Observer-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control For Unknown Time-Delay Chaotic Systems With Input Nonlinearity
Observer-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control For Unknown Time-Delay Chaotic Systems With Input Nonlinearity
Observer-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control For Unknown Time-Delay Chaotic Systems With Input Nonlinearity
DOI 10.1007/s11071-011-0072-9
Received: 7 November 2010 / Accepted: 4 May 2011 / Published online: 2 June 2011
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Abstract Existence of unknown time-delay in the Keywords Chaos control · Model reference adaptive
systems is a drastic restriction that it can menace the control · Observer-based system · Dead-zone and
stability criteria and even deteriorate the performance hysteresis nonlinearity
system. This undesired case would be more inten-
sified if that the uncertain input nonlinearity effects
are also considered. To handle the input nonlineari- 1 Introduction
ties effects (results in dead-zone and/or hysteresis phe-
nomena) and also unknown time-delay in the chaotic During past two decades, problem of chaos control has
systems, this paper presents an observer-based Model generated great deal interesting in the control com-
Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) scheme for a munity. This comes from the fact that chaos phenom-
class of unknown time-delay chaotic systems with dis- ena in some practical systems such as gyroscopes and
turbances. This new method is a delay-independent plates generate the irregular oscillations which may of-
variable-structure control method which is integrated ten cause harm in the systems. However, having better
with an observer system. The main task of the pro- system performance against this catastrophic situation
posed approach is to accomplish a perfect tracking requires moving the state trajectory to a desired region
procedure such that unknown parameters are adapted through the control methods. From the Ott’s work [1]
via output estimation error. Furthermore, stability of in 1990 as a first effort concerning with the chaos con-
the closed-loop system is achieved by means of the trol, many researchers have developed control meth-
Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, the proposed meth- ods for various chaotic systems via different tech-
niques. Among them, robust control method [2], adap-
ods are applied to some famous chaotic systems to ver-
tive observer-based approach [3], sliding mode con-
ify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
trol [4], CLF approach [5], and backstepping design
[6] can be mentioned. Nevertheless, most of the rele-
vant works in literature have been investigated on the
H. Adloo () · N. Noroozi · P. Karimaghaee
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
chaotic systems without time delay. It is well known
Shiraz University, 71377-54633, Shiraz, Iran that in many natural systems, especially in the chaotic
e-mail: [email protected] systems, commonly there exists unknown time delay
N. Noroozi which is due to practical limitations in measurements
e-mail: [email protected] devices, transportation lag, computing time, and so on.
P. Karimaghaee However, time-delayed chaotic systems represent poor
e-mail: [email protected] system performance and because of their distributed
1338 H. Adloo et al.
characteristic, require to more complicated control de- systems when they exposed to the unknown input
sign. Tian and Gao [7] presented two model reference nonlinearities (dead-zone or hysteresis nonlinearity),
adaptive control methods for a class of first order time- a model reference adaptive variable-structure control
delay chaotic systems in two cases, known and un- is presented. Furthermore, an adaptive nonlinear ob-
known time delay. Nevertheless, in the previous men- server is designed to estimate the system states. Using
tioned works, except unknown time delay, any distur- Lyapunov stability theory, it is shown that the closed-
bance and/or uncertainties are not considered. Another loop system is stable and the states of the system track
work related to this case was presented by Hua and the desired trajectory. Finally, the effectiveness of the
Guan [8]. In that work, two adaptive and nonadaptive proposed methods is examined by presenting three nu-
control approaches, which are independent of the time merical examples.
delay, are investigated. However, in [8], it is assumed The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
that all states of the system is available while it is a re- tion 2 represents a lemma and some notations are
strictive assumption in practice. This problem can be reviewed. In Sect. 3, a general form of the time-
handled implicitly by using the observer systems. For delay chaotic systems is introduced and some assump-
example, a fuzzy observer-based adaptive control for tions are also presented. The main proposed adaptive
the chaotic-fuzzy systems was proposed by Ting [9]. method is proposed in Sect. 4. Section 5 contains the
The work has solved the problems of synchronization, simulation results. Section 6 provides the concluding
stabilization, and tracking control. To see the several remarks.
techniques concerning it, refer to [10–12].
Two another physical limitations which reduce sys-
tem performance and even may cause instability are
2 Preliminaries
dead-zone and hysteresis nonlinearities. Generally,
properties of these nonlinearities phenomena exist in
Throughout this paper, we will use some necessary no-
the control system components, for example, the hys-
tations and lemmas which are here presented. Assume
teresis nonlinearity can be observed in electronic re-
w is a vector such that
lay circuits and electromagnetic devices. Moreover,
the dead-zone nonlinearity effects generally appear in
w = [w1 · · · wi · · · wn ]T (1)
mechanical actuators, servo systems, and other physi-
cal dynamics. However, the proposed approaches in Let w∞ , w1 , and w represent ∞-norm,
the previous works are applied to the chaotic sys- 1-norm, and the Euclidean norm (2-norm) respec-
tems without the nonlinearities effects with unknown tively. Also, sgn(w) indicates a vector sign function
time delay simultaneously while it is appeared in some of w that is defined as follows:
chaotic systems. Motivated by the removing these ef-
fects, for the nonchaotic systems, one can find sev- sgn(w) = sgn(w1 ) · · · sgn(wi ) · · · sgn(wn ) (2)
eral proposed techniques in literature (see [13–18]).
Beside, some earlier works concerning the chaos sys- where
tem control with only input nonlinearities can be men- ⎧
tioned in [19–24]. Adaptive control methods inte- ⎨ 1: wi > 0
grated with approximation procedure of nonlinearities sgn(wi ) = 0: wi = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (3)
input function are effective to deal with the input non- −1: wi < 0
linearity effects in the chaotic systems is. For exam-
ple, [19] and [20] have proposed approximation meth- Lemma ([25, 29]) For any vector x and y in R n , we
ods to tackle unknown dead-zone nonlinearity using have
fuzzy-neural network and fuzzy logic systems. Other
x ≤ x1
approaches are also investigated in some authors such T
as the backstepping control method [21], fuzzy con- x y ≤ x∞ y1 (4)
trol systems [22], sliding mode control [23], and the 1
adaptive variable-structure control method [24]. xTy ≤ x2 + λy2
In this paper, to perform a perfect tracking pro-
cedure for a class of unknown time-delay chaotic where λ is a positive real number.
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1339
+ Bu(t) + Bν(t) (5) Assumption 5 (A5) There exist a matrix K and posi-
y(t) = Cx(t) tive definite matrices R and S satisfying
Remark 1 It can be easy shown that there are several where xm (t) ∈ R n is the reference state variable and
chaotic systems which can be categorized in the form r(t) ∈ R l and ym (t) ∈ R p are the reference input
of (5), such as the Chua circuit [9] and the Mackey– signal and the desired output trajectory, respectively.
Glass model [27]. Am and Bm are also constant matrices with proper di-
mensions. It is well known that Am is a Hurwitz ma-
Assume that system (5) satisfies some reasonable trix.
conditions and are stated as follows.
Assumption 6 (A6) There exist two matrices F ∈
R p×n and L ∈ R p×l such that
Assumption 1 (A1) There exist two unknown posi-
tive values, τ1 and τ2 such that Am = A + BF (13)
delay and they are satisfied in this assumption [7–9].
η x(t), x t − τ (t)
≤ α
+ β
x t − τ (t)
A2 and A3 are commonly considered to guarantee ex-
istence of the solution of the system (5). A4 represents
a common strictly positive real (SPR) condition and
A5 shows the controllability of the system. Note that
where α and β are unknown positive real numbers.
two equalities represented in A6 are common match-
ing conditions.
Assumption 3 (A3) Consider the disturbance, v(t), is
bounded such that
4 Proposed adaptive control methods
supv(t) =
∞ ≤ δ (9)
Consider the chaos system description (5) satisfying
where δ is an unknown positive real number. assumptions A1 to A6. In this section, for the sake of
1340 H. Adloo et al.
μ̂ (20)
controller is introduced when the input nonlinearities
are not considered; then by making some modifica- where k1 and k2 are the positive numbers. Now notice
tions in the controller, it is shown that the proposed the following theorem.
method is robust against the hysteresis and dead-zone
input nonlinearities effects. Theorem 1 Consider the time-delayed chaotic system
dynamic (5) satisfying assumptions A1–A6. By apply-
4.1 Design without input nonlinearity ing the adaptive controller (18) with respect to the ob-
server system (15) while the unknown parameters are
Notice that our main objective in this section is to adapted as (19) and (20), it is shown that the closed-
make the system output (5) capable to track a desired loop system dynamics are stable and the estimation er-
trajectory constructed by system (12). To perform this ror, ê(t), and the tracking error, e(t), converge to zero.
and noting to the fact that we do not have any access
to the states of the system, x(t), it is required to design Proof Noting (16) and according to (5) and (15), the
an observer system which gives the estimation of x(t). estimation error dynamics can be written as
For this purpose, introduce the following dynamic sys-
˙ = Aê(t) + Bη x(t), x t − τ (t) + Bν(t)
tem as an observer model:
˙ = Ax̂(t) + Bu(t) + 1 θ̂ B y(t) − C x̂(t)
x̂(t) − B y(t) − C x̂(t)
2 2
1 μ̂
+ μ̂Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (15) − Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (21)
2 2
ŷ(t) = C x̂(t) On the other hand, from (12), (15), and (17), the track-
where x̂(t) ∈ ∈
R n , ŷ(t) Rp
are the state and output ing error dynamic is
estimation variable, respectively. θ̂ and μ̂ are the adap-
tation parameters. ė(t) = Ax̂(t) + Bu(t) + B y(t) − C x̂(t)
Remark 3 Note that the dynamic equation of many μ̂
+ Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
chaotic systems can be described by (15). For exam- 2
ple, Chen, Lorenz, Lu, and Rossler systems are the − Am xm − Bm r(t) (22)
important samples of them.
Replace control input (18) and then by applying
Define the estimation error and the tracking error, matching condition (13) and (14), we have
respectively, as follows:
ė(t) = (A + BK)e(t) + BF xm + BLr(t)
ê(t) = x(t) − x̂(t) (16) 1
− B θ̂ y(t) − C x̂(t)
e(t) = x̂(t) − xm (t) (17) 2
+ μ̂ sgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
Now, consider that the control input, u(t), is chosen as
shown below: 1
− BF xm − BLr(t) + B θ̂ y(t) − C x̂(t)
u(t) = Ke(t) + F xm + Lr(t) − y(t) − C x̂(t) + μ̂ sgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (23)
μ̂ After removing the extra terms in (23), the tracking
− sgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (18)
2 error dynamic is
where the adaptation parameters θ̂ and μ̂, are gener- ė(t) = (A + BK)e(t) (24)
ated by the following update laws:
2 Now to show the stability of the error dynamics
θ̂˙ = k1
B T P ê(t)
(19) (21) and (24) with respect to the updating laws (19)
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1341
and (20), let us introduce the following candidate − λ
ê t − τ (t)
Lyapunov–Krasovskii function
2 1
e t − τ (t)
+ θ̃˙ θ̃ + μ̃
1 ˙
t μ̃ (28)
k1 k2
V (t) = êT P ê + eT Se +
1 − τ2 t−τ (t) According to A2 and noting to the errors in (16) and
2 1 2 1 2 (17), we have
ds + θ̃ + μ̃ (25)
2k1 2k2
2êT P Bη x(t), x t − τ (t)
where λ is a positive real constant and θ̃ = θ − θ̂, μ̃ =
≤ 2
B T P êT
+ β
x t − τ (t)
+ α
+ β
x̂ t − τ (t)
− λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
+ α
+ β
e t − τ (t)
1 ˙ 1 ˙
+ θ̃ θ̃ + μ̃ μ̃ (26) + α
xm (t)
+ β
xm t − τ (t)
k1 k2
Now replace (21) and (24) into (26), that is, Note that the desired state, xm , is bounded, therefore,
it can be assumed that
+ 2eT S(A + BK)e(t) + α
+ β
e t − τ (t)
+ σ (30)
2 +
2 Using the lemma, we can write
1 − τ2
2 2êT P Bη x(t), x t − τ (t)
− λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
4 2
≤ α + β 2
B T P êT
+ λ
+ θ̃˙ θ̃ + μ̃
1 1 ˙
μ̃ (27) λ
k1 k2
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
V̇ (t) = êT P (A − MC) + (A − MC)T P ê
Also, from the lemma, it can be easily shown that
+ 2êT P MC ê + 2êT P Bη x(t), x t − τ (t)
B P ê
B P ê
+ 2êT P Bν(t) − θ̂ êT P B y(t) − C x̂(t) 1
− μ̂êT P Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) Thus,
+ 2eT S(A + BK)e 2P B êT η x(t), x t − τ (t)
4 2
2 +
2 ≤ α + β 2
B T P ê
+ λ
1 − τ2 λ
1342 H. Adloo et al.
ê t − τ (t)
4 1
+ −θ̂ + α 2 + β 2 +
B P ê
λ ϕ
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
1 (33)
+ −μ̂ + 2σ + 2
B T P ê
Moreover, we have the following inequality: 1 ˙ 1 ˙
+ θ̃ θ̃ + μ̃ μ̃ (39)
1 k1 k2
2ê P MC ê ≤ ϕ êP MM P ê + êP BB T P ê
ϕ So, substituting updating laws (19) and (20), we have
where ϕ is a positive value. In addition, it can be veri-
fied that V̇ (t) ≤ −ê Q − ϕP MM P − λI −
êT P Bν(t) ≤
B T P ê
1 (35) λ
− eT R − λI − e
4 1
+ −θ̂ + α 2 + β 2 +
B P ê
and − θ̃
B T P ê
− μ̃
B T P ê
1 (40)
θ̂ êT P B y(t) − C x̂(t) Thus,
= θ̂ êT P BB T P ê = θ̂
B T P ê
(37) V̇ (t) ≤ −ê Q − ϕP MM T P − λI −
T λ
1 − τ2
Now, apply expressions (33)–(37) to (28), therefore,
we have − eT R − λI − e
1 − τ2
V̇ (t) ≤ −êT Qê + ϕ êP MM T P ê + êP BB T P ê 4 1
B T P ê
ϕ + −θ + α 2 + β 2 +
λ ϕ
+ α 2 + β 2
B T P êT
+ λ
+ −μ + 2σ + 2
B P ê
λ ∞ 1
+ ê t − τ (t)
Since the adaptations laws, (19) and (20), are increas-
ing, hence choosing sufficiently large positive values
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
1 for initial conditions θ̂0 and μ̂0 and also selecting
2 smallest values for ϕ and λ lead to V̇ (t) ≤ 0. There-
+ 2
B T P ê
1 − θ̂
B T P ê
fore, the closed-loop system is uniformly bounded and
− μ̂
B T P ê
1 + 2eT S(A + BK)e estimation error, ê, and tracking error, e, will be con-
verged to zero.
2 +
1 − τ2 4.2 Robustness to the input nonlinearities
− λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
Due to some practical limitations in the control sys-
tems, it is commonly observed that the control input
+ θ̃˙ θ̃ + μ̃
1 1 ˙
μ̃ (38)
k1 k2 is conditioned by the unknown nonlinear and/or nons-
mooth functions. Among them, hysteresis and dead-
Then by doing some simplifications, we can write zone nonlinearities very commonly occurred, which
limit the system performance and sometimes even
V̇ (t) ≤ −ê Q − ϕP MM P − λI −
ê causes the instability.
1 − τ2
In this section, we will introduce the dead-zone
λ nonlinearity and a model of hysteresis function, re-
− eT R − λI − e
1 − τ2 spectively.
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1343
Fig. 3 States of the Chua circuit (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model system (dotted line) in case 1
tial condition of the observer system is chosen as 2, m2 = 1, and m2 = 0.5. In the numerical simulation,
[−0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5]T . Moreover, we used following matrix in the controller (44):
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
−8.1 10 0 1 0 0 1.5 0 0
F =⎣ 1 1 1⎦, L = ⎣0 1 0⎦ M̂ = ⎣ 0 0.8 0 ⎦
0 −15 3 0 0 1 0 0 0.35
and the desired trajectories are selected as The simulation results have been shown in Figs. 3–5.
⎧ Figure 3 depicts the state variables of the Chua cir-
⎪ πt −0.5t
⎪ r1 (t) = e cuit system, observer, and reference model systems.
⎪ 2
⎨ In Figs. 4, and 5, the control input and the adaptation
1 πt
r2 (t) = cos parameters through the time are demonstrated, respec-
⎪ 2 4
⎪ tively.
⎪ 1
⎩ r3 (t) = cos(2πt)
Case 2: (Backlash-like hysteresis) In this case, the
Case 1: (Dead-zone) In this case, the adaptation backlash-like hysteresis model (46) has been consid-
gains are k1 = 5 and k2 = 20. Also, the dead-zone ered with αi = 1, and Bi1 = 0.5 for i = 1, 2, and 3.
parameters for all inputs, z1 (t), z2 (t), and z3 (t), are Moreover, c1 = 0.1, c2 = 0.2, and c3 = 0.5. In the sim-
ni1 = 1, ni2 = −1 for i = 1, 2, and 3. Moreover, m1 = ulation, we assigned k1 = 5 and k2 = 15. The initial
1346 H. Adloo et al.
x(t − τ )
ẋ(t) = −x(t) + 2
Fig. 5 Estimation parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in 1 + |x(t − τ )|w
case 1
+ N z(t) + Bv(t), w > 1 (51)
conditions are selected to be same as the previous ex- Here, we consider w = 10 and τ = 0.8. Also, the dis-
ample. In addition, turbance is v(t) = 0.5 cos(t) and F = 1 and L = 1.
⎡ ⎤ The reference input is also r(t) = sin(πt/2). The state
0.05 0 0 response for the Mackey–Glass model is considered as
Ĉ = ⎣ 0 0.1 0 ⎦ x(t) = 1 − 0.2 sin(t) for t ∈ [−0.8, 0]. In addition, the
0 0 0.3 initial condition of the observer system is x̂0 = −0.5.
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1347
Fig. 6 States of the Chua circuit system (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model system (dotted line) in case 2
Case 3: (Dead-zone nonlinearity) Dead-zone non- Case 5: (Dead-zone) The dead-zone nonlinearity’s
linearity’s parameters are n1 = n2 = 1 and m = 1.5. parameters are n1 = n2 = 1 and m = 2. Moreover,
The simulation results of this example for k1 = 1, k2 = k1 = 2.5 and k2 = 10. The simulation results for m̂ =
1.5, and m̂ = 0.7 are illustrated in Fig. 9. 1.2 are illustrated in Fig. 11.
Case 4: (Backlash-like hysteresis) In this example, Case 6: (Backlash-like hysteresis) The backlash-like
the parameters of the backlash model are α = 0.3, hysteresis’ parameters are α = 0.3, B1 = 1, and c = 1.
B1 = 0.5, and c = 2. The simulation results for k1 = By selecting k1 = 6 and k2 = 0.6 and ĉ = 0.05, the
1, k2 = 1.5, and ĉ = 1 are shown in Fig. 10. simulation results are obtained as shown in Fig. 12.
˙ = Aê(t) + Bη x(t), x t − τ (t)
+ B D z(t) − u(t)
+ Bν(t) − B y(t) − C x̂(t)
− Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (A.1)
Note that the model of the dead-zone nonlinearity (42)
can be reformulated as
Fig. 8 Estimation parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in D z(t) = M̄z(t) + ζ z(t) (A.2)
case 2
where M̄ = diag(m1 , m2 , . . . , mp ) and ζ (z(t)) =
[ζi (zi (t))]1×p where ζi (zi (t)) for i = 1, . . . , p are
Appendix A: Robustness to dead-zone evaluated as follows:
nonlinearity ⎧m n
⎪ i 1i for zi ≥ n1i ,
⎨ −mi zi for 0 ≤ zi < n1i ,
ζi zi (t) = (A.3)
Regarding system (43) and observer system (15), the ⎩ −mi zi for −n2i < zi < 0,
estimation error dynamic is mi n2i for zi ≤ −n2i
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1349
Fig. 9 a State of Mackey model (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model (dotted line), b Control input, c Estima-
tion parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in case 3
Fig. 10 a State of Mackey model (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model (dotted line), b Control input, c Esti-
mation parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in case 4
θ̂ + M̃ M̂ −1 Ke(t)
− B y(t) − C x̂(t)
+ 2êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 F xm (t) + Lr(t)
− Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (A.7) + ν(t) + ζ (t)
On the other hand, noting (15), (18), and (12), the − θ̂ êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t)
tracking error dynamic is
− μ̂êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 sgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
ė(t) = (A + BK)e(t) (A.8) + 2eT (t)S(A + BK)e(t)
Here, assume that the Lyapunov function (25) is also +
2 +
considered. Thus, according to (18), (A.3), and (A.4), 1 − τ2
and with some simplification, the derivation of the − λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
Lyapunov function is
1 ˙ 1 ˙
+ θ̃ θ̃ + μ̃ μ̃ (A.9)
V̇ (t) = 2êT (t)P Aê(t) k1 k2
+ 2êT (t)P B η x(t), x t − τ (t) Noting A4, we have
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1351
Fig. 11 a State of Ikeda model (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model (dotted line), b Control input, c Estimation
parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in case 5
V̇ (t) = êT (t) P (A − MC) + (A − MC)T P ê(t) − λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
2 +
1 − τ2 + ᾱ
+ β
e t − τ (t)
+ σ
1352 H. Adloo et al.
Fig. 12 a State of Ikeda model (solid line), observer system (dash line) and reference model (dotted line), b Control input, c Estimation
parameters, θ (solid line), μ (dash line), in case 6
∞ +
ζ (t)
B T P ê
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
1 (A.11) θ̂ êT P B y(t) − C x̂(t)
= θ̂ êT P BB T P ê = θ̂
B T P ê
Also, from A3, it can be shown that
êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 F xm (t) + Lr(t) + ν(t) + ζ (t)
M̃ M̂ −1 F xm (t) + Lr(t) + ν(t) μ̂êT P Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
+ ζ (t)
B T P ê
1 = μ̂êT P Bsgn B T P ê(t) = μ̂
B T P ê
1 (A.14)
Observer-based model reference adaptive control for unknown time-delay chaotic systems 1353
Moreover, and with respect to the fact that adaptations laws, (19)
and (20), are increasing, therefore, choosing positive
2êT P MC ê ≤ ϕ êP MM T P ê + êP BB T P ê (A.15) values for initial conditions θ̂0 and μ̂0 leads to θ̂ (t) > 0
ϕ and μ̂(t) > 0. So, it is not difficult to show that
Now, by applying expressions and inequalities (A.10)–
−θ̂ êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t)
(A.14), we have
1 −μ̂êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 sgn y(t) − C x̂(t) < 0 (A.19)
V̇ (t) ≤ −êT Qê + ϕ êP MM T P ê + êP BB T P ê
ϕ Finally, by choosing sufficiently large positive values
2 for θ̂0 and μ̂0 , and smallest values for ϕ and λ, we
+ ᾱ 2 + β 2
B T P ê
+ λ
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
+ 2(κ + δ + E)
B T P ê
1 Appendix B: Robustness to hysteresis nonlinearity
− θ̂ êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t) In this case, noting (47) and (15), we can write the
estimation error dynamics as shown below:
− μ̂êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 sgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
ê˙ = Aê + Bη x(t), x t − τ (t) + B H z(t) − u(t)
− θ̂
B T P ê
− μ̂
B T P ê
+ 2e (t)S(A + BK)e(t)
T + Bν − B y(t) − C x̂(t)
2 +
2 μ̂
1 − τ2 − Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (B.1)
− λ
ê t − τ (t)
It is worthy to note that the analytic solution of the
2 1 dynamic equation (49) is
e t − τ (t)
+ θ̃˙ θ̃ + μ̃
1 ˙
μ̃ (A.16)
k1 k2 H (z, ż) = C̄z + ξ(z, ż) (B.2)
Then by substituting adaptations laws (19) and (20), it
where H (z(t), ż(t)) = [H i (zi (t), żi (t))]p×1 such that
can be easily shown that
H i (zi , żi ) = ci zi (t) + ξi (zi , żi ) and C̄ =
λ diag (c1 , c2 , . . . , cp ) with
V̇ (t) ≤ −êT (t) Q − ϕP MM T P − λI −
1 − τ2
ξi (zi , żi )
× ê(t) − eT (t) R − λI − e(t) = (w0i − ci z0i )e−αi (zi −z0i )sgn(żi )
1 − τ2 zi
−αi zi sgn(żi )
4 2 1
2 +e (B1i − ci )eαi λsgn(żi ) dλ (B.3)
+ −θ + ᾱ + β + 2
B P ê
λ ϕ
where w0i and z0i denote wi (0) and zi (0). It can be
+ −μ + 2σ + 2(κ + δ + E)
B T P ê
easily verified that the expression (B.2) is bounded
− θ̂ êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t) such that [26]
− μ̂êT (t)P B M̃ M̂ −1 sgn y(t) − C x̂(t) ξi (zi , żi ) ≤ ci − B1i (B.4)
Thus, let us suppose that ξ(z, ż) ≤ Ω where Ω is a
In this expression, clearly if M̂ is chosen, such that positive constant. Moreover, assume that there are two
0 < M̂ ≤ M1 , then we have positive definite matrices, C1 and C2 such that
ê˙ = Aê + Bη x(t), x t − τ (t) + B C̃ Ĉ −1 − I u + (α + ε2 )
+ β
e t − τ (t)
+ σ
θ̂ ≤ 2
B T P êT
+ β
ê t − τ (t)
+ Bν − B y(t) − C x̂(t)
2 + ᾱ
+ β
e t − τ (t)
+ σ (B.10)
− Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t) (B.6) Thus,
Define C̃ = C̄ − Ĉ, then êT (t)P B η x(t), x t − τ (t) + C̃ Ĉ −1 Ke(t)
2 2
˙ = Aê(t) + Bη x(t), x t − τ (t) + B C̃ Ĉ −1 u(t)
ê(t) ≤ ᾱ + β 2
B T P ê
+ B ν(t) + ξ(t) − B y(t) − C x̂(t) + λ
ê t − τ (t)
μ̂ +
e t − τ (t)
+ σ
B T P ê
1 (B.11)
Also, from (15), (12), and (18) it is verified that
where ᾱ = α + ε2 and C̃ Ĉ −1 K ≤ ε2 . Noting A2 it
ė(t) = (A + BK)e(t) (B.8)
is shown that
Let us consider again Lyapunov function (25). Now,
according to A4, (B.7), and (B.8), we can write êT (t)P B C̃ Ĉ −1 F xm (t) + Lr(t) + ν(t) + ζ (t)
− θ̂ êT (t)P B C̃ Ĉ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t)
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
+ 2σ
B T P ê
− θ̂ êT (t)P B y(t) − C x̂(t)
+ 2(ε + δ + Ω)
B T P ê
− μ̂êT (t)P Bsgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
− θ̂ êT (t)P B C̃ Ĉ −1 y(t) − C x̂(t)
+ 2eT (t)S(A + BK)e(t)
− μ̂êT (t)P B C̃ Ĉ −1 sgn y(t) − C x̂(t)
2 +
1 − τ2 − θ̂
B T P ê
− μ̂
B T P ê
2 1
− λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
+ 2e (t)S(A + BK)e(t)
1 ˙ 1 ˙ λ
+ θ̃ θ̃ + μ̃ μ̃ (B.9) +
2 +
k1 k2 1 − τ2
Similar to that of the previous proof, it can be shown − λ
ê t − τ (t)
e t − τ (t)
1 ˙ 1 ˙
+ θ̃ θ̃ + μ̃ μ̃ (B.13)
êT (t)P B η x(t), x t − τ (t) + C̃ Ĉ −1 Ke(t) k1 k2
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