216 Disinfectants Part 2
216 Disinfectants Part 2
216 Disinfectants Part 2
2.1 Background
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.2.1 Chlorine
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of commonly used disinfectants and inorganic disinfectant by-products
Chemicala Eo (V)b Oxidation number of Cl or Br 8max (nm)c e (mol–1 litre–1 cm–1)d p, o e pKa f
HOCl/Cl +1.49 +1 254 60 +25.2 7.5
292 (OCl–) 419
ClO2/ClO2– +0.95 +4 359 1250 +16.1 –
NH2Cl – +1 245 416 – –
O3/O2 +2.07 – 254 3200 +35.0
HOBr/Br– +1.33 +1 330 50 +22.5 8.7
ClO2–/Cl– +0.76 +3 262 – +12.8 1.96
ClO3–/Cl– +0.62 +5 360 – +10.5 1.45
– –
BrO3 /Br +0.61 +5 195 – 0.72
Half-cell reactants/products.
Eo = standard electrode potential (redox potential) in water at 25 °C. The oxidation–reduction state of an aqueous environment at equilibrium can be stated
in terms of its redox potential. In the chemistry literature, this is generally expressed in volts, E, or as the negative logarithm of the electron activity, p,. When
p, is large, the electron activity is low and the system tends to be an oxidizing one: i.e., half-reactions tend to be driven to the left. When p, is small, the
system is reducing, and reactions tend to be driven to the right.
8max = maximum absorbance wavelength of that particular solution in nm.
e = molar absorptivity (molar extinction coefficient), in mol–1 litre–1 cm–1. This can be used for quantitative determination of the various species of chemicals
and is the only direct physical measurement. There is often some background absorbance that may interfere with the measurement in natural waters that
should be considered.
p,o = ! log {e–} where {e–} = electron activity.
pKa = negative logarithm of the acid ionization constant (e.g., at pH 7.5, the molar concentration of HOCl is same as that of OCl–). As this parameter is
dependent upon temperature, the values listed were determined at 25 °C.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
iodide [I–], nitrite). From the point of view of DBP formation and
disinfection, these reactions may be important because they may be fast
and result in the consumption of chlorine.
HOCl : H+ + OCl–
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Bromic acid (HBrO3) is a strong acid (pKa = 0.7). Bromic acid and
bromate can be obtained by the electrolytic oxidation of bromide
solutions or bromine water using chlorine. Bromic acid and bromate
are powerful oxidizing agents, but the speed of their oxidation reactions
is generally slow (Mel et al., 1953).
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.2.3 Ozone
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.2.4 Chloramines
Analytical methods for various DBPs and their detection limits are
summarized in Table 2. Methods for disinfectants are summarized in
APHA (1995).
The CT value is the product of the disinfectant concentration C in mg/litre and
the contact time T in minutes required to inactivate a specified percentage (e.g.,
99%) of microorganisms.
Table 2. Summary of analytical methods for various DBPs and their minimum detection limits
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.3.4 Chloramines
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Despite the fact that HAA formation and THM formation have
very different pH dependencies, HAA formation correlates strongly
with THM formation when treatment conditions are relatively uniform
and when the water has a low bromide concentration (Singer, 1993).
DBP formation and requisite chlorine dosage for disinfection strongly
correspond to the concentration of TOC at the point of chlorine
addition, suggesting that optimized or enhanced removal of organic
carbon prior to chlorination will decrease the formation of DBPs.
Table 4. Concentration range of chlorinated disinfectant by-products in drinking-watera
DBPs Peters et al. (1990); Krasner et al. (1989) Nieminski et al. (1993) Koch et al. (1991) Reckhow et al. (1990)
Peters (1991)
Chlorophenols – – 0.5–1.0 – –
All values shown in :g/litre, except TOC (mg/litre).
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
that are produced when the water is treated using chlorine and is
effective in removing existing tastes and odours of this type.
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
THMs 40 <1.0
Chloroform 15 –
BDCM 10 –
DBCM 4.5 –
Bromoform 0.57 <1.0
Haloketones 0.94 –
DCPN 0.46 –
TCPN 0.35 –
HAAs 20 <5.0
MCA 1.2 –
DCA 6.8 –
TCA 5.8 –
MBA <0.5 <1.0
DBA 1.5 <5.0
Aldehydes 7.8 45
Formaldehyde 5.1 20
Acetaldehyde 2.7 11
Glyoxal – 9
Methylglyoxal – 5
Ketoacids – 75
Trichlorophenol <0.4 –
Krasner et al. (1989).
Siddiqui et al. (1993).
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
It has been reported that ozone reacts with many metal ions and
with cyanide ion (Hoigne et al., 1985; Yang & Neely, 1986). Bailey
(1978) discussed the formation of ozonates, compounds of metal
cations having the general formula M+O3–. Hydrogen peroxide has been
identified as a by-product of ozonation of organic unsaturated
compounds (Bailey, 1978).
Lykins & Clark (1988) conducted a 1-year pilot plant study of the
effects of ozone and chlorine and determined that the concentration of
aldehydes increased by 144% upon ozonation. In the chlorinated
stream, the concentration of these aldehydes increased by 56%. This
study indicates that aldehyde formation, although greater with ozone,
is not unique to ozonation, but is associated with chlorination and other
oxidants as well.
Table 6. Summary of bromate ion formation potentials in different source waters under different conditions following ozonation
Na Bromide (:g/litre) Ozone (mg/litre) pH Alkalinity (mg/litre) DOC (mg/litre) Bromate (:g/litre) Reference
18 10–800 1–9.3 5.6–9.4 20–132 2.2–8.2 <5–60 Krasner et al. (1992)
4 60–340 3–12 6.5–8.5 90–230 3–7 <5–40 Siddiqui & Amy (1993)
28 10–100 2–4 6.8–8.8 20–120 0.3–11 <5–100 Amy et al. (1993, 1994)
4 12–37 0–3.97 7.8 N/A N/A <7–35 Hautman & Bolyard (1993)
1 500 2.3–9.5 7.2–8.3 N/A N/A 13–293 Yamada (1993)
23 12–207 0.3–4.3 5.7–8.2 14–246 0.5–6.8 <2–16 Legube et al. (1993)
8 107–237 1–5 6.8–8.0 N/A 2–5 <5–50 Kruithof & Meijers (1993)
N = number of sources studied.
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Table 7. Effect of ozone dose and TOC on non-halogenated organic by-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.8.2 Effect of pH
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
The pH of the source water can also affect the formation of by-
products after chloramine addition. The disproportionation of mono-
chloramine, which is an important reaction leading to an oxidant loss,
has been shown by several researchers to be catalysed by hydrogen ion,
phosphate, carbonate and silicate (Valentine & Solomon, 1987).
Humic acids have shown reaction rates with chlorine dioxide that
increased by a factor of 3 per pH unit (pH 4–8) (Hoigne & Bader,
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
aldehydes, supporting the theory that these DBPs are formed primarily
through the direct molecular ozone reaction pathway, as opposed to the
radical pathway. These results may also reflect greater destruction of
aldehydes by hydroxyl radicals at elevated pH levels.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
The same general kinetic trend observed for THMs also appears to apply
to HAAs. A period of rapid formation occurs during the first 4–8 h,
followed by a reduction in the formation rate. In general, for most
sources, concentrations of chlorinated HAAs appear to slowly increase
even after 96 h, while the formation of DBA levels off after about
18–20 h.
Miller & Uden (1983) observed that nearly 90% of the final
concentrations of THMs, TCA and DCA form within the first 24 h of
chlorine addition to waters containing NOM. Reckhow et al. (1990)
found that although waters containing precursor materials isolated from
six different water sources differed in their yields of chlorinated organic
by-products, the formation curves for chloroform, TCA and DCA had
the same general shapes for all six precursor materials. Some
researchers have suggested that DCA may be an intermediate in TCA
formation; however, for all eight source waters studied, both DCA and
TCA concentrations increased or remained stable throughout the 96-h
reaction period, suggesting that DCA was an end-product (AWWARF,
1991). Carlson & Hardy (1998) indicated that HAA formation fol-
lowed a pattern similar to that of THM formation. As with the THMs,
HAA formation rate appeared to be rapid for the first 30 min; after
30 min, HAAs formed at nearly a constant rate in four of the source
waters studied.
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
The formation rates of THMs, HAAs, bromate ion and HANs have
been shown to increase with temperature (AWWARF, 1991; Siddiqui
& Amy, 1993). Both haloketone and chloropicrin levels were found to
be higher at a lower temperature, while the concentrations of other
DBP species were similar or not significantly different. These results
suggest that a higher temperature allows for more rapid progression of
the transformation of haloketones to other by-products. In studies on
the effect of temperature on THMs, Peters et al. (1980) found an
Arrhenius dependency between the rate constant and temperature with
an activation energy of 10–20 kJ/mol.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
increased the yield of DCA for both the hydrophilic and hydrophobic
fractions of NOM as compared with free chlorination alone.
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
studied three sources containing three different DOC levels and ambient
bromides, which were filtered through biologically active GAC filters.
Analysis of treated waters showed no removal of bromide ion and a
shift towards more brominated organo-DBPs. THM levels after
treatment with GAC with no added ozone decreased from 900–1700 to
100–700 :g/litre. These water sources contained DOC levels ranging
from 10 to 25 mg/litre and high concentrations of biodegradable DOC
(DOC removals ranged from 60% to 80% after GAC treatment).
Table 8. Effects of ozonation and biofiltration on chlorine organic by-products
Clark et al. (1994).
TOC = 3.0 mg/litre; pH = 7.6.
Table 10. Summary of impact of water quality and treatment variables on disinfectant by-product formation
Variable Impact on THMs Impact on HAAs Impact on aldehydes Impact on chlorate/chlorite Impact on bromate
Contact time Curvilinear increase Curvilinear increase with Linear increase as long Linear increase in bleach Curvilinear increase with
with increasing contact increasing contact time as residual chemical solutions most bromate forming in
time Rapid formation <5 h present No discernible effects in <5 min
Rapid formation <5 h 90% formation in 24 h Secondary reactions dilute solutions Formation is a function of
90% formation in 24 h Levels off at 150 h between disinfectants If oxidation of ozone residual and
Levels off at 96 h and aldehydes possible hypochlorite, contact time bromide
has a positive effect
Disinfectant Rapid and curvilinear Curvilinear increase Curvilinear with Concentrations related to Linear increase after
dose increase after TOC after TOC demand with increasing ozone dose hypochlorite doses TOC demand and then
demand with dose, increasing dose, or chlorine dose applied levelling off after ozone
levelling off at 2.0 levelling off at 2.0 No appreciable effect Ozone oxidation of residual disappearance
mg/litre for TOC of 2.0 mg/litre after ozone/DOC = 2 : 1 hypochlorite increases
mg/litre with dose
pH Curvilinear increase Mixed, possible pH Negative effect (forms Positive effect Strong linear positive
with increasing pH to maximum for DCAA and mostly through molecular Decomposition of hypo- effect
pH 7.0 and possible DBAA ozone) chlorite increases with pH Hydroxyl radical
pH maximum TCAA decreases up to 25% decrease for pH Oxidation of hypochlorite generation efficiency
No positive effect at pH pH > 9 7–8.5 by ozone increases increases
> 9.5 DCAA maximum at pH
Table 10 (Contd).
Variable Impact on THMs Impact on HAAs Impact on aldehydes Impact on chlorate/chlorite Impact on bromate
Temperature Linear increase with Linear increase with Terminal products such Positive effect Curvilinear increase
increasing temperature increasing temperature as carbon dioxide Decomposition of 20–30% increase for
(10–30 °C; 15–25% (10–30 °C; 20–30% increase and total hypochlorite increases 15–25 °C
increase) increase) aldehydes slightly
TOC Increase with Increase with increasing Positive effect Negative effect if ozone is Decreases with
increasing TOC; TOC; precursor content (hydrophobic fraction used for hypochlorite increasing TOC;
precursor content important mostly responsible) oxidation precursor content
important Humic acids more Doubles for every 2 Most likely no effect with important
Humic acids more reactive than fulvic acids mg/litre hypochlorite Non-humic acid being
reactive than fulvic less reactive with ozone
UVA254 Increase with Increase with increasing Positive effect Negative effect if ozone is Decreases with
increasing UV UV absorbance; Ozone demand used for hypochlorite increasing UV
absorbance; precursor precursor content increases with UV (UV oxidation absorbance; precursor
content important important absorbance is mostly Probable negative effect content important
Aromaticity of TOC Aromaticity of TOC due to aromaticity and with hypochlorous acid Humic acid being more
being more important being more important hydrophobic fraction) reactive with ozone
Bromide Shift towards Shift towards Independent of bromide Shift towards more toxic Bromide threshold
brominated species brominated species at <0.25 mg/litre bromate in hypochlorite Curvilinear increase and
At >0.25 mg/litre, solutions dependent upon ozone
aldehydes can decrease residual
due to ozone–bromide
Alkalinity No discernible effect No discernible effect Slight positive effect Unknown Positive effect
Table 10 (Contd).
Variable Impact on THMs Impact on HAAs Impact on aldehydes Impact on chlorate/chlorite Impact on bromate
Minimization TOC removal, TOC removal, pH control, TOC removal Avoid hypochlorite dosing pH depression, ammonia
strategies minimizing chlorine minimizing chlorine by coagulation, GAC, solution Minimize storage addition, radical
residual, alternative residual, alternative optimizing doses, Properly tune generators scavengers, minimizing
disinfectants, pH disinfectants, pH control, contact time Use freshly made and optimizing ozone
control, minimizing minimizing contact time solutions residual
contact time
Removal GAC, electron beam, GAC, electron beam Biofiltration, advanced Ferrous sulfate, GAC, Ferrous sulfate, UV
strategies air stripping oxidation, GAC, electron beam, UV irradiation, high-energy
nanofilters irradiation, nanofilters electron beam, GAC
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
2.13 Summary
Chemistry of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
• Many factors between the source and the tap can influence the
DBPs to which consumers are exposed. Although THMs and
HAAs continue to form with increasing contact time, some other
halogenated DBPs, such as HANs and haloketones, form rapidly
but then decay in the distribution system as a result of hydrolysis.
This has major implications regarding exposure to these DBPs,
depending upon their proximity to the treatment plant. For treated
source waters, median levels of HAAs are often approximately
one-half of the median THM levels.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
• Models have been developed that can be used to simulate the fate
and movement of DBP precursors in distribution systems. The
models can be designed as a planning tool for evaluating the
impacts of source water management strategies and estimating
DBP exposures. Some limitations of existing models include
calibration with a limited database, application to only a specific
water source or group of related sources, lack of terms to simulate
important parameters, such as reaction time, and inadequate
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
purpose are highly caustic and are a clear concern for occupational
exposures. The concentration required to produce irritation and
decreased basal cell viability in the skin of guinea-pigs after an
application period of 2 weeks was 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (Cotter
et al., 1985). Reducing the concentration to 0.1% resulted in no effect
on basal cell viability relative to control animals. Yarington (1970)
demonstrated that instillation of bleach into the oesophagus of dogs
produced irritation. The minimal exposure that produced oesophageal
burns was 10 ml of commercial bleach with a 5-min exposure. It
should be noted that the highly alkaline pH (about pH 11) of sodium
hypochlorite is not likely to be encountered in drinking-water.
Toxicology of Disinfectants
were 2.7, 5.1, 10.3, 19.8 or 34.4 mg/kg of body weight in males and
2.8, 5.8, 11.7, 21.2 or 39.2 mg/kg of body weight in females). Spleen
and liver weights were depressed in males, but not in females, at the
highest dose rates (100 and 200 mg/litre). There were no other con-
sistent indications of target organ effects based on serum enzyme
concentrations. No gross or microscopic lesions could be related to
treatment with chlorine.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
day for mice). There was an apparent positive trend in the induction
of stromal polyps of the uterus of female mice treated with chlorine,
but this was considered unlikely to be treatment-related because the
incidence was below those observed in historical controls. In female
rats, there was an increase in mononuclear cell leukaemia at both 140
and 275 mg/litre (8 and 14 mg/kg of body weight per day). However,
the response was not considered treatment-related because it fell
within the range of historical controls, there was no apparent
dose–response, and there was no evidence for such an increase in
male F344 rats.
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
was also effective at lower doses, but less so than equivalent con-
centrations of hypochlorous acid. These results suggest that these
prior evaluations may have been conducted at too high a dose. There
appear to be no reports on the effectiveness of hypochlorous acid as a
tumour promoter, but the lack of activity at doses of less than 300
mg/litre would suggest that this is of no concern.
3.2 Chloramine
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
mice treated with the high dose of chloramine. In addition, one renal
adenoma was found in one male mouse treated with 100 mg/litre and
in one female mouse treated with 200 mg/litre. While this tumour site
is rare in both species, there was no real dose–response trend, nor
were the differences between the control and treatment groups
statistically significant. A second finding of some concern was an
increase in the incidence of mononuclear cell leukaemia in F344 rats.
This pathology was increased in rats treated with chloramine or
hypochlorite, although the effects were not clearly dose-dependent.
The incidence of mononuclear cell leukaemia was significantly
greater than in concurrent controls and was elevated above the
historical incidence as well. Nevertheless, these increases were not
considered to be treatment-related. In part, this conclusion arose from
the lack of a clear dose–response. It was also based on the fact that
there was no comparable trend in male rats.
Despite its use as a disinfectant, there have been very few general
toxicological evaluations of chlorine dioxide, because most studies
have focused on its major by-product, chlorite, which is considered in
section 4.6. The present review will first focus on the limited charac-
terization of chlorine dioxide’s general toxicology, then follow up
with a discussion of its haematological and thyroid effects.
Toxicology of Disinfectants
longer than 15 min was fatal to guinea-pigs. The total study involved
six guinea-pigs.
The study of Daniel et al. (1990a) was the first subchronic study
that adhered to modern expectations of toxicological studies. These
authors provided male and female Sprague-Dawley rats (10 per sex
per treatment group) with 0, 25, 50, 100 or 200 mg of chlorine
dioxide per litre of drinking-water for 90 days, equivalent to 0, 2, 4,
6 or 12 and 0, 2, 5, 8 or 15 mg/kg of body weight per day for males
and females, respectively. Conventional measures of body weight,
organ weights, a broad battery of clinical chemistry parameters and
histopathological examinations were all included in the study design.
Body and organ weights were significantly depressed at 200 mg/litre
in both sexes. This appeared to be secondary to depressed water
consumption, which is known to be tightly coupled to food
consumption in rats. The only significant histopathological damage
found was goblet cell hyperplasia and inflammation. This was
observed at all doses of chlorine dioxide in both male and female rats.
Presumably this inflammation occurs as a result of volatilization of
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants
EHC 216: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products
Toxicology of Disinfectants