Augmented Reality: Government College of Technology, COIMBATORE-641013 (Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai)
Augmented Reality: Government College of Technology, COIMBATORE-641013 (Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai)
Augmented Reality: Government College of Technology, COIMBATORE-641013 (Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai)
Augmented Reality
Abstract: One of the recent techniques
Augmented Reality (AR), new technology
which is capable of presenting possibilities
that are difficult for other technologies to
offer and meet. Nowadays, numerous
augmented reality applications have been
used in the industry of different kinds and
disseminated all over the world. AR will
really alter the way individuals view the
world. The AR is yet in its initial phases of
research and development at different
colleges and high-tech institutes. It is also
be termed as a mixed reality, composing
new virtual components over the existing
world to demo the actual proposed
experience. Thus AR provides chances for
optimizing the real world opportunities
unlike VR, Virtual Reality is a complete
comprehensive imagery and does not
overlay on real world at all.
Introduction: What is Augmented Reality and
Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or why is it necessary?
indirect, view of a physical, real-world It is a composite system of physical objects
environment whose elements are augmented on which the augmented objects overlay and
by computer-generated sensory input such as perform the interaction to give the user the
sound, video, graphics or GPS data. experience of its availability as a real time.
Augmented Reality is a type of virtual This can reduce the errors that are caused in
reality that aims to duplicate the world's proposed projects, gives us a better user-
environment in a computer. Virtual reality friendly demo. Sensors like gyroscope, GPS,
(VR) is a virtual space in which players digital compass, cameras and accelerator.
immerse themselves into that space and This also reduces the repetitive processing
exceed the bounds of physical reality. It of industrial practices thus saving enough of
adds information and meaning to a real time, also reduces medical errors. A major
object or place. Augmented reality is fancying application is simulation can be
characterised by the incorporation of handled by medical students and learning
artificial or virtual elements into the physical becomes practical and improves the potency.
world as shown by the live feed of the Design and Modeling will come at ease and
camera, in real-time. AR defines a unified repair maintenance can be at practice. This
preview of the existing objects and the will also ensure public safety measure
planned objects. Common types of adaptability in-case of roaded rules.
augmented reality include projection, MARKER BASED AUGMENTED
recognition, location and outline. REALITY:
Augmented Reality Automation(ARA) aims In marker based augmented reality, black
to make the handy devices to avail and white 2D images are scanned by camera
Augmented Reality experiences at fingertips that connects with appropriate 3D object
instantly for real time purposes. The after pattern recognition. The previous
Augmented reality could become the marker based augmented reality systems
backbone to improve Research and were mostly used for gaming, mobile
Development, education, medicine, application or in the field of architecture or
manufacturing, entertainment, home decoration application but the use of
communication, travel and several other this system were not applied in teaching or
demo experiences. training or development in colleges and
A marker is a formation of black and white
squares, using a computer applications
random marker are created by the system.
Data in the form of image, sound, video or
even 3D models can be augmented on these
markers by marker based applications. A
marker based AR uses the camera and
fiducial which is a virtual marker to
determine the centre and range of its
spherical coordinates of the system. In other
words marker is detected and scanned and
3D image is overlaid on the place of the 1) Learning and Instruction: Augmented
marker. reality can improve the learning
environment. Through AR, learners can
become active participants rather than mere
passive recipients of instruction because it
allows them to interact with knowledge.
2) Communication and Interaction:
Instead of merely calling one another or
sending text messages via SMS or chat apps,
AR makes communication more interactive.
MARKER LESS AUGMENTED The aforementioned have specific
REALITY: applications in wireless communication and
Marker less Augmented Reality is used to other situations.
denote an AR application that doesn't need 3) Navigation and Tourism:
prior knowledge of a user's environment to The ability of AR to place digital elements
overlay 3D content into a scene and hold it on real environments can supplement
to a fixed point in space. Marker less AR navigation, as well as tourism. Live visuals
uses a combination of camera systems, on actual locations can be overlaid with map
dedicated sensors, and complex math to data such as visualized directions and
accurately detect and map the real-world markers. In vehicles, information such as
environment — such as the locations of map data, traffic status, weather, and terrain
walls and points of intersection. With a map can be displayed on the windshields of cars.
of the area, an AR-enabled application 4) Immersive Video Gaming
makes it possible to place virtual objects into Augmented reality enables more interactive
a real context and have them stay in place and richer human-to-computer interaction.
without the need for an QR code or image. AR simply provides additional input-output
Current uses of Marker less Augmented features to video games, thus making the
Reality: gameplay more immersive and interactive.
1) Gaming Games such as Pokémon Go and Star Wars:
2) Retail Product Visualization Jedi Challenges have demonstrated how AR
3) Advertising can allow video game players to experience
4) Education. digital game play in a real-world
environment. Essentially, the technology
mixes the virtual world of games with the
natural world, thus providing a more
realistic gaming experience.
1) Issues About Privacy
One of the drawbacks or disadvantages of
augmented reality is that it is based on the
collection, analysis, and redistribution of
different types of data, particularly through
AUGMENTED REALITY: the application of big data, thus raising
concerns over privacy and security. For
example, some AR devices record the creative process. Urban planners can even
environment in real time. Recording can model how entire city layouts might look
create potential legal concerns. using AR headset visualization. Any design
Some AR systems also collect and analyze or modeling jobs that involve spatial
information about their users such as relationships are a perfect use case for AR
biometric data and device usage history, tech.
among others.
2) Dangers of Reality Modification 4. Classroom Education
AR blurs the line between the real world and While technology like tablets have become
the digital world. As an example, the widespread in many schools and classrooms,
introduction of Pokémon Go game has teachers and educators are now ramping up
created controversy due to associated student's learning experience with AR. The
accidents and even deaths. Overlaying Aurasma app, for example, is already being
digital elements on the natural environment used in classrooms so that students can view
masks real-world dangers and make users their classes via a smartphone or tablet for a
less cautious. more rich learning environment. Students
The dangers of reality modifications learning about astronomy might see a full
necessitate the creation of standards. map of the solar system, or those in a music
Developers should not overload their AR class might be able to see musical notes in
systems with digital elements. In addition, real time as they learn to play an instrument
there is a need to educate users to tell them 5.Entertainment Properties
not to become overly dependent on AR to In the entertainment industry, it's all about
the point that they become passive toward building a strong relationship with your
important cues from the real world. branded characters and the audience.
3) Implementation Requirements Properties like Harry Potter are immensely
Although business organizations, learning successful because readers of the books and
institutions, and other organizations can watchers of the movies feel like they know
benefit from using augmented reality due to the characters, and are hungry for additional
its numerous advantages or beneficial content. Entertainment brands are now
applications, developing and implementing seeing AR as a great marketing opportunity
an AR system is both costly and to build deeper bonds between their
technologically taxing. characters and audience.
APPLICATIONS OF 6. Public Safety
AUGMENTED REALITY: In the event of an emergency today, people
1. Medical Training will immediately reach for their smartphone
From operating MRI equipment to to find out what's going on, where to go, and
performing complex surgeries, AR tech whether their loved ones are safe. Moreover,
holds the potential to boost the depth and first responders arrive on the scene of a fire
effectiveness of medical training in many or earthquake trying to figure out who needs
areas. help, and the best way to get them to safety.
AR is showing promise in solving both
pieces of the public safety puzzle. First
2. Design & Modeling
responders wearing AR glasses can be
From interior design to architecture and
alerted to danger areas, and show in real-
construction, AR is helping professionals
time individuals that need assistance while
visualize their final products during the
enabling to still be aware of their
surroundings. For those in need, geo-
location enabled AR can show them
directions, and the best route to, safe zones
and areas with firefighters or medics.
This paper proposes augmented reality and
its application which will help to combine
virtual object with the real environment
facilitating various applications as
mentioned in this paper. The main advantage
is the use of low cost devices as compared to
costly head mounted display devices. In
future, images of object from various views
can be fetched directly from vendor’s
websites; same could be modeled into 3D
objects and augmented.