Maintenance of Laboratory Facilities
Maintenance of Laboratory Facilities
Maintenance of Laboratory Facilities
1, January, 2017
The paper, Survey of availability, Utilization and maintenance of Biology laboratory equipment and facilities in secondary schools in
Sokoto State examined the availability, use, and extent of maintenance of laboratory facilities in secondary schools in Sokoto State.
Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A sample of 30 Senior Secondary Schools and 30 biology teachers was selected
from the population of secondary schools in the state using stratified sampling technique. Four research questions were answered using
observation schedule. Findings of the study indicated that most senior secondary schools in Sokoto State have no laboratories. Where
they exist, they are poorly equipped. Teachers indicated reluctance and inability in conducting practical works using the few available
laboratory facilities. Poor maintenance culture was also discovered among biology teachers in Sokoto state. It was recommended
among others that science laboratories should be well equipped with relevant and modern facilities for effective teaching. Teachers
should try to improvise using local materials, they should also develop maintenance culture to ensure longer life span of the few
available facilities.
Among the major goals of man is the desire to live long, to be learner experimentation and problem solving activities, the
free from pain and disease and to see that all his children goal of which is to make learners autonomous individuals
survive him. To serve this goal, the field of medicine has capable of coping with demands of life. This demands for
evolved as a result of which average life expectancy has practical activities at all stages of biology teaching to enable
increased, death from diseases has reduced especially among students to acquire and master practical skills and experiences.
infants and children. This is in line with modern education thinking and practices
which places great emphasis on the value of experience in the
Another basic need of man is food. Technology designed to education process.
increase agricultural productivity and minimize cost of
production has emerged. Farm machinery of all types have Experience for the learner means having him/her to see, hear,
been invented. Various insecticides and pesticides to keep touch, test, make, try and do. This is because what is seen,
insects and pests in check are being produced. heard, touched, tested and smelled forms an experience that
leads to permanent learning. Learning achieved through
Comfort and leisure are other goals of man. These include practice could be both mental and physical. Practice requires
clothing, Shelter, Warmth and other comforts of domestic life that relevant facilities are used to perform various activities.
such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machine etc. In According to Bajah (1984), certain basic infrastructure must be
providing these materials, both living and non- living resources available for teachers to teach effectively and for learners to be
serve as raw materials and energy. All these are within the engaged in useful scientific activities. This underscores the
realm of biological sciences which make human problems to need for appropriate selection, effective use and maintenance
be of biological nature. of teaching-learning facilities.
Therefore, of all the sciences, biology is perhaps the most 2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
closely associated with energy life. This gives biology a unique
position among the various science subjects offered at the 1) The Science Laboratory
senior school level. Its uniqueness is underscored in the fact Science teaching has peculiar features and special
that every senior secondary school students must offer biology characteristics which demands special skills. Among its
as a core subjects. peculiar features is the science laboratory. The laboratory is the
work place of the science teacher. It is a place where practical
In the teaching and learning of biology the teacher and the activities are planned and carried out. It contains the resources,
learners are expected to adopt inquiry techniques (laboratory equipment and apparatus for science teaching ranging from
method). Inquiry is a process in which learners do something easily consumable supplies to full range of facilities needed for
on their own with their own hands and their own minds. It is effective teaching and learning of science. According to
the art of exploring and experimenting. The emphasis is on Adetero (2009) resources in education include physical
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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 6 No.1, January, 2017
facilities, available space for teaching and learning, materials science education. Uyoata (2006) also opined that meaningful
such as laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, libraries, learning of science requires the use of multisensory approaches
books, furniture etc. where appropriate instructional resources are selected and
used. This is necessary because in this kind of learning students
On the importance of facilities in learning, Egwu (2008) make use of more than one sense modality in learning. Dangbin
reported that materials whether standard or improvised are the (2008) also reported that practical activities using sufficient
backbone of experimental work. Dangbin (2008) also reported facilities enable learners to acquire cognitive skills such as
that practical activities using sufficient facilities enable formulation of hypothesis, making assumptions, designing
learners to acquire cognitive skills such as formulation of investigations, understanding variables, observing, recording
hypothesis, making assumption designing investigations date etc and associated with these activities are scientific
understanding variable, observing, recording data etc which attitudes like curiosity, perseverance etc which are necessary
are necessary for engaging in faithful science investigation. for engaging in faithful science investigation.
Uyoata (2006) also opined that meaningful learning requires
the use of multisensory approach where appropriate However, Lawal (2006) reported that biology physical
instructional recourses are selected and utilized. According to structure as well equipment are inadequate. Ajayi (2008) also
Umeh (2006) material resources are structured facilities that reported that biology teachers in secondary schools have
are used to ensure affective teaching and learning such as the always lamented that among the various obstacles to effective
laboratories, the classrooms, equipment, supplies, texture teaching of biology practicals includes lack of laboratory space
materials, audio-victual aids etc. and equipment, large class and in adequate time allocation.
Oludare Abiodun and Ajayi (2006) also reported that there are
All science laboratories have certain general features and no enough classrooms and laboratories. Laboratories have poor
requirements in addition to which each separate science has its facilities and equipment and that, supplies of chemicals and
own special demand which requires a special laboratory and reagents for experiments are quiet low. Also schools lack
facilities. For example all modern laboratories need to have a laboratory assistance resulting in the poor maintenance and
preparation room with storage facilities and shelves for obsolete nature of laboratory facilities. Ajayi (1995) in
chemicals, tools as well as work benches for the preparation of Adepoju (2000) also reported that the quality of the products
solutions. They must have sufficient space for free movement. of the education system is daily depreciating due to obsolete,
According to Ekundayo (2009) effective learning takes place inadequate or even non-availability of materials.
in environment where learners are free to move around without
fear of collapse of building or being injured by broken down
facilities. Also there must be adequate ventilation, water, There is a general consensus among science educators that
lightening, heating and a good drainage system. On the specific science teaching in schools has continued to be theoretical and
requirements of each laboratory, Inyang (2006) reported that a not practically oriented (Ihieglulem 2006, Oludare Abiodun
biology laboratory requires animal rooms and green house for and Emmanuel 2009) As a result of this learners do not think
the preservation of special specimens or objects, balance room practically and they are not able to apply the knowledge
is necessary in chemistry laboratories for carrying out the acquired. Little encouragement is given to learners to find out
weighing of chemicals needed in chemistry practical work, things for themselves instead they are being fed with fact and
dark rooms in physics laboratories are needed for experiments dogmas. As a result of this many science classrooms are
which could be carried out in the dark while computer rooms characterized by for the purpose of passing
are a must for mathematics laboratories. examination.(Balogun, 1985) Supporting this view Ogu (2008)
reported that in most schools emphasis is more on the
memorization of facts with a view to passing examination and
Facilities for the teaching of biology, exists in different forms less on the method of finding out the facts and learning to apply
and can be obtained in a number of ways. They may be real them. That the practice is to defer practice to few weeks to the
objects that exists freely within the environment or small plants external examination. This practice prepare the students for the
and animal collected and preserved. They could also be examination but does not give room for any meaningful
illustrative diagrams, Charts or models. They may be learning.
purchased, Produced or constructed by the teacher through
impulsion. There are very many commercially produced Resources are aids to learning rather than teaching, sourcing
models of parts of human body and other vital organs such as them however, is the responsibility of the teacher. Sourcing for
the heart liver, kidney etc but the teacher should produce his resources makes the teachers work cumbersome as a result of
own since such a venture undertaken with the learners would which few teachers would like using them (Dangbin, 2008)
enable them to have a close intimacy with the concept being That some teachers may not want to use facilities simply
taught. because they are too lazy to go for them even when they are
available. Also some teachers may not want to use teaching
2) Availability of Laboratory Facilities facilities because they have been trained in the use of excessive
verbalization of ideas and they are reluctant to shed the old
The use of aids in teaching is of importance as they help to practice. According to Lewin (2000) high institutions in
stimulate Learners interest and promote understanding. Nigeria charged with the responsibility of training science
According to Akoano and Akpokiere (2006) the teaching and teachers are increasingly turning out teachers without requisite
learning of science which is practical course requires practical experiences in laboratory practices. Such trained teachers
laboratory activities because experiment is the hall mark of usually lack the necessary competence and confidence to
conduct practical classes. Thus even when materials are within the selection and use of teaching- learning facilities. According
easy reach they may refuse to use them. to Ajaja (2008) effective teaching and learning of science
require a lot of resources among which are well trained science
The condition under which many teachers functions does not teachers, science facilities such as laboratories, reagents,
engender any enthusiasm for practical work. The class size chemicals, equipments, models and teaching aids among
especially in urban school is getting larger. According to Chika others. Azare (2007) also reported that teachers are the most
(2010) there is a general increase in the environment of vital tool via which school can transform students. That the
students who study biology without a corresponding increase success at attainment of pre-planned educational goals and
in school facilities. Adebayo (2000) had earlier reported that objectives depends to a great extent on how sufficient and
the population of student has continue to grow every year at qualitative the resources sourced are supplied. Adepoju (2000)
the expense of available physical facilities for their use that have earlier reported that the most effective ways to bring
government has failed to expand or put in place new facilities about curriculum change, teaching improvement, quality
thereby making the exciting facilities to be over-utilized instruction and efficient internal and external operations of the
because of the pressure on them. Supporting this view Lewin school system is through adequate and highly competent and
(2000) reported that the importance attached to laboratory qualified teachers.
activities does not match government provision of laboratory
materials and equipment possibly due to the condition of the However, Eze (2006) has identified scarcity of qualified
national economy which continue to deteriorate. Justifying this science teachers and incompetence on the part of the few
Clain Lewin (2000) noted that in most states governments have available science teachers as among the reasons for poor
given up the hope of adequate equipping all schools with performance of students in external examinations in Nigeria.
science facilities. Instead they have resorted to designating Combs (1965) in Adepoju (2000) also reported that the most
selected schools as "science schools" which they equip with acute shortage of well qualified teachers have cropped up in
their mega resources. Another related problem is the practice the science, mathematics and various technical fields where
in which teachers are not involved in the planning and overall manpower shortages also have been greatest.
procurement of relevant instructional facilities for use in
schools. According to Uyoata (2006) truckloads of items some Science teaching is getting more complex, sophisticated and
of which are so strange and not related to the contents of the challenging. In this regard there is the need for more competent
science cumculum are imposed on the teachers. Such materials and effective teachers who can make appropriate choice of
are packed away where they collect dust for years which leads effective teaching methods and effective use of available
to malfunctioning of such facilities. They may lie waste instructional materials to develop in the learners the mental
because the teacher does not know how to use. And when they attributes of the scientist, technologists and technician. While
are faulty the replacement parts are hardly available. the procurement and distribution of equipment and facilities
may not be the sole responsibility of the science teacher,
3) The Science Teacher ensuring that such facilities are available in the required
number, maintaining them against destruction and dilapidation
The teacher is the most important resource in the teaching- by keeping them always in good condition so that they can be
learning process. This is because it is the teacher who harnest put to use when required is within the direct control of the
all other resources and put them to use. The teacher does not science teacher. Thus the science teacher needs to be not only
only disseminate knowledge but also create and generate new creative and resourceful but also maintenance of science
knowledge. The teacher does not only manage physical teaching-learning facilities, Utilization of laboratory facilities.
environment for teaching and learners but also sees to the
management of the psychological environment of the learners.
4) Utilization of Laboratory Facilities
Redi and Watternberg (1951) in Adeyinka (1981) summarized
the role of teachers thus: The process of managing and organizing resources for teaching
and learning is referred to as resource utilization (Lewin 2000)
The classroom teacher is among other things the Resources utilization has to do with the extent to when
representatives of the society inculcating moral concepts, the facilities are provided to schools, these are three possibilities,
judge giving marks and rating; a resource centre processing they are either used effective or inefficiently or they may
knowledge and skills, a helper providing guidance for pupils remain unused. When item of equipment is maximally used
activities, a referee settling disputes among his pupils, a such as equipment is effectively utilized. If the equipment is
detective discovering rule-breakers, an object of identification not maximally used it can be said to be under utilized. When
processing traits which children imitates; a group leader there is so much pressure on the use of an equipment this may
establishing the climate of the group; a parent giving f attention result to over utilization which could lead to breakdown of
to the younger ones as a parent would normally do; a friend such item of equipment.
and confident , establishing and sharing confidences with them
and an object of affection meeting the psychological needs of Teaching leaning facilities improves the quality of teaching
the children. and make learning content meaningful. According to
Ihiegbulem (2006) resource materials utilization during
The science teacher needs to possess all these traits, in addition practices lessons inculcates in the students the spirit of careful
he should be resourceful and creative for efficient execution of observation, manipulative skills, respective thinking and
his task. He must master a vast arrays of skills which include creativity in the learners, Lewin (2000) however reported that
practical, minds-on, hands-on skills. He must be thoughtful in science facilities are only important when they are used.
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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 6 No.1, January, 2017
Similarly Awoniyo (1999) reported that the availability of manhandling, inferior texture, weathering, over use etc are
resource input into the education system has no value for among the factors inhibiting proper management of facilities.
achieving educational objectives if they are not actually. Moses (2006) reported that maintenance culture is very poor in
Nigerian schools, homes, offices and industries. That facilities
One of the major problems facing the teaching and learning of and equipment are laying waste due to breakdown, some are
science is connected with the management of available forced to breakdown by dust and cobwebs due to negligence
resources (Ogunleye, 2003) movement of resources requires and lack of care.
the science teacher himself be resourceful and creative and be
careful in handling and using available facilities are handled 3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
cautiously especially the fragile ones. This is necessary
because once the facilities are misused they cannot offer the The unique position of biology among other secondary schools
best service required. science subjects demand that it’s teaching should be practical.
This can only be possible with adequate equipment and
5) Maintenance of Facilities facilities which make up the learning environment. Teaching-
learning facilities supplement written and spoken words, they
The process in which good care is taken of tools and equipment also give clarity and concreteness to instruction. However, Ogu
to prolong their life span is referred to as maintenance. It (2008) has reported that most school laboratories are empty or
involves all activities put in place to keep and restore the filled with inadequate, obsolete and damaged laboratory
condition of facilities. Momoh and Onjewu (2006) define facilities. This study aimed at finding out the level of
maintenance as any action or group of action taken to keep a availability, extend of use and maintenance of biology
facility in good working conclusion for as long as possible. laboratory facilities in secondary schools in Sokoto state.
When activities such as repairs, servicing, greasing etc are put
in place to keep or restore the component of an item, the item 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
is being maintained.
The following questions were raised to give this study.
Laboratory equipment and facilities must be adequately taken 1. What type of laboratories are available in secondary
care of in order to ensure their normal working conditions.
Maintenance prevents deterioration and also weeds out schools in Sokoto state
obsolete items which no longer serve the required function. 2. Are there adequate facilities for the teaching of
Momoh and Onjewu (2006) identified the followings as biology in secondary schools in Sokoto.
objectives of maintenance of facilities:-
-To ensure that facilities are always available to provide 3. Are the available facilities adequately utilized by
services to for maximum benefits to staff and students. biology teachers in Sokoto state?
-To ensure operational readiness of facilities for continuous 4. Are the available facilities regularly maintained by
service so as to reduce losses which may result from down the biology teachers in secondary schools in Sokoto
time. state?
- To protect operating personnel and save facilities
- To extend the use of the facility for maximum benefit. 5. METHODOLOGY
Maintenances could be routine ongoing activities such as
Descriptive design was adopted for the study. Five senior
daily or weekly cleaning of the laboratory equipment and
secondary schools were selected from each of the six zonal
facilities, it could be periodic activities such as inspection and
education offices in the state using stratified sampling
lubrication of parts of equipment to ensure continued working
technique. A total of 30 senior secondary schools with 30
condition or corrective maintenance which include activities
biology teachers one from each of the schools were sampled
carried out to fix back a failed equipment or facility
maintenance also involves the security of the equipment and far this study.
facilities. Security here covers protection from physical
damage from pests, fire, rain etc. It also pertains to protection 6. INSTRUMENTATION
from theft or unauthorized use.
An observation schedule with a check list of 30 items was used
Teachers should not wait for an equipment to breakdown in collecting data for this study. The researcher visited each of
completely before it is serviced. Report of the need for repairs the schools twice. On the first visit, the available laboratories
or replacement of equipment must be made to school authority and the facilities in them were observed. On the second visit
with the view to making immediate arrangement for the repairs the biology teachers were observed while teaching. Data
and maintenance to avoid waste and depreciation. collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
3. No Laboratory 13 43.33%
Adequate 03 10.00
Fairly Adequate 07 23.33
Inadequate 20 66.66
From table 2 it could be observed that only 10% of all the 66.66% of the aboratories have inadequate laboratory facilities
schools in Sokoto state have adequate laboratory facilities. while 23.33% are fairly equipped
1. Availability 11 36.66%
2. Not available 19 63.33%
Table 3 depicts the availability and level of utilization of where standard facilities are not available using local
facilities in biology laboratories in secondary schools in materials.
Sokoto state. Out of the 30 laboratories observed only 11 have 2. Biology teachers should make the best use of
some facilities in them that is 36.66%, the remaining 19 available facilities to enable learners make use of
(63.33%) laboratories have no facilities in them of the 11 items more than one sense in learning for better retention of
available only 7 (23.33%) are in good condition that they could knowledge.
be used in the teaching of biology. 3. Biology teachers should develop a more positive
Research Question 4 maintenance culture to ensure longer life span of
available equipment and facilities.
Are the available facilities regularly maintained by the biology
teachers in secondary schools in Sokoto State? REFERENCES
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