Landmarks of Maxilla
Landmarks of Maxilla
Landmarks of Maxilla
the Maxilla
Dr Azal Hadi
Anatomical Landmarks in the Maxilla
The anatomical landmarks in the maxilla and
mandible are classified into three groups according
to their effect in the process of complete denture
Anatomical Landmarks in the Maxilla
1. Limiting structures: they determine and confine the
extent of the denture:
2. Relief areas: these areas resorb under constant load or
contain fragile structures within. The denture should be
designed such that the masticatory load is not
concentrated over these areas.
3. Supporting structures: primary and secondary stress
bearing areas.
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
1. Labial frenum:
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
1. Labial frenum:
It is a fold of mucous membrane extending from the
mucosal lining of the upper lip to the labial surface of
the residual ridge at the median line. The frenum may
be single or multiple; narrow or broad. It contains no
muscle fibers, but it is moved with muscles of lip, and
inserts in a vertical direction, which creates the
maxillary labial notch in the impression or denture.
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
1. Labial frenum:
Labial notch
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
2. Labial vestibule (sulcus):
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
2. Labial vestibule: It extends on both sides of the
Labial flange
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
3. Buccal frenum:
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
3. Buccal frenum: A fold or folds of mucous
Buccal notch
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
4. Buccal vestibule (sulcus):
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
4. Buccal vestibule (sulcus): It is the space distal
Buccal flange
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
5. Hamular Notch:
Limiting structures in the Maxilla
5. Hamular Notch:
Palatal tori
Relief Areas
4. Fovea palatina: These are two
indentations on each side of the
midline, formed by a coalescence
of several mucous gland ducts;
they act as a guide for aiding in
locating of the vibrating line and
posterior border of the denture.
Supporting Structures
Primary stress bearing areas
1. Rugae:
Supporting Structures
Secondary stress bearing areas
2. Maxillary tuberosity:
Thank you