Permeable Concrete Pavements: Tech Brief

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MAY 2016 FHWA-HIF-16-004

Tech Brief
Permeable Concrete Pavements
This Tech Brief presents an overview of two types of
permeable concrete pavement systems and their use.
Information is provided on the structural and
hydrological design, factors for successful
construction and maintenance, and the performance
of these systems.

Permeable pavements originated in Europe some 45 years
ago. They initially started as various forms of open
aggregate or grass pavements to promote water infiltration
instead of runoff. They were reinforced with a variety of cell
structures formed using concrete or plastic materials to
enhance their load carrying capacity. Permeable
pavements surfaced with cast-in-place concrete typically
are referred to as “pervious concrete pavement” [FHWA
2012]. Permeable pavements surfaced with interlocking
concrete block pavers are referred to as “permeable
interlocking concrete pavement” (PICP) [Hein et al. 2015].
Other less used products include precast pervious
concrete panels and paving stone units manufactured with
open-graded aggregate. Figures 1 and 2 show examples
of pervious concrete pavement and PICP.

Figure 1. Photo. Pervious concrete pavement – Williamsburg,

2 Permeable Concrete Pavements

a. Full Infiltration

Figure 2. Photo. Permeable interlocking concrete

pavement – Hilton Head, South Carolina
Figure 3 illustrates typical permeable pavement
cross sections. As shown, permeable pavement
systems consist of a surface of open-graded
aggregate concrete or segmental concrete paving b. Partial Infiltration
units with joints or openings that allow water to flow
freely into an open-graded aggregate
base/subbase reservoir. Water is collected and
stored in the reservoir before it leaves the
pavement structure. Figure 3b shows a partial
infiltration design with drainage to accommodate
some water that does not enter low infiltration soils.
Permeable pavements over high infiltration
subgrade soils may not require underdrains, and
these are called full infiltration designs (figure 3a).
Other designs over expansive or fill soils or close to c. Low Infiltration
buildings may enclose the pavement structure with Figure 3. Illustration. Typical permeable pavement
geomembrane (impermeable liner). An outlet pipe cross section
provides temporary storage and outflow control.
This design approach can also be used for water Permeable pavements are an effective method for
harvesting. The use of a geomembrane to restrict reducing stormwater runoff and pollutants from
infiltration into the soil subgrade is often called a urbanized areas and can function well with minimal
low infiltration design (figure 3c). When stormwater maintenance. Design pollutant removal efficiencies
is infiltrated through the system, the water is are on the order of 85 percent for total suspended
filtered, and suspended particles within the water solids, 35 percent for phosphorus, and 30 percent
are captured and held within the bedding and for nitrogen [Borst et al. 2010, Brattebo & Booth
aggregate layers. 2003, Collins et al. 2008, TRCA 2008]. Permeable
pavement systems do not typically remove
dissolved forms of chemicals, salts, metals, or
Ecologically, excessive temperatures are another
form of water pollution [Wardynski et al. 2013].
During the warmer months, urban environments
enrich stormwater with thermal energy. Heat from
rooftops and pavements is transferred to
stormwater during a runoff event and conveyed to
the receiving waters (creeks, rivers, lakes, etc.).
Permeable Concrete Pavements 3

This process can create sharp and rapid increases The American Concrete Paving Association
in water temperature downstream that are harmful, (ACPA) and Interlocking Concrete Pavement
and sometimes toxic, to aquatic organisms. Water Institute (ICPI) have published guidance for the
retained in the reservoir layers of a permeable design, construction, and maintenance of
pavement can be cooled down prior to its permeable concrete pavements (figure 4). The
discharge. Water that infiltrates becomes part of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the
groundwater supply in the water cycle, further American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
promoting natural temperature balancing. have published test methods for permeable
concrete pavement placement. In addition, the
The design of permeable pavement requires a
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is
balance in providing a structurally sufficient
expected to publish a new standard guideline for
pavement to withstand traffic loading while
the design, construction, and maintenance of
achieving stormwater management/hydrologic
permeable concrete pavements in 2016.
design goals. High-quality construction techniques
and proper maintenance of permeable pavements
are critical to their longevity. Permeable pavements
are not suitable for every application, but with the
proper design, construction, and maintenance, they
provide a low-impact, green alternative that is worth
considering. They may be more cost-effective than
conventional pavements by conserving land use
(by not requiring runoff detention facilities) and by
reducing drainage infrastructure.
Specialized installation is important for pervious
concrete to attain a highly interconnected void
content with strong inter-particle binding. Typically,
pervious concrete has little or no fine aggregate Figure 4. Photos. Permeable pavements guides
and has just enough cementitious paste to coat the
coarse aggregate particles while preserving the DESIGN
interconnectivity of the voids. A water-to- The design of permeable pavements takes into
cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio of 0.28 to 0.40 account two design components: the structural
with a void content of 15 to 25 percent is common. design to withstand the anticipated traffic loading
The addition of a small amount of fine aggregate and the hydrologic design to achieve stormwater
reduces the void content but can increase the management goals.
strength, allowing higher traffic loads. Additives for
pervious concrete include fibers to improve Structural Design
strength, water reducers to improve strength and The most common structural analysis procedure for
workability, hydration-controlling admixtures to PICP follows the requirements of the American
improve working time, and viscosity-modifying Association of State Highway and Transportation
admixtures to improve flow and discharge from Officials (AASHTO) Guide for Design of Pavement
concrete supply vehicles. The construction and Structures as modified by ICPI for their Permeable
placement of pervious concrete requires special Design Pro software [AASHTO 1993, ICPI 2016].
attention to details such as cement hydration and
compaction of the mixture to ensure the long-term The AASHTO pavement structural design method
durability of the pavement. is summarized using the following equation (figure
Conventional interlocking concrete pavement
consists of high-strength impermeable concrete
blocks laid over a sand bedding course with sand-
filled joints. This type of system is not very
permeable. To make it permeable, both the sand
bedding and joint filler for PICPs is replaced with a Figure 5. Equation. AASHTO pavement structural
stone chip material that provides both friction to design equation
prevent block movement and permeability to allow
the infiltration of water.
4 Permeable Concrete Pavements

A brief description of the key pavement structural during construction is necessary to establish a
design elements and typical values for PICP is relationship between subgrade infiltration
provided below: capability and the structural capacity necessary
to support the design traffic.
W The AASHTO design procedure
characterizes traffic loads in terms of equivalent Pervious concrete structural design is based on the
single axle loads (ESALs). One ESAL represents StreetPave system as modified by the ACPA for
the application of a single 18,000-lb (80-kN) axle their PerviousPave software [ACPA 2016]. This
load. Permeable pavements in North America procedure uses fatigue of the pervious concrete as
typically have been designed for applications not the primary failure mode for the pavement. The
exceeding about 1 million ESALs [Smith 2011]. fatigue damage for the pavement is shown in the
following equation (figure 6):
ZR The design reliability level (factor of safety)
takes into account the probability that the
pavement as designed may not provide Figure 6. Equation. Total fatigue damage
satisfactory service during the intended period of
service. Critical facilities typically are assigned where:
reliability factors of 95 percent or higher. Low FDtotal = total fatigue damage, %
traffic volume roadways and less critical facilities
FDsingle = fatigue damage from single axle loads,
may be assigned reliability values of 75 percent %
or less.
FDtandem = fatigue damage from tandem axle
S0 The overall standard deviation takes into loads, %
account the variability associated with design
FDtridem = fatigue damage from tridem axle
and construction inputs, including variability and
loads, %
material properties, subgrade, traffic, and
environmental exposure. For PICP, a standard Fatigue damage for each axle type is determined
deviation of 0.44 is appropriate. using Miner’s damage hypothesis [Miner 1945]
shown in the equation below (figure 7):
SN The structural number of the pavement
calculated as the sum product of the structural
layer coefficient, ai, and the layer thickness, di.
ai The layer coefficient is a measure of the Figure 7. Equation. Miner’s damage equation
strength of an individual layer i. Paver and where:
bedding materials used for PICP are in the range
of 0.2 to 0.3 and 0.06 to 0.09 for open-graded 𝑛𝑛 = number of load applications
base and subbase materials, respectively. 𝑁𝑁𝑓𝑓 = allowable applications before failure
di Thickness for individual layer i. The number of load applications is determined
pi This is the initial serviceability of the as- using the same traffic analysis as outlined in the
constructed pavement. An initial serviceability of AASHTO design procedure, except the heavy
4.2 would be considered reasonable for PICP. vehicles are divided into the number of single,
tandem, and tridem axle load categories. The total
pt The terminal serviceability of the pavement, allowable applications to failure can be estimated
or the point in time at which rehabilitation of the using the following equation (figure 8):
pavement would be considered necessary to
keep it in a serviceable condition. A value of 2.5
would be considered reasonable for PICP.
Figure 8. Equation. Total allowable applications to
MR The characterization of the subgrade is a failure
factor for both the structural design and the
infiltration of water into the subgrade (if the goal where:
of the permeable pavement design is to infiltrate 𝑁𝑁𝑓𝑓 = allowable applications before failure
water into the subgrade). The design MR value
will depend on the soil properties and its 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = stress ratio, %
moisture condition. The relationship between soil
permeability and in-place soil density achieved
Permeable Concrete Pavements 5

The stress ratio is a function of flexural strength efficiencies (e.g., 80 percent total
and the equivalent stress, which is a function of suspended solids removal).
load weight. The higher the number of load • Water thermal characteristics – Maintain,
repetitions, the lower the stress ratio. For load or improve upon, pre-development
repetitions of 100 axle loads, the stress ratio would temperature of surface or groundwater
be in the order of 0.8. For load repetitions greater discharging to the receiving body.
than 1 million, the stress ratio is 0.5. • Flood/peak flow control – Retain or detain
The probability of failure is calculated using the specific design storms (e.g., 100-year, 24-
following equation (figure 9): hour duration storm event) to prevent
downstream erosion or capacity limitations
with existing stormwater infrastructure.
• Downstream erosion control – Eliminate
Figure 9. Equation. Probability of failure or minimize downstream erosion potential
where: by limiting critical discharge or reducing
outflow volumes.
𝑃𝑃 = probability of failure, % • Infiltration/recharge targets – Maintain or
𝑅𝑅 = reliability, % increase groundwater recharge rates to
prescribed targets or thresholds in order to
𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = percent slabs cracked at the end of the
maintain pre-development water budget
design life (assumed at 15%)
The stress ratio is the stress divided by the strength • Ecosystem and habitat – Maintain the
of the material as shown in the following equation existing hydrologic regime, including surface
(figure 10): and groundwater interactions and shallow
base flow necessary to maintain significant
vegetation communities, wetlands, and
Figure 10. Equation. Stress ratio aquatic habitat.
where: There are several stormwater models that could be
used to complete the hydrologic design for
𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = stress ratio, % permeable pavements. Depending on the
𝜎𝜎𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = equivalent stress, psi (MPa) hydrologic design goals, appropriate models may
include the following:
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 = flexural strength of the concrete, psi
(MPa) Simple volumetric runoff estimation methods –
These models generate an estimated runoff volume
The flexural strength of typical conventional for a specified design storm depth but do not assign
concrete pavement ranges from about 650 to 945 a hydrograph “shape” to this runoff volume.
psi (4.5 to 6.5 MPa). The flexural strength of Examples include the Natural Resources
pervious concrete typically ranges from about 290 Conservation Service (NRCS) Curve Number
to 435 psi (2 to 3 MPa). method [USDA 1986], the volumetric runoff
Hydrologic Design coefficient method, and others.

The approach used for the hydrologic design of Event-based hydrograph estimation methods –
permeable pavements depends on the goals of a These models generate an estimated runoff
specific project. Hydrologic design goals may take hydrograph for a specified design storm. Examples
a number of forms, including: include the Watershed Hydrology Program (WinTR-
20), Small Watershed Hydrology (Win TR-55),
• Stormwater volume control – Maintain, or Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph (SBUH), HEC-1
improve upon, pre-development stormwater Flood Hydrograph Package, HydroCAD Stormwater
discharge conditions. Modeling (HydroCAD), ICPI Permeable Design Pro,
• Water quality – Meet minimum volume and others.
capture or sizing criteria (e.g., capture first 1
Continuous simulation modelling programs –
inch [25 mm] of rainfall) over the
These models generate long-term runoff
contributing drainage area to accommodate
first flush and/or contaminant removal hydrographs from multiple storms based on a real
observed continuous rainfall record and other
6 Permeable Concrete Pavements

hydrologic inputs; many also have the capability to (using a lined borehole). Percolation tests using an
route the hydrograph through stormwater unlined borehole or a test pit percolation test (often
management facilities that conduct continuous used for the design of septic drain fields) are not
analysis of transient inflows, outflows, and storage recommended because they can overestimate soil
levels. Examples include the U.S. Environmental infiltration rates. Further details on permeability
Protection Agency Stormwater Management Model testing methods are provided in ASTM D5126.
(SWMM), the Hydrologic Engineering Center
Pervious concrete – Thicknesses of 5 to 8 inches
Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), Source
(125 to 200 mm) are made permeable by removing
Loading and Management Model for Windows
the fine materials from the aggregate gradation.
(WinSLAMM), Integrated Design Evaluation and
Ensure uniform density and compaction during
Assessment of Loadings (IDEAL), and others.
construction and include mixture design
Design Optimization modification additives such as natural or synthetic
fibers to improve durability, as pervious concrete is
Figure 11 is a flowchart illustrating the process to
weaker and more susceptible to raveling than
optimize the design of a permeable pavement. The
conventional concrete.
following sections discuss the components of this
process. Permeable interlocking concrete pavers – The
paving units themselves are not permeable.
Permeability is achieved by spacing the pavers a
set distance from each other and filling the space
with a permeable aggregate. The standard paver
thickness for vehicular traffic is 3 1/8 inches (80
mm). Thicker, 4-inch (100-mm) pavers are used for
heavy-duty applications such as ports and
intermodal pavers. Pavers require lateral support to
ensure that the units act as a system to transfer
Aggregate layers – Aggregates should be angular,
hard, durable, clean, low in fines content, and
graded for maximum storage capacity (high
porosity). Stone reservoir aggregates typically have
a maximum size in the order of 3 inches (75 mm).
Figure 11. Permeable pavement design flowchart This large gradation is difficult to fine-grade for the
(Hein & Smith 2011)
pavement surface, so another layer (base layer) is
Cold Climate Design and Frost Considerations typically placed on top of the stone reservoir layer.
The base layer is graded finer, with a maximum
In northern climates, freeze-thaw is one of the
aggregate size of 1 1/2 inches (40 mm). The
principal causes of pavement damage. Guidance
selection of the gradation of the base layer should
for pavement design typically includes the use of a
be checked using choking criteria to reduce the risk
coarse stone reservoir that acts a capillary barrier,
of aggregate movement between the base and the
thereby preventing the wicking of moisture either
stone reservoir layer. The choking criteria also
from an infiltration reservoir or from the subgrade
apply to the use of a bedding course of stone chip
into the pavement subbase. The use of thickened
with a maximum aggregate size of 3/8 inches (9.5
pavement subbase, well drained subbase
mm), which is provided between the pavers and the
materials, and sub-drains has been shown to
open-graded base layer.
effectively limit freeze-thaw damage [Henderson &
Tighe 2011]. Erosion protection – The erodibility of adjacent
native soils should be assessed to determine the
Detail Design
potential for erosion. Increased erosion protection
Geometrics – Longitudinal grades < 5 percent. through the use of erosion blankets, rip rap,
Subgrade infiltration – Determine the subgrade granular sealing, placement of drainage gaps, etc.
soil permeability by testing in situ. Permeability may be required.
determination should include a single or double ring Subgrade Compaction – To facilitate water
infiltrometer or in situ falling head permeability tests infiltration, guidelines published by State
Permeable Concrete Pavements 7

stormwater agencies for the construction of to discharge though piping systems. The flow
permeable pavement generally recommend not barriers for check dams and baffles can be
compacting the subgrade. Although an concrete, geotextile-wrapped aggregate dams or
uncompacted subgrade benefits water infiltration, it transverse trenches excavated into the subgrade.
tends to consolidate when saturated under Figure 12 shows an example of a flow barrier.
vehicular loading, causing settlement or other
damage to the pavement structure. Therefore, the
design may need to balance infiltration against
Expansive soils – In general, permeable
pavements are not recommended for subgrade
soils that are susceptible to swelling and/or heaving
such as silt, fine sands, and high-plasticity clays.
Ensuring rapid drainage of water from the stone
reservoir and through the use of an impermeable
liner can help mitigate these effects.
Geosynthetics – Impermeable liners may be used
to prevent washouts and frost heaving, or for
expansion of moisture-sensitive subgrade soils.
Impermeable liners typically consist of heavy-duty Figure 12. Aggregate and impermeable liner flow
polyethylene. Geotextiles should conform to barrier
subsurface drainage requirements in AASHTO M- Urban design features – The complete cross
288, Geotextiles for Highway Applications section of the pavement is usually underlain by
[AASHTO 2006]. Geotextile strength properties granular materials. These materials need to be
should conform to Class 1 (highest strength) if protected from erosion by providing them with a
exposed to severe installation conditions with hard surface. Subsurface water flow typically is
greater potential for geotextile damage. directed to longitudinal subdrains connected to the
Underdrains – It is considered best practice to storm drain system. Other urban design features,
install underdrains for all permeable pavement such as curbs, gutters, safety barriers, retaining
applications and connect to a positive outlet away walls, and noise barrier walls, may also be included
from the pavement structure. Longitudinal in the design.
underdrains should be placed below the bottom of Supplementary surface drainage features – The
the stone reservoir elevation to ensure that they are permeable pavement may not have sufficient
protected during construction and ensure that surface permeability to infiltrate water from major
complete drainage can be provided if needed. The storm events. In these cases, supplementary
amount of water stored in the stone reservoir for surface drainage features such as curb cutouts
infiltration can be controlled by the elevation at may be provided in the design to direct water from
which the underdrains begin to discharge to surface the pavement surface to other stormwater features.
Adjacent buildings and other pavements –
Edge restraints – Edge restraints are required for Permeable pavements may be constructed
all PICP and typically are included for pervious adjacent to buildings or conventional pavements
concrete as well. For roadway applications, edge with dense-graded bases. Building foundations
restraints should consist of concrete curbing. should be protected from water infiltration by
Slopes – Permeable pavements can be designed sloping the permeable pavement away from the
for sloped surfaces. Subgrades can be bermed and building, protecting the building foundation by
piped to control down-slope flows and encourage waterproofing or installing an impermeable liner
infiltration through the use of check dams. The vertically against the foundation wall or
design for sloped systems should ensure that water conventional pavement and along the nearest sides
cannot surge from below and exit the surface of the and bottom of the permeable pavement.
pavement. For low-infiltration designs, flows can be Monitoring well – For large-scale applications and
slowed with check dams or baffles, allowing some demonstration projects, the permeable pavement
filtering through the aggregate base/subbase prior
8 Permeable Concrete Pavements

should include a vertical perforated pipe, 4 to 6 MAINTENANCE

inches (100 to 150 mm) in diameter, that serves as
an observation well. The bottom of the pipe can Proper and timely maintenance is critical for
penetrate the subgrade and be protected and permeable pavement systems. The surface of the
supported during base/subbase filling and permeable pavement should be properly
compaction. The pipe should be located near the maintained to provide a durable and safe driving
permeable pavement system low point at least 3 ft surface, as well as to minimize the clogging
(1 m) away from the edge of the permeable potential. The ability of the system to effectively
pavement. infiltrate water can be affected by pavement use
and maintenance practices. Extensive use of winter
CONSTRUCTION sanding and biomass loading from surrounding
vegetation (trees, grass, weeds, etc.) can
The construction of permeable pavements is similar
substantially reduce system infiltration and should
to the construction of a pavement incorporating an
be avoided where possible.
open-graded drainage layer. Care must be taken
during construction to prevent damage and In the past, conventional wisdom held that regular
contamination of the permeable pavement system. preventive maintenance activities such as vacuum
A preconstruction meeting is highly recommended sweeping could help maintain system permeability.
to identify sequencing and controls to reduce the In areas where permeability was reduced by
potential for clogging of the permeable pavement sanding, permeability can be restored by more
surface as well as the other unique construction aggressive maintenance practices, such as power
considerations for permeable pavement: washing and regenerative air vacuuming.
Up-gradient surfaces that may contribute run-on to Preventive Maintenance
the permeable pavement during construction
Preventive maintenance will help to ensure the
should be stabilized or the permeable pavement
long-term durability of the pavement. Key activities
should be protected by using silt fences.
Due to the diversity of activities taking place during
• Inspect and monitor the integrity and
roadway construction, protecting the permeable
function of the permeable pavement.
pavement materials from contamination is critical;
contamination of these materials could potentially • Permeability checks should be completed
result in subsequent migration of contaminants to using standard infiltration tests (ASTM
surface water and/or groundwater. C1701-09 for pervious concrete and ASTM
C1781-13 for PICP).
Double washing of aggregates may be necessary • Visual inspection of clogging and durability.
to ensure a fines content of less than 2 percent. • Inspect permeable pavements after major
Compaction of the subgrade is necessary to rain events to ensure pavement structural
support the design traffic, and it would not be integrity and surface infiltration.
practical to limit compaction of the subgrade • Perform vacuum sweeping at regular
directly below a permeable pavement. intervals in high-risk areas, such as areas
where sources of sediment or organic
Specific locations should be identified as debris are higher and where the ratio of
construction access points so that travel of tributary to pervious area is high. It is
equipment across the permeable pavement is recommended that vacuum sweeping be
avoided. performed twice per year, or more often in
Underground utilities should be protected from areas subject to higher concentrations and
damage due to construction activities. As the deposition rates of dust and debris, biomass
permeable pavement infiltrates water into the loading, etc. [Henderson & Tighe 2011].
subgrade, it may be necessary to protect some • Restore any joint filler loss for PICP.
utilities from water damage, such as water intrusion • Properly maintain upstream drainage
and/or preferential flow of infiltrated water through pathways and landscaping to minimize
utility trenches. Utility companies should be additional water and run-on of sediment and
contacted to determine if the utilities require special debris.
Permeable Concrete Pavements 9

• Inspect and clean all outlet structures to maintaining the surface course, as it may
ensure positive water flow from the break up and drive contaminants from the
pavement. surface and upper layers of the stone
• Provide inspection ports and regularly reservoir deeper in the pavement, resulting
monitor drainage rates of the stone in a reduction in the service life of the
reservoir to identify if clogging of underlying overall pavement.
soils or outlet structures has occurred; If the observed performance of the pavement
remedy to avoid damage associated with indicates a significant reduction in permeability from
extended ponding. the last inspection, complete infiltration testing in
• Eliminate the use of sand for winter accordance with local or project-specific
maintenance activities. requirements is warranted. In the absence of site-
• Clearing snow completely after every storm specific requirements, use the simplified infiltration
is recommended. Special plow blades can test, chapter 18 of the North Carolina Department
be used but are not necessary. Raised plow of Environment and Natural Resources best
blades are not recommended, and any management practices [NCDENR 2012] with the
bouncing movement of the vehicle may representative dewatering times for simplified
result in damage to the permeable infiltration testing:
pavement surface.
• Limit the use of winter deicing chemicals for • Newly installed/recently maintained: <30
sensitive vegetation areas, sensitive seconds.
receiving waters, or for pavements designed • Acceptable—continue preventative
to capture and reuse water. See Winter maintenance: 30-60 seconds.
Maintenance Considerations section below. • Partially clogged—restorative maintenance
should be scheduled: 60-90 seconds.
Winter Maintenance Considerations • Clogged—requires restorative maintenance
Properly designed permeable surfaces can be immediately: >90 seconds.
resistant to freeze-thaw related damage
[Henderson & Tighe 2011]. Due to the higher PERFORMANCE
porosity of the surface material, winter deicing The performance of a permeable pavement system
chemicals are rarely required. Sanding operations is usually governed by its ability to infiltrate and
should be avoided, as the sand can lead to treat stormwater. Most permeable pavements are
increased clogging. Deicing chemicals should be constructed on pathways, parking areas, and low-
used moderately. volume roadways and do not tend to receive heavy,
After snow plowing operations, snow may remain in frequent traffic.
the open voids of the surfaces temporarily. Studies As the pavement ages, it may be necessary to treat
have shown that heat stored within the permeable localized areas to restore the pavement surface
pavement will assist in melting the snow trapped in condition. This may include removal and
the open pore structure immediately following snow replacement of pervious concrete or pavers,
plowing operations [Delatte et al. 2007]. In cold leveling or addition of new aggregate materials,
climates, snow plows may cause abrasion of the removal and replacement of jointing material, etc.
surface. Snow plow damage may be reduced by Edge restraints should be inspected to ensure that
using wide blades and minimizing back-blading they are performing their required function. Outlet
[Kevern 2010]. drains and observation wells should be inspected to
Permeability Restoration confirm continued drainage from the pavement
structure. Areas up-slope of the permeable
The permeability of these pavements will be pavement should be examined for potential sources
reduced over time due to clogging. Permeability of contaminants that may reduce system
may be restored through: permeability.
• Restorative vacuum sweeping using A maintenance plan should be developed and
specialized, full vacuum street cleaning followed. The plan should include documentation of
equipment. key design features of the system, operational
• Power washing the pavement. However, constraints (e.g., restrict use of winter sand,
this should be considered a “last resort” in maintain overflow and outflow features, monitor
10 Permeable Concrete Pavements

observation wells), inspection schedules and Collins, K.A., Hunt, W.F, and Hathaway, J.M.,
checklists, maintenance procedures, rehabilitation 2008. Hydrologic Comparison of Four Types of
activities and timing, and other such factors. Permeable Pavement and Standard Asphalt in
Personnel responsible for the maintenance and Eastern North Carolina. Journal of Hydrologic
operation of the permeable pavement should be Engineering, volume 13, number 12, pp. 1146-
identified and provided with the maintenance plan. 1157.
The maintenance plan should be reviewed and
modified based on actual use and operation of the Delatte, N., Miller, D., and Mrkajick, M., 2007.
facility. Portland Cement Pervious Concrete: Field
Performance Investigation on Parking Lot and
The structural design life (performance period) of a
Roadway Pavements, Final Report of the RMC
permeable pavement is the length of time until it is
Research and Education Foundation, Silver
no longer able to satisfy the performance
Springs, MD.
requirements. Structural rehabilitation typically
addresses shear failure of the bedding, base, FHWA 2012. Pervious Concrete Tech Brief,
subbase, or subgrade soils, often indicated by FHWA-HIF-13-006, Washington DC.
surface deformation (rutting) from wheel loads for
PICP or cracking of the pervious concrete. At the Hein, D.K., and Smith, D.R., 2011. Development of
end of the structural design life, some settlement, a Design System for Permeable Interlocking
rutting, cracked pervious concrete, some damaged Concrete Pavement, in Proceedings of the National
pavers, loss of jointing material, and/or edge Low Impact Development Conference,
restraint damage can be expected. These Philadelphia, PA, North Carolina State University,
distresses can be addressed by removing and College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
replacing the damaged areas to cost-effectively Raleigh, NC.
extend the service life of the pavement.
REFERENCES Henderson, V., and Tighe, S.L., 2011. Evaluation of
Pervious Concrete Pavement Performance in Cold
AASHTO 1993. Guide for Design of Pavement Weather Climates, International Journal of
Structures, American Association of State Highway Pavement Engineering,
and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC. DOI:10.1080/10298436.2011.572970.

AASHTO 2006. Standard Specification for ICPI 2016. Permeable Design Pro,
Geotextile for Highway Applications (M-288-06),, accessed 2016.
Washington, DC.
Kevern, J.T., 2010. Operation and Maintenance of
ACPA 2016. PerviousPave, Pervious Concrete Pavements, Transportation, accessed 2016. Research Board, 11-0656, Washington DC.

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This Tech Brief was developed under FHWA contract DTFH16-14-D-0004. For more information please contact:
Contracting Officer’s Representative: Authors:
Sam Tyson, P.E., Concrete Pavement Engineer David K. Hein, P.Eng. and Lori Schaus, P.Eng.
Federal Highway Administration Applied Research Associates, Inc.
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. – E73-440 416-621-9555,; [email protected]
Washington, DC 20590
202-366-1326, [email protected]

Distribution and Availability—This Tech Brief can be found at under “Publications.”
Key Words—Permeable concrete pavement, permeable pavement, permeable interlocking concrete pavement,
pervious concrete pavement, pavement drainage, pavement permeability, pavement infiltration.
Notice—This Tech Brief is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained
in this document. The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’
names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
Quality Assurance Statement—The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to
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are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically
reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
MAY 2016 FHWA-HIF-16-004

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