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An Effective Heave Compensation and Anti-sway Control Approach for Offshore

Hydraulic Crane Operations

Conference Paper · August 2014

DOI: 10.1109/ICMA.2014.6885884


11 446

4 authors:

Yingguang Chu Filippo Sanfilippo

SINTEF University of South-Eastern Norway


Vilmar Æsøy Houxiang Zhang

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology


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An Effective Heave Compensation and Anti-sway Control
Approach for Offshore Hydraulic Crane Operations
Yingguang Chu, Filippo Sanfilippo, Vilmar Æsøy and Houxiang Zhang
Department of Maritime Technology and Operation
Aalesund University College
Larsgårdsveien 2, 6009 Ålesund, Norway
{yich & fisa & ve & hozh}

Abstract – Offshore hydraulic cranes are difficult to operate concentration of some of the world’s leading ship owners,
safely, accurately and efficiently due to their heavy structure, shipping and ship equipment firms, yards and a whole range of
large inertia, non-intuitive control interface and load sway specialized maritime service providers. Given by the
issues that result from external disturbances. This paper geographic location, rigorous missions in tough weather and
presents an effective heave compensation and anti-sway control under difficult working conditions have led to the development
approach for offshore crane operations, which is based on of what are now the world’s most technologically advanced
robotic arm kinematics and energy dissipation principles. solutions.
Unlike common operator-based joint-by-joint control Offshore cranes are the major actors on-board of platforms
procedures, this automated method is more flexible, allowing and vessels in transporting and lifting operations (Fig. 1).
for more intuitive crane operations and more accurate Under rough sea conditions, offshore activities involving
positioning of the hoisted load. In particular, a unique feature of crane operations result in many problems such as load sway,
this approach is that the two control functions of heave positioning accuracy, collision avoidance and manipulation
compensation and anti-sway are transparently combined and security, etc. Unlike cranes mounted on fixed bases, offshore
simulated in an integrated modelling environment. The system crane operations are significantly influenced by the ship
architecture integrates the control model for crane operations, motions resulting from currents and waves. The dynamic
the hydraulic system model for hydraulics characteristic forces generated from the heave motion of the vessel and the
analysis, the 3D model of the crane to be controlled, the vessel sway movements of the pendulate load have extensive effects
and the environment for visualisation. to the crane structure and the lifting wire. In the context of
The proposed control algorithm and simulation model can such a challenging operating environment in the maritime
be extended to any type of crane model regardless of its industry, it is still quite common to use relatively simple control
configuration or degree of freedom (DOF) without influencing interfaces to perform offshore crane operations. In most cases,
the effectiveness of the method. The hydraulic model is built by the operator has to handle an array of levers and buttons to
using Bond Graph elements and integrated with the control operate the crane joint by joint. When considering working
model in the 20-sim simulation environment. The crane efficiency and safety, this kind of control is extremely difficult
operation can be simulated and controlled by the operator using to manage and relies on extensive experience with high
a 3-axis joystick, which provides a transparent user interface. operating skill level of the operators. In particular, when a large
Related simulations were carried out to validate the efficiency load sway occurs under extreme sea conditions, reliable control
and flexibility of the system architecture. As a case study, a 3- is almost impossible to achieve. Currently, a huge amount of
joints knuckle boom crane was implemented and tested. The resources were spent on training operators annually and a
simulation results prove the presented control algorithm for great deal of cost can be wasted during the downtime waiting
heave compensation and anti-sway to be a valid and efficient for a better weather condition.

Index Terms – offshore hydraulic crane, heave compensation,

anti-sway, modeling and simulation


Today, the offshore industry is one of the most innovative
and technologically demanding sectors in the world. The
working environment poses harsh challenges to offshore
operations and thus rigorous requirements to the stability and
efficiency of offshore solutions. Norway holds a unique
position in the global maritime industry through its Fig. 1 Offshore crane operations.
This paper introduces a more flexible control approach for of these approaches is the high-energy consumption, which is
offshore crane operations that provides heave compensation needed to keep running the driven heave compensated
and anti-sway combined functionalities. The rest of paper is systems. For instance, a 400-ton, all-electrical driven AHC
organized as follows. In Section II, an overview of the related winch system has 7720kw power consumption while an
research work is given. In Section III, the proposed control electrical-hydraulic system has 9400kw [9]. However, no
algorithm for heave compensation and load anti-sway research in existing literatures was found using hydraulic
functions are described. As a case study, a 3-joint knuckle cylinders for heave compensation in crane operations.
boom crane which implements the proposed method is also Compared to heave compensation, the anti-sway control
presented. In Section IV, modelling and simulation of the function is even more difficult to achieve. Load sway motion
proposed approach is discussed. At last, the conclusion and has more than one DOF, and is affected by more complex
future work are outlined in Section V. external disturbances. Generally, two main approaches can be
found in previous research. The first one uses input shaping
and filter techniques to smooth the input command and
Much research and many investigations have been done suppress load oscillations [10]. This approach is mainly
to help reduce the risks in offshore crane operations. As designed and tested for land-based cranes with one DOF, for
implied in the introduction section, heave compensation and example gantry cranes. By filtering the input-shaped command
anti-sway control are the two crucial technical challenges in signals, crane operators can position the crane more efficiently
the offshore crane control field. without generating significant load sway energy. From the
Regarding the heave compensation problem, two main operating point of view, this approach does help to reduce
different approaches have been extensively investigated. generating load sway. However, it is not able to reduce the
Passive Heave Compensation (PHC) is the simplest and sway generated by the continuous external disturbances
chronologically most dated of these two approaches. A PHC during offshore crane operations, e.g. the currents, waves,
system can simply be modeled as a spring damping system by winds and even human operational errors. The other approach
means of hydraulic cylinders and compressors. The second uses a so-called Active Rider Block Tagline Control System
method, Active Heave Compensation (AHC), differs from PHC (ARBTCS) to suppress the load swing, which includes a driven
by having controlled actuators that actively try to compensate winch system too [11]. This ARBTCS winch system is
for the heave movements. To monitor the ship movements, configured with the crane in a way that cannot be integrated
commercial offshore cranes usually adopt some motion with the AHC winch system. In fact, in existing literature, not
detection units, e.g. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and much work has been done to incorporate both the heave
Motion Reference Unit (MRU). Then, according to this data compensation and anti-sway control procedures in a combined
input, a control system calculates how the actuators have to control method. For regular above-surface crane operations
react to the movements. The actuators can be electric or like goods transporting and ROV lunching, it would be much
hydraulic winch systems or hydraulic cylinders. For example, simpler if the crane could compensate the heave and sway by
Jörg Neupert et al. [1] proposed an approach based on heave using only the crane motor and cylinders.
motion prediction and an inversion based control strategy to Our research group investigated the possibility of
let the suspended payload track a desired reference trajectory implementing a flexible architecture for maneuvering different
in an earth fixed frame by using a hydraulic-driven winch. Bjørn maritime cranes from a control point view [12]. Based on the
Skaar [2] and Saverio Messineo [3] presented heave control algorithm, two control functions of heave
compensation controllers for moonpool operations also compensation and anti-sway are transparently combined by
utilizing winch systems. Svein I. Sagatun [4] proposed an only using the crane’s hydraulic motor and cylinders. The
augmented impedance control scheme combined with a concepts of the compensation algorithms are simple but
spring–damper based PHC strategy for offshore underwater efficient: the crane end tip should always maintain a constant
installation. The U.S. navy developed heave compensated position in order to compensate the heave motion of the
ramps that can move between two vessels using hydraulic vessel, and follow the load movements to damp out the sway
cylinders [5]. Other investigations using heave compensated energy.
cylinders are found for offshore drilling operations [6]. When choosing a modeling technique to simulate the
One of the major issues of using AHC winch systems is presented system, several aspects were considered, including
the wire fatigue during the heave compensation phase. the requirement for an energy-based approach due to the
Repeatedly releasing and retracting under high frequency interaction with human operators, the multi-domain nature of
causes a small part of wire to suffer repeated cyclic bending the problem and the need for a modular approach. For all these
and loading so as to consequently deteriorate much more reasons, the so-called Bond Graph (BG) method [13] becomes a
rapidly than other parts. To minimize this issue, Shinichi natural choice to model the system. BG method is a highly
Takagawa et al. [7], and Rolls-Royce Marine AS [8], proposed modular energy-based approach for modeling and simulation
new design solutions to lengthen the life of the cable. of multi-domain dynamic systems. In [14], our research group
However, the problem is still inevitable. Another disadvantage presented the modular prototyping system architecture that
allows for modeling, simulation and control of different and variables. The forward transformation matrix from the crane
kinematic models of cranes by using BG method. Due to the foundation to the crane tip can be derived (1).
fact that offshore cranes are usually much heavier, stiffer and
mostly hydraulically actuated, classic robotic control doesn’t cθ1c(θ 2 + θ 3 ) − cθ1 s (θ 2 + θ 3 ) sθ1 cθ1 (L2 cθ 2 + L3 c(θ 2 + θ 3 ))
 sθ c(θ + θ ) − sθ s (θ + θ ) − cθ sθ1 (L2 cθ 2 + L3 c(θ 2 + θ 3 ))
assure the same effectiveness to offshore crane control. 0
T =  1 2 3 1 2 3 1

Hence, in the simulation model, a hydraulic system was also

 s (θ 2 + θ 3 ) c(θ 2 + θ 3 ) 0 L1 + L2 sθ 2 + L3 s (θ 2 + θ 3 )
 
included.  0 0 0 1 
A NT I-SWAY Where cθ i = cos(θ i ) , sθ i = sin (θ i ) , cα i = cos(α i ) , sα i = sin (α i )
Instead of controlling each joint separately, the control of (i = 1,2,3).
the crane is realized by maneuvering the crane end tip through From the forward transformation matrix (1), we get the
solving its kinematics model to obtain the needed angle for crane tip Cartesian positions as a function of joint angles (2) in
each joint. This method is widely applied in industrial robotic world coordinate system:
arm control systems. The advantages regarding to offshore
 x  cθ 1 (L2 cθ 2 + L3 c(θ 2 + θ 3 ))
crane operations include the following aspects: firstly, it offers  y  =  sθ (L cθ + L c(θ + θ )) (2)
more flexibility in controlling different types of cranes    1 2 2 3 2 3 

regardless of their configurations; secondly, it is more intuitive  z   L1 + L2 sθ 2 + L3 s (θ 2 + θ 3 )

for the operator to position the load; and last, specifically for
The Jacobian is a multidimensional form of the derivative.
offshore crane operations, heave compensation and anti-sway
In the field of robotics, the Jacobian is used to relate joint
control can be achieved easily.
angular velocities to Cartesian velocities of the arm tip. For
A. A flexible control algorithm for offshore crane operations example,
A relevant feature of the proposed approach is that the
crane model can be separated from the control functions, thus
v = 0 J (θ )θ (3)
giving it the flexibility to control different types of cranes. To
illustrate the method, a general offshore hydraulic crane was Where θ is the vector of joint angular velocities and 0 v is the
implemented as an example (Fig. 2). The crane has three vector of arm tip Cartesian velocities. The leading superscript 0
rotational joints that are actuated by hydraulic motor and indicates that the calculated Cartesian velocities are in
cylinders. The coordinate systems, link dimensions and joint coordinate system 0 which is usually the global coordinate
angles are shown and corresponding to the notations in D-H system.
method. By computing the derivations of the position vector of the
crane tip (2), the Jacobian matrix relating joint angular
velocities and crane tip Cartesian velocities can be written as

− sθ1 (L2cθ 2 + L3c(θ 2 + θ3 ))− cθ1 (L2 sθ 2 + L3 s(θ 2 + θ3 ))− L3cθ1s(θ 2 + θ3 )

J (θ ) =  cθ1 (L2cθ 2 + L3c(θ 2 + θ3 )) − sθ1 (L2 sθ 2 + L3 s(θ 2 + θ3 )) − L3 sθ1s(θ 2 + θ3 )
 0 L2cθ 2 + L3c(θ 2 + θ3 ) L3c(θ 2 + θ3 ) 
Hence given the crane tip velocity, the joint angular
velocities can be calculated with the following equation:

θ= 0 J (θ )−1 0 v (5)

Based on this equation, heave compensation and anti-

sway control algorithms can be implemented. In brief, to
compensate the ship’s heave motion, the crane tip will always
try to maintain at a still position, while in order to damp out the
Fig. 2. Knuckle boom crane configuration and coordinate system setup.
load sway, the crane tip will always try to follow the load
movements so as to eliminate the sway energy.
Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) method is a classic way to
solve kinematic chains. Similarly, the crane can be regarded as B. Heave compensation
a kinematic chain with three joints and four links. It can then be Since the crane end tip movements can be controlled in
solved by defining its corresponding standard D-H parameters every direction, to compensate the vertical heave motion of the
wave, i.e. to keep the crane tip in a steady position, the needed
angular velocity for each joint can be calculated with the
following equation:

 0 
θ = J (θ )  0 
 0 −1 

− V heave 

In order to avoid the singularity problem in calculating the

inverse matrix, the following equation from the Damped Least
Fig. 3 Load pendulum in x-z plane.
Squares (DLS) method, also known as the Levenberg–
Marquardt algorithm (LMA), was applied to find the inverse of F is the force applied to the crane tip, T is the wire tension,
the Jacobian (7): mg is the gravity force of the load, θ is the load sway angle and
J (θ ) =0J (θ ) (0J (θ ) 0 J (θ ) + λ2 I ) −1
−1 T T
(7) ṡ is the instant velocity of the load.
The energy dissipation is realized through the work done
Where J (θ ) the transpose of the Jacobian matrix, λ is is the
0 T

by the force at the crane tip (10):

damping constant, and I is the unit matrix.
For simulation, the heave motion from the ship is assumed W = ∫ F cos θ ⋅ sdt (10)
to be a simple sine wave function (8). In real applications, a
more complex wave function can be applied and obtained by The system’s energy will be reduced when W is negative,
sensors, e.g. Motion Reference Unit (MRU). e.g. at the position in Fig. 3 when load velocity s is in negative
x direction, the force applied at the crane tip F should be in the
 2π  (8) positive x direction which means the crane tip moves towards
Vheave = A sin  t
 T  the load.
Where A is the wave amplitude, T is the wave period. Instead of feeding acceleration to the crane end tip, we
send velocity signals of the crane tip directly to the anti-sway
C. Anti-sway control controller. Under this assumption, we assume the crane end tip
The principle for the anti-sway control algorithm is to can always move at a constant maximum velocity towards the
dissipate the load sway energy by steering the movements of load regardless its responding time. The angular velocity of
the crane tip and varying the wire length according to the each joint can be calculated with (6).
movements of the load. In effect, the crane tip is always The anti-sway control algorithm includes two DOFs in
moving towards the load, and the wire length is reduced when both ship longitude and transverse directions. For one
the load moving away from the resting point and extended direction, the velocity of the crane end tip is given by (11):
when it moves towards the resting point. Both of the two parts
aim to reduce the sway kinetic and potential energy. According − v max xtip > xload
to preliminary simulation results in Matlab, the effect by vtip =  (11)
adjusting wire length accounts for 10%-15% of the total  v max xtip > xload
reduced time [15]. Since a winch system is not considered in
Where vmax is the predefined constant velocity applied to the
the paper, the algorithm for load anti-sway control is only
implemented the first part, i.e. moving the crane tip. crane tip, x tip and x load are crane tip position and load position
In one DOF (Fig. 3) the total energy E of the system is in x direction (ship transverse direction).
given by the Lagrangian formula: IV. SYST EM M ODELING AND SIMULAT ION
1 1 (9) To test the proposed control algorithm and operation
E = K + V = mx 2 + mz 2 + mgz
2 2 functions, a model was developed including the hydraulic
Where K is the kinetic energy, V is the potential energy, ẋ and system of the crane and 3D model for representing the
z are the load velocity in x and z directions. mechanical properties and visualization. The modelling tool
and simulation environment is 20-sim, which is a modeling and
simulation program for multi-domain system simulation. The
modeling process is not presented in this paper. Modeling of
crane hydraulic system using BG method refers to [16]. The
following Fig. 7 shows the block model in 20-sim. The model is
grouped in several submodels: joystick signals, control box,
crane hydraulic system, wave generator, and crane 3D model.
A common 3DOF gaming joystick is applied in this case for
sending the speed signals and trigging the control functions.
The feedback signals of positions and angles are obtained When including the hydraulic model, which is not
through sensors included in 20-sim. In real applications, to designed for the compensation functions, due to the lag of its
obtain these data is more complicated in terms of where the responding time the results are not as good. But the control
sensors should be attached, etc., however, this is not what this algorithm and functions are still valid. The hydraulic system
paper focuses on. need to be adjusted to adapt to the compensation functions. In
Fig. 9 and 10, the load position is shown simulating the model
with hydraulic system included.
Load Position {m}

15 Load Position X
Load Position Y
Load Position Z
Heave Position


Fig. 7 Offshore hydraulic crane model. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

time {s}
Fig. 9 Plotting of load position under heave compensation and anti-sway
Through simulation, the load position and crane tip
- with hydraulic model.
position can be plotted. Figure 8 shows the results without
hydraulic system included but only the crane with its With initial angles of 45 degrees in both X and Y
mechanical properties kept. directions (blue and pink lines), the load sway was damped out
in about 9s. Load displacement in Z direction (red line) was
Load Position {m} Load Position X
Load Position Y suppressed within a range of 0.5m with a wave height of 3m
Load Position Z
Heave Position
and wave period of 8s (green line).
Load Position {m}

5 15 Load Position X
Load Position Y
Load Position Z
Heave Position




0 10 20 30 40 50 0
time {s}

Fig. 8 Plotting of load position under heave compensation and anti-sway

- without hydraulic model.
0 10 20 30 40 50
time {s}
With an initial angle of 45 degrees in X direction, the load Fig.10 Plotting of load position under heave compensation and anti-
sway was damped out in about 3s. The heave (green line) and sway - with hydraulic model.
rolling (black line) applitude is set at 1m and 10 degrees. The
load position in z direction (red line) is compensated within With initial angles of 60 degrees in both X, Y directions
0.1m while in x direction (blue line) at about 0.4m. Considering (blue and pink line), the load sway was damped out in about
the dimensions of the crane, the work scope and the heavy 19s. Load displacement devation in Z direction (red line) was
load lifting in offshore operations, this deviation is neglectable. suppressed within a range of 1.2m with wave height of 4m and
wave period of 8s (green line).
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In previous sections, a flexible control algorithm for of physical systems”, Lecture notes in course TMR4257 Modeling,
offshore crane operations was presented and tested in a Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, Department of
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results validated the control algorithm as well as the heave [14] F. Sanfilippo, H. P. Hildre, V. Æ søy, H. Zhang, and E. Pedersen,
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many ways, a hardware-in-the-loop simulator will be developed
for offshore crane system.
This project is fully supported by a grant from the
Norwegian National Research Foundation (Innovation Projects
for the Industrial Sector “MAROFF”, ES486092).

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