A2 116 2014 PDF
A2 116 2014 PDF
A2 116 2014 PDF
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The health index model discussed in this paper, being the heart of the decision support tool, is
developed with dedicated transformer condition assessment functions in combination with usage based
estimations and a statistical approach using Monte Carlo simulations. This results in a colour coding
health index with two dimensions. The colour itself gives an indication of expected remaining life or
additional maintenance requirements and the colour intensity gives an indication of the assessment
reliability, thus providing a clear and easily readable dashboard for the asset manager.
The health index is part of a risk based approach for further decision support. Next to the transformer
health, this approach involves impact categorization, presentation and prioritization, and supports
selecting optimum sets of mitigation actions to manage the risks associated with the transformer
Health Index – Remaining life – Transformer condition – Transformer Management – Monte Carlo –
Power Transformers – Decision Support System – Risk Based Prioritization – Risk Matrix.
[email protected]
Nowadays network operators are facing many challenges in managing their grid, just to mention a
• Stakeholders have increasing demands with regard to safety, reliability, environmental impact and
financial results.
• Transformers deployed in the grid are approaching or exceeding the expected technical lifetime,
thereby introducing an increased risk of failure, and, as a result, a decreased level of reliability and
(possibly) safety.
In planning replacement and maintenance, amongst the vast number of transformers the asset manager
needs to identify which transformers require attention, and what is the best action to take at what time.
The choice becomes all the more complex as each transformer type has different failure modes, and
each failure may have different ways to influence the network. Estimating the expected time to failure
of transformers helps the network operators making the optimum replacement and maintenance
In this paper we will describe a Health Index and Risk Module, developed by DNV GL and applied at
several utilities worldwide, which enables the asset manager to oversee the health of all installed
transformers, recognize the required additional maintenance or replacement need per transformer, and
represent the results as a function of time. The model combines Health Indexing and Risk Analysis,
thereby providing full decision support on intervention actions to manage the grid.
Green, good condition: operation can be continued without any additional effort next to the standard
scheduled maintenance within the reference period.
Orange, additional maintenance required: operation can be continued provided that additional
maintenance or revision is carried out in addition to the standard scheduled maintenance within the
reference period.
Red, replacement within reference period: the end of life, or a significant failure probability, is
expected within the reference period, additional maintenance is not sufficient to extend the life beyond
the reference period.
Purple, immediate replacement: the condition of the equipment is critical and requires immediate
The translation of transformer data to a health index is performed by means of so-called Assessment
functions. For each type of transformer a set of functions is developed to determine the remnant life of
the transformer from the available condition input data.
The availability of data is an issue for many utilities. Most databases suffer from missing data,
therefore the model has a build in option to deduce the required data for the Assessment functions
from whatever data is available by so-called transfer functions, which enable estimating the required
input data using physical and statistical models.
The health index’ confidence level depends on the data quality and availability. Every assessment of a
condition indicator deals with uncertainty. For an asset manager it is crucial to know the confidence
level of the predicted outcome, before making a well-informed and substantiated decision. Therefore
the model produces the level of uncertainty by a color intensity coding which is derived from a
sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulations. Figure 2 shows an example of the color codes and
the color intensity shading that are used in the health index. Intensity increases with increasing
reliability of the result.
The core of the health index model is formed by the assessment functions that estimate the remaining
life of the transformer from available data. This estimation is based on critical degradation
mechanisms, analyzed by using failure mode effect and criticality analysis and well known condition
analysis techniques. The approach knows three different types of Assessment functions:
- The statistical remnant life function
- The degradation remnant life function
- The condition remnant life function
Figure 3 shows the graphical representation of the health index model using the three different types of
Assessment functions.
Figure 3: Health Index concept using three types of Assessment functions
0,00 0,00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Age [years] Age [years]
example, the load of oil filled paper insulated transformers determines the degradation of paper
insulation [4], [5]. If a transformer is highly loaded, its remaining life is shorter than that for a lowly
loaded transformer. Knowing the load and ambient temperature patterns allows estimating the remnant
life by means of loading guide models in combination with furfural analysis [6].
In many practice situations it is known what information is required to produce a reliable estimation of
lifetime, but the information required is not directly available. In that case this missing information
may be constructed, either by deduction or by statistical transfer, dependent on what kind of
information is missing.
Type of information
Available information
All assets
Missing information
Transfer by deduction
Transfer by statistical inference
estimated from for example: location (near sea or polluting industry), placement (indoor /
outdoor), cleaning practice, etc. This is called transfer by deduction.
Once the assessment functions and transfer functions have been executed the next step will be to
define the Health Index for the individual transformer. The assessment functions results will be
expected remnant life (RL) and / or expected time to additional required maintenance (TAM). A
decision diagram is used to define the color code of the health index.
X yrs:= reference period
RL > X yrs ? OK, regular Y yrs:= critical time
(unconditional) maintenance
RL > X yrs ? Additional
Maintainable ?
(conditional) maintenance
Fail within Y yrs Fail within X yrs
RL > Y yrs ?
Replace Replace
State of the art network owners use a risk based asset management system to support decision making
in managing the grid. To run a risk based transformer decision support model, one needs to estimate
the risks the network is facing. Ideally one should estimate the risk of all individual transformers,
enabling a prioritization of all transformers requiring attention.
The Health Index, estimating the remnant life of transformers based on failure probability, is
combined with the transformers criticality or failure impact, thereby opening the option to plot all
transformers in a risk matrix, tuned to the specific company core business values and circumstances.
6.1 Risk matrix and risk acceptance
Figure 9 shows an example of the risk matrix that has been designed for the Health Index. In this case,
instead of using a probability, the estimated remnant life is used as a probability indicator. For the
other axis the criticality is used as an impact indicator. Here the criticality is an indication of the
impact of a failing transformer to the system or surroundings. As an example Figure 9 shows only 4
criticality categories, however depending on each case a different number of criticality and remaining
life categories can be defined for each business value.
Remaining Life Very severe Severe Small Negligible
≤ 1 year Unacceptable Unacceptable High Medium
2-3 years Unacceptable High Medium Low
3-7 years High Medium Low Negligible
7-15 years Medium Low Negligible Negligible
> 15 years Low Negligible Negligible Negligible
To match best practice transformer management processes this matrix can been defined for all relevant
business values and KPIs. As an example:
- Reliability (SAIDI / SAIFI contribution or customer minutes lost)
- Safety (# Accidents / injured people)
- Financial (€ lost/spend)
To estimate the reliability impact of failure, typical functions have been drafted taking into account the
load and number of customers connected to the individual transformers, and the system topography
with its inherent redundancy.
To estimate the safety impact, the probability of fire and explosion has been analyzed per transformer
type, in combination with the transformer’s housing, type of substation and distance to public areas.
Once the transformers with the highest risks are identified, individual in depth analysis can be
performed on selected transformers if so required. Here the two dimensions, color code and color
intensity, of the Health Index come together. Transformers in the purple category require short term
replacement, however in case of a high level of uncertainty the transformer will require more detailed
analysis prior to a replacement decision. Transformers with a low level of uncertainty can be replaced
with minor studies.
For transformers in the red category a longer timeframe is available for more detailed studies and
condition assessment. This enables a focused in depth analysis to better substantiate a decision. Figure
10 gives a graphical representation of this principle.
The health index approach presented has been successfully applied at a number of utilities around the
world, in countries such as The Netherlands, Portugal, Oman, Brazil and Singapore. Typical health
index results show a 3D graph, a replacement wave plot, risk matrix plots, other representations can be
defined at will. Figures 11, 12 and 13 give some examples of such presentations.
- 1, Red, Replacement within 5 years
- 2, Orange, Replacement within 15 years
- 3, Yellow, Additional maintenance within 15
- 4, Green, Good, Remaining Life more than
15 years
- 5, Blue, As good as new, Remaining Life
more than 15 years; transformer younger than
5 years.
Figure 11: Health index result of the example
Figure 11 shows the final result of pilot Health Index implementation, where the color coding and the
color intensity are represented for the complete population. Here the color scheme has been slightly
modified; the following color code system is used in the Health Index:
Figure 12: Replacement wave with time to additional Figure 13: Risk matrix : bullet plot transformer
maintenance population
Figure 12 shows the expected replacement wave, based on the expected time to failure. This example
shows a pilot project result with a limited number of transformers. The blue lines represent the year of
commissioning of the transformers, the red lines represent the expected technical replacement time
and the green lines represent the expected time to additional maintenance.
Figure 13 shows the results of the assets plotted within the risk matrix. The tool is designed in such a
way that it can provide up to 5 business values with each 3 different KPIs. All KPIs are then
consolidated in one overall risk matrix, where each balloon represents one transformer.
Asset managers need to have a long term indication of the health of transformers showing the
replacement time or requirements for additional maintenance. The decision support tool presented in
this paper has proven to be very adequate to support the asset manager in prioritizing attention and
giving a dashboard of the transformers health and condition. Combining the Health Index with a
company risk framework further enables risk based prioritization. The example projects show the
result of the health index, enabling the asset manager to prioritize replacement decisions and improve
maintenance programs dedicated to the areas that require the most attention. With a minimum effort
the asset manager was able to assess the current status of the transformers and select a set of mitigation
actions. The risk based approach as mentioned in this paper is fully supporting a PAS 55 transformer
management approach.
[1] IEC, “IEC 62539:2007 - Guide for the statistical analysis of electrical insulation breakdown
data,” 2007
[2] Geoffrey Grimmett, Dominic Welsh, Probability an introduction, Oxford Science Publications
[3] R.A. Jongen, P. H. F. Morshuis, E. Gulski, J.J. Smit, J. Maksymiuk, A.L.J. Janssen, Application of
Statistical Methods for Making Maintenance Decisions within Power Utilities, IEEE Electrical
Insulation Magazine Nov/Dec 2006, Volume 22, number 6, ISSN 0883-7554
[4] IEC 60076-7, “Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers”
[5] IEEE C57.91-1995. IEEE guide for loading mineral-oil-immersed transformers, 1996
[6] “Remaining lifetime modeling for replacement of power transformer populations”, A. van
Schijndel e.a., 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing,