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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 172, No.

ª The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwq309
Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]. Advance Access publication:
October 15, 2010

Original Contribution

Alcohol Consumption Over Time and Risk of Lymphoid Malignancies in the

California Teachers Study Cohort

Ellen T. Chang*, Christina A. Clarke, Alison J. Canchola, Yani Lu, Sophia S. Wang, Giske Ursin,
Dee W. West, Leslie Bernstein, and Pamela L. Horn-Ross
* Correspondence to Dr. Ellen T. Chang, Cancer Prevention Institute of California, 2201 Walnut Avenue, Suite 300, Fremont, CA
94538 (e-mail: [email protected]).

Initially submitted April 30, 2010; accepted for publication August 12, 2010.

Several previous studies found inverse associations between alcohol consumption and risk of non-Hodgkin
lymphoma (NHL) and multiple myeloma. However, most studies were retrospective, and few distinguished former
drinkers or infrequent drinkers from consistent nondrinkers. Therefore, the authors investigated whether history of
alcohol drinking affected risks of NHL and multiple myeloma among 102,721 eligible women in the California
Teachers Study, a prospective cohort study in which 496 women were diagnosed with B-cell NHL and 101 were
diagnosed with multiple myeloma between 1995–1996 and December 31, 2007. Incidence rate ratios and 95%
confidence intervals were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression. Risk of all types of B-cell NHL
combined or multiple myeloma was not associated with self-reported past consumption of alcohol, beer, wine, or
liquor at ages 18–22 years, at ages 30–35 years, or during the year before baseline. NHL subtypes were in-
consistently associated with alcohol intake. However, women who were former alcohol drinkers at baseline were at
elevated risk of overall B-cell NHL (rate ratio ¼ 1.46, 95% confidence interval: 1.08, 1.97) and follicular lymphoma
(rate ratio ¼ 1.81, 95% confidence interval: 1.00, 3.28). The higher risk among former drinkers emphasizes the
importance of classifying both current and past alcohol consumption and suggests that factors related to quitting
drinking, rather than alcohol itself, may increase B-cell NHL risk.

alcohol drinking; cohort studies; lymphoma, non-Hodgkin; multiple myeloma

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CLL/SLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma; DLBCL, diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma; ICDO-3, International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; RR,
rate ratio.

Alcohol intake can modulate immune function (1, 2), association (9–12) and others reporting at least a marginal
an important etiologic factor for lymphoid malignancies inverse association (13–15). In 6 large prospective cohort
(3–6). A pooled analysis of 9 case-control studies of non- studies of alcohol and NHL, investigators found that mod-
Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) revealed that ever drinkers, erate alcohol intake was associated with a 41% reduction
compared with never drinkers, had a 17% lower risk of in risk among Iowa women (16), while heavier alcohol
NHL, a finding potentially explained by a beneficial effect intake was associated with risk reductions of 33% among
of moderate alcohol consumption on immune function United Kingdom women (17), 23% among retired US
(7). However, the results showed no evident dose- men and women (18), and 40% among Japanese men
response relations, possibly arguing against a biologic (19). However, alcohol intake was not associated with
basis for the inverse association. Results of case-control NHL risk among Finnish male smokers (20) or US men
studies of multiple myeloma, another B-cell malignancy and women in a cancer screening trial (21) or with mul-
that may be etiologically related to immune perturbation tiple myeloma risk in the Finnish and Japanese cohorts
(8), have been variable, with some investigators finding no (19, 20).

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1374 Chang et al.

Recent media reports have highlighted findings of a pos- Alcohol assessment

sible protective effect of alcohol against lymphoma devel-
opment (7), contributing to public confusion over whether On the baseline questionnaire, participants reported aver-
alcohol is good or bad for general health. Thus, it is impor- age weekly consumption (0, 3, 4–10, 11–17, 18–24, or
tant from a public health standpoint to clarify whether mod- 25 drinks per week) of beer, wine/champagne, and cock-
ifying alcohol consumption can reduce lymphoma risk. In tails/liquor during the year before study entry, at ages 30–35
support of the premise that alcohol use is not protective years, and at ages 18–22 years. They also reported how
against lymphoma, it has been documented for decades that many days per week they usually drank each beverage. A
a sizeable proportion of persons with preclinical lymphoma typical drink was defined as 1 bottle, can, or glass of beer; 1
experience acute, intense pain and/or intolerance upon in- glass of wine or champagne or 1 wine cooler; or 1 cocktail,
gestion of alcohol, usually leading to voluntary cessation of shot, or mixed drink of liquor. A single drink of beer, wine,
alcohol consumption (22, 23). In addition, several chronic or liquor was assumed to contain 13.2 g, 13.3 g, or 20.0 g of
diseases are associated with increased risk of lymphoid ma- alcohol, respectively, for women aged <30 years; 13.2 g,
lignancies (24–26) and can also influence lifestyle choices, 11.1 g, or 15.0 g of alcohol, respectively, for women aged
including cessation of alcohol use. Therefore, failure to dis- 30–59 years; and 13.2 g, 9.2 g, or 15.0 g of alcohol, re-
tinguish former drinkers from never drinkers could result in spectively, for women aged 60 years (29, 30). On the basis
an artifactual association between current alcohol consump- of these standards, we calculated daily intake of alcohol in
tion and reduced lymphoma risk. grams from each type of drink during each time period, and
Because most previous studies have not addressed this we classified intake using cutoffs approximately equivalent
issue, we examined the association between alcohol intake to half or full drinks of wine (the most commonly consumed
and risk of lymphoid malignancies in a large, prospective alcoholic beverage in the cohort) per day. Alcohol intake as
cohort study, the California Teachers Study. In the Califor- reported in our food frequency questionnaire was reproduc-
nia Teachers Study, we have collected detailed data on al- ible (q ¼ 0.87) and valid (q ¼ 0.74) in comparison with
cohol consumption at and before cohort entry, along with multiple 24-hour recalls in a subset of cohort members (31).
data from more than a decade of follow-up. For analyses of alcohol intake during the year before
baseline, we classified women as former drinkers if they
reported no baseline alcohol consumption but did report
MATERIALS AND METHODS having consumed alcohol at ages 18–22 years and/or 30–
35 years. Women who reported not having consumed alco-
Study population
hol during all 3 time periods were classified as consistent
The California Teachers Study cohort includes 133,479 nondrinkers. For analyses of alcohol intake at ages 30–35
active and retired female public school teachers and admin- years, we classified women as former drinkers if they re-
istrators who completed a mailed, self-administered baseline ported no alcohol consumption at that age but did report
questionnaire in 1995–1996 evaluating a range of factors re- having consumed alcohol at ages 18–22 years. Women
lated to cancer risk and women’s health (27). For this analy- who reported not having consumed alcohol at ages 18–22
sis, we sequentially excluded participants who, at baseline, or 30–35 years but who did consume alcohol during the year
were not residents of California (n ¼ 8,867); had an unknown before baseline were classified separately. For analyses of
prior history of cancer (n ¼ 663); consented to participate beer, wine, and liquor intake, we classified women as cur-
only in analyses of breast cancer (n ¼ 18); had previously rent, former, or consistent nondrinkers of that specific type
been diagnosed with NHL, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin lym- of alcoholic beverage, using the same logic.
phoma, or leukemia (n ¼ 536); were aged 85 years or older
(n ¼ 2,179) or under age 30 years (n ¼ 5,373); or had invalid Follow-up
or inconsistent data on alcohol intake (n ¼ 10,664) or missing
data on alcohol intake during the year before baseline (n ¼ Participants were followed from the date of completion of
2,458). Of the 102,721 remaining women included in this the baseline questionnaire to the date of a first diagnosis
analysis, 496 were diagnosed with B-cell NHL (including with a hematopoietic malignancy, relocation out of Califor-
chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma nia, death, or December 31, 2007, whichever occurred ear-
(CLL/SLL); International Classification of Diseases for On- liest. Participants diagnosed with T-cell NHL (n ¼ 43), NHL
cology, Third Edition (ICDO-3), morphology codes 9591, of unknown histologic type (n ¼ 22), Hodgkin lymphoma
9670–9699, 9727, 9823, 9832, 9835, 9836, and 9940) and (n ¼ 33), or leukemia (n ¼ 116; other ICDO-3 morphology
101 were diagnosed with multiple myeloma (including plas- codes between 9590 and 9989) during follow-up were cen-
macytoma; ICDO-3 codes 9731–9734) (28) after joining the sored at the date of diagnosis. Information on incident can-
cohort, through December 31, 2007. The 3 most common B- cers was obtained through annual linkage of cohort
cell NHL histologic subtypes were diffuse large B-cell lym- members to the population-based California Cancer Regis-
phoma (DLBCL) (n ¼ 139; ICDO-3 codes 9678–9680 and try, which is over 99% complete. Linkages with the Cali-
9684), follicular lymphoma (n ¼ 111; ICDO-3 codes 9690, fornia state mortality file and the national Social Security
9691, 9695, and 9698), and CLL/SLL (n ¼ 111; ICDO-3 Administration death master file were used to ascertain date
codes 9670 and 9823). and cause of death. Address changes were obtained through
Human subjects research in this study was approved by the record linkages with multiple sources, including the
institutional review boards at all participating institutions. National Change of Address database, change-of-address

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
Alcohol and Lymphoid Malignancies 1375

Table 1. Baseline Demographic Characteristics of Cohort pesticide/herbicide/insecticide use at various ages, urban/
Members Eligible for Analysis of Alcohol Consumption and Risk of rural residence, and neighborhood-level socioeconomic sta-
Lymphoid Malignancies (n ¼ 102,721), California Teachers Study, tus. None of these factors altered the associations with
1995–1996 alcohol intake by more than 10% after multivariable adjust-
Characteristic No. % ment; therefore, none were included in the final regression
models. In models of associations with specific alcoholic
Age, years
beverage types, all estimates were mutually adjusted for
30–39 14,654 14 beer, wine, and liquor intake.
40–49 29,101 28 The proportional hazards assumption was not violated by
50–59 26,871 26 any of the main categories of alcohol consumption, based on
60–69 18,043 18 significance tests of interactions between the exposure and
70–79 11,341 11
the time scale and visual assessment of the time-to-event
curves. All tests of statistical significance were 2-sided.
80–84 2,711 3
Analyses were performed using SAS, version 9.1.3 (SAS
Race/ethnicity Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina).
White, non-Hispanic 89,576 87
Black, non-Hispanic 2,672 3
Hispanic/Latina 3,997 4 RESULTS
Asian or Pacific Islander 3,745 4
Table 1 shows the distribution of selected baseline char-
Other or mixed 1,968 2 acteristics in the study population. As shown in Table 2,
Missing data 763 1 which presents the associations with alcohol intake in the
Residential setting year before baseline, we found a statistically significant
Rural area/small town 18,199 18 positive association between former alcohol consumption,
City 18,520 18
compared with consistent nondrinking, and risk of overall
B-cell NHL. We observed no association of overall B-cell
Metropolitan suburban area 54,881 53
NHL risk with any level of alcohol consumption in the year
Metropolitan urban area 9,835 10 before baseline. Likewise, baseline and former beer, wine,
Missing data 1,286 1 and liquor consumption were not statistically significantly
Neighborhood socioeconomic associated with overall B-cell NHL risk, nor was frequency
status (state population quartile) of consuming each type of beverage (1–4 days/week or
1 (lowest) 4,357 4 5–7 days/week vs. consistent nondrinking; latter data not
2 17,616 17 shown).
3 33,113 32
For the sake of comparison with results from previous
studies, when we combined former drinkers with consistent
4 (highest) 46,311 45
nondrinkers as the reference group, the rate ratios for associ-
Missing data 1,324 1 ations with alcohol intake in the year before baseline de-
creased (for baseline total alcohol intake of <5 g/day vs.
never/former drinking, rate ratio (RR) ¼ 1.00 (95% confi-
dence interval (CI): 0.79, 1.28); for 5–<10 g/day, RR ¼ 0.84
forms from annual mailed newsletters, and proactive notifi- (95% CI: 0.65, 1.09); for 10–<20 g/day, RR ¼ 0.86 (95% CI:
cations by participants. 0.66, 1.11); and for 20 g/day, RR ¼ 1.00 (95% CI: 0.73,
Statistical analysis 1.39)). By contrast, when we combined former drinkers with
persons who consumed alcohol during the year before base-
Associations between alcohol intake and risk of lymphoid line, the rate ratio for any drinking versus consistent non-
malignancies were estimated using Cox proportional haz- drinking was increased (RR ¼ 1.12, 95% CI: 0.90, 1.40).
ards regression, with age (in days) as the time scale and data In analyses of B-cell NHL subtypes, former consumption
stratified by age (in years) at baseline to adjust for calendar- of total alcohol or wine at baseline was associated with in-
year effects. Incidence rate ratios were estimated as hazard creased risk of follicular lymphoma (Table 2). Average in-
ratios and 95% confidence intervals comparing former or take of <10 g/day (but not 10 g/day) of alcohol was
current alcohol drinkers with consistent nondrinkers (of to- marginally associated with reduced risk of DLBCL,
tal alcohol or a specific alcoholic beverage type). On the whereas any alcohol intake during the year before baseline
basis of prior knowledge and independent associations with was associated with increased risk of CLL/SLL. We ob-
risk of overall B-cell NHL, NHL subtypes, or multiple my- served no apparent associations between alcohol consump-
eloma, we assessed a broad range of potential confounders, tion in the year before baseline and risk of multiple
including race/ethnicity, birthplace, total energy intake, in- myeloma.
take of fruits and vegetables, body mass index, sunburn As Table 3 shows, we observed no association of total
history, family history of hematopoietic cancer, personal alcohol consumption at ages 18–22 years or 30–35 years
history of melanoma or other skin cancer, number of older with risk of overall B-cell NHL, DLBCL, follicular lym-
siblings, age at menarche, menopausal hormone therapy, phoma, or multiple myeloma, whereas consumption of any

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
1376 Chang et al.

Table 2. Incidence Rate Ratios for the Associations of Alcohol Intake During the Year Before
Baseline With Risk of B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Subtypes, and
Multiple Myeloma, California Teachers Study, 1995–2007

95% Confidence
Alcohol Intake No. of Cases Rate Ratioa

Overall B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Total alcohol
Consistent nondrinker 100 1.00 Reference
Former alcohol drinker 76 1.46 1.08, 1.97
Current drinker, g/day
0.1–<5 101 1.16 0.88, 1.54
5–<10 83 0.98 0.73, 1.31
10–<20 85 0.99 0.74, 1.33
20 46 1.16 0.82, 1.65
Consistent beer nondrinker 276 1.00 Reference
Former beer drinker 91 1.20 0.92, 1.55
Any current beer consumption 97 0.97 0.75, 1.25
Consistent wine nondrinker 130 1.00 Reference
Former wine drinker 68 1.26 0.90, 1.76
Current wine drinker, g/day
0.1–<5 196 1.06 0.82, 1.38
5 70 0.82 0.59, 1.13
Consistent liquor nondrinker 186 1.00 Reference
Former liquor drinker 125 1.09 0.84, 1.41
Current liquor drinker, g/day
0.1–<5 118 1.09 0.83, 1.43
5 35 1.07 0.73, 1.57
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Total alcohol
Consistent nondrinker 37 1.00 Reference
Former alcohol drinker 21 1.11 0.65, 1.90
Current drinker, g/day
0.1–<10 42 0.67 0.43, 1.04
10 38 0.84 0.53, 1.33
Consistent beer nondrinker 91 1.00 Reference
Former beer drinker 20 0.88 0.52, 1.49
Any current beer consumption 18 0.60 0.35, 1.04
Consistent wine nondrinker 50 1.00 Reference
Former wine drinker 14 0.74 0.38, 1.43
Any current wine consumption 65 0.74 0.47, 1.15
Consistent liquor nondrinker 61 1.00 Reference
Former liquor drinker 32 1.18 0.71, 1.94
Any current liquor consumption 36 1.06 0.65, 1.73
Table continues

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
Alcohol and Lymphoid Malignancies 1377

Table 2. Continued

95% Confidence
Alcohol Intake No. of Cases Rate Ratioa

Follicular Lymphoma
Total alcohol
Consistent nondrinker 22 1.00 Reference
Former alcohol drinker 22 1.81 1.00, 3.28
Current drinker, g/day
0.1–<10 40 1.03 0.61, 1.73
10 26 0.91 0.51, 1.61
Consistent beer nondrinker 58 1.00 Reference
Former beer drinker 25 1.45 0.86, 2.43
Any current beer consumption 25 1.25 0.74, 2.11
Consistent wine nondrinker 26 1.00 Reference
Former wine drinker 22 2.08 1.09, 3.99
Any current wine consumption 60 1.21 0.71, 2.07
Consistent liquor nondrinker 47 1.00 Reference
Former liquor drinker 31 0.82 0.49, 1.37
Any current liquor consumption 30 0.71 0.42, 1.20
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
Total alcohol
Consistent nondrinker 14 1.00 Reference
Former alcohol drinker 12 1.76 0.81, 3.82
Current drinker, g/day
0.1–<10 50 2.14 1.18, 3.88
10 33 1.93 1.03, 3.63
Consistent beer nondrinker 58 1.00 Reference
Former beer drinker 22 1.30 0.77, 2.19
Any current beer consumption 22 0.83 0.49, 1.41
Consistent wine nondrinker 20 1.00 Reference
Former wine drinker 11 1.23 0.54, 2.79
Any current wine consumption 71 1.45 0.81, 2.60
Consistent liquor nondrinker 30 1.00 Reference
Former liquor drinker 27 1.31 0.72, 2.37
Any current liquor consumption 45 1.64 0.96, 2.82
Multiple Myeloma
Total alcohol
Consistent nondrinker 28 1.00 Reference
Former alcohol drinker 14 1.01 0.53, 1.93
Current drinker, g/day
0.1–<10 31 0.65 0.39, 1.09
10 27 0.80 0.47, 1.36
Table continues

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
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Table 2. Continued

95% Confidence
Alcohol Intake No. of Cases Rate Ratioa

Consistent beer nondrinker 60 1.00 Reference
Former beer drinker 15 1.04 0.56, 1.94
Any current beer consumption 14 0.85 0.45, 1.61
Consistent wine nondrinker 34 1.00 Reference
Former wine drinker 15 1.31 0.64, 2.65
Any current wine consumption 40 0.65 0.37, 1.13
Consistent liquor nondrinker 43 1.00 Reference
Former liquor drinker 21 0.91 0.49, 1.68
Any current liquor consumption 25 1.01 0.56, 1.81
Rate ratios were adjusted for age (as the time scale) and calendar-year effects. In models for
specific alcohol types, results were mutually adjusted for the other types of alcohol.

alcohol during either age interval was associated with in- Finally, to examine whether associations with alcohol
creased risk of CLL/SLL. When we examined intake of consumption changed after exclusion of cases with rapidly
specific alcoholic beverages at ages 18–22 years and 30– fatal disease, who are less likely to be included in case-
35 years, we did not detect any consistent inverse or pos- control studies, we performed a secondary analysis ex-
itive associations with risk of any lymphoid malignancies cluding B-cell NHL cases who died within 18 months of
(see Web Table 1, which is posted on the Journal’s Web diagnosis (n ¼ 88 cases). The results did not differ appre-
site ( The results for alco- ciably from those in the primary analysis (data not shown).
hol intake at ages 30–35 years were unchanged when the
analysis was limited to women aged 40 years at baseline, DISCUSSION
thereby ensuring that reported intake was at least 5 years in
the past (data not shown). When we examined changes in In this large, prospective cohort study of California
alcohol intake across the time periods assessed, including women, we found little evidence that alcohol consumption
total alcohol intake of 20 g/day in all 3 periods (1% of the during various time periods in adulthood is associated with
cohort; n ¼ 5 cases), we observed no meaningful patterns risk of overall B-cell NHL or multiple myeloma, although
of association (data not shown). we may have lacked sufficient statistical power to detect
To assess whether the positive associations of former associations. We detected a weak inverse association of
drinking during the year before baseline with risks of moderate baseline alcohol intake with risk of DLBCL, but
overall B-cell NHL and follicular lymphoma were due the association was not consistent across different types of
to prodromal symptoms, we performed a secondary anal- alcoholic beverages, nor did risk decline with increasing
ysis after excluding the first 3 years of follow-up (n ¼ total alcohol intake, suggesting that the observed association
381 B-cell NHL cases, n ¼ 102 DLBCL cases, n ¼ 85 was not due to an effect of alcohol itself. Conversely, we
follicular lymphoma cases, n ¼ 82 CLL/SLL cases, and found positive associations of alcohol intake at all assessed
n ¼ 78 multiple myeloma cases). The results were not time points with risk of CLL/SLL, although most of these
appreciably affected, with the exception that former al- associations lacked evidence of a dose-response trend. Thus,
cohol consumption was associated with increased risk of the observed associations with risk of DLBCL and CLL/
CLL/SLL (RR ¼ 2.85, 95% CI: 1.08, 7.51) as well as SLL may have been due to chance or confounding. Alter-
overall B-cell NHL and follicular lymphoma (other data natively, these associations may reflect true biologic hetero-
not shown). geneity between NHL subtypes and could perhaps point to
To examine associations with recent alcohol drinking, we an effect of alcohol on B-cell differentiation.
performed a secondary analysis of baseline alcohol con- Most notably, we observed positive associations between
sumption limited to the first 5 years of follow-up (through former intake of alcohol in the year before baseline and risk
December 31, 2000; n ¼ 201 B-cell NHL cases). In this of overall B-cell NHL, follicular lymphoma, and possibly
analysis, the relation between recent alcohol consumption CLL/SLL. This result was not explained by the wide array
and overall B-cell NHL risk showed evidence suggestive of confounders examined and may point to an etiologic role
of a U-shaped curve. The rate ratios for B-cell NHL associ- of other factors, such as illness or efforts to improve general
ated with total alcohol intake, versus consistent nondrinking, health, that lead to cessation of alcohol use. The persistence
were 1.19 (95% CI: 0.79, 1.79) for <5 g/day, 0.67 (95% CI: of the positive association with former drinking after we
0.41, 1.09) for 5–<10 g/day, 0.77 (95% CI: 0.48, 1.24) for excluded diagnoses made within 3 years of baseline indi-
10–<20 g/day, and 1.38 (95% CI: 0.84, 2.27) for 20 g/day. cates that such factors are unlikely to be alcohol pain/

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
Alcohol and Lymphoid Malignancies 1379

intolerance or other preclinical symptoms of lymphoma or combining former drinkers with current drinkers may gen-
that such symptoms occur more than 3 years before diagno- erate a false-positive association or obscure a true inverse
sis. This general premise is consistent with our observation association. Indeed, in our study, when we combined never
that recent moderate alcohol consumption (within the past 5 drinkers with former drinkers as the reference group, the
years) was suggestively associated with decreased risk of association with current alcohol intake was decreased,
overall B-cell NHL, indicating that current alcohol con- whereas combining former drinkers with current drinkers
sumption may be a surrogate for better current health. inflated the association with ever drinking. Nearly all pre-
The limited evidence of an inverse association with vious studies of alcohol and risk of lymphoid malignancies
DLBCL risk in our study accords with the inverse associ- combined former drinkers with either never drinkers or
ation detected in an InterLymph pooled analysis of 9 NHL current drinkers, and many investigators were unclear
case-control studies (7) and several other studies (10, 12, about whether ‘‘alcohol consumption’’ referred to current
32–34) and in 4 of 6 prospective cohort studies of NHL (excluding former) drinking or ever (including former)
(16–19). A number of biologically plausible mechanisms drinking. A few studies included in the InterLymph anal-
could underlie such a protective effect. Whereas heavy ysis (7) classified former drinkers as a separate group and
alcohol intake has been shown to have immunosuppressive found no association between former (versus never) drink-
effects that result in increased susceptibility to infections ing and risk of NHL or its histologic subtypes. However,
and impaired host response to injury (1), light or moderate none of the previous 5 prospective cohort studies of alco-
alcohol consumption can have a beneficial attenuating ef- hol and risk of lymphoid malignancies analyzed former
fect on proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines alcohol intake separately.
(35, 36) that may otherwise promote lymphomagenesis Another potential source of misclassification in previ-
(37). Alcohol can also increase insulin sensitivity (38), ous studies of alcohol and risk of lymphoid malignancies
which may in turn decrease NHL risk (39). Antioxidants is a failure to distinguish between never drinkers and oc-
such as resveratrol in wine and flavonoids in beer may have casional drinkers, who can differ markedly in behaviors,
additional anticarcinogenic effects (40, 41), and alcoholics health status, and—particularly if abstinence is due to
have been found to have better DNA repair capacity than religious or cultural reasons—genetic traits (30). Espe-
nonalcoholics (42). cially in European studies, true abstainers have often been
However, our overall finding of no association of alco- combined with infrequent drinkers (e.g., <1 drink
hol consumption with risk of B-cell NHL or multiple monthly or weekly) for comparison with frequent drinkers
myeloma is more consistent with the results of previous (10, 12, 33, 47). Such variability in the definition of the
case-control studies (9, 11, 43–47) and 2 prospective reference group for relative risk estimates may explain some
cohort studies (20, 21) that similarly detected no associa- of the inconsistency in results among previous studies.
tion. Some of the heterogeneity among previous studies In the California Teachers Study, we prospectively col-
may be due in part to the substantial potential for recall lected information on recent and past alcohol consumption,
and selection biases in retrospective case-control studies. and our questionnaire distinguished between women who
Given that alcohol consumption has variable connotations consumed low quantities of alcohol and those who did not
of social and cultural desirability (48) and is well known drink at all, enabling us to classify women according to both
to affect health, cases may report alcohol intake differ- past alcohol intake and true abstinence. This information
ently from controls, resulting in recall bias. In addition, was necessary to reveal that risks of overall B-cell NHL
early symptoms or the diagnosis itself may cause patients and follicular lymphoma differed between former drinkers
to stop drinking alcohol, leading to a false inverse associ- and never drinkers.
ation between alcohol consumption and disease risk at the However, our study had some limitations. First, we did
time of the study interview. Finally, if alcohol consump- not assess alcohol intake continuously throughout the par-
tion is associated not with NHL or multiple myeloma risk ticipant’s lifetime and therefore could not construct a de-
but with more severe or fatal disease, then case-control tailed history of alcohol consumption. Second, our analyses
studies, in which deceased patients are usually excluded were constrained by the limited number of incident cases,
and those with debilitating disease often do not partici- which prevented us from examining numerous categories of
pate, may again detect a spurious inverse association alcohol intake, drinking patterns over time, or associations
with alcohol consumption. Therefore, prospective cohort with less common lymphoma subtypes. Notably, 2 of the
studies generally have higher validity for assessing the previous prospective cohort studies that observed an inverse
etiologic role of alcohol intake. association with alcohol consumption had substantially
Nonetheless, in both retrospective and prospective stud- more incident cases than we did (17, 18), giving them con-
ies, it is important to collect information on not only cur- siderably more statistical power to detect a true association.
rent alcohol intake but also past alcohol intake to Thus, the absence of an association with risk of overall
distinguish among current, former, and never drinkers. B-cell NHL, some NHL subtypes, and multiple myeloma
Given that poor health is a major reason for reducing or in our study may have been due to insufficient statistical
ceasing alcohol consumption (30), former drinkers may power. Third, we did not assess reasons for cessation
have higher disease risk than never drinkers or current of alcohol consumption and therefore could not com-
drinkers. Therefore, regardless of study design, combining pare women who quit drinking because of ill health with
former drinkers with never drinkers may produce a spuri- those who quit for other reasons. Finally, we could not ex-
ous inverse association with current drinking, whereas amine the effects of changes in alcohol consumption

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
1380 Chang et al.

Table 3. Incidence Rate Ratios for Associations of Age-Specific Total Alcohol Intake at Ages
18–22 Years and 30–35 Years With Risk of B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma Subtypes, and Multiple Myeloma, California Teachers Study, 1995–2007

95% Confidence
Age-Specific Alcohol Intake No. of Cases Rate Ratioa

Overall B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Ages 18–22 years
Consistent nondrinker 100 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 18–22 years 145 1.08 0.84, 1.40
Consumption at ages 18–22 years, g/day
0.1–<5 43 1.04 0.72, 1.49
5–<10 103 1.14 0.86, 1.50
10–<20 44 1.16 0.81, 1.66
20 28 1.40 0.91, 2.14
Ages 30–35 years
Consistent nondrinker 100 1.00 Reference
Former drinker at ages 30–35 years 18 1.40 0.84, 2.33
No consumption at ages 26 0.97 0.63, 1.49
18–22 and 30–35 years
Consumption at ages 30–35 years, g/day
0.1–<5 91 1.09 0.82, 1.45
5–<10 89 1.03 0.77, 1.37
10–<20 108 1.30 0.98, 1.71
20 30 0.97 0.64, 1.46
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Ages 18–22 years
Consistent nondrinker 37 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 18–22 years 38 0.78 0.49, 1.23
Consumption at ages 18–22 years, g/day
0.1–<10 39 0.80 0.51, 1.26
10 15 0.69 0.37, 1.28
Ages 30–35 years
Consistent nondrinker 37 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 30–35 years 10 0.68 0.34, 1.37
Consumption at ages 30–35 years, g/day
0.1–<10 43 0.69 0.45, 1.08
10 39 0.95 0.60, 1.49
Follicular Lymphoma
Ages 18–22 years
Consistent nondrinker 22 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 18–22 years 32 1.09 0.63, 1.88
Consumption at ages 18–22 years, g/day
0.1–<10 34 1.12 0.65, 1.92
10 20 1.42 0.76, 2.63
Table continues

(including cessation or resumption of drinking) after base- intake before baseline and to distinguish current drinkers
line, which may have influenced subsequent risk of B-cell from former drinkers at baseline. Our results are strength-
NHL or multiple myeloma. ened by detailed covariate data and complete and valid
Despite these limitations, ours is the first prospective follow-up for incident cancer among California residents.
cohort study of lymphoid malignancies to examine alcohol In summary, we found that alcohol consumption is not

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
Alcohol and Lymphoid Malignancies 1381

Table 3. Continued

95% Confidence
Age-Specific Alcohol Intake No. of Cases Rate Ratioa

Ages 30–35 years

Consistent nondrinker 22 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 30–35 years 10 1.13 0.53, 2.38
Consumption at ages 30–35 years, g/day
0.1–<10 47 1.21 0.73, 2.02
10 29 1.08 0.62, 1.90
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
Ages 18–22 years
Consistent nondrinker 14 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 18–22 years 39 1.99 1.08, 3.68
Consumption at ages 18–22 years, g/day
0.1–<10 32 1.86 0.99, 3.51
10 16 2.36 1.14, 4.90
Ages 30–35 years
Consistent nondrinker 14 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 30–35 years 8 1.47 0.62, 3.51
Consumption at ages 30–35 years, g/day
0.1–<10 50 2.15 1.19, 3.91
10 29 1.89 0.99, 3.61
Multiple Myeloma
Ages 18–22 years
Consistent nondrinker 28 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 18–22 years 25 0.66 0.38, 1.13
Consumption at ages 18–22 years, g/day
0.1–<10 21 0.60 0.34, 1.06
10 13 0.90 0.46, 1.76
Ages 30–35 years
Consistent nondrinker 28 1.00 Reference
No consumption at ages 30–35 years 7 0.63 0.27, 1.44
Consumption at ages 30–35 years, g/day
0.1–<10 31 0.67 0.40, 1.11
10 21 0.70 0.39, 1.23
Rate ratios were adjusted for age (as the time scale) and calendar-year effects.

associated with risk of overall B-cell NHL or multiple ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

myeloma and that former drinkers may have higher risks
of follicular lymphoma and CLL/SLL, for reasons that Author affiliations: Cancer Prevention Institute of Cali-
may be related to illness, lifestyle changes, or other factors fornia (formerly the Northern California Cancer Center),
that prompt people to stop drinking prior to diagnosis. Fremont, California (Ellen T. Chang, Christina A. Clarke,
Moreover, the relation of alcohol consumption with B-cell Alison J. Canchola, Dee W. West, Pamela L. Horn-Ross);
NHL risk may vary by histologic subtype. Future studies Division of Epidemiology, Department of Health Research
of the role of alcohol in the development of lymphoid and Policy, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stan-
malignancies or any other health outcomes should account ford, California (Ellen T. Chang, Christina A. Clarke, Dee
for former drinking and changing drinking patterns over W. West, Pamela L. Horn-Ross); Division of Cancer Etiol-
time. Only with consistent attention to these distinctions ogy, Department of Population Sciences, City of Hope Na-
can future investigators determine whether alcohol truly
tional Medical Center, Duarte, California (Yani Lu, Sophia
protects against lymphomagenesis or whether other fac-
tors explain the inverse associations detected in past S. Wang, Leslie Bernstein); and Division of Epidemiology,
studies. Department of Preventive Medicine, Norris Comprehensive

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:1373–1383
1382 Chang et al.

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This work was supported by the National Cancer Institute myeloma: a multicentre case-control study’ by Gorini, et al.
(grants R03 CA135687, R01 CA77398, and K05 CA136967) [letter]. Ann Oncol. 2007;18(6):1119–1121.
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10500). The collection of cancer incidence data used in this a French case-control study. Cancer Causes Control. 2008;
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Services as part of the statewide cancer reporting program 13. Brown LM, Pottern LM, Silverman DT, et al. Multiple mye-
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