The First: The Definition of Jurnalism

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In this discussion I will explain about journalism.

I will explain there is about

Definiton, purpose, type and code of ethics.
The First : The Definition of Jurnalism
Journalism is a science or technique in collecting, writing, editing or publishing
news. Journalism comes from the word Journal, which means daily notes, or notes
about daily events, or also interpreted with newspapers.
The word Journal comes from the Latin word that is "Diurnalis", which means
people who do journalistic work. Make etymologically journalism, namely reports
on daily events that are now, known as news. The simple definition of Journalism
is activities related to recording or reporting incidents out there every day.

The second : The Purpose of journalism.

The purpose and function of Journalism that is
One. Journalism has a function as a provider of information to the public, so that
public can regulate themselves. The massa media is very helpful to the public by
presenting news that is happening in the environment, making the public able to
know the problems around them, that can be missed from everyday or not realized.
Two. Journalism also has a function to build society
News that explains the situation of public groups that having life difficults and
ignored can encourage other public groups to help get out of the problems.
Three. Journalism has another function as the fulfillment of the rights of public.
These rights can be interpreted to correct and accurate information.

The Third : The types of journalism

According to the media used in publication or delivering information, journalism is
divided into three types that is
One. Printed Journalism. Print journalism is the process of journalism in the
print media of newspapers, magazines, and tabloids.
Two. Electronic journalism or broadcast journalism. Electronic journalism is
the process of journalism in radio, television and film.

Three. Online Journalism. Online Journalism is a technique of delivering

information through a news website or news portal

Code of Etichs Jorunalism that is

 Independent, accurate, balanced, and has no bad intentions.

 Professional
 Balance, Don’t combine facts and opinions that judge, and also apply the

presumption of innocence.
 Do not do the reporting of lies, slander, cruel, and obscene.
 Not abusing the profession and not accepting bribes.

OK finally finished the discussion this time. thank you for your attention

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