Relationship Between Stress, Physical Exercise, and Mental Health Among Athletes
Relationship Between Stress, Physical Exercise, and Mental Health Among Athletes
Relationship Between Stress, Physical Exercise, and Mental Health Among Athletes
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Aida Mehrad
Autonomous University of Barcelona
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Aida Mehrad
PhD, Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
[email protected]
The purpose of current literature review is to identify the association between stress,
physical exercise, and mental health among athlete. The outcomes of this investigation
reveal stress and physical exercise have crucial role on the level of mental health; they
likewise can impact on mental health positively and negatively. As well, this study focused
on mental health as a main factor among athlete that increase the level of their activities in
sports fields. Moreover, lack of attention to this main factor that influenced via stress and
physical exercise appeared various results. Therefore, the current paper supports athletes
requirements based on two main factors stress and physical exercise to accomplish mental
In the last decades, there are lots of consideration to psychology issues that are
related whit physical activity and mental health. The mental health is one of the main
factors in sport society that has significant role among athlete (Alibakhshi Kenari,
2014). This factor defined as any emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
Specifically, it assumed as an individual condition with regard to his or her
psychological and emotional well-being (Walsh, 2011).In effect, the mental health
impacted by outside factors and also inherent factors. In point of fact, there are
several factors that positively or negatively linked to mental health (Chiu, 2002).
Additionally, there are a number of theories and models that focused on mental
health, and explained about different factors that influence on mental health in
various ways, widely. For instance, in health belief model concentrated on
individuals to adopt suggested physical activity behaviors; also referred to
threatening factors that cause of debases (Stretcher & Rosenstock, 1997). In other
word, the mental health has significant role on lifestyle and also in the sport
psychology context; therefore, considering to the effective factors that influence on
it, is very noticeable (Walsh, 2011).
18 Received March 23, 2017; Revised March 29, 2017; Accepted April 21, 2017
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology
Vol 6, No 1, 2017, E-ISSN 2460-8467 Aida Mehrad
In previous studies focused on inherent factors such as age, sex, ethnic origin; and
also considered outside factors such as social class, occupation, education,
environment, nutrition etc. (Chui, 2002).Additionally, some of them examined
relation between symptoms of physical on anxiety, social dysfunction depression,
while in the present study focused on stress and physical exercise in relation to
athlete mental health.
In the present research likewise will look into how physical exercise influences on
mental health among athlete. Physical experience is any bodily movement that
improves physical ability and also overall health. As well, the physical exercise
refers to any physical activity that improves or preserves bodily fitness and general
health and wellness. Many people do exercise for different reasons such as strength
muscles, to improve athletic skills for weight management or just for enjoyment.
This research obviously indicates relationship between physical exercise and mental
health. Also, the physical exercise is considered as the most acceptable solution to
reduce mental health difficulties. Regarding psychologists the physical exercise is
one of the main ways that reduce the mental health. They explained that there is
strong relationship between physical exercise and mental health (Alibakhshi Kenari,
2014). In a similar study, Samad et al. (2004) explained that physical exercise has an
important role in reducing effect of stress. Additionally, this factor improves mood
and mental health. The physical exercise has many benefits on behavior and reducing
stress (Brunner & Suddarth, 2004).
Considering to the main role of mental health amongst athlete, lack of attention to
this factor can lead to low level of activity, failure instead of success in the
competitions, appearing some disorders in later years, and reduction of general
activity (McGannon & Poon, 2005). Furthermore, the mental health is essential to
study on.Additionally, the presence of stress during athlete training has negative
influence on body and reduce their performance (Humphreys, 2003). Athlete may
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology
Vol 6, No 1, 2017, E-ISSN 2460-8467 Aida Mehrad
Therefore, the present study attempts to recognize the relationships between stress,
physical exercise, and mental health among student athlete. It is vital to find main
factors that have strong relation with mental health and increase it at sport
community. Also, the study focuses on stress and physical exercise factors that have
positive or negative impacts on mental health and limit or improve it, meaningfully.
In this study, the main elements of the theoretical approaches include the Health
belief model (HBM) (1950s) proposed by social psychologists at the U.S. Public
Health Service for mental health (Nancy & Becker, 1984). In this theory focused on
main factors that have considerable impact on mental health and change its level. On
the other hand, the Cannon-Bard theory developed by Walter Cannon and Philip
Bard for stress (1920a-1930a). This theory focused on the role of stress that can be
harmful for individual activities and his or her thoughts (Friedman, 2010). Andthe
Self-determination theory (SDT) proposed by Deci and Ryanfor physical exercise.
This theory has been emphasized on positive influence of exercises on mental and
physical health (Ryan, Kuhl, & Deci, 1997).
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology
Vol 6, No 1, 2017, E-ISSN 2460-8467 Aida Mehrad
Low level of mental health is one of the basic problems amongst athletes. The most
imperative consequence is decrease the amount of their activities and presence in
sports fields and competitions. Therefore, the ministry of sport has great role
managing and monitoring the athlete condition and offering them to acceptable
facilities. Most of the time, the managers of these main organizations do not have
sufficient awareness and information for producing proper atmosphere amongst
athlete. As a result, all of them essential to have properly information for improving
satisfactory condition for athlete and offer them good facilities. Thus, this literature
review displays the operative factors that should be control and supported by
ministry of sport or any related organization.
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Vol 6, No 1, 2017, E-ISSN 2460-8467 Aida Mehrad
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