This document outlines the course details for the TCW 3104 Wastewater Engineering course. The course is taught by Annatoria Chinyama over one semester, or approximately 48 hours. The course aims to help students understand the effects of wastewater, treatment objectives, various treatment processes, and design of treatment units. Key topics covered include wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies like primary, secondary and tertiary processes, attached growth systems, activated sludge, ponds, and sludge handling. Students will be assessed through tests, assignments, and an exam.
This document outlines the course details for the TCW 3104 Wastewater Engineering course. The course is taught by Annatoria Chinyama over one semester, or approximately 48 hours. The course aims to help students understand the effects of wastewater, treatment objectives, various treatment processes, and design of treatment units. Key topics covered include wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies like primary, secondary and tertiary processes, attached growth systems, activated sludge, ponds, and sludge handling. Students will be assessed through tests, assignments, and an exam.
This document outlines the course details for the TCW 3104 Wastewater Engineering course. The course is taught by Annatoria Chinyama over one semester, or approximately 48 hours. The course aims to help students understand the effects of wastewater, treatment objectives, various treatment processes, and design of treatment units. Key topics covered include wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies like primary, secondary and tertiary processes, attached growth systems, activated sludge, ponds, and sludge handling. Students will be assessed through tests, assignments, and an exam.
This document outlines the course details for the TCW 3104 Wastewater Engineering course. The course is taught by Annatoria Chinyama over one semester, or approximately 48 hours. The course aims to help students understand the effects of wastewater, treatment objectives, various treatment processes, and design of treatment units. Key topics covered include wastewater characteristics, treatment technologies like primary, secondary and tertiary processes, attached growth systems, activated sludge, ponds, and sludge handling. Students will be assessed through tests, assignments, and an exam.
Synopsis: Human activities and environmental pollution. Objectives of wastewater treatment.
Wastewater characteristics. BOD kinetics. Wastewater flow rates and design flows. Flow equalisation. Wastewater treatment processes and selection. Flow measurement. Screening, Comminution and Grit removal. Primary sedimentation. Introduction to microbial metabolism and role of micro-organisms in biological treatment. Kinetics of biological growth. Trickling filter processes and design. Activated sludge treatment process and design. Biological nutrient removal. Secondary clarification. Wastewater stabilization ponds. Tertiary Treatment. Sludge treatment and disposal. On-site sanitation and low cost appropriate technologies for wastewater treatment. Wetland treatment systems. Design, operation and management of water treatment plants.
1. Course Learning Objectives
After studying this course the students should be able to: 1.1 Understand the effects of wastewater on the environment 1.2 Appreciate the objectives of wastewater treatment 1.3 Understand the various wastewater treatment processes 1.4 Determine the appropriate treatment technology that suits the quality and source of wastewater 1.5 Design basic treatment units hydraulically
2. Projected course duration
One semester- +/- 48hours
3.0 Course Content
3.1 Human activities and Environmental Pollution 3.2 Objectives of wastewater treatment 3.3 Wastewater characteristics, BOD kinetics 3.4 Design criteria flows and forecasting 3.5 Wastewater treatment processes: 3.5.1 preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary 3.5.2 attached growth biological processes 3.5.3 activated sludge treatment process and design 3.5.4 design of wastewater stabilisation ponds 3.5.5 on site sanitation 3.5.6 sludge treatment and disposal 3.5.7 wetland treatment systems 3.5.8 wastewater reuse
4.0 Assessment
Component Form of Assessment Marks Weighting Date
Test 100 0.125 TBA Coursework Practical Assignment 100 0.0675 TBA (25%) Theory Assignment 100 0.0675 TBA Examination 3 hour paper 100 0.75 End of (75%) Semester
5. Recommended literature
1. Casey T. J, Unit treatment processes in water and wastewater engineering
2. Droste R., (1997), Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment, John Wiley, UK 3. Hammer M. J., (1986), Water and wastewater technology, Prentice Hall, USA 4. Mara D, D, Sewage treatment in hot climates 5. Metcalf and Eddy, (1995), Wastewater engineering, treatment, disposal and reuse, McGraw Hill, New York, USA 6. Schroeder E.D., (1971), Water and wastewater treatment, McGraw Hill, New York, USA 7. Sincero A. G., (1996), Environmental Engineering: A design approach, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 8. Peavy H. S., Rowe D. R., and Tchobanoglous G., (1985), Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York, USA 9. Tchobanoglous and Schroeder Water Quality 10. Terrence McGhee Water supply 11. Vesilind P., (1975), Environmental pollution and control, Ann Arbor, USA 12. Gray N., (1992), Biology of Wastewater, Oxford Science, UK 13. IWPC, (1972), Manual for Small Works, UK 14. Mara D., (1976), Sewage Treatment in Hot Climates, John Wiley, UK 15. Mara D., (1997), Design of Waste Stabilisation Ponds in India, Lagoon Technology, UK