North-South Commuter Railway - Extension (Nscr-Ex) Project: Compensation and Entitlement
North-South Commuter Railway - Extension (Nscr-Ex) Project: Compensation and Entitlement
North-South Commuter Railway - Extension (Nscr-Ex) Project: Compensation and Entitlement
Group E*
PAPs who were former ISFs whose *Less any amount still owing on the
titles are still under the name of the title.
Group F Entitlements: Entitlements:
PAPs who are original patent holders of No compensation for land up to 20 m if No compensation for portion of land.
lands granted through C.A. 141 (no land patent granted prior to 1975, and up to In excess of government lien, follow
take yet) 60 meters if granted thereafter. In
other entitlements for PAPs who have
excess of government lien, follow other full title
entitlements for PAPs who have full title
Entitled Person Loss of Land (Severe/Full) Loss of Land (Marginal/Partial)
Group A* Entitlements:
PAPs who own fixed micro 1. Cash compensation for income losses during transition period
businesses (e.g. Small shops, sari- corresponding to stoppage of business activities, not to exceed six
sari store, carinderia, food stand,
repair shop, etc.) with or without 2. Cash compensation to cover transactional (e.g., permitting) cost of
reestablishing the business elsewhere;
permits from the LGU concerned
3. Assistance in securing soft loan to enable self-rehabilitation for those
restarting business elsewhere
Group B
PAPs who own medium and large
business establishments and own **For medium and large business, allow the owner of the structure and
the affected property business use of the land for a defined period to give the owner time to
transfer, subject to agreement on a case to case basis.
Group C ***For those who will continue with their commercial activities elsewhere,
PAPs who are owners of medium rental subsidy for three (3) months based on prevailing average monthly
and large business and are rental for a similar structure of equal type and dimension to the property
leasing/renting from property owners being leased. Not applicable to lease contracts that will expire within three
(3) months at the time of taking;
Group D Entitlements:
Vendors with no stalls / ambulant Assistance in identification of alternative temporary sites to continue
vendors/ hawkers (moves from place economic activity.
to place) e.g. assistance in (a) shifting to areas within the same LGU where there is
no construction and/or (b) identify alternative sites to sell
*Inclusion in the Livelihood Restoration and Improvement Program as prescribed in the RAP.
Entitled Person Loss of Income/Livelihood
Group E Entitlements:
PAPs who are employed in 1. Cash compensation for net salary for 4 months based on minimum
displaced commercial or industrial wage.
establishment losing job due to 2. Participation in the livelihood restoration program.
closure of business or laying off as a
3.Provision of skills training in anticipation of available job positions
result of minimized operation
during construction and operation.
4. Priority in employment during construction and operation stage of the
Group F
PAPs who permanently relocate to a
place that makes former wage based
livelihood opportunities inaccessible
and as a result need to find new
employment or source of livelihood.
Group G Entitlement:
Wage-based PAPs who are qualified If relocation is off-site, commuting allowance going to the original place of
and opted for assisted relocation work with an amount not exceeding Php 5,000 per household/ per month
for three months (not entitled to groups E and F of this slide);
Entitled Person Loss of Income/Livelihood
Group H Entitlements:
PAPs losing 10% or more of Entitled to participate in the Livelihood Restoration and Improvement
agricultural land. Program.
Group I Entitlements:
PAPs who are agricultural tenants 1. Financial assistance equivalent to the average gross harvest for the
and sharecroppers last three (3) years and not less than P15,000 per hectare (EO 1035).
2. Crop compensation will be made between the owner and
as per terms of the sharecropper in case of privately-owned land /
publicly-owned land.
3. In case of dispute over verbal agreement with sharecropper,
certification from elected representatives will be considered as legal
Group A Entitlements:
Government Agency/ Local Compensation between agencies based on mutual agreement.
Government Unit (LGU)
owners of affected public
structures and areas on
public land
Group B Entitlements:
Government Agency/ Local 1. Cash compensation for structures at full replacement cost.
Government Unit (LGU) 2. Reconstruction of the social infrastructure within easy reach of all users
owners of affected public 3. Hauling/transportation cost
structures and areas on
private land
Entitled Person Loss of Crops, Trees & Other Agricultural Produce
Group A Entitlements:
Owners of fruit and timber trees Cash compensation at replacement cost for affected fruit and timber trees.
Group B Entitlements:
Owners of crops (regardless Compensation for the affected perennial crops at market value of the crop at
of ownership status of full-term harvest time.
affected land) No compensation for annual crops but will be allowed time to harvest.
Group C Entitlements:
Aquaculture produce Allowance for costs associated with moving aquaculture stock.
Entitled Person Additional Hardship Due to Vulnerability
Group A Entitlements:
PAPs who are classified any In addition to applicable compensation:
of the following vulnerable 1. Inconvenience allowance in the amount equivalent to Php 10,000 per
groups: poor (based on the household.
poverty income threshold), 2. For the families with persons who need special assistance and/or medical
elderly and single women-
care, respective LGUs to provide nurses or social workers to help them
headed household, persons before and during the resettlement activity.
with disabilities..
3. Rehabilitation assistance in the form of skills training and other development
activities with the value of up to Php 15,000 will be provided in coordination
with other government agencies.
4. Support to access government welfare programs
5. Inclusion in the Livelihood Restoration and Improvement Program as
prescribed in the RAP
Entitled Person Temporary Impacts Due to Construction
Group A Entitlements:
PAPs without legal rights to 1. Restoration of land within 3 months of completion of use.
affected land but owners of 2. Compensation for affected non-land assets at full replacement cost.
affected non-land assets.
Group B
PAPs who have legal rights to Cash payment for rent of the affected land at prevailing rental rates in the
the land location of the property until the property is restored
Group C Entitlements:
Severance impacts/ barrier The project will provide for crossings and continued access
effect during construction
disrupting lateral movement
Should there be any concern, please refer to the hotlines below:
GLOBE: (0927) 450 6720
SMART: (0939) 223 7993
E-MAIL: [email protected]