Acaac V Azcuna PDF
Acaac V Azcuna PDF
Acaac V Azcuna PDF
internal law of that state. Thus, the with the formalities prescribed
court will apply the foreign law. therein (Hague Convention).
2. Acceptance b. The forms and solemnities of
If the conflicts rules of the forum contracts, wills and other public
refer the case to the law of another instruments, shall be governed
state, it is deemed to include the by the laws of the country in
totality of the foreign law (internal which they were executed
law and conflicts of laws rules). (Article 17 Civil Code).
Thus, the court will recognize the c. All marriages solemnized outside
referral back and apply local law. the Philippines, in accordance
3. Mutual Desistment Theory with the laws in force in the
The forum court upon reference to country where they were
another state’s law sees that such solemnized, and valid there as
law is limited in application to its such, shall also be valid in this
own nationals domiciled in its country (Article 26 Family
territory and has no provision for Code).
application to nationals domiciled
outside of the territory. Hence, the EXCEPTIONS: The following are void
local court will apply local law. marriages in the Philippines even if valid
This has the same result as the in the foreign country where celebrated:
acceptance of the renvoi doctrine a. When either or both parties are
but the process used by the forum below 18 years of age even with
court is to desist applying the parental consent;
foreign law b. Bigamous and polygamous
4. Foreign Court Theory marriages;
Forum court assumes the same c. Mistake as to identity of a
position that the foreign court would contracting party;
take if the case is litigated in the d. A subsequent marriage
foreign state. performed without recording in
the Civil Registry the judgment
Double Renvoi of annulment or declaration of
It is that which occurs when the nullity, partition and distribution
local court, in adopting the foreign of properties and the delivery of
court theory, discovers that the the children’s presumptive
foreign court accepts the renvoi. legitimes;
e. Marriages where either spouse is
Transmission psychologically incapacitated;
It is the process of applying the law f. Incestuous marriages; and
of a foreign state through the law of g. Void marriages by reason of
a second foreign state. public policy.
b. law of the place in which the determining the state which has the
testator had his domicile at the most significant relationship, the
time of revocation; following factors are to be taken
into account:
5. Probate of wills – being procedural in 1. Place where the injury occurred
character, the law of the forum governs 2. Place of conduct
procedural matters. 3. Domicile, residence, nationality,
place of incorporation and place
6. Administration of Estates – Philippine of business
law and procedure follow the main 4. Place where relationship
principle of territorialism. The axiom is between the parties is centered
that the law of the domicile governs
distribution but the law of the State Conditions for the Enforcement of Tort
appointing the administrator or executor Claims
governs administration. Hence, 1. The foreign tort is based on a civil
administration is governed by the law of action and not on a crime;
the state where the administration takes 2. The foreign tort is not contrary to
place or lex fori. the public policy of the forum; and
NOTE: The Administration extends 3. The judicial machinery of the forum
only to the assets of the decedent is adequate to satisfy the claim.
found within the state or country
where it was granted so that an Philippine rule on foreign torts:
administrator appointed in one state There is no governing specific
has no power over the property in statutory law but courts may give
another state or country. To due course on the theory of vested
administer the property situated in a rights or most significant relationship
foreign state, the administrator must provided that there are minimum
be re-appointed, or a new one contacts and the defendant can be
named in that state. served with summons.