Abel Zamorano Latt

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Immigrants and U.S Economy

Lets just say that a immigrant is a hard worker and he or she is very intelligent but when he came

the to USA he never got a chance to work for the petroleum engineer company, He wanted to

work for them because he majored petroleum engineering from his country.So because he wasn't

legal in the united states he wasn't able to work for them and so he had to work in a landscaping

company.Later on a few years had past and that one immigrant had started his own landscaping

company.He now has people working for him which means he created job opportunities for

and not just that but he also pays taxes which you need to do here in the United states.According

the Small Business Administration, immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start a business in

United States than non-immigrants, and 18 percent of all small business owners in the United

States are immigrants.Also according to the Fiscal Policy Institute, small businesses owned by

immigrants employed an estimated 4.7 million people in 2007, and according to the latest

estimates, these small businesses generated more than $776 billion annually.Immigrants are also

more likely to create their own jobs, according the U.S. Department of Labor, 7.5 percent of the

foreign born are self-employed compared to 6.6 percent among the native-born. Increased

immigration to the United States has increased the earnings of Americans with more than a high

school degree. Between 1990 and 2004, increased immigration was correlated with increasing

earnings of Americans by 0.7 percent and is expected to contribute to an increase of 1.8 percent

over the long-term, according to a study by the University of California at Davis.Immigrants

benefit the U.S. economy because they participate in the labor force more than Americans who
were born here, they run small business and increase jobs and they pay taxes.Here in America


immigrants are more likely to work in the labor force more than people that were born here.I
know it
might not sound that big of a deal but the “labor force” is actually like a population or

group of people who are trying to work.For example, stay-at-home moms, retirees, and students

are not part of the labor force. ​Discouraged workers​ who would like a job but have given up

looking are not in the labor force either. To be considered part of the labor force, you must be

available, willing to work, and have looked for a job recently. The official ​unemployment rate

measures the jobless who are still in the labor force.There are also studies that show.With that

being said hispanics were 49% of the labor force.Immigrants are usually more likely to work in

service occupations.Which mean jobs that require someone to provide a service for a person or

company, rather than producing a product.For example a landscaping company or a construction

company, because in those types of jobs you are doing work for basically someone else.Then

where I don’t get why americans say immigrants take away jobs.Immigrants actually do really

hard work.They do work other people don’t want to do because it’s either to hard or because of

the conditions.Im not saying every immigrant does all the hard work because there are americans

that also do work really hard but i'm just saying that most of the time its immigrants doing really

hard work like in construction, landscaping, roofing and etc.When I look at it I think most of
big companies have lots of hispanic working for them,”Hispanics accounted for 47.9 percent of

foreign-born labor force in 2017t.”(BLS 2018).I also believe that every year the percentage of

immigrants working is going to grow because they also start a very young age to work.Mexican

immigrants are more likely than the native- and overall foreign-born populations to be of

age 18-64.(Migration policy institute 2018)Overall immigrants work really hard and do jobs

people can't do.Immigrants are more likely to start small business than people who were born

here.That is good thing because they aren't just starting a business but they are also creating more

job opportunities for other people whether its americans or immigrants.Which the percentage of

small business owned by immigrants is 18% which may not sound like a lot but it's almost ⅕ of

all small businesses.They don't just make or create more job opportunities, these small

make more than 700 billion annually which really contributes to our economy.The study found

that there were 900,000 immigrants among small-business owners in the United States, about 18

percent of the total.(New york times).I also have heard that some people are saying that

immigrants take away jobs but we technically make more jobs for them but at the same time

are jobs they probably don't want to do.For instance the unemployment rate of native born
in U.S was 4.4% and the foreign born persons which are immigrants were 4.1% that right there

shows that immigrants actually come here to work and not just do nothing while on the other

some native born persons don't want to work.I have also noticed that every time I go with my

to work we always see hispanics working on a saturday even on a sunday, and I don't know if

are immigrants but most of the the time they are.My dad is a immigrant and at the moment me

my dad are trying are hardest

when we go to work because in

the future we want to start a

landscaping company.In this

graph it shows how much of

what is listed on the graph is

shared with the United States.

So starting off with population,

it's basically saying immigrants

share 13% of the population

with non-immigrants, 16% of immigrants work in the labor force which is more than
non-immigrants.The third column shows the percentage of small businesses own by immigrants

which is higher than non-immigrants, because immigrants also show that they start more smaller

businesses.Then 28% of main street businesses owners are immigrants which are local,

businesses more than five years old with fewer than fifty employees.One of the biggest

misconceptions about immigrants is that they don’t pay any taxes.Our president donald trump

that immigrants don't pay taxes but I disagree.I mean yeah not every immigrant pay taxes but

is a good amount that do.According to some of my research there is a estimated total of $11.74

billion in state and local taxes a year.Also”that at least 50 percent of undocumented immigrant

households currently file income tax returns using Individual Tax Identification Numbers

(ITINs)”( Meg Wiehe 2017).There is also something that is wrong about how immigrants do pay

taxes which is they are paying taxes for benefits they cant even use like medicare and social

security.But at least the good thing about paying these taxes is that it creates a paper trail to show

when they entered the country and how long they’ve been contributing tax dollars.”Many are

hoping it will help them get legal status one day”.(Vox).Tax cuts boost demand by increasing

disposable income and by encouraging businesses to hire and invest more. Tax increases do the

reverse. These demand effects can be substantial when the economy is weak, but are smaller
it is operating near capacity(Tax policy institute).So whenever the economy is weak those

immigrants that pay taxes that's where they come in.That's how immigrants contribute to the

economy.That's when you realize that immigrants pay their taxes.When a immigrant pays taxes

not only obeying the law but it also is contributing with community or even the whole U.S,

because paying those taxes also helps other people and like roads, schools and parks.All those

people use on a daily like a highways.Those taxes help pay things like that and people dont look

that they just look at immigrants as things that are not true about them.Immigrants contribute to

the U.S economy because they take part in the labor force more than U.S citizens, they also start

small businesses and job opportunities, and they pay federal taxes.All these small businesses

immigrants start make more than 700 billion a year which really helps our economy.So that

those immigrants self employed by 7.5% in which is more than native born people by 6.6%.So if

these immigrants have a job they must be paying taxes in which they do.Studies show that they

pay 23 billion in income taxes a year but the only thing wrong about them paying taxes is that

they don't get the same benefits as americans like medicare and social security.This topic matters

to me because I don't like seeing no one suffer I just want everyone to be equal.My parents and
uncles are immigrants and I just want to see them succeed because they always tell me how it

for them when they were young.They barely had enough money to eat and it was just really hard

for them at the time.But I just want to see my mom and dad happy!I think our society should be

concerned because who is going to do all these jobs when there are no immigrants here.How

do you think the economy would look like?

Works Cited

mitchell hartman. “What Role Do Immigrants Play in U.S. Labor Force?” ​Market Place,​ 5
Apr. 2018, 9:27 ,
“According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, immigrants — both documented and
undocumented — made up 16.9 percent of the U.S. workforce in 2016, up from 13.3
percent in 2000. On average, immigrant workers are younger than native-born workers,
and they have a higher labor force participation rate.”

Peter G Peterson Foundation,​ 14 June 2018,


“There are 27 million foreign-born workers in the United States, making up 17% of the

total workforce”

jie zong. “Mexican Immigrants in the United States.” ​Migration Policy Institute,​ 11 Oct.

2018, https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/mexican-immigrants-united-states.

“Mexican immigrants are more likely than the native- and overall foreign-born

populations to be of working age (18 to 64)”

“Immigrants and Small Business.” ​New York Times,​ 3 June 2012,


html. “Immigrants are known as entrepreneurial people, for obvious reasons: those

with the ambition and energy to uproot themselves and build new lives in a distant

land are well equipped to build businesses and the economy, too. “

robert fairlie. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners, and Their Access

to Financial Capital Tools and Resources.” ​Minority Business Development Agency​,


ss-owners-and-their-access-financial. “Roughly two-thirds of immigrant-owned

businesses report that the most common source of startup capital is personal or

family savings.”

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