm (5-49)
circuitry, but they’re also optimized to give superior performance TAMP-960LN+ .82-.96 0.55 18.0 16.5 9.95
of ultra low noise and high dynamic range in a self contained, TAMP-242LN+ 1.7-2.4 0.65 13.0 17.0 9.95
drop-in, compact metal-shielded case. The case PCB area is TAMP-242GLN+ 1.7-2.4 0.85 30.0 20.0 13.95
smaller than most LNA transistor designs with external circuitry. TAMP-272LN+ 2.3-2.7 0.90 14.0 18.0 9.95
TAMP-362LN+ 3.3-3.6 0.90 12.0 11.0 10.95
The TAMPs do not require any external elements, are unconditionally
TAMP-362GLN+ 3.3-3.6 0.90 20.0 16.0 14.95
stable, and are matched to 50Ω input/output. They’re the ideal mix
TAMP-Custom Customer to specify
of flexibility, efficiency, and price and come in a single, integrated
RoHS compliant
component ready to drop-in to your assembly board.
Visit us online at to view actual performance data for our complete line of new, all-in-one LNAs –
the latest way Mini-Circuits continues to deliver on it’s commitment to bring you more engineering value for your money.
Mini-Circuits. Your partners for success since 1969.
An Interview With
John Regazzi
NF: How has the test and measurement industry changed over the last 30 years?
JR:: When Giga-tronics was founded, the microwave test industry was much less mature than
it is today. The microwave field was evolving rapidly with product advancements occurring
on a regular basis. In 1980, a few milliwatts of power at 20 GHz were difficult to achieve
and the best synthesizers could fetch up to $70,000 apiece—plenty of margin to support
multiple participants and healthy profits. Newly designed equipment was just beginning
to take advantage of the microprocessor to enhance calibration accuracy and allow for
John Regazzi has been automated control, which opened many military and commercial applications.
Chief Executive Officer and Today, the industry is characterized by a few major players who together own
somewhere between 70 to 75 percent of the microwave test equipment market. Capi-
a Director of Giga-tronics
talization requirements to enter and obtain a leadership position in this business are
since April 2006. His previous much higher today due to product complexity and existing entrenched competitors.
positions at the company A 20-GHz synthesizer has gone from “black art” to “commodity” (with vastly supe-
included stints as President rior capability selling for less than half the 1980 price without adjusting for inflation)
and Vice President of since Giga-tronics first entered the market.
Operations for the instru- NF: Let’s talk about the company. After restructuring in 2006, you have co-located
ment division. Among everything but the component business, correct?
John’s previous experience JR: That’s right. When I became CEO, Giga-tronics was conducting business as three
is 22 years at Hewlett-Pack- separate companies—each with its own product line. This isn’t necessarily a bad approach
ard Co. and Agilent Technol- until you find yourself without sufficient volume to sustain the extra infrastructure,
ogies in various design and which is exactly where the company was in 2006. Besides collocating as much as we
could, we built a single leadership team. Now we are able to select the best investments
management positions
looking across all our markets and apply our resources to match the real opportunities
associated with their micro-
available. The facility that builds our components operates strictly as a manufacturing
wave sweeper and synthe- organization with most of the support functions, such as sales and marketing, order
sizer product lines. entry, purchasing, etc., coming out of our main location in San Ramon, CA.
NF: As a result, did your employees gain knowledge about the various product lines?
JR: Absolutely. Besides the efficiencies gained by cross-training our direct employees on
all the different products, our management team gained an appreciation of the unique
value proposition offered by each of the businesses. We found out there were a lot of
synergies we had been missing and we’ve taken steps to offer our customers more com-
plete solutions rather than just separate pieces.
NF: Giga-tronics is uniquely positioned because of its goal of offering customized prod-
ucts and its status as a switch and instrument provider. What customer solutions has
that enabled you to provide?
JR: At the most basic level, we tailor our general-purpose test equipment at the request
of our customers. For example, we are often asked to emulate obsolete equipment or
add special features so that an upgrade can be made without affecting a test system’s
software. In one case, we were able to replace three obsolete instruments with a single
Giga-tronics microwave generator. At the more complex level, we custom design many
of the switching solutions we deliver because the customer’s DUT is always unique. We
are in the process of delivering a switch design that helps a semiconductor test provider
deliver a solution for testing high-speed data storage components. Also, I can’t tell you
how many times we’ve encountered a customer who purchased a very high-performance
instrument, only to destroy the benefits by connecting it to the DUT through an inferior
switch. We have been able to bring our measurement knowledge to customers needing
RF interface units to help them produce test systems with good signal integrity and high
measurement accuracy. We don’t stop with the customer requirement, but sit with them
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Frequency (GHz) Conversion Noise Image LO-RF
Gain/Loss Figure Rejection Isolation
Model Number RF LO IF (dB, Typ.) (dB, Typ.) (dB, Typ.) (dB, Typ.)
LNB 1826 30 18-26
18 26 Internal 2-10
2 10 42 2.5
25 25 45
LNB-2640-40 26-40 Internal 2-16 42 3.5 25 45
IR1826N17* 18-26 18-26 DC-0.5 11 9.5 25 25
IR2640N17* 26-40 26-40 DC-0.5 11 9.5 25 25
SBW3337LG2 33-37 33-37 DC-4 -7.5 8 N/A 25
TB0440LW1 4-40 4-42 .5-20 -10 10.5 N/A 20
DB0440LW1 4-40 4-40 DC-2 -9 9.5 N/A 25
SBE0440LW1 4-40 2-20 DC-1.5 -10 10.5 N/A 20
* For IF frequency options, please contact MITEQ.
Frequency (GHz) Input Output Fundamental DC current
Level Power Feed Through Level @+15VDC
Model Number Input Output (dBm, Min.) (dBm, Min.) (dBc, Min.) (mA, Nom.)
MAX2M260400 13-20 26-40 10 10 18 160
MAX2M200380 10-19 20-38 10 10 18 200
MAX2M300500 15-25 30-50 10 10 18 160
MAX4M400480 10-12 40-48 10 10 18 250
MAX3M300300 10 30 10 10 60 160
MAX2M360500 18-25 36-50 10 10 18 160
MAX2M200400 10-20 20-40 10 10 18 160
TD0040LA2 2-20 4-40 10 -3 30 N/A
Higher output power options available.
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1,, 1%#
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+20 dBm
m Power Ampllifierss wiith a choice of g
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Mini-Circuits’ monolithic, surface-mount GVA amplifiers are
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at 1GHz. Supplied in RoHS-compliant, SOT-89
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(measured at 1 GHz). They provide better than +20 dBm broadband GVA amplifiers, visit the Mini-Circuits’ web site
typical output power, with typical IP3 performance as high at
US patent 6,943,629 *Low frequency determined by coupling cap. Mini-Circuits...Your partners for success since 1969
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A to monopole-type antennas, uses a multiloop structure with three differently
many commercial vehicles now provide frequency- sized loops and a common feed line. This structure
Vehicle Antenna modulation (FM) reception via antennas that are broadens the operating band by efficiently using the
Receives FM printed directly on the rear or quarter glasses of a available glass area while raising the vertical gain
For RVs vehicle. Unfortunately, these on-glass antennas tend
to possess a low vertical gain and narrow bandwidth.
by maximizing the z-directed currents.
After the antenna was installed in a commercial
They also exhibit nulls in their radiation patterns, as RV, its performance was measured. On average,
they are placed in close proximity to the conducting the antenna exhibits gain of roughly −9.5 dBi with
frame of the vehicle and are printed on glass with deviation of less than 4 dB compared to the gain
high dielectric losses. To serve the unique needs of a of a conventional quarter-wavelength roof-mount-
recreational vehicle (RV), an on-glass antenna with a ed monopole. To examine the omnidirectional
multiloop structure for FM radio reception has been property, the azimuth radiation pattern also was
developed by Seungbeom Ahn, Dongwook Park, measured. The result was a gain deviation below
and Hosung Choo from Seoul’s Hongik University 20 dB. The transparency of the antenna body was
together with Seulgi Park from LIG Nex1 Co. Ltd. improved by adjusting the stripline widths based
and Yongho Noh from Hyundai-Kia Motors. on the induced current distribution. See “Design of
Thee an
Th ante
nnaa co
ts of
of co
ng str
ne an OOn-
asss Ve
clee An
nnaa Us
ingg a Mu
that is printed on glass and fed by a coaxial cable Structure,” Microwave And Optical Technology
from the upper left corner of the quarter glass. It Letters, January 2010, p. 107.
Filter Mitigates TO BLOCK UNWAW NTED frequencies, it is common to To achieve a quasi-elliptic response, capacitive
place a very-high-Q high-temperature-semicon- cross coupling is added between the first and last
Interference ductor (HTS) filter before the low-noise amplifier nonadjacent resonators to introduce two trans-
For Astronomy (LNA) of a radio telescope’s front end. A minia- mission zeroes at the edges of the rejected band.
Observations turized HTS four-pole filter for the RF interfer-r The notch filter targets RF interference mitigation
ence mitigation of the 900-MHz cellular band in centered at 859 MHz with 8.1-percent fractional
radio telescopes was recently presented by Alonso bandwidth for the migration of the 900-MHz cel-
Corona-Chavez from Mexico’s National Institute lular band. Miniaturized half-wavelength resonators
for Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics; Ignacio are coupled to the main transmission line. See “A
Llamas-Garro from Spain’s Technical University High Temperature Superconducting Quasi-Elliptic
of Catalonia; and Michael J. Lancaster from the Notch Filter for Radioastronomy,” Microwave And
University of Birmingham in the UK. Optical Technology Letters, January 2010, p. 88.
o S
Mini-Circuits LTCC coupler family offers versatile, low cost
1 eea. Qty.1000
technology delivering both minimal insertion loss and high
solutions for your 5 kHz to 4600 MHz needs with rugged directivity with models handling up to 65 W. All of our couplers
connectorized models from .74”x.50” to surface mount are ESD compliant and available as RoHS compliant. For full
couplers from .12”x.06””, the smallest in the world! Choose product details and specifications for all our couplers, go to
from our 50 & 75 Ω directional and bi-directional couplers with Mini-Circuits web site and select the best couplers for your
coupling ranging from 6-22 dB and with capability to pass commercial, industrial and military requirements.
DC. Mini-Circuits offers the world’s most highly evolved LTCC Mini-Circuits...Your partners for success since 1969
RF Power Detector Family Output Voltage, Linearity Error vs Info & Free Samples
RF Input Power
Part No. Frequency Range Dynamic Range 2.4 3
f = 2140MHz
LT5570 40MHz – 2.7GHz 60dB RMS 1-800-4-LINEAR
2.0 2
LT5534 50MHz – 2.7GHz
Log Detector
Linearity Error (dB)
1.6 1
90dB Free Wireless
Low-Power LNA
Drops Noise At 2.4 GHz
This CMOS amplifier delivers high gain and low noise figure at
2.4 GHz with extremely low power consumption, by means
of current-reuse and common-gate design strategies.
both high gain and low noise figure
CHUNHUA WANG Vdd can be achieved at low voltages and
power consumption.
BAIMEI LIU The inductor-degenerated CS to-
Master’s Program
M2 pology is a popular LNA choice for
School of Computer and Communication, Hunan C2
University, Changsha 410082, Peoples’ Republic narrowband applications; it provides
of China; e-mail: [email protected], e-mail: both high gain and relatively low
[email protected]. C4 C3 noise figure. But it provides low noise
figure via high power consumption
L1 and/or high-quality-factor (high-Q)
ow-noise-amplifier M1 off-chip inductors. The noise figure
(LNA) design requires of these structures increases sharply
tradeoffs, often among as the power consumption is de-
such goals as noise fig- R1 creased.13 For a low-power receiver,
ure, gain, linearity, and C1 Vbias an LNA based on a CG approach is
stability. In addition, the preferred topology.11 At 2.4 GHz,
portable applications call CG LNAs typically offer lower noise
for low power consump- figures than CS LNAs for power con-
tion. But through the use of a com- 1. This schematic diagram shows the vari- sumption below 3.1 mW.12 Com-
mon-gate (CG) architecture for input ous components used with the low-power pared to CS LNAs, CG LNAs feature
impedance matching and reduced 2.4-GHz CMOS LNA. broadband input match and better
power consumption through current- linearity and stability.13 To achieve a
reuse techniques, an RF CMOS LNA increased supply voltage. To lower the low noise figure with low power con-
was developed with 15.5-dB forward supply voltage, a folded topology has sumption, a CG LNA input structure
gain and 1.68 dB noise figure at 2.4 been proposed.5,6 The required sup- was used (Fig. 1); by tuning input in-
GHz. With its excellent input and ply voltage is reduced by one transis- ductor LS and capacitor C1, the noise
output impedance matching, it con- tor compared with that of a cascade figure can be reduced to minimum. In
sumes only 1.05 mW power. amplifier. Unfortunately, with more addition, this structure’s current-re-
Low-voltage and current-reuse than one gain stage, the total current use two-stage topology provides rela-
design approaches can effectively consumption of a CMOS LNA may tively high gain with reduced power
decrease power consumption,1-9 in- not be minimized. A current-reuse, consumption.
cluding the use of cascode amplifier two-stage common-source (CS) to- In Fig.1, CS MOS transistors M1
configurations.1-4 With the current- pology can provide high gain at low and M2 represent the first and second
reuse topology, desirable gain can be supply voltage and power consump- stages, respectively, of the LNA. They
achieved with relatively low current tion, although at somewhat elevated share the same DC bias current flow-
consumption. However, due to the noise levels.7-9 With a current-reuse, ing through L1 to reduce power con-
use of multiple transistors, it employs two-stage CG topology, however, sumption. The amplified RF signal
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factor, Gn is the equivalent noise con- when Eqs. 14 and 15 are satisfied. justing the values of LS and C1. With
ductance, Zsource = Rsource + jXsource Therefore, when Ropt is larger than shunt capacitance C1, the value of LS
is the impedance seen at the input Rin,1, there is a tradeoff between the can be decreased to a level suitable for
of the LNA when looking toward noise figure and S11. Using a CS LNA on-chip integration.
the antenna, and Zopt = Ropt + jXopt configuration with inductive degener- Circuit simulations for the pro-
is the optimum source impedance. ation for input matching, power and posed design were performed with the
Although Fmin can be minimized by noise matching cannot be obtained si- Advanced Design System (ADS) suite
properly choosing the width of the multaneously at low current bias, thus of software tools from Agilent Tech-
MOS device, this is not a good choice the noise figure could be potentially nologies ( Mea-
for constant DC current. To minimize high for low-power applications. For sured S-parameters are shown in Fig. 5
the NF, [where NF=10log(dB)], it is a low-power LNA, a CG LNA is the for comparison. The maximal power
crucial to design the matching net- preferred topology. gain is 15.5 dB at 2.4 GHz, S11 is
work of the LNA such that the second In the proposed LNA, even when -10.5 dB at 2.4 GHz, and S22 is -12.3
term in Eq. 14 is close to zero, which the MOSFET’s Ropt is larger than dB at 2.4 GHz. The measured noise
in turn means that Zsource should be Rin,1, from Eqs. 16 and 17, it is pos- figure reaches 1.68 dB at 2.4 GHz.
close to Zopt. sible to adjust the sizes of M1, LS , and The LNA’s measured input third-or-
The matching conditions for mini- C1 to achieve optimum input match- der intercept (IIP3) is -6.5 dBm. The
mum noise figures of the cascaded ing and noise matching simultaneous- DC power consumption is only 1.05
gain stages7 are given by Eq. 12: ly. In addition, a value of S11 of less mW from a 0.9-V supply.
than -10 dB is adequate for an LNA A commonly used figure of merit
Zssource = Zoopt , 1 (12 )
in most applications.1 Therefore, the (FOM) for comparing low-power
with the matching conditions speci- value of Rsource can be brought much LNAs is the ratio of power gain to
fied in Eqs. 1-3 and 12 resulting in closer to the value of Ropt by alter- DC power consumption (gain/DC
Zssource = Z *in , 1 = Zooppt (13 ) ing the values of LS and C1 for better power). A more meaningful FOM
noise matching, while S11 is less than includes the effects of amplifier gain,
-10 dB. Noise figure responses with noise figure, linearity (IIP3), operating
Rsource = Rin, 1 (14)
various values of LS and C1 are shown frequency (f0), and DC power con-
From Eq. 13, this yields in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), respectively, indi- sumption (Pdc)15 as shown in Eq. 18
o t = Rsource (15)
Rop cating that is it possible to reduce the (see p. 62).
noise figure as low as possible by ad- The table shows data from a num-
From Fig. 2, the relations of ber of low-power CMOS
Eqs. 16 and 17 can be found: LNAs. It shows that this
ultra-low-power LNA can
w02 Ls 2 Rs Zsource
Vgs provide better overall per-
Rsource = (16 ) Vgsgm
( Rs ) 2 + ( w0 Ls − 1 ) 2 RS C1 RL formance in terms of gain,
w 0C 1 noise figure, linearity, DC
1 power consumption, and
Rin, 1 ≈ (17 ) frequency of operation. The
gm Vin LS
Zin LNA was fabricated with a
According to the defini- standard 0.18-μm CMOS
tion of a matching network, technology and offers the
the noise and power match- best gain to DC power ratio
ing of the LNA are achieved 3. This is the small-signal equivalent circuit for M1. and overall FOM among re-
20 40
0 30
Noise figure(2)—dB
–20 20
!%$" –40 10
–60 0
1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.2
" '%$() (a) S21 and noise figure Frequency—GHz
0 0
–2 –2
S11 –6
%$" –8
& –10 –12
–12 –14
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
# '%$() (b) S11 and S22 Frequency—GHz
4. These plots show modeled (a) noise figure with values of source
inductance, LS, and (b) noise figure with values of capacitor C1.
w w w. m a c o m t e c h . c o m
G 60 Y E A R S
nce Gou
r. Lawre
o ci ate s CEO D to circa 1961)
wave A hlir (pho
ith Microtor Dr. Arthur U
Hines w
$(' +-# !$+,- Marion varactor inven
,) +!-)%
)+& -+$&)%$!$ +
&)%(1$'" Microwave
Associates varactor
0$-#'($, !$".+
M/A-COM Technology Solutions
(predecessor Microwave Associates)
was first in the field with volume
production of silicon varactors,
which have become the heart of
modern day VCOs.
Today, M/A-COM Tech is still
leading the way with new InGaP
HBT-based voltage controlled
oscillators for frequency generation.
With extremely low phase noise,
our MAOC Series of VCOs are
ideal for many radio
applications, including
#, ($, 2
-40 -40°C
-60 85°C
For information on VCOs and other products from 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 107
M/A-COM Technology Solutions, visit + *. '1!!, -
S A M P L E D P L L S , PA R T 2
hase noise in sampled in Fig. 5, a plot of closed-loop mag- speed the calculations. The results of
phase-locked loops (PLLs) nitude as a function of frequency. Eq. 38 are plotted in Fig. 7 on a linear
can impact the perfor- scale for open-loop magnitude as a
mance of a wide range of function of frequency. The open-loop
commercial and military Closed-loop magnitude versus frequency gain is aliased about each harmonic
systems, including com- 101 of the sampled frequency. The same
munications networks based on phase 81 information is plotted in Fig. 8 on
modulation. As shown last month in 71 the more familiar log scale so that the
the first installment of this three-part 61 gain and phase margin can be more
series, modeling approaches may dif- 41 easily seen in this plot of open-loop
fer depending upon whether a PLL is 31 magnitude response. Figure 9 shows
a continuous-time or sampled system, 21 the measured open-loop gain of the
1 x 102 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105
with nonlinear approaches needed for ω/2π test PLL, while Fig. 10 shows the
th latter. In this second article install- open-loop phase with sampling in a
ment, it may be helpful to examine 5. This plot of magnitude as a function of fre- plot of open-loop phase as a function
the results of a continuous PLL sys- quency is typical of closed-loop systems. of frequency.
tem so that it might be possible to see Compared to the continuous time
the differences when compared to a system, the open-loop gain in the
sampled system. The open-loop gain Closed-loop phase versus frequency sampled system passes through unity
[Gol(s)] for a continuous system is 0 gain at a higher frequency and that
7 # ')8 9:
& ..
" 7
7- (( 1. 7 "
" "
& -- "
" 6 6 -
- "
"- .
- "
" . . " ;
1. . "
" (
= " >
> .
.-< &
. 7
7 - -
7 "
" 6666
1.1. "
- 7.
66 -
6 6 .
. &&"
( 6
5 9: " "
@. - - " " 7 7 -
- "
- -
. . "
" - &
6 .
6 .
. < A
A "" . 77 1.
1. A 66+( "
"-& & 66
77 (
" .& & "
" . . .. 7
7 6 6 * . < .
% &'#'#
! " ## $$ %
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'"() $# %
10 40
G'ol (s , fs ) :=
⋅ ∑ (
GK s − j ⋅ n ⋅ 2⋅ π ⋅ fs ) (40)
n =− 10
GK( s ) –20
Tr' (s , fs ) := 1 x 103 2 x 104 4 x 104 6 x 104 8 x 104 1 x 105
10 ω/2π
( )
1+ ⋅ GK s − j ⋅ n ⋅ 2⋅ π ⋅ fs
N 7. A linear scale was used to plot the values from Eq. 38 for open-loop
n =− 10
magnitude as a function of frequency.
with the phase detector noise.) In analyzing the phase noise Then, for a typical oscillator such as the one measured
of the VCO (Fig. 14), the different segments (in distance above, the noise (in dBc/Hz) and offset frequency (in Hz)
from the carrier) should first be defined. Let the SSB phase parameters are L0 = -155, f0 = 3 x 106, L2 = -126, f2 = 100
noise in the far-off region, where it has an f0 profile, be x 103, L3 = -70, and f3 = 1 x 103. The f -3 section of the
called by the term L0 , with the offset f0. Similarly, in the noise due to 1/f noise in the oscillator circuit is modeled by
region where the phase noise has an f-2 profile, let the phase Eq. 42:
noise be called by the term L2 and the offset f2. Finally, in − 3
the region where it has an f-3 profile, let the phase noise be
⋅ f3 ⋅ ⎛⎜
10 3 s ⎞ (42)
L3 ( s ) := 10 ⎟
known as L3 and the offset f3. ⎝ 2⋅ π ⎠
100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105
8. The values of Fig. 7 are plotted here on a logarithmic scale for open-
loop magnitude. 9. This plot shows the measured open-loop gain of the test PLL.
The f -2 section due to peaking of noise for the free-running VCO. The
⎛ L0 ⎞
white noise by oscillator is modeled ⎜ ⎟ 0
phase noise at the output of the loop is
L0 ( s ) := 10⎝ ⎠ ⋅f ⋅ ⎛⎜
by Eq. 43: 10 0 s ⎞ made up of the noise when n = 0 and
⎛ L2 ⎞ 0 ⎟ (44)
⎜ ⎟ − 2 ⎝ 2⋅ π ⎠ the sum of the output-noise, divided by
L2 ( s ) := 10⎝ ⎠ ⋅ f2 ⋅ ⎛⎜
10 2 s ⎞ N, which appears as an error signal at
⎟ (43)
Combining these noise contribu- the phase detector and is acted on by
⎝ 2⋅ π ⎠
and the broadband white noise due tions results in an overall noise model the equivalent transfer function.
to thermal noise and the noise figure of the oscillator, Loscn(s), as described The phase noise due to the loop’s
of the active device is modeled by ap- by Eq. 45. action on the n = 0 component of os-
plying Eq. 44. Figure 15 shows a plot of modeled cillator noise can be described by the
+90 81
0 51
–90 21
–180 1
100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105 100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105
ω/2π ω/2π
10. This plot shows the open-loop phase with sampling in a plot of 11. This plot shows the closed-loop transfer response with sampling
open-loop phase as a function of frequency. (closed-loop magnitude versus frequency).
1,239 ,580
Bandpass Filters100Hz to 40GHz
Lowpass Filters 10Hz to 25GHz
Highpass Filters 50Hz to 18GHz
Band Rejection Filters 25Hz to 25GHz
Diplexers and Multiplexers from 10kHz to 30GHz
Active filters 0.1Hz to 1MHz
− 1 5
Loscn ( s ) := L0 ( s ) + L2 ( s ) + L3 ( s ) (45) L'oscn1 (s , fs ) := ∑ (
Loscn s − j ⋅ ω s ⋅ n + ) ∑ (
Loscn s − j ⋅ ω s ⋅ n ) (48)
n =− 5 n =1
⎛ Tr' (s , fs ) ⎞ (s , fs )
Losc2 (s , fs ) := ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ (47)
Losc (s , fs ) := Losc2 (s , fs ) + Losc1 ( s ) (49)
⎝ N ⎠
( 1 + G'ol (s , fs ) )
parameter Losc1(s) as defined in Eq. 46: Z(s) = the impedance of the loop filter
Loscn ( s )
Losc1 ( s ) := (46) Equation 50 can be simplified to Eq. 51:
(1 + Gol ( s ) )
Re( Z ( s ) )
Lmod ( s ) := ⎛⎝ 2⋅ Kω vco ⋅ k ⋅ T ⎞⎠ ⋅
⎯ (51)
In addition, the phase noise due to the loop’s action on s⋅s
the n ≠ 0 component of oscillator noise can be described by
the parameter Losc2(s, fs) as defined in Eq. 47. This noise combines with the VCO phase noise before
The noise of oscillator after sampling Lʹoscn1 is given by being modified by the loop, yielding Eq. 52:
Eq. 48.
The overall noise due to the oscillator in the loop, Losc(s, Losceff ( s ) := Lmod ( s ) + Loscn ( s ) (52)
fs), is the sum of the two components of oscillator noise as
shown in Eq. 49. The combination of the modulation and phase noise is de-
These various components of phase noise for the oscilla- picted in Fig. 17, while the sampled version of the combined
tor are plotted in Fig. 16, where VCO noise and modulation ti noise is depicted in Eq. 53.
Losc is the total contribution to the overall noise after L'osceff (s , fs ) := ∑ Losceff (s − j ⋅ ω ⋅ n)
s (53)
the action of the loop; Loscn is the noise of the free running
oscillator; Losc1 is the noise due to the n = 0 component; n =− 5
and Losc2 is the noise due to n ≠ 0 components. The phase noise due to the loop’s action on the n = 0
Thermal noise, due to the real part of the impedance of
the loop filter, modulates the VCO to give phase noise at Closed-loop phase versus frequency
the output of the VCO. In performing thermal noise calcu- 200
lations, the absolute temperature, T, is 290 K while Boltz-
arg[Tr'(jω)] × 57
mann’s constant, k, is 1.38 x 10-23 mKs. From FM theory,
the SSB noise due to modulation by thermal noise is given 0
by Eq. 50: 2
⎛ Kω vco ⎞ Re( Z ( s ) )
Lmod ( s ) := ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ 8⋅ k ⋅ T ⋅ –100
⎝ 2⋅ π ⎠
⎯⎛ 1 ⎞ (50)
s ⋅ s ⋅ ⎜ 2⋅ ⎟ –200
⎝ 2⋅ π ⎠ 100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105
13. This plot shows the closed-loop phase with sampling.
10 100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105 1 x 106
14. The phase noise of a free-running VCO can be broken into different
12. This plot shows the closed-loop response of the test PLL. segments.
⎛ Tr'(s , fs ) ⎞ (s , fs )
component of oscillator noise can be found from Eq. 54 L'osceff1
Losceff ( s ) Losceff2 (s , fs ) := ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ (55)
Losceff1 ( s ) := ⎝ N ⎠
( 1 + G'ol (s , fs ) )
( 1 + Gol ( s ) )
n =− 5
5 (56)
Oscillator phase-noise model
0 + ∑ Losceff (s − j ⋅ ω ⋅ n)s
n =1
–60 The overall noise, Losctot (s,ffs), due to the oscillator and
–80 the noise due to modulation of the oscillator by thermal
–100 noise in the loop filter components is the sum of the ab-
–120 solute value of the two components of oscillator noise as
–140 shown by Eq. 57:
10 100 1 x 103 1 x 104 1 x 105 1 x 106
Losctot (s , fs ) :=
ω/2π (57)
Losceff2 (s , fs ) + Losceff1 ( s )
15. This plot shows modeled noise for the free-running VCO.
! HMC-C076,
N Low Phase Noise Amplifi er, 7 to 11 GHz
2 - 18 Wideband, Low Phase Noise 14 / 4.5 27 -160 15 / 18 +5V @ 64mA Chip HMC606
2 - 18 Wideband, Low Phase Noise 13.5 / 7 27 -160 15 / 17 +5V @ 64mA LC5 HMC606LC5
NEW! 1.5 - 5.0 Low Phase Noise 14 / 4.5 26.5 -157 17 / 22 +7V @ 170mA C-16 / SMA HMC-C077
2 - 18 Low Phase Noise 13.5 / 5 22.5 -160 15 / 18.5 +5V @ 80mA C-1 / SMA HMC-C050
6 - 12 Low Phase Noise 11 / 4.5 34 -174 20 / 22 +7V @ 170mA C-16 / SMA HMC-C072
NEW! 7 - 11 Low Phase Noise 9/6 33 -180 22 / 25 +7V @ 300mA C-16 / SMA HMC-C076
16. Various oscillator loop components of phase noise are plotted here. 17. The combination of modulation and phase noise is depicted here.
In performing an analysis on the effect that the phase-detector compo- chip from National Semiconduc-
phase-detector noise, the term “phase- nents have on the loop is essentially tor used in the test PLL, the value is
detector noise” is used to include the same irrespective of the cause or equivalent to approximately -163 dBc/
noise due to the charge pumps, the source of the noise. Hz at a comparison frequency of 25
reference dividers, and the program- The phase-detector noise for any kHz. Often, the measure termed “fig-
mable dividers since it is not possible given chip at a particular comparison ure of merit” (FOM) is used by com-
to isolate the cause of noise within frequency is usually determined by ponent manufacturers where the noise
the individual components or func- means of measurements with a spec- is referenced to a 1-Hz bandwidth.
tion blocks in many single-chip PLLs. trum analyzer or phase-noise test set. From this FOM, the noise can be
For any given sampling frequency, the Typically, for the model LMX1511 extrapolated for any sampling fre-
quency. This relationship usually
holds over a wide range of frequen-
cies but may eventually break down
RF & Microwave at higher frequencies.
Next month, the final installment
Design Software in this three-part article series will
p ied Comp
putational Sciences point out some differences in the ef-
fects of phase noise in continuous- time and sampled PLL sources, using
computer simulations and measured
• Exact Circuit Synthesis data for comparisons. The noise due
to the reference oscillator in a PLL
• Accuratte Simullattion frequency synthesizer will be ana-
• Powerful Optimization
timization lyzed, and then combined with other
noise sources in an overall evalution
• Statistical Yield Analysis of the effects of sampling on a test
• Free Tecchnical support PLL circuit. By using simulations, it
is possible to understand the influence
p l ete es of specific noise sources, such as the
Com gn suit k! phase detector noise, on the overall
des nder $1 noise performance of a PLL system,
for u
and how those different contributions
compare in a contant-time PLL versus
a sampled PLL system. In addition,
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synthesizer systems.
ifferential or balanced devices are widely port network (Fig. 1), a VNA was used to measure the RF
used in communications systems for their impedance at the network’s ports, resulting in the single-
high immunity to noise. However, they can mode S-parameter (Ssm) matrix of Eq. 1. The variables a1
be difficult to integrate since the widely used and a2 represent incident waves while b1 and b2 represent
S-parameter matching method cannot simply reflected waves.
be applied. Fortunately, a generic method de- ⎛ b1 ⎞ ⎛a ⎞
rived from the mixed-mode S-parameter concept can be ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = S sm × ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ (1)
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ a2 ⎠
used to match differential devices. It is simple and effective,
as will be borne out by verification via four-port vector where
network analyzer (VNA) and analysis with electronic-de- ⎛ s11 s12 ⎞
S sm = ⎜⎜ ⎟
s 22 ⎟⎠
sign-automation (EDA) software. (A)
⎝ s21
Impedance matching is the practice of tuning a load
impedance (Z) to the optimum impedance (Zopt) of a con- Equation 2 details the relationship between the
nected device. It requires three main steps: S-parameters and impedance:
1. Finding Zopt (the process is not detailed here but is usu- ( 1 + sii )
ally achieved by tuning the load impedance of the circuit Zi = Z0 × ( i ∈ [ 1,2 ]) (2)
( 1 − sii )
a1 i1 while Eq. 3 calculates the voltages and currents at the
two nodes:
1 b1
⎛ v1 ⎞ ⎛ v1+ + v1− ⎞ ⎛ Z 1 × i1 ⎞ ⎛ Z1 × ( i1+ − i1− ) ⎞
v1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ (3)
⎜ + −⎟ ⎜
⎝ v2 ⎠ ⎝ v 2 + v 2 ⎠ ⎝ Z 2 × i2 ⎠ ⎝ Z 2 × ( i2 − i2 ) ⎟⎠
⎜ + −
ad vd
bd Z Z
where vi+ and ii+ represent the forward voltage and current,
a2 i2 respectively, and vi– and ii– represent the reverse voltage
2 and current, respectively.
2 b2
v2 For differential circuits, S-parameter theory has been ex-
tended to introduce the concept of mixed modes.1,2 There-
fore, Fig. 1 could represent either a two-port single-ended
1. These diagrams represent single-ended and differential mode circuit or a single-port mixed-mode circuit. The model has
power wave and voltage/current circuits. two modes of propagation: common mode and differen-
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⎛ vd ⎞ ⎛ Z d × id ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
otch Filter (10)
SMAA Connectors ⎝ vc ⎠ ⎝ Z c × ic ⎠
For the mixed-mode analysis, when
referencing the signal to ground, the
even and odd impedances (Ze and Zo)
Lowpass Filter of each port are also defined. If the
BNC CConnectors
t device structure is symmetrical, Ze freq (2.400 to 2.500 GHz)
= 2Zc and Zo = Zd /2. Mixed mode
S-parameters are defined by: 2. The Smith Chart compares simulated ver-
sus measured differential input impedances
⎛ bd ⎞ ⎛a ⎞ using the SKY65336-11 FEM.
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = S mm × ⎜⎜ d ⎟⎟ (11)
⎝ bc ⎠ ⎝ ac ⎠
Each of the cross-mode parameters
where Smm is represent the amount of transfer from
⎛ sdd scd ⎞ common to differential mode, and vice
Diplexerr S mm = ⎜⎜ ⎟ (12)
MAA Conn
nnectors ⎝ sdc scc ⎟⎠ versa, that propagates through the
3-polele Ceramic Filte
3- Filter circuit. For an ideal balanced circuit,
SMT Connectiton
ons and Sdd refers to the differential mode mixed terms Sdc and Scd are zero.
Equalizer Filter S-parameter needed to determine the As part of achieving impedance
SMAA Connecto
ctorrs differential impedance; Scc is the com- matching, a goal is to determine the
mon-mode parameter; and Sdc, Scd are differential-mode circuit impedance
cross-mode parameters. Zd. For this purpose, only the dif-
ferential mode propagation must be
evaluated (the common-mode propa-
gation can be omitted). There is no
1' 1 RF common source (ac = 0) even if
Zopt C
L the DC supply can be present on each
side of the balanced port.
Bockelman et al.2 demonstrates
2' 2 that mixed-mode parameters can be
derived from-single mode parameters:
800-642-2587 3. This is a typical inductive-capacitive (LC)
MADE IN USA impedance matching network. (S mm )= M × S sm × M −1 (13)
1' 1 1' 1
Zopt C Zopt 2C
Therefore, Smm can be redefined as: Z Z
(See Equation 14) 2C
Assuming the circuit shown in Fig. 1
is perfectly balanced, parameters S11 and 2' 2 2' 2
S22 are equal as are S12 and S21. Therefore, (a) (b)
from Eq. 14, Sdc and Scd are zero. Using
Eq. 2, the differential impedance can be L L/2
1' 1 1' 1
expressed as: Zopt Z Zopt Z
( 1 + sdd )
Z d = Z0d × (15) L/2
( 1 − sdd )
2' 2 2' 2
where Z0d is the differential reference im- (c) (d)
pedance and is defined by
Z0 d = 2 × Z0 4. These four diagrams represent single-ended and differential LC equivalent-circuit matching
From Eqs. 14 and 16, Zd can be defined
as Eq. 17. arrangement. The normalized (50-Ohm reference) 2450-
The SKY65336-11 front-end module (FEM) from Sky- MHz single-mode S-parameters of the differential trans-
works Solutions ( served as an ex- mit input were measured and plugged into Eq. 1 to yield
ample of a device that might be matched in a differential Eq. B.
Solving Eq. 12 for Sdd where the differential reference
⎛ s11 − s12 − s21 + s22 s11 + s12 − s21 − s 22 ⎞
(S mm ) = 1 × ⎜⎜ ⎟ (14) impedance, Z0d, is 100 Ohms yields Sdd = -0.361 + j0.374.
2 ⎝ s11 − s12 + s 21 − s22 s11 + s12 + s21 + s 22 ⎟⎠ Solving Eq. 17 for Zd yields Zd = 36.6 + j37.5 Ohms.
1' 1 + TL2 +
Zopt C TTerm TL6
Z=100 TTerm
Z1 Z T
Term12 E=20 T
L1 L Num=9
F=2.450 GHz Num=10
Z = 38+j37
C – F=2.450 GHz
Z0, L0
2' 2
5. These diagrams show differential and half E=20
F=2.450 GHz
single-ended equivalent matching networks.
The differential-mode S-parame- + TL4 +
ter, Sdd, was also simulated using the TTerm
E=20 T
Advanced Design System (ADS) suite Num=7
F=2.450 GHz Num=6
Z=19 +j18.5
F=2.450 GHz
of simulation software programs from – –
Agilent Technologies (www.agilent.
com). Results were plotted on a Smith
Chart (Fig. 2). The single-mode, S- 6. These examples show differential and half
parameters derived from the software single-ended matching networks.
simulation agreed with measurements
using a four-port VNA. 50-Ohm Smith Chart 100-Ohm Smith Chart
The process of impedance matching m1 = SHALF m2 = SDIFFERENTIAL
freq = 2.450 GHz freq = 2.450 GHz
involves tuning a device’s port imped- S(7,7) = 0.784/10.949 S(9,9) = 0.784/104/949
impedance = 9.6 + j37.5 impedance = 19 +j75
ance to a required impedance. The use
of discrete inductors and capacitors m11
is an easy way to achieve impedance
matching. If area is not a constraint,
using transmission lines and stub tun-
er elements is a cost-competitive alter-
nate solution. This method provides a
200 MH
MHz a lo
as l w as
a each ( qty. 100)
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calculated by:
Z opt = X L + ( X C || Z ) = jLω + ( || Z ) (D)
which can be rewritten as:
jLω jLω 1
Z opt = + +( || Z ) ((E)
2 2 jCω
In this case, circuit D in Fig. 4 is equivalent to circuit C
in Fig. 4.
When working with transmission-line impedance
matching, the simple transformation of the series element
described above will not work. However, there is another
simple technique available.
As shown in Fig. 5 (where Zi and Li denote the trans-
mission line impedance and length, respectively), the bal-
anced differential circuit is divided into two identical half
single-ended structures. The dividing line is at the ground
potential because of the circuit symmetry. The result is that
the series elements of both single-ended and differential cir-
cuits are identical, although the shunt element is cut in half
Serriees L Optimum
Series mum load
Optim looad
hunnt L
'''$ *$
1 1
19.5 1' 19.5
2.8 nH + 1' 1.4 nH
+ 38
(including the loads, Z and Zopt). j75 Ohms 38 j75 Ohms
6.8 nH + 6.8 nH +
Rather than matching Z to Zopt, the j37 Ohms j37 Ohms
1.4 nH
new exercise becomes matching the
half circuits, or matching Z/2 to Zoptt/2. 2' 2 2' 2
Eventually, a fully differential matched
circuit is derived by bringing half struc- 9. A circuit transformation helps realize the symmetry needed for differential transmission lines.
tures back together. Note that this tech-
nique can be also used with lumped elements (Fig. 5). that the coupling between the two lines is negligible, the
For example, a differential Z circuit and a single-ended differential and common modes propagate uncoupled, and
Z/2 circuit are shown in Fig. 6 (with Z = 38 + j × 37 Ohms the characteristic impedance of the differential mode is giv-
and Z/2 =19 + j × 18.5 Ohms). Parameter E in the transmis- en in ref. 5: Z0d_microstrip = 2Z0_microstrip, where Z0_microstrip is
sion-line model refers to the electric length or phase shift the characteristic impedance of the single microstrip line.
(in deg.), or E = 360(L/λ
/ ). The transmission impedance needed to connect the dif-
The simulation results shown in Fig. 7 demonstrate that ferent devices still must be determined. Usually, a 50-Ohm
the single-ended circuit is matched to Zoptt/2 and, using the trace impedance is used as a standard to interconnect sin-
transformation described above, the differential is actually gle-ended devices. For differential devices, several standard
matched to Zopt. The Smith Chart reference impedance of impedances (e.g., 50, 75, and 100 Ohms) are widely used.
the single-ended circuit is 50 Ohms, with an impedance of PCB stack-up constraints include minimum reliable trace
100 Ohms for the differential circuit. width and PCB cost; both contribute to the final design.
Differential impedance matching can be shown by an Assume a PCB stack up with H = 8 mil, dielectric rela-
example: matching the SKY65336-11 ZigBee FEM to the tive permittivity (εr) of 4.3, conductance of 59.6e+6 S/m,
model EM250 transceiver from Ember ( and thickness (t) of 1.4 mil, and loss tangent of 0.02. A
The transmit and receive differential-port S-parameters 75-Ohm reference impedance transmission line design has
for the SKY65336-11 and the SKY65337-11 FEMs were narrower traces compared to a 50-Ohm line. That allows
measured; their corresponding differential impedances are such a design to be spaced out more to minimize the cou-
listed in the table. Various ZigBee-compliant transceivers pling, which is always difficult to estimate. The match-
are available with different RF port impedances. They also ing circuit shown in Fig. 10 is composed of two identical
specify Zopt, which represents the impedance that the trans- 75-Ohm transmission lines, TL1 and TL2, and one shunt
ceiver should see for best performance. Ember4 suggests an inductor, L1, that tune the load impedance Z/2 to Zopt/2.
optimum reflection coefficient of 0.79/65 deg. (expressed Since a 75-Ohm trace impedance is used for matching in
in magnitude and phase) for maximum transmit power and this example, the Smith Chart reference impedance should
best sensitivity. The reference impedance is 50 Ohms. This also be 75 Ohms so that when a transmission line is add-
corresponds to a load impedance (Zopt) of 19.5 + j75 Ohms ed to the load, Z, the impedance navigates on a constant
or 308 Ohms in parallel with an inductance of 5.2 nH. VSWR circle (Fig. 11).
The SKY65336-11’s transmit impedance of Z = 38 + To create a microstrip line with an impedance of 75
j37 Ω is matched to the Ember transceiver’s Zopt = 19.5 + Ohms and an electrical length of 10 deg., Eqs. 19 and 20
j75 Ohms, with both impedances represented on a Smith
Chart (Fig. 8). The two traces (shown with arrows) show ( ε r + 1.41 )
the course of impedance Z by adding a shunt inductor −( Z 0 ⋅ )
( 5 . 98 × He 87 −t )
(6.8 nH) and a series inductor (2.8 nH). The differential W= (19)
structure of Fig. 9 results from applying the impedance 0.8
transformation approach.
Even the most compact, practical board design includes
transmission lines to connect the different components.4
Traces from the source and load devices to the lumped + +
matching elements contribute to impedance matching and Term Z=75 Z=75 T
must be taken into account especially at high frequencies. T
Term`0 E=10 E=10 Z
Num=7 F=2.450 GHz L Num=8
For a differential circuit, the two traces must be identical to F-2.450 GHz
Z=75 L1 Z=19+j18.5
maintain symmetry, which means the same length, width, – L=3.75 nH
and distance to ground. For such differential transmission
lines, coupled microstrip lines are often used. The character-
istic impedance of the differential mode in these transmis-
sion lines can be analyzed using the mixed-mode concept. 10. This schematic diagram shows an ideal single-ended matching net-
Assuming the structure is symmetric, the differential, and work using distributed and lumped circuit elements.
are used to compute the width (W = a Smith Chart (Fig. 14, web only),
75-Ohm Smith Chart 6 mils) and the length (L = 80 mils) of which confirms that the differential
Single ideal SKY65336
K the microstrip line: matched load – S(5,5) on the plot –
freq = 2.450 GHz freq = 2.450 GHz
S(7,7) = 0.815/126.043 S(1,1) = 0.616/150.585 (See Equation 19) is Zopt (19.5 + j75 Ω). This point on
impedance = 9.589 +j37.682 impedance = 19.000 + j18.500 ( the chart is slightly different because
E of the approximation of the trans-
L= (20) mission line (negligible coupling
T × f 0 × 360
glle id
Single ide
deeal between the two microstrip lines).
L1 where H is the dielectric thickness (8 However, because the matched load
conductance mils), εr is the dielectric relative per- close, the approximation has no ef-
SKY65336 mittivity, t is the conductor thickness, fect on performance.
f0 is the frequency (2.45 GHz), E is
the electrical length (10 deg.), and T
1. David E. Bockelman and William R. Eisenstadt, “Com-
is the propagation delay. The actual bined Differential and Common-Mode Scattering Param-
eters: Theory and Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Micro-
single-ended structure is shown in wave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No. 7, July 1995.
Fig. 12 (web only, 2. David E. Bockelman and William R. Eisenstadt, “Pure-
Mode Network Analyzer for On-Wafer Measurements of
Constant Assuming there is no coupling be- Mixed-Mode S-Parameters of Differential Circuits,” IEEE
VSWR Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.
circles tween the two single-ended transmis- 45, No. 7, July 1997.
freq (2.400 to 2.500 GHz) sion lines, the differential structure 3. PCB Design with an EM250. Ember Application Note
5059, 27 March 2009.
as described in the previous section is 4. Front-End Module reference design files located at
11. This example matches the SKY65336- derived by combining the two single-
11 transmit differential input to the Ember ended structures as shown in Fig. 13 5. A.G. Chiariello, A. Maffucci, G. Miano, F. Villone, and
EM250 transceiver using distributed and (web only, W. Zamboni, “A Transmission-Line Model for Full-Wave
Analysis of Mixed-Mode Propagation,” IEEE Transactions
lumped circuit elements. The results were compared on on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 31, No. 2, May 2008.
Optimize Class E
Power Amplifiers
By tuning load impedances, it is possible to achieve
60-percent efficiency from 1.9 to 2.2 GHz with a Class E
amplifier based on a 10-W GaAs pHEMT device.
mplifier efficiency is es- part by presenting the correct har- 1. This schematic shows an idealized Class E
sential not only for mobile monic terminations2 transformed to circuit used for the time-domain analysis.
devices, but increasingly the device package plane.
to conserve power con- The amplifier’s drain efficiency quency. The approach was then ex-
sumption in wireless com- was greater than 74 percent when tended to achieve greater bandwidth
munications base stations fabricated on a standard printed-cir- and produced average efficiency of
and cell sites. The Class E amplifier cuit board (PCB) at 2.55 GHz—one 56.8 percent from 1.8 to 2.7 GHz
in this article produced efficiency of of the highest efficiencies reported us-
and 60 percent from 1.9 to 2.2 GHz.
60 percent from 1.9 to 2.2 GHz using ing a packaged transistor at this fre- Classical analysis of the Class E
a standard packaged tran- switching amplifier mode
sistor.1 The techniques used
was performed in the time
to design and build this am- domain3,4 using a simplified
plifier can be employed to
version of the time-domain
design Class E amplifiers at analysis5 to obtain the initial
any frequency of interest. Class E design parameters.
The Class E amplifier
The analysis was extended
has been extensively stud- to include the package im-
ied and is relatively easy to pedances of the transistor,
implement.2-5 By allowing
and the harmonic termina-
the drain shunt capacitance tions were then determined
to be discharged when the at 2.5 GHz and realized us-
instantaneous RF voltage ing discrete components. The
crosses zero switching losses broadband design was real-
can potentially be eliminat- 2. This Class E schematic shows equivalent admittance yeq and trans- ized using distributed circuit
ed. This makes 100-percent mission matrix caused by the package equivalent circuit components matching networks with the
efficiency theoretically pos- and transistor output capacitance. matching circuit designed to
Capacitor current—A
es from 1.8 to 2.7 GHz.
Drain voltage—V
15 3
The simple circuit for this analy- 10 2
sis (Fig. 1) was modeled as an ideal 5 1
switch in parallel with a capacitance 0 0
(Cp) consisting of the transistor’s –5 –1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
output capacitance (Cds) in parallel Time—ps
with capacitance that must be added
to obtain the correct switching times 3. These curves show simulated current and voltage waveforms for the nonlinear model.
for the circuit (that is, to yield zero-
voltage switching to reduce switching over a range of switching frequencies yields optimum efficiency and power
losses). The output circuit contains a and switch conduction angles (α) for output.5 The analysis also showed
series resonator so that only funda- a given drain bias on the transistor. A that by careful choice of operating
mental current flows in load resistor conduction angle of 110 to 120 deg. frequency, conduction angle, and cir-
RL. The optimal load for RL cuit parameters, all parallel
was transformed from 50 Load angles and simulated efficiencies for capacitance can be delivered
Ohms in the design. fundamental, second, and third harmonics by the output capacitance of
The analysis assumes that LOAD IDEAL, IDEAL WITH RESONATOR: RESONATOR: the device, eliminating the
the switch is either “on” IMPEDANCE: NO MATCH REAL MATCH, REAL MATCH, need for an additional ca-
(shorting the output capaci- AND ANGLE pacitor at its output.
tance so all current flows in The transistor package
7.08. 6.88/36.95 5.284/34.42 6.70/38.05
the switch element) or “off” 3627 deg. deg. deg. was modeled as a T-network
(an open circuit), and the deg. equivalent circuit between
output capacitance is part Second 11.07/- 9.86/89.90 10.16/86.02 9.08/-84.67 the device output plane and
of the resonator circuit. As harmonic 85.13 deg. deg. deg. the circuit. The series induc-
a result, the circuit is char- tors represent the bond wires
acterized by two resonant Third 3.73/- 2.89/- 10.45/-89.0 0.524/18.64 and the package tab, and the
harmonic 85.73 89.99 deg. deg. deg.
circuits with different load- deg. shunt capacitor is a parasitic
ing or quality factors. Time- capacitance to ground of
Efficiency 81.5 81.0 78.48 76.87
domain analysis is performed the connecting components
Nano Series
Miniature Wireless Serial Modem
Enhanced Sensitivity
Extremely Strong Interference Rejection
ction All the features of the Nano Series Plus:
Separate Serial and Diagnostic Interfaces
rfaces Miniature Size (1.25” x 2” x 0.5”)
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No additional standoffs or
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Two Serial Interfaces
Ethernet Ready to Wire Ethernet Interface
USB Interface
300 MHz 400 MHz 900 MHz 1.3 GHz 2.4 GHz 3.4 GHz
input is shown in the table as the load from the device without modifying the
network is converted from ideal to in-package network. The power-add-
real model components. Load angles ed efficiency with this load network is
of about -90 deg. can be maintained more than 72.5 percent.
with real components, at least at the The drain voltage and current
second (most significant) harmonic. waveforms of Fig. 3 are obtained at
High drain efficiencies can be achieved the drain contact of the nonlinear FET
y p Orlando, FL, 2008. 5. S. C. Cripps,
pp RF Power Amplifiers
p for Wireless
2. F. H. Raab, “Class E, Class C, and Class F Power Communications, Artech House, Norwood,
p Based upon p a Finite Number of MA, 1999.
Harmonics,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & 6. G. Collins, J. Wood, M. Bokatius, and M. Miller,
Techn., Vol. 49, No. 8, 2001, pp.
pp 1462-1468. “A Practical Hybrid
y Class E Amplifier
p Design,”
1. J. Wood, “Overview of Class D, Class E, and
Class F p
power amplifiers
p based on a finite
number of harmonics,” p presented at the
Workshop p on Transmitter Design g for High g
Power Efficiency, IEEE Radio & Wireless
Leverage COTS SOFTWARE-DEFINED-RADIO (SDR) technology has of a solution that incorporates COTS physical-
emerged as a way to help the communications layer (PHY) orthogonal-frequency-division-
Approach For industry easily modify radio devices to support multiple-access (OFDMA) algorithm modeling
SDR Designs new and emerging technologies. Compared to with an integrated design-to-test flow. That flow
traditional radios, SDRs offer an efficient and should be able to support both baseband and RF
less expensive way to enable multimode, mul- methodologies. Using the commercial algorithm
tiband, and/or multifunctional wireless devices models as a baseline starting point, engineers
that can be configured via software upgrades. can customize algorithms to create proprietary
Despite these obvious benefits, many obstacles SDR implementations. Although this application
must be overcome in the design and test of SDRs. note serves to educate readers about the firm’s
In “Addressing SDR Design and Measurement SystemVue system-design software solution, it
Challenges,” Agilent Technologies describes how offers good basic information on SDR design
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology with a WiMAX in-phase/quadrature (I/Q)
and an integrated design-to-test flow can aid modulator design example.
the rapid development of SDRs.
To develop an SDR while maximizing Agilent Technologies,
T Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek
cess an
d mi
ng rris
k an
d ti
me to
to ma
marr- Blvd
Bl vd., S
ta C
ra, CA 950
51;; (4
08)) 34
86, FA
ket, the five-page document advocates the use (408) 345-8474, Internet:
Wireless M-Bus specifies three modes of operation—all of which use subbands G1 and G2 in
the ETSI 868.0-to-870.0-MHz general usage band.
omputer-controlled test equip- switches. In the simplest configuration, of personal computers. The standard
ment once evoked images of several signal sources can be controlled was developed by leading computing
racks of instruments con- by a computer running a simple graphi- companies, including Compaq, Digi-
nected to a “technical” com- cal user interface (GUI) program to tal Equipment Corp., IBM, Intel, and
puter via the general-purpose perform multitone testing. In more Microsoft. The USB 2.0 standard was
interface bus (GPIB). While elaborate setups, digital attenuators reached toward the end of 2001 with a
GPIB-controlled gear is still a staple can be combined with frequency syn- data rate of 480 MB/s, with additional
of many automatic-test-equipment thesizers, a switch, and a power meter companies, such as Hewlett-Packard
(ATE) applications, newer test inter- to provide high-speed pulsed testing and NEC, lending support to the new
faces, such as the Universal Serial Bus with precise automatic-level-control standard. The USB 3.0 standard, which
(USB), are quickly gaining ground for (ALC) capability. is being implemented in some early
their ease of use and flexibility. In fact, All of the firm’s instruments fit the products with estimated transfer rates
the availability of a growing number familiar form of a USB “dongle,” and of about 1000 MB/s, will be backward
of measurement functions under USB all are compatible with the USB 2.0 compatible with USB 2.0. In a USB
computer control is making the true standard (Fig. 1). USB was originally system, multiple devices are connected
desktop AE system under laptop control introduced in 1996 as version 1.0, through hubs, with one hub serving as
a reality. Telemakus (www.telemakus. with a data transfer rate of 12 MB/s, the main or root hub. As many as 127
com) is one of several companies now as a single solution to the multitude USB devices, including hub devices, can
offering high-frequency measurement of connectors then in use at the back be connected to a single controller.
functions through 6 GHz that Telemakus offers several
take advantage of a laptop building blocks for a rudi-
or personal computer (PC) mentary USB ATE system. For
for its processing and display example, the company’s model
capabilities. TEA4000-7 digital attenuator
The company is typical provides a total attenuation
of the relatively small firms range of 0 to 31.75 dB, con-
involved in USB test equip- trollable with 7-b, 0.25-dB
ment development. It cur- resolution over a frequency
rently offers several flavors of range of 50 MHz to 4 GHz.
microwave power meters with In addition to the selected
sensors, synthesized signal gen- attenuation, the device does
erators, digital attenuators, suffer some signal attenuation,
and two RF/microwave single- 1. This array of USB RF/microwave test instruments includes power with maximum rated insertion
pole, double-throw (SPDT) meters, signal generators, a digital attenuator, and two SPDT switches. loss of 2.4 dB. The digital step
$ 95
T ON. . . 0.3 MHz to 6 GH
GHz from ea.( Qty.10-49)
On land, sea, and in the air, demanding critical applications call for a switch CSWA2-63DR+ In Stock
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From to 44 dB @ 6 GHz
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Keynote Speaker
at IMS2010
Come visit C a l i f ornia
Anahe for IMS2010
2010 IEEE International Microwave Symposium is proud to announce this
year’s keynote speaker, The Honorable Zachary J. Lemnios. Mr. Lemnios currently
serves as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Department of Defense. Prior
to acceptance of his current role, Mr. Lemnios has held many key and influential
positions which have helped advance technology. His remarkable career
includes positions, within MIT Lincoln Laboratory, eventually serving as CTO.
His responsibilities in this role called for strategically coordinating technology
and growth to support current and future laboratory missions. Mr. Lemnios was
. Lemnios
Zachary J also the Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) as well as the Deputy Director of
Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO).
Mr. Lemnios has served on numerous DoD, industry and academic committees.
Mr. Lemnios has authored over 40 papers, holds 4 patents in advanced GaAs
device and MMIC technology and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
We encourage your participation in joining us during this exciting Plenary
Session to be held May 25th, 2010. Due to Mr. Lemnios’ busy work schedule, this
is a rare opportunity you will not want to miss! To learn more about Mr. Lemnios
and his upcoming discussion, please visit our website at
We l
ook fo
r w a rd
to yo u r v
i s i t . To s e e w
hat is new at IMS2010,
v i s i t w w w. I M S 2 0 1 0 . o r g .
Industry Insight
Properly Packaging
RF Semiconductors
Although often overlooked, the package is an inseparable
part of an RF/microwave semiconductor device, contributing
to electrical performance and long-term reliability.
lectronic packaging usually especially where hermetic- of Peregrine Semiconductor (www.
serves to protect what lies ity is important. For less critical].
within. For RF and micro- applications, plastic drop-in (leaded)
wave devices, however, an or surface-mount (leadless) packages are system-on-a-chip (SoC) packaging and
ideal package must provide increasingly used through microwave system-in-a-package (SiP) approaches.
a physical barrier while frequencies. The SoC approach supports high levels
appearing electrically invisible. And Single-function devices can often of integration by combining RF, analog,
with the trend for increasing levels be supplied in small-outline-transistor and digital functions onto a single IC
of integration at higher frequencies (SOT) or small-out-line-IC (SOIC) plas- substrate and mounting the die into a
(see p. 33), packages must often take tic packages or surface-mount quad- multipin package. The SiP approach
on the electrical characteristics of the flat-no-lead (QFN) plastic packages employs different IC die with bond-wire
circuits they safeguard, even through with dimensions of just a few millime- interconnections within the package.
millimeter-wave frequencies. ters. Last year, Peregrine Semiconductor Each functional portion of a circuit,
Depending upon their circuits, high- ( introduced such as baseband and RF, can be opti-
frequency designers have a wide choice a 2-b, 3-GHz digital step attenuator mized by means of a different process.
of package options, from simple SOT based on an advanced silicon CMOS Of course, it adds the expense of fab-
housings to elaborate chip-scale packag- process that fit into a 12-lead 3 x 3 mm ricating different die and of handling
es (CSPs). As with many design options, QFN package (see figure). multiple die and providing additional
a choice in packaging must fulfill a set In some cases, ceramic materi- bond-wire connections.
of requirements that includes electrical als, such as low-temperature cofired Flip-chip mounting is used in cases
performance, cost, size, level of herme- ceramic (LTCC), can support compact where even the small amount of induc-
ticity, and shielding. Low-cost plastic or designs due to the integration of passive tance from bond wire interconnections
epoxy packages may provide a solution circuit elements. By forming circuits cannot be tolerated. Ideal for ball-grid-
for some circuits, such as small-signal and packages from multiple layers of array (BGA) housings, the approach
passive components, but more robust LTCC, passive circuits such as filters typically costs more than methods using
ceramic packages might be needed for can be built into the package. automated bond-wire assembly.
a power transistor expected to deliver For higher levels of packaging inte- At high power levels, the thermal
high output-power levels. In addition to gration, multiple functions must be conductivity of the packaging material
routing signals to and from an integrated either fabricated on a single IC die is critical. The thermal conductivi-
circuit (IC), packages must also provide and housed in a multipin package, or ties of package materials range from
compatibility with other components in several die with multiple functions must about 25 W/mK for alumina (alumi-
a system and support testing. be connected within a common hous- num oxide, Al2O3) to 1800 W/mK for
The lowest-cost housings are based ing. These approaches are known as diamond.
Product Trends
mplifiers, whether as RF measuring 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.9 mm. Based suitable for use from 0.5
gain blocks, as low-noise on GaAs pseudomorphic high electron to 6.0 GHz. Based on GaAs PHEMT
amplifiers (LNAs), or mobility transistor (HEMT) technology, technology, it offers15 dB gain and 2 dB
power amplifiers (PAs), are the Ku-band RFIC amplifier delivers noise figure at 1 GHz from a +5-VDC
essential building blocks in 25-dB small-signal gain with +17-dBm supply. It is supplied in a 4-pin SOT-89
microwave systems. Over output power at 1-dB compression. plastic package.
the last decade, a growing number of RF In terms of bandwidth, the model The ERA-1+ RFIC amplifier from
integrated circuit (RFIC) amplifiers have SDA-6000 from RF Micro Devices Mini-Circuits (
become available in place of larger and ( is a GaAs PHEMT is a DC-to-8-GHz amplifier supplied
more expensive discrete designs. While amplifier with DC to 50 GHz band- in a drop-in, plastic micro-X package.
these RFIC products can’t always match width. It provides 8.5 dB typical gain Based on InGaP HBT technology, it is
the pure performance of a discrete- with 4.3 dB typical noise figure with unconditionally stable and internally
device amplifier, RFICs provide the +14-dBm output power at 1-dB com- matched to 50 Ohms. It yields 11.8 dB
convenience of small size and, often, pression at mid-band frequencies. The typical gain at 2 GHz with 4.3 dB typical
ease of installation in a system. midband noise figure is 4.3 dB. noise figure and +12 dBm typical output
Many RFIC amplifiers are available At lower frequencies, the model power at 1-dB compression.
in chip form or supplied in drop-in or ABA-31563 from Avago Technologies The CMM1100-QF LNA from
surface-mount packages, providing ( is a silicon bipo- Mimix Broadband (www.mimixbroad-
users with several mounting options. lar RFIC gain block amplifier supplied operates from 2 to 18 GHz
For example, the model TGA1342-SCC in a plastic SOT-363 surface-mount in a 4 x 4 mm QFN surface-mount
from TriQuint Semiconductor (www. package for use from DC to 3.5 GHz. package. It delivers 15 dB small signal is an automatic-gain- It provides nominal gain of 21.9 dB at gain and 3.8 dB noise figure across most
control (AGC) amplifier based on GaAs 2 GHz with output power of +2 dBm. of its operating band, with +15 dBm
MESFET technology. It operates from Another InGaP HBT RFIC amplifier, output power at 1-dB compression. It
2 to 20 GHz and consists of nine field- the model AP3013 from RFIC Tech- is designed for 100 mA at +5 VDC.
effect transistors with typical midband nology Corp. (, with This is just a sampling of narrow-
noise figure of 3.5 dB and nominal gain a frequency range of 1.9 to 2.7 GHz, band and broadband RFIC amplifiers
of 9 dB on a chip measuring 3.4 x 2.0 x is ideal for WiMAX and other wire- available in both chip and packaged
0.1 mm. The IC amplifier draws 60 mA less communications applications. It is forms based on a variety of different
current from a +5 to +8 VDC supply designed for use with a single +3.3-VDC high-frequency transistor technologies.
and delivers +17.5 dBm output power supply and provides 34 dB power gain For more on the technologies, see the
at 1-dB compression. with +24 dBm output power at less “RF Primer” on p. 38.
DC-8 GHz
DC-8 GHz
DC-10 GHz
Gain up
p to 26 dB,, Output
p power up
p to 22 dBm,, High
g IP3 up
p to 42 dBm
MMIC amplifiers with just the right performance and Available in three packages;
size to fit your design, Mini-Circuits skinny Sigma LEE, Leadless 3x3 mm Low Profile package
Gali, ERA-SM and our new fixed voltage GVA and PHA. SOT-89 for superior grounding and heat dissipation
All MMIC’s are transient protected against DC Plastic Micro-XX with surface mount leads, for easy
current surges and are available in a variety of configuration and assembly.
over 50 models.These affordable compact amplifiers Complete performance specs, data and a wide
have low thermal resistance for high reliability. selection of Amplifier Designer’s Kits geared for you
All models protected under U.S. patent # 6,943,629. RoHS compliant. development needs are available on our web site.
Mini-Circuits...Your partners for success since 1969
RF isolators and
High power coaxial
and waveguide
High power coaxial
RF Bay, Inc.
10GHz Divide-by 13 Prescaler 850-950MHz 10W Power Amplifier 100KHz - 10GHz RF Amplifier