Interim Assignment
Interim Assignment
Interim Assignment
Topic 1 : Getting Ready To Learn
Learning Styles Inventory
Answer the question to the best of your ability. Mark a YES or NO response
1. I prefer watching a video to reading. YES NO
2. When I sing along with my CD or the radio. I know the words to the songs. YES NO
7. I’d rather play sports than watch someone play them YES NO
9. I prefer watching someone perform a skill or a task before I actually try it YES NO
12. Use phrase like: “I’ve got a handle on it”,“I’m up against the wall”, or “I have a feeling that..” YES NO
13. I need to look at something several times before I understand it. YES NO
14. I prefer having instructors give oral direction than written ones. YES NO
15. I have difficulty being still for long periods of time YES NO
16. I use phrase like “ I see what you’re saying”, “That look good”, or “That’s clear to me.” YES NO
19. It’s easy for me to replay scenes from movies in my head. YES NO
21. I would rather conduct my own science experiment than watch someone else do it. YES NO
25. I can look at an object and remember it when I close my eyes YES NO
27. When I study new vocabulary , writing the words several times helps me learn. YES NO
28. I can imagine myself doing something before I actually do it. YES NO
29. I use phrase like “ That rings a bell”, “I hear you”, or ”That’s sounds good.” YES NO
To become a Marine
Biologist and succeed in
self-confidence is not
helpful and financial
My parents, University
(UITM) and friends
1.Don't Let Others Set The Goals
For Me
Pada 14 Mac 2019 di Dewan Za’ba Universiti Selangor (UNISEL). Aku sedang menunggu keputusan Sijil Pelajaran
Malaysia (SPM) yang bakal keluar sebentar sahaja lagi dengan penuh debaran. Ketika iaku berasa buntu dan tidak
tahu adakah keputusan SPM ini akan membuatkan ibu bapa ku menangis kegembiraan atau sebaliknya. Tidak lama
selepas itu pengetua kami masuk sambil memegang beberapa helai kertas dan aku percaya itu adalah slip keputusan
SPM kami. Nama seorang demi seorang dipanggil oleh ketua untuk mengambil keputusan masing- masing. Kini, telah
tiba giliranku dipanggil oleh pengetua untuk mengambil sehelai kertas yang menentukan sebahagian besar daripada
Setelah mengambil slip keputusan SPM tersebut aku terus duduk di kerusi ku sambil aku MELIHAT, setiap huruf yang
berada dalam kertas tersebut dan cuba mengira seberapa banyak “A” yang aku perolehi. Aku tersenyum lebar dan
berasa gembira. Aku membuat begitu bukanlah kerana A yang diperolehi itu banyak tapi cukup membuatkan aku
berasa puas hati dengan usaha aku selama 6 bulan ini.
Akhirnya majlis penyerahan keputusan spm 2018 sudah pun berakhir dengan jayanya, aku berjalan keluar bersama
rakan sekelasku dan aku MENDENGAR semua orang berbalas ucapan tahniah antara satu sama lain. Hal yang
sedemikan itu juga berlaku kepada aku dan kawan kawanku. Kami berasa sedih kerana setelah setahun kami berada
disekolah yang sama dengan matlamat yang sama kini sudah masanya kami berpisah buat sementara waktu untuk
melanjutkan pelajaran kami ke peringkat yang seterusnya. Ini tidak bermakna hubungan kami sebagai sahabat akan
terputus buat selama- lamanya.
Pada waktu itu, aku dapat MERASAKAN betapa indahnya hidup ini kerana dikelilingi oleh ibu bapa yang tidak pernah
berhenti menyokong dan membantu anak-anaknya untuk berjaya dalam kehidupan mereka sama ada di dunia
mahupun di akhirat.
Terima Kasih Umi dan AYAH……
Kerana bersamaku dalam perjalanan yang indah ini
Oh, Alangkah nikmatnya satu kejayaan yang ALLAH anugerahkan kepadaku.
Syukur kepadaMU Ya ALLAH.
To establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing
leadership to Bumiputeras’ dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards in order to
produce globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing.
To establish Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak UiTM Sarawak as a center of excellence that provides comprehensive,
relevant and up-to-date information in order to support teaching, learning and research activities and acts as a
catalyst in community development
To strengthen the system in delivering UiTM Library services as an information center that remain relevant,
referred and respected.
To diversify knowledge that comprehensive, current and relevant that cover various format that can be
access physically and virtually.
To provide conducive environment services for teaching, learning and research.
To improve Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) current services focused on customer
To empower human capital through Initial CULTURE among PUiTM member.
To intensify good relations and cooperation with exterior organizations in industrial network activities.
PTAR Librarian
Learn Process
Due Date
IT services
IT room
Customer service
Library membership
Information service
PTAR UiTM Sarawak provided several rooms or corners that can be used or reserved by the users. Rooms that
provided are as follows:
Discussion Rooms
Leisure Corner
Research Corner
PHD Room
IT Corner
Meeting Rooms
Studio Room
Seminar Room
Audio Visual Room
IT Corner, Meeting Rooms, Studio Room, Seminar Room & Audio Visual Room are merely can be reserved or requested by lecturers only. The other
rooms can be freely requested or reserved by the students to used.
Reservation can be made through this following methods:
1. Please registered or follow up (for reservation) at Customer Service Counter (Key will be given and
Student/Staff ID will be on hold)
2. Discussion rooms are available only for two (2) hours per usage
3. Minimum users to use Discussion Rooms are 4 users and maximum are 8 users
4. Reservation must be made at least a day before
5. Users are not allowed to rearrange the furniture in the rooms
6. Users are strictly prohibited bringing foods or drinks into the rooms
7. Fine (RM20.00) will be charged for losing keys
Procrastination (avoiding and postponing what should be taken care of now) can rob you,your time and
detail your best intentions.
Memory strategies will help students in their encoding,storing,and retrieving the information (help to
remember and recall).Kenneth Higbee, “remembering is hard work,and memory techniques do not
necessarily make it easy,they just make it more effective” (Van Blearkom,2009,p.93)
Massed Practice…
Massed practice ( not good ) – cramming, involves studying all the materials at one time.Do not have time
to understand ,remember, and organize the reading materials.(Reason:Short term memory (STM) cannot
sustain many information at one time).
Space Practice...
Space practice (good,recommended) – involves space time over some period of time for studying.Spaced
practice or distributed practice allows time for the information to consolidate in the long-term
memory.Taking breaks between learning sessions allow you to think and organize the information.
2.Break reading material down (again no cramming ) for some period of time. e.g. 2 chapters per day,not
all chapters a day before the exam.
3.Rehearsal – repeat the information many time.e.g. repeat a telephone number 10 times
4.Elaboration strategies:
Acronym / catchwords
e.g MAS – Malaysian Airline System
UiTM – Universiti Teknologi MARA
INSTRUCTIONS : Designate priorities for the following activities. Write Routine if her activity is Routine if
the activity is routine, ASAP if the activity should be done as soon as possible, and Rush if the activity
should be completed immediately.
Acrostics / catchphrase
Comprehension monitoring strategies – need to comprehend materials being read – SQ3R will be
good strategy.
Students need to understand how information is learned and to understand the needs of using
various kinds of active learning strategies in learning, retaining, and using the information
(encoding, storage, and retrieval) and hence, indicates how one learns, remembers, and forgets.
According to Kenneth Higbee, “remembering is hard work, and memory techniques do not
necessarily make it easy, they just make it more effective” (Van Blerkom, 2009, p. 93).
Answer: The retention of information over time (Santrock, 2011) or the mind
stores and remember information (mental processes / cognition), like
computer software.
When we learn, and remember, we will encode, store, and retrieve the information. The analogy
is like a computer. (Lecturer can ask students examples of computer components and what are
the components analogous to human)
1. Sensory memory (SM) -numerous incoming information from 5 senses will be stored in
the sensory memory for an instant. If one PAY ATTENTION to the stimuli, it will go to the
short-term memory (STM). If one does not pay attention, then the information will be lost.
(therefore, the importance of PAYING ATTENTION / CONCENTRATION while lecture,
reading etc.)
2. Short-term / working memory (STM) - very limited storage. From the SM, information will
be relayed to STM. While in the STM, information must be REHEARSED/ REPEATED OR use
SOME ACTIVE LEARNING strategies in order to get information to LTM, otherwise
information will be forgotten. (therefore, students must realize that applying memory
strategies is important to strengthen the memory ability).
3. Long-term memory (LTM)– this is unlimited and large storage (like a big library with a lot of
books, the books are analogy to information we encode and save). From STM, information
moved to LTM and stored here for later use (retrieval). If the information is not being used
for some time, forgetting may occur. Having cues / strategies during encoding earlier would
help in retrieval processes.
you doing.
1. Lack of attention
2. Lack of interest
3. Lack of motivation
4. Distraction from others
5. Uncomfortable environment
6. Physiological matters – illness, tiredness
7. Psychological matters – personal problems, worries, anxieties
1. Use motivational and organizational strategies – create interest in the work, develop
a positive attitude toward you work, use goal setting strategies, use time-management
2. Create a positive learning environment – find a better location, reduce multitasking,
minimize distractions
3. Deal with internal distractions – deal with personal problems, deal with competing
4. Use active learning strategies (as discussed in improving memory)
5. Match your learning style to the task
6. Monitor your concentration
Where Are You Now?
Take a few minutes to answer yes or no to the following questions. YES I NO
1. Do you have trouble getting back into your work after you’ve been interrupted? YES
2. Do you read and study in noisy,cluttered room? NO
3. Do you find that even thought you schedule study time,you don’t actually accomplish very much? YES
4. Do you have any strategies to help your ability to concentrate? YES
5. Can you concentrate on your work even the subject doesn’t interest you? YES
6. Do you use your preferred learning style when completing assignments? NO
7. Do you tend to think about personal plans or problems when you are reading and studying? NO
8. Do you find that when you finish reading your textbook,assignment
you don’t really remember what you read? YES
9. Do you get totally engrossed in the material when you read and study? YES
10. Do you daydream a lot when you are listening to lectures? YES
Where Are You Now?
Take a few minutes to answer yes or no to the following questions YES I NO
1.Do you often know the answer to a question but find that you can’t think of it? YES
2.Do you organize or group information to help you remember it? YES
3.After you study,do you go back and test yourself to monitor your learning? NO
4.Do you make up rhymes or words to help you re member some information? YES
5.Do you space your practice when reviewing information? NO
6.Do you try memorize all the information that you need to know for an exam? YES
7.Do you often find that you get confused by closely related information? YES
8.Do you often forfet a lot of the information that you studied by the time you take the test? YES
9.Do you ever remember exam answers after the exam is over? NO
10.Do you try to remember information just by making up a rhyme,word or other memory aid? YES
Question: Write “Who,What,When,Where and Why” questions from main topics. Who
What -
When -
Where -
Why -
Recite: Record key facts and phrases as needed for each questions.