Savage Worlds - X-Com 2
Savage Worlds - X-Com 2
Savage Worlds - X-Com 2
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The Start of the Alien War
January 1st, 2020 marked the start of the Alien War. That was the day that a platoon of
US Marines on patrol near a remote Somali village came under fire from a group of
extraterrestrials. The marines took heavy casualties during their withdrawal, and the entire
incident was broadcast live on CNN thanks to the embedded reporter’s satellite uplink. The
images took the world by storm, and soon after reports of alien attacks began to crop up around
the globe.
World Governments reacted quickly, and task forces and coalitions of all shapes and
sizes quickly sprung up to deal with the alien menace. However, military cutbacks following the
conclusion of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the early teens, combined with the ongoing
commitments of the Red Sea Intervention that started in the latter part of the decade, left most
nations incapable of dealing with an enemy as large, intelligent, and secretive as the aliens.
After nearly two years of trying, the era of sovereign action ended with the Annapolis
Conference of 2022 where the major industrialized nations agreed that a well-funded,
independent entity needed authority to act unilaterally in response to the extraterrestrial threat.
Dozens of private military corporations bid for the lucrative contract, but after a year of
hearings and negotiations by the international community a small American company by the
name of X-Com won the contract. Humanity’s bureaucratically appointed champion had made a
name for itself during the early months of NATO's 2018 invasion of Yemen by conducting very
effective special operations style, platoon sized raids against high value targets. This highly
flexible and rapid mission capability would be the model the company would use in conducting a
conflict as unpredictable as the Alien War.
By 2025 X-Com sat on the verge of finally taking the fight to the enemy. The company
had established bases on nearly every continent, and had put the finishing touches on its air
superiority squadrons and long range sensor networks.
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The X-Com Treaty
The Annapolis Conference of 2022 was attended by representatives from the G-20
nations as well as envoys from other prominent world organizations such as the EU, AU,
ECOWAS, the Arab League, and ASEAN. Following the conferences the participating
organizations formed the Contract Structuring Organization (or CSO), which reviewed the initial
bids from the hundreds of PMC’s that were vying for the job and laid out the framework for the
Earth Defense Contract which would later be negotiated into the Ongoing Funding and Outfitting
Agreement or FOA.
The FOA establishes three tiers of funding organizations for X-Com, with higher tiers
receiving more attention from X-Com then those who contribute less funding. The highest, Tier
I, is reserved solely for sovereign nations, but confederations and treaty organizations are
permitted as lower tier funding organizations thus allowing poorer countries to pool their
resources and participate in the program. As part of the FOA, X-Com is granted the right to
conduct operations within the territory of all participants, and build and maintain facilities at the
company’s discretion. All totaled, nearly every nation on Earth participates in the FOA at some
Tier, either directly or through a treaty organization. If X-Com were a nation, it would have the
20th largest military budget in the world.
Tier I Funding Nations are guaranteed that X-Com personnel will be on scene of a UFO
event within three hours. Additionally, Tier I nations are party to research agreements with X-
Com, and can claim the intellectual rights of any technology that X-Com develops as part of
these agreements. Tier I nations are also authorized access to all X-Com intelligence reports
and analysis.
Tier II Funding Organizations are guaranteed an X-Com response within eight hours of a
UFO event, except for direct assaults on a major population center which will receive an
immediate deployment. Tier II nations are also allowed to enter research agreements with X-
Com, but receive only partial ownership of the rights to any technology resulting from them.
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Treaty organizations and confederations are prohibited from entering research agreements with
the company. Tier II Organizations are authorized access to only the X-Com intelligence data
pertinent to the nation or organization in question.
Tier III Funding Organizations are allowed to request X-Com personnel to respond to
any alien activity that they detect themselves. The requesting organization is responsible for the
safe transport of X-Com personnel to the location in question. Tier III Organizations are
prohibited from entering research agreements with X-Com, and is barred from all X-Com
intelligence reports.
Tier I Funding Nations: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Saudi
Arabia, United States, United Kingdom
Tier II Funding Organizations: Argentina, ASEAN, Brazil, Egypt, EU, India, Indonesia, Israel,
Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UAE, Venezuela
Notable Tier III Funding Organizations: Arab League, AU, Iran
X-Com Personnel
X-Com is the largest, and best equipped, Private Military Corporation in history. As such
it encompasses a wide variety of employees. Everything from high power, corporate executives
to quantum physicists are on the payroll. However the largest single pay expenditure is for its
combat personnel.
For the most part, X-Com’s soldiers are former military of some kind, though the
occasional transplant from the law enforcement or intelligence communities has been known to
appear. The company likes to give the appearance that it has a strict screening process, but the
reality is that there is a high mortality rate among its combat personnel, especially rookies, and
they can’t afford to be picky.
Every applicant, regardless of previous experience, starts their career with X-Com as a
rookie. Fighting extraterrestrials is a completely different animal than normal warfare, which is
something a lot of rookies have a hard time wrapping their heads around. Even though they are
technically contractees, there is no set rank or insignia for them since they are more or less
“trial” employees. Those recruits who demonstrate they can perform on a mission are quickly
promoted to Squaddie, and offered full contract status. For those that prove they have what it
takes, and demonstrate superior performance in combat, promotions can come quickly.
Combat personnel are paid very well per mission, with the pay for rookies starting at
$35,000 per contract and rising from there. In order to minimize the amount of capital
expenditure from the company at any one time, and given the proclivities of the average combat
recruit, X-Com holds most of these earnings in escrow until the employee terminates service.
Since combat personnel are housed, fed, and cared for by the company during their
employment they don't require excess liquid funds for day to day expenses, thus the small
"discretionary" pay they get up front is more than sufficient for their needs. The rest of the
money is allocated into a variety of mutual funds, CD's, and other investments, which help to
offset the care and feeding costs of the soldiers and pilots. Upon termination of employment
(either voluntarily or through death) the escrow funds are released to the employee, or a
designated beneficiary, as either a lump sum (at a slightly reduced amount) or an annuity.
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X-Com Ranks
Even though X-Com is technically a private
military corporation, it has structured itself after
actual western militaries. The reasons for this are
Most of X-Com’s personnel are former
military, and a parallel rank structure
makes their transition easier.
Sharing a similar style rank structure
makes joint operations with NATO nations
much simpler to coordinate.
There are two tiers of combat personnel in the
X-Com hierarchy. The first are contractees, which
are roughly analogous to enlisted personnel in
traditional militaries. These employees are paid per
mission via individual contracts signed prior to
insertion. They are free to leave X-Com employment
at any time. The second tier consists of salaried
troops, who have proven themselves in combat
enough to be offered full time work by X-Com.
These personnel fill the same rolls that SNCO’s and
commissioned officers do in conventional militaries.
Unlike their standard military counterparts, X-
Com teams do not necessarily run the gamut of
ranks. Due to the relative experience of the
company’s soldiers when compared to sovereign
militaries, and the small pool of combat ready
personnel, teams may consist of entirely contracted
personnel. However, X-Com likes to have salaried
troops lead combat teams and installations
whenever possible.
In addition to the formal ranks listed in the
table, X-Com occasionally grants its personnel
“administrative promotions”. While these promotions
don’t carry any extra base pay, they are given cash
bonuses commensurate with their extra authority and
The first of these ranks is Warrant Officer.
Warrants are generally used to fill the gap that a Warrant Officer General
Lieutenant or Captain would fill at a base lacking any
salaried personnel. The second administrative rank is General, who normally act as advisors to
the Board of Directors or as liaisons with foreign governments and militaries.
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X-Com Combat Teams
X-Com combat teams are the bulk of the combat force. They are the primary assets used for
accomplishing missions, both offensive and defensive. There are two broad categories of
combat teams: Conventional and Special Applications and Missions (SAM).
Conventional Teams: There are 200 X-Com conventional combat teams worldwide. Each
team contains between 8 and 15 soldiers, with 12 being the average size. On any given day
there are approximately 2400 combat personnel on the payroll, not including combat personnel
not assigned directly to a team such as OIC’s and training officers.
How many combat teams are present in a given country is a function of that nations
funding of X-Com. Tier I funding governments are guaranteed personnel on scene within three
hours of a UFO event, so large Tier I nations like the US and Canada have a high number of
distributed teams.
Special Applications and Missions (SAM) Teams: The exact amount how many X-Com
teams are designated SAM teams is controlled information. Even members of a SAM team may
not know how many others like them there are. These teams generally have an OIC who
directly controls their operations based on support requests from conventional teams or orders
from X-Com Operations Headquarters in Washington DC.
SAM teams can be general purpose, and used for missions that require a high degree of
success, or they can specialize in a specific function or mission set such as Electronic Warfare
(EW) or counter-psionics.
X-Com Squadrons
Air assets are X-Com's first line of defense against alien incursions, but unfortunately
they are very expensive. Since international law and standards of conduct prevented the
company from initially owning military aircraft, they are forced to lease their fighters and air
transports. While most Western nations were more than willing to help offset the cost of
maintaining their fleets by renting them out, this still left X-Com with only a little over 250 aircraft
almost split evenly between fighters and transports. The company is contractually obligated to
focus their assets on the Tier I and Tier II funding nations, which is why Tier III parties to the X-
Com contract are required to provide X-Com forces air transport within their borders.
Air Superiority Squadrons: The workhorse of most modern air forces in the world is the F-35
Lightning II, or Joint Strike Fighter. Since it was common around the world, and rather capable,
most of the top tier nations were willing to lease them out of their custody. So far the aircraft
have performed admirably against small and medium UFO's, but have not had the same level of
success against larger targets. X-Com has committed a good deal of resources to developing
more state-of-the-art airframes in concert with some of their funding partners such as the F-33
Air Mobility Squadrons: Surprisingly, X-Com had a harder time leasing the V-22 Osprey then
acquiring the F-35. The ongoing military commitments in the Red Sea Intervention had kept the
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demand signal for the very effective transport aircraft consistently high. However, tightening
budget constraints on NATO countries, combined with the transition to more static military
operations in the Red Sea AOR gave X-Com room to negotiate the leasing of a little over 100
airframes from the US, UK, and Canada, the latter two having recently purchased the airframe
at the start of the conflict.
Given the distributed nature of the teams that they're supposed to carry, air mobility
squadrons in large countries, like the US and Canada, have a regional headquarters that
oversees numerous smaller detachments (or "dets") of aircraft and pilots stationed at individual
operations centers.
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Promotion and Character Advancement
Just like in the PC game, advancement RANK XP LEVEL PERKS
comes from mission accomplishment. As Rookie 0-9 Novice None
characters successfully complete missions, they SQD 10-19 +1 Wound, +1 Benny,
will become more capable warriors, as well as d4 Wild Die
SGT 20-29 Seasoned Choose One:
more survivable assets to the company. The +1 Wound, +1 Benny,
table to the right lists the XP requirements for d6 Wild Die
advancement and promotion, as well as the SFC 30-39 Choose One of
Remaining: +1 Wound,
benefits that come with experience.
+1 Benny, d6 Wild Die
Also, like the PC game, any rookie that
MSGT 40-49 Veteran Choose One of
participates in a mission and survives is Remaining: +1 Wound,
automatically promoted to Squaddie. Besides +1 Benny, d6 Wild Die
the two advances that come from their 10 XP, Lt 50-59
they also gain an additional wound and Benny, MAJ 60-69 Heroic
as well as a d4 Wild Die. They are now COL 70-79
affectionately known as “Mild Cards”. As they GEN 80+ Legendary
rise through the ranks they continue to acquire
Wild Card attributes, one at a time until when they reach the rank of Master Sergeant when they
are full Wild Cards.
Generally XP is awarded in 5 XP increments per completed mission. However, as the
US Navy SEALs say: it pays to be a winner. At the end of each mission, allow the surviving
members of the team to secretly vote for that mission’s MVP or MVP’s (depending on squad
size). These lucky soldiers should be awarded a 5 XP bonus for superior performance for a
total of 10 XP for the mission.
Obviously, character advancement will come rather quick with this amount of XP being
awarded. Generally there is a high enough casualty rate that no one person should have a
meteoric rise through the ranks, however, if a GM wants something a little more subdued they
should feel free to award less XP per mission.
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“Just dual wield an RPG and a shotgun. That’s like ice cream cake: the
best of both worlds.”
The following is a list of special rules for combat for use in this conversion. The attempt
of these rules is to better simulate the combat experience of X-Com: UFO Defense. Give them
a try and see if you agree before you decide to cut them out of your game.
New Keywords
ACOG: This weapon has some sort of optics built in that are the equivalent of having an
ACOG sight installed.
Airburst: This weapon can be used to target empty hexes in an attempt to hit targets
behind cover. If the shooter misses, roll for weapon deviation like a grenade.
Combat Reload: When this weapon is empty, it can be loaded with 1 round and fired in
a single action for a -1 penalty to the shooting roll. If already loaded the same can be
done for a -2 penalty and the loss of the currently loaded round.
CQB: This weapon can be fired without affecting movement.
Heavy Burst: This weapon can be fired in short bursts against a single target when
supported by a bipod. For one action, the user makes a Shooting roll as normal against
one target, but adds +4 to any damage roll. This maneuver uses ammunition equal to
twice the weapon’s rate of fire.
Non-Lethal: This weapon does non-lethal damage. This functions as normal except
targets dealt their final wound by non-lethal damage are unconscious instead of dead.
Unconscious targets with lethal wounds can still die from bleeding out, and will require
medical attention.
Laser: Laser weapons provide a +1 bonus to shooting rolls due to lack of recoil. Also
they are completely silent, and do not effect Stealth rolls by being used.
Slow-Auto: For one action a character may make a number of shooting rolls equal to
the weapon’s rate of fire, with the cost of one round of ammunition per roll. These
attacks suffer the normal auto-fire penalty of -2. Slow-Auto weapons cannot perform a
Double Tap or conduct Suppressive Fire.
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Called Shots
If you attempt a called shot, not to the head, and fail, but your Shooting roll would have
succeed without the penalty from said called shot, it's a normal hit on the target. A missed head
shot is still a miss.
Example: You want to try and disarm someone. It's -2 to hit the arm. You roll a 4 on your Shooting die, but with the
-2 penalty it misses. However, since you hit without the penalty you it's a regular hit center of mass.
UAV Operations
X-Com UAV's generally have a maximum operating ceiling is 300 ft, or about 100
"hexes" up. There are three operational heights for it in this game:
1. "Low" is from 1 to 25 hexes (~75 ft). Vision Range ~20, No penalties.
2. "Mid" is from 26 to 50 hexes (~150 ft). Vision Range ~30, -2 to Notice; Attackers are -2
to hit the UAV.
3. "High" is from 51 to 100 hexes (~300 ft). Vision Range ~50, -3 to Notice; Attackers are -3
to hit the UAV.
UGV Operations
A UGV does not follow standard overwatch rules. Instead, a UGV operator can place
their UGV in overwatch as the action for their character so long as the UGV has not already
fired its weapon that turn.
This has two implications:
1. Since it costs the operator their action to do it, the operator cannot also be on overwatch
at the same time since they're too busy watching the TUUVC screen.
2. Since it's not a UGV action, the UGV can make its full movement and still be placed on
The contested Agility roll that normally occurs when an enemy is spotted from overwatch to
determine who acts first is replaced with a contest Agility/Remote Operations roll between the
target and the UGV operator.
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each civilian’s zone you’re in. Generally there are multiple ways to deal with civilians, but it is at
the discretion of the GM.
Other Combatants: It's possible to give orders to the non-X-Com combatants such as police
officers and soldiers using some of your social skills. Success allows you issue a command to
the squad leader (the one with the rank icon) though it may not be exactly the way you want it
done. A raise will buy you verbatim compliance. These orders will take effect during the other
combatant phase at the end of a round. The Command skill will do the same thing, only it will
move that squad's action to immediately following the user instead of the end of the round.
With a raise, a character can choose one of these effects in lieu of the previous ones. These
also have a 5 hex radius:
+1 to the next round's initiative draws to reflect better coordination.
Swap the initiative draws of two teammates who have yet to act in the initiative order.
Combine the damage rolls of two teammates in the same spot in the initiative order into
one damage roll.
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Reequipping your squad in UFO Defense was always an exercise in tedium, especially
since the game delighted in not telling you what you were missing and what you had lost from
the previous mission. From this you would think I would make the post mission re-equipment
process easy and straight forward. You would be wrong.
If there is one thing I want to get right about being in the military, or any large corporation
really, it’s that the accounting and supply departments are your enemy. They delight in making
your job more difficult, and are more likely than not actually rewarded for making sure you don’t
get what you want or need. With this in mind, the following are the business rules for rearming
a squad of X-Com soldiers after a mission.
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Like in the computer game, the equipment and capabilities of X-Com will gradually
increase as they recover and research alien equipment. There are two primary ways of
handling this. The first is by GM fiat. Simply put, the GM decides the pace at which he wants
the game to advance and doles out technology and information as he or she sees fit. The
second is by using the system below which allows the players to choose what gets researched,
and allows them the opportunity to speed up the process.
Research Allocation
As the players complete missions they Research Points Per Mission
will accrue Research Points. They can then Mission Type Base Research Points
distribute these in various research categories to Terror Mission 2
unlock the various pieces of gear they will need Small/Medium UFO Crash 5
to combat the alien menace. Small/Medium UFO Landing 7
The amount of Research Points the team Large UFO Crash 8
earns is dependent on the type of mission they Large UFO Landing 10
completed. The more alien artifacts and Alien Base Assault 15
technology they recover, the faster the scientists
and engineers will work things out. The table to Research Point Modifiers
the right offers a basic guide for how many Action Research Point Mod
points to award. Failing an X-Com Base -10
In addition, the team can earn bonus Defense
Research Points during a mission for going Destroying Significant UFO or -5
above and beyond simply securing a site. The Alien Base Equipment
second table on the right lists a number of First Time a New Alien +2
actions which can award bonus Research Points Species Is Encountered
or penalize the team for their performance on a Live Capture of a Regular +1 per
mission. Alien
Points should be awarded after the Live Capture of a Specialist +3 per
squad is paid, but prior to them reequipping as Alien
new equipment is unlocked as soon as all the Live Capture of an Ethereal +5 per
prerequisites are met and the team may want to
purchase some of the new gear. This also allows the team to purchase Research Points once
per mission at a cost of $1000 for 5 Research Points. This is a bulk purchase, so no fractional
purchases allowed.
The Tech-Tree
The following are the various research categories players can invest in. Each level in a
category has both a point value and a number of other prerequisites to unlock it. Once both of
those are met the players gain immediate access to the technology, either for purchase, or to
read about in the informational chapters later in this document.
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Advanced Support Gear (Unlocked at Start)
Level Total RP Special Prerequisites Unlocked
1 5 None ILE-1 Repair Kit
2 7 None ATC-8 Advanced Trauma Kit, CPEP Type A, CPEP Type B
3 12 Hyperwave Technology Hyperwave Decrypter, Hyperwave Encrypter
Alien Technology
Level Total RP Special Prerequisites Unlocked
1 3 Successful UFO mission Alien Alloys, Advanced Armor branch
2 5 Recovery of an undestroyed UFO Elerium
3 12 None Plasma Weaponry, UFO Propulsion, Alien Weapons branch,
Advanced Weapons Platforms branch, Hybrid Aircraft
4 18 Successful alien base mission Genetic Engineering, Hyperwave Technology
Alien Data
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 2 Live alien captured Alien Hierarchy, Alien Ranks
2 4 Capture of a live Sectoid or Ethereal Racial Tensions
3 8 Capture of a live alien of at least Fleet Strategic Doctrine
Commander or Sub-Khan rank
4 12 None Alien Origins
5 25 Capture of a live Khan, Hyperwave Earth Operations
Advanced Armor
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 5 Alien Alloys Mk7 Personal Combat Armor
2 12 Elerium Mk19 Power Armor
3 18 UFO Propulsion Mk20 Flying Armor, Next Generation Weapons branch
4 22 None Mk21 Special Reconnaissance Armor
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Advanced Weapons Platforms
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 8 UFO Propulsion, LM2 Laser Rifle LM2 Laser Wraith
2 12 ADF2 Plasma Rifle ADF2 Plasma Wraith
Alien Weapons
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 7 Plasma Weaponry, Recovered Plasma ADF1 Plasma Pistol/Magazine
2 9 Recovered Plasma Grenade ADE1 Plasma Grenade
3a 15 Recovered Plasma Rifle ADF2 Plasma Rifle/Magazine
3b 15 Recovered Stun Launcher ADF4 Stun Launcher/Stun Bomb
4 25 Recovered Heavy Plasma ADF3 Heavy Plasma/Magazine
5 30 Recovered Blaster Launcher ADF5 Blaster Launcher/Blaster Bomb
Hybrid Aircraft
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 4 UFO Propulsion F-33 Firestorm
2 8 Earth Operations SV-1 Avenger
Level Total RP Prerequisites Unlocked
1 8 Capture of a live psionic alien Offensive Psionics, Psionic Resistance
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Professional Competencies
Crowd Control Specialist (Edge): Some X-Com personnel have shown an excellence in
dealing with panicked or unruly crowds. This ability has proven invaluable during terror missions
in evacuating civilians without a degradation in a team’s combat ability. For some this comes
naturally, while for others it is a result of specific law enforcement or military experience. Facility
supervisors are encouraged to approve team requests for this sort of training whenever
Specialty Skills
Technical Intuition (Smarts): Some personnel have been identified as having an intuitive
ability to grasp the basic use of even complex and mysterious devices. In the field, some
personnel have been able to use the basic functions of certain alien technology in situ, without
specific explanation or training.
A character may make a Technical Intuition check to use any non-psionic alien technology once. Successive uses
require additional rolls. Failure on the check means the character’s action fails. If used on an expendable device
like a grenade the damage is halved. If used on a ranged weapon the range is halved. A raise on the roll negates
both of these penalties.
Remote Operations (Smarts): UAV’s and UGV's provide an unparalleled capability to enhance
the situational awareness and survivability of a team in the field. It is projected that training
certain personnel to be proficient in UAV use will result in a 17% increase in personnel
survivability, and UGV proficiency will provide a 12% increase in mission success, all while
requiring only minimal expenditure of training capital.
Remote Operations is used for making special maneuvers with a given platform like squeezing through tight spots
or avoiding burst attacks. It is also rolled to recover a vehicle from being Shaken. A character can only control one
unmanned vehicle at a time.
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Xeno-Warfare Studies (Smarts): Xeno-Warfare Studies is a catchall for all known and
documented alien tactics, procedures, and orders of battle. A working knowledge of the subject
can provide personnel with the ability to distinguish between alien species, identify likely
methods of attack, and even identify ranks and roles of combatants in the alien hierarchy.
A Xeno-Warfare Studies roll can be used identify previously unknown alien species. With a raise the roll will reveal
useful tactical information like where that type of alien is probably headed on the map. Additionally, a XENOWAR
roll can be used to identify what rank or position an alien is.
Psionic Training
The capture of psionic capable aliens has allowed X-Com
scientists of the company’s PROMETHEUS ROAD project to extract the
necessary genetic code needed to awaken the psionic potential of
humans. This genetic code was then incorporated in a retrovirus to
create the Psycho-Enervating Treatment (or PET) which, when coupled
with appropriate training and education, can unlock the full potential of the
human mind offering potent new tools for X-Com personnel. Psionic
training comes in one of two, mutually exclusive, forms: Offensive Psionics and Psionic
Resistance. The PET retrovirus is unable to reproduce naturally with its host, and thus psionic
personnel require monthly PET retreatment to maintain their psionic abilities.
A character with this edge has the ability to learn and use powers from the list provided. Regardless of the rank of
the character when they gain this edge, their first power must be from the Novice list. Additionally, a character
cannot have more powers of a higher rank then a lower rank. (Example: A character could have 1 Novice power, 1
Seasoned power, and 1 Veteran power, but not 1N/2S/1V, or 2N/0S/1V.)
Psychic Overload: If a character critically fails a Psionics roll they are immediately Shaken and are at -2 to resist or
recover from any Psionic attack for their next two turns. Additionally, all Psionic creatures and characters on the
board know the character’s location when they critically failed.
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Available Powers (As per SW: Fantasy Companion)
Novice: Analyze Foe, Boost/Lower Trait, Confusion, Fear, Speak Language, Speed, Stun
Seasoned: Blast, Farsight, Quickness, Sluggish Reflexes, Slumber
Veteran: Puppet
Heroic: Drain Power Points
Psionic Resistance
Requirement: Spirit d8 or Vigor d8. No AB: Psionics (X-Com) edge
Special: If not taken at character creation, this edge costs $1000
A character with this edge gains a +2 to all contested rolls involving psionic powers used against them. If there is
no contested roll to resist a power, the caster is instead at -2 to their Psionics skill roll (this includes friendly uses of
psionics). Additionally, the character gains a +2 to all rolls involving recovery from the effects of a psionic power.
Finally, the character gains +2 Toughness against damage caused by Psionic powers.
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X-Com Service Utilities: In 2012 the US Army officially changed its
BDU pattern to the popular, and very effective, MultiCam pattern after its
mostly ambiguous experiment with ACU's. The years the pattern spent
on the civilian market prevented the Army from limiting its sale, and with
such a large amount of stock available it makes it very cost efficient for a
company like X-Com to purchase in bulk. The standard “battle rattle” is a
set of MultiCam utilities with various company and team patches, a ball
cap or helmet, and a MOLLE-equipped kevlar vest. Boots are at
employee discretion, but are preferred to be tan or green.
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Mark 20 Flying Armor: A continuation of the Mk 19 Power Armor project. The Mark 20 is the
result of further breakthroughs in the study of alien flight systems such as those of Floaters and
Cyberdiscs, allowing a similar system to be added to the Mk 19. The larger Elerium power
supply needed for the flight system has allowed for the addition of more armor plating to the suit
as well.
Medical Supplies
Field Medical Kit: The field med-kit is an assortment of medical supplies that may be
necessary on the battlefield, such as tourniquets, dressings, sutchers, and sterile water, all
contained in a small back pack than can be worn over top of normal body armor. It's no
substitute for proper medical care, but it can keep someone alive long enough to get it.
ATC-8 Advanced Trauma Kit: X-Com scientists, in conjunction with Johns Hopkins Medical
Center and the US Army's Research, Development and Engineering Command, have put
together a set of advanced, man portable, medical equipment that can not only stabilize combat
casualties, but can even restore them to combat effectiveness in the field. A combination of new
stimulants, antibiotics, and pain killers, as well as a breakthrough in synthetic tissue technology,
enables trained personnel to execute "medical miracles" during a mission and should prove
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CPEP Combat Enhancement Patch: For decades, militaries
around the world have worked on developing chemical
enhancements for their soldiers’ combat performance. The
recent medical breakthroughs behind the ATC-8 have led to
drugs that appear to be safe enough for use. The new
stimulants and pain killers are not without risk however, and
reports of physiological side effects following use are not
uncommon. The demands of the Alien War have led to a shortened testing and evaluation
period, so possible dependency issues have yet to be addressed. Supervisory personal should
track usage rates by their assigned personnel and submit them to their local Research and
Development Department.
Miscellaneous Supplies
ILE-1 Repair Kit: The ILE-1 (short for Intermediate Level Equivalent) is an advanced repair kit
that contains numerous tools and spare parts for the many NATO standard UGV's and UAV's in
X-Com service. It includes equipment such as new circuit boards, cameras, gyros, gimbals, and
micro-controllers, as well as diagnostic tools and applications for use by either a TUUVC tablet
or an included PDA. Prompt use of the ILE-1 can restore UGV's damaged on a mission to full
capability with only minimal downtime.
Standard MILSPEC Suppressor: There are MILSPEC standard sound suppressors for most
weapons capable of accepting one in the NATO arsenal. These suppressors are based on
caliber, and are threaded right onto the end of the barrel.
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Type Weight Cost Notes
Standard 0.5 (Pistol) 250 Allows weapon to be fired without a penalty to Stealth rolls. (Used
Suppressor 1 (Other) with: P220, P226, M4, SCAR-H, MP5, UMP45)
M50 Gas Mask: The common service gas mask for the US and Canadian
militaries, as well as the US Department of Homeland Security, it was adopted
shortly after the conclusion of the Second Gulf War in 2011. Large numbers of
these were produced in anticipation of a WMD incident in the United States
which never materialized. X-Com was able to purchase the surplus masks
during a government auction.
TS-30 Mk4 Telescopic Scope: One of the many designated marksman scopes of both the US
Army and the US Marine Corps. The TS-30 series offers 30x magnification, and is more than
sufficient for designated marksman (DM) operations in support of a squad.
ACOG Sight: The advanced combat optics gun sight is designed to assist a
shooter in acquiring an aiming at targets at mid to long range without
interfering with close quarters, more reflex based use. Normally provides 4x
magnification, it can be adjusted for less depending on the shooter's needs.
AN/PVS 28 Night Vision Goggles: The latest GEN IV night vision device, the 28 offers both
passive and active modes allowing it to be used even in complete darkness.
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Primary Weapons
M4 (SOPMOD Blk 3): Based off the standard service rifle
of the United States for much of the early 21st century. The
SOPMOD Block 3 was developed shortly before the end of
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2014 to address the
increasing complaints of malfunctions by soldiers in the
field. The traditional gas impingement action of the M16/M4
family was heavily modified to make it more robust after prolonged exposure to harsh
environments. Following the US led invasion of Yemen in 2018, the Army worked quickly to
complete the upgrade of their inventory. It wasn’t quick enough to silence complaints however,
and in 2020 the US Military officially switched their standard service rifle to the SCAR-C A1 and
SCAR-L A1 models. Because of this rapid change in inventory, an enormous surplus of the
SOPMOD Block 3’s existed allowing X-Com to purchase thousands of the very capable
weapons at cost.
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LM2 Laser Rifle: Following the break-through in battery
technology that led to the LM1 Laser Pistol, it was not
difficult to scale it up to rifle size. The larger size also
allowed the USAF/X-Com team to scale up the power
output of the weapon to approximately 6.0 kW/mm2 in
laboratory conditions. Like in the LM1, the LM2 Laser
Rifle's power supply should be able to last an entire
mission without needing to be recharged. Unfortunately the LM2 is larger and heavier than most
modern battle rifles, but the combination of power, no reloading, and extreme accuracy, should
still prove invaluable in the field.
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Mossberg 590A1: Though both the US Army and Marine Corps
switched to semi-auto models for a standard service shotgun in
the late 1990’s, the US Navy and most police forces around the
world kept this firearm for its simplicity and nearly unparalleled reliability all the way until the
current day. Despite being a dinosaur technology wise, few weapons on Earth can match its
effectiveness in close quarters fighting or its affordability.
Type Range Damage RoF Cost Weight Shots Min Notes
Mossberg 590A1 12/24/48 1-3d6 1 150 6 8 - Shotgun, Combat
Reload (12 gauge)
12 Gauge 00 - - - 15 2 12 - 12, 12 gauge 00
Buck buckshot shells
12 Gauge Slug - - - 25 2.5 12 - 12, 12 gauge slug shells,
+2 Damage, -2 Shooting
12 Gauge HEAP - - - 50 3 12 - 12, 12 gauge HEAP
rounds, AP3, +3
Damage, -2 Shooting
12 Gauge - - - 15 2 12 - 12, 12 gauge beanbag
Beanbag shells, +1 Damage, -2
Shooting, Non-Lethal,
Biological targets only
LM3 Heavy Laser: X-Com and the US Air Force have scaled up
the technology of the LM1 and LM2 to create a fire support laser
weapon. The LM3 is a devastating weapon with a very high rate of
fire and extremely long effective range. Unfortunately, the LM3 is
extremely heavy and requires bipod support to achieve maximum
effectiveness which limits mobility.
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RPG-7: This Russian made anti-tank weapon is probably
one of the most influential weapons in history. Though most
of the X-Com arsenal is American or NATO standard, the
venerable workhorse RPG-7 is as cheap as it is powerful. It
is also abundant and simple to use, which makes finding
supplies and training combat personnel easy even in remote locations. There are multiple types
of warheads for the launcher though the most common are the standard PG-7VL round and the
TBG-7V thermobaric antipersonnel round.
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M90 Rail Rifle: The M90 Rail rifle is the culmination of years of
work by the Naval Postgraduate School’s Applied Physics
Department. NPS had been working at miniaturizing a rail gun
for years, but breakthrough work with alien alloys and elerium
power sources allowed the school to complete this devastating
weapon. The extremely high velocity of the alien alloy
projectiles being fired by this gun give it unparalleled range,
armor penetration, and damage potential.
Secondary Weapons
P220: The P220 is the standard sidearm for military and law enforcement
organizations around the world. This semi-automatic .45 caliber pistol is
relatively compact for its caliber and yet is reminiscent of the venerable Colt
Type Range Damage RoF Cost Weight Shots Min Notes
P220 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 200 2 7 - AP 1, Semi-Auto, CQB
P220 Magazine - - - 12 0.5 7 - 7 rounds of .45
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P226: The standard pistol for the US Navy SEALs, the Sig Sauer P226 is a
full sized service pistol and is most commonly found chambered in 9mm.
Though the US military as a whole does not use Sigs, a number of
militaries around the world recognize their quality and reliability and use
them as their standard service pistol.
LM1 Laser Pistol: The US Air Force's Directed Energy Directorate has
been working on personal laser weapons for the better part of a
decade. Thanks to a number of sharing agreements with X-Com, as
well as cooperative projects with company scientists and engineers, the
DED has finally been able to create a suitable power source for a laser
weapon with a comparable effect to a pistol. The power packs for these
weapons are designed to last for an entire fire fight before needing to be recharged, though this
has yet to be verified.
Type Range Damage RoF Cost Weight Shots Min Notes
LM1 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 2d6+2 1 600 3.5 - - AP 1, Laser, Semi-Auto,
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Expendable Weapons
M67 Fragmentation Grenade: The standard hand grenade used by most NATO military forces.
The grenade contains 6.5 ounces of Composition B high explosive, and has a kill radius of a few
yards. It brings a nice balance of carry weight and destructive potential.
M8 Smoke Grenade: This grenade is filled with hexachloroethane which produces a thick white
smoke when burned. These grenades are primarily used for aircraft signaling, and for screening
team movements.
M84 Stun Grenade (Flashbang): This grenade contains a magnesium based pyrotechnic
charge which produces a flash of approximately one million candela and a bang of
approximately 180 dB. Personnel in the blast radius are left disoriented and stunned.
M14 Incendiary Grenade: A devastating special purpose grenade that uses thermate and a
small explosive charge to create an extremely hot ball of molten metal capable of cutting
through most armor.
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M47A Riot Control Grenade: This grenade combines a potent CS gas with a burst of heavy
rubber pellets to rapidly disburse crowds.
Melee Weapons
KA-BAR: The traditional combat knife of the US Marine Corps, the KA-BAR
is widely known for its ruggedness and ability to maintain an edge even after
repeated use. Most modern models have a parkerized finish for both
corrosion protection and for anti-glare purposes.
Collapsible Baton: This weapon has been a favorite of police and security
forces for years due to its blend of small size and man stopping capability.
Nearly two and a half feet fully extended, the baton allows the wielder to
maintain a safe distance from their opponent while still being able to deliver
incapacitating blows.
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Stun Baton: This collapsible, less-than-lethal, weapon has seen increasing
use by law enforcement around the world for its man stopping ability. Current
active models deliver around 800 kV peak voltage which is normally enough
for total incapacitation of a target. Stun batons feature a rechargeable battery
pack which allows for multiple uses during a single encounter, though precise
life cycle measurements under X-Com mission conditions are not available.
X-Com engineers believe it will have comparable results when used on extraterrestrials due to
them having similar bio-electrical characteristics as humans.
Unmanned Systems
Tactical Universal Unmanned Vehicle Controller: The TUUVC consists of
a lightweight, ruggedized OLED tablet device, an encrypted frequency
hopping, UHF radio, a small status HUD, and a controller, all using a
common operating system that can control most current NATO standard
unmanned vehicles. The full setup can be distributed on a soldier’s person
however they desire based on the needs of their specific vehicle, but
generally feature the tablet PC in an easily accessible location so video
feeds can be monitored and the controller on a retractable belt lanyard for
quick access. The system was extensively tested by the US Army’s
Asymmetric Warfare Group in the early teens, and became very popular due to ease of use,
versatility in carry, and intuitive controls.
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THUMPER Ground Combat Vehicle: The Thumper is a six
wheeled, semi-autonomous, unmanned ground vehicle. It has a
rotating weapon hardpoint that can be adjusted to carry a number
of standard NATO weapons. Produced by Boeing, the Thumper
saw extensive use in Somalia during the early years of the Red
Sea Intervention where it could be used to cover squad
withdrawals and movements in the larger cities.
Other Purchases
New Rookies: It’s inevitable that X-Com teams will experience casualties and replacements will
need to be hired. Deciding how many personnel are on a team is the decision of the individual
team leader. Some may want as many bodies as possible, others may want to buy the most
effective equipment for their squad.
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Rail Mountable Flashlight: A powerful LED flashlight that can affix to any basic weapon.
Chemlights: A very cheap, and very lightweight, solution for low light situations. Very effective
at providing enough light for passive NVG use.
Flare: A magnesium flare that provides a superior illumination solution then chemlights.
Standard Rifleman
20.5 lbs base
CQB Quiet
19 lbs base
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CQB Loud
22 lbs base
Heavy Weapons
36.5 lbs base
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F-33 Firestorm: The F-33 represents the first successful
foray into hybrid alien aircraft. With its Elerium power
source, and alien plasma engines, the Firestorm offers a
significant increase in speed, maneuverability, load, and
range over the F-35 making it much more capable of
confronting larger UFO’s. The product of a joint project
between X-Com, Lockheed Martin, and the US Air Force,
the Firestorm is based on the airframe of the F-22 with
significant alien technology grafted into the design. The F-33 shares a 15% parts commonality
with the Raptor, helping to keep the cost down somewhat, but the Firestorm is still an extremely
expensive aircraft and X-Com has been slow in procuring and fielding them.
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SV-1 Avenger: The pinnacle of alien hybrid aircraft
technology, the SV-1 is a high capacity personnel carrier
capable of long distance space travel. The high powered
plasma engines make the Avenger the fastest terrestrial
vehicle in history, and it has demonstrated speeds in
excess of Mach 6.4 in atmospheric flight and approaching
0.0055% c in sustained spaceflight. While not high on
creature comforts, the Avenger is capable of supporting 20
humans (to including a crew of 4) for up to a month of
sustained space travel. The SV-1 should enable X-Com to
conduct combat operations against the aliens’ non-terrestrial facilities.
AN/SPY-2B Radar: The SPY-2 series of radar was originally developed as a land based
version of the US Navy’s AN/SPY-1, and was initially used for theater ballistic missile defense.
X-Com was able to purchase a number of the systems, and upgraded them to draw less power
so they could be used in areas of the world without a sophisticated infrastructure. Actual
effectiveness of the system in identifying and tracking UFO’s is closely controlled data available
only to Class 1 employees and Tier I funding nations.
Communications Systems
Hyperwave Encrypter: In parallel with the research and development of the HWD, X-Com and
the US National Security Agency have also developed the Hyperwave Encrypter (or HWE)
which allows X-Com to mask its own wireless communications from alien interception. Users
input their desired message traffic, and then a random time later HWE takes the data and
modulates it using an algorithmically chosen non-human brainwave pattern such as a canine.
This process obfuscates the human observations that the aliens use to decipher the message.
Unfortunately, the process is slow, and the data throughput is low, which limits the system to
only simple messages, but the HWE provides a secure method for coordinating vital operations
where security is a concern.
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Primary Weapons
ADF2 Plasma Rifle: The standard firearm of the alien arsenal.
This weapon is accurate and devastatingly powerful. Its
effectiveness has been demonstrated in the field on nearly
every mission X-Com has conducted. With reports from the
field indicating that terrestrial weapons are becoming less
effective against some of the newer alien species, combat
teams are strongly encouraged to start the transition to plasma
weaponry. Like other alien weapons, it lacks a traditional
trigger, and is operated by a tailored motion of the hand
gripping the rear handle. All X-Com field personnel should be familiar with this motion in case
the need arises on a mission.
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ADF4 Stun Launcher: The ADF4 is the primary live capture
weapon in the alien arsenal. Its grenade like ammunition consists
of a small elerium explosive at the center of an acoustic horn
aperture with a weaponized sleep agent used as a binder. When
the bomb hits, the small explosive’s concussive force is shaped into
intense radial beams thus maximizing its potential to stun and daze.
The explosion also aerosolizes the sleep agent in a large area,
adding to the stun effect and possibly affecting more targets.
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Secondary Weapons
ADF1 Plasma Pistol: The smallest of the alien firearms
recovered so far, personnel should not be fooled by its small
size. Though the plasma bolt fired by this weapon is around the
size of a .22 caliber round, it is as energetic, and effective, as
most modern assault rifles. This much power at such a low
weight might seem attractive to field personnel, but the plasma
pistol has a shallow magazine and slow rate of fire. It is probable
that this is a weapon used by aliens who don’t expect combat. It
lacks a traditional trigger, and is instead operated by a tailored squeeze of the handle and flick
of the firing hand’s wrist. All X-Com field personnel should be familiar with this motion in case
the need arises on a mission.
Expendable Weapons
ADE1 Plasma Grenade: The plasma grenade uses the same mechanism
as all plasma weapons, only it carries a much larger payload of Elerium
and Thallium then standard plasma shells. The alien alloy casing allows
for internal pressure to build much higher before discharge which gives it
such an enormous area of effect when compared to a plasma shell. An
alien grenade is activated by simultaneously squeezing its two activation
switches. These are marked by very slight depressions in the alloy skin of
the device. All X-Com field personnel should familiarize themselves with
these activators.
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General Information
The Alien Hierarchy: Interrogations of captured extraterrestrials indicate that there is a definite
hierarchy amongst the aliens. At the top of this structure is something referred to as “The Elder”,
or “The God”, as there doesn’t appear to be a direct translation of the word into any Earth
language. This entity directs the actions of the aliens as a whole, and directs the conduct of the
war through its priesthood.
The Elder’s edicts and directions are then passed down to various “Khans”. These khans
are autonomous warlords and rulers who exercise direct control over their forces. It is unclear
as to how one becomes a khan, but what is known is that most aliens of this rank are Ethereals,
though apparently there are a few Sectoid khans as well. While khans cooperate in the general
sense, there is no direct cooperation between their forces, and they appear to be unable to
conduct joint operations.
Beneath the khans are an array of sub-khans who serve as a sort of aristocracy for a
given khanate, and fleet commanders who are their chief military commanders. The ranks of
sub-khan are dominated by Ethereals while Sectoids make up the bulk of fleet commanders.
The rest of the alien species seem unable to enter these higher levels of the hierarchy, and are
relegated to more menial rolls though they seem to be able to become captain of smaller ships.
Alien Origins: The history of the alien Horde stretches back to before the dawn of man. From
the analysts’ best estimations, the creation of “The Elder” by the Ethereals on their homeworld
marked their transition to a pseudo-theocratic and war-like society bent on bringing all sentient
life under their, and The Elder’s sway. Sometime in the century that followed, the Ethereals
were able to partially subjugate the occupants of their planet’s nearest neighbor, the Sectoids,
thus gaining a measure of control over the Sectoids’ incredible technological capabilities and
allowing them to spread beyond their own star system.
From there the Horde began to fan out from its native system into nearby star systems
looking for more species to assimilate. Additionally, scouts were sent out far and wide
throughout the Milky Way to identify planets that demonstrated the potential for sentient life to
develop so they could be marked for visitation in the future. Extremely sensitive, source
controlled, evidence indicates that the horde discovered Earth sometime during the Triassic
time period.
Currently, the Horde is estimated to control approximately 300 star systems and some
2300 sentient, or semi-sentient, species.
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Alien Ranks: While not as in-depth as
terrestrial military ranking structures,
the alien hierarchy has a defined set of
ranks and insignia to mark and
delineate the position and authority of
the aliens within it. Below the top tier
members of khan, sub-khan, and fleet
commander, there are believed to be
two parallel ranking structures: fleet
ranks and troop ranks.
Fleet ranks are used for aliens
who serve as the crews on larger
ships. Analysts believe that aliens in
this track are not experienced in
ground combat operations and can
only act in self-defense if shot down or
ambushed during a non-combat mission.
Troop ranks are used for the ground combat element of the alien hierarchy. These
extraterrestrials are trained in conducting offensive ground operations to include terror attacks
and X-Com base assaults.
In addition to their rank insignia, qualified aliens will also wear specialist devices to
denote special training or qualifications they possess. Analysts believe that specialist aliens
offer prime capture targets for the information they may be able to provide X-Com Intelligence.
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Racial Tensions: Based on information gained from captured aliens, it is clear that there is a
significant amount of racial instability within the alien Horde. The primary cleavage is between
the Ethereals and the Sectoids, who both believe they are the superior species.
The Ethreals base this belief on the scope of the psionic powers they wield, the fact that
they created The Elder, and were able to defeat the Sectoids millennia ago. The Sectoids
believe that they are the source of the Horde’s success as they are the creators of the vast
majority of the technology that has lead them this far. They also feel that their own psionic
potential is on par with that of the Ethereals, and they have a stronger genetic code based on
thousands of years of engineering and refinement.
The most common manifestation of this tension is intra-khanate where the two species
vie for the loyalty of the various species that make up that khanate. The Ethreal khans hope to
shore up their position against their Sectoid subordinates, while the Sectoids try to gain enough
support that they will be able to overthrow the khan and claim another khanate for their species.
During wartime the two species normally set aside their differences while conducting
operations, but apparently open conflicts still occur. This is particularly true at the inter-khanate
level were Ethreal and Sectoid khans will not support one another’s operations, or will allow
their opponent to be defeated by a planet’s resistance thus weakening their position.
Strategic Doctrine: When targeting a new star system, the Horde combs its genetic libraries to
determine which species are most compatible with conditions likely to be found in the targeted
system. The khanates possessing the proper demographics are then selected as the initial
invasion force.
The first mission sets the aliens will conduct are scouting missions in order to determine
major population centers on targeted worlds, as well as to bring back information for further
strategic development. Next they will conduct abduction missions in order to collect native
specimens to augment the alien’s genetic libraries so hybrids more suited to the targeted world
can be develop.
Lastly comes major combat operations to include terror attacks as well as attacks on
centers of resistance. If facing a sophisticated enemy where there is an effective resistance, the
horde will also attempt to infiltrate the targeted species, in an attempt to segment the resistance
into more manageable opponents.
Alien Technology
Alien Alloys: The aliens have produced a number of very novel
alloys for use in their technology. Most fall into the category of
bulk metallic glasses which allows the extraterrestrials to rapidly
produce a wide array of shapes and forms in an industrial
setting. These alloys have high strength, low thermal
conductivity, and are highly resistant to plastic deformation as
well as being light weight, making them perfect for spaceflight
and ballistic armor applications. Like terrestrial metallic glasses, they are primarily made of
zirconium but silicon, aluminum, titanium, and zinc are all common components as well.
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Elerium: Formerly known as Ununpentium (Uup), the IUPAC has recently
agreed to rename the element Elerium in honor of Dr. Joseph Eler who was
the first to extensively study it at the X-Com Center for Materials Science at
the University of California in Berkley California. It serves as the primary
energy source for nearly every piece of alien technology yet discovered.
As a super heavy element, Elerium was previously thought to be
extremely unstable which is why Dr. Eler devoted so much energy into
studying it once he determined what the black stones actually were. Further study revealed the
compound to be the isotope 238El which had previously never been isolated, even in laboratory
conditions, and is currently far beyond our ability to create. This discovery of an additional peak
in the Islands of Stability has had profound implications in the field of high-energy materials.
Elerium appears to be stable at most normal temperatures and pressures, and has
physical properties in line with what is expected of a 7p element. What is significant, however, is
that when 238El is exposed to a beta emission source it undergoes electron capture into element
116, ununhexium, which is highly unstable and undergoes self-fission. Therefore the rate of
energy release is directly proportional to Elerium's rate of beta exposure which allows for very
fine control and makes it suitable as a power source for multiple applications.
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Hyperwave Technology: The aliens have had great success in intercepting and deciphering
even the most secure terrestrial communications. They have been able to capitalize on the little
understood “observer effect” of quantum mechanics. Simply put the very act of using a
communications system has, previously imperceptible, effects on the resulting wavestates of the
electrons travelling through the system and the resulting electromagnetic field emitted from the
antenna. These are known as hyperwave states. These hyperwave states carry information in
parallel with the intended communications, and generally contain the surface thoughts of the
individual sending the message.
The aliens are able to detect these hyperwaves, which normally consist of a summation
of whatever message the communicator was sending, by running any intercepted
communications through a synthetic brain built from the genetic material of whatever species’
communications they are trying to intercept. This allows the aliens to circumvent whatever
encryption is in place and extract the message contents.
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Scientific Name: Alienus Homo Mollis
Aliases: Shifter, Changeling
Autopsy Data: This species possesses similar
dimensions and organ structures to humans, but their
musculature and skin is very different at the cellular level.
Locked in the nucleus of those cells are a number
of dormant genetic sequences. When these sequences
are activated, by a currently unknown biological process,
they rapidly manifest themselves through extreme cellular
reproduction with the end result being that the Celatid
takes on the appearance of whatever species was coded
into their cells.
Additionally, Celatids have a pair of glands at the
top of their throats which produce an extremely acidic bile
(pH immeasurable at this time, but appears to be less than 0.7). The species appears to be
able to excrete this bile in a jet from their mouths which can pose a threat to even heavily
armored personnel.
This report concludes that Celatids pose an extreme infiltration risk to not just X-Com,
but all major terrestrial organizations. Teams should establish code words and phrases to help
prevent infiltration during a mission where Celatids are expected.
Species Summary: The origin of this species is unknown. While it is clear that they have been
heavily modified and engineered by the Sectoids, whether they are a completely synthetic
species, or based on some actual organism cannot be readily determined.
There does not appear to be an upper limit to the amount of species that can saved in
the genetic memory of a Celatid, but they can only be programmed in vitro. It is believed that
large abduction campaigns will precede any Celatid manufacturing program in order to harvest
suitable genetic code to build into that batch to achieve maximum shifting ability.
Genetic testing will expose a Celatid if samples can be taken. The only known method
of identifying one on the field is through the use of dogs which display an immediate hostile
reaction to them.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Shooting d6, Spitting d10, Stealth d10, Throwing d6
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Change Form: The Celatid can spend an action to make a Vigor roll to change form. Success and
they are at -2 to all actions until the end of its next turn when the transformation finishes. With
a raise the transformation occurs at the end of the current turn.
Acid Spray: Roll Spitting skill to attack. 10/15/20, 3d10+2 damage, AP 6
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 (+ Whatever armor they are wearing to blend in)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Insecta Horrificus
Aliases: Roach
Autopsy Data: This insect like alien has only been
documented during alien terror missions. Its biology is
similar to that of terrestrial insects only on a much
larger, and more rugged scale. However, the most
notable characteristic of this species is its method of
attack. The chryssalid seeks to bite it’s victims with its
large mandibles, and implant an egg inside their
abdominal cavity via an oral appendage leading to the
creature’s large internal egg sac. While a precise
developmental timeline of chryssalid eggs is unknown,
what is known is that very shortly after implantation the
victim loses all control over motor functions while the
chryssalid nymph matures. These so called “zombies”
are very aggressive, and will attack nearby humans. It is unclear if this is simply a side effect of
the implantation, or if the chryssalid nymph can actually exert some form of control over the
victim. Once a victim has reached this stage, there is no known cure. If a zombie is killed the
chryssalid will emerge.
It is also unclear how the alien commanders control deployed chryssalids, as they seem
to have only animal intelligence. Analysis of the telomeres of recovered specimens shows that
they are very short, which sets a maximum ceiling on the amount of generations that may be
derived from a given chryssalid. This may very well be a genetic failsafe added by the aliens to
prevent a “rogue” chryssalid from posing a threat.
The chryssalid’s exoskeleton is very hard and thick, which can pose a threat to
personnel using conventional weapons. However, reports from the field indicate that
thermobaric and incendiary weapons are extremely effective, and may prevent chryssalid
nymphs from emerging from an implanted host.
Species Summary: Besides its disturbing method of reproduction, the chryssalid’s claws are a
powerful close combat weapon, and it’s extremely high metabolic rate gives it incredible speed
and dexterity. It is clear that this species sole purpose is to serve as a terror weapon for the
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Chryssalid Zombie
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d4, Notice d6, Intimidate d8
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Claw: Strength+d4
Infravision: Chryssalids can see in the dark and take no penalties for lighting. They can see IR
Gory Birth: When a Chryssalid Zombie is killed it is replaced with a Chryssalid which is dealt into
the initiative next round.
Fearless: Chryssalid Zombies are immune to fear and intimidation.
Animated Dead: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from being shaken
Weakness (Fire): Chryssalid Zombies are at -2 to soak damage from fire or incendiaries. If killed
by fire or incendiaries Gory Birth is negated.
Pace: 4 Parry: 5 Toughness: 7
Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d12, Guts d8, Notice d8, Intimidate d8, Stealth d10, Climbing d8
Abilities: Horror (-2)
Bite: Strength+d10
Carapace: A Chryssalid’s chitin provides 2 Armor.
Infravision: Chryssalids can see in the dark and take no penalties for lighting. They can see IR
Spider Climb: Chryssalids can adhere to walls and ceilings. Movement on these surfaces is
treated as though they were difficult terrain unless a successful climbing roll is made. With a
raise, the Chryssalid can run on these surfaces as well.
Fleet Footed: Running die is a d8
Impregnate: Anything wounded by a bite attack must make a Vigor check or be incapacitated
immediately. Additionally at the end of 1d4 turns the character dies and is replaced by a
Chryssalid Zombie. A successful us of the Healing power at -2 before a target becomes a zombie
will end this effect.
Fearless: Chryssalids are immune to fear and intimidation.
Weakness (Fire): Chryssalids are at -2 to soak damage from fire or incendiaries.
Pace: 8 Parry: 8 Toughness: 8 (2 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Not Applicable
Aliases: None
Engineering Data: This miniature flying saucer
is an automated terror weapon armed with a
powerful gattling-style plasma weapon. Its anti-
gravity propulsion system is similar to that of a
floater, and gives the disc a distinct advantage in
difficult terrain. The cyberdisc is well armored,
and is particularly good at withstanding
This specimen’s anti-gravity system is too
badly damaged to gain any understanding of its
Based on both reports from the field, and
this study, it is clear that these devices are devastating foes. Cyberdiscs have a uniform
exterior, and well shielded vital systems. There are no specific weak spots in its armor, instead
X-Com personnel should simply focus fire until the disc is brought down. The device’s self-
destruct mechanism is similar in power and lethal area to a plasma grenade. Personnel should
remain at least 18 yards away from a cyberdisc at all times.
Functional Summary: The cyberdisc serves much of the same functions for the aliens as
UGV’s do for terrestrial military organizations. However, it is clear that cyberdiscs are more
autonomous then terrestrial UGV’s and are used much more aggressively, to the point where
cyberdiscs are used as one half of a flanking maneuver with a squad of aliens.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d8, Intimidate d8, Shooting d10
Abilities: Horror (-2)
Size: Large +1
Construct: No additional damage from called shots. Immune to fear, poison, and disease.
Explosive Resistant: +2 to soak rolls against damage from explosives.
Hover: Cyberdiscs hover 4 to 6 off the ground. They suffer no penalties from difficult terrain.
Gatling-Plasma: Use the cone template. Make a contested cyberdisc’s Shooting vs. target’s
agility roll against all targets in template. 3d10+1 damage, AP 4, 20% of catching on fire.
Self-Destruct: When a cyberdisc is killed it explodes. Center a large burst template over the
cyberdisc. All targets in the template must roll Agility-2. If successful move them to just outside
the blast radius or behind the nearest cover. Those who fail take 3d8 damage.
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 11 (4 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Homo Mentalis
Aliases: None
Autopsy Data: This being is physically
retarded and seems incapable of sustaining
any life functions. The muscles are severely
atrophied and the internal organs appear to be
under-developed. The sensory organs,
including the eyes, do not appear to function at
all. The brain, however, is well developed and
draws on a high proportion of the body's blood
The psionic faculties of this species are
the only explanation as to how it sustains
normal physical functions. It must either be
able to subsist on lower levels of body function,
or be able to augment their organ function
above what seems physically possible.
Species Summary: This species has awesome mental powers which allow for telepathic
communication and telekinetic abilities. The apparently weak physical abilities of these
extraterrestrial are sustained by its mental powers. We do not understand how these telekinetic
powers work, since they seem to defy the laws of physics as we know them at this time.
It is clear that Ethereals are the dominant species in the extraterrestrial hierarchy. They
are highly intelligent, cunning, and ruthless. This, combined with their psychic abilities, makes
them extremely dangerous. Reports from the field indicate that they are able to possess
humans and control their actions in addition to manipulating emotional and physiological
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d10, Intimidate d12, Fighting d8, Guts d12, Shooting d8, Psionics d12, Throwing d6
Abilities: Horror (-2)
Mind Over Matter: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover from being Shaken, called shots not to the head
have no extra effect.
Battle Trance: No wound penalties to Psionics skill rolls.
Channel: For 2 power points the Ethereal may take its action through one of its thralls.
50 Power Points. Knows: Analyze Foe, Farsight, Fear, Sluggish Reflexes, Telekinesis, Stun, Puppet,
Confusion, Havoc, Armor, Blind, Fly
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 8
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Scientific Name: Alienus Homo Volatilis
Aliases: None known
Autopsy Data: These specimens have been drastically altered
by surgery. There has been some sort anti-gravity and life
support device grafted throughout its body which has replaced
nearly all of its internal organs. In theory, this device could
enable the species to survive in nearly any environment. The
brain is smaller than a human's, but the sensory organs are well
developed and are most likely very acute.
Its body appears to have similar biological tolerances as
that of a human, and the life support device is well armored.
Recent reports from the field reveal that this species' acute
senses are vulnerable to extremely high powered stimuli such
as M84 Flashbangs.
Species Summary: The Floaters primarily fill menial positions
in the alien hierarchy. They can be found as UFO crewmen, soldiers, and terror agents. They
are naturally a human like species, but have been heavily modified through genetic engineering
and cybernetic enhancement by the Sectoids to augment their capabilities.
Generally Floaters prefer the Sectoids, but most just follow the orders of their
commanders and are hesitant to participate in any racial conflicts within the hierarchy.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d6, Intimidate d6
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Flight: Has a flying pace of 8, and climb of 4
Dodge: When airborne, -1 penalty to being hit by ranged attacks.
Infravision: Floaters halve penalties for bad lighting.
Light Sensitive: -1 to recover from being shaken by explosions such as grenades.
Pace: 8 Parry: 5 Toughness: 8 (3 Armor)
Other Roles: Medic (Healing d8), Navigator (Piloting d8), Soldier (Stealth d6)
Floater Commander
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d6, Intimidate d6
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Flight: Has a flying pace of 8, and climb of 4
Luck: +1 Benny
Improved Dodge: When airborne, -2 penalty to being hit by ranged attacks.
Infravision: Floaters halve penalties for bad lighting
Light Sensitive: -1 to recover from being shaken by explosions such as grenades.
Pace: 8 Parry: 5 Toughness: 8 (3 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Homo Fortis
Aliases: Nordic, Hulks
Autopsy Data: DNA sequencing revealed that this species is
97% genetically identical to humans, with the final 3% being of
extraterrestrial origin. It is unclear if the extraterrestrial portion is
taken from some other alien species, making this creature a
chimera, or if it was engineered and added to the human DNA.
An examination of the remains revealed that they also
contained heavy cybernetic modification, and that there were no
apparent reproductive organs. This report concludes that this
species is created for war and most likely is some sort of shock
Species Summary: This species is physically powerful and
cunning, and are the top of terror unit commanders for the aliens.
Though engineered by the Sectoids, Mutons appear to be completely loyal to the
Ethereals. This is more than likely the result of heavy psionic conditioning by the Ethereals.
Mutons will be assigned as “bodyguards” for troublesome Sectoid fleet commanders and sub-
khans by Ethereal khans who want to ensure compliance from their subordinates.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Throwing d8, Intimidate d8, Stealth d4
Abilities: Large (+1), Horror (-1)
Hardened: +2 to recover from being shaken
Hardy: No wounds from multiple shaken results, except from Psionic powers.
Hybrid Vigor: The Muton gets one free soak roll.
Fearless: Mutons are immune to fear and intimidation, except from Psionic powers.
Weakness (Psionics): Mutons are at -4 to resist, or recover from, psionic attack
Pace: 5 Parry: 7 Toughness: 12 (4 Armor)
Other Roles: Medic (Healing d6), Engineer (Demolitions d6)
Muton Commando
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12+1
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Throwing d8, Intimidate d8, Stealth d6
Abilities: Large (+1), Horror (-1)
Hardened: +2 to recover from being shaken
Unstoppable: No wound penalties
Hardy: No wounds from multiple shaken results, except from Psionic powers.
Hybrid Vigor: The Muton gets one free soak roll.
Fearless: Mutons are immune to fear and intimidation, except from Psionic powers.
Weakness (Psionics): Mutons are at -4 to resist, or recover from, psionic attack
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 12 (4 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Ursus Horribilis
Aliases: Bear
Autopsy Data: DNA sequencing revealed
that this species is 98% genetically identical to
terrestrial grizzly bears, with the final 2%
being of extraterrestrial origin. It is unclear if
the extraterrestrial portion is taken from some
other alien species, making this creature a
chimera, or if it was engineered and added to
the bear DNA.
Not much more could be determined
due to the condition of the remains received,
however based on field reports it is postulated
that these creatures are extremely sensitive to fire based or incendiary weapons.
Species Summary: This bipedal carnivore has powerful jaws and a voracious appetite. It has a
number of brain implants which are used to control its activity. The primitive predatory instincts
of this creature are of little use except as a particularly vicious terror unit naturally suited for the
Earth’s many environments.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Notice d12, Intimidate d8, Fighting d10, Guts d8, Stealth d6
Abilities: Horror (-2)
Size: Large +2
Tough Hide: 1 Armor
Bight/Claws: Str + d8
Weakness (Fire): -5 to Soak rolls against incendiary and fire based weapons.
Pin Down: If the Reaper gets a raise on a Fighting roll, the target is knocked prone and grabbed.
The opponent is at -2 to escape this grab. Only one opponent can be grabbed like this at a time.
Improved Frenzy: The Reaper can make two Fighting attacks without a multi-action penalty in a
Charge: If the Reaper moves its full pace before an attack, the roll is automatically considered to
have earned a raise if it is successful.
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 12 (1 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Caput Magnus
Aliases: Grey
Autopsy Data: The autopsy reveals vestigial digestive organs
and a simple structure. The brain and eyes are very well
developed. The structure suggests genetic alteration or
mutation. The small mouth and nose appear to have little
function. The webbing between the fingers and the flat feet
suggest aquatic origins. There are no reproductive organs and
no clues as to how this species can reproduce. They are most
probably a genetically engineered species.
Its body appears to have similar biological tolerances as
that of a human. Thus there are no special weapon or tactical
recommendations for this species.
Species Summary: The Sectoid race runs the gamut of the
alien hierarchy from crewman to khan. They are an extremely intelligent race and are
responsible for the invention and creation of the vast majority of alien technology. Extraordinary
specimens can manifest psionic abilities like their chief rivals, the Ethereals.
It is impossible to know what the Sectoids’ original biological traits are as they have
heavily modified their own genetic code over millennia. It is not even possible for them to
reproduce naturally at this point, and they are wholly dependent on cloning and genetic
engineering to continue the species. They use abduction to extract genetic material they can
add to their species so they can thrive on new planets and to increase their overall viability.
There appears to be a deep seated dislike and mistrust of Ethereals by Sectoids and the
two bicker and compete for position in the hierarchy and the favor of “The Elder”. Some
Sectoids have noted that in times of relative peace and slow expansion, Ethereal and Sectoid
khans have gone so far as to wage open war on one another.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Throwing d8, Intimidate d6
Abilities: Small (-1), Horror (-1)
Pace: 5 Parry: 5 Toughness: 7 (3 Armor)
Other Roles: Medic (Healing d8), Engineer (Knowledge d10), Navigator (Piloting d10)
Sectoid Commander
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Throwing d8, Intimidate d6, Psionics d8
Abilities: Small (-1), Horror (-1)
Command: Allies are +1 to recover from being shaken.
15 Power Points. Knows: Analyze Foe, Farsight, Fear, Sluggish Reflexes
Pace: 5 Parry: 5 Toughness: 7 (3 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Not Applicable
Aliases: Bot, Mech, Walker
Engineering Data: Weighing in at close to one
ton, the Sectopod is the ultimate in fully
autonomous assault systems. Its armor is
extremely rugged and allows the Sectopod to
absorb large amounts of punishment with no
loss of combat performance. This armor is
specifically hardened against plasma weapons, which indicates that Sectopods may fill some
sort of internal security role for the alien Horde as well.
The Sectopod is a highly lethal killing machine which is nearly as effective in combat as
a small fire team. It is armed with two installed ADF3 Heavy Plasmas which it can fire with
punishing accuracy.
Internally, the Sectopod’s command and control systems are centered on an actual brain
implanted inside and augmented with cybernetic devices. It is assumed that this central brain
also allows the aliens to issue commands to the Sectopod psionically. This implies that
psionically trained X-Com personnel can use their abilities against them as well.
Additionally, the Sectopod’s EO/IR sensors are extremely sensitive to the near-IR
energy emitted by X-Com’s laser weapons. It is recommended that combat teams carry laser
weapons on any mission involving high ranking aliens.
Functional Summary: It is confirmed that the primary function of Sectopods is for internal
security and protection of khans.
Additionally, the Sectopod requires a psionic-capable brain. Normally these are taken
from executed aliens, but interrogations have revealed that a number of captured psionic X-
Com soldiers have been used as well.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Notice d10, Intimidate d8, Shooting d12
Abilities: Horror (-2), Size Large (+2)
Construct: No additional damage from called shots. Immune to fear, poison, and disease.
Battle Hardened: Immune to Suppressive Fire tactic.
Plasma Resistant: +2 to Soak rolls against plasma weapons.
Weakness (Laser): -5 to Soak rolls versus lasers.
Armor: The Sectopod is heavily armored (+6 Armor)
Advanced Targeting: The Sectopod can make two Shooting attacks per turn without a mulitaction
Installed Weapons: Sectopods are considered to be armed with a Heavy Plasma with unlimited
ammunition. They cannot be disarmed.
Pace: 5 Parry: 4 Toughness: 17 (6 Armor)
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Scientific Name: Alienus Homo Serpens
Aliases: Reptiloid, Reptile Alien, Lizard Man
Autopsy Data: The autopsy confirms reports from the
field that the skin is extremely tough and heat resistant.
Additionally, the cardio-vascular system is part of the
muscular system which uses the hydraulic principle to
create motion. The only true muscle is the heart which
takes up approximately 30% of the thoracic cavity. The
reproductive system appears to be very efficient.
Reproduction is asexual, with each snakeman carrying up
to fifty eggs inside its body at any one time. It is the
assessment of this team that, if left to its own devices, this
species would be a severe threat to life on earth.
With its extreme toughness, and lack of traditional musculature, it is recommended that
soldiers in the field aim for the head and neck. If the target is unarmored, center of mass shots
have a good chance of hitting the heart and would also be very effective. Additionally, field
reports indicate that certain members of this species exhibit chameleon like abilities which allow
them to nearly perfectly blend in with their surroundings. Personnel should use alternative
sensors when there is a possibility of encountering this species.
Species Summary: It is apparent that this race was originally from an extremely hostile
environment and further modified to enhance their hardy characteristics. They are extremely
tough, and can resist extreme temperature variations and atmospheric variations. They mostly
fill the ranks of front line soldiers and terrorists for the aliens.
Snakemen appear to be loyal to Sectoids, and many seem to chafe under the rule of the
Ethereals. Almost all the specimens that have been observed as loyal to the Ethereals have
had brain implants installed, which are more than likely some sort of control mechanism. This
indicates that there is a fear of Snakeman rebellion by the Ethereals.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d8, Guts d10, Notice d8+2, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Throwing d8, Intimidate
d8, Swim d8
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Aquatic: Pace 6 in the water
Bite: Str+d4
Constrict: Make a fighting roll to entangle an opponent. Thereafter the target takes Str+d8
damage. The only action the target can take is to escape with an opposed Strength roll.
Keen Senses: +2 to Notice rolls and always “active”.
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 9 (3 Armor)
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Snakeman Commando
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d10, Guts d10, Notice d10+2, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Throwing d8,
Intimidate d8, Swim d8
Abilities: Horror (-1)
Aquatic: Pace 8 in the water
Bite: Str+d6
Constrict: Make a fighting roll to entangle an opponent. Thereafter the target takes Str+d8
damage. The only action the target can take is to escape with an opposed Strength roll.
Quick: Redraw initiative cards of less than 5
Keen Senses: +2 to Notice rolls and always “active”.
15 Power Points, Knows: Invisibility (Uses Stealth skill)
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 10 (3 Armor)
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