Unity Day 2019 Flyer
Unity Day 2019 Flyer
Unity Day 2019 Flyer
Wear and share ORANGE to show that we are together against
bullying and UNITED for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion!
Make it ORANGE, make it end.
Come together with a powerful message that
bullying should never be part of childhood.
What You Can Do In Your School or Community
• Choose something orange you already have, such as clothing, OCT 23, 2019
jewelry, or accessories. You can wear a T-shirt of your choice,
shoelaces, socks, bandana, or sunglasses. WEAR AND SHARE
• Create your own orange, like wearing an orange bracelet made
from ribbon or construction paper
√ Other great ideas
• Order a free 24 by 36-inch Unity Day poster to display in your TOGETHER
school, home, or community
• Display a banner with the word “UNITY” and ask everyone to
sign it
• Change an iconic community landmark to orange and
encourage everyone to decorate their school or community #UNITYDAY2019
spaces in orange Sponsored by PACERʼs National Bullying Prevention Center since 2011
• Inspire participation through art and activities, using ideas from Learn more at PACER.org/Bullying
PACER’s website, such as Project Connect, Unity Parade, and Unity Murals
• Inform the media about Unity Day activities in your community
• Coordinate a fundraising project and donate to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
©2019 PACER Center, Inc. | 8161 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55437 | 80 E. Hillcrest Drive, #203, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(952) 838-9000 | [email protected] | Facebook.com/PACERsNationalBullyingPreventionCenter
October is
National Bullying Prevention Month
Sponsored by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
Hundreds of schools, major corporations, and many celebrities have joined the movement.
Take action to show that you care about kids being safe at school, online, and in the community.
Do you want to involve the whole school or community? Here are some effective ways!
• Raise awareness and increase understanding on how to prevent bullying by using our FREE creative
activities and resources for K-12 students, educators, and parents. These are available online and easy to
implement in your school and community
• Register your school or organization as a Champion Against Bullying
• Organize a Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying in your community
• Hold an event using PACER’s new Create a World Without Bullying Resource Kit
• Coordinate a fundraising project and donate to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
• Inform media about activities in your community, such as how your school will be celebrating Unity Day
©2019 PACER Center, Inc. | 8161 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55437 | 80 E. Hillcrest Drive, #203, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(952) 838-9000 | [email protected] | Facebook.com/PACERsNationalBullyingPreventionCenter