David Dykstra ARBCA & Timeline of Events
David Dykstra ARBCA & Timeline of Events
David Dykstra ARBCA & Timeline of Events
*name* = according to the referenced documentation, the man had knowledge of the allegations of molestation
prior to the 2016 GA
name = according to the referenced documentation, the man received the Level 2 Report as noted in the ARBCA &
Timeline of Events document
name = according to the referenced documentation, the man received the Level 1 Report as noted in the ARBCA &
Timeline of Events document
2015/2016 Membership Committee: * STEVE MARQUEDANT *, * JEFF MASSEY *, *Jason Walter*, *David Dykstra*,
and *Larry Vincent*.
Timeline of Events
Dec 5, 2000 “In a meeting on December 5, 2000, the Administrative Council appointed Pastor Rich Jensen, Mr.
Mike McMcKnight, and Pastor Tedd Tripp to serve as ‘a fact finding committee from ARBCA’ to go to
MVBC.” [AC Part II Report, page 12, third paragraph]
AC Members: Bob Selph, Larry Vincent, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo,
David Dykstra, Dale Smith, Mike McKnight, Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom
Lutz. [Photograph]
Dec 6, 2000 Bob Selph announces to Miller Valley Elders that an “informal” church council has been secured for
Dec 13-16. [MVBC Timeline]
David Dykstra wrote a letter of instruction to men on the Informal Council. [Letter from David
Dykstra to the Informal Council dated December 6, 2000]
Dec 13-16 The “informal council” met with the families and wrote recommendations and reports. The
informal council consists of: Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight, and Rich Jensen. Don Lindblad was also
present as Tom Chantry’s advocate.
Jan 4, 2001 These reports were received at the AC Meeting. As reflected by the confidential minutes:
“Three reports will be distributed: a general report to be sent to all churches, a middle level report
sent to all the AC members (to remain confidential), and a much fuller report to be given only to
nine individuals involved.
Mike McKnight is to email the public statement to be inserted. Distinction of 3 levels of reports is to
remain confidential!! Only the public statement is to be sent to the churches or noted in the public
minutes.” [AC Meeting Minutes January 4, 2001, page 9]
AC Members noted to receive a copy of the middle level report: Bob Selph, Larry Vincent, Earl
Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo, David Dykstra, Dale Smith, Mike McKnight,
Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom Lutz. [Photograph]
Don Lindblad admitted that the AC had access to it the Level 2 Report and described the three levels
of reports in a telephone interview with prosecuting attorney on March 21, 2018:
LINDBLAD: …There were, there were three reports, there was the sealed report and if you look at
that report it gives counsel and advice to the parents (inaudible)…
LINDBLAD: The other one was more public and it wasn’t distributed, it wasn’t mailed to everybody,
uh, uhm, but it was the Administrative Council and – and, uh, and so forth had access to that, I had
access to it. And then there’s the - the report that went out to the, to the churches in the uhm, uh, in
our, uhm, uhm, uh, in our, uh, regular reporting which was done by email…[page 52, lines 9-12 and
Middle Level Report: “Report, Conclusions and Recommendations.” It shows the seriousness of the
- If it was not that serious, why was the AC committed to disavow its existence?
- Contains agreements between MV elders and Tom Chantry, not the parents or children.
- The AC “requested” the council to establish “certain facts.”
- Facts include “inappropriate physical discipline” in some cases “without the consent of the
- Facts include “inappropriate outbursts of anger.”
- Facts include need for special counseling due to “the issues presented by a case of improper
physical discipline and inappropriate anger.”
- Facts include “refraining from any employment involved in the care of children” (unmistakable
reporting red flag).
- Facts include being accountable to the AC for update on Tom Chantry prior to his reinstatement
as an elder.
- Facts include “serious factual differences” between Chantry and the children he disciplined
related to “purpose, frequency and severity of the physical punishment.”
- Facts include the reasonable probability and awareness that “his repentance may not be
- Facts include Chantry needing to “seek full repentance” with families and children, which
indicates he has not.
- Facts include reference to “additional confidential recommendations” made in a separate
document to the families, MVBC, and “others interested in this matter.”
- Facts include being self-described as an “Informal Council of the Association of Reformed
Baptist Churches of America.”
- The council reported to the AC (not the other way around).
- The council included an AC Member (Mike McKnight).
- The report was given to the AC, and they were responsible for reading the report they
- The AC was part of the report agreement (they must be notified concerning Chantry prior to
- The AC was instructed to keep this report and the knowledge of both this and the full report
- The report states the intent to establish “certain facts” (not hearsay) acting under the authority
of the AC.
- The report states “inappropriate physical discipline.” Anything physical is inappropriate!
- Is it reasonable to conclude that had this report been given to police in 2000 that they would
see legal responsibility?
- It is reasonable to conclude that one of the purposes of concealing two of the three reports was
to keep the information from law enforcement?
- Why is eldership mentioned? It appears to be a preemptive path forward to securing
agreement of eldership in advance.
o MVBC signs away their authority over Chantry.
o Tom is sent to a different church body.
o Details and facts are concealed at the AC level.
o Tom is built back up over time.
- Everything about it screams a legal requirement to contact police.
- Everything about it screams active concealment by ARBCA implemented and governed by the
AC and through the method of the council.
- Every member of the ARBCA AC failed and stood firm in that decision from 2000 to now.
- AC Report Part 2 claims that “Additionally, various members of the 2001 Administrative Council
did not recall seeing the Level 2 Report.” [page 20, third paragraph].
o The Reports were discussed during the meeting.
o The Level 2 Report was created specifically for them.
o The Level 2 Report was specifically to be secret.
o A report resulting from an AC Member who was on the IC.
o They were responsible to get it and to follow up and obtain it if not received.
o Are we expected to believe that all of these men didn’t receive it and then forgot to ask
for it?
o Their selective memory is not believable.
Spring 2001 AC Members: Bob Selph, Tedd Tripp, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo,
David Dykstra, Dale Smith, Mike McKnight, Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom
Lutz. [Photograph]
Jan 1, 2002 Tom Lyon and Mark McCormick (elders of Providence Reformed Baptist Church) submitted the
“Report of Compliance” stating that Tom Chantry had fulfilled his obligations and return to ministry.
“This report is being sent to: Tom Chantry, Walt Chantry, Earl Blackburn (chairman of the ARBCA
Administrative Council), Don Lindblad (witness to the informal council’s proceedings at Tom
Chantry’s request), and the counselor mentioned in this report. We authorize Earl Blackburn to
further publish this report to the elder(s) of Miller Valley Baptist Church and grant him permission
to abstract this report to the ARBCA Administrative Council.” [Tom Lyon: Report of Compliance
dated January 1, 2002; ARBCA Report Part 2, Attachment 8]
AC Members: Bob Selph, Tedd Tripp, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo,
David Dykstra, Dale Smith, Mike McKnight, Bruce Kronheim, Tom Green, Jamie Howell, and Tom
Lutz. [Photograph]
July 8, 2015 Prescott Police are contacted regarding an allegation that Tom Chantry sexually abused an
individual at MVBC when he was a young child. A police investigation is opened. [Police Report
July 21, 2015 “*Mr. Marley* met with an investigator in the Prescott Police Department and reported that he had
‘inherited’ the case file concerning Mr. Chantry, a former pastor of MVBC. *Mr. Marley* kept the
binder, which was impounded as evidence at this meeting.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 5]
July 2015 “*Mr. Marley* notified *John Giarrizzo*, ARBCA Coordinator; *Douglas VanderMeulen*, Chairman
of the Administrative Council (AC); and *Steve Marquedant*, Chairman of the Membership
Committee; that a man had recently made an allegation that Mr. Chantry had molested him several
years earlier…” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 5]
*Steve Marquedant* informed *Jeff Massey* of the allegation against Mr. Chantry. [AC Report Part
1, pg. 8]
July 26, 2015 “CRBC applied for membership in ARBCA.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 6]
Sponsored by Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Rockford, IL, Pastor Dale Smith.
Aug 2, 2015 “*MVBC* submitted a letter protesting CRBC’s application for membership. The protest centered
primarily on *MVBC*’s belief that Mr. Chantry had not taken action to ‘seek full repentance and the
forgiveness from each of the four children and their parents’ named in the informal council’s
report.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 6]
This letter included a “signed letter from one of the parents involved” as evidence [MVBC Objection
to Ad Hoc]
Sep 23, 2015 “*Mr. Marquedant*, as member of the Membership Committee, replied to *MVBC*’s letter of
protest and notified *MVBC* that CRBC’s application would be accepted and processed in a ‘normal
fashion.’ This documentation included the “Report of the Informal Council to member churches of
ARBCA, a letter from the elders of Providence Reformed Baptist Church (PRBC), and excerpt from
the AC Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2002, a letter from *MVBC* to Earl Blackburn (AC
Chairman) dated February 5, 2002, a reply to that letter from Mr. Blackburn dated February 13,
2012 and a statement included in a letter from Don Lindblad dated June 17, 2015. In addition, as
*Mr. Marquedant* stated in his letter to *MVBC*, he also conducted private interviews with several
individuals regarding the issues raised by the elders of MVBC in their protest. Additionally, the
Membership Committee requested Mr. Chantry to certify that he had met all the conditions
recommended by the informal council. Based on the information available to them, *Mr.
Marquedant* and the members of the Membership Committee concluded that there was no
impediment to proceeding to consider CRBC’s application through due process.” [AC Report Part 1,
pg. 6]
MC Members: *Jeff Massey* (chairman), *Steve Marquedant*, Larry Vincent, David Dykstra, and
Jason Walter [AC Report Part 1, Attachment 6]. Two of these men had received a copy of the report
referenced in *MVBC’s* letter of protest.
Nov 2, 2015 Tom Chantry wrote and signed a document saying that he had no problems with *MVBC* and knew
that *MVBC* might say something at the GA. He gives permission to share the document “with
anyone who inquires.” [AC Report Part 1, Attachment 13]
Nov 12, 2015 “The Membership Committee interviewed the officers of CRBC.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 7]
Late Jan/ “*Mr. Marley* informed *Jason Walter*, a member of the Membership Committee, of the new
early Feb, 2016 allegation against Mr. Chantry.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 7]
Feb 9, 2016 “A membership Committee report recommended to the Administrative Council that CRBC’s
application for membership be approved. This report was submitted to the Administrative Council
at its March 1, 2016, meeting.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 7]
Feb 10, 2016 Detective Justin Landry of Hales Corner Police Department visited *Tom Chantry* “to see if he was
willing to provide a statement as to the allegations in this case.” [Police Report 2/10/2016]
“Det. Landry attempted to interview *Chantry* about his involvement in the offense in this case.
*Chantry* declined to speak to him but inquired what would be happening with the case.” [Police
Report 2/16/2016]
Late Feb 2016 “In late February 2016, the Membership Committee was informed of the allegation against Mr.
Chantry and discussed what effect, if any, the allegation and the report of an investigation might
have on the consideration of CRBC’s membership application” [Part I Report page 7, paragraph 7]
*Membership Committee*: *Steve Marquedant*, *Jeff Massey*, *Jason Walter*, *David Dykstra*,
*Larry Vincent*.
Mar 1, 2016 “The *Administrative Council* approved the Membership Committee’s motion to recommend CRBC
to the delegates of the April 2016 General Assembly for membership in ARBCA.” [AC Report Part 1,
pg. 7]
March 2016 “*Mr. Marley* informed *Mr. Marquedant* that investigators had met with *Mr. Chantry* and
that there was no longer a gag order to keep the allegation and investigation confidential.” [AC
Report Part 1, pg. 7] Note: there was never a “gag order.”
March 2016 “*Mr. Marquedant* made inquiry to verify *Mr. Marley’s* report that the gag order had been
lifted. He discovered that *Mr. Chantry* had not been notified of the allegation or of the fact of the
investigation.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 7]
“After *Mr. Chantry* was spoken to by a police officer and notified that an investigation was
ongoing, this “gag order” was then only restricted to giving the details of the accusation and
generally not publicizing the information.” [MVBC Objection to Ad Hoc]
Tom had been notified and there was no reason for the MC not to act on this info.
Apr 25, 2016 “CRBC was presented to the delegates of the General Assembly, which approved CRBC for
membership.” [AC Report Part 1, pg. 7]
Spring 2016 AC Members: *Steve Martin* (Coordinator), Earl Blackburn (Chairman), *Jeff Massey* (Vice
Chairman), *Larry Vincent*, *John Giarrizzo*, *David Dykstra*, Bob Curley, Al Huber, Michael Kelly,
*Brandon Smith* (Secretary), and *Rob Cosby* (Treasurer). [Spring 2016 ARBCA Update]
Apr/May 2016 *MVBC* resigned its membership from ARBCA due to CRBC’s entrance into ARBCA and ARBCA’s
nondisclosure of the child molestation investigation to the member churches of ARBCA before the
vote. [Grace Covenant Investigative Report page 20]
July 27, 2016 A warrant was issued for the arrest of *Tom Chantry* for five counts of molestation of a child and
two counts of aggravated assault. [Arrest Warrant Case No. P1300CR201600966]
Mar 13, 2017 Portico Church resigned from ARBCA due to the handling of *Tom Chantry*/CRBC, WI entrance into
ARBCA. [Portico Letter of Resignation dated 3/13/2017]
Apr 25, 2017 ARBCA gives official statement on Chantry case at the GA (ARBCA Announcement). Those
responsible for writing this are the AC Members elected in Spring 2016: *Steve Martin*
(Coordinator), Earl Blackburn (Chairman), *Jeff Massey* (Vice Chairman), *Larry Vincent*, *John
Giarrizzo*, *David Dykstra*, Bob Curley, Al Huber, Michael Kelly, *Brandon Smith* (Secretary), and
*Rob Cosby* (Treasurer). [ARBCA Announcement, General Assembly, 2017, Concerning Tom
We now know that this statement was filled with false witness. *David Dykstra* was a member of
the 200/2001 AC that were noted to receive a copy of the Level 2 Report, and was a member of the
2015/2016 Membership Committee. Why did the ARBCA Announcement contain so many errors?
Spring 2017 AC Members: *Steve Martin* (Coordinator), Earl Blackburn (chairman), *David Dykstra*, *Rob
Cosby* (Treasurer), *Jeff Massey* (Vice Chairman), *Jason Walter* (Secretary), Jack Daniels,
Michael Kelly, *Brandon Smith*, Al Huber, and *Steve Marquedant*. [Spring 2017 ARBCA Update]
Spring 2018 AC Members: *Steve Martin* (ARBCA Coordinator), *David Dykstra*, *Jason Walter* (Secretary), Al
Huber, Jonathan Paul, Jack Daniels, *Steve Marquedant*, *Jeff Massey* (Vice Chairman), Bob
Adams, *Brandon Smith* (Chairman), Micah Renihan, Dale Crawford, and *Rob Cosby* (Treasurer).
[Spring 2018 ARBCA Update]
August 2018 Ad Hoc Committee formed to write reports which will be read, edited, and approved by the AC.
Members: *Steve Marquedant*, *Jeff Massey*, Bob Curley, & Dale Crawford. [Email dated 8/24/18]
*STEVE MARQUEDANT* and *JEFF MASSEY* were on the MC that recommended Tom
Chantry/CRBC. Why did the AC feel this was appropriate?
Aug 21, 2018 *Tom Chantry* found guilty of 2 counts of aggravated assault, not guilty of 1 count of aggravated
assault and 1 count of molestation, and the jury was hung on 4 counts of molestation.
Aug 22, 2018 ARBCA issued a letter to ARBCA member churches promising to issue a two-part report “as soon as
possible.” [AC Letter to Member Churches dated 8/22/2018]
Like the ARBCA Announcement, it is filled with false witness and falsely lays the blame for all wrong
doing on *Mr. Marley*.
Sep 10, 2018 *Tom Chantry* was arrested on 4 counts of molestation, 4 counts of aggravated assault, and 1
count of child abuse.
Oct 19, 2018 *Tom Chantry* was sentenced to three years of supervised probation for 2 counts of aggravated
Oct 26, 2018 ARBCA issued “Administrative Council Report Part 2.”
May 9, 2019 The delegates of the 2019 General Assembly released the Statement of 2019 General Assembly
[Statement of 2019 ARBCA General Assembly dated May 9, 2019]
July 19, 2019 *Tom Chantry* was sentenced to 24 years for each count of molestation (counts 2 to 5) to be
served concurrently.