Electronic Wireless Body Scanning System

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Technical Seminar Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering

A.G. SAI NIHARIKA(16251A0401)


(for women)


Affiliated to JNTUH


Batch: 2016-2020

Abstarct 3

List of figures 4

S. No Topic Page No.
1 Introduction 5

2 History 6

3 Understanding capsule endoscopy 8

4 Internal view of Capsule camera 9

5 Capsule camera platform components 10

6 Endoscopy procedure 13

7 Advantages 14

8 Disadvantages 15

9 Applications 16

10 Future scope 17

11 Conclusion 18

12 References 19

The aim of technology is to make products in a large scale for cheaper prices and increased
quality. The current technologies have attained a part of it , but the manufacturing technology is at
macro level. The future lies in manufacturing product right from the molecular level. Research in
this direction started way back in eighties. At that time manufacturing at molecular and atomic
level was laughed about. But due to advent of nanotechnology we have realized it to a certain level.

One such product manufactured is PILL CAMERA, which is used for the treatment of cancer,
ulcer and anemia. It has made revolution in the field of medicine This tiny capsule can pass through
our body, without causing any harm it. It takes pictures of our intestine and transmits the same to
the receiver of the computer analysis of our digestive system. This process can help tracking any
kind of disease related to digestive system. Also we have discussed the drawbacks of PILL
CAMERA and how these drawbacks can be overcome by using Grain sized motor and bi-
directional wireless telemetry capsule .Besides this we have reviewed the process of manufacturing
products using nanotechnology . Some other important applications are also discussed along with
their potential impacts on various fields.


S.No Name of the figure Page no.
1 Lichteiter 6

2 Endoscopy invented by Desormaux 6

3 Gastro camera with fiber scope 7

4 Gastro scope by Schindler 7

5 Internal view of capsule camera 9

6 Sensor Array Belt 11s

7 Data Recorder 11

8 Real time viewer 12

We have made great progress in manufacturing products. Looking back from where we stand now,
we started from flint knives and stone tools and reached the stage where we make such tools with
more precision than ever. The leap in technology is great but it is not going to stop here. With our
present technology we manufacture products by casting, milling, grinding, chipping and the likes.
With these technologies we have made more things at a lower cost and greater precision than ever
before. The next step in manufacturing technology is to manufacture products at molecular level.
The technology used to achieve manufacturing at molecular level is “NANOTECHNOLOGY”.
Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices and system through manipulation of
such miniscule matter (nanometer).Nanotechnology deals with objects measured in nanometers.
Nanometer can be visualized as billionth of a meter or millionth of a millimeter or it is 1/80000
width of human hair. These technologies we have made more things at a lower cost and greater
precision than before.

The advantages of our technology today have led to its effective use and application to the medical
field. One effective and purposeful application of the advancement of technology is the process of
endoscopy, which is used to diagnose and examine the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract of
the patents. It has been reported that this process is done by inserting an 8mm tube through the
mouth with a camera at one end, and images are shown on nearby monitor, allowing the medics to
carefully guide it down to the gullet or stomach.

However, despite the effectiveness of this process to diagnose the patients, research shows that
endoscopy is a pain stacking process not only for the patients, but also for the doctors and nurses
as well. From this, the evolution of the wireless capsule endoscopy has emerged. The miniature e
camera, along with a light, transmitter and batteries, called capsule cam, is housed in a capsule,
the size of a large vitamin pill, and is used in a procedure known as capsule endoscopy, which is a
noninvasive and painless way of looking into the esophagus and small intestine. Once swallowed,
the capsule is propelled through the small intestine by peristalsis, and acquires and transmits digital
images at the rate of two per second to a sensor array attached to the patients stomach through a
recording device worn on a belt stores the images, to be examined and reviewed.

It was Philip Bozzini who in 1805 made the first attempt to observe the living human body directly
through a tube he created known as a Lichteiter (light guiding instrument) to examine the urinary
tract, rectum and pharynx. In 1853, Antoine Jean Desormeaux of France developed an instrument
specially designed to examine the urinary tract and the bladder. He named it "endoscope," and it
was the first time this term was used in history.

Fig: Lichteiter Fig: Endoscope invented by Desormaux

After a series of trials, Dr. Adolph Kussmaul of Germany succeeded in taking a look inside the
stomach of a living human body for the first time in 1868. This was tested on a sword-swallower,
who could to gulp down a straight, 47-centimeter long metal tube with a diameter of 13
millimeters. Ten years later, two doctors named Max Nitze and Josef Leiter invented a
cystourethroscope and in 1881, Johann von Mikulicz and his associates created the first rigid gastro
scope for practical applications. These gastro scopes were not flexible at all, but finally in 1932,
Dr. Rudolph Schindler invented a flexible gastro scope, -- a modified version of the earlier ones--
that allowed examinations even while the tube is bent. This tube was 75 centimeters in length and
11 millimeters in diameter. About 1/3 of the entire length of the tube toward the tip could bend to
a certain degree. Rudolph Schindler examined the inside of a stomach through numerous lenses
positioned throughout the tube with a miniature light bulb.

In 1949, a doctor working at the University of Tokyo Medical Center requested Olympus Optical
Co.Ltd. (currently Olympus Corporation) to develop a camera that could photograph and examine
of the interior of a patient's stomach. Olympus undertook this difficult challenge, and the historic
development of gastro cameras began. There were many difficulties including: producing
extremely small lenses, discovering strong sources of illumination, searching materials for flexible
tubes and the most appropriate films, as well as water leakage prevention measures. Researchers
had to discover their own way and overcome obstacles through many futile trials and errors. In
1950, researchers, having gone through some tremendous ordeals, finally unveiled the first
prototype. The instrument was equipped with a photographic lens located at the tip of the flexible
tube. Images were captured on monochrome film by photo flashing miniature light bulb in vitro,
activated manually. The film had to be wound up by pulling a wire. This device, however, was
still too primitive for adequate clinical use.

The development team at Olympus, and doctors at the University of Tokyo Medical Center,
continued working to overcome many challenges and difficulties. Olympus consistently worked
on a camera that (1) presented no danger to the patient, (2) created minimal discomfort, (3) allowed
photographing of any part of a stomach in a short amount of time, and (4) delivered crisp images
for easier diagnosis. The development and perfection of the gastro camera progressed quickly, and
the device became widely accept by many doctors.

Fig: Gastro scope by Schindler Fig: Gastro camera with a fiber scope


Capsule endoscopy lets the doctor to examine the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, which
includes the three portion of the small intestine. A pill sized video camera is given to swallow.
This camera has its own light source and takes picture of small intestine as it passes through. It
produces two frames per second with an approximate od 56,000 high quality images. These
pictures are send to recording device, which has to wear on the body.

Fig: A capsule in view

Doctor will be able to view these pictures at a later time and might be able to provide useful
information regarding a humans small intestine. Capsule endoscopy helps the doctor to evaluate
the small intestine. This part of the bowel cannot be reached by traditional upper endoscopy or by
colonoscopy. The most common reason for doing capsule endoscopy is to search for a cause of
bleeding from the small intestine. It may also be useful for detecting polyps, inflammatory bowel
diseases, ulcer and tumors of small intestine.


Fig: Internal view of a capsule camera

Capsule camera consists of 8 parts


It is the front part of the capsule and it is bullet shaped. Optical dome is the light receiving
window of the capsule and it is a nonconductor material. It prevents the filtration of digestive fluids
inside the capsule.

This accommodates the lens. Lenses are tightly fixed in the capsule to avoid dislocation of
It is the integral component of pill camera. This lens is placed behind the optical dome. The
light through window falls on the lens.
Illuminating LEDs illuminate an object. Non reflection coating of placed on the light
receiving window to prevent the reflection. Light irradiated from the LEDs pass through the
light receiving window.
It have 140 degree field of view and detect object as small as 0.1mm. It have high precise

Battery used in the capsule camera is bullet shaped and two in number and silver oxide primary
batteries are used. It is disposable and harmless material.
It is applicable specific integrated circuit and is placed behind the batteries. Two transmitting
electrodes are connected to the transmitter and these electrodes are electrically isolated.
Parylene coated on to polyethylene or polypropylene antennas are used. Antenna received data
from transmitter and then sends to data recorder.


In order for the images obtained and transmitted by the capsule endoscope to be useful, they
must be received and recorded for the study. Patients undergoing capsule endoscopy bear an
antenna array consisting of leads that are connected by wires to the recording unit, worn in standard
locations over the abdomen as dictated by a temperature for lead placement.

The antennas array is very similar in concept and practice to the multiple leads that must be
affixed to the chest of patients undergoing standard lead electrocardiography. The antenna array
and battery pack cam be worn under regular clothing. The recording device to which the leads are
attached is capable of recording the thousands of images transmitted by the capsule and received
by the antenna array. Ambulary patient movement does not interfere with image acquisition and
recording. A typical capsule endoscopy examination takes approximately 7 hours.

Mainly there are 5 platform components:

1) Pill cam capsule – SB or ESO

2) Sensor Array Belt
3) Data Recorder
4) Real Time Viewer
5) Work Station and Rapid Software

1) Pill cam Capsule – SB or ESO

SB: It is approved by food and drug administration. Mainly used for small bowel and
consists of standard lighting control. It gives one side imaging and 2 images per second i.e,
50,000 images in 8 hours.
ESO: Approved by food and drug administration. Mainly used for esophagus and consists
of automatic lighting control. It gives two sided imaging and 14 images per second i.e,
2,600 images in just 20 minutes.

2) Sensor Array Belt
Several wires are attached to the abdomen like ECG to obtain images by radio
frequency. These wires are connected to a light weight data recorder worn on a belt. Sensor
arrays are used to calculate and indicate the position of capsule in the body. Patient
receivers belt his or her waist over clothing. A belt is applied around the waist and holds a
recording device and a battery pack. Sensors are incorporated within the belt. Parts of
sensor array are sensor pads, data capable, battery charging, and receiver bag.
To remove the sensor array from your abdomen, do not pull the leads off the sensor
array, Peel off each adhesive sleeve starting with the non-adhesive tab without removing
the sensor from the adhesive sleeve. Place the sensor array with the rest of the equipment.

3) Data Recorder
Data recorder is a small portable recording device placed in the recorder pouch, attached
to the sensor belt. It has light weight (470 gm). Data recorder receives and record signals
transmitted by the camera to an array of sensors placed on the patient’s
body. It is of the size of Walkman and it receives and stores 5,000 to 6000 JPEG images
on a 9 GB hard drive. Images take several hours t download through several connections.

Fig: Data Recorder

4) Real time Viewer
It is a handheld device and it enables real-time viewing. It contains rapid reader software
and color LCD monitors. It tests the proper functioning before procedures and confirms
location of capsule.

Fig: Real Time viewer

5) Workstation and Rapid software

Rapid workstation performs the functioning of reporting and processing of images and
data. Image data from the data recorder is downloaded to a computer equipped with
software called rapid application software. It helps to convert images into a movie allows
the doctor to view the color 3D images.
Once the patient has completed the endoscopy examination, the antenna array and image
recording device are returned to the health care provider. The recording devices are
returned to the health care provider. The recording device is then attached to specially
modified computer workstation, and the entire examination is downloaded into the
computer, where it becomes available to the physician as a digital view it in both forward
and reverse directions, and to capture and label individual frames as well as brief video
clips. Images showing normal anatomy of pathologic findings can be closely examined in
full doctor.
A recent addition to the software package is a feature that allows degree of localization
of the capsule within the abdomen and correlation to the video images. Another new
addition to the software package automatically highlights capsule images that correlate
with the existence of suspected blood or red areas.

A typical capsule endoscopic procedure begins with the patient fasting after midnight of the
day before examination. No formal bowel preparation is required; surfactant may be
administered prior to the examination to enhance viewing. After a careful medical examination
the patient is fitted with the antenna array and image recorder. The recording device and its
battery pack are worn on a special belt that allows the patient to move freely. A fully charged
capsule removed from its holder, once the indicator lights on the capsule is swallowed with a
small amount of water. At this point, the patient is free to move about. Patients should avoid
ingesting anything other than liquids for approximately two hours after capsule ingestion.
Patients can eat food approximately 4 hours after they swallow the capsule without interfering
with the examination.

Seven to 8 hours after ingestion. The examination can be considered complete, and the patient
can return the antenna array and recording device to the physician. It should be noted that
gastrointestinal mobility is variable among individuals and hyper and hypo mobility states affect
the free-floating capsule’s transit rate through the gut. Download of the data in the recording device
to the workstation takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. Interpretation of the study takes
approximately 1 hour. Individual frames and video clips of normal or pathologic findings can be
saved and exported as electronic files for incorporation into procedure reports or patient records.

Fig: Swallowing of the capsule

 Painless, no side effects
 Miniature size
 Accurate, precise
 High quality images
 Harmless material
 Simple procedure
 High sensitivity and specificity
 Avoids risk in sedation
 Efficient than X-ray CT-scan, normal endoscopy

 Gastrointestinal obstructions prevent the free flow of capsule
 Pregnant women’s face difficulties
 It is very expensive and not reusable
 Capsule endoscopy does not replace standard diagnostic endoscopy
 It is not a replacement for any existing GI imaging technique
 Generally performed after a standard endoscopy and colonoscopy
 It can be controlled once it has been ingested, cannot be stopped or steered to collect close
up details
 It cannot be used to take biopsies, apply therapy or mark abnormalities for surgery

 Biggest impact in the medical industry
 Nano robots perform delicate surgeries
 Pill cam ESO can detect esophageal diseases, gastrointestinal reflex diseases
 Pill cam SB can detect Crohn’s disease, small bowel tumors, small bowel injury, celiac
disease, ulcerative colitis etc.
 They can also change the physical appearance.
 They can slow or reverse the aging process.
 Used to shrink the size of components.
 Nano technology has the potential to have a positive effect on the Environment.

It seems that capsule endoscopy will become increasingly effective in diagnostic
gastrointestinal endoscopy. This will be attractive to patients especially for cancer or various
detection because capsule endoscopy is painless and is likely to have a higher take up rate
compared to conventional colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Double imager capsule with increased
frame rates have been used to image the esophagus for barrett’s and esophageal varies. The image
quality is not bad but needs to be improved if it is to become a realistic substitute for flexible upper
and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy. An increase in the frame rate, angle of view, depth of field,
image numbers, duration of the procedure and improvements in illuminations seem likely.

Colonic, esophageal and gastric capsules will improve in quality, eroding the supremacy of
flexible endoscopy and becomes embedded into screening programs. Therapeutic capsules will
emerge with brushing, cytology, fluid aspiration, biopsy and drug delivery capabilities. Electro
cautery may also become possible. Diagnostic capsules will integrate physiological measurements
with imaging and optical biopsy, and immunologic cancer recognition. Remote control movement
will improve with the use of magnets and/or electro simulation and perhaps electromechanical
methods. External wireless commands will influence capsule diagnosis and therapy and will
increasingly entail the use of real time imaging. However it should be noted that speculations about
the future of technology in any detail are almost always wrong. The development of the capsule
endoscopy was made possible by miniaturization of digital chip camera technology, especially

The given endoscopy capsule is a pioneering concept for medical technology of the 21st century.
The endoscopy system is the first of its kind to be able to provide non-invasive imaging of the
entire small intestine. It has revolutionized the field of diagnostic imaging to a great extent and has
proved to be of great help to physicians all over the world. Though nanotechnology has not

evolved to its full capacity yet the first rung of products have already made an impact on the
market. In the near future most of the conventional manufacturing processes will be replaced with
a cheaper and better manufacturing process “nanotechnology”. Scientists predict that this is not all
nanotechnology is capable of. They even foresee that in the decades to come, with the help of
nanotechnology one can make hearts, lungs, livers and kidneys, just by providing coal, water and
some impurities and even prevent the aging effect. Nanotechnology has the power to revolutionize
the world of production, but it is sure to increase unemployment. Nanotechnology can be used to
make miniature explosives, which would create havoc in human lives. Every new technology that
comes opens new doors and horizons but closes some. The same is true with nanotechnology too.
You will need to return at the time your nurse gives you. The study takes 8 hours. The capsule
most often will pass in your bowel movement

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsule_endoscopy
 http://www.medicaldiscoverynews.com/shows/pillCamera.html
 http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2008-02-07-pill-camera_N.htm
 http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/shamimanazim-668821-pillcam/
 http://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/a-better-camera-pilI
 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/does-camera-pill-work.html


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