E10920585c19 Jurna Satya
E10920585c19 Jurna Satya
E10920585c19 Jurna Satya
Published By:
Retrieval Number:E10920585C19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E1092.0585C19 654 & Sciences Publication
International Conference on Recents Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET-18) |15th and 16th
March 2019|Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Telangana, India.
based on a culture that encourages the giving of projects to Namely they choose contractors based on price and expect
the lowest bidder. For this reason, clients adopt a very their interests to be protected through contractual provisions
narrow view of relationships with designers and contractors. (Ngowi, 2000)
Published By:
Retrieval Number:E10920585C19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E1092.0585C19 656 & Sciences Publication
International Conference on Recents Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET-18) |15th and 16th
March 2019|Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Telangana, India.
perception of quality culture is the provision of work ethics expertise and trains employees to master themselves (self-
(work culture) in the process of part of learning control
competencies in the vocational sector. Trust
After the desire of management to empower, the next step
Internal Integration
is to build trust between management and employees. The
This is an ability to generate all function at the office then existence of mutual trust between members of the
create the efficient of business process within the integration organization will create good conditions for the exchange of
framework. information and advice without fear. Things that are
External Adaptation included in the trust include: Providing opportunities for
employees to participate in policy making. Providing
It is the skill to understand how to keep on standing in
sufficient time and resources for employees to complete
bad situation or to make the better condition in the business
work. Providing adequate training for work needs.
process or performances.
Appreciate differences in views and appreciate the success
Leadership achieved by employees. Providing sufficient information
The timeline of organizational culture also includes two access.
other important elements of strategy for business Confident
competitiveness: cost optimization and orientation towards The next step after mutual trust is to create employee
product manufacturing or the provision of services with high confidence by respecting the capabilities possessed by
added value. This business strategy focus is known as employees. Things that include actions that can cause
'leadership costs' and ‟differentiation confidence include: Delegating important tasks to
employees. Explore ideas and suggestions from employees.
Costumer Focus Expand tasks and build networks between departments.
The requirement for restructuring in an organization is to Provide a job instruction schedule and encourage good
meet customer satisfaction. In construction, known 3 solutions.
customer satisfactions, including: Work Safety, Quality Credibility
achieved, Cost efficient, Time in accordance with planning. The fourth step is to maintain credibility by rewarding
and developing a work environment that encourages healthy
Team Work
competition so as to create organizations that have high
Teamwork is a form of group work that aims to achieve performance. Things that include credibility include:
targets that have been agreed upon previously. It must be Viewing employees as strategic partners, increasing targets
realized that teamwork is a variety of personal fusion that in all parts of the work, Introducing individual initiatives to
becomes a person to achieve a common goal. The goal is not make changes through participation, helping to resolve
a personal goal, not a team leader goal, nor is it the most differences in goal setting and priorities.
popular personal goal in the team. Accountability
Understanding and supporting each other is the key to The next step in the empowerment process is the
success from teamwork. Never ignore this understanding employee's responsibility to the authority given. By setting
and support. Even though personal disputes occur, the team consistently and clearly about the roles, standards and
must immediately get rid of them first. If not, life in the objectives of the assessment of employee performance, this
team will obviously be disrupted. Even in one team it may stage is a means of evaluating the performance of employees
come from a different division background which in the completion and responsibility for the authority given.
sometimes also stores disputes. So it's very important to Accountability includes: Using training channels in
realize that togetherness as a team member is above all. evaluating employee performance, Providing clear tasks and
Involvement clear measures, Engaging employees in determining
standards and sizes, Providing advice and assistance to
Job involvement as the level to what extent a person's
employees in completing workloads, Providing period and
work performance influences his self-esteem and the degree
time of giving feedback
to which someone psychologically identifies himself with
his work or the importance of work in his total self-image. Communication
Individuals who have high involvement more identify Communication is an important factor in many ways,
themselves at work and consider work as a very important including in fostering a quality culture. Organizations that
thing in their lives. have a good quality culture always have an effective
Empowerment communication model, both between individuals in groups
and between groups. The flow of communication can be
The empowerment model including:
used freely, openly, honestly and lasts two directions, even a
large company.
The first step in the empowerment model is the desire of
management to delegate and involve workers. These
include: Workers are given the opportunity to identify
developing problems. Minimize directive personality and
expand worker involvement. Encourage the creation of new
perspectives and rethink work strategies. Describes team
Education & Training so that various activities must be carried out by the
Training is very important for organizational employees organization to improve it.
to be more productive. Besides that Supervisors must be Strategy & Quality Policy
responsible for implementing a quality culture in their
Quality strategy and policy is a form of company
department, including teaching basic philosophy of quality
commitment to the quality of products produced in a
culture to all their subordinates. Training that is usually
business process, namely in the form of a quality
needed by employees in supporting the implementation of a
management system. The Quality Management System
quality culture includes; interpersonal skills, teamwork
defines how organizations consistently implement quality
skills, problem solving, decision making, analysis and
management practices to meet customer and market needs.
improvement of work management performance, business
economics, and technical skills. At the time of creation and Improving Competitiveness
formation of a quality culture, employees should be trained Improved good governance in the development of
immediately so that they can become effective employees construction services seems to be the main key to
for the company. competitiveness. Transparency in the provision of
Continuous Improvement consulting services still needs to be improved. A suitable
electronic procurement system must be made in selecting a
The process of improving quality is a fundamental need
consulting company (Rizal Z. Tamin, 2015). The TQM
in the world of industry, banking, services, and education.
aspect is most important for increasing competitive
His strategic position made Harrington dare to say,
advantage, thereby helping decision making about resource
"Improvement is not part of the game - it is the game today.
allocation (Sin Kit Ying, 2018).
Everyone wants things to change for the better. ....... You
The relationship between culture and economic growth is
can no longer wait for someone else to change. The
by no means a new subject (Gershman, 2016). There is a
improvement process must start with you ". The process
strong relationship between quality, strategy and
cannot run once in a lifetime, but continuous or continuous
competitiveness (Prajogo, 2007). Culture comprises of the
efforts are needed.
convictions, standards and fundamental assumptions that
Motivation support behavioral items and patterns (Ott, 1989) (Zeitz,
In principle, every individual involved in it will jointly 1997). Business strategy and communication relations are
strive to create ideal working conditions in order to create an the dominant approaches carried out to improve
atmosphere that supports the efforts to achieve the expected competitiveness (Sauka, 2014). By using the Dynamic
goals. System it is known that the Time and Finance variables can
be used as the dominant factor to determine the
Supplier Relationship Competitiveness Index in the Construction sector
Companies and Suppliers (Suppliers / Vendors) are in (Dangerfield, 2010). It was concluded that awareness of the
need of each other. Having mutually beneficial cooperation ownership of QMS ISO 9001 on a large scale qualifying
will enhance the ability of both parties to create value for contractor has utilized Indonesian construction companies to
success. Establish a balanced relationship between short- promote quality in carrying out construction projects and
term benefits with long-term consideration. Synergize delivery of construction products. By showing that the
expertise and resources in pairs with suppliers. Identify and importance of meeting quality construction products for the
select key suppliers. Arrange joint development, for satisfaction of the project team, project owners, and project
flexibility and speed to respond to changing market needs. end users (Willar, 2017). The Porter‟s framework also helps
Give enthusiasm, encouragement and appreciation for the detect problem areas for the industry and has provided
improvement and achievement of suppliers. valuable insights into possible solutions to be taken (ÖZ,
2001). The national construction industry in the future can
Organization Structure
grow fast and passionate if the right policies are set and
Organizing is regulating the elements of agency / consistently implemented according to their priorities (Hari
department resources that consist of labor, experts, G. Soeparto, 2014)
materials, funds, etc. in a rare movement that is synchronous
to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. In
the organization compiled and laid down the basics of
guidelines and instructions for activities, reporting lines,
division of tasks, and responsibilities of each group and
leadership. Because the purpose of an agency / department
is different, the organizational structure is also the same,
meaning that no organization can be used for all kinds of
activities and situations with the same results.
Recognition & Reward
Performance is the result of work produced by employees
or real behavior that is displayed in accordance with its role
in the organization. Employee performance is a very
important thing in the organization to achieve its objectives,
Published By:
Retrieval Number:E10920585C19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E1092.0585C19 658 & Sciences Publication
International Conference on Recents Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET-18) |15th and 16th
March 2019|Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Telangana, India.
This research performs study case at Power Plant
X Variable -----> Y T Statistics
Construction Service Company. The study is benchmarking
Variable (|O/STERR|)
to existing literature related to quality culture. Data obtained
through literature analysis, and validated by experts. National Culture ----
Questionnaire is validated by Structural Equation Models > Competitiveness 2.096
and strategy is benchmarking to Power Plant Construction Vocational Culture --
Company. Modelling strategy to improve quality culture ---> Competitiveness 3.957
will be provided as the result. Organizational
Culture ---->
IV. RESULTS AND FINDINGS Competitiveness 3.856
After processed with SmartPLS, Crossloading analyses
will be use to understand the dominant variable X improving There are 13 indicators of competitiveness that have cross
variable Y. Please see the diagram below: loading values above the average, so it is stated that the
dominant quality targets used as competitiveness in power
plant construction service companies through a quality
culture built on activities in their companies include:
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Published By:
Retrieval Number:E10920585C19/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E1092.0585C19 660 & Sciences Publication
International Conference on Recents Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET-18) |15th and 16th
March 2019|Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Telangana, India.