Juan de Serras - Wikipedia
Juan de Serras - Wikipedia
Juan de Serras - Wikipedia
It is possible that de Serras and the
Karmahaly Maroons withdrew further into
the Blue Mountains, which were
inaccessible to the English colonial
authorities, where they lived off the land
and avoided further contact with white
1. Mavis Campbell, The Maroons of
Jamaica 1655-1796: a History of
Resistance, Collaboration & Betrayal
(Massachusetts: Bergin & Garvey,
1988), pp. 14-17.
2. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 17-25.
3. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 20-27.
4. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 25-27.
5. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 28-32.
6. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 32-35.
7. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica,
pp. 32-35.
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