Business Model: Customer Segments
Business Model: Customer Segments
Business Model: Customer Segments
Customer Segments
The business is consumer to consumer as it will connect university students so they can help
each other.
Value Proposition
Student will be able to both provide and receive a wide range of services that will enhance
their university experience. The student will be able to use and provide these services in the
Room Cleaning
Selling old books
Parcel delivery
However, other services that will appear to have a demand will be further added as the
network increases.
As every student has a mobile phone and constant access to internet, the only channel will
be a mobile app for both IOS and android devices. The customers will be reached through
this mobile app and it will allow the student service providers to connect to the student
service receivers.
Customer Relationship
The customer relationship will be automated to a high degree. However, when needed, the
customer will be able to personally contact us.
Revenue Streams
One initial revenue stream will be a commission fee of 15% of the value of the service that
will be charged. Other revenue streams will be considered after the network has reached a
high number of users.
Key Resources
Our key resource is the app that will allow students that need a certain service to connect to
students that want an income by providing the demanded services.
Key Activities
After creating the app, the key activities will be enlarging our network of users and
continuously maintaining the app running. Moreover, the app will be in a continuous
improvement state.
Key Partners
The app will first be available to University of Warwick student and in the future the
business will expand to other universities in UK and internationally. As we expand,
partnerships with the certain universities will be created as it will facilitate the
implementation of the app.
Cost Structure
The most important costs inherent in our business model is the development of the app and
the its maintenance. Also, the implementation of new services in the future and the
constant improvement of the app.