AC Meeting Minutes January 4 2001
AC Meeting Minutes January 4 2001
AC Meeting Minutes January 4 2001
Format of Minutes
The Commentary is not intended to be essential reading but rather a reference of information that largely reflects
the flow of the discussion. Significant Conclusions and Action Items comprise the essential summary of the
The meeting began at 4:00 EST. Mr. Blackburn read from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5.
Mr. Kronheim led in prayer.
1. Secretary’s Report
The minutes from the December 5, 2000 AC Conference Call were presented by Mr. Howell.
Mr. Vincent moved to approve the minutes as amended.
Mr. Martin seconded.
Motion carried.
2. The Financial Report was presented by Mr. Kronheim and approved as presented.
Mr. Kronheim reported that we did have a deficit of over $18,000 in the 2000 calendar year. That may be
offset by a one-time gift given to the Association.
Mr. Greene moved to accept the financial report as presented.
Mr. Giarizzo seconded.
Motion carried.
Significant Conclusions
New Business
I. Committee Reports
Mr. Giarizzo recommended that Tom Lutz, Robert Minto, and Rich Jensen, and Joe Gwynn be asked
serve with him on the Home Missions Committee. These candidates were approved by acclamation.
1. The National Pastor Support Policy has already been approved by the AC but a slight change was
recommended: paragraph 3, wording changed from no more than to close to.
Additionally, it will state that this policy is consistent with the 1689 Confession of Faith, 26.10
governing ministerial salaries. This statement is a guideline and not a binding law on the churches.
page 2
2. Mr. McKnight recommended that a three-year exception to the RBMS requirement that a missionary
be a member of his supporting church be granted to Mr. Brent Line and he be received as a
Missionary of GBC Carlisle. This motion must be approved at the General Assembly as well. See
Commentary section for further explanation.
Mr. Kronheim seconded.
Motion carried.
3. Committee Members for the following year: the entire committee is willing to serve another term --
Jim Adams, Dale Smith, Brad Wenger, and Mr. Martin.
Recommendation approved by acclamation.
Mr. Lindblad recommended that the current IRBS Trustees, Tom Greene, Don Lindblad, Mike McKnight,
and Steve Martin, be nominated to serve another year. Other committee appointments are pending.
Recommendation approved by acclamation.
3. The present committee members: Mr. Blackburn (chairman), Scott Swanson, Jim Renihan (ex
officio) and Larry Vincent are willing to continue, and Mike Castle was presented as a new
Recommendation approved by acclamation.
1. We hope to receive at the General Assembly six new churches into ARBCA membership. They
(1) Elm St. Baptist Church, Sweet Home, Oregon.
(2) Faith Reformed Baptist Church, Mattituck, NY.
(3) Founders Baptist Church, Griffin, Georgia.
(4) Grace Fellowship Church, Dover, Delaware.
(5) Heritage Baptist Church, Owensboro, Kentucky.
(6) The Baptist Tabernacle, Waycross, Georgia.
All but FRBC Mattituck have been interviewed and recommended by the committee.
Mr. Lutz moved all six be admitted into membership, pending recommendation concerning the
Mattatuck church.
Mr. Giarizzo seconded.
Motion carried.
2. A difficulty has arisen between Miller Valley Baptist Church and their pastor, Mr. Tom Chantry,
which resulted in Mr. Chantry’s resignation. An Informal Committee went to Arizona, interviewed
the parties involved, and sought to effect reconciliation. They submitted the following report to be
distributed to all the member churches in the Association.
At the request of the Elders of the Miller Valley Baptist Church of Prescott, Arizona and of Thomas
Chantry, former pastor of Miller Valley Baptist Church and at the direction of the Administrative Council of
the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America, an Informal Council consisting of Pastor Tedd
Tripp of Grace Fellowship Church of Hazelton, PA, Pastor Richard Jensen of Hope Reformed Baptist
Church, Farmingville, NY and Elder Marcus (Mike) McKnight of Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle, PA, was
sent to Phoenix and Prescott, Arizona. Its purpose was to investigate certain differences which had arisen
between the elders of Miller Valley Baptist church and its former Pastor, Tom Chantry.
The Informal Council was concluded and the differences between the Elders of the Miller Valley Baptist
Church and Thomas Chantry have been resolved and recommendations of the Council have been adopted by
the parties.
4. Mr. Dykstra recommended that the following men be approved to serve for the next year: John
Hueni, Steve Marquedant, Dale Smith, Gordon Taylor, David Dykstra.
Recommendation passed by acclamation.
4. The money market accounts should be opened shortly and interest income should increase.
5. Each of the three corporations will receive financial audits separately this year, and next year a full
business practice audit will be conducted.
6. Benefits:
Mr. Greene moved: Resolved that, subject to IRBS Trustee approval, it be ARBCA Organization
policy to pay Health Insurance and Life Insurance premiums as Organization benefits with
attendant tax exempt premiums on the Health and $50K of Life Insurance, but that Long Term
Disability Insurance not be a tax exempt benefit, though it may be purchased through the
Organization if advantageous to employees.
Mr. McKnight Seconded.
Motion Carried.
7. Mr. Greene moved the combined ARBCA/RBMS/IRBS combined budget be approved, subject to
adjustments to benefits packages.
Mr. Giarizzo seconded.
Motion carried
8. Mr. Green moved that budgeted ARBCA salary increases take effect in the middle of December
each year.
Mr. McKnight seconded.
Motion carried.
1. The Chairman of the Theology Committee requests that the present Committee serve for another
year. Current members include: Don Lindblad (chairman), Tom Lyon, Fred Malone, Fred Pugh,
Jim Renihan and Mike Renihan.
Recommendation approved by acclamation.
2. The Theology Committee submitted a Position Paper on the Regulative Principle of Worship. This
paper is to be sent to all the member churches for consideration and to be discussed and voted
upon by the churches at the General Assembly in March.
3. Mr. Blackburn recommended the TC address the issue of women in office in next year’s Position
3. Mr. Selph asked if we can adopt one date to secure and vote on all committee members for AC approval.
Mr. Lindblad moved all committee chairman present their approved recommended list of new committee
members by the January AC meeting each year.
Mr. Greene seconded.
Motion carried.
Miss Boatright will change all committee charters accordingly.
4. An anonymous donor has committed $125,000 to ARBCA to be used at the discretion of the AC.
Mr. Selph made the following recommendations were made as to how this money should be allocated:
a. Allocate $18,100.00 for the 2000 ARBCA Operating Fund to finish the year.
b. Allocate $1923.28 for the 2000 ARBCA/RBMS Special Projects to meet the $36,000 goal adopted at the
March GA in South Carolina.
c. Ask the IRBS Trustees to establish a General Scholarship Fund for IRBS with $42,488.36 of this gift or
divide these funds with the Endowment Fund as the Trustees think best.
Guidelines for the General Scholarship Fund need to be formed, and the monies of this fund are to be
distributed by an IRBS Scholarship Committee. This committee also needs to be formed. I recommend
that our IRBS Committee Chairman form this Scholarship Committee as soon as possible, and in
accordance with IRBS policies. The Scholarship Committee would need to establish criterion by which
scholarships are given and standards by which they are maintained.
d. Ask the RBMS Committee to provide a specific recommendation to the Administrative Council for
allocating $42,488.36 to projects in foreign missions. We would ask them to try to bring this
recommendation to us at our March 5, 2001 Administrative Council meeting in Texas.
e. Allocate $20,000 for the Publications Committee to publish two books - "Holding Communion Together -
Essays on Reformed Baptist Association" by five contributors (David Dykstra, Erroll Hulse, David
Kingdon, Jim Renihan, and Earl Blackburn) and "The Baptism of Disciples Alone - A Covenantal
Rejection of Infant Baptism" by Dr. Fred Malone. Actually $30,000 is needed; therefore the Trinity
Reformed Baptist Church of La Mirada, CA would like to request a Special Project in 2001 for the other
The IRBS Committee, the Publications Committee, and the RBMS Committee should be prepared to
present a detailed recommendation to the AC at our March 5, 2001 meeting in Mansfield as to how the
funds entrusted to them will be distributed.
All of the recommended allocation of this gift should be put before General Assembly in March for
approval before we proceed any further.
Mr. McKnight moved to receive these categories as presented by Mr. Selph, subject to the approval of the
churches. The amounts of items 1 & 2 are already approved in the 2000 Budget. The amounts of the other
items are to be approved by the GA.
Mr. Martin seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Greene moved that the Finance Committee develop a recommended spending policy for the AC
concerning special donations.
Mr. Lutz seconded.
Mr. McKnight noted that large gifts can be allocated to items already budgeted, and that any other
designations need to be approved by the churches. New categories cannot be created without the GA.
Motion carried.
Mr. Dykstra moved that a $10,000 special mission project be presented to the churches for publication of the
two books, "Holding Communion Together - Essays on Reformed Baptist Association" and "The Baptism of
Disciples Alone - A Covenantal Rejection of Infant Baptism"
Mr. Smith seconded
Motion carried.
6. Mr. Martin moved that the AC express our heartfelt thanks to the group of three mediators who went to
Prescott to assist with the problem in Miller Valley and to effect reconciliation. Mr. Dykstra is to write the
Mr. Howell seconded.
Motion carried.
7. Mr. Greene moved that we ask Mr. Selph to express the AC’s deepest appreciation to the anonymous donor
for his recent gift.
Mr. Giarizzo seconded.
Motion carried.
8. Date & time of next AC Meeting: Monday, March 5, 2001, 9:00 a.m. at Heritage Baptist Church in Mansfield,
Action/Follow-up Items
Responsible Description of Responsibility Due Date
RBMS Comm. Prepare detailed recommendation for disbursement of contributed funds March 5
IRBS Comm. Prepare detailed recommendation for disbursement of contributed funds March 5
Publications Prepare detailed recommendation for disbursement of contributed funds March 5
Mr. Selph Express appreciation to anonymous donor
Mr. Dykstra Write Mr. McKnight, Mr. Jensen, and Dr. Tripp to express appreciation
ALL Next meeting in Mansfield, TX March 5,
9:00 AM
1. Membership Committee: Mr. Giarizzo reported that a brother is interested starting a church in Gulfport, MS.
Fred Malone is in contact with him. Lou Sloger, a Southern Baptist pastor in Nebraska, has hopes to lead
his church to join the Association.
2. The RBMS Committee (Bob Selph, Walt Chantry, Brad Wanger, and Mr. Martin) spoke with Brent Line and
his wife concerning Grace Baptist Church of Carlisle’s request to grant him a three-year exception to the
membership policy for RBMS Missionaries. Brent does not want to cut off his membership of the local
church in Bogota so he can join the church in Carlisle. Mr. Line wants to work with his church and prepare
them for his transfer of membership over this period. Mr. Line has expressed that he is committed to the
pastors / elders of the church in Bogota, and wants to be perceived by them as being an extension of them
rather than an extension of the GBC Carlisle elders.
The exception is requested by Mr. Line and by the elders of GBC Carlisle. Mr. Line believes that in three
years, the man being trained to pastor the church he presently pastors should be ready to assume that
position, and Mr. Line will be ready to join GBC Carlisle and plant other churches as a member. GBC
Carlisle does not have a provision for joint or associate membership. This arrangement is an exception to
the stated RBMS policy.
3. IRBS: Mr. Lindblad reported that Dr. Renihan is scheduled to teach Baptist History for two weeks during the
winter term, January 16--19 and 23-26. Pastors and others are invited to come to Escondido and audit the
class. Several are planning to do so.
4. The Publications Committee submitted Dr. Renihan’s book to Calvary Press on Associations; currently
funds are not available to CP to publish this book. In addition, Dr. Malone’s book on Baptism is ready to go
to publication. Founders Press has expressed a willingness to publish it, but also lack funds.
Mr. Blackburn & Dr. Renihan plan to contact a major publisher (either EP or Founders Press) to seek an
agreement to publish books written by our men as a joint effort. Mr. Blackburn asked if there would be any
objection to such an arrangement, and none was noted. Financial arrangements are yet to be determined.
6. Finance Committee
If the organization pays the Health Insurance premiums, the premiums are a tax-exempt benefit to
employees. RBMS presently does this, and in future ARBCA will also. Dr. Renihan desires to take
advantage of this as well. In the future we recommend this be our practice.
If the organization pays the Life Insurance premiums, we understand the premiums on the first $50K are
tax-exempt. We are looking into having our organizations pay employee life insurance premiums directly so
employees can realize this tax benefit. We will need to make this a benefit for all to take advantage of it.
We anticipate this will be our practice.
Long Term Disability (Wage) Insurance: This can go either way. If the organization pays the premiums,
they can be tax-exempt. However, payouts would be taxable, should such be required. As well, we
understand this would have to be a benefit for all. One employee is not presently purchasing this insurance
and would not choose to experience the salary reduction to start receiving it. If premiums are paid out of
taxable income, the payout would be tax exempt, should such ever be required. As well all employees need
not participate – a desirable situation at present.
8. Mr. Greene suggested that the affected committees suggest a list of needs they could provide to Mr. Selph
for any gifts given in the future.
1. Mr. Blackburn asked about concerns expressed about Brent Line’s wife’s struggles with the culture. Mr.
Selph responded that Amy has been in Bogota for two years, but she is living in South Bogota, one of the
most violent and dangerous locations in the world. His elders have recommended Mr. Line seek more
suitable housing in North Bogota. She believes that change would help.
2. The AC received a report concerning the Council sent to Prescott, AZ, concerning the difficulties between
former pastor Tom Chantry and the church. Three reports will be distributed: a general report to be sent to
all the churches, a middle level report sent to all the AC members (to remain confidential), and a much fuller
report to be given only to nine individuals involved.
Mr. McKnight is to e-mail the public statement to be inserted. Distinction of 3 levels of reports is to remain
confidential!! Only the public statement is to be sent to the churches or noted in the public minutes.
3. Mr. Dykstra reports: The Membership Committee received a request from Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle,
Pennsylvania to assist them in a conflict resolution problem with one of their former members. I spoke with
the man and he refuses to have a part in this procedure. Our committee agrees that in such a case, there is
nothing more that we can do. I will be writing to the man making it clear that Grace Baptist Church was
willing to be investigated and reported on by an impartial council, and that refusal to have a part in this
procedure is refusal to have a part in a bona fide offer to settle differences in the way our Confession